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the kansas city chiefs are heading to the playoffs i'm kate mcintyre and today on k pr presents kansas city chiefs president mark donovan in just a minute we'll hear mark donovan on the lessons learned on and off the football field but first kansas lawmakers had to to be dead in just over a week before the two thousand sixteen session do join us next monday before a special k pr percent when will take your questions about what's ahead for the kansas legislature will have a panel of political reporters and experts on hand to field your questions and comments you can email your questions to me in advance my email address is kate mcintyre educate you that edu that's k embassy i n t y r e x kate you die edu we'll also be taking your questions next week on facebook and whether it's your chance to weigh in on the two thousand
sixteen cans of legislative session ahead again email your questions and comments to me in that way mcintyre actually you die edu and be sure to join us next week for kbr presents today on tv are present lessons learned on and off the football field it's kansas city chiefs president mark donovan donovan joined the cheese into thousand nine and has served as president since two thousand eleven years working within the national football league for seventeen years not even gave the forty six vickers memorial lecture sponsored by the university of kansas business school on april fifteenth two thousand fifteen program was originally broadcast on august sixteenth two thousand fifteen the title of his lecture lessons in leadership why be very clear about a few things the lessons that have been shared with me lessons that i have either observed
in the many different places that i've been able to actually have a career in a job in and lessons from great leaders and secondly it has shown to not teach them i'm not the expert in leadership a dozen people who are and down some of the stories maybe impactful for you and then they provide you some information that hopefully will lead you and help you be a leader in the future so i was jennifer moore well my first lessons in leadership where their first impacted by a great leader for the cowboys are young youth football team in pittsburgh pennsylvania first sports experience that i had i was ten eleven twelve years old and an original song that won thirty nine straight games it's a tool that every summer for some point again was undefeated into my ears they were undefeated and scored upon so is a powerhouse team that as savvy a part of that
i thought back to the coach of that team his name's fred down that there was an insurance salesman in canada but kids and just loved football used on the mysterious man i can remember from my youth on exporting to the army coach izzo is very impact on your life was the first president you just the point of hard work and how hard work paid off we believed we were turning your team and the success we had on the saturday afternoons really lead to a belief that if you kept working are no matter what it was you'd be successful you can imagine the windy windy windy windy basically you every game by forty plus pointed at its core you know you can you can mess with your mind from my perspective it as being a team player and i thought a lot about what he taught us and to
follow up the kids are on their team and going to school together we had success in high school level lives with the college sports and the one thing that i remember about for gallup which was he doesn't really think about this well again we were hardly scored upon and wanting that to first announcement that you get him something he didn't tolerate chobani he didn't tolerate disrespect when we wanted to know where the score was lined up and we should continue ms look the other players in the us you can imagine there are some disappointed in you know i mean there was there was was a fractious he went out and as you know it is something that i know every one of us to work from bad experiences something truly driven my leadership style and when i look across the great because i've been able to work with have been around to see that same humility some to fast for decades the national football league
and in which again here tonight are few common themes one is humility in the importance of being humble leader and two is i am a big believer in having a heightened awareness i believe that if you are more aware of your surroundings if you are more aware of the people around you are the things that you can learn from them you can greatly enhance your career an example of that because i will share some stories of just watching great readers and being where what they were doing i will also say that many of the lessons i learned were intentional nine eleven arizona to go into their wing and taught me in my career the ones that were directly and taught me a lot more impactful for me because i wasn't as observant i wasn't as aware as i served climbed the ranks and move through different jobs i realized the importance of awareness so those things
continuously throughout this and hopefully of these examples of how they simply about my career so as a relative terms of appalling the interesting year for us we think we're at a four point two years ago you're thinking about the domination of a sports league you're thinkin bout as powerful entity we think about the national football league over the past year you think of headlines like this a man named roger goodell who is extolled as one of the most brilliant commissioners in the history of sports two years ago they were calling for his head eight months ago that he should step down but is irresponsible his leadership style we have remained close with the text gate situation in cleveland was this the noise situation in atlanta who admittedly broke rules on and now are being punished
for that we have a situation with deflate gate where everyone call it was in england in the football that inflation's a ruling activists are the highest level of awareness point of our season play us to chip in and assist them and we think about the negative impact that that has on a sports league the momentum that it creates a downward because it costs it also tests you as a leader of this year the nfl was the nfl and i say that as humbly as i possibly can but the nfl is an enormous machine that is more powerful than i can put into words no matter what measures you take were blessed with a sport whose party was america's a part of america's culture after that he says the nfl this
year fourth hour fifty shows and content of nfl games third straight year and nfl games each week of the nfl games in the morning television show in america billy grew a billion dollars each year to last twelve billion dollars in value several you always hear about hundred forty million people watching the most people in the history of the game watched that the issue when you think about what is not just one year since two thousand and five broadcast television as a whole race ended twenty three percent the nfl has increased twenty four percent tell the iraqis not unlike television show american sunday night football this is the first year that we had games on thursday night is number three after all the headlines after all the controversy after all
that this league faced we have these indicators to show that we survived in even excelled so tell us the reason china set up so here's where we are today and what does have to do with leadership want to think about a few that we are national football recruiting that is really putting laying out the directions that we will eliminate every year it's typically third week of march is the owners come together you just a human nature all your information to talk about we didn't have to talk or didn't project to do in the future in those are annual owners must attend everyone's in the room together the chamber put together the agenda for that meeting neither what's going through their head there are different ways that you can address that audience but this definition you can be dismissed
yeah we had some troubles but look at how good we are you can be arrogant that really matters is we should be focused on with this team did led by the commissioner roger goodell this guy david brooks those you don't know david brooks a senior times writer is also a bestselling author as entertaining his challenge was to talk about his new book his new book is called the road to character and i would have not read the book yes i am there are checkpoints that he made in the presentation which were very impactful for me listening and how they relate to great leaders they talk a lot about the importance of character in today's society and the models that our children are generations are looking at as leaders is a very interesting comparisons he talked about the way that the us announced the thick marie was due to a day to talk about the
movie but they provide in that announcement he talked about the comparison of super bowl three three civil war and three dual us first got where witches and fifteen hollywood versus johny lips flat top black high tops and just the disposition of those two as leaders and what they represented a vote to concerts which i thought would be interesting to talk about the nine virtues in his mind and he wasn't talking about them in the sense of leaders but i think the really relate to leaders the first his resume virtues of wealth fame and status and its own identities as i believe most people which is this new requirement the corporate ladder and an experience succeeding in and the business life in your career and stages of your career were you need wealth and status and you're focused on your prioritizing god forbid portion my
career that i was focusing on i was trying to achieve in these are things i looked at they also talk about you leave or choose kindness bravery honesty valuing positive relationships and the importance of those as a leader burial back to where we are he's talking to thirty two of the most successful business people in the world people with egos that you cannot imagine what most enjoyable to cancel the speech as we said you know i've interviewed presidents of seven years of state have been in a closed room giving a warlord identity can do i've never been more excited either soon as jerry jones i think the first take a he's trying to teach character an
imported humility and the virtues of view of the verses famed painted himself that i will tell you having been in that room that prompted year's eve yo even more and upset about twenty of the other owners wyden imagined he was a military and yet his message was it's about humility is about character and it's about being a leader i thought was very interesting as an organization but the national football league chose to have him speak first and what it showed me was this meeting in this critical meeting this point in time the priorities more important prophet the character as leaders was more important than just winning but every person a new missile has done winning trust me and they're seeing a group of more competitive people my life and all competing against
each other but the league led by saying this is what's important the entire thing that the meeting was about humility in character and importance to think that'll be awareness by roger <unk> awareness by the interrogations they said about me and something i was really impressed with that they had the forethought to say we'll go out every directions and there's a lot of different data that we can use this is the direction we're going to go so i will tell you it also a proud of this county because i think that mona talking points down last week monday tuesday and death there was an op ed in the kansas start wednesday written by david brooks and all of this entire even to be about david brooks i thought you might enjoy from the same things because
his cronies outlined how he feels about leadership is describing the candidates in the next presidential election what he was looking for in the candidates and ideally what you do i could see it's got the former president assumed you'd love to see a candidate who's like this he saw america as a land where ambitious poor boys and girls like himself could transform themselves too hard morally improving work it ran with tennis culture think about our kids with a ten twelve real think about the messages that they see the people they look up to the politicians and very people he's talking about and the messes they said as leaders and this week the country think about this this is from a comment from lincoln's temperament surpasses all explanations his own experience of depression and suffering gave a radical self honesty
he had the double minded personality that we all need in our leaders he was involved in a bloody civil war but he was an exceptionally poor heater he was deeply engaged but also to step back a passionate advocate but also the season in his point of view aware of his own power but aware when he was hopelessly interstate extremely self confident but extremely calm think about the messages that are there for the interim lincoln as a leader and then think about today and in my opinion the need for more leaders who are aware and our humble and lead by example so the stories that i shared at the fort leavenworth was about a situation we had with coors light and the good fortune of working for three different commissioners i worked for word
for good in the national hockey league over for paul kagame who commissioner national football league i worked with roger goodell tissue national football league and the very different individuals they have very different leadership styles there was a consistency in them that all of them know the importance of teaching and it was really giving your staff the skills and resources to succeed there also important trusting and trusting his staff there to do the job that you've given and that also challenged now you could dial up and down based on the individual which area each was great that i would tell you that in my career as a leader they're definitely some point in my career where i was not a very trusting leader on what people here will come into the workforce or maybe in the workforce and in turn around situations i was in one myself a few times
that the situation is my tendency is north and the downright yourself i needed to cooperation with my new boss and approved and the cables ought to do all of it took me a while to realize that they actually hurting yourself a new organization by trying to do too much and that trust factor was key had a tough time delegate of them are better and i think and me as an organization we are better off because of it and i just say that roger goodell who if you're going to dial those different levers of teaching trusting and chosen the chosen one that goes to eleven is a very challenging off but in a positive way so he wasn't really sure yet where in the i was part of the team that was in charge of our national partnership's in the market relations we heard was national companies and
he decided in two thousand to that we're going to cut the number of sponsors and half and increased revenues by thirty percent so think about that for a second and he said difficult challenge one that if you're on the sell side and one developing those relationships meeting those relationships one that would seem very contradictory run through a steadfast and he taught us how it should be done and he explained the long term benefit of this raises the short term and a new justice and said go out and do the best you can to combat and about a deal so we actually create new partnerships limits are more partnerships increase the value of deals and the beer category as you can imagine in the sports world where cather is one of the most valuable in sports
physician too exclusive the responses of actual football so the two big rooms in america at the time as a bush and military were both exclusive partners of the national football league in the same category so was an overpass of on the back that this is a real deal it's amazing we got this from this category roger said was i want one partner and i want thirds of war and writing to be salacious as we've heard for some cases ten twenty years and their reporters and had been we devised as we devise a strategy where we're going to work with our partners and as a bush and miller were going to create two more apprenticeships and high level and show roger that's a better deal than doing one exclusive and for other government presented to me they said a person would you don't even priests of the revenue to the league partnerships are strong and have been for a long time i
enjoy the relationship well but haven't spoken to that question when you go into a commissioner fugitive has always need to be ready as many questions as you can so it's not a simple then december there's no interest in the tournament and once you are combined alone alone and a moment you know of the biter out so that's not going to work and just by the way when active lawson with course because they actually ambushed us they're using players in that something difficult to go to them and say hey there's a bunch more money than your competitor for the records is that their shale that get on a plane to build so my boss and i had the time and those of you have been in the workforce nowadays artists we called check the box meetings is going to do this and as detective
box that it's a known at the moment for a deal a deal that we originally presented so i was on a plane in newark and we fly to boulder colorado long as we're here we're three feet of snow falls in boulder store first thought is we don't really pack for overnight and why we even on this plane in the first place was a complete waste of a day or more we get literally followed a snowplow from the airport to build its headquarters and the butter that was there for the meeting and walk in present read our presentation also the former conference room representative for five people missing whole us opener chairman would like to sit in a meeting ok be great to be the chairman of course and who knows the future of the readers a situation or the solution to help us will not happen here about five months later in the door was wheeled highly
the kelley was the chairman ceo of course growing coca the move was a bit of a bear of a man such a nice positive person but six foot five big man walks in and is covered with snow boots were canceled these were new metro chicago those leather jacket for luggage and so what i'm sure this was going on at the time onno is the presenter so i have the presentation i did everything in my boss will answer the questions that's an important point in the story which i will come back to your second son everything is wild rice the asset how we work with partners i show them on a slide with the memorial are expecting over how many years we do we are is through surveys the room and see what the response in body language is and i
don't like science i think is a much silence so so then my boss as well we appreciate your time we appreciate ms kriz really coming out and giving us this time if the new questions will allow light up and this is i got one question if i had the bid at the number what you tell your partner's of twenty years so spending right so i stand up and went to my boss and said so years well boston in a job was saying when it has been reduced their partisan or their friends but they know the number and they had the opportunity they had the number if you have an embryo of the best partner in sports the national football league listen thank you appreciate
it so six weeks later of negotiating courses the official beer sponsor of the national football league the moral of the story is challenging leadership we were getting on the plane we were going we'd figure that we were smarter than our leaders because we knew the best deal was not to go to them roger said get on the plane and rodgers to get in front of these people in prison and riders right i want to ensure the full circle the story corps like brent went through the roof and their benefit of being partridge with the national football league as something they look back in history and say that was a key turning point and in our business as many of you may know that emerged was miller's miller coors now in because of that you know and as i was thinking back over the top and recently bought the exclusive
rights of nashville belief even bigger number sadly not done on this law that would've happened every not been challenged by a great leader none of that would happen mr stern it's local and it's a little less awfully entertaining but a little bit more impactful for us as an organization and two dozen talented the beautiful aaron stadium we could club level on we increased prices by fifty percent some cases more and wish you didn't finish the club the first year we did that has been a challenging today we focus on their first year was every single point of contact will be a positive point of contact every interaction with the past that's only ten to eleven full time employees and can see cheese on sunday any nfl season thirty five to four thousand people work there and
people represent because he's going every single interaction we look at hezbollah as it up to be positive or negative and what we do with those interactions impacts that so this is our story of lead by example and teach but we're really focused on those interactions are really trained are one of these employees work for is one day week with simpler time training we need to interact need when you come up the escalator the center waiting to be proactive ask them how you can help them and i would say that without a success doing that we create a different experience but we gained a first two games i would get their leadoff and if you dress like this on sunday is there a standout sidewalk around the club level and some of the people at the boat do it was an eye opener club level but now before we open the gates so a fully staffed and culture desk staff every valedictorian
entrance to the single as a person is a degree to a beauty tickets but for the first four of them is to announce your own it i was my first walk around was quite because nothing's really going on it every single one of our people were standing at attention in their location their position so sly i'd walk around happen which is swelling as i was walking around looked right at a little league league in office is used thank you melissa good morning it's a good morning for you know we can find a great day like a blog as a hippie oppose the first new ways i heard from kabul so using your example every superstar past the past someone every twenty feet luckily i think more to keep going the morning good morning and all this for some said it's a new season
came back the next time since i walk around every single person sought mcmillian good morning what was really cool was the third sunday get it behind me as i'm walking good morning this new jump start to actually say hello to greet someone and then once they started became sort of course so that first year we have a lot of our ceo level clients have sweets in close intimate level and asked him tell me about the club level experience and i always had some form of you know just it's great goals and love the tea leaves of the bars and it's just so much there used to be but there's something different about the kabul who is i always suppressed them tony what's different think about it think really hard they can go to the answer was you want somebody to
hide it away after game some high fived names of thank you and that interaction the center breeds on itself so it's a little bit of leading by example a show another story from roger worked for roger believe in a left take a job with the philadelphia eagles and similar to hear i arrived right before we opened the stadium's of brandon lincoln financial field won their first i can easily had one scene was completely was actually have a commission come down with his whole family experienced team we had accepted team and jeffrey riel of the filter feeders led a tor of the building so we decided to fill it just completed we're just getting over permits know feted ever been in there it was as clear as it would ever be walking around the facility or a look at all the different
amenities and jackson concession stands and it can imagine and at one point walking through general concourse and those are some of the taint from a construction from the dry wall is laying about six feet from a trash and roger as a culture travels with an entourage of theirs twenty people there another ten of oscar's pleasures here we all the things that was commissioned to walk around and stubbs was a repeat of the tradition and to walk and to tour and looking around and this is more the intentional not the observant leadership skills with the intentional he learned this so did a tour i'd just left the league a few months prior and is it becomes theo's with ketchup bon soir status cars were taken back up to newark isn't ourselves there's a great great opportunity jeffrey has been great to me i'm really excited to
be here so he says he was a connecticut and he said tell a letter to michael he should tell them what he saw what would you observant jew i'm like well i'll give a lot of questions about the answer to more than i think that we've identified the players would answer take note before you made it open to the public as good question and it's like finally sen mike what was with the trash it's a good glad you noticed but think about that for a second my team he's done about his nfl team and your team what's your brand new building has never had a person walk through it and this trash on the floor if it walking with securities that provide theirs is if i stop i mean he's known to either commissioner star witnesses that certainly your staff to my staff
three part in leading by example is being aware and things i struggle with amundsen are again care centers are the pianist jason which he does a great job of just being an inside look you need them maize by walking around need to be out you need to see deer act and does first time i learned that it really does have a very big impact on the people you work with those little things we lead by example or important more things that i have done three tours and coaches i tried to do the javelin and names the names of our employees to twenty nine people many of them are transitional so they're out with us more and six most of the power of no employees name is pretty impressive chose to the playoffs and the shot means going and brian burke and brian was a whole lot of gathered lawyer he was on the hockey service i was an business a
business that every other week the chief operating officer of national hiking they would come outside of building walk around and we just say hello and welcome our sense of that housing jr jr selling i was looking at an office cages which will go on it wasn't hard to help you it wasn't anything in society which work or things that get up and walk away the fact of privacy and knew my name really impacted the first presentation of the commissioner and after that he brought it back and said nice job mark and we are in a group of six or seven people seem to me or walk officer lives in the commission's many now are our commissioner's but what cures has taught me is every leader there's a little bit of awareness that you really can have an impact but it's knowing people's named treated with
respect and interacting with that more than you expect in today's world the secure office and just do your job ivan is a leader you need to be out there so that millions of great leadership quotes polish edison because it's one of my favorites is not necessarily one who does the greatest things he is the one who gets the people to do the greatest things and i go back to the stages of leadership there's a stage in my career where i was resume building was more about for instance the wells there's a stage in my career where i was the one who did things i didn't know it but you realize over time that it's really important as a leader to get people to do great things to teach them to trust them to challenge them so one of the best i've ever worked with getting people to do things is this get through and i were together for six years in philadelphia
i was here four years before we are lucky enough to get him to come here i've not been around a better leader in terms of getting a group to trust each other to believe in each other and to do things for the greater good think about the job of the national football league head coach little different in college athletics these athletes are guaranteed contracts not without scholarships that were up clinton again the rangers and making more money next year this guy gets in the play hard as hard when the season when you don't question says he doesn't linger and he doesn't trust well first things he does at the very first meeting he fortune invites a bunch of the leaders the years mission to save his verse is very first really candy and he says it every year veterans of the same thing look fourteen or have disagreements
were a challenge is ever used to have highs and lows yeah to see i moan flat minor and i will never put you out in public i will never call you out individually as a reason for us not being successful software do this you can trust me but i will always take that in return for that trust yeah to be honest and open and to be honest no with you you're probably come to me and we deal with that you don't go to the media either ted cruz vice president education can share all kinds of stories of in today's world the meaning is always around it's always an opportunity for a player to be out their work it sometimes gets grief for is boring press conference of them say a lot of service his respectful and he answers the question but there's a reason he didn't say a lot is more important to our
imagination that we have the trust of the men in that locker room it's more important to our success but those guys won't want to offer this kind of justice it is only are people trust and want to win four you're likely to have so and i'm forty nine point four million people watch this game they're all watching this playwright says the butler interception to win the super bowl familiar patriots it will be implemented as aaron history in sports history i would tell you for me a father of a two of your boy who plays football that was more important point in the game does that gingerly one of the best defensive players in the game football today his team just lost a simple in an inexplicably he went from i'm going to be civil to be in two years in a row to how what just happened and his response was
to show respect for going to be i would tell you that reminded me of read gallant there is in a time when we should respect which candidate well i went for the old city is that mr richard sherman and tom brady are two of the most passionate players in the national football league you see the energy you may remember richardson this interview at the nfc championship game we called a clear there's passion that passion but i respect that level of humility these are made him a great leader and both of the ritual is in kansas said he wanted a cd for the play at your word that the winner won awards and my wife of that is suzanne you so impactful because all we talked about
what how hard he worked to get to where it was it was about the show boeing was about sly sunglasses and it was about i'm sending a message and where the audience and sending messages that he had that i got here because i worked hard and anyone else anyone else out there who works hard can beasts just a successful side so davis thomas is a linebacker jonathan winters anyone walter payton manning your word issue which goes to the player who by his peers is selected as the most impactful and skinny the charity work the sudden you really summed up a lot of messages and winston today one awareness he stand from of the best players in the national football league when he gives the speech he's standing in front of thirty of the thirty two nfl owners when he gives the speech he's aware he has an
audience is also challenging the agency in the senate ms leachman yes movie that video listen to god that make a difference the sizes will we will cut the same thing that we do mercedes keys two fourth well he didn't do that great acceptance speeches in dc and that fits perfectly fine to accept the word thank you mom and dad and move on he was challenging the players initially when i bring it full circle that's
owning a mansion where the owners all get together a commissioner of video showed that video that out in front of all of his bosses are thirty two owners and he commercially couldn't get the next line because that guy had such an impact on him and the perspective of where we've been this year in that representation that we could kill with the power of our brand was to leadership something that was pretty exciting for the entire league i'm just up here on i mean it does show is in one little signal to questions on disturbed the homework assignment but something our best to watch for in the coming seasons we watch a national football league game on tv that moment that i showed you on with richard
sherman and tom brady was happening every single day are broadcast partners and that works in your fans religion and age of showing some real things that happened but our leaders made up of leaders who do those things every single day and i bet you begin to see a lot more of those highlighted by a leak because it's important as a leading to lead and provide examples to young athletes know if football players but athletes so typical new league professor away i ask you to think about as you go through your career be aware but the surroundings are the lessons are right in front of the camera ask you think about those eulogy virtues and importance of those as a leader you are listening to marc donovan president of the kansas city chiefs
donovan david vickers memorial lecture at the university of kansas on april fifteenth two thousand fifteen sponsored by that k u school of business done and now these questions from the audience so the question was whether it would lead to the info and with the amount of population and interest on why when joe mcdonald lead in mexico come to answers the question why is there still a discussion about creating a great way to create development players with the nashville bully outweigh the benefits that we have which were not shy about is the ncaa college football if i were the best only you could ever have and they really feel those players too are prepared and to play this game the signature that is national strategy that we have developed as a leader at her chairman corker is actually the chairman of the actual committee on the interest level in our
sport is growing exponentially internationally yachts and writers of america and mexico is one of the great growth opportunities research at times have to outgrow that correctly and it is somewhat grassroots getting kids to play time explaining the sport were very expensive sport to try as a child in mexico or brazil or near developing countries complain again the issue is and then secondly we're beginning to develop a national market the other thing well talk about london we're playing the cheese came along this year the league is could have free different games in london at wembley stadium eighty thousand cc i'm offering him sold out there's a great demand for on set a lot of the culmination of developing the support internationally and also developing players that i think would be difficult to argue
that it would make sense to really go too strongly with a better development league and since then the ncaa with that you talked about how the nfl that from several negative headlines in the past year i was wondering if you could speak to how litigious organization coming back from some of its own negative headlines including arrowhead anxiety and several age discrimination cases settled outside of court you think it's so many questions after those you didn't hear it has been about comparing we've been through his lawyers issued my dad weiser says there've been a couple moments in my career there be a character building experience on your first four years here were character building for me which has a lot of different challenges about the leadership here for a second the winning entry for years which are difficult and what and former
employees did or some great people great work and will be very successful national football league who are no orders issued on it's not about the individual as much is about tiny perspective on and really some walk i think from a leadership standpoint one of the most decisive leadership moments in my career was watching from the middle of december and to january twelve we're like two thousand twelve to wash a car executing his record is and making changes to the hierarchy of our position really difficult for him because the good people work harder and do the best they can just dig it was working but he knew he needed to make changes
right the ship in every direction and his decisiveness was answering this i know we need to do one of the subtle things and a lot of people realize is that he had worked with his father for so long and dancer watching it all happen and then he went out and hired the regime that didn't work it was a real test for them what he learned from that first experience really set up his success so that one of the biggest differences was he said i'm going to find a head coach first in our world to be a journalist for an organization he knew from his experience that you had to change the cheese has been for the last forty years a general manager led realization change that and he knew that he had to hire a coach with experience in the national football league and success the national football league isn't that was his plan and died so surreal about any unity a lot of opportunities
he could've ended up in arizona next to where his wife grew up he could have ended up in san diego next to worry as a home on a cork was decisive and when we had the opportunity to the use of the window it is and you use the best candidate for us and their dad john torres general manager to india known in the words of those were of those two individuals and the experience they've had together and success they had together i was critical in rewriting history because she's a near term on its chan's character going to be in that world and to go through that with him it was inspiring to see him the lead for that and it's really fun thing for the solution today because and we have the winningest coach in the first two seasons of being that coach in our history we've got a gentle measures
to set up a system the structure we have a chance to be really successful for a very long time what happened a quarter and not done what he did in two thousand twelve you're listening to marc donovan president of the kansas city chiefs the last question from the audience with the recent success of the kansas city royals and sporting kc how do you keep the kansas city chiefs competitive after the great question and sometimes we do it a lot so michele if new was as we do it on our potential partners of carter's first of all i'm not that in a city before where the teams go along so well now we know and trust and learn from the guys at sporting were very supportive of them think they're doing for those you don't announce also on minimalist human power so that their partners the royals have been a great
story to watch dayton and the cesar what he's been through i've been here six years you know i've had a lot of conversations with me about staying the course and challenges of state of course and it's great to see them succeed their neighbors which in the same complex so very close to them as well but in those situations we asked a question in the context of retirement age a partner and they're looking at a department that she's the wilson sporting and i have to back to the training point we don't train your salespeople to be honest to be humble and one thing he says you choose and just over the value and the demand for the product the woes and eleven point seven reading from the opening day
it was the highest rating that has two franchise and i am very happy for them like i called the new michael can you a complete list of because of seeing the parking lot was empty and there's an idea i see this deal as a conference it's fun to watch them succeed on the battle of the seven is about a little over half what we do for a pre season game when you look at our opening day at about three times so it's a little bit of that unity of the measure that you decide but these are the facts and residential debate right now in surveys voters difficult and rob hyman as a sport are trying to decide what we think that's great with it it can be all but it's great for kansas city when sports teams are successful screenplay is successful it's great weekend when she's a successful i've been quoted an old standby the school
i gather some reporters i believe that life is better to the students easily right but a partnership of the statistically here's how much when american women because i was mimicking humans and i said well i but think about the perspective that we talk about latin quarter while where privilege responsibility i thought i would enjoy an analyst about this hey if we're doing our jobs we make life better in kansas city how coups that talk about whether executive you we get the privilege have been tested under the medallion covered i have no right the president concedes he's a work for the hunt thing it's interacting with these people and we get to decide what to do with this right
my goodness that's cool but if you know if you're not aware of six to eight times you'll be there a long and we we are looking just a great privilege to be here and so my answer your question i would say that as an organization we rules mean for schooling of the characters who move for the missouri tigers in case they get is great when supporters successful engineering you've just heard mark donovan president of a kansas city chiefs donovan gave the forty six lecture in the vickers memorial lecture series sponsored by the university of kansas school of business i'm katie mack entire kbr present if the production of kansas public radio at the university of kansas
kansas lawmakers headed to being dead in just over a week for the two thousand sixteen session to join us next sunday for a special cave here is when will take your questions about what's ahead in kansas politics will have a panel of political reporters and experts on hand to field your questions and comments you can email your questions to me in advance my email address is kate mcintyre decade you that's k n c i n t y r e it's your chance to weigh in on that two thousand sixteen kansas legislative session ahead to join us next week for k pierre presents on kansas public radio
Lessons in leadership - KC Chiefs President Mark Donovan - Encore
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KPR (Lawrence, Kansas)
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As the KC Chiefs gear up for the NFL playoffs in 2016, KPR Presents "Lessons Learned On and Off the Football Field" with President Mark Donovan.
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Vickers Lecture - Encore
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Chicago: “Lessons in leadership - KC Chiefs President Mark Donovan - Encore,” 2016-01-03, KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 18, 2024,
MLA: “Lessons in leadership - KC Chiefs President Mark Donovan - Encore.” 2016-01-03. KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Lessons in leadership - KC Chiefs President Mark Donovan - Encore. Boston, MA: KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from