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ok we are and we're on track to lose this wednesday night we talk about cows and ranchers and pasture cattle guards you're telling me about a cattle guard cause i came across them wait that up in advance and then you can close and i said have come even closer fans news of the cattle guard like ok sister pat that reticence a summit with that you're spaced three inches apart so that the cattle and i woke up to look down and then that they're afraid to put their feet on whether he will step down in there so you can leave it over and i got back and forth across that don't have to stop and open a gate with the cattle across a lot learned a jumper welcome the day it's got a rarified look elderly they say it's a matter of convenience ok i am and they're just like they're just like pieces
of pie percent lightning round right yes it actually about freedom or referred to so that the cattle can see down in there and she kept of artists between the parts of it that she's afraid powerful america's it's a poem through racist has just made it ok and kathy's of cats can learn that our cows and talented than a move no no the god given nature you know they know about the grays and they don't get a lot of their environment to raise a kid and all the things they were designed to do they do well but with the color got intelligent out leaving or they're not as intelligent as the horse world they had several news source a horse for their own use is probably more intelligent the butter cow and now we're in for the uses that is
more advanced than or so i think maybe one would be more intelligent manner of course or they get out of our right now will again he knows what actually one from places and so generally has and it's it's your range you know then it's about thirty five hundred acres years and years i have a cimarron river runs through your ranch is absolutely wonderful where year after the leaves have fallen that it's it's really a great place i guess it doesn't say migraine kansas anymore that dorothy would say every world out here and really it's that it's beautiful but the weather is not the rivers here but it's not an underground rail and that's right that's true patient in a more door don't tell this error that was part of an extended further and further southeastern so this place is where the samurai comes back up above the ground to see standing
water in the riverbed that it is river water as you move among the first of the spirit's moving so it's got most of most of the way across this place last quarter of our soul of water in the river of it is enough water for your cattle it have to pump water for well they can surrender is just an on pasture so that in that pasture cattle calm water of the river that want to and there's enough the logo of the pastures have pumped water you know when male others do in males that are still used the rest of the texture feel for it was unworkable and there's a pipeline route on or the ranch for most remarkable and so it provides the water to those tanks in those pastures for the cattle ok that we look at these cows and we have all different well kind of all different colors must have mr
black or black with a little bit of white some white on their faces and then you have a few red ones with white artist all read that same basically red or black cows my grandfather had heard of though farm in southeastern oklahoma and he would call a white face capital they seem like all the cast when i was remember growing up as a kid were already had with white faces what one has the have here well a few of those are for cows left in the us but maybe a dozen but most of these cows are crushed red cows are the red rock cafe so the red whitefish cows are oh for sure another remain in some exotic so air or limousine was on her for cows and i didn't surrender at my face karen like a scab and the black cows that we say or angus cows or straight black summer was with a white face or partially white face
more now her from other atom agnes day and that gets them they make good range gas and you can cross those back on that a lot of the braves exotic raids and i think that makes a razor bigger captain we've got more pounds a calf maybe better and so forth it's changing so rapidly right now that the carcass value of an animal as word headed and a carcass that has more of the better cuts sort of at a test the bows and the ones that have a lot of contest that moment that to have been proven in the figure urged tourists are kids that have a higher percentage of the better cuts of meat that's the direction it's all go on and that is going to get more and more that way as time goes on and they'll be pan a bonus for
a better carcass animal that they can get more rhetoric that's out now so you are you have to care of cots covering cannes it can't herd us account word or a regular capped well there's a big window of this is that on november and because of that window for these gals about a month born in february march and then they're weaned off again on september october and either sell directly at that point to someone else or if there's an earthquake that sure we retain a month but we measured take them on a feeder size which would be seven hundred and fifty thousand from that point they go to the feed yard ok and in the cal state here and and so how how long does it count as a mother can now stay with yummy how long does she produced were caesar first met for just two years old and then the caliber does generally
until she's mad or ten years old and then of course so that's an average thirty thousand or thirteen and then there's cows that are worn out for one reason or another one there are several years ago but most mr buechler eight or nine ten years ago ok and these cows have to plant every year yes this year we were we were pleasantly surprised we protested these gals about two weeks ago in a dry summer and we thought we might have a lot of what we call open cows cows that can see during the rainy season that we tested a hundred and forty eight thousand as much here and there are two open cats so they'll open cars are generally sold off they go for hamburger does but we go way cows are sold by the pound and other pregnant cows or retained and then it's just a cycle that thousand so if year
after year and we keep that about everything else to oil replenish the herd each year okay i see you like here they walk on again and how they have here for details and this bunch and those temperature for mineral lorna cornstarch flour cornstarch or get a course it's gravity that maximum nutrition so i have to feed them supplement and minerals on the supplements that they made while are on record books later in the wetter as the court or picked up off the ground that the common majors and no wind up starving protein also generally in the form of mosses laid siege in big terms and i just like it and get their required protein or are we compete and what
we call like for which is that's they're about three quarters of an inch across in a couple inches long list there at the cycle or walk on scattered on the ground the cows come on in any way only own hands slowly whether the defense knows enough to cover everything out the spokesman ross and so forth and we have to eat eight to maintain them through twenty five or thirty pounds of refuge a day so we have to fear that frown those each day when it's covered with slow the grass is covered with snow to do given that thirty pound requirement each day we were talking earlier about this aid down here because of the river in the trees and everything there's a lot to cover here so you don't really have a lot of problems with blizzards and things this is very different bad winter weather because that this revolution installed by itself so we're if there's
a storm forecast in a bad storm covered we can run the cows down the river bottom it's about a half a mile across the river bottom where we sit right now in its three miles long and we recommend them the river bottom practically still snows come down fairly straight others not to cover lots of variations but for the cows department so far have never lost a gap in the snowy weather or even the coyotes are so far and another coyote or we have any trouble with them so far at the back i wanted to ask you about the grass that the pasture what you're talking about when you bought this place you're looking for grass to buy which obviously means ground that will grow
grass not just aggressive otherwise i couldn't rub my yard and you could come up with when you buy nsa when you look at a good croissant what what you looking for for four can calf heard well first of all you have to do is take was avoidable grasslands have been and there's always people looking for it and so you want to get it in here if you came in and there's so many different types of dressed in this area right here isn't the best guess the west of the river and muslim of progress fairly hill a fairly sandy rocky and so it that produces much that for actors a lot of other areas and then that he signed the river assembly of the country and so this is never starker as different kinds of gas and approximately twenty five acres or pressured rat to cover twelve months
and that basically i was just looking for vesco story was glad to find this place that was for sale in some savory around some corn ground on the water table was good and i just feel fortunate to be in a position where it was for sale would you ever planted grass and water so you know major wanting to improve or id aggressive and you can plow to figure out ways to do that and there are bad or variety of grass in there that oh this place this as native grasses around them and i don't know of any aggressiveness at the country about what's already here let's talk about horses for a minute because when we passed some of your horses are here now and you said they were where they came running up to pick up new city or one
cake so tell about that the horses they have here well first let me say the horses are disease to some people you're either born of a memory or not of minimum age eleven you have way more around and you can afford to keep that as we go through twenty six mares year their job is to raise a cold beach you're just like these great chaos and wade we keep a few filets and water to court each year for our own history has never sold as the year goes by just like we sell the calves off the cats and their courses just that it would use on the mars is a is a cabaret or swelling recall got rabies critic at is that in his marbles were chanting cut
courses and has got it right that cutting seems to be a popular so that's the direction we've taken it that didn't have i don't see any walls here either balls here if you bring us energy the taking care of the way yeah we put the rosary and the first to gm first to lay out sort of in the first election and take about the first of september there so i don't think as longtime of iraq as the board most of them far more if it bit about where it was a few cows it's trying out cabin martian april but the bills are paid in a different pasture and away from the cows until time to put it back yet again the badge earning it would seem to me like that like that may be a way that's a cold hard time that day the lobsters know how to take care of anwar yeah it's amazing to watch
a catholic a half i've seen him or near the river bottom to ferguson mo well you could hardly see the caf when it comes out because he's gotten so immediately his body has to exceed their that but it's not a slam on the ground and that's the battalion seventh immediately started to name off and that she keeps it new and keep the mormon if a caf and so much more to do if they can get this taliban or malcolm their system and to ride off their amazingly that they can take a moderate whether they're just so tough once they get their her full of the dried off and it's a milk another system they can take just about anything nature can throw at him and then this but barbers say there anything here no do you come down on and help
arabic you watch or indeed take you know are you there to help out of me energy does kind of put him down here and say okay this is your place well mostly that's what happens because you can't be within twenty four hours a day and it gets dark and you can find them in so we're basically we just lived through and checked them every day or every other day and if we see a problem or yes we help out in any way that we can that was that was the closest of the first get their first two year old cause sometimes i have trouble getting those are not fully grown yet through the process she and so it was the closure of the westerlies cowser does not take a show and it's up to them to his job i see a brand on this black cow right here on the hip that the un do you have like roundup of branding and all
that here and ride horses and get another can see an hour or is that down i know somewhere texas listeners do that but our eyes wire is that something that everybody gets if you have cows on grass yes course that the texas pleasure talking about some of them are a lot bigger than this place to lay their war and that that's a bigger deal to them there on that granting him so forth going to use horses here we never get around the forces in the we'd taken the us do our work together to shoot at their land and we said that with horses around with horses and gentlemen the spraying work because we branded castrate the oregon ducks made the chaos one there a couple months old and then again in the fall league they've all got about three thousand separate calves off an unending the cows but rather sales to have the passion that we want me and the details of the house
so we do it the old fashioned way is just not as large scales lot of people do i guess when we got in your pickup that there's a as it is itself on farm radio were they determined to get it headed to a pop culture around your gear shift and you also have paris birds have dragged but no when you watch and you can't find them so i keep his birth year on the four wheel drive their control and the two it will reach that disability thirty miles back to sobriety i don't have a cell phone or a computer so well that's about my only a extravaganzas at to enter a deal as it is i saw that i thought wow this is a good a good cross section hero of the way we're going but our lifestyles you talked about virgil wants to be at one of the old breed do you think that your sunday you're going to say oh he's one of the only
businesses to live circle so it happens okay i'm trying to think if there's anything else at the time that kind of chaos again for a man because he had endless and you have them when once her for is right right face well they're actually called her for a crossroads in college their prostate cancer that have preferred her forgets where the white face and red bodies always beware because they've got a limousine the other side of that process read also i would say more or some other every summer here and so most of these cows have three or four different crosses and again a lot of times i see a lot of black and white cows now well it's
because there are so many berries in the area i think this year old days and there's a lot of milk as board of those know cause of course details and so they don't retain them back to the very very they go out on the farm just like the scaffolding and are taken out to feed or wait maybe seven eight hundred thousand and the feed yard and they're fattened up and a lot of those go from about a hamburger ok then are we looking at maybe in seattle wasn't as if we went down to texas would there be more red cows or where they still have black eyes is the black cows the way things are going yes the black girls alessandro the leading breed right now because of their carcass value the other breeds are come on as fast as they can and they'll they'll get there but the black cows have mushrooms mushroom in the numbers just tremendously in the last ten years but as human self
for ways in texas it would be the same initiative on seldom get into more humanity and then the more incentive problem on more different types of country that maybe more encounter ran across get it because they're different space at a nice way up and they can take the insect pressure and thrive on the country was further south from here so they would never go further south way ok what about texas longhorns i i mean in the history books on it do in the history stories that i write about that the texas trail herds and that that bit and then i am then there were people like people the northwest kansas that brought him angus breeds from scott london england and then there were kind of cross breeds and they got the toughness from the texas longhorns and i got that the value from them from
from the stock year english dark that they brought over their do people just grow texas longhorns now for five years mainly at its novelty there are some people that they advertise it is to lead healthier beef in and they're trying to work that part of the market that is mostly just a novelty they're not worth as much money they don't fit as well that's about the furloughs whatever virtue watson has been if you have matt closes my room of the weston that he still has some before blow the northeast thousands the flow cause i'm that their problem was they couldn't get him to conceive there's a more sterile and it has been a judge ordered ordered were ok kay think
of anything else we need to talk about hearing him well ukraine is a bit of a life is that because the batteries are beginning to run down so i mean a lot more batteries but this approach be a good place to stop an enemy i can change a man start over again with about this before when we would be hard to finish our report about this and then when that passage here that would need to be all there is members were there there's also a lot of it like there is a lot of the important area the
area this way and in those areas and we're willing to walk around on a mile long oil that that do we know what that's a pretty big area that runs courses for them mary is is that we know it and in one season i guess so
i don't know they're ordered to go so we'll see how far more confident as a pretty easy crop to protect and you know that we embrace a lower decision or boy growing degree you know how hard out we can david lurie so you know we think we can ask we think we can do that
successfully for this year and stayed authentic in the several years ago to alarming generics only people are actively involved in the farm industry and one thing that's changed one man reading shorter see the cubs when they were widely reproduced shorter route so furthermore thing do that thing you hear people talk it's only say that there are worries the dark shored seas know they can be grown lot of the rest of south dakota border so that it would appear just for urinating all over them or family or email that that's rearing the same day it is your is that your
audience really wanted to know i think the syrian or the drone and as a way by the stroke or elation announcer the years old mayor of victory although gm for calls so i know it if we would have a junior not only would say verse week we had roughly safeguarding us thirty five forty dollars of bail to whole are raul product from the field museum so if we sit here with a resilient if you think different milieu were spinning seventeen enormously or just take a prodigy and if we hadn't seen him close with the total dollar compound and not say that as problem plus totally the genomes have a long history of being profitable since a quarter of men are those unions also the light wrinkles and how
was the question this is as soon as they issue at that it's been calls by it's b the
ninety five oily four hundred people the biggest ag industry today in some segments of the numbers down to having no not not really no he says is seven thousand series as the utility of six thousand is is it really so you go and you get into five thousand or so some utilities that is far short of the numbers and from and eventually it and i had a nine year six six fifty the call letters of bell trackers actually the excise or more than you want you
and non union in indiana now boston's unemployment has been in existence since nineteen thirty seven they started in the open and they also have a new field along with the john deere dealership the n n n n my partner today bread means he is great granddad started a business and so he is a fourth generation an intern in nineteen eighty branstad john were about his uncle only hoskinson i bought out john's bed in immensely and so i i came in the nineteen eighties the newport unity twenty four you will be and there's a lot of names like cleaner coal mines in minneapolis
know they don't see anyone that john geer is pretty right it is the only state john deere's to a single line of anybody ever worry else's case an error and so whitey was the old minneapolis will lean in and in general so it really is how well a case now the ball is in or aides
tell me about sex now that combine their behavior is what you're thinking about a show when he had it in its interest reporting and what that does it is it goes through the field which rips the hearings also just all means almost all wheat stubble it's as tall as soon as we rolled in all it doesn't typically have some strips that maybe haven't been able to combine what about the arabian and achieving radar for a woman this time and that's kind of i don't know that they have regular kids
republicans would make one of the thirty six foot a great regular although he had made a thirty foot reasons why i'm surprised so many years and in fact it's a big business and really is an amazing thing that we have boys in here all the time and actually if you look at the price that john bursch the same price a jogger so is cheaper than wal mart is a company that makes the police unions and there's folks
who don't you know these it on the real problem but collecting points us raising one is about the beauty and wonder what they stand for and so attractive that the congress is just thirty rock and the idea o i don't know what it is that people like up a bit and i don't know there's probably more volunteers anything else would you find people it's got things taste you know all right and there is there is another element that makes a procedure that money to be a theme that really is what ford because it's nice time here
people like people live in a big city might have a john deere lot right thing that that is a big business social me it really is probably more lucrative farm machinery because people are willing to pay retail price for parole and they're not for what i'd like to sell these reading before it moved too far for further for senator on yes because the militants killed for me look s l u c a s with huge over here all sales manager safeway may have your permission to use your core
voice for a new story from the plains public radio it's a terrific president isn't easy and the water remained for what now mr helms barriers be the pope the case
became fbi is but but it's been it's because because because it's
been a problem fb is by fbi it's
been deaf but it's been this is everything i do from was in
front of our and on which is why most recent north koreans have to do all the time to remember is very busy roberts is larger than either yeah it is and it's
saying why didn't hasbro and soil mark warner well that's actually go roxanne well let's say it does the media and all the nutrients don't go through the system or whatever means you go down so there's this sort of like that and that's a great question can
you recycle water there's we try to be as efficient we can which means that there's no water left over but you can decide what you want to do is put more potential for disease is in the rundown four back through well let's all acquaintance that was one of those events that's the one concern i have watched you know it takes more equipment more expensive equipment to recycling time as the peace
but as boys
is because the pay is
because a piece be as birthdays by
the pay to
pay the fbi has been he's lived many many questions
about the new orleans saints and stuff just
is oh
eight an issue is
fifty three
cases will require that are used to share you receive the region's problems either prices going to preface by the aztecs five hundred bc that millions in six hundred bc the us are used to bring forward to to provide fresh troops stationed on islands in the south pacific and
then the other obvious result that says it is all this is that we have very very
funny on day three this week they are at all
those years ago doesn't make us in a negative light sounding authoritative are concerned about sounding more about their conversation was and we won't know if we make anybody sounds really you know nobody else knew americans for orthodox science and so do we have three minutes though is that you know no
problem you know that's really what we've got to get that conversational interaction with a visitor no no you say you use but it's bitter musicians blues band
thank you now who in the coen brothers can take all the time he worries that here's my suggestion what we do is we produced something in an enclave for tourism telephone think you're satisfied with the men he's anonymous
good morning to keep your mind fb members best mm mm go to the go to test one two okay there's a track twenty seven we talk about horses in a case at the time
december and there's a yes there's there are their sole job let his tour is a goal every year and how long does the air with her life normally they're bred the first time and are three year olds and so they'll go in there for them and they can know their life expectancy is longer than the cows they can have calls up the lip on a twenty one twenty two years old okay i'm not necessarily written or anything like that and i want can all know about him or some of these mayors have been written early in their life that they will use the writ large driverless were caught out sometime without a building right and mr bare jr that are broke that we can use him for an example of contagion we can settle the driver that normally we don't write on their job just three years ago every year either i had you know you said there's a semi don't see very often causes i mean
i'm a year there's twenty six mares year right person is just a side digital say very often anymore is a better <unk> andreas pieces decides it's almost best way well i wasn't born a martyr people on water to verizon and they're kept in a corral are camped around the house and then a writ large turnout is a sign that she is bossy rail anymore because you know i'm here you were based in western kansas southwest kansas and i think of your mom and dad is as wheat farmers but you know our cows and horses and all this comes out that you have that when you were a kid is my dad when we measure care of cattle are everywhere and he had a very large urban farm and to hear and read persian kid lawyer and he kept sources around the
year around four five buildings and soul mayhem of three brothers or sister i don't i raised around him and we need them in the winter to need care of more we pressure to another where we have had a little so i was around horses and cattle mart how can you not call it says encana wasn't for me i don't know i think you're born that way like i said before i think it's a disease that i dislike courses want my grandchildren from the time she could across shiite forces and some of the others don't really care for so i think it's just that i think were just born that way now these ways is there's a golden colored man a beautiful horse up on top of that rise there is gremlins and lemons and icons and its embankments like different avenues that one's body what kinds of
nurses obesity and they all of the same color so they had different ways by different color it's a somewhat of a different color and it courses but the ad against that and for a while so as result of anna douglas of grandmothers and then you get rid of stores do they were sure of course progress or share of yours to solve or survey or c you can get all kinds of color they're variations on it is because you read one quarter horse to another part of the same garden mean you're going to get that color so we've got days and days and sorrows and blacks and i had ronan palomino isn't the car is add some flavor to the end and helped to sell the coke to throw same color it's hard to sell them and if you get a variation in color it pleases more people now you said time has never gotten one
side is so that we can of yellow horses are now when a horse is their goal in body with a white mane and thirty they're when roger's horse roger shortage character ann and let the island's i'm thinking i walk in here why does that have a light colored mane let's try to muster the sources of the carmaker's the same colors their body or as the base of black maids entails that they're the only ones generally a white man there is a flexible and so meyer hear that icy stand sideways to sotomayor her main this flaxen keep your head down in a shadow meant shows that you can have a facsimile and so without me in norway as though once of the white men play that that streak across their noses when a horse with a black mane and a white streak is that
caught ablaze well if it's a street kids on their own face if it's a blaze face it goes out it's a wide striegel iran up down their nose and the white covers the hole from other hand is called all face so when your wrist resources you have to although the rules or make you age at american court or social issue and there's a name for a lot of forgotten marking so we have to learn now so you know our item down to describe the porch how they really beautiful looking so healthy and muscular and everything that really are beautiful i gather there before space it turned out like this in their own environment so to speak when it you know that we have the resources twice a year when it's time to bring him back at the
ethical and then in the following winter coat so they're normally does that on their own mr carr thank you so called else but i'm in a corral there and played and gentlemen it is a donkey to make a believer out of each individually to the balcony for three days at the end of three days that follow that party anywhere so that you get on the government party in the fall usually so it didn't wane from their mothers and broke the lead in an advertising word of mouth and also how may not easy apple one bulky so yes the us to work it does goes from call to call her go to cope with three fourths of here is not in anything it's definitely so he's got a job and
it goes don't care now is swelling of the brain and your balance and a rain swelled and that one all of that racketeering mail in
High Plains History
Lindsey Right's Farm
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High Plains Public Radio (Garden City, Kansas)
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Stories of the history of the High Plains.
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Interview with Lindsey Right on his cattle pasture.
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Interviewee: Right, Lindsey
Producing Organization: HPPR
AAPB Contributor Holdings
High Plains Public Radio
Identifier: cpb-aacip-0d94cd31304 (Filename)
Format: MiniDisc
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Chicago: “High Plains History; Lindsey Right's Farm,” High Plains Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 2, 2024,
MLA: “High Plains History; Lindsey Right's Farm.” High Plains Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 2, 2024. <>.
APA: High Plains History; Lindsey Right's Farm. Boston, MA: High Plains Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from