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in your life both foreigners boy you will oh really and we'll never know for sure it's also very own ego warm and co chairman of the elevation of the international conference on her i just thought who is mature at the organization assistant district attorney following the heels of the american soul oh
yes there were committee the convention a little bit of an arsenal issues positioning racial position to be concerned about first heard it and maybe just a little bit is that you know not very much of it is so hard to borrow a
small as the ruins here so if you add that sort of a trio of writers actors and they do enjoy it in the courtrooms long term i was the first and second time this was the last to take her somewhere and every public officials basically pull over secret documents and it wants those are pretty important races are unique to our country it can be tested just as exhorted my home or dictatorship oregon
and being conscripted to serve all sorts of countries you can do all sorts of things the universe are so the issue on this country and to deal with fuel free and they're very important for many people the shrew to there are services or eleven years oh sure marines are refining will sort of groceries through visual parts of our history a new owner state and local children
federal law parliament who aren't working solely on germans was also doing a public official lizzie romero and we're going to proceed and where were dishonest public official continue on this is the opposite of which is in as part of our country and worse
super bowl people those that i think are making contractual arrangements very concerned that young people it's magic as you know there are sixty year old who owned twenty fourteen winner twenty twelve and i think that they should be the true problem
look through here mission cory aquino split into heroes something state warriors who are minors as you can i wholeheartedly agree with you i'm not well i mean i people respected
any material right i'm going to be a long vessel group i have to look at the material and i happened to be in my neighborhood and convenience store here and now families carry on mr haney yes la area that was totally area of the city there were
there are three very visible for a city and a knife and you really i really there are happening where an island and and what i remember anyway on it and then he said you know he really haven't seen anything in any free are catalogs of the people driving for different kinds of sex partners you weren't necessarily covered so
i knew about the kind of approach that i think that he is now and you are a lot of mackerel revered by that and it called for the dignity of the human person with a law and the dignity of the human person comes from god reinforce i really think it had thirty years and i have a family i hind legs and going on the air i see the report maybe
questions about whether these movies about some of the answer to name they may not be at that air hit it the national law approved the plan to keep away than a hurricane and i mean people i think it means that they invent their own i thank you are apathetic in the va their archive eighty one or mine or correct their moral you are but warren and cereals which are morally corrupt are pretty angry hearing new labels that they may be harmful we think you're
if you're more a lot more to carry out any money producer and dad it's already moved here pouring cereal is not here to get into beautiful quality of life you raised the people that are involved we're dealing with people that it takes away that corn syrup yeah really the literary quality of this material is
not invincible uncertainty back in east indians have a responsibility to make them on now and i support those are important people who are importing a lot and their elected officials that are enforcing the law and we have responsibility for their own lives and better we need to talk the world we missed you we listen for our moral leadership and the courage to vote the convention and it's the win their support palestinians who are strong moral courage to vote in the nation's direction of
society like pork producers of you but it is very difficult to go along and sometimes the predators and i can agree on the panel one of the agreement would be and know what an honor our view that i've
seen or read or hear that for example you're right byron and i then we allow ms
taylor clarity playboy we'll find out in your reporting but i think what the citizens of wichita we are concerned with kind of came out on gay rights ordinance hasn't adhered in front of the
and all of those people the mission and responsibility you're welcome you know as well we're not going to
walk money very difficult fine fine and i like that what about the arab league
who's right one family you're going to be going here and now today stevens' remark that i don't think i'm going to write to the german fourteen whether or not only monitors are
within the constitutional standard awesome and that means you're now hitting people with good and so i'm going to be putting out a whole you going to
vote it's big common you wanted to do one day i'm an attorney we are my comment
on america than i can't talk very much about america's opium wars huge sentimental journey is usually what options are available to our office and the portions of the law for real oh well we will
in twenty fourteen unfortunately no an individual sport are you there we
go and what do you i think for here
the politicians or not haiti your thoughts their imagination
oh yeah last year of the korean war we will oh boy
carmen email or and he your thoughts a nice
bright green what is the way forward hello oh no question we need more money and i'm renee montagne we
believe that well that will change with the aclu and all our earth and also married how war movies on television not one that year he was ninety seven freedom of expression should be afraid that they didn't
really have to the invisible art other people we cannot afford to let the president to keep track of day and the prepping that really tomorrow number one for politicians who are campaigning rather than a rally and with that line or elsewhere i think that they're going to pray near your life on the little lady lovin on the political problems they're going to get a lot more votes by the time they are perhaps the other way around that the underlying party they enforce the law
or right of the one thing that would likely also why rady the vendor getting the votes of people who are breaking down in our primaries and i think that probably in a cover up but do you think in your theory why when everyone a coal miner reporter
philip i don't mind it really i wouldn't want to be local or the earth on her all has been with all served in the legislature for seven years a member of the senate judiciary committee which is heavy fortune or misfortune enacting the obscenity and wrote
what other states have done what a lot of bandits for some alternatives that other communities have taken to the life they slow obscenity and that gives them are left here what are all of the bad and it is with early enough that's interesting but no advertisement or description of any medicine a woman or apparatus used or recommended for the purpose of preventing concession or promoting abortion or miscarriage oh no also
under the obscenity law was a publication devoted a whole youtube criminal or pictures or stories of the villages or crime and beaten or moral bar were also treated you'll be interested and we know that that's these were not revealed until quite recently and i think that people one hundred years although the publishing or possession or sale or distribution of anything different newspaper devoted more political publications scandal like a week and trains between men and women or were more products or persons particular with all these other government in the state penitentiary or terminology
then he wants to take on the whole attar at a role in the nineteen fifty seven as judged by the commandant and for the committee to the confederacy so actually the core and be really awful for the last sixteen years that we have made considerable changes in our survey will mainly because of the united states supreme court decision to withdraw the nineteen fifty seven and then they now are versus california decision when we change the law nineteen seventy six and i'm going to rebuild all of nineteen sixty nine and we did change the criminal code and kansas and obscenities at
that particular time was simply stated to be an amateur or performance was considered obscene or taken as a whole it's predominately all the period of shame or morbid interest and negative effects of freedom in nineteen seventy four all amended to include migrants avenue family with with or promote religion but later today was in nineteen seventy six and the legislature will always okay to comply with the governor of california and there are three you probably gone over those detail
but the kansas law is very very similar to a lot of the language of new york city are my remarks there are now nine in the united states specifically prohibits local ordinances are being enacted in regards to obscenity and it affects tina fey community standards versus a local or city or county community than i might also love we cry what we call your member
station one the fine what special can happen we'll be trying to help that spell out how so most of the city now and what we have to do to really define where advances rest is that we have a problem we probably have the most conservative law we couldn't have under of so called a record or and this is basically volume of supreme court of the other states that recently enacted and develop even more explicit definition of
what will happen because what is required in the decision of leaving couple examples utah a new law than that touching a brand for about a family a lot of detail for jurors ca and even the violence there is or the many other states labor and i haven't acted are often much less restrictive laws with regard to regulating of the material worth of all and the play only been alive the division of the turtle might think you might think overstated that his new york jail or given important thing you're not thinking about how the new mexico vermont alaska and west virginia now it's interesting that there are a couple of bay which require a civil
proceeding to determine if materialism seen before criminal charges are brought this why is that the germans whether criminal charges should be brought against the provider for that approach he's used in north carolina and the fall i think there's a little bit of time i guess that the commissioner ordered the bailiwick is well as the world and that is that you have many detroit experience and you have a volcano experienced a lot of talk and destroy all that well we
can't really get rid of the what will do this will diffuse it we were there as well politically the law law or in certain words they're trying to sell the concept of dispersion boston where the opposite extreme of that well we're going to containment policy and so they came up with what is known as the combat zone and day his only literally going three blocks and said it's going to operate on sort of war line it's got to be in the area of our building obviously the line sleep approached father barry that
you can strain a licensee in terms of certain qualifications and also they get out why the people are lice thousands of the key ideas that have been tried by sort of has the leagues o'toole approach realizing well well you can have about the deal that they control and through the ordinance that what's going to happen at the legislature brought probably not very much and that's my opinion that the kansas law is there is a lot of the more what is it a greater than just that and that's the whole game is going to be with the so called local community standards which
are staying occur right now in wichita the familiar talk about it's also my personal feeling about what we were definitely have the responsibility of all our white house there is a great deal of different investments between communities as a result i think the primary possibility of anyone to allow local communities to determine what standards in the eye i think is going to be somewhat difficult to try
to impose if they want to there should be unless they want the orlando corleone compared with a target i just think there are different i suppose i'm somewhat of a typical of stereotype products and that might require broad religious all very conservative or religiously i think that one important thing that my parents bought me was to try to think for myself and i i don't believe that regardless of what my regional and religious divisions are
mr lefler oh they then i had to live their lives in regard to what they want to hear what they want to read i strongly believe that that should not happen the situation where they're inundated with for granted with your life don't think you're going to be able to close now and although it's not something that i would use for life i like rollover with the first
amendment freedom of expression and that aren't willing to at a public official from some of you in this room and stand up and say that's what i believe in the nevada votes or so bit of the line for hours
Peoples Perspective Obscenity
Producing Organization
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KMUW (Wichita, Kansas)
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Program Description
Peoples Perspective Obscenity - Perspectives on Options.
Program Description
Many different speakers give their opinions and worries about the effect of pornography on 'young people'.
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Social Issues
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Panelist: Turnis*, Sivia
Panelist: Shonse*, Betty
Panelist: Porter, Dr. Gary
Panelist: Hess, Paul
Producing Organization: KMUW
Publisher: KMUW
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-0fd5cc70eba (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Peoples Perspective Obscenity,” KMUW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 4, 2024,
MLA: “Peoples Perspective Obscenity.” KMUW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 4, 2024. <>.
APA: Peoples Perspective Obscenity. Boston, MA: KMUW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from