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From deep inside your audio device of choice. Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know if you've noticed this or it was pointed out to you sometime in your educational past, but most Western democracies have a ceremonial figure at the top of the official tree and then a strictly politics, strictly business figure underneath. So in France, for example, they have a ceremonial president and then a bare knuckle prime minister. But certain European countries, a few, couple of the scandis and the Brits have a monarch in the top spot as opposed to a ceremonial president. And one might well ask, what's the advantage of having a dynastic monarch as opposed to a figurehead president who also gets elected, but he gets elected to do nothing.
But to do it ceremonially. And the answer to that question may be as close at hand as the G7 conference of Western democracies on Saturday, this past weekend, which had among its features the presentation of a very large cake enough for, you know, seven heads of government, the G7 and maybe some staff. I don't know. I didn't parse out the portions. And the Queen of England was in attendance, all 95 years of her at that dinner. And she was called upon or volunteered to cut that ceremonial cake. And she did so with a sword. With one hand, she was offered a knife.
She rejected the offer and cut the cake with a sword. That's what you need a monarch for. Hello, welcome to the show. A You gotta give me some fun.
Come here. Give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, now, Come here. If they're so good, they're all right. Come here say, Come here, Come here, Come here, Come here, Camera that can't go or do you give it some sugar?
Thanks, man. Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop. I'm cooking up. Boop. Boop. Boop. Got the cake! I'm a real good piece! I'm a little crazy man! Got the cake! I got the cake, give me cookies, it'll work, I'm on the side I got the cake, I need cookies, it's the cake, and it's not a spell I like it like that, I like it like that, I like it like that I'll never do it, I'll never do it like that I like it like that What the face of Goop the passing of the rail
Give me give me give me give me give me enough cake I'll never do it like that Give me give me give me give me give me give me the cake I said the face of Goop, no faster way to be around Give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me that cake! Got it! Oh! Oh! Cut it! Cut it! Cut it! Cut it! Cut it! Oh! Yeah! Cut the cake. Please! From New Orleans to Louisiana, where else? Where you walking slowly these days or you're now walking outside. I noticed it on the way in here. My gate slowed to an agreeable mid-summer crawl, just to get inside. From said New Orleans, I'm Harry Scherer, welcome you.
To this edition of the show, this one right here, none other, and now, news of America's longest war. You know, we've forgiven the Brits for colonizing us, haven't we? Seems like it. We have a special relationship now, not holding a grudge. Meanwhile, in another part of the world, it doesn't work quite the same way. This September, we're ending America's longest war, two decades on the dot. And here's how it's going right now. After 20 years of US troops being there, helping out, showing them the way. Scores of Afghan troops have been killed or wounded in the last few days, as the Taliban step up a tax amid that withdrawal of foreign forces, according to the German news service
Deutschewelle broadcaster, actually. Specialties among Afghan troops have been, quote, shockingly high, unquote, amid a surge in the tax by Taliban militants in recent days, according to a senior government official, fighting that is now raging in 26 of the country's 34 provinces has killed or wounded at least 150 Afghan troops over the last 24 hours. This was a couple of days ago. The officials said and comments carried by raiders, the deaths and injuries come as the Taliban, exploit the dwindling security brought about by the foreign forces withdrawal. The government says territorial clashes have increased as the US continues to pull out its remaining troops. Other NATO troops, including German ones, also began officially pulling out of the country main one, according to officials Taliban insurgents have captured two more districts, now
holding nine from the total of 388 in the country. Taliban fighters took over the Qaisar district of northern Faryab province, I know it sounds like we made it up in the raiders room, and an attack that killed and wounded dozens of Afghan security forces. Foreign forces were said to have retreated to a nearby hilltop from which they're still offering resistance. The Taliban also took control of Shahraq district and western Gore province, again causing a number of casualties among Afghan troops. Talks between the government and the Taliban have largely stalled amid mutual accusations of failing to hold tax against civilians, observers fear that if the Taliban regained power in the country, even as part of a power sharing government, women's and other civil rights could be endangered by the group's fundamentalist interpretation of their faith. Military experts have warned that the Afghan security forces will have problems fighting against the Taliban without foreign help being poorly trained and ill-equipped after 20
years of the United States being there. Poorly trained and ill-equipped is all, so what? Yes, you'd have to say job well done, guys, and gals, wouldn't you? Now let's talk about the birds and the bees. Over the last 25 years, the toxicity of 381 pesticides in the U.S., more than doubled for pollinators and aquatic invertebrates, such as your crustaceans, your Mayflies, and Dragonflies. That's according to a new study, just a report from environmental health news. Vertebrates did better, birds, fish, and mammals, toxicity dropped. But this made way for greater use of the insecticides, neonics, and pyrethroids that are bad for the invertebrates.
Both of these are less toxic to vertebrates, but more toxic for invertebrates, as a professor of ecosystem resilience at the University of Koblenz, in Germany, lead researcher in the study. His team examined the total amount of each pesticide applied annually in the U.S., from 92 to 2016, and the respective toxicities. Natural use of pesticides dropped, that's the good news, but there was increased use of neonics, especially toxic for pollinators like your bees, and pyrethroids, more toxic for aquatic invertebrates. Many pollinators and aquatic invertebrates are closely related to the target species that pesticides look to control, thus spring crops causes unintended deaths for these organisms. The increased toxicity found in the study, spells trouble, pollinators and aquatic insects are foundational species for entire ecosystems across the U.S.
We'll start new ones, okay, how's that? An influential American biologist, E.O. Wilson, calls invertebrates, quote, little things that run the world. A number of impermissible jokes go here. This is especially true in waterways. Said another researcher, they're part of decomposition, water filtration, their food sources for fish and birds. She said, this other researcher, pollinators which orchestrate reproduction for 90% of the earth's flowering plants contribute $24 billion in their services to the U.S. economy each year. About 15 billion comes from honeybees alone, and they're getting angry. No, no, no. They play an important role in the ecological production of fruits and vegetables. Well, we'll eat more paper. Aquatic invertebrates and pollinators are declining in the U.S. across the upper Mississippi and Lake Erie may fly populations have dropped by more than 50% just between 2008 and 2013.
23% of wild honeybees were lost. I'd look under the couch. One study in biological conservation, that's a publication, found that 33% of aquatic insects are threatened with extinction, 5% more than land insects. Studies from across the country and the world are generally showing decline. Temperature changes, habitat loss, and other pollution sources are driving that as well as pesticides. In the Midwest agricultural pesticide use is two and a half times higher than in other U.S. regions. As a result, a U.S. geological survey four years ago found that more than half of a hundred sampled Midwestern streams contained dangerously high pesticide levels for your aquatic insects. Go Midwest, man, look at them go, look at them wipe out those aquatic insects.
Somebody's got to do it, you know, one of our regions has to be first in that. And I say, why not the Midwest? Now, news of the Olympic movement, within the lay down beat, produced by Jim Everson the third. The accuracy of coronavirus figures released by the Japanese government has been called into question. The health ministry adopted new criteria for its calculations the beginning of this month according to the South China Morning Post.
Previously the total bed occupancy rate for people with the virus included in-patients in hospitals as well as people quarantining at home as they waited to be admitted to a hospital. It also included people who were not in-hospital beds specifically set aside for coronavirus patients. Now, people at home awaiting a space in the hospital are no longer counted in the occupancy rates. Similarly, non-critical coronavirus patients in ordinary hospital boards have been dropped from the totals. The new method immediately enabled the ministry to reduce the number of prefectures with bed occupancy rates above 50 percent considered to be stage 4 of explosive infection rate from 20 prefectures to just 11. It's one of the indicators the government uses to monitor the pandemic and introduce or cancel state of emergency orders. Similarly, the panel medical expert set up by the Japanese government to advise on the handling of the pandemic has repeatedly stated that the Olympic game should not go ahead
if Japan is still in stage 4. Thanks to the new figures, the government was able to announce that it will on Monday lift the state of emergency restrictions in three prefectures, which makes it look better for holding the Olympics. The government is expected to make a similar decision for five more prefectures next week. Ministry of Health declined a comment to the South China Morning Post. When asked if he has ever used a computer, Yoshitaka Sakurada, Japan's minister responsible for cyber security and the Olympics, told members of parliament, quote, I give instructions to my aide, and so I don't punch into a computer myself, according to writers. He made the mission to a parliamentary committee meeting this week when he was asked if he
was computer literate. I've been independent since I was 25, I've always directed my staff and secretaries to do that kind of thing. I give instructions to my aide and so I don't punch into a computer myself, but I'm confident our work is flawless. And a group of Japanese scientists, including some of the nation's most senior advisors in the COVID-19 epidemic, warns that allowing spectators at the Olympics will help the virus spread domestically and internationally. The recommendation bar or at least limit spectators represents an increasingly outspoken challenge from scientists to the government and the International Olympic Committee. They remain adamant about going ahead with the games. And in the IOC have already barred tourists from entering Japan to watch the games. Minions of people in Japan could attend competitions at more than 40 venues.
That would be a bad idea, says the informal group of 15 to 20 top public health experts. They worry their warning will fall on deaf ears. You gotta have deaf ears when you're a movement. And we all need one every day! And now ladies and gentlemen, some news from the inspectors general. They're not inspector generals, they're inspectors general. You're welcome, Dayline Oxfield Tennessee, the Tennessee Valley Authority Office of Inspector General, issued a report this week indicating that potentially contaminated liquids were released from controlled areas of TVA's nuclear sites. Just potentially contaminated liquids is all.
Nothing really to... Nothing really to get your patties in any kind of arrangement. Following concerns identified in a report on the Sequoia Nuclear Power Plant issued back last November, the OIG conducted an evaluation of TVA's handling of potentially contaminated liquids from what are called radiologically controlled areas or RCA's, RCA's without the dog. Based to the areas as limited, controlled by a radiation protection program, based on this report though, the OIG concluded that potentially contaminated liquids were released from the radiologically controlled areas. Hot RCA's, you might say, TVA operates three nuclear power plants, Brown's Ferry, Sequoia, and Watts Far. The OIG reported not all analysis were performed on the liquids before their release, analyses that should have been performed.
December 3rd, last December 3rd, TVA required all liquids to be monitored for damma radiation and trinium. The OIG has made recommendations to TVA nuclear, which concluded improvements for its trinium analysis on liquids. Trinium is that radioactive substance, which is in all the contaminated water that's going to be released from holding tanks at fuk into the Pacific Ocean, and the TVA OIG is saying, got to analyze the trinium levels, huh? Most hazardous when inhaled or swallowed is trinium, some of the health risks include increased occurrences of cancer. Oh, to be a purpose in the Pacific. The OIG also recommended improving documentation issues at each nuclear site, such as the incorrect correcting the incomplete submission of records, maintenance processes, and inaccurate
logs, incomplete records and inaccurate logs at a nuclear site, ladies and gentlemen. It's all under control, according to the OIG report, liquid samples were released at all three nuclear sites without testing for trinium. The Browns ferry plant was reported to lack the capability to test for trinium on site. A determined oil samples were shipped to TVA central labs for analysis, and were disposed of as used oil. The Sequoia nuclear power plant also lacked the capacity to test for trinium on site in non-water liquid samples. In a similar situation is at Browns ferry, oil samples were shipped to TVA central labs for analysis. The Inspector General reported that since TVA cannot confirm if the liquids had detectable radioactivity at the time of their release, it could potentially have put both the
environment and personnel at risk of exposure to radioactive contamination. Again, this is the same trinium that's going to be dumped from dozens, if not hundreds, of tanks at Fukushima, storage tanks, and dumped into the Pacific. This is all. And here's one to confound the dominant narrative in the media from just about a year ago, the final year of the Trump administration. So far, US Park Police and assisting law enforcement did not clear peaceful protesters from outside the White House so that then President could pose for a photo op in front
of the nearby church. That's what the Interior Department's Inspector General found. The move was planned, they say, several hours before the park police knew of Trump's visit, widespread failure to coordinate across seven law enforcement agencies to contribute to confusion and the unauthorized use of chemical irritants on Black Lives Matter protesters. Evidence shows the park police moved to clear the park last summer to allow a contractor to safely install anti-scale fencing. Homemakers had accused police of clearing the crowd to enable the photo op protesters had been in the park demonstrating against police killings of George Floyd, Virana Taylor and other unarmed black people. The evidence we obtained did not support a finding that the park police cleared the park to allow the president to survey the damage and walk to St. John's Church, said
the IG report. We found that the USPP, park police, does not have a detailed dispersal warning policy applicable to operations like the one that occurred on June 1. And this may have led to the ineffective warnings issued to the crowd that day. The three dispersal warnings through a sound amplifying long-range acoustic device like loudspeakers did not reach all protesters. Some officers began dispersing protesters before the park police issued its final warning. So just, you know, just your normal screw up news of inspectors general, ladies and gentlemen. It remains a copyrighted feature of this broadcast, despite nothing, despite nothing at all. This Donald Trump has been kicked off social media, Facebook has renewed his, the ban on him on Facebook for another two years.
I don't know what, what the rationale is for just two years, it'll take him through, I guess the next, the midterm election. Maybe that's it, and Twitter, the Twitter ban I think still holds. And his blog, I think we mentioned this last week, his blog has been shuttered. You can't even find it on the internet anymore. They have, I think it's probably in the way back machine or similar archive, but in the currently living internet, you will not find from the desk of Donald Trump that blog that lasted almost a month, it was shuttered because of lack of readership. And so one might think that the former president is who's, I think, I think all people, whatever their opinion of him can agree that he likes attention. He likes getting the public's eyes and ears on him.
And so some might think that he's fairly frustrated with the failure of the blog after the banning from social media, but it's just been learned by this program that he's starting something new to get your attention and we'll check in on it moments for now here on the show. Now I'll fill your hands with kisses and the touch zero for reality.
For reality, it's not for me, and it makes me laugh. Oh, fantasy world and Disney girls, I'm coming back. Oh, reality page and summer days, on old Cape Rock. Happy times, making wine in my garage. I appreciate your lemonade. Guess I'm slowing down.
It's a turn back world with a local girl in a smaller town. Oh, and girls in clear stars, that's what I like. Oh, fantasy world and Disney girls, I'm coming back. Oh, and girls in clear stars, that's what I like. Oh, and girls in clear stars, that's what I like. Oh, and girls in clear stars, that's what I like.
Oh, and girls in clear stars, that's what I like. Oh, and girls in clear stars, that's what I like. Oh, and girls in clear stars, that's what I like. Life and digital tape from Mar-a-Lago, Florida is the Donald J. Trump podcast.
And now, direct from the crown room, here's your host, Donald Trump. Yeah, it's not from the desk. It's straight from the horse's mouth. Yeah, it's your favorite president. And thanks to my co-host, Melania, for the absolutely fantastic introduction. Thank you. Just the very, very best. You could get a little closer to your mic. That wouldn't hurt the show one little bit. I'm fine over here. That's what Don Jr said. He was the original co-host, then he wanted to do his own podcast until he found out that I owned the trademark on Trump podcast. And be why, right?
I don't know what that point yesterday. So, it's not as easy to a deep platform, Donald J. Trump, as some people in Silicon Valley might think. We've already got our first sponsor for the podcast, which is like, maybe the fastest sponsorship deal ever. That's got to teach the fake news a little lesson about the continued popularity of Make America great again. That's the name of the sponsor, too, isn't it? Maga mattress. You can't see it, but she looks even hotter off camera. That's right, honey. The Maga mattress. We've been sleeping on it for the past couple months. If it isn't the best mattress I've ever slept on, I wouldn't let them sponsor me. Of course, who knows more about mattresses? Then Mike Lindell, the my pillow guy, right? If he doesn't have a PhD in comfort and bed, nobody does. And if you can get a good night's sleep during this latest part of the biggest witch hunt since the invention of witches. Right, right.
So, Shifty Adam Schiff, he crawls out from his rock, tacked like it's no big deal to leak the most important national security secrets since the Israeli H bomb, which not even I'm supposed to know about, and it's not like Jack Kennedy didn't have his brother's attorney general to protect him either, right? By the way, I think at all the photographs, the secret service shared with me from January 6th is sure looked like more than a few patriots brought a Maga mattress with them in case, you know, they had to spend the night inside the Capitol, which... And you said at the time you thought the Capitol police who confiscated them probably never had a better night's sleep. And it's such a joke that Shifty Schiff is on the Intelligence Committee. Because I need strength to tell you what he lacks his intelligence. See that joke lands harder if you're right up close to the mic. I'm fine. And the fake news is acting as if a 17-year-old has never been used as a cutout in any kind of crime, whether it's a drug deal or national security or even just a mattress theft. I mean, who wouldn't want a Maga mattress? If I could tell you the names of the major celebrities who swear by it, I wouldn't have to.
That would be a secret worth stealing, wouldn't it, honey? I guess we should ask, and I'm sure. And while we're at it, since when does a gag order expire? That's like a pardon that runs out and then they come and get, say, Roger Stone and take him to jail again. Makes no sense at all except maybe to sleepy Joe. You see him over in Europe with all those leaders who are so glad to see him because now they don't have to spend the 2% on NATO anymore? Half the British Army is there just to make sure he stays awake. That's one guy who doesn't need a Maga mattress to have the best sleep of his life. His whole life is the best sleep of his life, right? And the great thing about a podcast, unlike a blog, you don't have to sit down and write it. Yeah, right. Great joke. Are they still putting out Serbian vogue? But you just sit down in front of a mic, and next thing you know, you're out of time. Next show will have a special guest Jason Miller, best consultant any president ever had. And Melani is going to talk with the designer of the gown she's wearing to the reinstatement, right, honey?
I'm fine over here. Till then, it's your favorite president saying so long for my house. Mr. Jeff Bezos only wishes he could be so lucky to live in. And now. Is a smart one after all. Is a smart one after all. Is a smart one after all. Is a smart one after all. Is a smart one. Google you've heard of them. It's being fine 220 million. Well, no, sorry, $266 million. This is giving it to you in euros there by Francis and I trust rock watchdog and I trust for abusing its dominant position in online advertising. Google is also promising to overhaul the way its platform is used for buying and selling digital ads, at least in France, which could have repercussions on its continuing legal fights with regulators elsewhere in Europe, the US and around the world.
This according to the AP Google's advertising practices have harmed its competitors along with publishers of mobile websites and applications according to the French competition authority says it's the responsibility of a company with a dominant market position to avoid unfairly undermining the competition. Google did not dispute the facts up to the settle after proposing some changes. The Sunlit might serve as a roadmap for other governments that are scrutinizing Google's market power says Douglas Melamad Melamad law professor. Court I imagine that Google's decision to settle reflected a judgment that it could live with these terms, even if it were forced upon it by other jurisdictions. He said the decision according to the head of the French competition authority was unprecedented in the way it delved into complex algorithmic auctions that power Google's business of selling online ads.
The fine along with Google's commitment to changing its practices quote will make it possible to reestablish a level playing field for all players and the ability for publishers to make the most of their advertising space according to the head of the competition authority. Google has been collaborating for the past two years with the French watchdog on issues related to ad technology according to Google France's legal director. The commitments made during negotiations quote make it easier for publishers to make use of data and use our tools with other ad technologies. The French authorities investigation just to prove that there are no good guys was prompted by complaints from Rupert Murdoch's news corp, as well as the French newspaper group Le Figaro and the Belgium-based Orosel Lavois. The Figaro later withdrew its complaint because of its name being mispronounced.
US tech giants have begun facing intensive scrutiny in Europe and elsewhere over their business practices. Germany is the latest country to launch an investigation of Google using stepped up powers to scrutinize digital giants. The German competition watchdog says it is examining whether contracts for news publishers using Google's news showcase a platform launched last fall include quote unreasonable conditions. Earlier this year Google signed a deal with French publishers that paved the way for it to make digital copyright payments. Also I believe now obligated by law to make such payments or something like them in Australia. European Union regulators have also charged Apple with stifling competition and music streaming, accusing Amazon of using data from independent merchants to unfairly compete against them with its own products. What's your stuff that's selling really well? Oh great, we'll do that.
They're investigating Google's data practices for advertising purposes, recently opened a formal antitrust investigation into Facebook's advertising practices. And the Justice Department in this country, the United States seeking to prove that Google has been methodically abusing its power as the internet's main gateway in a style that hurts consumers and advertisers. If you could hurt consumers and advertisers, you're doing something wrong. You got to, you got to help at least one of those groups, you know, you know which one normally gets helped, but anywhere. That is, that's what's going on in a smart, smart, smart, smart world. Now a little bit of nuclear news, putting the news back in. It doesn't work. I just tried it. During her visit to Southern Nevada this week, the U.S. Secretary, I should preface this with the reminder that so far, I think one country in the world, one small Scandinavian country, has announced the launching of a permanent repository for its nuclear waste. No other country has yet been able to make such a move, including the United States.
All of the nuclear waste in this country is currently being stored at temporary facilities, including in Southern California, in a bunch of canisters right by the ocean. We love the ocean, don't we? And now, so during her visit to Southern Nevada this week, the U.S. Energy Secretary, during her grand home, said up these longstanding plans which have been put on hold to use Yucca Mountain in Nevada as our permanent storage repository for nuclear waste, are off the table. I think they've even dismantled the table. The site has been the center of legislative and legal battles for decades, estimates say there are about 80 sites around the country with an estimated 80,000 metric tons of spent nuclear fuel.
We still don't know where to store it permanently. You know, for like thousands and thousands of years until the radio activity is half gone, Yucca Mountain has repeatedly been floated as the place received no federal funding to do so. A couple years ago, the former president wanted to move forward on Yucca Mountain. Nevada congressional leaders vowed to fight the attempt to build the dump, while the state was involved in a legal battle that aimed at blocking the department of energy from shipping weapons, great plutonium, to a site near Yucca Mountain. The government has spent more than $19 billion on this issue over the last 30 years, and still no permanent storage. During her visit this week, Grand Homes said a commission set up under the Obama administration was tasked with finding the right community how to spend fuel.
We're beginning that process now, she said. The Obama administration was some years ago. The bottom line for Nevada is that Yucca Mountain will not be a storage place for nuclear waste. She said she added that a shipment of the plutonium made by the Trump administration, without the knowledge of then Nevada governor Saundewal, is in the process of being moved back out of the state. That removal won't be complete for another five years. Takes a while to move the plutonium babe. It don't move itself. Clean cheap, too safe to meet her. Our friend, the Adam. And now, the apologies of the week. It's so sorry.
Here's news of your boy iced tea. Unpaid crew members on his show, the mediator. Did you know? Me neither. We'll be paid in full by this coming week according to the show's creator Andre. Jet mirror. He said 11 members of the crew have yet to be paid in full because of cost overruns attributed to shooting during the pandemic. COVID just destroyed the budget completely. He said it was absolutely brutal. 20 episodes of the show featuring iced tea in a court like setting resolving the real life disputes of feuding guests. How can you miss with that? Aaron on Fox owned stations around the country. I haven't been paid either. So you could put me down the list too. Jet mirror said. He said they show as a black independent production, not a Fox show. I own the copyright. We hope to do more episodes.
We have an offer to do more shows in a letter he wrote to all parties. The production costs he says have been wildly unstable. We take our commitments to our crew seriously as the rights holder and executive producer. I apologize for though that feel less than important and though the journey was not an easy one. We can't thank you enough for your patience and understanding. Why don't they take the complaint to the boy I see and let him mediate it? Seems obvious. Date by David's California church's message meant to inspire with triggering anger this week but the church's pastor says it was misinterpreted. The timing of the sermon preview on its message board. Warning about having excessive pride wasn't going over too well with some who are celebrating. Pride month. It was at least ignorant if not in really poor taste, if not something more.
Said a protestor. At the pole line Baptist church in Davis. Pride can make you sick was the message. It's hurtful because it's doing it in a month. The pastor extra hardy says I apologize to anyone read the sign and thought it was attacking them. When we get prideful and think that we're better than somebody else that's going to lead to our downfall. Pastor hardy said so the sign is actually done the opposite of what my message is going to talk about. We love our community. So they took the sign down. The mayor and commissioners of Portland, Oregon. I've sent an email to all sitting employees admitting in battle agency. The office of community and civic life needs to be reformed. It has a dysfunctional and toxic work culture and it's had so for too long.
That apology was made Friday in an email to city of Portland employees. The email acknowledges the findings of an assessment by a consulting firm that the city's city attorney's office had tried to withhold. As part of the healing process, the city of Portland must take responsibility for allowing a dysfunctional and toxic work culture to continue. Unaddressed for so long, the city of Portland apologizes to current and former civic life employees for the environment mistrust, fear and polarization this has caused. It is unacceptable and will not continue under new leadership and this Portland city council. The office was formerly known as the office of neighborhood involvement. The name change didn't help, barely. It wasn't enough. It rarely is, I find. But call me Jasper Fernema.
As people online flock to show that magnets stick to their post-vaccine arms. You know about this? Arms, necks, foreheads. One man is apologized after proving himself wrong in a follow-up video. This from Newsweek. There's still Newsweek? I worked at Newsweek. When there was Newsweek, 25-year-old Rob Morocco first posted a shock at finding that a magnet was able to stick to his arm after his vaccine last week. I am genuinely in shock. I swear on my life. This is not a joke. It's not sticky. This is where I got my injection the other day. This is a magnet, a powerful magnet, he said in a TikTok video. He filmed the magnet staying on his arm by itself and a follow-up video again showed the magnet stuck to his arm this time poking it to prove his durability. But baby power on that spot and try the same thing suggested a viewer in the comments did exactly that. Rubbed a baby power powder on his arm at the start of the video. To prove that this is not my sticky skin, I got baby power that we're going to put on my army said it's impossible for it to be sticky now.
If this sticks, I'm going to freak out, unquote. The magnet didn't stick to his arm this time instead slipped off completely and onto the floor. I would like to issue a public apology for being an idiot, he said. That's an apology you can take to the bank. The mayor of Lisbon has come under fire after admitting that municipal employees shared with Russian official personal details of at least three Lisbon-based dissidents who organized protests in support of jailed Russian op-o leader Navalny. Municipal government obtained the personal data when the Russian activists applied to hold a rally in Lisbon against Navalny's arrest. The authorities about upcoming protests. The names ID numbers, home addresses and telephone numbers were submitted so cops could contact anything went wrong during the event. Email exchanges in the run up to the protest that one of the protesters was shown reveal that municipal employees had forwarded the data to Russian diplomats in Lisbon and Russia's foreign ministry in Moscow.
That's a big oops. Lisbon mayor, Fernando Medina, this week apologized for what he said was, quote, an unfortunate mistake. Unquote that he blamed on the municipal chamber's workers. Quote, the mistake was due to the bureaucracy of the services that applied to this protest. The same protocol says for scores of other protests that take place in the municipality said. His political opposition has called for the mayor to resign. His office did acknowledge the breach of EU data protection rules but said it vehemently rejects any accusations and insinuations of complicity with the Russian regime. It added that Lisbon City Hall had asked the Russian government to delete the data. The laughter in Moscow could be heard in Lisbon.
A Serbian professional volleyball player was suspended after being caught making a racist racist racial gesture during a match against Thailand. You know what the gesture is. It involves the eyes. It's a violation of international international federation of volleyball disciplinary panel subcommittee. Explosive, it doesn't expose the imposes sanctions on volleyball players suspended the player in question. Sanya, George, Javik for two games following the incident and the Serbian women's national volleyball team was fined. George, Javik has since apologized for making the gesture. I'm aware of my mistake and I immediately after the match apologized to the whole Thailand team. I only wanted to address my teammates with the message. Now we will start playing defense like them. I didn't mean to disrespect anyone on the court. The Dean of Dartmouth College's Medical School announced this week that he's dropping an online cheating investigation of more than a dozen students at the school. 17, in fact, were charged with cheating based on a review of certain online activity on their devices during remote exams according to New York Times.
Charges were based on data from a learning management system called Canvas that tracks students work electronically. Software review by the Times found that the student's devices could automatically generate Canvas activity data even when no one was using them. I've decided to dismiss all the honor code charges at the dean. I have apologized to the students for what they have been through. That's your smart world of work. The U.S. Army is apologized after late-night military training exercises this week in Bloomington, Indiana caught some residents by surprise with low-flying helicopters, simulated gunfire, and explosions. Many residents on the city south side were worn through flyers. About the exercises late Monday and early Tuesday, others were not. The noises left them rattled and wondering what happened in the middle of the night.
We apologize for that, said Elise Van Poole, deputy PR officer for the Army Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg, where the soldiers participating in the training were stationed. Here at Fort Bragg, it's not unusual to see helicopters flying around. We recognize that for most people across the U.S. having their window shake from a helicopter close by is not usual. U.S. Army, apologizing ladies and gentlemen. As his award-winning actress and singer Cher, apologizing for a mix-up involving two female senators in a Monday tweet that has since been deleted. Cher attacked Senator Kristen Gillibrand, Democrat of New York, and Senator Joe Manchin, Democrat of West Virginia over their opposition to doing away with the filibuster. Saying the two were not Democrats, but were all caps traders. The only problem was the Democratic Senator who said she wouldn't support doing away with the filibuster is Democratic Senator Kristen Sinema of Arizona.
A few hours later, Cher took the tweet down, issued an apology to Gillibrand for confusing her with the Senator from Arizona, Gillibrand, support any filibuster. And the people of New York. Many capital letters about apology. And the head of the colonial pipeline thing has apologized deeply sorry for the impact that the cyber attack had on the pipeline. Apologies to the weak ladies and gentlemen to copyrighted feature of this broadcast. Now answer yourself now, Keir.
. . . . . Well ladies and gentlemen it's sad to say but I've run out of the hour there's no more hour left in this hour so that's the end of this week's edition of the show back next week at the same time over the same radio stations .
The e-mail address for this show your chance to get cars i talk t-shirts such a deal and the playlist of the music here here all at and i'm on twitter at the harryshear. . The show comes to you from century of progress productions and originates through the facilities of w-w-n-o New Orleans flagship station of the Changes Easy Radio Network. So long from the crossing city.
Le Show
Producing Organization
Century of Progress Productions
Contributing Organization
Century of Progress Productions (Santa Monica, California)
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Segment Description
00:00 | Open/ What's a monarch for? | 02:25 | 'Cut The Cake' by Average White Band | 06:54 | News of America's Longest War : Shockingly high casualties of Afghan troops | 10:28 | News of Birds and Bees : Increased toxicity of pesticides | 14:38 | News of the Olympic Movement : Massaging coronavirus figures | 18:57 | News of Inspectors General : Potentially contaminated liquids released from controlled areas of TVA's nuke sites; Trump did not clear protesters for the church photo op | 25:47 | Facebook renews ban on Trump for another 2 years | 27:32 | 'Disney Girls (1957)' The Beach Boys | 31:33 | Live from Mar-A-Lago : The Donald J. Trump Podcast | 35:59 | Smart World : Google fined $266M in France | 41:01 | News of the Atom : Yucca Mountain will not be a nuclear waste dump | 44:33 | The Apologies of the Week : Ice T's The Mediator, Pole Line Baptist Church, Portland City Council, Lisbon mayor, Serbian volleyball player, Dartmouth, US Army, Cher, Colonial pipeline CEO | 56:13 | 'Big Greaze' by Stanton Moore /Close |
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Host: Shearer, Harry
Producing Organization: Century of Progress Productions
Writer: Shearer, Harry
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Century of Progress Productions
Identifier: cpb-aacip-741b90aeaf9 (Filename)
Format: Zip drive
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Chicago: “Le Show; 2021-06-13,” 2021-06-13, Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed December 3, 2024,
MLA: “Le Show; 2021-06-13.” 2021-06-13. Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. December 3, 2024. <>.
APA: Le Show; 2021-06-13. Boston, MA: Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from