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well and the real fear right what are you doing now gaming now i'm all for can be attorney general and they got there are debating whether an action requested them but it really grabbed by the legislature that record or the day supreme court your can counter revolution that session in the attorney general review of the government are worried what now too much involved in what you do you're an american caught in the overall claim case that confident they promised to hear that you have whether native americans who want to operate can be no gambling in north camden camden upon a garden state constitution has not allowed and i'm here at a lectern they want an official haven't
had great commonly known as the triad that would eliminate millions of dollars from your vantage point is there a lot of tax breaks would ignite didn't opportunity in kansas is the dilemma for the gum arabic and they're a provision of the trade or did it allows the tax breaks to become law lawmakers they budget cuts will be necessary political analysts are betting finney will veto the measure thank you ari make anyone look bad when he didn't have to break the republican leader the idea that the trifecta in good quality and head alike this week i find myself reminded of the car brings character in casablanca who is shocked absolutely shocked to discover the gambling has been taking place in rick's bar
well i'm shocked absolutely shocked to discover the politics has been taking place under the capitol dome in topeka my goodness what's the world coming to what our representatives actually play politics with a legislative process for lawmakers finished up early sunday morning with the republicans' clever waiving joe and thinly written an apparent on them whether or not to sign so called trifecta bill of tax reductions it's near and dear to the hearts of republicans in johnson county to the gas fields of southwest kansas those clever folks designed to cut not to take effect until july nineteen ninety four the next huge revenues will be reduced so clever take credit for a tax cut now believe this year's budget alone is the governor will sign it should get no credit since she has resolutely opposed to protect the drug possession or maybe she'll be to the tax cut making her open to
charges by moment or aspirin center did bond and others at a school or a great job or how really clever it's a british expression the pop to mind here too clever by half and the gop calls the findings of the victims of their own scheme to perfect the issue but perversely the governor could sign kept current legislation and then cut a bunch of items in the budget you this year or next year what specifically heard the constituencies of key republican lawmakers she has nothing to reasonable doubt ways of this world where perspective vote totals can scarcely go lower and she could present herself to arrest the state once again in her will establish more as a fiscally irresponsible populous or she completed the trifecta can hold up the republicans as greedy and fiscally restless opportunities for example support the tax cut
by senate ways and means chair goes boating is downright laughable as he shrugs his shoulders when faced with a revenue decline of take your pick twenty or thirty or forty million dollars equally strange is the ability of house speaker bob miller a sober policymaker if there ever was one to endorse the bill with a straight face as a simple economic development manager let's be clear the trifecta bill was pure politics its conception and in his passage for two years now republican legislators and not a few democrats have your themselves are just a lot more clever and qualified and the government runs dave kansas to be sure john finney is scarce when a model of the well versed policy walk the clinton esque role as so many contemporary governors have adopted but yet without a doubt as politically clever as any of the cute operators mccain's
legislature my guest is that the pickers appears before he is hanging curve ball and park in the upper deck and when to return to pitch she's got two curves around to throw pitches that may leave all the legislators would be governors swing in the breeze well folks the last tonnage over here and just to be clear the state capital it's also troubling thing for her visit a bookstore many bugs there were tons of magazines in one section of the new magazines about country haven't didn't limit on magazines about the charms of the river or a look through some and had to swallow hard seem like girl is spanish revenues and traditional nussbaum at him like a quilt can be a quilter a well cover or replace maduro hanging seems like you can buy a scraper to put next year suburban door it helps you remember good old
fashioned mine folks here is one of my theories once america's doors again this tajik about country life you can bet it's either dead or on its way out every celebration of the rural seems more like a funeral to me and he's going to be live and magazines are a funeral hymn for a life that is mostly gone only city folks are just out of the work that goes into a vegetable garden or a quilter pampered water buy it or grow why there's no longer a place at a time period so long past you can only read about it but folks i saw something else and topeka in iran is rose garden in gage park in the thirties there are blind paul and denise to rose garden was built in that easily recognizable wpa style you can find all over kansas that didn't bark is updated they extended a limestone basil lines all the way around the barn and they built a little wrought iron fence on the north end of the bond and on that fence they welded some major metal flowers
blurred lines and they've painted that nature to look more colorful than nature itself folks this is a city park in the capital of kansas a rural state is a place where flour and got a goldfish a splash of color where roses bloom and more shades and he can imagine that for years even core belief after you've seen this is a place dedicated to nature so i inhale with a cd worlds of metal that represents major in the plays on offense know there's only one answer nature like her life must be on its way out we made sure there's so little of the genuine article left we have the sculptor well it's someplace just the sheer will see some of that now i'm not mad topeka i've seen lots of old farmer plants summit gear and chickens in pigs in your yard they'll stick a plastic cardinal into a concrete bird bath or ankara couple wooden desks by the side of a pawn they'll attach three foot butterflies or the side of a garage i've
even seen plywood cows grazing the kansas countryside on my way to and from here kansas but folks it doesn't bode well to tell you what next time you want to buy a rock or a metal bird or a magazine interview about rural wife juana just an object to the nature conservancy and then get in your car and try to drive in a country where josie will be a bit pretty or stylist but guess what it will be real president bill clinton favorable position on gay rights coupled with last month march on washington have encouraged member of the camden legislatures more conservative wing tip rate violent they described pro family legislation for next session but first pro family deal will be a revolution in congress for not giving special treatment to homosexuals and lesbians representative kenny king fan of this non binding resolution is simply a reminder for comment but there are
people who do not believe they should be given preferential treatment by the government you know you believe gay people are getting too much attention and they needed somewhere between one to ten percent of the population in the day the revolution really have no teeth and did not outline discriminatory policy but rather it makes you think that statement and that can the legislature will get elected officials on the record on gay rights act before the next
election along with the anti gay revolution the conservative caucus plans to free file legislation that will return to god and religious history to the public school classroom another one would encourage abstinence from fact many education and finally built that will restrict abortion in kansas representative darlene cornfield acknowledges the fashion with quiet but believes the coalition is now ready to promote pro family agenda and we will probably be out of the five members of the house republican leadership you know that the runway from another theory number needed for passage of political analysts remind candidates traditionally a conservative state in question who will be willing to vote against legislation like a death during an election year
and the brown found that a real movement by conservative republicans and canada he gave it that extension of the grassroots abortion movement around although republican warned that make national the divide that want for her party and actually jam you for example one survey questioned whether gay people should be allowed to live together or own property together around the depth of her
fellow republicans believe she'd paranoid about the conservative movement that she believed her predictions will eventually become true it needed to be is bam bam this is morning edition larry whitehead yesterday officials at the university of kansas concluded a lengthy series of hearings that will decide whether a tenured law professor at the school should be fired for alleged sexual misconduct you new santana has been covering the hearings and joins us this morning morning dance from ordinary that even though this case has been going on for nearly two years some people may know the grounds that what are the basics well mary it's enormously complex case but in a nutshell caitlin illustrators want to fire a professor anil popovich for what they characterized as
his practice of praying on first year law students in order to give sexual favors the actual charges or moral turpitude in violation of professional ethics but really essentially this is a sexual harassment case the whole matter started back in the fall of nineteen ninety one one of professor tague images former students filed a complaint saying that the professor had pressured her into performing oral sex on him in a campus parking lot for grades back in nineteen eighty eight a while after that allegation came out seventeen others service and key chancellor jean duley recommended that professor tom pavich be fired because their target which is the exercising his right to a public hearing on the matter has been before a faculty tenure committee for the last nine months yesterday for the first time in these proceedings the media was allowed to record or what was going on as his university attorney rosemary no recounting what professor tom pavich his former students would happen to her after he performs oral sex on her professor who would give her a grade in the next few
weeks he after which he was thinking of heat then i think i feel i go forward and she testified that's what i felt wow i think if i had let him intimidate me and i had done that just so just so he wouldn't lower ninth grade i felt so humiliated the original testimony by their female student in this case was even more emotional and graphic then you just heard so what's a professor type of itches defense well he denies that the incident ever actually happened he brought several witnesses for you say that as didn't actually flirted with him before the alleged incident and that she was angry that he rejected his there are sexual advances are long professor thomas has said that the university administrators and attorneys have treated him like someone who's guilty until proven innocent and this is what he told the committee yesterday how in the world to disprove
the militias allegations you can only tonight fortunately for me all the independent evidence also corroborates if you did not acquit me under those circumstances everyone would be convicted upon a bear allegation it's really that simple but not everyone thinks it's that simple university's attorney mrs marina says that it wasn't until just two weeks ago a professor tague of it ever directly specifically denied their sexual encounter occurred with this particular student marino told the committee that professor tong which is a way of responding and his slow response was one of the reasons that the university took the allegation so seriously professor tom image didn't do anything wrong why didn't he tell the administration right up front what happened what went to the game by making general denials for sixteen pages into three responses if the credibility of the witnesses against him was always an issue
and why didn't he praised and his fax and allow the university to gauge the vaccine dampens mrs marina went on to point out that professor todd rich as freely admitted to dating students who are currently enrolled in his classes until the committee earlier this week that he didn't necessarily think that there was anything unethical about having sex with a student that he was curly grating there isn't a university rule that prohibits the practice and it was only until after the talk of controversy started that the anniversary passed a guideline that specifically says that sex with students as unwise but if it's not prohibited what about the other allegations you mentioned that they're at oh yeah and that's another bone of contention from professor tague of it he says that they're all either frivolous or a matter of misinterpretation he also says that many were kept anonymous for a long time and it had had no way of refuting them for example several students say at various times he asked them whether they wanted to see his farm the
students said they felt that that was a pickup line professor contradiction his witnesses say that perhaps a pretty a pretty lame pickup line in that in fact the professor does have a farm that he frequently invites people to see is that a lot of contention about whether the university in the minds of some people piled on allegations in order to make the main allegation stick but why would somebody people come forward with allegations well professor thomas as political enemies in a law school and administrators drummed up these witnesses to buttress their case against him and there have been some inconsistencies in the administration's actions initial finding a guess professor professor tague of it was that he should receive a one years paid leave of absence as a sanctioned it was only after professor tague which protested asked for a hearing into the matter was lee eight to the media that the university then recommended that he be fired professor tom pavich says that that shows the university was bowing to political pressure university attorneys say the administration's recommendation of fire professor target which was the result of all these additional allegations coming out the attorneys also allege the professor tague which is engaging in a desperate attempt to save his job as
was professors target practice as professor tom images response to that i made a conscious decision to that request this year and i made a conscious decision to make it public so people would say what is happening at this suggest that i would throw my life away for perjury for the first time in my life for this job is ridiculous university kennedy we solve something like this one that's a good question and it goes to the heart of how allegations like they should be handled some people say the university should a fire professor tom pavich when he initially failed to directly deny the major sex allegation in the parking lot other people say that the complainant is incredible and that the university just gave into pressure by the aclu and women's groups when the complaint was leaked to a newspaper and no one in these the work of his faculty committee as a matter of fact in the committees probably the only entity that hasn't been criticized much in this whole affair both sides say that the hearings were handled extremely
fairly well does this case set the president well it's not entirely clear more representatives of the american association of university professors issued a written statement after the meeting after the hearing yesterday indicating that they are worried about a president they say that because the target which case has been such a litigious case professors will be discouraged from appealing charges against them for fear of having to go through a similar process his appeal has cost professor tom pavich forty thousand dollars and if you were a lawyer he says it would've cost a hundred and fifty thousand dollars and did we get an idea of the enormity of this case there have been more than fifty witnesses dozens of hours of sworn testimony and more than a thousand pages of transcripts it's also that a tremendous strain on the students who filed a complaint so long ago and the university has invested tens of thousands of dollars in state money in terms of personnel hours and resources is there anything to be learned from movies or think it's way too early to tell but it certainly would make a person think twice about either filing a sexual harassment allegation or putting up a defense against an allegation so what happens next though family
to your committee will deliberate for as long as it takes in and make a decision and their decision can be if that appeal to the board of regents by the chancellor professor todd rich but most of the people i spoke with don't think that that's likely but i will say there's also been a lot of talk about civil suits growing out of this old this matter could be years before it's all over pants weren't turned thanks for coming and they're welcome in his fans hiner he spoke with us about the effort by officials at the university of kansas to fire a tenured professor who's been accused of sexual harassment it into morning edition and g n u mary my hand the suffers from a small russian turncoat says nova not far from st
petersburg for the past two weeks he had more than one hundred other russian artist had been touring kansas performing native songs and dance says the greater russian festival that really cool event featuring performances in more than thirty kansas communities gonzales group is called listeners could get which in english means forest tale he says the name evokes the kind of music that replaced how a performance or graham how many sound boxes and reindeer and how those sound of major birds that way and her what kind of american music are you familiar with a lot of american music and russia and clive colin quinn beatles and i think many people in america like this music this kind of cultural exchanges weren't kansas governor joan then he had in mind when she came up with the idea for the festival during a trade mission she recently made to russia then he
holds the event which is thought to be the largest of its kind in kansas history will lead to a mutual understanding of russian american culture the last art festival of done just that it's the first time a thirty year old musician has traveled to the united states he says the visit here is a dream come true lessard says his travels here had made you realize that america is different images of mind in russia see only to be brought home both america and the only high buildings and beach mouse america can only see small calm lineage and field's first time i'm just wondering do you feel with the changes that have taken place politically do you do you feel it that you have more freedom as an artist today than it did say five ten years ago then a chance and many people
wanted them supposed to be handsome supported yeltsin supported yes on the future recommended change that i'm bad i'm just wondering if any surprises in your visit here to the united states in america were saying in many people with a smile at the situation with an irrational many problems and melodies others and many people where laurie tell me the audiences here in kansas how have they been reacting to the performances read differently what's wonderful i hear that there's a dessert well known american song that will recognize that you sang could use a number is okay
being home own lawn worry mandy who is seldom is the at its annual and as guys be all day russian musician victory class soft singing that and the states are one of the groups participating in the russian festival orchestra of lead that will present its farewell performance in eastern kansas this saturday evening morning edition in a week it's bleak you know
well folks when i was a boy i came over in school singing rain rain go i my father looked at me sharply and suddenly i'm just not the kansas song but in here again as we've been saying it all the old people sitting inside comforted only by the steady sound of the dehumidifier in the basement of a young people sit on porches sky watching long to get into their fields earth worms start across kansas streaking only pavement in here about halfway across they swell up or dry out until some kid steps on them
like yesterday's will folks with this rain everything is close to the surface water worms and despair is ian talbot of fred and martha paid their last child going to college this past fall there by themselves again the spring rains have not helped in fred can't get him out in his fields to plant he curses the sky at morning and evening of every idol day when he comes in from turin martha yells at him to quit cracking nine he moved around the house barefoot making trips into the bathroom to use martha's hair dryer says it keeps the crowd from his toes and warms estate market doesn't like to think about that when she does her hair course she's mad because fred never turned over her garden spot and now it's too late though sees she sprouted are sitting on the back porch the plant's now spindly and yellow springs she says when everything is dying everything but the molds as fred all that angers her because you
think you want or disco the mildew in the shower again and then to make things absolutely worse a little winnie dog that they bought when their last job was a baby took sick with some kind of skin color that look like mole a dog died between two thunderstorms what overcast day you'd have thought it was one of their children the way margaret cried fred went out to bury that number next to the garden he struck water six inches down he went out behind a barn same thing nor of pasture not a bit there he was so because again and gave up where you are in the trees by the old well fred lied folks for it couldn't marry that dog and he couldn't let it rot in the barn where he'd hidden it from arthur every day it was rain eventually he wrapped in brown paper towel martha's largest freezer bag and slipped it down in the basement the trees first time he was in town buying groceries course she had it in mind to smooth things out between she
planned a meal that it used to have when their children sat around the table a roast with all the trimmings he was outside when he went to the basement to find the road in the deep freeze i don't need to tell you that red but i can save redwood muddy lucky you didn't end up in a preview at the dock we hear all about that when fred burst into the goal he grabbed that jenny lawton he's like they were buying him them and he said where's a hair dryer got the crowd started between my podium in good dog and bill is concurred with the greater the sky and folks we all sang for him rain rain go away part of the city suburbs and it generates millions of dollars in revenue
for the state and a substantial portion of that money comes in the city's restaurants bars and hotels among them the advisory council on environmental issues the ordinance expanded that entire length of those public spaces for more than twenty years well i think that's
the point you know i think a lot of public support for the more progressive measure in view of what a recurring coming out very well a report on the rapidly how the facts that have been smoking frequently three thousand one hundred at the sheer amount of love affairs the respiratory health of hundreds of thousands of children to fight fetched thirty residents have mixed reactions that the united that supported increased restrictions i'm opposed to the very
you know i don't think i'm not you know i don't think they have a lot of cancer protecting the public health care unit the government have a leader like you can't forget that that might inconvenience a minority of people in a moment i really enjoyed it
you hear that welcome oh wait thank you it won't
fit on one one a lot of people who need for the woman if they're going to make up a few of the economic downturn of the nonviolent movement could not affected four of the lives that we've been talking about the kind of oil
five that's right all right for public input on that crucial an individual often remember
viewing the moment of member of both and one thing that all people vote majority although set for the league is the gleeful vivek wadhwa well i think the fight for fair credit for that would live off of it for very very normal mr milling around the one year when someone to build one
political brand worldwide for president will have a look and figuring out the more important point well i really really really enjoy a lot of the woods the republican delivered that one wants to live forty five
five are not frequent believe that a lot of the print publication while and went no really and i'm robert siegel and i love that it will burn the and go on with them and not with a
couple of regular man part of a threat of force one of the people and
not one when paul vi a lot of the one on fiddle a five point five five one
vote from va va va va no word for more than the moment well the mind of
the gulf the fifth vote for a workable vein v how if a
half of the five hundred and fifty lives and then and then and there in the window and then the phone from the south pole on the moon
my voice a lot of the involvement the phenomenon of taking over the american edition of five a
the golf or what form of it off more of a little known for of the world after winning the nineteen eighty nine on value of riders and fell in the fire right the
way you feel like he has been chosen from among six hundred and twenty eight in france as one of the six new poll winner the perfect of kerrville old festival of kerrville texas and have included the likes of lyle lovett nanci griffith and how about mcquade with him via phone from because we're in the middle of the three week long festival congratulations him so tell me what real life and how long have you been going down to the griddle for the world record you're welcome real world
parts of it are more firepower around colbert report mr mayer right ok all right one of the things you've done in order to enter the competition and the competition for the nobel winners of a couple of songs songs on a cassette how long have you been entering an article about how to go about selecting the songs that you chose this year that work productively i thought the guy in the final thing and make a winner
you refer to dr what you said this year were two songs one of them was a strictly man and that's one that performed with you or on the cayenne time radio review listen to that in just a second but what you tell us a little bit about how that song came about you're right our
people right right it's big right right now right right
one of the six hundred and twenty eight and perhaps this year forty of you were chosen to come down and performed for the judges last weekend of kerrville and an interview and five others have new vote winners and now you get to perform on the main stage this weekend art i'm arun rath her veil very rev and have a great time at all
thank you the information superhighway was once the province of policy wonks like al gore and
computer nerds and their herd one of these like well me now fiber optics is high profile time and newsweek or having cover story wars over the time warner us west agreement got a major coverage of superhighway for information that's a great metaphor somehow are moving from a dusty back room of communication to something big fast and powerful it'll be fascinating to find out what john and jane doe think about all of this do you understand the information superhighway really understand what they're talking about now looking to the radio a nod or shake your head now straight to the radio so i can see what you do a lot of you're shaking your heads with maybe understand what i'm driving at because the information superhighway is really all about interactivity the system going what you're doing what you want us to stretch the metaphor it's a two way street word pictures that will run on it plus combinations we can hardly imagine you'll be able to hop in your computer rev up the information server and go just about anywhere you cut programs books articles and radio stories like fast food at the drive in window i gather you're beginning a multichannel mix of hbo
hard copy the weather channel at home shopping club without distinct boundaries for one thing over and over more choices more choices more choices not just choose a channel that use the camera angle you want the superbowl don't like the plot to the other ending to the story so many choices and we wind up sick of choosing the real superhighways the ones with the letter i in front of their numbers made it a lot easier to get around they also contributed to crime and urban blight and added to a sense of fragmentation and dislocation in our society the information superhighway will make it easier to send and receive video audio test various combinations that it will probably make it harder to find ourselves and we don't know who we are we won't know what we want or need believe you need you'll be hearing about which you ought to want because the information superhighway isn't just about interactivity it's about money and investment vast sums you'll be on the receiving end of a lot of gee whiz look at what this can do what the system can
give us seems to be driving development and then the mold our needs into something we won't even recognize i'm more concerned about that than i am the predictions i see a creeping big brothers my one hope is that while most of the money will line up on the gee whiz side really smart money will take a look at your communication needs and go from there we do need better communication we need more information when you're richer understanding what's going on around us and we need it fast that's the nature of our world as we head into the twenty first century really smart money will look at all of that and try to help playing really smart money is really scary
KANU News Retention
Retention 5/3/93 to 6/9/93
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
KPR (Lawrence, Kansas)
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Morning Edition with Mary Whitehead, Opinion piece, KS Governor Joan Finney speaks.
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Producing Organization: KPR
Producing Organization: KANU
Publisher: KPR
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Kansas Public Radio
Identifier: cpb-aacip-7c54ab9e703 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
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Chicago: “KANU News Retention; Retention 5/3/93 to 6/9/93,” 1993-05-01, KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 19, 2024,
MLA: “KANU News Retention; Retention 5/3/93 to 6/9/93.” 1993-05-01. KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 19, 2024. <>.
APA: KANU News Retention; Retention 5/3/93 to 6/9/93. Boston, MA: KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from