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     Mental Health Reform Act, SRS Budget Task Force, China/United States Trade
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no no here there are homes for near the home loans for more family involvement and a treatment planning it donors and one of them the training of all agree to be done and upright people in the medical way in the community they really
will the most dramatic changes and it is but the mental health system and the very dependent on community programming how now or were screenings handled were they not done in communities did that person have to actually be at the state hospital to experience the screening process and he taught it and they were done there was no true heaping for admission it's really going to control others they will help determine whether their opinion but could be appropriately cared for provided for in the community
or go i agree when we talk about time serving as a gatekeeper in the present system or i guess now has to be considered the previous system where there are too many people being admitted into state psychiatric hospitals because the gay keeping was too loose or it wasn't yet a way around some folks who should have probably been allowed to be in the state hospital were remaining in the communities where they should've been we believe in and i think because i know that all people involved in the mental health reform planning that many people were being admitted to the hospital without i think and how many community centers have there been in the
past or around the state in almost every community on a regionally based arabia but we have basically twenty eleven recognize the community mental health centers they additionally valuable donors that if a contract with an ad in the provision of service major urban area have a community mental health care you know we talk about which people can make all of those have a community mental health centers and the rest of them aren't very anywhere from a lot of carrier to county operation the true believer the gene kelly bryant well that that'll help
out of haiti so we see an increased number of centers or just the same number as we currently have the same number of campers that we have now but they will have a financial resources to expand programs for new programs to provide better quality of programs i would assume that if we're talking about too many people having gone to state hospitals in the past and trying to serve those people down their own communities that there would have to be more financial resources to offer more kinds of programs to be able to meet the needs of those people now who would be staying in their own communities how much money are we talking about terry lee kate mcgarry
rhetorically talking roughly one point five million dollars that have that for a partial year of implementation can hear that would need to be continued for the lawyer and then waited we're planning it's going to happen it and each of those cars will be in the neighborhood of a million rightly more than a million dollars and this is dj general we'll be reviewing the review
thirty years of intimate will be redirected into the community so when will this be statewide right now you're just doing the house on the area right here to me i remember a recent story came about because i think it was a national survey ranking the kinds or the adequacy of mental health service in different states in kansas was seemingly regressive rather than progressive how does this fit into a
moving canvas to a more progressive states mm hmm according to apply that law to last fall into the middle of that plan again and by moving and creating spending in the community that planted the idea that are raking will improve dramatically that's it
another al malik is a commissioner for sri as mental health and retardation services he's just been talking about the new law that went into effect in kansas the mental health reform act which creates a single system of care by shifting the center of care for those who were seriously mentally ill from the state hospitals to a community mental health center in hutchinson i'm nancy finken social and rehabilitation services has a huge budget and numerous divisions these two factors combined seemed to have created some problems making lawmakers sit up and take a hard look at those ever growing department representative do weight goes in is a member of a newly formed task force on their soares but dramatically
and we have already beginning look at that are the priority for services correct are returning the right people are we don't have to have the right programs the political organization that's right hunt we have a proper organization to deliver the services that we want and third thing will probably probably been tried in a major program and understand what goes and says the
us irs budget is second only to education approximately a billion dollars a year in approximately four hundred billion of bad and fun times and regular and and we talk about a budget that they end up being able to keep a handle on and what were some of the weaknesses then me growing areas of interest but it couldn't have been nursing home costs and medical cost and those have just gone up dramatically and i really
and and we know there's medical inflation but at the same time those are very dramatic cost increases you have a question about and one hundred and ninety million dollars looking at demographics in kansas this state has a rather high proportion of people age fifty five and over compared to its total population and those kinds of statistics can help predict the growth of the population nursing homes in the state if present trends continue but dawson implies that maybe the trend should shift and keep people in their homes longer and the program
representative to windows and another member of the special task force looking at sri says state senator nancy parrish she's also concerned about the growing numbers in terms of the money spent on the elderly and she's concerned about whether or not that's taking away from children one of the areas that is really that is the area that you're in a nursing home in the elderly population i have to take care of our trailer elderly and make sure that we're providing but i don't want to get it get the children in uganda that putin neglected children that lightly on my opinion are not adequate for him someone
mentioned that they we have too many people automatically institutionalized or put in nursing homes because we don't have an adequate amount of homemaking services or home care services that would ultimately cost less and then maybe some sum of money back and other programs like the children's program and that's some any services so many programs all under the umbrella of sri as perry says it's no wonder that people get frustrated with all the red tape get to go through dealing with the bureaucracy around her party
cannot adequate provide her barry says something that may help as cyrus is to simply limit the number of programs that under its umbrella a lot of rain i am if only for them and for bringing that out and when you have a huge range of the things that they provide i think it makes it very difficult to do an adequate job and difficult job for the
secretary can get paid informant program that offered within a fire ants into making the change to restrict politically parrish says the task force must guard against making hasty decisions she says anything done carefully evaluate what recommendations that maybe they could make the situation worse i'm going to have the agency you would have to have concrete administration cause we don't need to get a handle on what we're doing in advance and wade we need or says she believes ultimately a better structuring with an answer as will in the long term cut down on costs the state is enduring other
programs not directly but indirectly related to what goes on through sms for example in a crisis but a fashion with the prison population i know from it and working with that and that's kind of like the children they want to become american agricultural business and move on to become our adult offenders that are now and if we don't provide we're operating that we are an ongoing problem that the commanding us about what became of what we get to
the family state senator nancy parish is one of the twenty four member task force looking into problems at the state's welfare agency the department of social and rehabilitation services there's no timeframe yet as to when the task force will make any conclusions about it study it could go well into the next legislative session in hutchinson i'm nancy finken well i think there've been one thing is going to mine for the newspaper reports and i think it's rather strange logic years ago the chinese are conservative friendly country but yet we aren't capable of bringing about any kind of reform or internally by adopting very strange impulsive trade against them or any other relationship with the soviet union was an image in contrast to that were taking the position of the soviet union in the reform from within if we
saw some very stringent policies for example there is some discussion now that we might not even find agreement doing with its only non tradable because of lithuania women a deliberate most favored nation status because what they're going to or toward lithuania many other wealthy countries met a bit contradictory i would argue that you know when ronald reagan i changed and china the crabs we couldn't possibly through tighter restrictions on trade summit we've had an impact in the area of almonds an area of defense for your listeners i haven't heard about this but we have the band will on china's role in relation to an agreement we got in nineteen eighty six you know and a call and without a lot of fanfare in the hallmark of strategic cooperation
agreement so union that ban on on funding any kind of journalism that for example that the chinese cannot night quit another fighter planes for all other operations of the radar and navigation equipment new weapons control and there have actually been a couple of dudes or you'd think you know that was the understanding that time it wasn't solely a us decision that there may be the chinese backed out before we did or more that's quite possible and from that standpoint and my sisters famous and will will be a just where we want to do what we want to be internally and so much the worse for you i think also to keep in mind here the moment although as well as several years actually between taiwan will handle the mainland they're in a battery or traded bombing to hong kong
and direct investment on the horizon and income and the government our nation china and in discussion now given that there's been a travel between taipei and then south china but this gathering so i think you know yeah because there were allies are doing by the way that i want to be one of our largest trading partners a minimalist the larger triggered an amendment economic potential target we're going back along with the administration or the immigrant no they won't well they come i mentioned well then i don't know how much of an outcry about the amnesty international just several days ago on the sixth april of this month announced that hundreds of pro democracy campaigners have executed role in china they've been on the execution fight and at eighty
one a northwest of the capital one in the southwestern cattle call marco polo bridge area and also another is around china and also they've been all the tens of thousands of prisoners being held in china for expressing their views you know we've got a problem here in terms of human life and we want her workers the dalai lama and the contradictory policy you know the communist regime what we were about was abolished and united so he never the volume of the world you know when we talk about what our allies are doing in terms of trade with china about taiwan what are some of the other allies doing and what kind of sanctions are they issuing or have issued in the past or we're going to trade agreements this so great britain have with china area
chanting along and i want the autism what the marshall and one of them in american nation and an untrained in hong kong and i think again we have eleven besides defense materials or aircraft equipment what other key things when china be heard by the us would not grant terrible trade status to them well i frankly think they would be our next for the actual well manufacturing goods from texaco we might recall several years ago a member there were complaints they were complaining that we were taking another vintage bit you know so that sort of thing and they complain about being
a crybaby and so i think you know it wouldn't accept this country from john i think in every art unaware when export all and it's good to know they would try to exploit and conventional would come in and i don't know about it that sort of thing happening and also let's keep in mind the most favored nation me ari gold every good commander the last possible care at the same time they're able to get export laws are not relevant for us but for driving they really hurt that inhabit have opted we talk about clan textiles i think tor is probably the two biggest things that we import from china certainly the united states could find other places to get those goods so there has to be other reasons why the bush administration is considering giving the status to china it certainly wouldn't be i don't believe because we would be heard by the things we could not
an import absolutely i think that's true and i would also i guess i would then the bank and then the abortionist critical recall scowcroft national security advisers made a secret trip or after chum and square they think a trip in that shining warner discusses now the chinese leadership them shouting others like owen what happened there was a baby that had forgotten all agreement that well you know we're not gonna blow your corn cotton and kelly said us the chinese leaders you know it was beaten and no matter where they're doing it and that maybe you know we want to encourage what we would encourage vulnerable and what we can fairly be in the right direction as internally in china what raised
the red flag year we have had at least a viable candidate and i can count on when this one again the fan in china's mountain in the nineteen seventies the one they may recall and her spiritual pollution campaign will build the best known one and whether they're mentally by major campaign my point here is that that the chinese have gone a lemon some of the narrative of the economy but they have not done much annoy him into making political changes also has been just the opposite that the women on making changes on the political fire but there have been two successful making major changes on economics i thought that maybe inauguration appears thinking the welding at the economic changes and keep them going ahead in china's arrival of these reforms so that there's no point so what's your prediction anything and he does that in one way or another what you think may have been what bush's decision might be well again i
would have probably been the usual i don't see a major modifications i think we might want to do it happened on june fourth afghan version canon square uprising i might add an international thirteen all members of parliament great britain all television celebrities there to wear a white flour which is a shiny symbol of remembrance and then i think what i would predict will be tight really it dr marshall also you're in china that they're going to keep a special eye on that bigger than the large very powerful moment for demonstrations and then crawls along the bottom i also do that square and china when they get things with the arrival of course is full of a fan to the countryside reared labor labor and where we're going to import
a stunning view of years into the wet and the outpouring of the worst things in two thousand and got a trickle down vote that a major impact their own thirty five right now to those who have them of polygamy people even with go without most favored nation status from last year i would get up again you know we would we would like all that we could we could punish them and that we could have an impact on the economy but i think the chinese and i think it's also true the russians endured great hardships are very articulate and ever imagined i've had people tell me that they're different rallies in china and the amount of them that they were eating bark and practitioner or in china very bargain that they'll live so no there will be a way that we wouldn't think that her cancer
lasky is a political science professor at wichita state i'm nancy finken so lab that day clark was shot during a lively and lincoln park last summer you can look like a garden were murdered and that the republican didn't think that the issue of lively and occupational how and that points to a quirk legislation was introduced that question by a dod any lawmaker who want to caution taken that that will increase safety and the creek crying it can be a convenient store owner agreed the field and the general manager of the wind won for playing well there is concern about of course and with the rest of them and it doesn't and that i wouldn't do do do that we're calling rational fear like
what we've met so well usually too inhumane double and triple and the funeral of mail woo where two hundred and forty five robberies ahead of where we were and why if you're in nineteen eighty no one of the words we have something like a hundred maybe seven percent increase this was largely due to the tax code and this crack cocaine that is so prevalent at least here in our community and that's something that we have a constant daily battle where i'm trying to comply well you have
well those that were at risk and alive to walk into a convenience store two three o'clock in the morning on a will and i'm really intimidating instrument and make the lampoon small terraced it would've been restrained and i think the consequence is an inventory years you live in prison or should have more important cultural vein for we will do that even though the odds may be again robert the crime continue to escalate the hill when one company employee well michael malin come in a different mode i think maybe a technique don't even address the problem you're welcome one or no i
don't well you know you don't want to think about the problem for starters unlike anything out if you don't think you think that will happen and that prevented the possibility that the people in trenton well how to deal with that who are you our curry and m knowing and deal with a person whose can really only they know that lately in the law that are really and that's one thing about me quote
current worker linked to money though the nation's education the issue offered no resistance whatsoever that this plan that normal s with cold war that we shot them back because this guy i have quite a crack cocaine habit we're divided and food portmanteau and troop along the new boom it all one dollar bills pulled out or pedal on the cloak and the only number of it up to and including a video throughout the new record everything top twenty four week for a look at the same general area we do we finally
get involved and teachers clamoring all individual we want to know a complete original but at least one candidate lawmakers who don't think a long line that's not enough after that more needs to be done to ensure think people quote inconvenient philip for people with me on border are starting from eleven at night until seven in the morning and a girl who will be surveillance cameras in place and alarmed by these are not the only bidder of course not anybody but they're not that i couldn't even they would and they would be a bit of diversion so they can argue that they want to know that
they're all deductions and so in the long run that would be very related to the outcome of not having well hi i'm sure you may be familiar with the young woman clear one of the young women with the daughter of a lifelong friend in canada you know they're also neighbors of the laborers and a very close to home and we were sort of you know contacting people aren't you know investigating a convenience store you know exactly what you're doing you make any of any a lot of people are employed illegal alien really hard because there are very few people want to go for it and they found it really comparable
you know the poor and so basically what was happening is people are employed are they have no way of the army any body and defending themselves against robert your orders and soul holy moly we go together very well through their proposal an important really that we got introduced into the house small business committee had never got anywhere i can assure you it will start up again early next year got
my mind the great not to have healthy that are full of people convicted of crime thrillers and of oklahoma county come out of that for that lovely lovely thought you can get more money than analysts think it could get much closer to the fact that look like that have highlighted during faith that clinton allowed to and approaching usually that gallon oil wealth and all that found that half a lot set ryan bottom be a greater than half a wild python hunt for people can vote and if we don't think of either a marked effect and then for the population at the bottom of the fifteen thousand minus the nineteen hundred literally found there
all around when they unveil probably before that only will we do on wednesday while when they were probably are very very informed farm animal without corporate foul nineteen hundred pound or third confirmed award for valor to balance your health of the third letter to the alien theory have to try to take care of all of the fortified a lot of minorities or did they have that bad for to get a handle on that that we can vote for the old but then on top of all of our idea of violence
that's right oh boy we'll go through both the early call dying of art through their way through rotting vegetation do over the earth and you're very very low or if our reporter terrible with carbon all the body lay out of fuel and forth and avoid government way soundbite of film they're very big world will become contaminated or the cover of portland ore that for the
third one fifth of the votes no way you know who will farrell in a very high level of those people around four or five people are thankful every level of the volunteers will hunting the valve group on ufo inquiry they'll we worry very unfair quip think a lot about the boy and eventually a very violently claw like to actually write your mouth they have a length of all around football for
your very early with vivian ward live bacteria you very rarely have an awful in favor of commercial or a very violent and they can land when we will move on tell them all through the gray law over what we're going to talk about all their protocol little uh huh it
well unfortunately our deadline last night and the volatility could think only of there now when will only one that i really have a problem or the only a gripping and i don't want anybody
knowing now the thing that kind of quickly for about a five year plan that by five hundred billion dollars for the white house that if you want to have fun without budget outlined the possibility of that if you have a higher tax rate for fan favorite one we thought that reform will be important though that we have bipartisan support and we devote out of idea about overnight beaver of
invective that we fought for the beginning of a long way to go and the ability of iran and intimidating of the right analogy nineteen for the period on thursday morning i think we cannot have the usual but the carrot finely acted and we're back on course and then you know up and i think the tail and our commitment to prove that we lived or below a parliament of the revolution oh no probably i think one and i don't feel american people gave the back of the hand with a budget agreement if you look at the magnitude of all of that more orderly agreement to not believe they've got to do a better job of getting it
through and i feel like when you have a government one one party controlling the college where he actually knew and when he actually may now for a while and then you have a president of a different party nobody thought would be needed i think that i believe that really strong point for the path of the problem was the individual categories of the fact that oh no we don't want to we don't want that we don't know but people think the one video i think the deal will not be having a ruler with a good one enjoy them now we've got some other main ingredient that brought an end to the committee that that we can live with them in the
moment and i think that moving them up with a deal that i think that there will be working on the line a lot of the public didn't think that there are very confident that thought that the fed should have been there all along mm hmm with all of that all right
oh right oh yeah doing well laughter who
knew that's right now when allied he got five feeling for
half of the falling value of the home well yeah a lot of them live it
it's been whoa that one for our vip from the point the level of the front of the grave with grief we think we have a good turnout the moral factory that contribute to that world we're expecting about eight hundred and fifty thousand voters tomorrow and that would be a record number of voters for coral year good morning the wall of a quote we have three primary this year and i think that i will kill you i think there are some locally they were preparing to a county commissioner in question that will
get voted out the locally i actually think that there's a heightened awareness of the political process for the influence that have on people why they level believe a congressional budget situation the property tax issue of abortion issue and we're going to realize that they develop you know why i probably will my view of poverty i know that negative campaigning that doesn't really have anything to the campaign people who are
familiar with the property what quote we know to go vote anyway the factor that may be campaigning they're probably going to get the attention of many people you know oh really oil
you know you would think of thank you and of course not i'm on it a lot of it no
doubt that's right well absolutely vigilant going to keep him on the paramount theater one out behind michael finton five and going to make the move into a lot of the work was before the fall all
right and that when we had in nineteen eighty five of them like ability of almond that way holly click on i would have
voted for it the problem we'd have to with the look of what they do whatever you watch video on and on top of that a lot on the part of the corner of these you have to have that option the option of love for health of the planet will have are a part of daily life in a week that recovery will
probably about much lower thirty five the future they have to have that may be helpful and then we love the flexibility of planning like one quality on their coffee and we think that we've built that will give value on the government that of that farmer if you are in the forefront of the market five o'clock add it up the market it will be difficult though that for one hour of quite frankly i would have preferred to have three four years
out of the secretary it will be funny only requirement ahmed require the report that record when we have a point that we have not honored with what would have probably happens with there were well which would
call for and everything else than half of path to more than forty fifty five we will not become law one that will become off olive and more than half of the farm bill for every computer like grief problem of people living there what have the quality of work think with recovery be part of that fight forty five go on some kind of a five the blue about empire and agriculture
are not fair we have we are and we report the growth we're a very large part of war what about the volatility of the other people of america i don't know mario viau you know
we vote over have vied to a lot of the interview with all the program called for the vatican laurie valentine well for a bomb and wife are going to compromise on faith forty five
Nancy Finken Reports
Mental Health Reform Act, SRS Budget Task Force, China/United States Trade Partnership
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Radio Kansas (Hutchinson, Kansas)
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Episode Description
Commissioner of SRS Mental Health and Retardation Servicces Elm Nimick discusses new community-based Mental Health Reform Act law, Representative Dwayne Gosen on the SRS budget task force, State Senator Nancy Parish on the SRS budget task force talks about balance between budget for elders and children, WSU Political Science Professor Dr. Ken Sabaski discusses the Chinese/American trade partnership.
Series Description
Compilation of Nancy Finken interviews with notable people in KS in the late 1980s.
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Chicago: “Nancy Finken Reports; Mental Health Reform Act, SRS Budget Task Force, China/United States Trade Partnership ,” Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 31, 2024,
MLA: “Nancy Finken Reports; Mental Health Reform Act, SRS Budget Task Force, China/United States Trade Partnership .” Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 31, 2024. <>.
APA: Nancy Finken Reports; Mental Health Reform Act, SRS Budget Task Force, China/United States Trade Partnership . Boston, MA: Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from