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Good evening tonight a special one hour edition of NEWSNIGHT in Minnesota on former governor Rudy purpose purpose died at home today and then to talk about the cause was colon cancer. Tonight we're going to take a look back at a remarkable political career. We'll talk with longtime friends supporters and critics here at the state capital and on the Iron Range. Also take a look at what we believe is his last television interview just three months ago. Stay tuned our special one hour edition of NEWSNIGHT is coming up. A. And they're going to say I don't agree with everything that he does but he works
hard. He's fair and he loves going to school. He was the favorite son of the iron Ranger and one of the most colorful characters in Minnesota political history. Former governor Rudy perfects died today at the age of 67. On this special hour long edition of NEWSNIGHT Minnesota will look back on its history and hear from people on the Iron Range in the Twin Cities who knew him well. Stay with us for this special edition of NEWSNIGHT. Minnesota. Tonight's broadcast of NEWSNIGHT Minnesota is presented in part by Piper Jaffrey and its employees looking toward the future since 1895. Thank you for joining us will be spending tonight remembering Rudy perching talking about his legacy and then we're going to start up in the newsroom with Kathy words are and thank you Candy. As you probably already have heard former governor Rudy Rudy Perche died earlier this afternoon at his home in Minot Tonka. He was 67 years old. Now while his death took much of the public by complete surprise pre-purchase family said earlier this afternoon that the former governor had been suffering from
colon cancer and had become increasingly ill in recent months. Perfect played a major role in the pageant of Minnesota politics. He had lived an American dream kind of a story. He was a son of the son of an immigrant miner. He was a hidding dentist. He then became a state lawmaker. And all the while he was an enthusiastic booster of his beloved Iron Range. He also eventually became Minnesota's longest serving governor. Now we'll have more on the pervert's legacy and his role in state history. But first want to send it back down to the studio and Ken Stone. Thanks Kathy. Throughout tonight's program we're going to be hearing from people on the street about their memories of really purpose and also from purpose himself through clips of his speeches and televised appearances. Now this first clip comes from an almanac program just this summer. One purpose talked about running again. You know. It was something. My first heard I was sure my first pair of glasses in order came from the recall of welfare in those days went by where the schools write.
Everything I had. Someone help me. The G.I. Bill when I started my dental practice. Were to happen to me if I didn't have a house. And any one month's know I pay the government back for everything at the ever pay that they ever gave to me and those in those first days and my teeth they were fixed again at the school right to use a different system than they call it welfare they would buy where the schools. People needed help. And you got to help them with and you just can't say you know you could cut all welfare state in Minnesota you want to save a buck 87 per hundred. Per page had an amazing life story of the son of immigrants whose parents wanted their children to succeed in America by taking advantage of their schooling. Perfect practice has an Iron Range dentist with his college education but gradually the lure of politics drew him into broader public life. He served in the state legislature before being named Wendell Anderson's lieutenant governor. That's where Jim buckle picks up the story. It was 1976 when purpose was appointed governor by Wendell Anderson. He ran for governor for the first time in 1978. But that was the year known as the Minnesota
massacre when a whole slate of DFL lawyers were swept out of office. But perfect returned in 1900 to he defeated Wheelock Whitney on a platform of economic recovery. We are regaining our top credit rating and we have a surplus in place of a deficit this month which will pay off all of our last outstanding loan. The turnaround has been one of the most dramatic and impressive in the nation. In the past two years we joined together a family unified by stress and we found our way. We've helped each other. We've reached out with compassion to those in need and we've restored confidence and pride in our great state. Later in 1985 jobs were again an issue during the bitter Hormel strike purpose made one of his most controversial decisions when he sent the National Guard to Austin to keep the peace. In 1906 he faced a tough primary challenge from fellow DFL or George Lattimer.
You have to take a look at the you know. The whole Ledger right. And that's what people are going to final and they're going to want to say. I don't agree with everything that he does but he works hard. He's fair. And he loves Minnesota. In the general election purpose defeated cow Lumen and what he said would be his last campaign. Our goal is to make Minnesota a model state to make Minnesota a brain power state and to make Minnesota a world renowned research center in the late 80s Perche work to make Minnesota an international player. He pushed hard for the Mall of America to be built. He helped lure the Super Bowl and his biggest coup with bringing Mikhail Gorbachev to Minnesota. He was riding high and hinting that he might run again. You have people pounding at you and you know I have a program want to pass in the legislature and I'll never leave under pressure or be chased out or leave this Matilde between elites so to speak. I just saw rules at the ballot box.
This was also a time when he got a reputation for being eccentric. He offered to sell the governor's mansion and took reporters on a bizarre tour to show how rundown it was. My place nor is there for a lot better. It looks better and it's much more livable than what I live on the second and the second floor. Newsweek called him Governor goofy. Then came the goofy campaign of 1990 which got personal perpetrates the issue of Challenger John Grant a messy divorce and child support payments. When does one obey the law and what is the family responsibility. What is the person's responsibility the family to tell you something I've said this before to say it again. I go to my death before I wouldn't meet my obligation my family a little on a court order and that's a gut that's a governor's campaign issue as well. Why should I when you set the sunshine in. And you want all the facts known it's a matter of public record. Going to where they were after my family was completely different. They were going for it it wasn't because as a matter of court records my obligations to my family are met and they were coming into the personal life of my son and my daughter which is considerably different
than the sexual misconduct allegations against John Graham South were published. He changed the whole dynamic of the election. Change was the order of the day. And Arnie Carlson was elected governor earlier this morning I contacted Carlson. I congratulate him on his victory and assured him there will be a smooth transition after the election perfectly established his international business contacts and then came home and talked of running for governor again. I believe that Minnesota has fallen behind in the last four years but not enough for the people to recognize the urgency of innovation like a voucher program for schools and the other programs that I've talked about in this past month. Thus I have decided not to run for governor. Instead I intend to continue to promote my ideas and run for governor in 1998. You can purchase family plans to announce fuel arrangements tomorrow. I think to go down as one of the better known governors. Because of post length of service to
the state. This. Apparent dedication to. The working man. I remember Governor Purdue to meet someone from the a range my mother and my grandparents were from the Marines and that those were my first thought. I cared about Minnesota. You know you cared about. The northern part. Resorts training. Base to that northern part of Minnesota in the Iron Range. Who was put in. With with the help of labor. I think during the. Strike going off to the store. I had some difficulty with this decision to send the National Guard in. But other than that I think. You probably serve the state well. Governor Carlson issued a statement this afternoon extending his sympathies to perfect his wife Lola. He called Purpose a friend who would be sorely missed. Later in the day Carlson had this to say from the
governor's residence today. We have all lost a friend Rudy purp Ridge served as the chief executive the state of Minnesota for 10 years longer than any governor in history. He will long be remembered for his remarkable energy his creativity and very deep personal commitment to moving Minnesota forward. He brought a unique blend of the unconventional and the innovative to the governor's office on a personal level. I consider Rudy preacher friend and he will be sorely missed. And as a sign of respect for the state of Minnesota will lower its flag at half mast. We have heard an amazing array of reaction today from purposes former allies and foes. Senate majority leader Roger Moe said he was shocked and saddened by the news and one fascinating anecdote from South Dakota Governor Bill Janklow who once competed bitterly with perfect for jobs and economic development. Janko said that per project saved
his life during a trip to China. Janklow was suffering from a severe allergy attack and purpose administered a shot of adrenaline Janklow added that purposeful love people and that with him. What you saw was what you got. There's a line from the Broadway play The Music Man about a traveling salesman. You've got to know the territory our territory 1985 and beyond will be the world. Not just Minnesota not just the Midwest not just America but the world. The purpose left a remarkable and unusual mark on Minnesota political history. We've gotten a group of people together who were his friends at the at times as had adversaries and his political associates if perhaps not his peers. Roger morrow is DFL majority leader in the Minnesota Senate Bill Kennedy is the Hennepin County public defender longtime friend of purpose Bob fanatic is a former DFL speaker of Minnesota House John Stanek and an county judge and former campaign manager for perfect
Senator Mo I'm going to start with you. This is a time when you always want to speak well of the man. But can you give us an honest assessment. And was he a great governor. Was he a good governor. I think that the history books will put him down as a great governor. We're a little too close to it right now but I think as we reflect back. Somebody said it earlier today. He wasn't just a couple of years ahead of his time he was 10 and 15 years ahead of his time and I think when Time catches up with some of the changes that he instituted and the things that he talked about in the visions that he hadn't helped spelled out for this state. I think that he will go down in the history books as a great governor. And it was a. Pleasure. But at times frustrating to serve with him you came to St. Paul at the state Senate the same year that he became lieutenant got us.
Yes I served in the Senate at that time. Governor it was Rudy purp each and then his two brothers Tony and George were in the state Senate so I served with all three of them together and that that term. Judge I heard you talking earlier today about you did get made fun of. It was because of his ideas. I also heard a great line saying that he threw ideas out like confetti and he got made fun of yourself. Well you know you had this idea a few years back about attracting these guys from Canada who are going come down to build this entertainment mall. And he was ridiculed. And here some 10 years later Newsweek or Time are running stories that say the wave of the future in terms of shopping malls to get people to come in is you combine it with entertainment 10 years ahead of his time when repurpose started talking about world trade. People scoffed and said Why do we need to do this I don't think there's a governor in the United States today that hasn't traveled abroad to try to improve their home state's economy and again he was made fun of only because he was trying to do what was best to create jobs and economic development in this state. I agree with Senator Mo visionary 10 15 years ahead of his
time who's going to be honored by history. It's really what set him apart I think from so many other politicians who usually are looking at the crisis of the day or are you know what's going to happen next week. Repurpose was thinking five or ten years ahead and had this vision in his mind of what he wanted done and any kind of work backwards and for a lot of us we often you know couldn't understand or see that vision and I think that was true sometimes of the public as well. And and that's where I think that it sort of helped develop that kind of quirky nature that people had about him but in his own mind he knew he knew what that Mall of America was going to look like. He knew that a Super Bowl could be a reality that a Final Four could be a reality that investment would come that night that Mikhail Gorbachev might come when when he first floated that idea I'm sure folks all over were laughing about it. But sure enough that that June day in
1900 McHale was here. That's what it was like to work with him when you're speaker of the house and I mean there were times especially late in his administration when you two were butting heads over budget matters and elsewhere. Of course there's always the public fides. What was he like when you got behind closed doors. Very friendly very open. You couldn't help but like him. But as Roger said there were times when it could be very very frustrating. I remember when he vetoed the 1909 tax bill and we had urged him not to do it. And when he did we got into a big public feud and it was just a couple days after he vetoed that bill that he came to my hometown in new prego landed in his helicopter. We had a function at the local hospital after the function's over there was about 30 folks from new prayed the mayor and other officials he invites them all over to Schumacher Sotelo for ice cream and cake. Everybody goes down there and then all of a sudden the governor's go on.
All the people are gone and the waitress brings me the bill and I never did collect it. Bill Kennedy he was a friend of yours. Yes. I miss him. What was he like as a governor I mean it's a little strange to have a friend being in a position of power like well the public purpose was a private perfect. There was no difference when he knew he was Sec. Hardly anybody but you know he was sick. We had heard a whisper here and there but I saw it six weeks ago. He was a picture of health. And so when I get the news today I was absolutely shocked. I think you really purpose go down in history I agree with Roger is a great governor. The man was a visionary. We used to have breakfast meetings he and I in the 60s in Otello Minneapolis and he be talking about things that he wanted to do to help people. He didn't use a phrase mega ball in the 60s he called him super model super complexes where people would gather getting an NBA team here was always a dream of his. The Gorbachev visit he was absolutely determined to get me killed.
Gorbachev here. And when you meet with him in private and he be talking about some of his arguments with bother with Roger you know his frustration was that he always thought that he was unable to articulate well enough his position on things and that was what would get him of so many at one time I move the wastebasket in his office in one of his aides what are you doing that I said because it keeps whizzing by my head every now and then I just. But but what the governor I think always had trouble understanding even though he served in the Senate was that you know he could make a decision and he had old ministration behind him and he'd suggest something the Roger night and we kept reminding him well that's a great idea Governor. We might even agree with you but we still got to go back and convince In my case 67 colleagues and in Roger's Case thirty three others and it isn't only his vision I think that sets him apart I think it is a man of unbelievable integrity. I mean he knew right from wrong and good from evil that's how he lived his life fiercely
loyal. I mean if you were a friend he is fiercely loyal. He'd argue with you you know when I fight with you. But you were his friend fiercely loyal. And he had already probably about hired as one of his some of his clothes and so absolutely had strained his two great loves clearly were his family and the state and the people of this state and you know when we talk about really purpose it goes beyond the visionary thing as you're saying because when repurpose came back in 1982 the state's economy was in the tank in particular in his home area on the Iron Range. By 1990 things had turned around to the point where he was able to run on a platform that we all remember him going around the state saying financial world says we're number one we're number one in education we're number one in creating jobs. The whole psyche of this state was lifted by the performance and he was driving the engine. He had something talking to two men here who could have been governor perhaps were urged to run by a number of people and did not out of. Was it party loyalty. Or was it because he had something.
Well let me tell you a story in 1982 or early in 1982 he called me and wanted to have him. Meet me over there at that time the old Holohan. And I wanted to talk gubernatorial politics and he said and I'm thinking of running but I won't. If you were George let him run. You said you have to let me know. He said But if either of you two go I won't. And of course I didn't and Latimer didn't and then he got into that the primary course with the endorsed candidate warrants Mannus. So I I just think he was not afraid of taking some risks there's no doubt about that. And he had the experience obviously had served as governor for a couple of years and and I really felt that at that time I think he felt and many of us feel as well that he was kind of moved out in that sweep. He just got caught up in the sweep that because 70 it was a bad election for the Democrats. And he just felt he
wanted the chance to come back investigate himself and he did and he did an excellent job. But. QB I really think public policy aside he brought to politics what politics need so desperately today and that is he was positive. He talked about Minnesota always talked about it strikes always bragged about it. You're right sometimes it a little bit of Chamber of Commerce hype about being number one in a lot of things but we were but he talked about the goodness of the state and the greatness of its people. And boy do we need that today. It wasn't one of his great strength to his family but I mean when you got Rudy as governor you got this part that's right. Tremendous tremendous tremendous. But I mean it makes you go out into these coffee shops it was always interesting to me because you'd see him out there campaigning he loved to go to the coffee shops and get the piece of pie and do all that but what was interesting about the governor was that oftentimes they go in and greet the big group sitting at the big table. But
were he to land in where he'd want to sit he'd find some elderly person sit in the corner by himself and say when I bother you if I came down and sit with you and the governor of Minnesota would buy this verse in a piece of pie and talk to them for 15 or 20 minutes and have their total attention and that was the compassionate decent man in the core of every purpose that I think was so attractive to the voters. He did not have a good relationship. As the years went on with the press and it was pretty good at the beginning what went wrong was Rudy's fault was that the press was the press on the fair. What happened. He was fiercely protective of his family. And I think that that he felt he was fair game but he didn't want to see family members in the paper and I think that when his daughter was criticized for seeing her in any time that happened I think that that sort of ate at him and I think that coupled with anybody who's in the public eye for as long as he was as visible a position as the office of governor is you're not
going to maintain a good positive relationship throughout a 10 I haven't had a stronger view than either but Roger I think the media goes on a feeding frenzy when they look at public officials of either party at any level. I look at what the governor Carlson's been going through recently and the way he's been reacting. And I think the media is principally responsible and I paint a very broad brush I understand it's pluralistic and everything else. But I think there are certain things in the politician's life that are off limits to the press and press the press is never understood that and they have they'll go after a person's family in the private life of their family when they are. Well he said after the 1990 election he would have won except for the press. Do you think that's accurate. Well I think it was a strange year 1991 that we'll probably never see repeated again. I think that you can make an argument that certain things that happened by way of the news media and the governor over that last year clearly didn't help.
I don't know if you can attribute it just to that I think there were a lot of variables in 1090 that made it just such a strange year. Let's talk about whether he would have run again. He teased everybody last year he was on WCCO radio and said I am not going to run until 98. Do you think if his health held out he would have run. I think his ideas would have been in play clearly I mean when he made that last appearance on all the summer I think we're looking at the tape it was from June and I remember watching it at home and thinking Boy he's on message and he's enthused and remember this is a guy who has a world view. Part of the reason with the criticism from the press was here's a man that had traveled after he lost in 78 looked at what was happening in the international economy came back and said Boy we've got to get on this train we've got to start talking about marketing the state in the world and we need to talk about things like building the shopping malls in this torture victims center and we need to do these things. Not terrific. I mean campaign consultants would tell you those are not great issues with leadership. You know that's leadership that's coming in saying these ideas make sense and now these ideas are being
praised and is being honored. And I hope. That the governor was at least able to know before he passed away how much he was loved and respected by the people of this state and how much you know I've got a 5 year old son at home. He's going to be able to be educated in this state to be able to compete in a global economy in the future. And that's in large part due to repurpose pushing and saying we need good jobs so we have hope for the future. We need good education so our kids are prepared to compete in the future that was the core of this man. Good jobs and a good opportunity for the future. He was criticized for his travels and those that. What he did during that time frame was opened up Minnesotans eyes to the fact that our competition wasn't Sioux Falls and Fargo. Our competition was much greater than that much more global. And he promoted this state and that fashion so not only was he hyping Minnesota during his national international travels he was also opening up Minnesota's eyes to the fact that we've got to play in a much broader and bigger economic scale.
Senator you know what the voters are saying now and heavens knows what they'll be saying next year but. 1098 do you think perverts would have sold in 1998 would you have generated an enthusiasm you used to have that he would have been in play as the judge said there is no question about it. That's exactly why he left the teaser out there. He was always going to be close to the light there was no question about it. Do I personally think he would have run in 98 the answer is No. And I think the single factor that would have kept him out was the person that he loved so very much who I knew was not particularly keen on him getting back into it. Let's go to the former House speaker would he have run and and even if he hadn't even if he just teased people I mean would he have changed the dynamic of any campaign. He would have. He would have kept people guessing. I agree with my colleagues here. He would have wanted to help frame the debate he would have made sure that his ideas were out there. And I think the chances would have been very good that anybody else
who would been thinking about running in 98 would have to respond to some of the ideas that really put on the table. So I think he would have influenced the debate. But in the end I think he would have decided not to run. Going back a few years when you were there when was there a moment that you said this guy is a great governor. And also can you remember a time when you thought I've had it with this guy. It was it was a feature if I could I could think of both times. I think I think. I could sense the greatness in how well he could connect with average people and how he could understood how well he could understand the plight of an average Minnesotan. And I think he was great governor because he understood the value of an education. He understood what an education could do for somebody. He understood what it did for him.
And OK we're going to we're going to continue this discussion in just a moment but first of all some of you watching in greater Minnesota will be leaving us in just a moment. We thank you for joining us viewers in the Twin Cities. Stick around and we'll be right back. Still dressed and running well I'm really enjoying what I'm doing. I mean your kids if you see people and you know for 30 years at a COBOL might sit a little hey look can we buy this I want to buy some sort of course. I'm not kidding I have a cold is enough money. I have to do that anymore and it's like you know that feeling. You know you can't talk about really purpose without talking about the Iron Range and indeed much of Purchas story has to do with his beginnings on the range and the way I arrange loyalty
to perfit shape the Minnesota political landscape back in the 1970s and 1980s. Well joining me on the phone right now is an iron Ranger himself well-known Duluth businessman. Jean are you with me. I sure am good thanks for joining us I appreciate it. You know talk a little bit about the love affair the relationship between Rudy perch and the range is it was a very special one. Right. Never forgot. Like many people forgot their rights he never did it and he was never there you sat around and reflected. Range experience and bring it was a family man and friend B having was a giant among men. Underestimated and over criticized. I could say you know you said that he never forgot his roots but why didn't you go back to live on the range after he lost re-election deafened. Jeff any feeling on that.
He had his arm and leg. And then you know he was doing working out of Minneapolis. And so you don't have to live there as long as you remember your friends and you know doing something for the Army. Well you sure did that obviously you know that with the I Triple R B I he talked about the ill fated chopsticks factory and him being your hometown. I'm wondering did the range feel like perch delivered. I think you're not a member really Rudy. When he was governor I remember worked together to increase production tax. I'm going to run about 19 cents a pound at the time through a sliding scale it's over $2 a time today and that is ready. Yeah and range and it's something I'm going to love forever. Right to be able to realize it. Did you ever butt heads. Juno pollute you with gov purpose. You as a
businessman and coming to the Capitol to talk to perpetrate about what you were interested in. We went to the convention center and it was going to be in Minneapolis remember. Yeah that's right you know we went to the convention center for the city. This is not right. Sure enough both of us got it. There was a tribe Amanda do you think is right and know that it was a crime. You know I know that you were not exactly you your your realm of interest is in business but if you could please about range politics that you know you have to take care of your own your close ranks you can rankle even your best friends and then make up later on was a master of range politics as you know it was that was going to be just a matter.
Of a few writers. I mean it was very savvy when it came to that. What about the mystique of Rudy purpose you mentioned that he never forgot his roots. You also talked a little bit though about being over criticized what since he said. And sometimes I like Eugene Oh yes. Maybe it's an average grade. You might be as a result of diversion but in the right place it was August and I still see it over the years you can read the characters do you the final question for you Mr Bleijie do you think that Rudy was a product of a different time and place on the range the range has changed as when you and Rudy grew up on it. Was that just a was he a product of a certain time and place that you are going to pressure
me you're younger than I am but he remembers the Depression you know remember his reps his family. The fact that the press of you respect geopolitically always a pleasure talking to you thanks for joining us. Thank you thank you. OK. What was your reaction when you found out the former governor had died. Well it's curious we were up for an ongoing hearing help the serve his purpose which I comment about 10 minutes later. We learned to someone came up and said I remember him. I didn't always agree with him like a lot of other people but I remember him as one of the most colorful. Public figures in the state of Minnesota. Well Rudy you know he's got his own personality and you know when he was his beat his last election when Carlson came course he kind of soft about it which was unfortunate I think and Rudy's part.
But you know people understand Rudy and this is the way Rudy is and I think when people look back at what Rudy did for the state of Minnesota. And I think he's probably one of our better governors. I think people will look at him as being the governor of education of the people. And I think that the thing that I. Like so much about really per page and I wish we'd find this in all our governors is that he was such a promoter of the state of Minnesota. He always talked about what a great state it was the people especially and he was just kind of this down home type of government governor that that really seemed to love Minnesota and that's why he wanted to be governors. I think he should be given a lot of credit for Minnesota strong economy today because 10 or 12 years ago he positioned us to be prepared for international and national competition instead of just regional. I can't imagine Governor Perpich coming in at 7:30 and sitting behind the governor's desk and doing paperwork. I see him getting up and wandering about the capitol in search of
people and ideas. So he really was a people person he was a very warm individual and. And again if you had to go on a long trip or go fishing or hunting trip he'd be the kind of person that I'd like to go with because he was engaging in a warm personality really preach was like everybody I grew up with and who I come from a veggie and really comes from the Iron Range and he's like everybody I grew up with I mean he he was warm and he was friendly and he was humorous and he was just a genuine all around good guy and and he had charm your charm there beyond anything that is really in politics today. You know during the purpose of ministration the Capitol press corps was always assured they'd have something to talk about even if even if it had nothing to do with politics. And often times it didn't. So tonight we welcome a few of the folks who spent and still spend many an hour in the basement press room. Bette Wilson is with the Star
Tribune or was with the Star Tribune. Jean what hammers the long time Associated Press capital bureau reporter and almanacs own Eric Eskil is with us who covers the Capitol for WCCO AM. Lindsey stranded spent the previous years working for KSTP TV and Nick Coleman covered purpose for both the Star Tribune and the Pioneer Press. Now you all know we all work together here I covered for kids TV AM radio never a dull moment you guys in the Capitol press room. With profits where you write you know it's a reporter's story. There was always a story a good story a fun story it was a columnist dream I think they can probably we can probably lay off half the newspaper columnists in Minnesota now the Rudy is gone I don't know what we're going to have to write about it's about the political cartoonists are you going to write a field day with them to castles in Austria chopsticks factory. Help me out here. Sadder and sadder than it was when all of America all of America. I mean it went on and on and on. I don't know stadium you know the dome stadium. Sure
powerline But the purpose was people should know the purpose the last year and a half of his administration. There was this pretty ugly friction between the governor and his family in the news media. But Betty he was a reporter's friend. If you needed a story he would rank. That's right. He would leak and I had to write some stories say according to high source in government and my editors knew who it was so they were sure it was accurate and they never never betrayed me. I mean it was really a privilege and they were sure it was accurate. Very few minutes ago we were talking to Bill Kennedy Senator Breaux and they were talking about hey the press was unfair especially in the latter years but do you think they were very protective of this family. I think he got a little paranoid there about the press and he didn't want us to mention his family at all but the role of pur ph has a press conference and threatens to sell the governor's
residence. She just knows and the governor did indicate to us and I believe it was a news conference where he said that his son was the premier political strategist in the country. Yes it was really many of the shots were his administration. Yes but I don't want to his name kept out of the news story. You know live. An over backwards to be fair to them I think no governor that I can recall got better press coverage and or better press period around his career. Sure he did the last year and a half or so it wasn't the kind that he he like but I think. You know he sort of reaped what he sowed. Now Lindsey do you think you missed the big picture though I mean we kind of zeroed in on the bad hair the guy you know where the mansion and I look at I mean I seriously I mean and I kind of I think a kid and someone with a big heart and someone with a vision. I mean when I think of a kid I think of him one day you know his desk never had anything on it I mean there was never a piece of paper and it was always polished to a luster. And one day I can
remember suddenly being the only one in his office and he pulled out the lemon pledge and the polishing rag that he had on his desk and made me swear that I would not tell anybody in between every meeting. I mean he was the kid couldn't really believe he had this office in his polisher to desktop so you know I really look at it as like that wasn't the childhood really that was the ranger in Rudy. You know it's never forgot his roots. That's right he never and what I like to Bob I think what the public liked about Rudy purpose was that unaffected ranger that was inside the iron range you couldn't really believe he was something at the governor's desk. And on the other hand I think all the friction between Rudy and the press coincided in my view and the view of some others with that with Rudy leaving those roots behind and hanging around with Robert Maxwell and and people like that he'd be kind of forgot where he came from I think at the end of his 10 years in office and that led to a lot of the friction you know when I talk about passion though when I'm when I think of you know the vision that Rudy had as reporters when he would talk about how he was going to introduce Minnesota the world and we'd all kind of go Yeah
right. And but I look back and you know I know since I stopped reporting I've kind of lived that in a lot of ways in dealing internationally traveling internationally in ways and I've thought about Rudy talking about the global economy and how cynical we all were in reporting that and I mean he did have a vision where many of the mega ball isn't moving. Yeah right exactly. I think. Essence of purpose was with the voters at a cafe on the stump. He would get up in front of a group and give a terrible speech. Yes but he would be so good and charismatic the one with a small group meeting voters at the fair or whatever and that was the essence of purpose with this big bear of a guy kind of rapping and that's what you had to love about him he just got away from he got away from that by the end I mean he had a she had went from being the guy who had a polka mass at his first inaugural to being the guy taken the skeptical media through the governor's mansion and calling this beautiful hosts Bangladesh
and he look I mean I love the man dearly I mean I think he was a character and history may judge him as a great governor. He has tremendous accomplishments. But in the end maybe it wasn't too long but he forgot he lost that personal stuff and politics was really personal with him would be his dream judge which is a great governor. I mean public policy think of some of the public policy I can choice and your choice yeah it open enrollment. Yeah. What else the squelch my stuff. I think probably the greatest legacy he left was he made Minnesota Minnesota people aware of the global economy the global competition and remember all the criticism he got for his foreign travels and he was out of the state. A great deal. But whatever jobs he brought or didn't bring to the state he made everybody realize that that's where the future is. Yes he was a great guy but I don't really a question about that I mean he was in 10 years sometimes it just seemed like he was in there longer than anybody else but he really was. And the
accomplishments are you can't deny them they are there but the cork Enos in the end I think some of the feuding and stuff really I mean the man is probably still waiting for the canoe precincts to come in and overturn the results of the 1990 election. He was just that kind of a person a personal touch in politics. It worked in the 70s and 80s. And if he were running and let's say younger Rudy perfect were running in 1998 would that kind of candidate work anymore. Well we he had this interview with us an almanac in June and I mean we went home and we're talking I mean this message this passionate New Deal. Roosevelt type of message that he was getting. Did you get the impression though that night when we went home we were talking about it. We both felt that we would never see him again but he would not run again. Yeah but I did the message seemed so near and all may seem fresh because we've had kind of 5 4 5 years of a of a more a less government no taxes no spending and this seemed like such a fresh approach.
I think there's always room for people that bring enthusiasm and real passion to what they're doing. And while he was criticized for losing focus I mean I think of the kid part of him again. He was so many places remember you know where's Rudy nobody was quite sure and he's on to this one day that one day we were talking earlier. I don't know Erick if you were up at the sawmill saloon when he won on victory night in 81 and remember he made some promise how he was going to run around if you ran with no shoes on. And we had the big snowstorm and at the same time he said he was going to have the open door policy with the media right where anybody could come in at any time any place so the next day in the big snowstorm we track him down to find out if you really has no shoes on and find him in a technical college in a classroom and he's having the exit interviews with the CWE administration basically firing these people and we record all day with no shoes on. And we and we record all this and found a way to get it back down here in the Twin Cities. The only plane I think out of here being that day and. Chief of Staff at the time Terry Montgomery was watching and that was the end of the open door policy you know when he saw how the governor looked with no shoes on. Firing people
publicly. That was the end of it. It was you know he was all over the man I just I think still have some public meetings but there was an asterisk with the ones that were closed and went right by and large they I mean they have in that hall open door policy ended before he'd even been in office and we did think it went up willingly. We fought it tooth and nail but we knew before the battle started who was going to win it but one of the things that made him so fascinating as a person to cover was he was constantly reinventing himself and you never knew of the Rudy you saw yesterday was the one you're going to get tomorrow and I'm I imagine the summer when you were in it I saw that interview on tape here. He was reinventing himself again I mean the man was constantly adjusting and taken to the polls. But I mean I. I still have to go back to the I think there was a sea change and I don't think we really know why. I mean sometime during that second four year term as governor he really became less a man of the public which he had come in as it became more a man of the the publishers and the pinstripes and I think that was the way he wanted to go but it didn't and it backfired against him is that one of inevitable just the way that the job is
structured in the way that you have to campaign and all the people who report to you is it just inevitable that by years six seven eight or whatever you start changing and I think it had a lot. I agree that along about year six or seven there was a sea change and in the perp each administration but I think it is much to do with with the tremendous loss of talent from the administration that he first assembled when he came back in 83 in 83 and in my judgment he collected probably the most talented group of people that I've seen under one roof. It was at one time you know there they were a team where the guy I don't know how I'm tearing I'm going to bring in him. Remember he would throw out stories to us. You just have little snatches of this so that so would I have to call Terry McGovern where you are somebody who said no what was he talking about. And then we would get the story and it was all you were every day there were times where you still weren't quite sure that I can remember all of us knocking on one another's door saying what do you think what did you what do you think of that.
I remember you became a perfect challah just because you. He will get the code that he spoke in and I can remember he would come out at the end of a session with the conference committees and the he would say he would say there's been progress and movement and he would say this I won't. So one day one day he comes out of a meeting with Mo and anoxic and says there's been progress embedded in the back but go over there. Has there been movement that you know words with him in the key phrases you had to put it together and that was where veteran reporters did better the new reporters because you had a little more ability to translate him. Baghdad goes back to this first team that really know how to how to handle him and what his strengths were how to deal with his sort of weaknesses is going to be very you know I'm starting to understand probably tomorrow. Maybe I think they're too long because I think for most women too I think I mean before that when it's really tearing me apart in the person already having the worst moment just this absolute first woman U.S. senator from
Minnesota. You know how I'm free in the last Supreme Court appointment made Minnesota the first state in the United States to have a majority of the Supreme Court and I still think that the first in no other state has come close to the end of a lot of women commissioners. Well we want to say we miss someone we should extend our sympathy for them you know they would like to know that you know I don't know it's not obviously you know it goes right there that you know there has never been anyone I've covered in Illinois and that is that it was no it was an incredible I just a general error during those years and we miss him already. Yeah is that how much is it because of his background because of growing up on the range that's during the Depression he was the original version when you were you could stand I remember him in the family kitchen telling stories about how it was a politically correct term could you say Beau hunks the weaponry and you would he had the greatest stories and he could tell them all night long and there would be stories about they have a grandson in the mines. He was a ranger to his core and I again I don't see how anybody could not like that Rudy Berkowitz was when I was with a group where he was up at the Grand
Rapids that logging camp you know and they did that they took us for a tour and the guy was demonstrating how they. The man in the slug camp in the winter to pass the time they would dance with each other perfectly. She got up and danced with dance the polka. So this this man dressed up like a log very deliberately but it just did very well. What was it about purpose that you thought gee there was the flaw and I'm not talking about when I got removed it was the one thing that follow through and focus you know there were 100 ideas 10 and 90 of them were may have gone by the book by 10 of them were interesting. Three of them were doable and sometimes they would fall through the cracks because the follow up wasn't always that they really wanted to do all night. Ok speaking we were talking about the range and we have a couple of guests are joining us from the Ranger. Good evening can you hear us OK.
We have with us Dick North Pole they believe they are in here and I'm there. Ron Garney former campaign manager for the first in his first campaign manager I believe also former head of the Sports Facilities Commission Ron and Dick are you with us. Yes we are all right if I'm at the first question to the mayor of Hibbing What are people saying in perches former home town today about his death. This is a very difficult time for him. We're trying to put together this. There really was no time for preparation there were so many. On the street they are just saying the same thing it is a. Very difficult thing and I think not only in having but the entire around the ranges beginning their grieving process. We're asking ourselves that very difficult question. What is northern Minnesota going to be without repurpose. It's a question that. Is a very difficult one to ask and one that we didn't ever think we were going to have to ask. We've always kind of felt that Rudy was indestructible. And. To.
Face the reality of northern Minnesota and the Minnesota without this fantastic individual. Is going to be very difficult for us. Ron your thoughts. Well I tell you 90 years old and I thought the way Rudy acted zest for life was going to live longer serving Christ. I know for myself. Shock is a very sad and you have a person that you talk to the feeling that we have lost. That person that is probably going to be the largest and biggest loss that the State of us is going to ever suffer if I'm not mistaken run how you've known him since you two were just kids that right. Well look up there. OK you know what he's older. We go back to that mid 60s when one already has a school board ready for election for the state Senate. We met that day and I
say I don't have I don't know what I can do about I got a big family get a lot of votes so I'll take credit for it or get left there. Is there ever going to be a champion for the range like Rudy purpose. Well I suppose that down the road there probably will be but there are some very big shoes to fill. When we look across the Iron Range and the impact that that Rudy has had on the iron range for the past 30 years I've said a number of times today that there is not a project in northeastern Minnesota that has taken place in the last 30 years that somewhere there is an imprint of Rudy perfect on it. This man was so totally devoted to northeastern Minnesota he was devoted to the state of course on the larger basis but really as far as northeastern Minnesota is concerned he has been our leader through some really difficult times. And I asked how do you think he'd like to be remembered by the people on the range. Well he he what I would think that he would want to be remembered as he will be remembered and that is a people's
governor. I think that he will be remembered as the the man that could tell you who had the best cookie in every single coffee shop from St. Paul up to the Iron Range. And that's a good question to ask for Ryan rank you did by 20 seconds quickly yes. He's going to be remembered I believe as ready for just as a person that was a friend of the top dog whether Washington or wherever but I hear he just way out of pouring his heart out to people as a listener to the handicapped and the welfare of deference Gentlemen gentlemen thank you very much for joining us tonight we appreciate it. Why do you think this is good news about Governor Carlson sending his girl to a private school and the reaction to that was they should. Leave them alone. I feel very strong you know. Carlson was in the in the political process long before that young girl. Was born
and I believe the famous. Off limits. Entirely off limits to special needs. I don't know I don't know her. I don't know exactly why they decided on that but I'm fully supportive I think that family is very very important as a family you make a decision and that's their decision. So be it I think this is just your own little bee and maybe it's their best interest to go to that school. A remarkable and extraordinary political leader passed from our midst today. The death of the perp It removed a phenomenally creative political figure from our state's landscape. It is perhaps premature to assess the historical impact of purpose but it is clear that he dominated the Minnesota political scene for the last two decades. He served as governor for 10 years longer than any other in our state's history. And those 10 years were full of corrugated and imaginative initiatives which have left a permanent impress on our physical and political distances. He was the
only non Anglo Scandinavian personality to reach the governorship and the only present resident of the Iron Range to sit as our chief executive. His life was strongly influenced by the ambitions and travails of his immigrant working class parents who were determined that their children would make it in America through the educational opportunities available here. His political outlooks were shaped by the experience of these working class parents during the sufferings of the jobless years of the Great Depression. This combination of influences helped explain his determination as governor to emphasize both the improvement of the state's educational institutions and to foster programs which would increase job opportunities in our state. He appointed more women and minorities to state offices than any other governor in the history of our state. From the highest court to executive administrative posts. Positions were increasingly filled by people who had previously been excluded. As an ethnic Croatian he felt during his childhood and
youth the pangs of exclusion and we determined that this would no longer happen. After his stint as governor for him this was not an exercise in political correctness but rather simple justice and equity. Ironically the start did. This did not benefit him politically. When the feminists rejected him because he did not pass the abortion litmus test repurpose had a fertile active and quick mind. His ideas often ran ahead of political possibilities but his achievements will forever be with us in Minnesota. The Metrodome the Mall of America and the Warhol Trade Center are all functioning because of his vision and energy. No matter what one thinks of these Minnesota landmarks they are here because of Rudy's commitments to job creation for our citizens. Unlike most of the political leaders of our day purpose had the people's touch. A son of the Iron Range. He never forgot his roots and was comfortable with ordinary people in coffee shops throughout
the state. Even though he dominated DFL politics during a decade and a half. He never attempted to create a political machine for his political strength rested with ordinary Minnesotans who loved him for his maverick and unorthodox political behavior. His opponents called him goofy but most politicians would sell their souls to have the public record the recognition and love that Rudy generated from ordinary folks. I was close to Rudy. Ever since I first arrived in Minnesota in 1961 and met him as I was doing historical research on the Iron Range and he introduced me to key players during his first two years as governor. I served as informal adviser and House historian for the administration. Like most Minnesotans I will miss him. Despite his faults. He was what we call a mench. By. Marriage.
A reminder details about memorial services for Rudy for which will be announced tomorrow man they'll be more of course on the purpose and legacy tomorrow night on Almanac before we go a quick look at tomorrow's forecast. We're expecting partly sunny skies and the highs are going to be in the 40s and the 50s a weekend slightly lower temperatures and maybe some rain. That is it for us. Thank you for joining us good night. Something or come back we have more time and I'd like discuss what is happening in the world what are we doing here to make sure this economy continues. Let me tell you what's happening is isn't good. It really truly is a good I see the infrastructure going to hell. Why don't they. I mean I was on E. Next time I'm going to grow on me. And one of the highways going up north. I'm not kidding you. The things are falling apart and we can't allow that to happen we can't all university to solve. Some of the time.
NewsNight Minnesota
Episode Number
NewsNight Minnesota Episode from 09/21/1995
Contributing Organization
Twin Cities Public Television (St. Paul, Minnesota)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/77-06sxmscn).
Series Description
Minnesota's statewide news program which aired from 1994 to 2001. Hosted by Lou Harvin, Ken Stone, Mary Lahammer and Jim Neumann.
Broadcast Date
News Report
Media type
Moving Image
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Producer: Jayne Solinger
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Twin Cities Public Television (KTCA-TV)
Identifier: SP-11288 (tpt Protrack Database)
Format: Betacam: SP
Generation: Dub
Duration: 00:57:20?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “NewsNight Minnesota; 3012; NewsNight Minnesota Episode from 09/21/1995; SD-Base,” 1995-09-21, Twin Cities Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 6, 2024,
MLA: “NewsNight Minnesota; 3012; NewsNight Minnesota Episode from 09/21/1995; SD-Base.” 1995-09-21. Twin Cities Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 6, 2024. <>.
APA: NewsNight Minnesota; 3012; NewsNight Minnesota Episode from 09/21/1995; SD-Base. Boston, MA: Twin Cities Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from