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What program you're running. What about 10000 scientists. We would have been converging on walking to take part in the 130 night reading of the American at the gate for the Advancement of Science. The western world like it and most diversified scientific organ of a report on this year's meeting had to happen. Anything bring you
a report that will make your night as a great event. Look at how our children learn including conversations with B.F. Skinner and Jerome Kagan on child development. I look at sex through learning in field a field report on a date a conversation with a dying to have children enjoy and the report on children and youth group in the world hold more time than most high school graduates did 20 years ago. This world is filled with new knowledge. The Moon Unit all rivers of information you must have to effectively deal with the society. Getting ready to let information that has a bearing on what were killed in their lives even possibly how we'll die because science today. They think if you like it or not the site is becoming more complex than doing more than with it than expecting them to learn more in a shorter period of time
before it will be likely depends on how well you learn and learning is something we don't know much about. But we're finding out. Good evening I'm David problem. It wasn't too long ago when the big problem in education was why can't Johnny read that sort of faded away. That's the problem with the public interest. We cried recordkeeping program Morkie. Literally hundreds of local federal and state reading projects and a lot of professional advice at the bookstore at the news that nothing works very well. A lot of Johnny still can't read or write or add up a column of figures threatening simply that they won't perform well with them and that means that the Friday loses one again. One thing that has been apparent during the uproar with the fact that perhaps the most important when running for early learning what happened during those years between birth and Grade A lot of questions within race how important is emotional
security to learning. What role does the early environment like your boys learn differently from girls. Too much too fast too early. How important are you for the early learning from both of them of the question. We still don't have a lot of the end of the night. We have people with us who are looking for them to win a video audience that later on we're going to direct their own. But if I get. In the late 1940s more and more parents were led to believe that children develop in rigid definite proof from almost mythical biological time a child would walk a 13 month profit a certain month and pilot brain almost magically at a certain month. Furthermore if it now didn't make the deadline there was something wrong with it that were living behind. Unfortunately no one can cope with the thought about the day that the parents were crowded with play and from time to death the result of one of the
theories that brutally brain cases where the environment was somehow inhibiting your development down the road to the new deal with really lethal weapon and that it wasn't their fault. But now scientists are beginning to redound in the role of environment in foul development particularly in the infant here and they're coming up with them rather surprising new data on how flexible without development Candy. That's one of the questions Dr. Jerome Hagen professor of human development at Harvard University with Athan when he went down to Guatemala to study the children that young Guatemalan Indian babies are generally acknowledged for the first year of their lives. Very little contact with their parents. Most of their time spent in a doctor with virtually no printed in no way. When they finally emerge from the Environmental with whom they're almost unable to speak. I've been permanently damaged by the Syrian doctor thank you for the report the fine reparable
harm and it never you know it turns out to my surprise when we were at the door in the field and gradually all accomplishing that middle class American children have really grown by the time you're living with a memory that language is about as good as not irreparably repaired with the pride for the good I went to Guatemala with the president that American psychologists have a pretty good move for American parents have that right off their guard. Do you like making a permanent nation from we will never recover. Is there a sense for the many times that the foreign workers that fired the event they would have to look at it because it's so much of a
cocoa biotin about for the children but yet half of them were racial. Every look poor and retarded with respect within euro everybody grows and we're going to hear all the words we were Michael reported that the middle class really referring to a relatively high court ordered children nearly given the absolute ability and accuracy. And that someday we are going to come one of the things in terms of predicting the future performance from the first but you're right that with respect to our ability to reason to learn language to think coherently. You can predict
very little hope you like Guatemala in the Third World in America for good. Who better record the reg ordering the world probably in Europe who were threatened by kindergarten a child on the path that will have a difficult on the court classified not because he's not able very important make that you're talking about things like the fact that them talking about the class the kids who are not reading ability throughout the class thinking that somehow a qualitatively different way. And in treating him as if he were a different one and that the one thing that certainly did him in the neck of the pope are fully protected now absolutely for trial fair and right and if you
do that we're going to get little Exactly what anyone with your request and I haven't had it for years and one of the things you've got to do better than has been killed in reception. What can they do you really do but rather work with people like Robert and others and it's clear now from the words that the big rock record from life about 11 years ago we reported at the verge of wooden door with the net turned out going to the lab building I think we are going to the world in your eye very clearly very clearly. My colleague taken from his writing and I think the women do really hard and they're beautiful and very matter of fact.
That vision and hearing I presume would go along with that motor filled with motor will not work and get perceptually accurate perception that the motor apparatus are moving away from you baby in terms of in terms of their mental process. There are other things isn't either absolute definite vaguer than learning. There are many they have. I don't work the work of many like you did at least two or three days for example. Somewhere between the American and the path is a very important point here. Now becoming didn't require that. Not like people are well if they work really well with a newborn five days old then the living room.
Again you're thinking of the bully thing now you try to interpret the on it then why use it that way. Green why you get that boy down the hall and not a cooling that in that time I could hear him crying with the relief over the world. Get separation from the crew Nine eleven months ago. Because now they have felt the quake hit. If we could put our heads where the devil did go we're going on what happened record Greg and I want to go into this further later on a week for the entire audience thank you very much for the moment. This may look like front of a matter of fact it is particularly if you're a month old baby. But more importantly you are a baby with a design to develop your perfect country. Build it bigger to forget all the things the baby has to learn by.
He'll write down all the motor skills to develop. Rethink graphing holding a baby for a very real role in the process. And Richard Allen like a professor of behavioral sciences are done in University plays a very real role in developing the poet. He's here tonight my colleague but what's up. That's the case how does the boy aided child in his development. McCoy aided by preventing an object of interest an object that a crack the pen can an object that a little behavior an object that reinforces the appearance of behavior in the differentiate to the courage that most of the stories that are available to children for they do they do they run to and from it and you think you know when you walk into a court you're confronted by a barrage of vodka and they had designed it for you that for the most part I think that the people who are in the south some people design
their Koivu thing a good deal of information about behavior and other hardly any but what are the elements the bizarre and that are being used and could in fact go into the design of a boy. There could be some really good between the way in which the toy is designed and the behavior of a group that intended for. Let's talk about infant for a moment because they're in the period so many people. Infants have enormous numbers of capability. There are a lot of things they're interested in looking at down there and getting hearing the things they're interested in talking but not everything. I think they do get that take advantage of the existing capabilities and don't present a problem with it and then can't cope with you thinking like look at you know you know I would be going to raise that quite yet right. You've designed this as a ploy. It's the Q It had the faith to write it down is up and down
and the predictability of the make the noise and it had to figure patterns on it. That's right. Could you describe the pattern that you describe the object and could you relate them to what we know about child development right in infinite Earth we'll look at areas of life who look at rate briefly and we look at patterns like the pattern you see on the news. They're high contrast black on white except for the large one day with a red dot. The high contrast crack the infant the pension and infant will run at. Simple patterns like these for long periods of time. Back to hating the bird the doctor found work and some of his own making you think that. And for Nathan in the selection of the pattern. Face it part of the hair card and leave their account to the crib side because infants during the first month of life are frequently looking to one
side or the other part of the reflex the repair of the card the form the cue and the cube having a laugh that brings that allowed to be defended above the crib. No we do that when an infant is about two to three months of age and looking great at the by group deal with them and beginning to go arm and hand movement to hang it knowing that the patterns are in focus and so that when the arms and hands are it then did a part of a modern development of movement that you observe brawling and whether or not they like it is above the curb or not. Well inadvertently writing it will begin to bounce up and down defeated you in your hand and when that happens it reinforces the batting and whitening movement. When a parent goes out to buy it for a for a newborn infant What should he
look for to look for in that boy. Well it certainly could be. Say Thank You know there's an enormous amount of interest in the matter these days in the Food and Drug Administration has become active as many consumer into that then. So there couldn't be a brittle car there couldn't be málaga the road the color could be bright and cheery that so many and think for ways are colored in pale light like that athlete of pork like collard greens and dark high contrast colors that is a dark red dark blue dark green in much better get to be easy to handle. So that if it to be used in the hand you have to be rockin it has to be liable if it could be it could have a crack that your thinking that could have the high contact because of the simple pattern you have there and
you know if we have a plastic house on one side it allows the parent group pictures out of magazines or use some of their own photograph more than clearly. Dr. day for you to sign to a board to be left to the core designers. Thank you very much Dave. There's a growing body of evidence that they can they do the number one health problem in the United States today. That's bad enough in itself. The possible effect of malnutrition on infant and child development is even more serious frankly feel that the amount of drinking during pregnancy injure the fetus and contribute to credit your birth and 50 percent of all the mature babies that demonstrably if Aleck who are behavioral defect when they read the link between now and the frikken and development haven't been proven yet but it's probable that the report on what we do know about the effect amount of 31 children we have here doctor who Brian think of them and I've written gynecologist and director of the reproductive genetic
unit at George Washington University Press Secretary. How important as a Christian how important a role did and who can play in the 2000 electoral development of the Christian thing to have a very critical role in the creek right to the most important nutrition of the mother prior to getting pregnant during the initial phase of the pregnant out of the court early dependent at this stage on the critical reserve the mother for the first part of pregnancy. A second part that we're becoming more and more concerned with the various difficulties in time for a new hiding nutrition into the fetus during pregnancy or getting rid of various products at the time of pregnant then bringing in a second parameter and that the fetal maternal in again through the center and have various disruptions of the fetal but dental maternal you can cause a great problem in one of the birds in the critical time when the brain is maturing in growth and deposition approaching the burial during the
first two to three years of life and you're our basic problem here is mainly protein really have three times very critical need we also have various types of moves that are needed more at one time than another. We do know that here that if the mother were the trial that that would be the conclusion during a time it will definitely have an effect on their of their learning abilities their brain power doing well the very dramatic cases reported that evidence for a long period of time off again is the most important nutrient that we have a lack of oxygen. Of course they have to go along with their mental was it that moderate or moderate rock with minimal in fact were now the Fernwood oxygenation of the brain or the quality of death or life insurance plan things like this. So when we think of the question we have to think of the most critical nutrient and headed off now to bring that from a better perspective. The method of carrying the
off in the mother's bloodstream is of course the name of love and that's what makes the blood spilled red when a lot of the brewing and that's the way we can tell the difference between our cereal bleeding or the lady if the mother through improper nutrition did not have sufficient fire which is the chemical that is needed to carry the blood itself evident that both her and the developing fetal brain will be left off. But that is one of the critical problems that we find in our society presently is because of Harry Reid and many times by simply having too many pregnant short of an interval together that we find many in for do the minimal brain of beginning even prior to birth during the critical fetal But really the kind of mother who had the normal you know the well-rounded you are what a normal day that they think it would have normal normal today in the high amount of pre-crisis can be rather irregular even things
to be at a time when a woman is depriving most of the nutrient stores that will be used for pregnancy a diet that they can work for rather than the oak that the Rueben they believe. I for one a very prone or goody but I think that there is rather critical and I think we could be very careful that we're not having the negligence and neglect of carbohydrate or calories we get enough of that from a ticket from that and from my friends we are having a quite adept at this from the burden of the proof that little some of the meat the basically the iron continued need where we seem to be going toward more of the great profit or even the infant food where is the profit to the self. Like to the native who came to Iraq. Now I don't want to peer through the day her I got another parent. It's true that some of these chemicals can be thin statically added certain of the vitamins certainly can be duplicated but there are many other things that we
simply cannot read. They were back in the food but it was very cross or improper. But then yes he did learn that very fact. QUESTION Is that the feather that threw them out of there and whether the uterus were right the afterbirth the nephew made up later who they're getting the child in they are no because the brain is going on a very critical. And in fact we were down in the critical period let's say a few months if not a few years prior to pregnant you know definitely the perfect month for why the time protein malnutrition or oxygen deprivation basically threw iron worker to cover that the problem in the experimental animal and also at the present time we feel very strongly your resume will cause irreparable brain in your Dan thank you very much. Is there really a boy or a girl in today's society is becoming increasingly difficult the first time in the long time Friday is really
examining the role of of the effect and the result is often confusing to the parents who do the children from the time they're babies. Boys and Girls in different to fulfill certain viable and biological role the film taken in a Washington area daycare center shows the kind of role playing young children go through the boys playing with cars and blocks not doing things with the you know the girls washing dishes and if they did leave happy about it. Reinforcing that you were going from an indifferent to become harmful when to the good we can prove but Dr. Burke we are aware that you are who you are different from the other environ the player in the world development at home with you biologically determined record like the record label from the baking in front of the American film today. The other one. But by golly do believe that the Bridewell who fear with walking from front to front
predator to the front of the whole thing what America for granted. That little border the one part of the little girl from another early over to become aware of the for what in the rectum and aware of it very early. Children become aware of their labeling a working girl the only thing they can talk and certainly by the time for you two very definite ideas about what rights are girls and what right for a boy who by the time they're sick but have most of the adult hearing about male dominance wrong and all that sort of thing. Werman Your current market been like that the fourth in what way. Well it sometimes limit them. I don't think we emphasize so much the things that aren't the bleeding growth that we fail to recognize that that we thing from both groups by defining their growth as being
limited to certain kinds of that unity so that when the boys are not the focus to be warm and loving and that the girl thing to do then that that leave something out for them the family very well maybe later on when on the other hand girl things out learning about with that room and a lot of girls that you don't really feel relate to than putting things together and all that sort of thing. So they don't want to do that sort of thing. Well and later on they think they can put together an electrical connection. Remember that I think about things about being considerate of other and out of there sort of thing a kind of one part of that bill not that concerned about other people who concerned about their personal relation defining our coat with a feminine kind of
so that girls are more oriented like that and boy they are an inboard that they're much more obvious during the lecture and put other people very frequently. A little boy with her but this little girl with them and her car wouldn't worry that girl what grow up to be a boy and have trouble relating to men and grow up to be or they are worried about it yeah because you're like Well I think that the only thing they're doing but we sort of make them know that they're either that somehow the growth and really. There were in fact children want to do the kind of building there that the fact that boys can play with cars and very good boy girl girl
and they're not going they're going to give them a brother that was really building it that they kept women and later live a life of that kind of crap ever. Well I don't know I often think that one of the signified by the great emphasis on interpersonal relations the group thing and I don't know it has a variety of different things that a lot of Americans who have been here for mail Evidently they think that there's a sensitive that are people feeling that they are able to do for that area that the little boy has them without them really. Thank you very much. Never worked hard to make up for lost time when you know when and
where you can do it. Thirty two million women in the United States. They have five million children under the age of 5 percent of the revenue. Daycare facility expenses they're not available at all because they're afraid of losing control of their children. The national capital area at the thought of solving problems for the Washington area he's interviewed by reporter Steve Gilbert. Parents are working and there are many children who are in the service because already in the working in the labor force and are not there to provide for they have many of them got a babysitting arrangement satisfactory that
don't match them or make the Kuwait work that way and we're going to learn during a part of the day what is the for to try to do for the character to help the children. Our main area intellectually both physically and emotionally. We can see the physical grow growing very rapidly in these other areas of life. I really do feel some of the thing that we burn 50 to 80 percent of what we know during the birth. Therefore we have a crowd. We have a cognitive program which will help them with intellectual growth preparing them for learning how to read so that they can make a face when they play with the blocks so they can get they can get.
They can they can recognize color. These things will help them to be able to read when they get caught to provide that for twenty three hundred dollars per year. The center is open. For our Chandra Levy Howard and would have to have back during that time a great deal of the car to go back and of course toward the procrit make that a comprehensive program across the country. The average annual cost for the care of a preschooler pair them on the back of the car is eight hundred fifty one dollars a year. If you want. Developmental care for the children who $2000 they care the length of that particularly for the people who need it most. I know that they gathered in the center of much controversy is a birth like arrangement. Take the child away from the mother and the
benefit of what we call mother love. I met with a developmental psychologist. You know we really Rakim how important mother love in effect here for all get find out how much effect the crowd is getting on we have a good home field I'm glad your approach to things happened to kill the record wonderful for the mother the rousing the friend or the mother holding the great grown up great grandma or the brat and I want to get the world to work mothers are inclined to realize that they're not inclined to be like that in the world. We don't give a damn them don't have that. Moreover when the thing in the life that her something about her elderly
mother and the father I would never do that and given the environment and the earth. Dealing with it in the in the morning were a viable way to bring up children. The more we know about the care of children the more we're going to leave the mother for that. We're not going to go through that learning more and more children that come with the baby. Moreover what the mother and the busy house for that all are wrong. You're a parent father mother. How to handle it very difficult for you know and my thought
was that Michael it turned out well but rather than doing the right thing beginning for the young children are dealt with accordingly. What are some of the right thing. The way we often do a difficult you know. Right like the market for something that you understand the important thing here in the look of the
moon never over the general reward for doing things that make him a more real environmental and getting an idea of how important that somehow or other something happened later on. I don't work with important that sort. Or we don't do very much about the
how things are going well for the complainer and the quicker for them. Perfectly in the home for the children but the thing that
happened again and again playing happily vine all don't find that right away reinforcing whining. Remember Ron you wonder why do so annoying. Anyway good thing you've been doing the right thing. But if you're looking for things to complain about them with doing that or for their parents who are some are within that effectively Farlow and doing the right thing. Now it's time for our audience to get a sense of I guess to refresh your memory from left to right. Record in diversity human development and they
will be taken from the department the gynecology at George Washington University Taylor director of the national capital area here at the gate and professor of human development at Harvard University who got the birth right. How much of their childhood. I would create one that lived in your world. Thankfully when you know the condition of the ring you're sure of the feeling they have been relatively fewer than rich or poor. I would say under I don't think we have much of a problem when you get the free days with languages then you don't know how to help them. Here there's a record from that Britain
a quarter right. The government that founded it might recognise as a card in writing that the federal government of that I think that the backing of the Congress coming up with the government. But then I got the president that we're not going to fight frankly that rather than your attitude toward the affair with a view of the mandate that you've gotten from the country. I think the amount of money that I think we've got the Congress don't know about
that building. Well it definitely there would be a third one thing that a culture does to the building and prevailing in that and our differing view of male and female behavior has been something that's been very much a part of our culture and pretty much unnoticed. On the third upon lightly and for we get beginning to find ordered out on the way through and building that way and we'll. And after making the recording in the same way that the group that did many of the subculture within our culture whereas five years ago there was only one.
Proper Kagan that you're going are we're talking about the fact that we keep looking for the money or quit looking for the money that they look for what they're doing right. And yet we fear they really I think there's more and more of a vandalism type behavior in our society. Quite Leonard we don't take care of each other like they do for example and the lower you feel or something like that the kids should be able be taught by any parent or by any adult that they are doing something wrong. Very complicated question. Let me try to you because you're here on time every human being and every child one could not go to some children you surely want to be good at half the children the culture home on the worm to the values in our culture where there's a good play the fool
who are complicated we've got a good value to the working conditions of probably our country you can't be good then you'll be good at something then why don't we have to root for that the maximum number of children are good at. They're the kind
of the kind of thing that we can really work on getting what kind of a very early culture that are very different than that. They grow up to be a television. I wanted someone to ensure that I think that I can have it. There are different things in life that both are very
different things. Aren't you doing something will not get the kind of content that would in time. Thank you for your remark you made your learning problems that result. One is if they're rich with increased emphasis on learning during the early childhood period that we make complete than a cation kind of problem into the earlier age and who you have some kind of how we can break up get a thing that the class thing to have on children.
The person you're prickly yet you're moving down the class the people have now the problem or the simple life. We have a great club for club and the very good the other family members brought in the garden coated with one of those. And the record that you recorded on the great problem in America.
Who are you. I think if you could comment on that. We're running another five had a lot of surprises. Everything I learned when you're in an army group a much different working class people and killed at them around the world in a point there compared to the home.
There are no different when properly with a good caretaker a mother with children. If the giver and the both of you compare with you would agree with going to them on that if you get on the market today. Very well provided and many people pointed out that
paper paper basket filled with throw away now. Great great great card playing the serial killer. Nothing very very well. And if you call that hearing the norm the number of readily available. Not if you know how to make like wow. In the part of the. And if you want to get by in the hearing I'm with you
completely. You don't have to get out of the place very frequently for your life like some of the parent. Are you going to hop around. Clearly no brightly colored very very well. Equip them for them.
They have very big time in the operate because we believe that we're not separate from the family. The program we want to know as much as possible about what's going on with the children during the course they need to know that they can carry on the kind of things that we do during the course. They can supplement they can strengthen those things that we have been doing in the country and we can help parents understand what it is that we're doing with their children so that they can be better parents. Many parents you know I don't I didn't hear all of what God had to say but I have some idea of the one thing I think we have that you have to accept the fact that just because the child is born to people or doesn't know very well that they know everything about the best way to rear back and we can try to help them understand the better. And actually I think it gets to the point where part of the allowed the riff raff the people who
are going to be working with it and setting the standards that will be governing the core of the operations of the country are doing. And so we have found that doing that with our prime they have been working for them. They have they know more about the kind of program which right they can help the legislators that do the kinds of programs that we do. And then they gave a great holiday the day of the parent that the day after the hour for the banquet and I were alone with over regulate them as far as the daycare center on the advantage as far as their later development in the elementary junior high school. To have one of the other members would have put that effect of great care here on
the back of children as opposed to a home environment. During a break we're doing something right now in our book that we have a center that is fabric. Look at the value areas in the development. Find out how we can help the child develop more rapidly. Frank them in the area and to discuss with current and to bring your parents on what it is that we're doing not you or maybe you know how it can help me in that I think I'm going to have a problem with the fact that we have in our program like if we were a band they are more in life than they would have normally been and I think the helpful thing
for people to call will progress if the program is proper that and that's very important if you prefer that some of the children children have ordinarily when they will not get them to learn how to play your work correctly. The federally funded care program across the devastating effect that I have no doubt of that from the fourth are better off than we are here in Columbia New York some of the other things we have been fortunate enough in the difference to have the commitment from the mayor that we can get some money from our revenue sharing program back there where in
the work that they were going to have many more good development programs for a program that was really funding most of the day. There have been that feeling I've been placed on it that we kind of have to pay at the level where we are and we're getting to fill the bill. I think that the people that point out the only two percent of children who need the help by getting well see how far we have to go. We're not going to go much further than the gynaecologist parents of children in daycare. Children daycare center I think one of the things that they've done is that if we could simply for better health or next we do a great deal in reducing both in the home in the educational and even in real problems of our society if we
could simply increase the enter pregnancy period to a year and a half in many of our ghetto where we would minimize the risk of mental retardation learning for about a third of what it is now. But no other magical health magical So I think that it has a graph that relate to women bringing children into day care centers and we see the shortening of the pregnancy people should be referred to proper gynecological health for family planning and preventive family planning called birth control and plan can you not be after the fact program for people many times after a life. And I thank the gentleman on the panel and to our audience who ran out of time and effort quote I do have one closing thought after hearing our the thing with the audience talking about the problems and things I'm going to think clear that they were going to get there a lot tougher than they look after the revival. But
things are changing hopefully for the better. When I was doing research for the program I wrote a book called infant care public building here of the Department of Health Education and Welfare. One thousand forty eight million copies of the hymn book of the forbidden by now the book and then written a couple of the like important pieces of advice like that. Years ago the father would go out of touch with his family and I quote. Playing with a child might result in nervous serving the baby in a regular habit. That's not the party line now. One thing for being a bad have been broken by the parents. Then he cried tried to comfort the bike and mom and dad are told not to worry. And finally back in those they were warned not to cry because that might make a pilot of them and the baby would never be related to the things that come up if
you want. Good for the child. You take the rocking chair it will mean. I guess maybe that when you're dealing with human beings particularly with little humans we're learning all the time and we owe them that. But the little people who provide write a book like that night.
Science '72: A Report to the Nation
Episode Number
As the Twig is Bent
Producing Organization
Thirteen WNET
Contributing Organization
Thirteen WNET (New York, New York)
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
Public Broadcasting Service Program NOLA
SRTN 000001
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Episode Description
"How the brain functions in the learning process." Quote is from NET Annual Report 1972-73.
Episode Description
This episode focuses on child development and early training, examining how the brain function sin the learning process and the role played by environment. Under discussion will be the controversy raging over whether a child's ability to learn is formulated in the pre-school period, or whether bad environment, cultural poverty and poor nutrition can be overcome in later years by special educational techniques. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Series Description
This series presents three one-hour special episodes reporting on child development and early learning, the American prison system, and moral dilemma created by recent advances in genetics. Host/executive producer of the episode trio is Emmy Award-winning David Prowitt, who also won the American Psychological Foundation's National Media Award for his four-part program, "The Mind of Man," a multi-nation co-production which examined the workings of the human brain. "Science '72: A Report to the Nation" is produced by the NET Division, Educational Broadcasting Corporation, in association with AAAS and in cooperation with WETA, Washington, DC. This is the third year the major science report has been produced and presented by WNET/13. All three episode in the current series include segments in which members of the studio audience question guest doctors, educators and scientists. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
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Identifier: wnet_aacip_7347 (WNET Archive)
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Library of Congress
Identifier: 2335387-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
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Library of Congress
Identifier: 2335387-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
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Chicago: “Science '72: A Report to the Nation; 1; As the Twig is Bent,” 1972-12-27, Thirteen WNET, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 6, 2024,
MLA: “Science '72: A Report to the Nation; 1; As the Twig is Bent.” 1972-12-27. Thirteen WNET, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 6, 2024. <>.
APA: Science '72: A Report to the Nation; 1; As the Twig is Bent. Boston, MA: Thirteen WNET, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from