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says this parent company general dynamics has announced an agreement to sell the flip our unit to the eaton corporation in spokesman many remain explains why his company is interested in this division of cessna and i regret that we need the evening as a hydraulic division which is headquartered in eden prairie a couple of the actors to put the world our products that are used in agricultural and mobile equipment applications i am and actually the vision problems with their dignity says this general manager and hutchinson loren alderson says he's glad an agreement has been reached he says it's good to be beyond the apprehension of showing the facility to a different buyer every week and it's also better for the employees who may have been wondering about the company's future of lasers or some apprehension associated with changing i wish it was as
if he was pleased alderson says the agreement for bridges will be filed with the securities and exchange commission for thirty days so no takeover will occur for at least forty five days because of that time period injured many remain denied to comment about the company's plans for the hutchinson business i do first of all i'm not a corporate office are very far removed from the product in manufacturing environment evolve we're very resilient and i think that has to be recognized you know there'd be a period of time here where rewards called do do we did take place and then then there will be a quote in time that will be following that that period which in the new yorker about three days and i probably will be end of june before that you had actually closed i think we're close to that time in the end they do is actually closed then and probably to be a lot easier to achieve those sorts of things probably too early proved all right now well representatives from
eden and cessna did not make promises for the company's future the directing representative from the district's seven the machinists union is optimistic about the change of ownership rigid outrage of wichita says he hopes within a year or two more employees will be added in hutchinson realistic slow circles greenland for the sayles agreement was the main force in maine as is the contract for its memphis soul hustle as i understand the possibility and was it remained open operating conditions aldrich says ever since general dynamics acquired the fluid power division it was apparent the company was on the market so now the decision has been made and he thinks it will ease the tension is good news for the employee's portion is new products are in this field
operation and ten of our most rural until this point was a regular of robot is plausible because dubai says her mother's good news says no one of reno county's biggest employers been through some rough times argues remembers when the company have about tripled the number of union members as it has now in nineteen seventy nine it made up for a reunion of our use of around one by one and maybe three thousand at how we got about seven fifty eight hundred whale or a recovery program and let's say you don't ensure diversity and with those layoffs of gum some hard bargaining between the union and general dynamics but aldrich is hopeful that that will change with the eaton corporation this is how you describe the relationship between the union and general dynamics were all more difficult for more competitive areas to continue
for a big corporation years ago the country virginia quarterly review you know a conversion from people aldrin says his hope for the eaton corporation is based on the fact that other union leaders who presently deal with even have told him they're a fair company cessna food power currently employs a little over a thousand people and the ones i talked to about the possibility of new ownership we're optimistic that things might be looking up for them aren't forward to that makes a line really to extend us they were up by flute are up by which job and we just went from and so what i do at every county that as actor as asked by john and by which time and so in the hour of power i think that no they found some but it was the
viruses in the sense of an outlier because the ways that's been thirty billion dollars on a company in somehow the future plans for its neighbors hours instead of iconic spot itself says that he also no honestly one thing i think probably it's for the best i think if they are put some money on it and new machinery and stuff we could be better off we're protecting business i'm looking forward to that believers can bring some work in this town put some people back to work in owning bank says there's a major part of hutchinson and i really believe that probably this is the rope was different for kate cc i'm kate cd i'm nancy think last week the main piece of equipment arrived at the new cancer treatment center at hutchinson hospital has the president jean schmidt explains the linear accelerator i like to use an
analogy that relates to hunting in terms of the different ways that you can treat cancer patients for example the lyrics all writer in their cancer treatment that it receives might be an elegy an analogous to a rifle is a rifle ago running for example for small gaming is a shotgun for doug cunningham for other kinds of planning in terms of the lyrics are either it's akin to a rifle and that it can go deep into the body they can pinpoint the cancer that's to be traded and it can do it without destroying a lot of surrounding tissue so it's just like a rifle bullet in terms of bingo being able to go in deep and treating cancer at the source and also to be included in the cancer treatment centers are existing cobalt treatment unit and that would be similar to a shotgun in that it is a wider pattern and it takes care of for example cancers that are closer to the surface so if there's head neck cancer that could often effectively be treated by cobalt whereas
other types of cancer would be more effectively treated by the lyrics are rare so there are different ways of treating cancer just to serve different types of guns to go hunting she says the one point three million dollar piece of equipment weighs about thirty thousand pounds technicians are busy installing it through the center's opening which should be about september first the linear accelerator as part of a new center at the hospital which means as will cut down on the travel time area cancer patients have to spend going to wichita and the thing that's very hard on the patient and the patient's family is that the service of treatments is really sure in terms of the treatment itself to really be a twenty or thirty or forty minute treatment but it's required on a daily basis for a number of weeks so to travel which top five days a week for a you know it's a relatively short treatment here the travel time involving there's oftentimes some and nausea and other
kinds of feelings of discomfort following a treatment so it is an uncomfortable kind of ride and that coupled with the fact that it goes on for five or six weeks means that there are about thirty trips to wichita or even further away for this kind of treatment presently in addition to patients from the hutchinson area she says western kansas will also benefit from having a center located in hutchinson i think that we will serve as the cancer treatment center of choice too many people from western kansas they do enjoy coming to hutchinson you don't enjoy coming for medical procedures put that aside first all but they will come to hutchinson and would much rather come here and fight your way through the traffic to wichita and get into the really large city so we were you know they prefer to come to hutchinson and many of them will come her for cancer treatment she says the radiation oncologist in charge of the new center would be down to cu nielsen says finding here i was almost a fluke as you know many
physicians are steering clear of kansas these days because of problems with malpractice insurance and other kinds of problems that doctors face in the state it's not a particularly good medical climate at this time and not very good legal climate and for physicians to practice dr karin nielsen has clearly radiation oncologist grew up in a small town in south dakota i grew up in town about twenty five hundred people and her family moved to texas and she receives over education and training in texas and remainder are training at stanford university medical center in palo alto calif she basically characterized as herself as a small town girl so she what like to get back to more rural part of the united states she wants to get out of the big cities and we're finding that in terms are recruiting physicians to kansas and physicians to hutchinson you have to find someone who either grew up in the area or someone who
has an affinity for the smaller towns for a more rural why style who wants to get out of the big city so we we really kind of locked into finding dr nelson because they're only eighteen hundred radiation oncologist in the united states and most of them want to stay in the big cities hutchinson hospital president jean schmidt says about four or five more employees will be used in a cancer treatment center in addition to dr nielsen for kate cc and kate see dr nancy finken there's more than one lottery game going on right now and he didn't give a so what else is happening besides the regular ants to games we have to do online games going on that we'll begin debating and we have the air again with you know i played i know
i've had the only really big winner and they came with one cuban which can be eleven point three eight million dollar winner and then of course all the online game and it is called a taekwondo we're having a wonderful time we did it give me an eight twenty five thousand dollar jackpot that overall drop to drop out and the driver held when they fabricate and what is coming saturday night can you believe that that are going to be two hundred and thirty three thousand dollars is about that and the teams competing against its energies and we now feel that the endgame invited her players we have a player who only play our bailout line came when other player who only played in the game and of course played of him in that when the lottery
started in november i'm sure there were some comparison of what happened in other state's lottery games and one of the things was that they would peak and then taper off as that happened here in kansas in terms of sales as the new nes and the excitement kind of worn off the end after he made the lottery at the tree seemed to show that in the game and off with a big bang everyone think i did about them in each of the places where lotteries began and of course your first day your first week first month they over never going to be repeated again that it a playwright and so we knew that in that game would graduate of taper off in playoff berth have not dropped off and we had projected if they get a higher level that we had projected to were very pleased about that so its revenue has run into the state because of the lottery games a
player in the game right now can only be they are in animated deal with her base on the allegations are made by private lenders go up maybe you can make a quick mental are undertaken and what we can't yet to be totally inventoried not that we haven't yet the natives they'll get into the main yale twenty nine nineteen ninety one thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars didn't you have the net estimate they'll debate the validation of the fourteen million three hundred thirty seven dollars a game three cans of cat which you've got a market three thousand five hundred dollars imports are going to fail cain thousand two hundred dollars and i mean again which the marketplace
the twenty third of kin they'll have three hundred and forty dollars they'll probably twenty twenty five thousand dollars comments about money then is considered a profit gallery invited of every dollar goes i didn't cry on the end of that dollar going to benefit oh yeah griffin went to a reappraisal cough and temper and went to our correctional institution for building program so that we have clean and
they'll have a lottery regular sixty percent since two thousand ok do you know what kinds of things can give us some examples of specific areas that that went into an economic the moment it now we have seen economic development initiative funded a lot of great projects going for canton for example you out of that fund went to bob kane tech grant which is a research and development killed there without a great that we had you can economically gallon to kill which training program entered money went to camp and film commission and
an impact feasibility study how we get any bad lending out public broadcasting keio the public broadcasting has been out of bunker hill for satellites about where in the arm one hundred thousand of the fiscal year is our revenues from the lottery a whimper that satellite program and after july for an additional three hundred thousand making a grand total of four hundred thousand per year will go to make it out of public broadcasting available to southwest kansas rather than to really excited about that public relations director for the kansas lottery barbara frat four page cc and kate cd i'm nancy finken whether he was part of her under a number of reasons first of all
in our first best food fest the society no thought that we might learn all we need to know about effective management when it was probably a take yourselves because everyone also get it done is part of the general philosophy currently that in management and becoming more fly fish and we should look to people instead of to machines and standardization in uniform in these kinds of things and it's likely one of a great caribbean peters one of his book in search of excellence was forty three people in this part of the whole management emphasis now is that we can make our businesses and our institutions more effective by as they say in the book of making people feel good about themselves because people who feel good about themselves produce better results and i don't think it was would go there and leslie is of the style of the book as it was brazil is short but it's also a parable it's a story with a moral day begins once there was a bright young man who was looking for an effective manager and then in his quest is young
man discovers the three secrets of one minute management so what are those three secrets needed loans well the three secrets of one minute man are basically applications of our behaviors think psychology principles which many freshmen learned in a psychology course their first year of college before seeger has one main goal setting the authors of the book sacred duty to set goals and they need to be a measurable and normal term so that you know exactly what you want a coalition and i think it makes good sense of that as the characters and alice in wonderland if you don't know where you're going to erode the anti war hero supporters to be effective and efficient than you need to let them know what what goals they need to have what is expected of them and you do it in a way so that they can be evaluated are given feedback because as they say in the book the bag is the breakfast of champions once you set the girls and going and
they say keep them short and stop the one minute i think his part gimmick but part of an indication that this can be done briefly concisely exactly they said the goal should be said state to and fifty words or less and that is when you said goes you allow yourself to use the age old problem solving technique that is if you know what you want to have a problem when there is a discrepancy between what you want to happen in what is happening and therefore your efforts are exerted towards removing the discrepancy and they can happen what you want to happen assuming that you know what you want to happen so one goal setting is the first one and what you said the goals and of course there are those consequences of those girls and the other two cigarettes are won him praising and one minute reprimand the consequences of your goals of your behavior in protecting to richer girls can be good or bad and so to focus on something they call one minute praising to
reinforce the behavior that has exhibited when you seek to accomplish your goals and again this is behavior stick psychology theory setting a reinforcement schedule will influence and affect behavior and one when appraising the authors recommend that you tell people up front that you're gonna let them know what to do i think you are going to give them feedback and the feedback should begin immediately we know this from the education ministry testing theory that if you wait too long after all the learning situation at a test and give feedback it loses its a reinforcement effect so you should praise them but the dough you're going to praise them for for effective behavior praise them immediately told what they did right in and be specific and i heard one of the again behaviors to characteristics is that when you praise them you know praised and globally are jazz people you praise their specific behavior you reinforce that specific behavior and then literally you praise that you're told how you feel about how it helps the organization and out of
town says the organization and they say after you've done that you've given out one minute praising you stop for a moment of silence to let the subordinate deal how good you feel about his having accomplished his goal encourage them to do more of the same and you shake hands or touch people in a way to make it clear that you support their success celebrate your successes another idea of peace was in search of excellence cook law celebrate success so in a sense this is the same kind of thing you get them immediate feedback to reinforce the positive behavior that's resulted in a caution of the goal and let them know how much of that you appreciated how much do you feel about it and know how what should benefits to society and of course they say once a day out the employee has learned system you don't have to it reinforced quite as much in fact psychology says any irregular reinforced the schedule is more effective than a few are reinforced
every time who is actually who play slot machines longer it could go that they'll pay off every time that if they pay off of it and you pull that all believe it or not and that one that one didn't reprimand is the opposite side of the one they're praising you tell people i had it and you're going to let them know either do what they should expect to be evaluated then you reprimand immediately when something bad behavior curse and you tell them specifically what they did wrong when other and how you feel about it and one of the things it's important here i think is that this theory brings out is that when you've represented you know where criminals parsons you identify specific behavior and in the wide as good is because they can change behavior if i criticize your behavior you can change that but my criticism is seen by you as a global criticism of you as a person you may begin to feel you're worthless inefficient person and nothing can be done about it so the rubber mention should try to criticize specific behavior and then again
a moment of silence a little uncomfortable you feel about there their behavior and remind them that you value them very much in you what you want to change is this specific behavior and last but not least when they're reprimand is over it's all for you no gunny sack you don't save a bit of a personal wrong things and the bomb and what you have written for a specific incident but now it's gone that's an apache know that does not affect future so that's essentially what they're doing in terms of the three secrets of one medical setting women and praising and one minute we're mad are there any big disadvantage is it sounds like there are some advantages some obvious ones on the disadvantages to using the system well it shares the disadvantages of all all behaviorist theories and that is that life is more the measurable absorb noble behavior ideals well with a bizarre way of behavior and objectives the one about bags
i mean who gets to set these objectives i mean what if your boss says objectives that have that are not exactly a positive for good are you know you know one of rick year richard nixon in utah is a board is to break into apartment complex or whatever so that it shares that disadvantage of biggest example in that the focus is not on by his own behavior and the measure behavior death valley it came in if not correctly done with the right kinds of guys bagging up result of manipulation you are has since manipulating people and i think those are the disadvantages of course the advantages that doesn't possess people and the dust bowl was on behavior and not on the particular person like the one minute manager of the authors are blanchard and johnson can of blanchard is a phd with a background in counseling and spencer johnson is a medical doctor dr ken gibson dean of instruction at hutchinson community college speaking about the book the one minute manager for kpcc and kate cd i'm nancy finken
Series of news reports
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Radio Kansas (Hutchinson, Kansas)
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News reports on Cessna selling to Eden, medical equipment and health workers, Kansas lottery tickets and drawings, and effective management.
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A series of News Reports.
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Host: Finken, Nancy
Producing Organization: KHCDC
Producing Organization: KHCC
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-c8165427c2d (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
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Chicago: “Series of news reports,” Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 8, 2024,
MLA: “Series of news reports.” Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 8, 2024. <>.
APA: Series of news reports. Boston, MA: Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from