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Welcome to Crimson and Gold Connection, keeping you connected with the people and current events at Pittsburgh State University. This is the Crimson and Gold Connection on 89.9K RPS. I'm Fred Fletcher-Fierro. The 36th annual University Authors Reception is taking place at the Axe Libraries newly renovated first floor on Thursday, November 14th at 3pm. Their reception highlights the accomplishment of Pittsburgh State University Authors who have published books and other creative works over the previous year. Pittsburgh State Authors will be present to discuss their work also. Joining me to speak about the reception is the Learning Outreach Librarian and Associate Professor at Pittsburgh State or Haley-owned. So what can you tell us about this year's Authors Reception taking place at the Axe Library on November 14th? Well, we're super excited to have the opportunity to be hosting this again. It's one of our longest standing traditions. This is our 36th annual reception that we host. And it's also going to be an opportunity for us to have a very large event on our newly renovated first floor of Axe Library. These professors, all of them are doctors I would assume.
You know, if they're teaching here at Pittsburgh State University, these are highly respected individuals in their field. Teaching at Pittsburgh State is just one part of their career. You know, and I'll bring up Kasey Hermenson. She's published a book back in February of this year. It's titled Filming the Children's Book, which among other things, the book studies contemporary children's films until the television trends in, meta-adaptation and exams, the adaptation pressures on children's literature. And particularly, meta-fiction, it adaptation to the screen, perhaps when we see professors in the classroom, we really only see the tip of the iceberg of their influence. I mean, that is a heavy description. And I've interviewed Kasey before. I love the fact that he bring up Kasey in her work. I think she exemplifies a number of our authors and professors and have a broader international reach that have the opportunity to do their scholastic and research activities here. And when they're on sabbatical, when they're out at different areas, and bring that back to the community and be able to expand the global scope that PSU has.
Absolutely. I've interviewed a number of these professors here at Pittsburgh State. And a lot of them, you know, some of them are from Southeast Kansas, but a lot of them have an international reach in that chair, very chair, a realm on Gia. I believe he is from Honduras. I'll tell you the scope in interviewing realm many times of his musical reach and his passion. And seeing him perform also with the Southeast Kansas Symphony Orchestra. I have a feeling that the eight authors, professor authors, are part of this author's reception. That's the same way with them also. I agree. I think everybody has an opportunity to show the expertise that they have in their field. And I think you were mentioning that earlier that it's just a little bit of the work where we see often in the classroom. And I think this is one of the reasons I enjoy working on this event so much. It gives us a way for family, friends, community. We try to make sure it's a reception that we invite everybody to, because it gives us an opportunity to see the kind of works, have a collegiate opportunity to engage with them. And just to even say and ask, you know,
it's been a while, what have you been working on? I see that's your authors or your articles, you know, so a lot there. Right, because you see these people in meetings or on campus and you just talk to them for a few minutes and, you know, you go your separate ways. And then you realize they've been working on this 500-page book for two years. And you're like, oh, that's where you've been. I, and I really always appreciate the conversation about it being a way for our folks to share their expertise. Let me give you an example of Professor Mark Johnson. I don't know if you've ever had an opportunity to sit or watch one of his presentations. He is a delight to watch in presentations. And one of the titles he's bringing out right now is about how to give powerful presentations, how to engage, what not to use in PowerPoints or what to use, how to give those experiences so that you're a better speaker and a better presenter. And it's a way to be like, yes, I would like all your knowledge in a book, please. So these are those fun chances. So have you read some of his book and taken some of his pointers? I've actually had a chance to engage with him on a number of things.
He's been a critical point when we've had activities like our TED Talks before. He's advised the students to help put that together and been in a lead role with those. So it's really engaging to see and I've sat through some of his presentations about how to bring in more engagement and more gaming components into a classroom to make sure that you get your points across. And this not only applies to, of course, when you're a student here at Pittsburgh State or working at Pittsburgh State, once students graduate and they go out into the real world, so-called real world, nothing changes. When you go into the professional real world, people expect you to be professional. Exactly. And in an essence, also, you're going to represent Pittsburgh State and the education that you received here. Of course, and I think that's what everybody we all strive for to make sure that our students, our staff here and our folks are visiting get an experience that they can take with them forward, represent obviously the school, but what ways can we enrich their lives? I also want to point out once again that this is the 36th annual.
Correct. All three exceptions. So it's been around for quite a long time now. We actually just celebrated the 40th of the building. So almost as long as the building's been opened. We just had the opportunity with the opening back in October 8th to open the building and celebrate its 40th. So it kind of ties up a lot of different anniversaries and dates. Well, speaking with President Scott, last time I spoke in a couple of months ago now, I had he brought up the library renovation. As one of the things, we've been incredibly fortunate and blessed that he has been supportive throughout the number of years. Here, we've been working on a different phase or a different area of the building. And this last one is probably one of the most visually impacting. It's right when you walk in. It's had the opportunity to renovate the coffee shop. It's had the opportunity for us to renovate the way our students use and engage with the spaces. We want them to feel comfortable and that every floor has a different environment no matter what kind of study or work they need to get done. Yeah, that's that first impression when you walk in.
The outside of the building doesn't match the inside of the building. So when I walk in the ax library now, I ask myself is the same building because it looks so much modern and inviting and you want to be in there. And I'm trying to connect this author's reception to the modern work that they do. Some of these some of these books published just an earlier this year and the modern look of the new library. It's important though to find the balance between all things. And I think we try and do the best we can with things like that. We have as many and sometimes even more access to electronic resources as we do the physical. With all of that comes a space that people can feel comfortable in and can feel that engages them in an academic way. Or hey Leon, is the learning outreach librarian and associate professor at Pittsburgh State University. Thank you for some of your time this morning. Pleasure to be here. The event is open to the public and you can find out more information about the author's reception taking place at the ax library on Thursday, November 14th at 3 p.m. by visiting our news blog,
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Crimson and Gold Connection
Jorge Leon
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4-States Public Radio (Pittsburg, Kansas)
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Interview with Jorge Leon about Pittsburg State University's Authors Reception
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Keeping you connected to the people and current events at Pittsburg State University
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Chicago: “Crimson and Gold Connection; Jorge Leon,” 4-States Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 6, 2024,
MLA: “Crimson and Gold Connection; Jorge Leon.” 4-States Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 6, 2024. <>.
APA: Crimson and Gold Connection; Jorge Leon. Boston, MA: 4-States Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from