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This is Channel 17 w an ATV Buffalo. Program side takes a look at two issues of concern to the roster New Yorkers. We'll show you one of the bands and mail that's been causing problems in Buffalo since 1972. But first we'll take you to Thursday night's long awaited announcement by the state health department. Whether or not the state of New York will pay for the evacuation of any more Niagara Falls families living near the Love Canal. We must take every action that we possibly can to minimize the risks to those individuals whom we can identify as being exposed to greater the risks than would be normally present. We have therefore brought to the governor our
recommendation that pregnant women living in the canal area extending from 97 to 100 Third Street be removed from the area. We have also brought to the governor a recommendation that children under 2 years of age be removed from the can now until such time as they are older than two or until such time as extensive the environmental data. Ah. The fear of. Yes. Yes yes. Yes. Well collecting. I thought it. Was the law. With us. This one.
Just one last point that I'd like to make sure was that I. Was over. There. Was you know. Throughout. The war. There were children all words to. Words to load up. My orders and we're down here the only way to kill it. Like. The risk. Of sounding. Very. Very British it all hit the pillow to. Hear. Or feel or wish I was a little bit. Yes. OK. That was a lot of. Fish. Was his leadership centers who. Can't. Figure out or understand this. You think you can take more experience and study the situation for the outlying street. She still. Misses her. OK. We know her and her children. Didn't see me. No way. For us to make. A difference in her life. We receive here she target children. If she gets leukemia. Carol.
Back to you. That. Country got about 140 families will soon be relocated. Seventeen reports is the actual number approaches 250. House Department spokesman tells us many of those removed will come from the development project. Two of tonight's report deals with a dangerous situation at one of the many abandoned grain mills in the city of Buffalo Bill Ralston Purina mill on the city's south side it's become a favorite playground for neighborhood kids and the area residents claim their daily
games carry a threat of death or serious injury. Became a problem about seven years ago when Rostam Purina quick did title to the property over to the Reverend John M. Roll of the greater Hank Baptist Church. As I understand it the Reverend Monroe get involved in 1972 when Rostam Corrino abandoned the facility and Smith Anelka for a new facility that they you know they built in Dunkirk. And at that time as I understand it representatives of Russian too really contacted reprimand or his attorney and not for the well for the billing to him the right remand role was led to believe by representatives of Ralston Purina that he could obtain this building for virtually no money quit claim deed there. There would be federal funds forthcoming that representatives of Ralston would think would
help him secure these federal funds to renovate the structure for use as a community center. In 1974 city court investigation shows there are many who profited in one way or another from transactions between Rastin period updown the Reverend John M. Roll. We discovered that about 30 to 40 people have profited from the situation. Apparently our Rostam Prima saw the bill of goods to the great Hope Baptist Church and to the Reverend John Monroe that they could get federal money to make a senior citizen center and a youth center for their church people the opposite happened in a factor of at least 30 to 40 people profited from salvage rights for taking steel beams out that were worth approximately $60000 from taking machinery out that was worth in some cases as much as twenty or thirty thousand dollars. We estimated probably a million dollars and so I wish I were right so we were again by individuals that operated with either illegal
deeds in their pocket from Reverend Monroe which he never recorded or from simply going into the building and stripping it and a roster Preta walk the way with over $200000 in tax savings and potential demolition cost savings of about a half a million dollars. In addition in my talking to tax attorneys that and I probably wasn't printed at certain deductions in charitable write offs from feeding us to a so-called nonprofit corporation. Is it possible that the fact that many of these profiteers were prominent citizens is a parcel of that fact slow down any investigations into the matter. Quite frankly I think the basic flaw in the entire investigation was the fact that the laws are inadequate they favor corporations in such a case and allow cities and counties to be ripped off. It's a controversy that there's no simple solution to it. The only thing I have I know is that we've lost a fashionably 180
thousand dollars in taxes. We're $25000 a year roughly in taxes from now on and. To demolish the building it would cost us between 500000 and a million dollars. Records show the Reverend Wright was the current owner of the old mill and his lawyers advice men rather refused to be interviewed for this report while insisting he does not own the structure. Right now the Reverend Monroe claims that he does not own the mill. Frank is this true. Now legally and technically he definitely owns them though unfortunately he accepted the deed. He held himself out as an order from 1972 to perhaps 1974 in 1975. He does own the mill nobody can can buy their property or nothing could be done with that property unless the Reverend Monroe signs the deed over to the purchaser of that property. Economical pressure has got to be brought to bear upon rushing to arenas so that they will own up to their corporate and civic responsibility. To this community get rid of that structure
because in my estimation they willfully maliciously defraud of the taxpayers of the city. They knew that man wrote on didn't have the wherewithal the financial wherewithal to renovate that structure. They're pretty slick people and they knew that the greater Hope Baptist Church Wow didn't have the kind of money that it would take to renovate that structure and they knew that federal funds were going to be forthcoming for us and I think that's willful intent to defraud the taxpayers. And I think that they ought to be prosecuted for it. That was your saying that the reverend Monroe was duped by Ralston Purina to just take the the the fall for the whole shot. Absolutely that's it I'm not sure I don't think it can be said of any are simpler than that. Channel 17 reports tried to arrange a telephone interview with a role simply arena representative from their St. Louis headquarters. They refused an interview but did read this statement. In our efforts to cover property we looked at it would have a couple relocate
for one of the real estate corporation. That guides the company that the greater Hope Baptist Church of Buffalo. Whipping it corrected in accepting the property had to go NATION. At that time. The reference County Monroe of the greater Hope Baptist Church was represented by Mr. Colquhoun at that fellow attorney. The property would be added to the church in November I think. 71. Frank and Kareena paid off the taxes that were due on the property. The tax records were clear at the time of the transfer. Contrary to some press reports from Kareena neither requested nor received a charitable tax deduction for the donation of this property. In addition the company did not advise the Reverend Monroe that he could receive federal funds for any purpose. In the seven years since this transaction took place. State of New York and the City of Buffalo. Have conducted investigations of this transaction. And no charge against our company.
Out of those investigations. We understand from reading the reports in the press that the state of New York again counts for a preliminary investigation into the transfer of this property. Company enter this matter with the best intentions. As a result of circumstances beyond our control. The property has become common forever in and around. The surrounding neighborhood and the City of Buffalo. We hope the matter is resolved as soon as possible. Due to the pending investigation. We feel that any further statement by Rostam printing company at this time would be inappropriate. Mr. Parable am I to assume then that you would at this point prefer not to engage in an interview with us at this time. That's right well we're going to need another resting period. Judge Johnston and the Reverend veneral agree a local lawyer Joel Brownstein was advising the role at the time of the deal.
We gave Mr. Brownstein the call if you want to go down to talk to me about it off the record or on the record right. But I did get a right of that I think about it and it got a fire so if you have a question you have that I can that I can give you an intelligent answer. All right I tell you what before you hang up and just let me ask once again let me ask you this if I were to ask about the advice that you had given allegedly given the Reverend concerning the housing development in Lackawanna whether or not he would enjoy tax exempt status and whether or not you advised him that he could obtain federal funds to convert the property into a community center. Would you in fact be able to discuss on the record in front of a camera those answers to those questions. If I don't believe that I have I believe that would be it.
You're asking me to tell the public that when I got it like oh man I can't do that. Now the argument continues over the ethics of Cranston purine as deeding of the mill over to mid range concern runs deep in the affected neighborhood over the House or so the old home the impact it's having currently in the Buffalo area is astounding. We've got a yeah a million dollar a demolition on our hands. We got a derelict building that that is a hazard to the neighborhood in that some poor kid is going to eventually get killed unless something's done about it. And that's what I'm concerned about the effect of that building is having on New Yorkers in the Buffalo area. This I want a miracle I feel that nobody's been killed in the roster preen a plant a young boy a few years ago was killed in concrete central arrest of premisses right in the middle of the. Other Valley neighborhood a little Hollywood neighborhood just a few blocks away
as hundreds of children in that neighborhood school 33 in St. Stephens are within a block. It's a miracle somebody hasn't been killed or seriously injured. It's a matter of fact about a half a mile away is a smile a great know it underwent a similar scheme. Pierce Graham Nelson a boy fell about 25 feet there a few months ago in and rocked with minor injuries but he of course could have been killed or hurt for a seriously when the routes and Corrina deeded this property behind me to the reverend and from that day on there hasn't been any peace in this neighborhood. The children that are in this neighborhood are and are in very. Dire. Possibility of being hurt and you never think this danger I've got a sister right next to me. The bedrooms and the bathroom adjacent to 17 the Purina administration believe these kids take these big
pipes and random right shoe and glass and they usually wind up. In my system was better. Now here is a very very good possibility that she may get hurt. The law has stated that you are in possible danger due to the proximity of your windows in your home to have to be abandoned mill at rest and to read it. Could you describe some of these dangers as they exist by the breaking the glass. Know how they were trained were not you know those doors those back doors. They drew that down and when the police would come they were crying from the premium to my house to get down. They would scream that broke down the fence. They break everything in sight. Have you or your husband ever faced a situation where your life were in danger. Well I think you're taking a shower and they hit you over the head from the window. They threw something through the window and shot through the windows those windows were shattered.
I don't know. Tag line Oh and one of you was taking a shower. Could you describe exactly what happened right. We were police tonight here for years. Do you get any satisfaction out of the way. I'm. Going to do it. How much of a danger is this to the children in the neighborhood. Well. I'm going to over 28 years straight every night which I don't think. Should be turned down I think for them. Police officer let me ask you this are are those who claim that the police department and city hall are
not doing all that can be done to rectify the dangerous situation here with this abandoned mill How do you respond to that. Yes we are doing everything possible to try to ban the mill with the black up in every office or we can only do it by over top of the hill. From the transformer from the railroad and do everything to it which was broken on the door trying to get at what it is. I think we're going to go. What do you see is the most consistent danger of having that old mill here in this neighborhood. Well the most consistent danger I would say would be to be here because they get up in that building and there's a lot of dangers up there to get to the very top. And they've known to thrown things down into the traffic going by and the traffic is stopping here and telling me about it. I can't leave my post to do anything about it until I'm finished and then after I'm finished by the kids have usually gone by that time and then their guns and shooting people in cars going back.
To I think another very big thing is the fire danger. There's an average of one fire a week get them down and the money's the feds. The city of Buffalo. Just answering those. Lines. What is the most dangerous incident that you personally have witnessed. Ralph the thing that I have witnessed are the kids that may be just getting up there and I don't know how they're even getting there. And at. Home I can't even. Tell. You what is your position in the community here. I'm executive director of the Valley Community Association. So I would imagine you deal with young people quite a bit. Quite a few kids yes. And what type of things you hear about the abandoned mill around the kids or in their drinking hiding out. They have heard B.B. guns over there. This kid in all sorts of trouble over there. This is something that the kids admit to that they do talk openly. You know that's the place to go. What should be done toward tear it down it should be torn down. We've tried you know we
talked to councilman and try to find out who owns the building. We have had much luck lately. Have they ever made any promises to take some action on this. We heard that the Iron Workers offered to come in and seal it up. They had some free time during the summer but nothing is ever come about. How do you feel as a resident of this neighborhood. Well I like to see it torn down I think something should be done before and somebody really gets hurt seriously last summer. Well just for school ended we had two kids on their lunch hour go over there and. Cut their foot require stitches. TODAY WAS have been constantly complaining as far as I can tell is on this very point they say there's kids in there all the time vandalizing the area and in danger of injury. Will there be an increased effort by the city to patrol the area. Yes I haven't received any of those complaints Scott I will tell you that honestly and soon as I do receive a complaint you know that it will be checked into. He will be he will get a phone call from me you really have ragged through
with you because. Jimmy Dean was just a couple weeks ago was here and I'm sure we dropped about to be like Jimmy goof and know what's going on and if Jimmy is there's a lack of communication between the police department and Julie Griffin then something is wrong. State Attorney General Bob Abrams has recently announced his office will conduct a preliminary investigation into the property transfer of the abandoned Ralston Purina mill. Others feel a boycott of Rolleston Purina products could force the company to admit wrongdoing. Well I've been involved in Boycott organizing as an effective tool of service in the U.S. for a long time. Right. You start by letting the corporation know that you're concerned and that is a letter writing campaign to to Ralston Purina would be the first step. Then I think you have to
build you know door to door situation an effective outreach campaign to convince the community powers or the attorney general or the courts to get involved. Political pressure is essential to the structures of government no you mean business and if you can get structures of government going with legal action and political pressure you have some chance of success. Short of a boycott I don't see that there's anything at the City Boston can do the corporation counsel of course tells me that there would be yeah that would be placing the city of Buffalo in financial jeopardy you know with regards to a lawsuit if we ever sanction don't like that by the government. But short of a boycott I don't see Austin owning up to the responsibilities. If if nothing legally can be done by the state attorney general's office then I would think that a consumer's boycott. Consumers advocate group could conceivably initiate a bright
cap a citizen's boycott against Purina products. How far would you personally be prepared to get involved in this effort to get this straightened out here. I would go to hell and meet the Devil himself. Because someone is going to get killed and I certainly am not living under the most pleasurable conditions because my wife was dying here Carol. Last year when the start of the threw things off with the roof and that's that's 100 feet up in the air and you get hit with a Nader can for fight. You're not going to. Read very much longer than you think for a moment I will. Seek immediate retribution. I would be forced to kill the kids really were if my wife was killed and I swear to god I would do it. There is a remote but distinct possibility that the ranks of abandoned Buffalo area grey males like the Ralston Purina derelict may eventually be the presence of abandoned flour
mills as well. How real a possibility is it that some of the flower concerns in the area might hold out. I'm afraid it's a very real possibility. I think that would be traveling by events that may yet happen but on the other hand there have been several times in the last several years that several of the mills have looked at the question of whether they want to continue operating here. There is a possibility there's always a possibility when we were in the system like we are today where we compete against each other. But Pillsbury has no real cause in the den to fight any real possibility of a buffalo in the near future. We're going to stay here as long as he can and we can be as competitive as we can and look for opportunities to make our planet better. I understand though that there are some rising costs particularly in the transportation area that have caused concern around here until spring. That's definitely true of there's been two cases recently meaning the last year or so the last one being the Santa Fe Cotterill making a proposal to the
ICC to bring five car unit trains into the. Northeast basically East Brunswick New Jersey to write to ITV Continental. At a reduced rate of 51 and have sent to 60 cents of it depending on the tundra tonnage and tonnage. Which would undercut the Buffalo Bills going in the same direction. That puts a tremendous burden on the buffalo mills but we intend to fight it. D.C. ideate headed by Howe Fletcher in the system. Damn vice are doing good and to be here you know February 13th and present the case for buffalo may Millers are now claiming that the cost of doing business in Western New York is drawing so high that they may have to move their operations from the area. If this were to happen what would be the result in Buffalo. Well I just think it would probably yeah. Probably complete the the death blow to the city of Buffalo. We can't afford to lose the remaining notes here. The total direct employment is about sixteen hundred employees
if they are all shut down and we're not predicting that at this point. We lose not only there for the sixteen hundred jobs but the additional 2000 or 3000 jobs that depend on these and so it could be a calamitous effect. What would the company do with the building to assure that it would not be an open haven for vandals and kids looking for a place to play. First Well Pillsbury has moved out of the location before. Probably mention for people there is a huge corporation so they have found it necessary to leave various facilities behind what they first try to do is to sell the facility to some somebody or some division or some company that has. That this particular object operation would be compatible with. But if they would leave a place they would definitely make all the provisions they could for select audience and that's likely what has happened in the waterfront wouldn't happen again. Here we do the same thing that we would if we were there or leave. And as I said before we have no intention of leaving Buffalo. We intend to dig in and fight.
How do you feel about the fact that the flower industry is currently thinking about the. Possibility that they may have to pull some of the operations out of the Buffalo area. I think it's disastrous number. There just aren't enough jobs for the people in Western Europe. Better around 50 or 50 with 30 years service pretty rough for a lot of us. My brother. Received around here and there a benefactor people years ago. People are concerned the boys are for the
efficiency here. Labor Management. I'm just going to have a forward that would affect some workers how would they feel. Well certainly it would affect some workers but it's better to lose one or two than the 16. Should any of the local flour mill shut down there would be severe consequences for Buffalo the losses in tax dollars and other revenues would be devastating as would be the waste of valuable land the hazards of such vacated mills as we have shown our obvious city has always been a frog the city is that great that nobody ever cried and we cried long and hard and in the street and for years I was associated with the task force and and nobody hurt us. Hopefully the programs such as this will bring public awareness to the
problem and something will be done hopefully. Today and tomorrow night at 9:00 on cattle 70.
Ch 17 Reports
Contributing Organization
WNED (Buffalo, New York)
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This episode focuses on: Ralston Purina/Lova Canal.
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Channel 17 Reports is a news series that covers current events through in-depth reports.
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Identifier: WNED 05446 (WNED-TV)
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Duration: 00:28:50
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Chicago: “Ch 17 Reports,” 1979-02-09, WNED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “Ch 17 Reports.” 1979-02-09. WNED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: Ch 17 Reports. Boston, MA: WNED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from