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Parents. Say. Since the latter part of 1980 there's been an obvious crack down on prostitution in New York State and we were feeling the results of that crackdown as these girls are now invading. Niagara Falls and surrounding areas. Some of them are only babies 14 16 years old. But babies we sit and watch the other girls train the younger girls. We virtually have no laws in Canada against prostitution. We have the laws to work with us. We have penalties. We have the manpower we have the training we have the ability and I constantly say it and I'll say it again in Buffalo is one of the cleanest cities in the nation. On Channel 17 reports this week we'll examine the invasion of American prostitutes
since Niagara Falls Ontario. We'll explore the crack down on hookers in Buffalo which is forced these ladies of the night to flee north of the border to try their ages old trade. And learn how Housewives here are battling the problem as well as the frustration of authorities or hampered by weak Canadian laws governing prostitution. How do these prostitutes get in to your country. How are they doing various me and I have been known to Queen by taxi by their pimp by their own means of transportation. An alleged number come in by bus. The indication they're coming to bingo here in Niagara Falls. You have any idea how many girls are soliciting here and what age groups. The numbers vary every night but we do have an average of about 30 to 40 girls that are active. On an extremely busy night. I've seen as many as 60 and ages vary anywhere from 13 to mid-40s. What is
being infiltrated by the American hookers the area of bridge and area here in Niagara Falls is has long been. An. Area where prostitution has been active in this block. I could describe the corners will be bridge in every park street and Zimmerman Avenue. All of it seems to be centered within a one or two block area. One or two black area from here police department goes in City Hall. That's correct. And since the latter part of 1980 there's been an obvious crack down on prostitution in New York State and we are feeling the results of that crackdown as these girls are now invading Niagara Falls and surrounding areas. I'm very glad to see them gone. I'm sorry that they go to any specific community because they know there will be a headache there that they have been here. But I'm very very glad to see them go wherever they go. And I think that it's a tribute to first of all the laws that we have to work with in New York State that are very
clear as pertaining to prostitution pertaining to what evidence is required and the loitering laws and they're very very effective. And the manpower that's been stepped up and been used in an attack against them and I think that's why they left. And also there's been a tremendous increase in what I always consider the answer to most crime problem in the United States. I have books over there where they were. The judge is now the average sentence is 60 90 days 30 days. Previously it was five days 10 days. This plea reduced plea and so now they've been very very tough. And I attribute that to the fact that Mayor Griffin and the police commissioner Cunningham getting more and less calling attention to the problem that were arresting these girls but nothing too much is happening to them now. They're going away. What they shouldn't do should be put away.
How many visitors do you have here in Agathos Ontario yearly. We have estimates anywhere from 15 to 18 million tourists come through the city in a year. It's a lovely tourist Mecca but it appears to be stigmatized by prostitution. Where does the blame fall. Well this is something that has occurred to the point where we are concerned about it in the last couple of years. And I think the problem exists because of the severity of the laws and the Buffalo area. And the inadequacy of the laws in Canada. And this is right across Canada. It's not a local situation. Fortunately it's not directly in the tourist section but it is affecting our community and many of our citizens are very concerned about the fact that this does exist. I think it's generally found that our laws are more lax here. In Canada. And there is a greater control.
Of the situation across the border. And. So this is why they're coming here. Why can't you crack down on prostitution as the Buffalo police have. We're restricted by law. Soliciting for the purposes of prostitution. Now as a result of a Supreme Court decision the words defined by the Supreme Court a girl must be pressing and persistent in her behavior in order to be found guilty of soliciting. And we have never been able to define the meaning of the word pressing and persistent and therefore have not been able to succeed. And any charges of soliciting. We've had to resort to other criminal code offences as a result of prostitution for successful prosecution in our courts with other codes. Why are there other offenses that we've been successful with to date or offenses of girl some decency. There may have been charged with robbery theft all as a result of acts of prostitution. What is the status of Chippewas street and some of the other locations that
these ladies of the night had frequented so often in Buffalo. There's some prostitution I firmly believe there always will be but it's a very very low level. We don't violate anyone's rights. We don't make mass arrests. But yet we're a factor. Now these girls were never told to leave. When they suggested that they leave the corner and possibly he may be arrested they leave they leave. And that's what they have to go somewhere else. And that to me indicates why they they get out of the city of Buffalo because it's just too tough on them. But in attempting prostitution first of all you have to have a good law. You have to have a workable. You can send me out and say clean up the prostitutes when I can't work within the framework of the law because they all run all over here and they know that I only had the 15 day maximum penalty. Now it's 90 days. We had the 15 day maximum penalty. We're flooded with them that come in from all over the country above Buffalo to New York City the whole state was flooded with them and then they changed that to a 90 day penalty.
Then we could work with them with a 15 day penalty was useless for us all just how tough is it to. Be for. A hooker. It's very tough. You have to prove under the law that the woman has been pressing and persisted in her solicitation of the death of her partner and. Almost all of the girls that are working the streets are not pressing and persistent they make their approach if they're successful with the approach they leave and with the man and if they if they're not successful they turn around walk away and don't press anything further. I suppose from time to time there are occasions when they're when they're persistent. But basically the cases we've had they haven't been all that persistent. They know they seem to know what the law says and what the law is and the they bring themselves and their actions within the parameters of that decision of Parliament to argue all the courts have done is interpret the word solicit the offences soliciting prostitution. But the offenses is soliciting only if it's pressing and persistent.
That's right. So prostitution is well it's legal in Canada. In my opinion yes the only offensive connected with prostitution is if you slice it it must be very frustrating to you knowing that it is practically impossible to convict a prostitute. Know it's frustrating. In the sense that it's very difficult to get a conviction. And I know the feeling of the people in Niagara Falls for instance here are so upset with the fact that there are so many prostitutes keep walking the streets. My position is that we prosecute under the Criminal Code and the charges that you can lay under the Criminal Code and if it's not an offense it's not an offense. It's up to parliament to determine whether or not they want this kind of activity and if they do then they don't do anything with the law and if they don't then they're going have to amend it. You recently addressed a problem to the Federal Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. Now what did you tell these people.
Well I think that we are in a unique situation in Canada simply because we are dealing with people who are from another country other large communities have a problem with prostitution but not the same way we do the people we are dealing just know exactly how far they can go with the law. I personally have gone by there with my family in the car and the door has been opened and the comments made so if anybody walks on the street you can imagine what they're subjected to. So it is a serious problem and one of concern. Do you feel that after your presentation to the. Federal minister justice and the attorney general of Canada that there may be a possibility that the law may be changed. New legislation I have to be optimistic about that I was not particularly impressed with my meeting with the minister simply because he was very concerned about discrimination and about women's groups that come forward and
cause him some political problems as far as the civil rights of individuals and particularly women are concerned. However he has set up a justice committee to study this particular problem. As far as soliciting is concerned. We are now no longer even attempting to enforce the law of soliciting for the purposes of prostitution because we accept the fact that we would not be successful in a criminal court. We are forced to turn to other legislation in the hopes of detaining prostitutes such as the offenses I mentioned previously. In other words you're practically powerless and it appears that prostitution is legal in Canada. I hate to say that but that's the way it looks. The city council now is preparing to buy along their solicitors are working on this by law. They're taking a few weeks. And they're being very careful about it. So that when they haven't.
They. It will be effective and. Be carefully drawn up. Is there any national law that needs to be and at the very least by law cover it fairly well. So to pile on. I think it will cover it providing it's upheld in it's not appealed to. Some higher court and throwing out those laws that have been before. Last year one of these prostitutes. Actually jumped into a truck without any. Request by the driver. And he he continued driving. She said Where are you going. He says I'm going to the police station. At which she jumped out. So these girls are very bold. Even last evening as I was driving. A gentleman on to his office. In the downtown area. I was solicited from a distance myself. By these girls so they very very bold.
This area in the vicinity of the whirlpool bridge has long been known as the Tenderloin section of Niagara Falls Ontario. Bounded by Erie bridge queen and park streets. It's had its share of prostitutes and strip joints with male and female Gogo dancers. But the neighbors took it in stride. Now with the influx of dozens of American hookers nightly. Housewives in this neighborhood are taking it lightly. I understand that you housewives formed a hooker patrol. Tell me about it. How does it work. Well it's just a bunch of neighbors and friends and my sisters we all got together and we've decided we're going to demonstrate. To see if we could get rid of them because were on the street on the corner out here and they were out there until 3:00 and 4:00 o'clock in the morning and we couldn't sleep. And we asked them to go and they cursus and we decided we'd have to do something about ourselves. And what did you do. Somebody said you've done. Something sweet. OK. My
neighbor Emily. When we were sitting on the veranda and she got the water hose and she turned the water hoses on them on the corner. And. Then another. Wrote there in the car and carrying on and she went with a dust mop or something and chased him up the street. So many many night I was already in the bed. I came down and they opened the door and they yelled after the girls head. I have a kid go to school we need to sleep. The car is now about 1:00 2:00 in the morning. Stop. So what did you do about it. Well I said to my daughter Cathy and Polly I said and I'm I'm going to do something about that. Stop that girl. She said Mom don't do that to that good maybe dangerous something happened to you. I went for a corner was hit in the corner there and then I took the hose opened the cap. And with the whole crew and the police went right down the pike and let me pass with the hose and she said.
You make me wet. And stop in these Makai laughing. He didn't meet us. Having not seen my horse she said. I'm scared of you. Go home. I said don't worry I'll come back. I go back and fix the horse that trip. And she said police should wait. I mean the police said you had no business here in the corner. I don't need you figure. I've been here at a given time one. Evening. Or maybe 50 to 60 of them. They've been out there a long time. And what does the makeup of the white black young old. Well most of them last summer they were black girls. But now there's quite a few white girls out there. And some of them are only babies 14 16 years old. But babies we sit and watch the other girls train the younger girls. You know how to turn that trick on
you know. And I sit on my porch one evening and I watch this man. He had a girl out there working. She was only a girl I'd say about 14. And he was showing her the ropes he stood on a railroad track. And told her how to approach cars how she could tell a police officer when she got in the car and the whole bit. Have you or any members of your family ever been approached by Johns. Oh yes definitely. Like my daughter she's been approached and that's of course my neighbor's daughter my nieces when they come down this way they think they're prostitutes. Has anybody ever bothered you or any members of your family when you know. Yes. What's happened. Tell me about. Where we can go and the store we can go out there. A guy. Can we. I have a daughter and. She can go I can go out with them. She's been approached. No.
How about the men the men from this area or do you feel that they may be from out of there out of area or is it most likely they are brown Niagara Falls. I would I think 90 percent of them are married. Why the hell don't they just stay home and they got a wife. How do you fight this thing in your neighborhood. It's pretty hard if the cops swung by and by the line kick them off the streets or in jail or whatever you want to do with them. All right now the law so weak they can't do anything unless they find a hooker of physically assaulting a John. Really. No jail is really pretty. I haven't seen a guy on a motorbike pick one up and take. I wonder where they go. Let's put it this way. Most guys would go home and mind their business and P's and Q's and finish drinking to wherever it is it wouldn't cause much problem. Just as wrong as the woman they should put a law against a man saying it was a woman. That's my feeling. What are your conclusions. The hooker patrol headed by Mrs.
Courtney and the neighborhood houseflies. How do you view them. Well I give them a lot of credit because I think they have been in the forefront of the battle. And they've been out there in rain and shine. And in the cold even during the winter. They're out there every day. So I think as far as effort put out. In this battle. I think. They deserve more credit than anyone else for the amount of effort that they're putting into it. You talked to the girls. Oh yes. They seemed like real nice girls they're well-educated. There's nurses out there. Teachers out there. You'd be amazed that the girls that are out there they're nice girls to professionals and other professions. Yeah. It's sad though because they're only out there for a quick buck but they are nice girls. They respect us now. At one time they didn't but they do now.
How are. You. I know maybe. People. Where do you go. To find out just how wide open the prostitution problem is in Niagara Falls Ontario. Channel 17 reports went undercover with a hidden camera and concealed microphone in the act of hookers Haven area on bridge and clean streets within a short time. We were approached on two separate occasions by Buffalo streetwalkers hoping to turn a trick. What did you were you ever unship. Off. You. Work the city. Why why would you pick Canada. Ah. Here. You go to college. And. What are you doing Hookham. Me. For. Money. You know this coffee. Go. There.
You've got a girlfriend you know you want to get a girlfriend too. Well. I got I got now my buddy coming. Out this place bother you at all here. How come. I'm supposed to pick me up any minute. Well. He's got to go. You think. You think he wants to go. Well if I go he goes. But I don't know. You know. I was afraid maybe that the police would bust you. Russia. In Buffalo. I. Don't. Know. And. Business isn't too good. How many girls have you come over with. My. Humble. Opinion. Come on yourself. You have a guy temporising I know I drive my car. What do you do. Normally I work in a bakery. Is there any way to keep these American hookers from coming over here. Well I have to say that the local police have really done an excellent job in cooperating with us
and trying to keep this matter under control. But they are completely hands are completely tied by the lack of legislation. And I really think the only way to do it is new legislation that's got to be the answer and. We're trying to deal with it with a local bylaw. Also in my opinion it would just be an interim measure but that will be coming to our council within the next week and that will at least give us the opportunity to lay some charges on this problem and stand that many city officials and law enforcement people are hoping to get a change in this law. How would that come about. Do you feel it may be possible to get a change in your federal law. Well anything's possible. But the federal government has to determine that they want to ban prostitution laws such that it doesn't ban prostitution there's no prohibition on it only the solicitation never was in effect it was under the old
section 190 175 but under Section 195 one of the reasons there's no prohibition. They have to have a workable war. If you're like a cigar store you're just standing there you can put all policemen in the world there and if he can't move if he can't make arrests if he can't make these people fear them then you're going to him no walk right all over you. I will knock you right off the corner and that's what we had when we were faced with the 15 day penalty. It was almost impossible to stop him 15 days and go over and they the glass to be right and our streets were flooded with them. Our businesses were in tears. Teary 18 people became prisoners in their own homes. People were afraid to come into the downtown area and all those negative things that happen and when they made it up to 90 days again. And we were able to to bring them before the courts and then to get them stood up and to make them afraid of law and break the law. Do you have any knowledge of any of violence against any of these prostitutes. Death of
any of these prostitutes we hear these little rumors about town. And one of them may have been murdered. That's that's the story that I have heard. That this was the case. And the local Salvation Army officer told me recently that he got a call from our local police asking if they could put a girl up overnight. And. He was going to make some arrangements. This was about two o'clock in the morning. Then the police called him back and said that. She. Was going to be going back to Buffalo. Because by that hour of the morning her pimp would be so. He related that he wouldn't know what was going on anyway. But she she was afraid to go back to Buffalo because she had no money and she was tossed out of a car. And had no money and was afraid to meet. Her pimp or
whatever it is. So there is a lot of violence. Some of the girls I understand have been beaten up. So it's not all a rosy picture. It's not an easy thing for these girls. What are your thoughts in that Canadian justice system dealing with prostitution. I think it's very very weak. I really do. I think they can do something about it. Well let's face it you have to because it's getting out of hand now. Now this summer down here it's going to be wild. If we haven't got that bill through hookers Haven tell me about hookers hookers. So what can be done to toughen the law. How do you get a tough law here and not only here it's all of Canada. How do you get a tougher law against prostitution. I don't know. There's got to be a way. I think an amendment to our current laws would be very simple amendment would be just that any girl that is found or anyone not just female anyone found loitering. For the purposes of prostitution. Could be found guilty of an offence and therefore give us some means of
control. Just the loading for the purposes of prostitution would be all we ask. How is this in the works now. I believe it is. We have some. I know many cities have representation now to the federal government in the same area with the hope of changing the law. We're working on a local municipal bylaw that has been used in the Calgarian Montreal area. They have been appealed but it appears that we may get an interim solution to the problem until federal law has changed the way it appears now with your current law that crop prostitution can be wide open here in Canada. What's your opinion. It's only my opinion but I agree with you. Under the section there is no prohibition against prostitution. Section 1 ninety five point one says every person who solicits any person in a public place for the purpose of prostitution is guilty of an offense. It's not the offensive prostitution it's the offensive soliciting. So as long as the person is not pressing and persistent she can carry on the trade
of a prostitute. So what you have is prostitution. There's no prohibition on only soliciting. You can't have a body house or a bordello. You can't have a place of assignation where they go. But. The way our act is code is constituted right now. I don't see any prohibition. On a group of girls for instance were prostitutes renting a store advertising the fact that they're prostitutes and then it could do a discreet me in an ad they could have a storefront person or John or whoever wants to build themselves with their services could come in and make an appointment to go to his hotel room for instance and engage in the sexual activity that he wants and leave so long as they don't they're not pressing and they're not persistent and so long as they are not going to the same place all the time. And I just think that it's the laws that loose right
now that that could be that type of establishment could be set up and there's nothing you can do about it in the criminal code. This is your That's my only only my own opinion but my reading of it I don't see how you can stop it. Bearing in mind there's nothing pressing there's nothing persistent and the defense is soliciting. It's quite shocking. Well sure it is. But I think it's possible and I think if that happens then you may hear a hue and cry coming up and then maybe something will be done about it. But until that happens. You know. In a time when there's wisdom says we don't have anything against prostitution. It's an honorable trade. Then I suppose in a By-Laws of cities we have to license them
Ch 17 Reports
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WNED (Buffalo, New York)
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This episode focuses on: Hooker's Haven.
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Channel 17 Reports is a news series that covers current events through in-depth reports.
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Chicago: “Ch 17 Reports,” 1982-04-23, WNED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 28, 2024,
MLA: “Ch 17 Reports.” 1982-04-23. WNED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 28, 2024. <>.
APA: Ch 17 Reports. Boston, MA: WNED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from