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from pri pri public radio international public radio international you're listening to a breath and how long audio journey to practices and perceptions of bright in america that has made possible in part by or ghana county a farmer owned cooperative committed to providing family owned organic products since nineteen eighteen information at organic valley dot com and mother loved creating organic products for pregnancy and breastfeeding birth and bebe's since ninety nine the information that another love dot com he should he have a suburban america has changed dramatically over the last hundred years the rise of technology has seeped itself into the most profound an intimate aspects of our lives health how we maintain an even how we give birth and one hundred years ago when ninety nine percent of mothers skipper ninety eight percent of the mothers deliver in hospital
what is britain america today how does it reflect our culture and what choices to mothers happen what are some of the challenges and try and some other states and how can you do you're doing it as a community theater during a strain in power and accomplishment i'm below pleasure intense sensation do you think this generation have a conversation about how we give birth because we we haven't talked about it in thirty years sam contractions would start and maybe start happening few times an hour than they would get more frequent
much more intense contractions of the uterus and yours is a muscle bag and so it has contracts like her bicep contracts and it's nice and firm and its with that effort that the baby's head start getting pushed down and it's pushed out some more that starts to accommodate to find its way in through the bondholders eventual a time when the contractions are happening every two three minutes and the baby's head is vince pushing on the cervix more pushing on the search more opening in the service opening the woman at some point didn't get the urge to touch he said and the city and so that's when she's definitely in this own it's a different mind space it becomes very primal feel that sense of being overtaken by diverse force she can't help but push the nerve fibers they are just telling her like oh you got to do something anything you have to clutch there's no choice get out of the way in give
yourself too and so with this very primal pushing and the baby's head starts to emerge and they take a while sometimes it's fairly quick sometimes hours and then we see the babies head of matthew weiner had with their eyes and the shoulders deliver and the rest of the body the mechanics and then we put that nice fresh well baby ride on her tummy perfect in them roll i like to think about what's happening in obstetrics little bit like what we sing in society that haven't yet been stepping up saying you know what i don't want any more fake talk about food i want fresh organic natural just like people you know i'm like you know birth experience that a choice that kind of experience of the main west to happen i am i really healthy pregnancy yes well read a patient who is informed and wants to ask her questions and wants
to have some role and what happens with the very end to looking on lying wearing what stage the ad was that every second every day these patients are coming with more to mayors and it's ok to cover the thirty two page plan but the reality is it may not exactly politically and they have things they printed out on the internet and that does make some thoughts shutter fish because he had to go over all that stuff we have deliberately resistant but malaria ward in the hospital and probably literally waiver the letters are leaving the hospital with a whole thing about how you get from the bottom to the top is less important than getting that up and that's how you but my vision is for my labor i wanted to be natural and i don't want a pc out of me and i one time the labor and pineapple come in early and you know it's kind of a setting that and he just kind of chuckled and jere went into labor and said oh this is a lot to ask her first time on the not so much its so much to ask your money to be able to open that quickly and not tear and i just thought this is the country and
everything and reading so if you effectively kick in what you want and what you don't want your likely to get pretty close to what you wanna let something goes wrong and then you have to kind of trust the people we can here if i stayed with him if i can't have to advocate for myself in a i didn't do that wonderful to just turn off and be taken care and just hammered the main focus on them as for the lawyers this for different you need to have the confidence of the doctor or the midwife was going to assist you in the process and it really strong team and i that i could trust patients lose and the nurse we protest the plane physically emotionally and spiritually to ensure safe and satisfying parts i was insisting on having to i wanted the consistency of care continuous labor support she came into the hospital and was laboring so beautifully and she was checked and she was three centimeters which seemed so odd to make is i really thought the strongest her labor woes should be further along and so as the doctor went out to get the nurse i
realized i hadn't asked her what was going through her mind and when i did she began to cry hysterically but as she slowed her sobs down she said to me i was thinking how i'll never feel this baby inside me again and as much as she couldn't wait to see her baby she was relishing mosul last squirms and clicks inside well the amazing thing is for a policing that rotten feeling the nurse came in and she began to make some granting sounds which sound very much like pushing so the nurse got the doctor and the doctor gotten about one ago la barbie for catching the baby it's laid out texas survival that's very clear in our guts to all of us as human beings we instinctively know how many touches the protective issues of learning something more than you'll ever love anything else in life the moment you're saying no me me the most important person in your world and attaches the
self esteem of coming to have to have what it takes to be a good mother good birth or what my body can create a healthy baby i've never done before it touches everything i heard so many women say the same thing that i feel like superwoman they feel like now that they gave birth to me anything they can do anything and this amazing experience of empowerment that they believe in themselves that most strongest most powerful that they can see themselves as apparently human being able to do things that they didn't realize that they were able to do before rite of passage that you were a part of that you want a passive pitches and you know i think that really helps the transition into motherhood you just went to the most difficult thing that you possibly ever done and now
the next most difficult thing that you'll ever do is amazing child and you prepare for a lot of you feel that you feel good about yourself you feel like well i just did this and and capable and i can do this and make a movement then i think all those things are necessary part of why the journey from being and a woman without a child to being a mom or a hospital industry die like of china advances in medicine hospitals can be very healing places are so beautiful what can come close do you put inside me that i am but when i get say cal is thereby change on that occurred the process where i think i was like hurt for some reason i think of big word in my head when i think about or not even just like the day you have a kid but the whole process of being pregnant you feel like i'm going to be ok and intimate be very intense trust
your body we humans we have a genetic code that in a collective way of living that humans have the thousands and thousands of these renowned this modern marathons new technology and science it is still fundamentally made out of the same stuff and so when you take these things away from us and their experience you disconnected from how we're meant to live how we instinctively know how to live how he instinctively knew how to do things i don't want to be disinherited my greetings been so what i want but mostly what i want is a healthy baby and i don't want ever live with the regret that i could have prevented something oh yeah winona were to know it took boston
turned for working away in and i just really felt this strange wraparound preempt a bad period cramped uterus muscles are stretching really heighten menstrual cramps really strong a menstrual cramps and just incredibly intense energy and so i thought oh my gosh this is really authentic mit labor so what my doctor's office in i think we were still the mindset that when their lives that we felt like we could pretty much be in control of everything and that if we plant things aren't enough homework or research ahead of time that we could essentially plan everything up so i went to the hospital and i just felt like wow i can do this and doing this and handlers and then they made me down in this bed in a stranger might never been an and helped me at a machine but it's called you know he was on lake delhi was hard it was like someone had paid ten pound week on my belly and just rested their unbalanced it when the monitors
facing towards mean the nurse really was explained to us about what's going on back i assumed they were just checking out see how the mystery and i see these lines between the deep end it just didn't match the feeling i had inside of tenderness and excitement and doesn't want his new digs in cannibal noise most women entering a hospital end up having continuous feed all monitoring and up with ideas and the other techniques that for a normal birthing women have no place they actually by being tethered to a monitor and restricted in your mobility tend to cause problems in the united states ninety four percent of mothers have electronic fetal heart monitoring the baby's hari was going to low end it was concerning them that they want to just monitor the situation they made me stay on my side for that homemade i couldn't move everyone smiled like i think every couple hours to let me get up a walk around a little
need for the bathroom that unfortunately every time i'd get up walk around the check the tirade and he and fluctuating mentioned went pretty low acidic power it again and make me lay down among scientists really painful is different in labor because i felt like i was being cramped up in a box the city struck a woman on to that feel monitor you in immediately and p had her ability to move about freely and to labor and birth in ways that feel good intelligible her use traps are and that and didn't feel right a distant hill right we now have scientific research and the research is showing that the best way for a woman to give birth i need to be up and moving is moving around because i felt fabulous when i was walking around is having continuous support by those that she chooses and having the ability to even drank and assume any position cheap like both for labor emperor and i started to wonder about something i've read at the time about will maybe they were monitoring hire a man's to a fall right midi maybe his heart rate wouldn't be a problem but
i didn't wanna mess with the situation because they really seemed like they were concerned and in europe they're doing during the hospital you trust the doctors who have done this a million times they would know what they doing everybody's goal is to have healthy mama healthy maybe i went through three obstetricians because i was there so long finally one of us that we want to get some sleep tonight you know you've got a couple of nights of no sleep so it hadn't progressed much are things have gotten for seniors and so they said they were going to become one or if they did die the plane was unbelievable some people tell you you don't have to feel pain in your labor and it outlines of things up at the end i have to say that this was something else it was once a light electric shocks going around in a circle around and around my body but it was more than that he was sight when you go to church and hear about the creation story see artwork that explains it and you see everything coming together water in the sky in the earth and everything happening magic happening all at
once that like all that was happening inside my body it was everything was being invented all one thing and yet imploding at the same time i mean there's such pressure from my muscles i felt like i should've been writing about you know i felt like something about the way i guess i'm a grown up and had raised me not want to make any noise so i don't make any noise there are pretty much only works for breeding i just we are inside an hour and try to hold my breath and so he was forced to cut it out to the mayors the doctors had consulted with me while i was going to this extreme pain about whether nano an epidural really you just need a lot of relief she needed to be able to relax in the united states' seventy six percent of mothers had at the girls not consider how big hopefully don't need a relief not what i wanted to have one and seventy six percent of mothers have ever girls that's really surprising i was really
ready for that girl gladly accepted it relief and i said well what he thinks could happen i mean i think that i am i'm not painting outside maybe i should have won i gather probably good idea it's possible we could diffuse c section of this baby doesn't mount a timely manner because heart rate's fluctuating so badly and her solo and so i say what it is yet ready to cut me open definitely get an epidural another girl is injection of local anesthetic and the local anesthetic works very similar to the way it works and then to an epidural reduces the input from the uterus in the cervix that the brain and the patient pursues it as numbers that takes away the pain puerto ricans still maintains the pressures on stage and then they will use for their patrol was a little intimidating to see it three four inches in length problem we compare it to any deliveries for giving blood it's larger than the standard beedle the chickeny going to get laboratory john anderton be putting into your back in the lumbar region and you're backed ian typically they have the kind of in a crouched
like position hanging over the edge of the bed and the physicians on the other side of the bed in in the lumbar region and serving the meal straight into the ask aids tapes going out the back and there's a lot of tape someone the source quite taken off at the end of the month and bet is take that back a very secure set of the time and once you receive another girl you are to remain in the bed for the rest of the labor and usually for a couple hours after as medication wears off winnipeg than you know in my spine is more than a pensions more than one you know it's more than your average nino it burns and found them when they push you can feel them pushing in the solution and well and why did help my editor of the taper very quickly i would say is they have to consider getting in again because it was scary everybody was saint domingue don't know when everything in me said move move you know walk around and jump around ran and downsize just being very stalinist pre scary though when he was
done they did help control pain and i could still feel my legs i could still move them that felt really relieved to do that is i wanted to still owns experience that at that very moment the doctor took a peek inside of me and so what ok like if you are having a baby and i realized that what had been happening to my body and severe pain was on the transition when they talk about and bringing class it was the baby coming out means babies things then saying here and you're in pain for a reason you don't have something worse coming what is what i thought about their doctors are telling me this is a transition that says the part before the sides were terrified that would get yours so here was coming so they're right there it makes an emergency again they're busting up the doors and willingly through on a bed of people are chasing after me and into the operation and just in case you know they have to cut me open ended twenty minutes later i pushed the guy out
i really should is it ah maybe it'll be at a lot of laborers today are either started called induction or speeded up called augmentation where the top drug called potato center towson specifically is a synthetic hormone oxytocin which is producing the pituitary gland in ernst increases smooth muscle contraction in the uterus and this mimics the drug that our own body
produces called oxytocin it's called the hormone of love is just what the natural for a motive at this time is injected usually speed things up or initiate whether and when it's produced by us in our bodies it's produced in our brain and gives us a sense of wellbeing of pain relief it really creates that euphoria that women often feel at the moment an afterburner is completely high on all the hormones and everything else that was coursing through a body of the baby is also producing oxytocin in their brain and a lot of this oxytocin is what trips down into the bloodstream and causes those uterine contractions and gets the baby boy warrant but what we give it synthetically artificially it's injected into the bloodstream and it's not able to go back into the brain so neither the mother or the baby get these benefits of well being of pain relief of carmen ultimately of euphoria thirty nine percent of american mothers getting do just that it happened to me the first
time starring a birth experience in an environment where technology is used for interventions are so easily customized thing that makes this so much more likely to use them and to intervene that by distancing myself even just by the ten blocks and i went away from the hospital that you know he's really empowering it kept me from feeling those things that fingers region you know having any desires you like them and i think the hospital industry gets shafted much too much it's what we gave up what we're keeping up and our choices in the twenty first century we should be grateful for our advances in medicine that gives somebody else's responsibility and leadership that it could be extremely oh my god it has to be all natural no hospital on our attention and i don't think it's good to be extreme everything has been about the house why can't anything actually you need to feel it's right within yourself and have the best of both worlds because were blessed enough to be living here where
we have that option every plant every animal reproduces itself it's not so miraculous really that it feels miraculous just another person come to the world we've got essentials that all women in the world you know have this ability creative ad and naturally that really hit me well dewayne talk people out of some become citizens weren't thinking about having a home birth as a friend i say you're crazy you're likely to have a good positive outcome inexperienced but what happens if you have that one you know in whatever the statistic is where you have a bad outcome two percent of american mothers had emergency transfers from home or from a birth center have you deal with that when if you were in a hostile likelihood of that kind of bad outcome happening are much slim especially when you're an institution that can support no matter what happens the risks not a change that says your perception of how
to be a lot of changes but most women are watching tv and seeing movies and screaming in the pain reaches inside and movies and characters for training them tolly and realistic way as it's always complicated to a scary too as risky and i think that makes women just you can't help but be scared and that's all you know we're like this is just it's called fading fire whole life is going to hurt you given birth sounds painful yeah sounds very painful felt like putting a bowling ball through you hired like a long years and i have fun like the high rate is before things like the fly the band's feeling paying every day to get every building either didn't know in her sister this cavernous you need to do it internally
he was having the brain and the brain and he of course loved it on my were nineteen and everything's going great reverence to hospitals for certain low end an upset and is telling a baby my mother told me recently seeming sister were called a hundred and a ritual was so out of their care i am that they just really take it seriously we asked him how he'd be so next year and how they're actually my mother gave birth to my two brothers in this house the nurse came down from upstairs and got the pot roast the doctor who was in the dining room having coffee and said the time has come and they both rushed upstairs where my second younger brother was being born in those days in the in the twenties it was very customary to have birth at
home what a short period time instance and subversive been hospitalized and how incredibly ingrained it isn't a culture that that's just delete it which has been around for millennia and all different kinds of people and lenin and a lot of people for millennia there midwives work to empower women see was helping us debt the space already i felt like everything she was doing was benefiting me i made sick or try a time just being a much different places can follow ike's the insane thing that i enjoy doing in life and i had read that people do you know when a red priest or use by my labor came on so quickly that there was no space for any of that and i was really coping with one injection to the next it but a push to mount him and that day i spent time in different places we rented a
time so i spent about an hour now on the big printing to them i was bracing against it i think also it was around tired so i think his feeling their circle around me ah it just gave me a the contexts to feel the contractions and he wanted to be in a tie with me he wanted to be right next to me alive and i couldn't have him that closely was too much energy i needed someone and being very calm and neutral and my mom was doing that for me and watched privacy he would look me in the eye and i fell like this recitation in his look whereas other people would look me in the air to survive me me and allow me to be where i needed to say it just the psychology of our really since had it in between i will take a rest and
that felt really good that each injection felt very intense from pretty early on i didn't feel like i had any space hanging in other than just tragic early early sat on relaxing between them and that protest was great getting water helps me to relax and finding their shoulders in a mess everything in between factions open up to the fianna fil on a surrender to the process the breeding penning oxygen throughout the body five spinning in the time in english our heads the people that relaxes effectively labor the interim have not only left leaning labor but more effective flavor process put the palm of your hand and so its forehead where their hero meets their skins and put your hand so was saying that until they're back in the bears by and just
in there spot just hold but i don't think you have to be physically strong for labor i signed a lot of people who are physically very strange and difficult for us it is important in labor that you trust your body because i think a lot of people that are really strong and driven to control to achieve to complete unless the office of place where you might not naturally a slow person sitting just really relaxing come down to find my breath and move into different parts of my body that you're in tune with your body allowed me to relax with drugs about an epidural allowed me to open more quickly and give me energy really mean it's like a marathon it's a really intense experience said it is incredible after the time boogie we tried a few different arrangements like sitting on the spreading hot you know
after i just up with pillows laying on my side and seeded a contraction no incentive muth with it however i need in between a chair to just completely let everything go and i started actually falling asleep in between them even though something about it it's hard for me to think of one moment when i pushed him out because when i was told later how long it was just like no way to stay away without long it's a complete work it's i mean i think it's because there's so much going on inside of you that you need to pay attention to that image china wherever it is they did they let you know we can just kind of drift away for five minutes not even notice that where a steinway birth there was two
contractions in five minutes that required all of my attention every contraction of that like pain right now in power here not in any way that's like anything else on pain for every person feels different it's based on our previous experiences pain also can feel more intense if you're not prepare for it and because of the more intense if you're expecting it and if your dwelling on it and if you are thinking about nothing else but that the other day i was talking dentistry and i was one of bob's and i stepped on a rusty now and it hurt and it was like what would just happen with my foot and if somebody in you know i didn't i didn't cry i don't even think i respect completely when and what if i just been standing in a doctor's office estimates that i mean put this giant nailed three or four right now i probably would have gone out of my mind and so excited about how you're
prepared to handle the pain does that mean and will i survived the painting in an increase the pain no not that i've taken something else but i'm not anti from the pain personally this pain is normal and is not pathological natural pain the pain icarus potentially at the stretching a site near the cervix and then will travel out nerves to the spinal cord and that's the gateway to the brain and if there's some sort of ability to modulate that gate stretching burning polls say being perhaps then good brain doesn't perceive that as pain but rather as another type of experience holding up our piece of ice inner ear and for increasing amounts of time to see how you handle pain they don't
think that you grow without payment showing myself that i could go beyond my edges really push beyond what i thought i could do and just that lesson for life that sometimes the edges that hurt and that's where you grow that's where they're learning in pain it is hard it's like something that is beyond even intense when you know we did not and you can do this you were made to do this to let you do the most acute pain came when my midwife to low intervention to help push the last little bit of a civics over his head he said i can do this and it will hurt or a weekend it abided by itself and it will take on their desert units audience and i wanted her to push it over and see how things move along more quickly because at the plant is prepared what she described was that she you come so the next time i was gonna have a
contraction i should push and what i'm doing and she was gonna reach in and just you kind of pushed the lip of ceramics past has had testing come on syria remains vivid pushing and she said okay minute push it now and she did an eight i vocalize i said you can get in this like childhood moment at that when labor i kept on asking for my mind is feeling like they want to be taken care of by other people so just vocalizing that helped me feel like i was supported distracted and asking for help i had no illusions about them being
able to do anything for me or i know make it easier but i did know that if they you weren't barrow in certain zones are different it could be harder that's where is actually one of the issues that led me to choose home birth i didn't want a hospital nurses coming on and off duty and staff that i had no connection to it all being able to come into my room i was labor piece of a person and saying to have a chat and then the strangest that on i think it's scary part is having to come into a situation where you don't know the people became pregnant women can leave the most incredible i think the hospitals really like having a tumor present because
know they often are juggling a lot of verse going on and who knows what's going on with those bursts women want to know who it is that's going to be attending them now there's been a lot of pressure on people to use computers to document and chart and do all these things have to satisfy all the requirements and into the trade off with that intersection at the bedside with the mom gets much as she would like and we would like the standard rule used to be twenty six hours for labor and delivery now it's gotten down to twelve hours people think you should be dialing a one centimeter per hour in that within twelve hours she should be giving birth and if you're not there's something wrong i was genuinely a big day and she said that my doctor said that you know if you don't have this baby in the next ten minutes and you can have a c section she said oh it's a section he said well if you don't then you're gonna sign this piece of paper saying that you won't sue me so what is that a choice i mean is the woman consulted is at her is that her idea i don't know i mean what
were what mother want something bad to happen to their baby but on the other hand she really felt like she could push the baby out if she could just do it on her own schedule there is zero tolerance for any mistakes and birth and the reasons are obvious you have to do we know it's there i think that the consequences of a mistake can be so devastating both emotional and sensibilities of family and medical legally a huge loss and it's driven by the system as i think that that's kind of what makes the big lines feel like there's this really vigilant prosecuting attorney sitting on their shoulder and wanting to me to have been doing something that had not been in season at every moment watching everything to be making sure that everything it reflects but her awareness of what can go wrong there is definitely this pressure that every decision that you make everything that you do there's just tremendous pressure to be perfect it
does have to turn out right because the stakes are so high pressure to be perfect if you miss something or if your cavalier about a possible high risk of a birth that's about to happen and something happens with the baby no i think in the roof that are difficult to do if there's nothing in the medical legal landscape that's devastating to people that sense of perfection also a thumping back winning themselves carry i've been coming and have this perfect burden lowered as the perfect season for characters you know all these different kinds of ways of doing it you're listening here i live radio international status quo now for women in america is to bubble to the hospital land the first contraction comes to get hooked up to electronically to monitor and to have enough the girl that an hour later
what happens next a third of them end up with a c section i could just see my labor happening in my water breaking and i would go and they would progress and have the protests in and then i would go to her contractions the epidural an editor with so the labor and it can be a c section it's not we often call a cascade of interventions specific about fifty monson the neighborhood rather than we get together regularly with their kids and everything and go to the park and see just in fact iridescent it now saying how many of yale went to the hospital had another girl had chosen and then a c section and potentially i think there's not one person who responded who was did not have all those things happen and so that the girls are safe but i think that nobody likes to talk about the potential side effects of an actor a widget that it makes it hard to push and nobody no doctor it in this liability climate wants to let a woman pushed for too long i really didn't have a sense of time that i was really pushing hard but then i could just kind of hear the
nurses there are gathering in the corner stand i didn't really care much what they're saying but i thought i heard them say c section it was just like this hallway her pushing or something from deep inside of me just like you know that's not how this is going out now it's like no that's not going to happen i'm going to do i just had this feeling of kind of specially when it was what thirty four hours into it all so i just kind of got reconnected with myself i guess in a way just really bad there's another place and then having that they were like they had to go get dr eisenberg so it's kind of funny that go from our summers are pushing to the baby coming super fast i can't say oh its cousin out that at the
girl that maybe i was unable to push the baby out is just no way that i can play minnie thinks that's just the nature parties in the senate we got to the hospital and we went to the data scientists and she weighs not might actor as i was searching different actors in case i would have her as one of my delivery she said will you one centimeter to have violated and you know we could do the son to tell us in and get the singing started where you could walk around in and come back later or you can have some morphine and sleep i was more horrified as they call my gosh i've been doing honest working why do i have to have something extra now or i mean i guess that's what they said they propose things we were admitted to cash hasn't it would come into this rant probably change into account she from building power goes about her preference they've really there for a little better than they find a delivery or
inflation then that the nurse with the man i'm usually the first thing we would do if they get help this tree a lot of people talk emotionally people now it's too conscious that they're laboring in curing other people's cases and there's a lot of business is unlikely to coming and go but i was actually tried getting off on the projects ended feel on less energy in pressure and my guys and i'll run my back and during that they're beginning of a contraction that has census only three or four bass and i get to the top and i'd be like ah this is the endorphin rush and in and feel it in that way colette as if it was this me really was it was like yeah this incredible high and it is it is really an intense sexual russia you were making love in a very intense way to something it's more like having sex than anything else
and it's our guest nick fielding if you can tap into it hardcore are breathing and pushing him being connected with the requirements that you need to feel comfortable and safe having sex having that kind of intimate experience to someone else pretty much the same requirements the need to give birth so that was working for you while and then they moved me and they said okay we can you know well like going up to where now we got one of the best wines this one is is talking to me like i'm a child they put me in a wheelchair and into a towel over my head and it was a way for me to stay in my world as we're going through the hallways and elevators and i just a towel we got up to the room and they did give is this huge room i mean was a massive a nice floors and their curtains couch and in it there's a lot of medical equipment but it was behind a curtain fluorescent lighting hard flowers television up
on the wall that had this amazing bad that's dead by many feet are to rocket dropped their feel monitors like this huge computer screen over on the sat and then the next that usually would be to put her on the monitor what appears to win and to be a very safe thing having a monitor that's listening to your baby's heartbeat and grafting your contractions as ensuring the safety of your baby actually counter what we find for a normal healthy one and by being tethered to that machine we increase the likelihood of this history and birth and just a more difficult labor and that's when she offered me the editor all you see is i was thinking about whether i wanted to get help or not the team was a million times worse i was no longer in the moment of thinking ahead as back in time and as soon as i got the other girl it was so
different it was so different was like oh everything's sterile and everything was some my head it was on my head and be like just those know under with sleep in my body with holy separate never mind body think it's a severed and that was sad you know i'm sad i mean i was really grateful for about three hours or two hours or something i was just amazingly graceful i called my brother in the phone i was like chatting with but i was safe but then suddenly i'll add that were arrayed in anxious in the hiring was decelerating to sellers like i had a reason to worry that i was really in my head and that was i am and i and you know i knew that was gonna happen if they did the epidural because ache bad about that they came and they broke my
water it says that we're going to do this no sex he asked seventy two image credit the things that would make mating ago letting women all of the options available so that they can be the ones making choices when ninety eight percent of women are going to the hospital and then they are in a sort of assembly line of interventions and some of them you know they asked for themselves you know the three big ones are the towson of the girl and staring and then i don't think that there's a lot of chilies ever would wherever we are we can only say we understand the risks and benefits and we choose to do it this way so even if the doctor say we need to do it just like do you have the authority to say it for years the thing started to happen though i could do sellers that i hadn't progressed and i sit there and go play but to make progress really fast and it's okay right didn't progress in a very very key is high deceleration secretary contentious and he was in handling the labor
wound to try set in motion something with the epidural to this could be the outcome that i chose because of that and unit so that sense you know i'm just too after their third to do so or a sham and i think it was really the heart rate was staying down like tickled his hat in his hand a comeback and then then the third time they think the horrible and low and it wasn't just the doctors and we're going back at their own code for going into surgery going back and this is that i think will continue to gamma nice work and we weigh gains to now i don't think we can wait and see what the change positions that now i think the fed do this now when we started to turn to syrian sections that was about one to two percent of the time and that was in the most serious cases when a baby was
truly stuck is it really a crisis or is it knocked three percent american mothers give birth prices vary in section and then once we went down the hallway he became really seriously was hard not to be afraid about it but no thank you i want you to put the drapes and so that it's easily make a bikini caught images go from the time to make the decision to the time to be the concerts about five to seven minutes the intuition just as about term interest from four to six inches when you make the character so many but the source supplying baptiste cameras so you see a whole lot of blood so you slap fans to keep marching of blood and some don't be quietly to blood
vessels leading stops most surfaces can the next to the family of him consider the liquify sheriff because the strongest when the whole abdomen and then after that you get that its muscles and a separate the most of sending another nickel cadmium then once it you kind of their name and ballet no one's home when the ballot and you see the united way down in the uterus from a concession and then just who interviewed and kennedy rejected our wardens and then there's a very there once they've used in the word to cut the umbilical cord and with the baby teeth and you need a team of doctors with because of a bee to be right with me right away that they need so we have to practice every day we might do and certain find him a sham and said he had bad
experiences i need he sells his hand it has on the planet and then he smiles night glued together and that's okay that's mom like what this is just the beginning process of letting go how do we take advantage of events is a modern medicine without cutting benefits of a rich way of not be so wrapped up in making sure things are as perfect her according to be afraid to surround yourself with people who know about it more than you did it to allow i surround myself with
people before him through shelters they're getting classes life in people who really fostered and interfere mentality ideas was actually not afraid of what i'm going to do them gather that trial thinking around that before they go through a better i think having a mother be here so this is he's surrounded by phil done it before who peeked out from the other side you know we have this feeling of the old trust nobody more he's going to heart is a bigger picture at the center need to keep your eyes on the mother had as a huge responsibility dave's childbirth itself is as difficult as people might think it might be after that it's when you know you'll never know the depths of how much you can love and how much you can get into you get called to do it until you are up again in a middle of the night but the really hard
at the moth m you don't think you can do it and no meal you get through it and you get through it and you get through it and you just you just find a deeper and deeper well it's challenging especially when you haven't had any sleep their lives or he is in leaking out in your body curves and you know here they are we love repairing it like there's not really i don't know it yeah it's you know anything that i think our generation of women are talking more about it shifts in attitude in changes in the way people are doing things french fought each other more than slightly my mother's generation you know they just went to sleep and the baby came out after i actually talked to our own nobody ever tells you this but this is happening to me it was almost as if there was
some science agreement there were not going to go to where you terry and dark and fire because we have to be strong women and show they were handling and show that way we have it all together when i think that they were besides growth in having women just saying this is so hard or this is so challenging but it's also joyful and those little tiny moments of spectacular awareness in amazement employees having a child i feel like i got to learn a lot from her lively also doing it also alone i wish there was more of a communal land at the reno or are you seeing you should be suspicious of
but it was produced by ari gold and tiny detention of an immediate support for birth comes from this station and public radio international stations nationwide and it's made possible in part by the pri program contributors including the john d and catherine t macarthur foundation major national sponsors including ghana tying the farmer owned cooperative committed to providing family and organic products since nineteen eighty information again excited another lovable company creating organic products for pregnancy breastfeeding break and bp since nineteen ninety information at mother loved dot com additional support from nothing magazine committed to addressing contemporary parenting health environmental and lifestyle issues with intelligence compassion and courage and the institute of melodic sciences to learn more about birth please visit our website
thin air media dot org earth was created in conjunction with the birth to or to learn more about the tour and to bring it to your community please visit an immediate dot org the birth to or stimulate conversation about birth and builds community support to raise the next generation oh ouch you have heard of separation of church and state in washington that we have separation of sciences think next time i'm kate here is that larry schweiger president and ceo of the national wildlife federation recently at kansas state university here's my guest todd global warming hard to find it on sunday night and kansas public radio we are seeing today very substantial increase in carbon dioxide and in fact we set our locals a carbon dioxide the atmosphere of nazi for at least a million
years or maybe while we're coming to a point of no return when nature itself actually begins to take over caveat presents larry schweiger of the national wildlife federation sunday night at a lot of kansas public radio we need these eighteen this week the piece it's
b it's both the peak
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PRI (Public Radio International)
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KPR (Lawrence, Kansas)
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An hour long audio journey through practices and perceptions of birth in America.
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Birth in America
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Producing Organization: PRI (Public Radio International)
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Kansas Public Radio
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Chicago: “Birth,” 2007-03-25, KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 30, 2024,
MLA: “Birth.” 2007-03-25. KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 30, 2024. <>.
APA: Birth. Boston, MA: KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from