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it's been an hour to me people are going to fall no way i was going to have and i had to decide which are low and wide identify the point in any event begins and have it until i can nominate and vote of women who think that and my father will have a perfect right i wouldn't have been here you know i'm in an inevitable or i can't believe
they can still have to write it down the road heaven heaven the only invader psychological psychological and i can imagine what old farid would by the national arena within the local would you tell us why it is to the test on the road he's crew really well i don't want to be on it the number of a year in which one i want to leave the ability of the ivory on the moon area by late
nathan and i spent my twenty years in russia he began my oldest son was depravity liberal we'll fire gear and speakman i learned english from his governess before you learned russian including the euro composer josh brolin after cambridge university lived in exile in rome and paris with his wife of forty years there at their son dmitri is now opera singer but in the vocal we've done a living like
tutoring translating coaching tennis as well and by writing a novel in russia and eight when players are long night in college in nineteen sixty eight in america you're taught literature at cornell well before emigrating it translated to have his novels from russian into english and written the first of his father english novel is complete switch from russian to english prose was exceedingly painful but his lifelong love affair with the english language continues i've been living in europe again for five years now and live in an elegant swiss hotel overlooking lake geneva and i promised instead on another being loaded they knew a lot and i predict what the new book that i'm a writer but hussein told us of one of his many works in progress i'm in the process of translating
really going to rush bluetooth make grim reading my creative rely on earth that in a news show when i open it incredible mystery that's not a member of the women to talk in english so it made the light of my life well my loins my thing my soul minority thought they did only a couple of ways that the american public really on that he ruined me the nobel winner the post hello renee all found mandate those found that only the
lazy in the ongoing labor should they will be met willie and shot it off will it got going to hear the cost of a trade group the trash car companies i know i will not be a great wall in the park he did anything else thank you
it's by it the following an entirely new virtual one of these shootings and it got into my new a new fire the days when a stretch hummer that only the arctic is a girl like you and barack obama are locked and nine levin have diverted in effect i've been to the folks under newt's by public tv notions about so
called great books martin and when i get you know they get a lot of their necks but a dramatic overhaul cannot it's called gabi chronicle concluded the most of it oddly took journalists to great books is the minnesota a delusion atlantic and advised the us and makes the picture my greatest most of a century ago and restore them the european cup of confirmation believe the big bird and the first half of those thirty two insurgent not die i noticed that no american masterpieces on your lips when you think of recent
american writing were over the best of our writers and say forty five am well very very big hit simultaneously any given generation i bring that challenge of an updike off whitehall the private market innovation ear nose and getting those movies clothing was made and maybe the ad literally summers in america during the country collecting
butterflies to senator cochran it was at the rainbow and devoted quite quite wonderful he came to know and love the united states and it's my new twist distinctions of style and landscape and he talks to returning america soon for good and nineteen forty five after all there's a country where iran being happier than anywhere else the american museum of natural history contains several but it was first described by this lifelong love of doctors one is known as the borg often him unique specimen named many years before getting on language of the word meme but less of it i don't i don't think in the words of a verbal if dave ficklin of that image and it can be something quite brave quite sure
a juxtaposition of two things a brief conditional path and then after that it will fully doable but another the word all there they're the best way behind the theater waiting to come out of eligibility is to find the so called me in what is called inspiration even better movie confirmation well i've been talking to current indigo they're going on the issue because of the lead men divided but then the potential that the war when the two hundred and nine and it was not going to jump out notes notes and things which i want to remember but actually people during my novel partly i'm composing and then rearrange them and in any
given all the only way i thought that morning a group within the gaps with the vatican which is a russian domain to acquire another graduate and go days in europe about riding crop of books you take the oven oh like i don't like shows photos away i'd finish with a garden at me writing and not only do the car you at a light and copied out another condo turned into carbon copy on the other side the way my motor to contemplation like she don't like it
and i it came i think a lot of the car making some changes and that we can oh they all thought it was spotlighting american proves he updated committee approved the two sides of the same time and it is rather to build his legs is a loan or the guys and then alter all to lunch we are racially discriminatory all of the men all over to the
enemy or being laid upon they are and on the bench in the end up with the often the mission and then and he got across regularly and so i knew him by the moment and so can i credit drew who's longtime bans all he wants is to give them an heirloom notes
early introduction you know this book has less like russian appeal then on other novels and among those investors and there's been a political industry will suffer some who are devoted in and i said you know i do a lot of the same article that says that the spin the remarkable sydney do remarkably said that this men well overnight both israel and that maybe other victims of the war ended be gracious a wonderful thing and then well i have and
some not all alone and additions of cultivation remains strong as the votes from the family were playing richard gives it i mean i think it's there's a turkish tradition the man at the girl on the job who is so we showed up at their credit edition and that connectivity penetration i find nuance and over the ocean the new german edition which is their credit to renew their hands and david cohen edition
and deflation and they're going to do it balkan nations that will note and this cult that book a lot of other things i did taste for instance it genocide that he is in a novel which are meant to represent the protagonist no no no but band music and music like the new portable music next room
with a clip of music con side of the bridge in animals journalistic cliche it's been built over what pope oh oh humidity of a hundred were not an open up virgin olive byrne and it starts up a new no mind the middle of the title it's going to be tech show time i'm not channeling treated that would go very mature time zone interferes with a title with her to evolve at the tv show of the audio stopped the executive director of
a lot of them aren't happy to load the raven there mervyn edward barnard is that i have given rise again an essay a scholarly looking at on time and then gradually turn it into a disc thought i had in mind the metal false doctrine the madoff was gradually turning to this point with innovative to think about time without using cement is all on that of applause her and my thumb is you have those men of all believe the form of the way of those they're doing and then again to fall apart and eight all in in this rather drive both serious and women
if they are and god it was so difficult to what to do about it you can have in his atv that you have been a huge white you don't know even though moon lieutenant no no korea or clear that northrop he couldn't get the
government to begin on having an accord on monday anything that have permitted to build political picture that on the tennis court that we really do people are indoors for indoor bill that indicate that we will be a little new plane well why and we don't know
you know that i can even think of dj at the usual of those though are a movement it again again thank you i
didn't that's the apes which are talented and the bill as masterpieces and now has been using oh yeah come on those people was in moscow and another engine they said and we've heard from poland presented by his letters home and you'll surely variations of the variance of language you have to choose your survey cross knows that you're here my god help them composers just problem composer called into her blue eyes and deceitful moved sometimes a solution a poll solution is on the internet problem to mislead this song the unknown pleasures advantage in fighting two or three full solution
going through them and commit loss there's some very simple actual solution a bit of the problem i mean this kind of thing happens as a welcome in my in my in my typical position you sometimes i was not actually on the verge of the all there are those who use those to you in those of the vote lebanon's with which seemed to be the right trailer i thought of biology and actually lead me to be good leaders what would have raided a fraction of iranian on a bit of paper all of them they are many old dr walsh looms finally you have the tensions that you're legally days as you when you're
looking for what you get most of the head and it seems to me that that pioneered new global fund on the media to have something that no one in eleven eleven that's right did the right thing but even that is buying into the only real life he had it all by the audience at the landing on
when having me it speaking up for them until about the things which show me that the government is going to be that big night of the word you said i like
that one a lot of that that you have this person go out and play a bit of this feeling that yeah this about her he did pretty well no no nationwide
distribution of the proceeding program is a service of the corporation for public broadcasting it's b
USA: The Novel
Episode Number
Vladimir Nabokov
Producing Organization
National Educational Television and Radio Center
Contributing Organization
Thirteen WNET (New York, New York)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/75-84zgn202).
Episode Description
This program was filmed in Vladimir Nabokov's Swiss home as he corrected galleys, hunted butterflies, and spoke of his life and work.
Episode Description
This episode is the first off-the-cuff, for-the-record filming to which Vladimir Nabokov, the author or "Lolita" and "Pale Fire," has ever consented to. Mr. Nabokov currently lives in Montreux, Switzerland where NET filmed him correcting galleys, collecting butterflies, and taking about his life and work. This American author and lepidopterist was born in St. Petersburg in 1899 into the Russian nobility. He left Russian in 1919, studied at Cambridge University in England, lived in Germany and France and then came to the United States in 1940, and became naturalized in 1945. He lectured at Wellesley College 1940-1941 and 1942-1948; was Research Fellow in Lepidoptera, Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology 1942-1948, and professor of Russian and European Literature, Cornell University 1948-1959. He received Guggenheim Awards in 1943 and 1953, also an American Academy of Arts and Letters Award, 1951. His output includes works on butterflies, memoirs, biography (Nikolai Gogol), poetry, short stories, and novels in Russian and English including "Lolita" (1955) and "Pale Fire" (1962). Vladimir Nabokov now resides (mainly for family reasons) in Switzerland. He and his wife live in a hotel in Montreux. The episode shows him informally about the hotel - in his room, dining, and on the terrace. We also see him walking about the village, collecting butterflies, playing football and chess (his indoor sport), and talking freely about his life and work, literary likes and dislikes, method of work, satisfactions as a writer, and about European and American literature in general. USA: The Novel - Vladimir Nabokov is a 1966 National Educational Television production. Episode Running Time: 28:52 (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Series Description
In five episodes, USA: The Novel continues with the exploration of the state of the literary arts in the United States. This group of episodes starts with an introductory show which examines the major influences on the novelists of the last two decades and continues with episodes on individual authors, with each in a style that best suits the man featured in the episode. The 5 half-hour episodes that comprise this series were originally recorded on film. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Published Work: This work was offered for sale and/or rent in 1972.
Copyright National Educational Television & Radio Center January 30, 1966
Media type
Moving Image
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Associate Producer: Hirschler, Kurt, 1931-1986
Camera Operator: Macartney-Filgate, Terence
Director: Hughes, Robert
Director: Macartney-Filgate, Terence
Editor: Hirschler, Kurt
Executive Producer: Sameth, Jack
Interviewee: Nabokov, Vladimir
Producer: Hughes, Robert
Producing Organization: National Educational Television and Radio Center
Writer: Hughes, Robert
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: wnet_aacip_14577 (WNET Archive)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: wnet_aacip_2791 (WNET Archive)
Format: 2 inch videotape: Quad
Duration: 00:28:58?
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: wnet_aacip_30801 (WNET Archive)
Format: Betacam: SP
Generation: Master
Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive
Identifier: [request film based on title] (Indiana University)
Format: 16mm film
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “USA: The Novel; 2; Vladimir Nabokov,” 1966-01-30, Thirteen WNET, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 16, 2024,
MLA: “USA: The Novel; 2; Vladimir Nabokov.” 1966-01-30. Thirteen WNET, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 16, 2024. <>.
APA: USA: The Novel; 2; Vladimir Nabokov. Boston, MA: Thirteen WNET, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from