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The idea that it's very hard for the prosecutors to ever argue anything without labeling everything. The trickery comes from these vague theories that change like the weather all we're asking to do. I'm referring to his remark about trickery. Governor, the court plays his, I'm asking to leave the court based upon representation we came based upon the fact this bag was recovered by Judge Wong yesterday to be able to ask Mr. Wong regarding this. This matter was brought up by the prosecution. They made great statements. You know, Mr. Darden, please sit down and stop making sounds when you're done. That's true. I tell you, Mr. Darden. Was I making sounds? Yes, you were going, huh, huh, huh. It's a nervous situation. Yes. No, I was going, huh, huh, huh. Would you sit down now? It's that nervous twist, so please. Man, man. I thought it was. He was, huh, huh, huh. He always said, huh, huh, huh. You had it. He always said, huh, huh, huh. You had it.
Three million dollars and we're just starting with Marsha Clark and Christopher Darden. She's losing family. He's missing groups and the national inquirers get in legit scoops. Johnny Coppin gets cocky and Darden goes ballistic. Barry Shek is arguing the value of statistics. Bailey says the end word to try to rattle Ferman at the end of the century is tough to tell LeVagant from the Verman. From the Verman. Oh, Jake, can you see by the dawn's early light, by the twilight's last gleaming and into the night? His bang is still on the hang of the slow mo and everybody's watching Cater, Eda, or the Elmo, or the Elmo, or the Elmo. Oh, Jake, take the brook and Paul is doing big parts, Shapiro's autograph and glosses at the K-Mart's Koon Snow relation, Langland with Longest, Rosa made a worse impression than Paul's song is.
Rocking and muddy crime scene tape, what's the matter with Ben Anna, called the corner so late. Oh, cold slap the shell. Gigi drove the Bronco. Paul has got a Bronco AC. He's got a Bronco and OJ. You can see by the dawn's early light, by the twilight's last gleaming and into the night. The Paris still have in trouble with the slow mo and everybody's watching Cater, Eda, or the Elmo. Eda, Eda, or the Elmo. Discovery, Miss Condoc, we ask for sanctions, leading suggested. Aston answered, speaking objections, PCR is too new, Kelly Fry hearings in 352, was it two times a one, was it five bags of three? I walked the dog, I heard the dog, the dog came up to me and met Salona, Ben and Jerry's Louis Vuitton. It's cool to watch your oboe. And I'm getting a Bronco, OJ. You can see by the dawn's early light, by the twilight's last gleaming and all through the night. Was he on drugs?
Was he framed? Was Ron Nicole's bow? Everybody's watching Cater, Eda, and the Elmo. The jerk blew the drain and we're running out of money. Daddy's on the speed dial. I can't die because I'm a 10, the fibers are an opany, Dr. Moas likes his trip and the ratings for everything. I was just slick. And this sherry loose doesn't have lamb chop. And Marsha Clark questions a limo driver named Parker. Risky at the crime scene. Bushy calls the car. My usual admonition. I'll see you at the sign bar. OJ, you can see by the dawn's early light, by the twilight's last gleaming and into the night. I'm hanging this dill on the hang of the slummo and everybody's watching Cater, Eda, or the Elmo. And everybody's watching Cater, Eda, or the Elmo. Oh. Time now for Dr. Manford Weichner in the Health File.
Dr. Weichner is a fellow of the American Association of Medical Broadcasters, as well as recipient of White House Honors for growing record-large tomatoes. Dr. Weichner. Thank you very much, Tim, and welcome to Your Friends, too, the capacious confines of the Health File. My friends, there's new information on the medical impact of one of our old dietary stand-by's new clues to what you might call the mind-butter connection. It appears to your friends that recent research tells us that butter is now better for our hearts for our new systems, not incidentally for our dairy industry than our margins and other spreads-based, unsolvable oils. Of course, if you've been keeping yourself consistently nestled within the Health File,
you know that these reports, like those about the health effects of caffeine, can shift more quickly than an HMO DOC's attention. My best recommendation while the scientists and the lobbyists and all the other ISTs take the next 20 years to battle this thing out, have your bread naked. Who needs a spread? And leave all the oils for your minivan. You're listening to Dr. Manfred Weichner in the Health File. Dr. Weichner regrets that he cannot read your letters personally, but he's glad to announce that he now has an internet page, which he also regrets he cannot read personally. Address Dr. Weichner. And we thank you, Tim. Tim is leaving us today to pursue a master's degree in broadcasting, and we wish him and, you well, addictions we know are harder to break than Tupperware, Tumblers, and the needs of victims of addictions that are, to say, at least, not classic addictions of the province of our guest today here in the beanbag chairs of the floor of the Health File is Dr. Morris Sterling, who is in private practice in Beverly Hills, Dr. Sterling, welcome.
Thank you, all the dust for purposes of clarity, I should point out that it's sterling Morris. I'm in the 350 building, Dr. Sterling is in the Wilshire Camden building, for who is getting each other's mail, and he's an endocrinologist, so you can imagine the confusion. Imagination reels, and the heart says, I'm sorry for the mix up, Dr. Morris, you're helping people cope with a very, very good addiction at the moment, aren't you? I certainly am. Well, the statistics indicate that a large portion of the population is capable of consuming and deriving enjoyment from moderate amounts of the AirJ Simpson trial. There are persons who, we think through no fault of their own, have become, in the preferred description, is physiologically habituated to the trial. This week, obviously, it was a crisis period for many of them that I see in my practice. Now, when you say habituated, I know we denizens of the cramped quarters of the Health File tend to think of withdrawal symptoms that may range from blood pressure changes to complete epidural neuropathy.
Is that what these patients are suffering from and is methadone or a methadone-like replacement substance of animal? Some of my people were able to subsist on the maintenance dose of the colon focus and trial. One was available. But overall, yes. This week, with two days of the Simpson trial, not conducted, patients were presenting with increased anxiety, sweats, not the clothing, the symptoms. That's correct. Headaches, gastrointestinal upsets, skinny rapsum, and in one case, an acute attack of aplastic anemia. Dr. Morris, I know we have these friendly debates occasionally when we run into each other at nibblers, but wouldn't the mind-body connection come into play here? The look-and-doses of sync, perhaps, or some key-related iron? Yeah. Despite what you and I might think, Dr. Weissner, this has turned out to be quite intractable condition. I've tried modalities ranging from high carbohydrate diets to intravenous protach and we still have patients losing employment, dissolving or harming relationships, engaging in petty crimes to maintain this habit.
Pretty crimes? Yes. At least, locally, which are the only figures I'm aware of, thefts of portable televisions are up 200 percent over a similar period during the Menendez time. And of course, if I'm not mistaken, that trial wasn't on television. Exactly. But are you saying that in the case of this particular addiction that acts only choices habit management is supposed to de-habit tuition? We find you get about the same amount of people able to stop with the help of therapy, some electro shock, as you find with cigarette smokers. For the rest, the most effective approach I've been able to advise so far is recovered memory therapy. Do you use hypnotic or similar mesmocostartic methods to elicit early memories of trauma? Yes. Particularly sexual and cult-induced ritual abuse. And do these experiences turn out to be common among such Simpson edits? Well, I don't know if any of them have actually had the experiences, but visualising them in the therapy setting is the only thing we've found that's actually more interesting to these people than the trial. Their actual own lives come in a distant third.
Dr. Morris, what's the long-term prognosis for Simpson trial addicts, a simulation of the mainstream abetted by videotapes of the trial to watch in strictly defined doses, perhaps? Not to mention there is a challenging and daunting syndrome. The good news is we've got until at least September to come up with something to take these people, safely, into the rest of their lives. Dr. Sterling Morris, thank you for bringing information and your own healing warmth into the cardboard vastness of the health file. It was a non-habitual pleasure. And so friends, the clock applies its all-too-tight compressive time to the fevered brow of the health file. I wish you mega doses of vitamin L for love. I wish you only regularly shaped fruits and vegetables at the health food store. And let's agree right now to meet the very next time we venture under the colour-coded tabs of the health file, so long. From Washington Continental Public Radio, present and address by the Speaker of the House
of Representatives, the Honourable Newt Gingrich. Now from the Speaker's Office, live, here is Mr. Gingrich. I've asked for this additional time to speak to you because people actually granted my first request, as in the Scenery and Model of Positive Reinforcement. And that's in direct and sharp contrast to the Democratic model, which is some bureaucrat in Washington deciding that his concept of fairness means that I'd had enough live air time. Fortunately, that model is now as outmoded as this, typewriter paper used by earlier generations to record their thoughts and transactions. My contrast, this is computer paper, whose manufacture takes advantage of the efficiency of not having to employ paper cutters. In fact, the cutting has been shifted from the left or production side of the equation to the right or consumer side. This is what can happen when government doesn't get in the way. You know, since last Friday's address, a lot of people who worked for my Foundation
have asked me newt, the first 100 days are fine. This is made, promises kept. But what's on store for the second 100 days? Why don't you do another live address and address that issue? Obviously, the work at the Congressional and Republican majority elected last November is only beginning. In the next three months, we will introduce legislation to continue the job, to privatize the Marine Corps, to make astronauts self-supporting members of the economy and end their debilitating dependence on government food, government air, government water, while in space. We're holding hearings this August on plans to abolish the internal revenue and service and turn tax-collecting back to armed brigands along highways and at-state borders. In the next 100 days, so-called federal land in our western states will be turned back over to his rightful owners, loggers, and ranchers. And I make the solemn pledge to you, my fellow Americans. In the next 100 days, Rupert Murdock will finally be made to feel welcome in this country. And Spotted owls, not catchers, they're going to be told to let their own governments protect them.
It's going to be an exciting time. I'd be delighted if the president finally decided to join us. I'm almost sure Senator Dole will. In any case, that's what's in store for the second 100 days. Keep track of us. We'll be on every night, right after OJ. Thank you and good luck. From Washington, you've been listening to coverage of a brief statement by House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Funds for this broadcast were made possible by the Public Radio Desperation Coverage Fund. This is CPR Continental Public Radio. We had scheduled a very special town meeting kind of confrontation debate format for this particular time period, ER versus Chicago Hope, which is quality television. But I'm informed that we have a newsmaker call and those, no matter how much money we've spent on the town meeting set up, though newsmaker calls always take precedence. So let's go to the phone right now. And I believe we have in the line Republican Senator from the State of New York, Alfonso
Demato, sir. Welcome to the show. Hello, Mr. Sheriff. Hello. Hello. The police are you giving me this time? I understand the line is not that great. It's not the best, but it's something I, as you know, I'm mortified and I made a mistake that I did earlier in the week, another syndicated nationally radio show. I was a bad, wrong attempt at humor and I'm ashamed and I'm coming on your show and on other shows just to reiterate my shame and my sorrow for any harm or any hurt that might have inflicted on the judge's over for that matter, any other ethnic American world. Were I, I am an ethnic American and I know that damage that such thoughtless comments can make? Senator Demato, you would said, I believe on the Evans Novak show over the weekend, that
you would send a note to Judge Ito and you didn't know yet whether there was any response. Have you heard anything since then? I've had no response from him. I sent him a note detailing that this was in the middle of a so-called comedy show and I was engaging in a bad attempt at humor and I have heard nothing from him yet. Well, basically I just said in my note after I outlined the, the effectual situation just the whole very, very sorry I would, I just said, well, Senator, Senator, I am wondering whether that in fact is, if it was what you put in the note whether that was perhaps the wisest choice of, yeah, Mr. Sharer, I just have to say, I was mortified, I just could
not believe that I was capable of such an obvious gap and that it was just, it brought shame only to me and to the people of New York, but to the mob that owns me. So I, I just wanted to express my, my regrets one more time, well, Senator, Senator DiMato, I, I know you have to appear on the Oliver North Show in just a couple of minutes. I appreciate you spending this part of your day with us if you'd like to come back a little later and participate in a town meeting on Chicago Hope vs. ER, sir, you are most welcome to do so. Thank you for allowing me to express my shame and mortification with my pleasure. Thank you, sir. Senator Alfonso DiMato on our newsmaker line here on the show. I'm Chris Edwards and this is said and done.
Said and done, a weekly magazine about the arts and the artsy, I'm Chris Edwards. It's a cliche among media executives, the public has a short attention span, but is the brevity of that span a problem of the public or the media people themselves. CPR, a special correspondent of Iwo Schlormen reports. The phone's ring constantly in the office of Eddie DeVore publicity reporters and editors are calling constantly to set up interviews with Eddie's impressive line of celebrity clients, including John Ring Bobbitt, the host of the syndicated television show Extra and the 1996 US Olympic hockey team. But one client has hired DeVore because right now, the phones aren't ringing. Got a call from one of the attorneys, I'm not at liberty to say which and in fact that paid not to say which in the Menendez brothers case, she said to me, or he said to me, whichever,
Eddie, we're dying here. If we don't get some media attention in this case, the boys are in grave danger of being tried in a much smaller courtroom. So the Menendez brothers are actually trying to get more publicity? Well, they got no choice. These kids have to plan for their future after the trial, assuming that they're found innocent and I'm paid not to have an opinion on that. They have lives to resume. If there are just some schmucks who are trying for killing their parents, life's going to be pretty tough. On the other hand, there's Eric and Lyle abused kids and sweaters that you see on TV. The sky's a limit. The job is to get them from point A to point B by mid-June. Publicity is still a labor intensive business, while computers can crank out biographies and press releases, such as the one announcing that the Menendez brothers were interested in hearing from Larry Schiller about a possible, quickie book. It takes people to man and woman the phones or to accompany potential portraitists to
working lunches. Vanity Fair told me this week, they might do an item, a court TV promised to, at the very least, do a weekend half hour of highlights, we're still dickering over time slot, I want prime time. They're leaning toward, I'll be honest with you, they're leaning toward early French. Extra we got the whole show whenever a testimony begins, but I won't lie to you Aviva, because you're doing a story on me, but this, you know, it's rough out there. Do I imagine you must feel like a one-man phone company up against AT&T, your J-Trial must be making it hard for you? Well, yes and no. Without the competition, I don't think the boy's lawyers would really have seen the advantage of having professional public relations expertise as part of the thing, but now that I'm working for the boys, yes, it's pretty discouraging, especially since I'm not a lawyer, obviously I don't know how strong our case is on this point, but the defense team did register the phrase Trial of the Century some 16 months ago.
Now, dream team, admittedly we were a little behind the curve on that, we copyrighted the A team for using describing the French lawyers. Of course, you know, Universal still owns the master rights to A team. Well, of course, but that must be awfully frustrating for you watching the trial of the century trademark to slip away. Well, lawyers don't want to press it so, you know, they give you lemons, you try to make lemon meringue pies, or we'll be coming out with a line of t-shirts time for release with the boys next trial. They bear the logo trial of the century, too. It's Roman numerals, and for, by the way, it was out of big argument. One of the boys lawyers wanted trial of the century, T-O-O, my point to her being, of course, that sounded a little pathetic. Eddie DeVore still has the gruff, good looks, and commanding voice from his acting days. But he says he's working harder on accounts like the Menendez trial than he ever did as an actor. You see, Viva, when I signed up to work for the boys, I knew wasn't going to be a cake walk. I mean, Dominic Dunn won't even take my phone calls, you know.
That's embarrassing for me and for our trial. Eddie, I notice you always refer to two men, and they're meant to late 20s as the boys. Is that deliberate? It's not only deliberate. It's a trademark that the OJ people can't steal from us, unless God forbid, and the next trial I get the alcoholings are dying to do. That, I think, none of us needs. Eddie DeVore's big fears that by June, America will be all trialled out. His little fears that the Menendez brothers won't want to go along with his more ambitious plans to grab attention. Like having them do TV commercials, I'll add Donald and Ivana Trump, in which they argue about whether it's better to kill your parents before or after enjoying a new kind of potato chip. I'm a Viva Schlormen in Los Angeles. One book has been getting front page attention this week, as well as passionate commentary on the op-ed pages and the TV news shows. Its Robert McNamara's book about the Vietnam War, in retrospect.
I-Rezipkin reports on the next step in the former Defense Secretary's literary career. When your first book gets headlines across the country, it's normal to begin planning your second book. And in this respect, if no other, former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara is distinctly normal. The next book is tentatively titled More and Sorrow, although some of the folks at the publishing house are leaning towards in greater retrospect. But that'll all be worked out before I finish the second draft. Your first book with the harrowing confession of your own role in what you not described is the terribly wrong Vietnam War. Is your second book also deal with that conflict? No, I basically said all I have to say about the war in the first book. This new project represents a change in subject matter, but keeping the tone of roofal second thoughts, which I believe the first book establishes my style.
So other things you were wrong about, other mistakes you made? Exactly. Waiters I under-tipped in the late fifties, things I should have said to my children, I was too busy to take the time to say I fired my gardener once because I thought he had stolen some antique watering cans from the shed, and of course he hadn't. The secretary at the World Bank, who, when I guess today, we'd call it sexual harassment, these are some of the other things that I've done that were wrong, terribly wrong. Man, you stand it, you're book signings that the crowds now actually chant wrong, terribly wrong, the long with you. Yes, I guess it's in a way, it's become certainly not the message of the Vietnam book, but perhaps my larger message, you know, the idea that in a way I've come to embody for this current moment the idea of healing through sorrowful confession, that's a source of great pride and satisfaction to me.
Interesting thing about the list of topics you outlined for your new book is that I like running and fronting for the most contentious war in our nation's history. So many of these are things that all of us can identify with, mistakes we may have made. Sure, I think that's what's going to make the second book a little warmer, a little less, as the protesters used to say, less of a downer. But there are also moments, if I can say so, unique to my career, the time when I was running Ford, when I approved plans for the Edsel, I've never publicly said that was a mistake before, although now, you know, they're collector cars. So, and there was a World Bank loan that I approved for an organized crime take over of some Caribbean islands. That was wrong. Terribly wrong? Well, I can certainly say, not wonderfully wrong. I remember McNamara's second book of rehabilitated remorse, will be on the stands in time for next Christmas. I may resent him in Washington. And for this week, that's all that's been said and done, on, said and done.
We had helped this week from the Don and Dore Eccle Foundation, funding coverage of subjects of interest to Dora. I'm Chris Edwards. Join us next week for another sojournal on the highways and byways of creativity, on said and done. Have a creative week. This is CPR, Continental Public Radio. Okay, I'm so delighted to be able to share some good funds, some good conversation with you. Hit this afternoon. We're glad to see you. I don't think, you know, they blindfolded me before, but Spencer always blindfolds me when he's like, you know, I have to say, and I know I'm not supposed to talk about the trial. I'm not going to comment on anything that's actually going on. But I must say whoever did Marsha Clark's new hair is a prince, and I mean, I just, you
know, new royalty today, you know, should be elected, should be on the throne, because I mean, what she was doing before, I mean, that looked like, have you ever ordered those, what are they called? Squid? I mean, that, you know, it looked just like crawling out of the bowl. I couldn't believe what she was doing, and I love, you know, this is a lovely woman, I'm sure. And, you know, I don't mean to do the negative on it, because we love the suitings she does. I love the fabrics. I don't know about the length. What do you think? Shut up, Lichy. No, I know that's your own color. Can we talk about, for a minute, about what you people are wearing today? Can I say, is this the kind of thing you'd wear in the courtroom? Okay. To me, and I know, you know, you're going to say, what does he know, what has he been in
a jury run trial, you'd be surprised. I think maybe, and I know this is going to surprise you, maybe a little dressy. I would say it could use a sport here, kind of accessorizing for the women, for the women, the gentleman we love what you're doing, don't change a hair. But for the women, maybe, you know, a fun brooch, a fun kind of, you know, goofy necklace that just says, hello, I'm here, I'm not falling asleep, I'm paying attention, and I have so much life and so much fun doing it, you know, could you do that, could you accept that? Yes. Could I ask you a question? Do you think it's fair for her to be allowed to shop at Rose Dress for Less? Half an hour longer than all the rest of us. There's no need to start this again, it's a lot harder than anything. No, she's not.
If you're shopping at Rose Dress for Less, you should be fighting to get back in the bus. You know, I wanted to tell you a little bit about how I started and show business. Do you know who gave me my name? First of all, do you know what my name is? How would you use gave me my name, gave me the name Richard Blackwell? Interesting. Yes. Yes. I have a question. Do you think it's fair for us to be made to watch a second showing on the tape of the In Martin and the living single, is it tape of Rose Ann and friends that we haven't even seen yet, you can't even want to get involved in this kind of stuff. It's not a lame thing here. Let me just get to it this way. I put Rose Ann on the list last year. I said she looked like a cheesecake waiting to be eaten. Now I think that she loved that. She called, you know, people say you put people on the list and it's a negative. It hurts.
It does not. I love it. Liz Taylor. I had her on the list ten different times every time. She said roses. Interesting. Now she just kicked me. She's making that noise all the time. I can barely hear you. Okay. Next list sister, I don't hear her making a noise. You see this? Because you're making the very same noise. Okay. At the very same time. No. Yeah. Okay. It's true. Yeah. Let's have some more good fun. And we Johnny Cochran, four words, sometimes, aren't purple. Robert Shapiro, double-breasted, double-boring. Karl Douglas, what statement are you making? He doesn't talk. Nothing about the trial. I'm just talking about the clothes. Chris Darden, take it in, take the jacket in, take the pants in. This is no place to go baggy. William Hodgman, I can't, you know, so often, you don't even see because he's back. Judge Edo, maybe, you know, a lovely kind of matte velvet texture to the robe.
The robe, to me, it's a, it's fat, and I'll, what is it? It's black. I see that. But I get no texture, I get no hand feel when I look at the robe. Do you agree? She just put a curse on me. I saw her do it. I was talking to myself. Do you mind? A swallow, the coming back to Cabas Drawno, the ribons have been singing since his younger brother, kind of bitterly, or bad nose-wink.
There's another TV movie starring unless they're MilanoBe at Larry Keys, getting married Michael Jordan's back on the bonnish top of the floor Three roads are training for the derby Larry King's getting married once more Springtime is the season of renewal The ancient cycle retrieving its hour Have a dozen misses, they must know something
Some more well equipped, the building bow The building bow, college students at the head There used to be bad news Brewsters got a lot, a pile of head Looked at the spring shoulder pads and suspenders Larry King's getting married again Doing it one more time Hello, I'm Tom Brokai, NBC News in New York
And I want you to know that I'm so personally pleased That before too long, NBC News will launch the NBC News Super Channel throughout Asia As you know, we're already being carried throughout a good part of Asia on ANBC But now we're going to expand our coverage Throughout my professional career, I've spent a good deal of my time in that part of the world Throughout Asia, one more time Standing, three, two Hello, I'm Tom Brokai, NBC News in New York And I want you to know how personally delighted I am That we're about to expand our NBC News Super Channel throughout Asia As you know, we're already carried in vast, one more time Three, two Hello, I'm Tom Brokai, NBC News in New York
And I'm personally delighted that we're about to expand the NBC News Super Channel throughout Asia As you know, we're already carried on ANBC throughout great parts of Asia But now we're going to expand our coverage, significant one more time Here we go Three, two Hello, I'm Tom Brokai, NBC News in New York And I'm personally delighted that we're about to expand our NBC News Super Channel coverage throughout Asia As you know, we're covered, can't get this right, one more time Hello, I'm Tom Brokai, NBC News in New York And I'm personally delighted that we're about to expand our NBC News Super Channel throughout Asia As you know, we're carried in many parts of Asia right now on ANBC But come the fall, we'll be expanding our coverage significantly Throughout my professional career, I've spent a good deal of time throughout Asia
And I can't wait for us to be able to broadcast into the important capitals And I can't get this right, is this? Clinton something So the old man's mad at me Leon? He's not really mad, he's just upset Well, he's not really the old man either I mean, I believe I'm older than the president Not after the last two years
Well, look, I knew when I agreed to the vice presidential slot that it was a job a former occupant It said, wasn't worth a warm bucket of spit Still and all, I just felt that making me the point man on the Oklahoma attack just wasn't right I mean, you know what the opposition thinks of me tree hugger out, it's much better for the president Frankly, for him to be the one getting tough on the radical right I mean, my pollsters tell me toughness is the one color in his whole palette that could use more emphasis Thank you very much, we have pollsters too, the place is crawling with masters of standard deviation But it just seemed obvious to the president and frankly to me too And not just because I worked for the president, it's not obvious Traditionally, this is the kind of job the vice president does He's the administration's attack dog You don't have to put too fine a point on the vice president You shouldn't be hugging trees, you should be peeing on them
This is from that Republican consultant Dickie Morris that Bill's been talking to, isn't it? No, not necessarily no, well then it's from those personal empowerment gurus He was meeting with last month Tony Robbins and Marianne Williams, isn't it? Not in so many words, no Well then where's this coming from? It's coming from Bill, look Look what happened, this week he goes on the attack one day has to back off because it looks unseemly You can't both go to the memorial service and then blame the bombing on everyone to the right of sending a more hand Well I told you I should have gone to the memorial service Let me talk about the vice presidential job description, attend funerals and memorial services Right after sit behind president during state of the union and look interested Going to the memorial service was a presidential responsibility This wasn't the death of the premier of upper migraine here, this was a national tragedy Country didn't have Dan rather there, it needed Bill Clinton, he became relevant all over again
Listen Leon, I know Spiro Agnew, I'm not my best me going out then making red meat speeches Let me do to these people what I did to Perot, let's set up a televised debate me against, I don't know, all of a north or Gordon Litty That's making your best use of the vice presidential resource Litty maybe, North you can get cream Or me against that militia guy Mark from Michigan, you know he Fish in the barrel, now I think Litty is about the best combination of mainstream and maniac Look I'm not saying you're right about what you didn't do last week but I'll run it by the old man at our four o'clock You know we could do the whole thing on the letterman show Bob Morton over there said anytime That's an option You know what, let's run this by him right now while I'm here You know he probably, I don't think that's possible now
Pretty high level stuff going on in there at the moment That Republican consultant or those gurus? I'll be silly I am an A-hole Louder! I am an A-hole Say it like you really mean it, you A-hole I don't want to do it too loud, Al Gore is just down the hall And you don't even have that guts to say some words, you stupid little pansy Why should I ever let you go to the bathroom? Huh? Okay, let's relax for a few minutes Whoa, whoa You know Mr. Earhart Yeah, call me Werner We told him it would be worthwhile flying you back here from Moscow Are you kidding? It's a privilege I haven't the next training for so long in English and as for the head of my country It's something I feel responsible for the responsibility involved in me
Yeah, of course the real training we don't say A-hole I thought out of respect, I appreciate it You know, I don't know, but it seems like the effect is pretty much the same But would you know you pathetic little excuse for a maggot? Are we back? You see, that's your problem You know that, don't you? You don't want to make the decision to make decisions That's really not my problem Okay, you don't want to be committed to being committed No, my problem is that I've been drinking grapefruit juice since you walked in here and not in the morning And now my bladder's more over stuff than Rush Limbaugh Just a little while longer See in the old days, I keep it at that high level of intensity straight through But I've found since hiding out in Russia from the Scientologists that varying the voltage really is more effective But I don't like you
They don't like you Nobody likes you People think your wife is stronger than you She sure thinks she is And you don't see the imperative of redefining that concept of the concept of you And you know, it's really pathetic What? That the right wing nuts think you're a crafty, ruthless manipulator We should be so lucky, shouldn't we A-hole? If there's an irreducible core of you, it's probably somewhere in your wife, isn't it? Hey, hey, hey, look, enough about my wife She's not an issue any longer I even went on 60 minutes without her Okay The other thing is, of course, I'm old and now I can't keep going straight through like that anymore So you're doing this in Russian? Yeah Don't tell a Scientologist, but it's a growth market Nine-ten to the people driving around Moscow and BMWs are my graduates But then, they're not like you, you're a what? I'm an A-hole And give yourself a mission to be responsible for the fact that that's okay Can I do that in the John?
Sure Oh, I gotta sit down You have flanks and middle-aged power Together, they add up to Clinton something You may think you've seen goofy golf tapes before But stand by for the funniest goofy golf tape ever Okay, Miss Missola, just take a club out of the bag I dropped the clubs Oops, I dropped the bag
Forget about Dorf Send Leslie Nielsen back to the Renekar counter Time of your life tapes presents Andrea Missola's really clumsy golf And if Rory is to order the links for the America's most mistake-brown video star You'll Rory as Andrea learns to address the ball Oops, I dropped the ball Learns proper golf cart etiquette I'm sorry, I knocked over the cart Can we edit that out? Even learns the rituals of the Nineteenth Hole Oops, I dropped your drink Keep Andrea Missola's really clumsy golf for 10 days If you're not delighted, just initially envelope and return it to us for a full refund I forgot to initial it Look for Andrea Missola's really clumsy golf at airport gift shops And everywhere goofy golf tapes are sold
Andrea Missola's really clumsy golf I dropped my shoes, should I start over? I dropped my shoes, should I start over? Harry Sheeran W.G.M. Chicago Do people ever imitate you? Harry Sheeran? Harry Sheeran's done maybe years Does it bother you if people do that? No, I'm complimented I'm flattered Who's going to imitate of nobody? Well, this is indeed the trial of the century, isn't it? It is I couldn't do it, I could never sit there I'd want to strangle a muller Yeah, small, arrogant look Okay, serious, serious
I'm Defrock Newsman Jason Hambrick And this is a special edition of an inside copy Weekend Extra Live An extraordinary Sunday hearing is taking place inside Judge Lance Eto's courtroom Scheduled so quickly, we only just found some music to go behind this narration Simpson lead defense attorney Johnny Cuckren is addressing the court And we go there now live You know, this is an extraordinary situation You ought to know that better than anybody You're making me feel like Dr. Frank Baxter Never mind Before our part, we're sure that was a music comment John, I don't know what they over on the other side of the table Are willing to stipulate, too, in that regard But let me get back to the reason why we're here With all due respect, John
I couldn't watch in the French open right now All right, I could be watching, frankly Never mind In any case, Judge, we're coming up on the first anniversary of the mullercade We just think that when an event that made such an impact On so many people here in the city You know, we should just suspend proceedings in this court for a day And give anybody here who wants to participate in the commemoration The ability to do so That's all we're asking, we think it's fair It's just, and it's right You're on our own, just because they might not want to participate In this attempt to help heal our community Because people from all races are participating in this judge But just because Ms. Clark would prefer to maybe stay here in court and knit We don't think everyone else should be prevented from participating What we think may be a traditional cultural event All right, counsel that your personal remark about Ms. Clark is not necessary And you are so reminded Thank you, Your Honor Counsel, just to clarify something in the court's own mind When you refer to the anniversary of the mullercade Specifically, what event do you have reference to? Is this what the media have come to describe as the slow speed chase?
That's great, Your Honor Oh, no, obviously, we feel that that description is on its face, prejudicial We think the term mullercade is descriptive, it's accurate It was a succession of automobile proceeding at a state-led base And that more than half a million people may have seen part of it Personally, Your Honor, we think they and their families may well want to mark this anniversary And dignified and appropriate matter, Your Honor All right, I'm sorry, counsel, I thought I thought someone was sucking on a lasage And this commemoration can't take place outside quarter hours After all, we have a sequester jury sitting here I think if Your Honor approved and we could make the appropriate security arrangements I think this could be an appropriate outing for our jurors and alternates And the whole idea of the event, we're not the ones putting it up, Judge This was all Michael Jackson's idea, Your Honor He contacted my office and really just snowballed from there But the idea, Judge, is to recreate the mullercade on the real freeways in real time Now, Your Honor, yes, we could speed it up
But I think the court would agree that that would almost make a mockery of what we're trying to do in the community All right, I assume you've been in contact with the Los Angeles Police Department on this matter I'll be very honest with you, Judge, as you would expect, I'm sure And just to tell you that the people from the Sheriff's Department have been very thorough Very professional in their dealings with us Perhaps we thought perhaps an admonition from this court My will help the LAPD take a little more cognizant of their responsibilities in this matter But if we have to, Judge, we'll re-root the mullercade so that it only goes through Sheriff's territory All right, Council, I'm mindful of the time considerations involved here on all sides Mr. Darden, briefly Your Honor, I said in the paper that I was ashamed to be part of these proceedings And that was before this So the hearing continues, but we're out of time for this special live edition of an inside copy weekend extra Next hour, Fay Resnick's Summer Hair Secrets I'm Jason Hambrick, reminding you to stay on the inside
I'm Marla Mulevelich, with an updated special edition of an inside copy weekend extra Why? Bob Curred of Television Channel 2 here in Los Angeles is flying high above the 91 freeway on the Southside of town In his news chopper, witnessing the next amazing chapter in the OJ Simpson saga Bob Marla Judge Lance Edo's refusal to suspend court for one day is forced organizers of slow speed chase 2 The tribute into a very rapid change of plans They quickly cancel plans for the mock procession of the 405 schedule for this Friday They've been stead with remarkable logistical skill begun the slow crawl toward Brentwood just moment to go right now today It's almost eerie, how much this event looks like the one that commemorates one year ago
Zooming in as far as I can with our radio camp It certainly looks as though it's AC Collings driving the same white Bronco, white Fort Bronco, about 30-35 miles an hour In the fast lane of the 405 Frankly, if I didn't know better, I'd swear that was OJ Simpson and back holding a gun to his head Bob, our services indicate that slow speed chase 2 organizers contacted Ron Smith's celebrity lookalike service That's actually OJ lookalike Chad Irons in the back seat Marla, though the resemblances are eerie, the differences from a year ago are striking as well Following the Bronco instead of black and white highway patrol cars are village convertibles We can see waving from the rear seats of those vehicles NBC executive Don Olmeyer, Marlin and Tito Jackson And in the third car, the white Cadillac convertible Bakali Culkin Now, what's going on across the freeway on the southbound side is even more amazing As with last year, it's full of parked cars, as drivers stand and watch the procession go by But also, parked on the shoulder of the freeway are T-shirt merchants, a Jordi Moroni sausage stand
And apparently heavily suntanned people selling everything for more inches to blue block or sunglasses Up here, of course, the chopper noise keeps us from hearing whether the crowds are actually yelling things at the Bronco As they were a year ago or just enjoying themselves We can see some apparently homemade signs Thanks, Juice Burn, unforgettable year, that's why we can see There's another one, free juice That's actually part of a concession stand, the sign below it says actual juice, two dollars So, something for everybody out here today at Slow Speed Chase 2 A Bob, any idea whether the Bronco and its entourage is pulling off its unsaid and going all the way to the Simpson Estate? Marla, if organizers stick to the plan they had announced for the original Friday event The Bronco will pull off its unsaid take a right and end up at the Colladium for a party catered by Roscoe's chicken and waffles Bob Carrot of TV Channel 2, proving that the trial of the century isn't all hype Tomorrow, Colin Ferguson's postcards from prison on an inside copy, weekday regular edition Until then, I'm Marla Malevolich, and I'll see you on the inside Cleaned in something
Well then, Prime Minister Salatich sat down and he just stared at me like I'd killed a few thousand Bosnians Well, there was a time last fall when we didn't see you around the White House, how? Did you go underground with the Serbs back then? No, sir, I did not Well, Leon, that's one foreign policy blunder we didn't make Yes, sir, shouldn't we get back to the briefing book for the Gingrich debate? Tomorrow comes pretty soon Tell that to the Orlando Magic No, I can read while I'll talk Go ahead, Mr. Vice President Well, then I broke the ice by pointing out that we had refined our Bosnian policy
And that we now felt it was better than ever And he said, he said he'd been on a plane all day, Thursday, had he missed anything And I said, no, we'd been refining it all along Well, that's kind of true We spent half of the last Renaissance weekend talking about Bosnian when I would have much rather gone to the seminar on the convergence of molecular biology and microelectronics You know, they're going to have DNA chips within five years You think OJ can wait that long? Oh, Leon So he asked me about the current state of our policy And to be honest with you, I don't know whether I was quoting from Tuesday's briefing book or Wednesdays But I just said we support the Bosnian nation's right to its territorial integrity We post the lifting of the arms embargo because it would produce a humanitarian nightmare And the American troops would be available to aid NATO troops only in the event that they ask for us And Congress allows us to agree
Wow, that's a damn good synthesis of our Tuesday and Wednesday positions Yeah, maybe we should make that our policy for the whole weekend Leon, you put together these Gingrich briefing books Yes, sir What's this? Pouting sex kitten That was just an idea to bring up Gingrich's sexy novel You remember, it has that passage about the Pouting sex kitten, a thwart, somebody's chest You know, that is so outrageous I guess good money for churning out that crap I mean, I could make those pages sweat with the stuff I could write and I wouldn't have to make any of it up Well, those who can't write Wouldn't that be something? President of the United States writes spicy novels under another name Saddam Hussein Jr. That's not bad The idea of being to confront Gingrich with those lines about dirty movies You know, kind of turn it on, Newt. Is this what you expected to accomplish with your career, Mr. Speaker, to pout a thwart the chest of the people's house? I'd rather poke around with that rubored Murdoch stuff
We have any poll figures on what people in New Hampshire think of him Let me tap the thing pad and see Then President Salatich asked me whether we understood that continuing the arms embargo meant denying his country its inherent right to defend itself And I told him the only person who would benefit from a wider war was Ted Turner He didn't know who Ted Turner was Man, they really have been cut off Sure, as important as the Balkan situation may or may not be in the grand scheme of things We've got to get through these briefing books and come up with a format that makes Gingrich look bad by six tonight Leon, I got my cajonus cut off and handed to me in a jar by the House Republicans this week You may not have noticed but when half of Congress tries to put me out of the foreign policy business It has an interesting effect It makes me want to get into the foreign policy business Al, you know the Bosnian Prime Minister, you sat and visited with him, you know his tics and his quirks Well, I spent an hour with him
And we're grateful for that How do you think he'd react if we said look at here Why don't let's let the American military do what it does best and just help all the Bosnians escape Just run dramatic, effective escape missions and dare the Serbs to shoot him down Okay, two problems, one escape where, two, what do we do with the Serbs attack? Okay, I'll scratch that Yeah, it's scratch Listen Bill, I know this is a quagmire lurking just inside a can of worms But when you sit in a room with a man and he basically accuses you of being a handmaiden to genocide And you're the kind of person who cries when they cut down a sycamore Well, it, it, yeah, it's tough, that's all Tough Sir, just focusing on the format for a second If we insist he debate you with the senior citizens forum, we just medicare him to that cool Tough?
Tough is having a Republican leech of a prosecutor and dining everyone in Arkansas but the check-ins just as a political maneuver Tough is Jerry Falwell selling videos that accuse you of being accessory to a murder just because Hillary didn't want Vence Foster's wife to have to deal with his exotic porn collection Tough? Some stupid Prime Minister accusing you of hiding and abetting genocide? Hell, not only is that not the finals? That's not even the playoffs, that's regular season Tough On the other hand, we've had a standing invitation from the New Hampshire gang lesbian caucus for over four years It might be time to accept Yeah, headline them one day's New York Daily News, Newt and Fruit It might be time to pass Well then, you know the next time you need somebody to slam the door on the beleaguered head of a country under savage attack Get Warren Christopher to do it I didn't know we cared Of course that was rash and stupid, I'm your vice president, I serve it your pleasure Tell you what Leon, we could outsmart ourselves
You know, that's one lesson I've learned from this whole Bosnia situation, we overthought it Let's not do that, let's let Newt pick the side and let him win the debate I mean, Carville says Newt would be the easiest candidate for us to beat See, I think that's outsmarting ourselves Really? So I haven't learned that lesson Useful angst and middle-aged power Together they add up to Clinton something Hello, I'm Harry Scherer You know, there are two really good ways to develop a bad attitude towards what's going on in the world One, read the local papers, read some of the national papers, watch the TV news, listen to NPR news
And then let it all boil up inside you The other way is just to spend an hour a week listening to Lesho And let my bad attitude infect yours That's Lesho, Sunday evening at 6, here on 91FMWHYYFM in Philadelphia We have again the final phase of competition evening where the judges are not judging the game But rather the contestants' knowledge, her speaking ability, and her personal expression Asking the questions tonight will be Miss America 1964, a recent appointment by President Clinton to serve on the board of the Kennedy Center and a national skincare representative Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Bartlett'sville resident, Donna Exham Whitworth Thank you very much Miss Northwest Oklahoma, Dio Webb
Good evening, Dio Here's your question, you have written about people taking more responsibility for their actions How do you think such a change will affect our society? Well, we do live in a society where we can make wrong decisions right by being able to justify them This must come to an end The only way we can do this is to teach people when faced with a wrong decision To ask themselves, what's the right thing to do? Thank you Miss Lakey Fala, Meshai Eskola Good evening, Meshai You've stated that the emphasis in school is being taken off a complete education What can be done by communities and civic organizations to provide the opportunities that teach a well-rounded education? If community and civic organizations would step in and fill that gap that parents and schools just cannot provide anymore Our students would become more educated and have a well-rounded education
Thank you Miss Tulsa State Fair, Shantel Smith Good evening, Shantel Education, the key to prevention is your critical issue What can be done to encourage students to establish the goals of common education and post-secondary education? That's very easy, our federal government has put into place school to work And what that is, it shows young people the broad horizon that they can have and the different types of careers that they may have All we have to do is enforce this system and show our young people that they can succeed in life And they can face their challenges and be a successful adult Miss Queen of the South, Jan Zisman Good evening, Shantel Your critical issue states, our focus should be on awareness of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancies How do you propose we deliver this message to the American team today?
Go into our school systems and tell them that abstinence is the only sure-proof method of not contracting a sexually transmitted disease or becoming pregnant Because it's far greater issue than just pregnancy It's about saving our lives and we need to teach them Miss Grant Lake, Andrea Clark Good evening, Andrea The number of people affected by eating disorders is growing in our country What would you do to help reverse this national trend? I think there are two things that we can do I think, first of all, we need to go into the schools and have self-image improvement programs Because low self-esteem is the core issue of what an eating disorder is And secondly, I think we need to educate people about the signs and symptoms So that we will be better able to diagnose these illnesses at an early opportunity Thank you Miss Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Laurie Kromer Good evening, Laurie You believe in promoting self-esteem to school children on a daily basis?
What benefits do you see being derived by such a process? The benefits are just so, when we go into schools to speak with children Everything that we do and everything that we say, either negatively or positively Influences their self-image So the benefits are just wonderful Thank you Miss Norman, Shay Sullivan Good evening, Shay The value of art in today's community is your critical issue What is the value of art in human terms? The value of art is that it's a necessary and a necessity in our lives We need to remember that our greatest cultural asset are the American people and their creative expression By continuing to teach arts in schools and in our communities We will be able to put a price on the value of art Miss Collinsville, Julie Kent
Hello, Julie You advocate a program of role models and mentors for young women How can today's average woman become this role model or mentor and participate in the program you envision? I don't actually think we need to start any new programs We have 20,000 existing women's organizations in America We need to take these average women that are involved in society and encourage them to make a conscious effort to be a role model for these girls I think there's no better organization than to start a move like this than the Miss America program We can show these girls that they can be anything they want to be Thank you, Donna That concludes the final phase of competition Time now for America's leading theater of finite possibilities
Alternative scenario playhouse Today, Michael Jackson releases his new record with corrected lyrics Scenario 1 Jimmy's in the booth, right? Jimmy, one thing Is this Michael U87 or U86? Because the children of the world will love me if I use an 86 From the notes it says you used an 86 on the original vocals so I put an 86 Really? That's so terrible! That's unbelievable! Who could have written those notes, Sandy? It's just more the garbage that's written about me It's what this song is all about Maybe you should put something about this in the lyrics
You're kidding And I'm... I'm crying Michael, not a problem, I'll swap it out for 87 Okay? Again Jimmy, I thank you and the children thank you They're welcome, John Okay, Mike, ready to roll? Just a little more level Kick me, cut me, everybody, bite me Okay?
Really? He's wrongly, Michael I look the track for you just so we don't have to keep stopping and starting I'm trying to write, okay? I'll just try a few, Sandy Tell me when we got something, okay? Speak me, dick me, everybody kick me Nah, I have problems Take me, fake me, everybody, bag me No, no, no, no, that is insensitive, Michael What would you say to David? Gavin? He didn't object to Juney I know, but onward Pull me, crop me, everybody out me Nope, nope, nope JAP me, frog me, everybody, dog me I like everybody, dog me, reminds me one of my good songs Second largest market in the world for MJ product Maybe the first, if we don't get the bump, we want it from Primetime Live Japan But they are JAPs, aren't they?
Not the point The JAPs would be hurt I wouldn't want to have the next settlement agreement approved by Judge Edo Let me put it that way Hey, I'm writing big jerk face Chicken me, Nick No, no, you are not ice, whatever But I'm trying to say that I'm being treated like one Mike Tyson was treated like one You just had a rough press Okay Tink me No, look, what about, scab me, stab me You can say scab I don't want to say stab I'm out of fan Johnny Coquin Just trying to help Slant me, slope me, don't you rope it, don't me No, don't mean it's good now Tower hitting me won't scan Rag hit Man, it seems like all the good words are offensive I can't take it Sandy They won't even let me re-record my lyrics in peace
Michael, you want to take 15? Sure, let's go to Pasquim Robbins I'll wait in the car Now, scenario number two An alternative scenario playhouse Jimmy, Sandy, yeah Listen, start shipping out version two Yes, the ones in the West warehouse, that's right Thank you Again, next time, an interesting public event Seen from two different angles An alternative scenario playhouse The swallows have come back to Capastron The swallows have come back to Capastron
The robbins have been seeing since God knows where There's another team in the West warehouse The swallows have come back to Capastron The robbins have been seeing since God knows where There's another TV movie starring Alyssa Milano Larry King's getting married again Baseball plays will return to the ball box Michael Jordan came back to the horn with floor Three-year-olds are training for the previous
Larry King's getting married once more Springtime, it's a season of renew The ancient cycle rejuvenates our world Have a dozen businesses, must know something Is a more well-equipped, the middle bell The middle bell College students have had their Easter benders The rooster's got his eye upon the head The look this spring has showed up hands and suspenders
Because Larry King's getting married again Larry King's getting married again Gotta do it just for more time Larry King's getting married Larry King's getting married again There's going to be a 22nd phone call, don't panic It's just my mother Make it 30 seconds Hello Teresa, how are you? I'm going to be on Channel 4 in about three or four minutes
I was only in any chance you could put in one of those tapes I had And tape it if you have one If not, don't panic over it, but maybe we could do it Five seconds Yeah, I can only talk for a couple of seconds mom, I've got to get off I'm going to be on TV in a minute or two Yeah, okay No, I'm not going to get a chance to stop there, I told you that before Yeah, I'll call you later, okay? Yeah, okay, okay, bye-bye My mother's great, they're fabulous Now you mentioned, you know, if you looked at that my hairs would probably all look very similar You're referring to color treatment, correct? Well, I think the color treatment would be a big help, yes And you could see if someone had color treatment in their hair onto the microscope Oh, very easily, yes
But even if someone has color treated hair Some kind of treatment with respect to the color, will you still see some kind of a range of characteristics? Oh, you will, sure For instance, some of your hairs may be lighter than others And they may not have as much pigment They'll take on a much brighter color than a hair that is darker That is absorbed the same amount of color So you will see pigment granules, you'll see medulla, you'll see cuticle Scales, ovoid bodies, you see it all The cups are waiting, the teams are ready And this is one championship that's not going to be decided By who wants it more? Hello everybody, from Sandy Fieldhouse in Oxard, California Sports Channel 2 presents the first national inter-scholastic peeing in a cup championships I'm Joel Myers with Marcus Johnson, Marcus, quite a challenge for these young student athletes today
You can say that again, Joel, studying and excelling his sports has always been a handful But today the cream of American players is being asked to stand and deliver under the kind of pressure that could make any young man go wet in the palms And dry everywhere else Marcus, we've got intersectional accommodation today, pitting the peeing eagles of Claremont High and suburban Detroit Against the tinkling beacons of Loyola High and Tucson, Arizona Now in the pre-limits, Marcus, the eagles look awfully good Very well coached team Joel, great confident approach to the cup, great eye contact with the nurses And they can really fill it up And of course confidence is about nine tenths of the game in this contest So coach Griff seating has got his kids right where he wants them for this big day On the other side, the beacons about peeds and pretty formidable competitors to make it this far Coach Eddie knuckles his preach consistency from day one And with the combination of conditioning and sports drinks each and every deacon has gone over the red line every time out And that's, that is a very good way to put points on the board
Now Ann Meyers is down near the sinks and wooded coach knuckles say to the deacons before they put on their briefs and made their entrance Very simply, Joel, he told his kids that unlike the regionals where they had to wait for St. Mary's to lose And this round their fate was in their own hands And he reminded them that past seniors they not only knew the importance of putting waste water in the cup But of mastering that clock Over on the other side, Griff seating was low key Just reminding his young players of the fundamentals for work, splash reduction, just all of the little things But low key or not, his kids are keyed up ready for their moment of truth in the test of the circle Joel, we're just minutes away from the umpires cry of start being Thanks Ann, Marcus Johnson just before the break, it's something we really don't want to talk about But there have been whispers along press roll by allegations that some of these kids have been taking urination enhancing medications It's ironic Joel that we may have to do drug pre-testing for an event that originated as a drug test But these are the 90s
In any case the players have been cleared, the charges weren't unfortunate But it's not going to put a damper on this crowd They want to see these talented kids put something in the cup Now I have a feeling they're not going to be disappointed The first cup is worth a maximum of 20 points So we'll be back, because Tim Harkness of the Eagles starts his womb up routine We'll return with his try at cup number one right after these words from Kreuzner The beer that makes these championship possible Welcome back to the Donnery Festival Tonight, Dettison is busting at the seams with activities Channel 4 Sheila Brummer gives us a sample of what was happening this evening Not everyone at the Donnery Festival is trying to make it to the big time They're having a good time, there's plenty of food
And fun I think it's great, I'm from Omaha, I fell into it three years ago by being on a mailing list And I have minute I get back in the Donnery Festival every year I book out my vacation for the second week of June the following year But Dennis has mainstreamed a live with action inside the Roots Theater The stars are getting ready to perform It's rehearsal for a special radio play, the last episode of the Donnery Show Paul Peterson and Iowa native portray Jeff Stone for eight years on the famous television sitcom Cast is made up of those who are still alive from the Donnery Show Plus a lot of local talent who were in competitive auditions And a flown in as Alan Young from Mr. Ed and Kathleen Freeman, who when you see you know immediately And we're really looking forward to it, a live radio broadcast from the Donnery center for the performing arts, the old Roots Theater Even though it's hundreds of miles away from Hollywood Dennis and his close to town fever, and Dennis and Iowa, Sheila Brummer, Channel 4 News Now one of the people who have helped make this festival possible
It's 10 years now as Grover asks him to see as the husband of the late Donnery reading In 10 years, did you ever believe it would grow to be this type of an event? We hope it would grow to be this type of an event We never dared dream it would be coming this size in 10 years But without the love of her fellow Dennis and I, it never could have been It's amazing, you see the actors, Paul Peterson, Shelley Fabre Also we've got Kathleen Freeman, all these people You're walking around Dennis and you can come here and actually see these people that you have watched in TV in the movies for years Oh yes, and they all wanted come here, that's a nice part about it Those who have been here before, they asked to come back again Those who haven't been here say, when will you invite us? We'd love to come Unbelievable, now Donner must have certainly had a special feeling in her heart that leds you to start this, tell us a little bit about what Dennis invented Dennis and really met everything One of her roots were here, she loved Iowa, she loved the western side of Iowa, she loved Dennis I'll tell you there's a story that Paul Peterson tells
He thinks his Iowa was having a growing up or at least been born in Cherokee County, Iowa Made it played a part in his getting a role in the data read show Very true, very true All right, Grover Asmus, the husband of the late data read Thank you so much for joining us and making this possible We appreciate your being here with us Thank you, all right, the pleasure Tomorrow, the 10K run and the two-mile fun walk begin at eight o'clock At nine in the street fair kicks into gear again with arts, crafts, and of course entertainment The parade begins at 11 highlights, include the Scottish pipes and drums And the Denison Schleswig High School Band, the candy kitchen dedication at one o'clock With the National Association of Soda Jerks being here, that should be good Come on down to Denison this weekend for the Donner read festival You've had a great time, we know you will too Everyone from Denison High It's mid-July in Shapiro's double breasted, took since January
But the prosecutions rested that Garcetti micromanaged from the 18th floor with the judgment on the glove demo Just piss poor At our sleep control center, Dr. Lakshmana takes aim with testimony Even longer than his last name, blunt four sharp fours, nearly till late Leading Dr. Golden in a gaping state Cutting component, corners, cooler, choking Brian Kelberg With a ruler, single-edge blade, single-killer, not at two some time of death It's never certain that the photos were too gruesome for TV OJ was seated by dawn's early light, by the twilight's last gleaming in into the night Half a year alone, and they've given up on the slummo And everybody's trying to forget Kato, Hito and the Elmo Kato, Hito, and the Elmo Exclusive to blooming dails, the product code is wrong Some extra-large gloves are snug, some extra-large along Leather light, brass or stitch, are they shrunk or been mislaid? Could the defendant try them on?
Talk about your double-sided blade Here's the guy who sold him shoes with a whole crime style by blooming dails And a trial full of theories, flea, tripod, fairy tales Bloody footprints were consisted with dress casuals by Molly So maybe two killers each wore a matching shoe by Golly OJ, we can see by the dawn's early light On the twilight's last gleaming in all through the night, but one L.A. station gave up coverage for the loosely shown Everybody's trying to forget Kato, Hito and the Elmo Kato, Hito, and the Elmo Hito failing electrophoresis, microsepectrophotometer, xylene, permount Do we have to change the cord reporter, the glove guys back? Now we've got new ones, might as well try to find a quark among the Moons Dr. Weir comes in and gives himself a bath It's growing up the DNA with some errors in his math Frequencies and likelihoods, the doc is losing face Hunter any Asians in the FBI database? Brock Bank and Lewis getting evidence from the field Did you fold the bintles where the envelope sealed?
Dieterick almost doesn't get his weakened cord I don't care what you call it It's a report Guard hairs fur hairs, a hundred hairs a day Comings and pullings They tend not to stay Triple oak fibers and then blue-black cotton veilies says it's from copsuits But that's soon forgotten Low-carts exchange principle, OJ's got dandruff Is this a case where too much might not be enough? OJ, you can see by the dawn's early light But the twilight's last gleaming into the night This is Robertson with cord employee of the month Now logger bell and everybody's trying to forget Kato, Hito and the Elmo Kato, Hito and the Elmo Shoot, the prosecution went on too long
Yeah, it was boring But it's summertime And the trial of the century Just got a whole lot more entertaining Hi, I'm Mr. Johnny And this summer's light reading is on the dude Take the watchman to the beach and see what you've been missing The juice is golfing buddies, his mom and daughter Folks who sat next to him on airplanes It's a circle of benevolence And it's his refreshing as two weeks on a tropical island It's defense island And it's as close as your dial Testimonious light and invigorating It's your favorite summertime beverage Or we'll be moving But we'll keep it moving along
For the kids, there'll be just a hint of science For the whole family There's a satisfaction of seeing the rest of the story So don't let prosecution burn out, spoil your fun Take a six week vacation From what you've been watching And come back to O.J. We'll see you on defense island And you don't need sunblock Clinton something Hey Spill, it's Dickie
Hey man, I need to talk to you Well, how's it now? Let me see, Al's running late for his 11 o'clock Leon's gone in traffic Grayson, I'll be right in Where are you? I'm in the hallway, I'm calling you on my cell phone This publicity hasn't been good for me, Bill How much more of a mushroom than a sunflower? Hey, welcome to the fishbowl And you know, it passes Nobody cares what Hillary thinks anymore Well, Jesse Helms was about to pay me the GNP of Switzerland To consult on his next campaign He just called to say he can't work with me if I'm helping out And his exact words were A friend of the glory holders Hey, Switzerland needs their GNP more than you do Anyway, Dick, I'm sorry, but you know, working for the president has got to be good for your business and the long run Only if you win Only, yeah, right
Well, look, I'm about to touch the tar, baby And I really need your help We're going to recognize Vietnam Wow, dipping your toes in the big money, huh? Something we got to do, partly to give us leverage with China Since we've played the favorite nation's card once too often Now they pull this hairy woo thing on us Also, the private sector can't believe the head start their Japanese competitors already have in Vietnam And, Bill, Bill, it's Dicky, remember? We don't talk policy to Dicky I don't care why you made a decision I wouldn't make, you made it All right, the Republicans are going to play it as the draft Dodger kissing up to Hannah You bet you're asked, they will, I'm telling them to So how do I play it? That leverage with China Crab, that's Wonk Food, nobody else touches it Helping American business be competitive in a new market Well, at least that's what I'd mean for Gingrich and the free marketers Can you say you're doing it because it'll make it easier to find the MIAs? There's your two hanky reason right there
Well, why would that make finding people who don't exist any easier? Well, how about the tourism angle? People like vacations, Vietnam's got some nice beaches So does Cuba, and it's a lot closer Let me go down a little checklist here BC Cool Does recognition Vietnam help the war on crime? No The war on drugs? Not a chance DEA is covering their butts right in the memo, isn't it? Does it help Medicare? No Man, I'm stumped You know, buying this whole time for healing thing that Leon's pushing Look, when I think about angry veterans and MIA moms across the street From here waving their crutches and the photos of their kids I can see that footage in my mind's eye Time for healing I'm seeing broke all reading that And it's got an L in it The first lady to see you, sir Thank you Damn it, you know, for all the time, Nixon's spinning here in my maze, he never put in secret doors Yeah
I'll go out this way, okay? All right Honey, what's up? Great news, Bill. I just talked to Ted Turner And we've got the perfect person to introduce you when you announce the normalization of relations with Vietnam Somebody on the brave? Wolf Blitzer? One of the Hannah Barbarra characters, who? Jane Fonda, isn't that great? I've also got positive responses from Tom Hayden, Coretta Scott King, and Abby Hoffman's son Zippy Hill? It's gonna be righteous Hill, I'm not gonna stand up there with a woman half of America still thinks of as Hanoi Jane I think we need to redouble our efforts to see if Senator McCain would get up there with me He's Republican, he's a former PLW, he's a tough old bird You know, Bill, maybe Jesse Jackson is right Maybe you do wish you were a Republican Do you know how hard I had to sweet talk Ted Turner? He's all over you in this environment stuff I spent a half an hour convincing him that you haven't been bought and paid for by the loggers I'm sorry, hun, but look, now we've learned one thing this last couple of years The center is the hardest place to be, you get shot at from both sides
And you might want to cool it on knockin' the loggers, there's a couple temper guys coming to dinner tonight It's a little embarrassing, what am I supposed to tell Jane? You know, tell them they're liberal temper guys No, no, about the Vietnam thing Tell her, tell her, I don't know Tell her all being her next video It's Dickie, isn't it? Now that Dickie's got your ear again, nobody else's advice matters He'll, you know, what you think has never been more important to me You do know that, don't you? Nice suppose Well Zippy was so excited Alright, let me get back to work and you just tell those folks that we're not putting on moratorium 95 here, okay? Okay, Bill, I agree it should cost $100,000 to have dinner with you, but don't you think I should be worth more than tipper? Look, I'll talk to you about it later, see you tonight Love you Dickie, do you hear that?
No, I was on the cell phone with Trent a lot He's gonna attack you for forgetting history Great It is great, that gives you your opening Hmm, they're looking backward You on the other hand, leading us into the next century and I know where you make the announcement Well, I was gonna do it on the south lawn That makes me think of dogs Look, have your people find a Vietnamese restaurant in town where the owners are too better Announce it there with some smiling little orientals on either side of you and your mouth half full of Whatever it is they eat I think they eat dogs You're the future, they're the past Boom, baby, three-pointer, Clinton hits from downtown, listen, I gotta go Bob Doran's page of me Stay in touch, bro You know I will Youth flanks and middle-aged power Together, they add up to Clinton something And this vehicle, Mr. Heistler, it was white, wasn't it?
Oh, I'm wide, yeah, very wide, very wide I would say white I would say white It was a sport utility vehicle, wasn't it? A sport? Yeah, no, it was like a jeep of a wagon car Okay A four-wheel drive sort of vehicle? Probably yes It wasn't a car, wasn't it? It was a car, yes Well, was it a car in the sense that it was like a van or a truck? No, it was like a wagon, wagon car, jeep, like car When you talk to the police initially you told them that you thought that the vehicle might be a blazer Is that correct? Yeah, they asked me if it was a blazer, it looks like a blazer car And it did look like a blazer Yeah, that size of a car, was it? I'm sorry? That kind of size, the size of the car was like a blazer Okay, and a blazer is made by Chevrolet? Yes, I guess And you also said that it resembled a Ford? Is that correct? Don't recall that Well, did you tell the police that the vehicle resembled a Ford Bronco? Never
I will I said it looks like a wagon I've told them, a wagon or jeep, like car Didn't you tell the police that the vehicle looked like a Ford Bronco? No, sir No, sir You talked to a reporter from Channel 2, didn't you? Yes And didn't you tell all that reporter from Channel 2 that the vehicle looks like a Ford Bronco? I don't recall that, I said it must be a van or jeep or a wagon And you know someone named Patricia, don't you? Yeah, did you tell Patricia that the vehicle resembled a Ford Bronco? I told them that it was like a wagon, a wagon car, a big, like a jeep Did you tell Patricia that the vehicle looked like a Ford Bronco? Like a blazer, a blazer car, might have said maybe a Bronco, maybe I don't recall that And your opinion does a Chevy Blazer and a Ford Bronco resemble each other? They resemble each other, I would say, so it is And you do detail cars, is that right?
Right And do you detail Mercedes-Benz for a man named Mr. Field? Yeah And didn't you tell Mr. Field that the vehicle you saw was a Ford Bronco? Could have been a blazer or a Ford Bronco to resemble? Mr. Heistler? Yeah Please sir, did you tell Mr. Field that the vehicle you saw looked like a Ford Bronco? I might have said that, but I've said that it was a blazer, it could be a blazer too Mr. Heistler? I don't know exactly Did you tell Mr. Field that the vehicle appeared to be a Ford Bronco? Oh, whoa I might have said that probably, but you said you might have said that Mr. Heistler? I might have said that he understood that I said that it was a Bronco, but I could have said that it was a blazer or a Jeep car? It might call a car Did the vehicle look like a Bronco? Yes I said that again like a blazer, it could have been a Bronco maybe, I don't know Sometimes I dream
I wake up in my own puke Sometimes I dream That I can't remember dreaming So drunk and loud I can't hear the crowd cheering me Don't wanna be like me The trick is not to be like Nick I own a bar And people buy me drinks there Compensions lowly With bucks and boots I'll sign a bar for two pounds of maker's mark Like Nick, don't wanna be like Nick The trick is not to be like Nick A message from the heart From mantles, little liver fills
And they hit a home run in your tummy Gentlemen, I guess her nose has got a time to start as any I think we all know that meeting as the contact group of NATO There's only one item on our agenda today And it's not where to hold the next winter Olympics It is of course the situation in Eastern Bosnia And my extension in middle and probably in Western Bosnia as well Speaking on behalf of the American government, we for one feel it We should do something Mr. Secretary Christopher But I would suggest have managed his government's very strong feeling that Any precipitous action under the present unsettled circumstances on the ground
Might have the unfortunate side effect of having consequences This would suggest the need for a great deal more creative fudging on the part of the contact group Or policy, if you will, of strategic bystanding Naturally, as the frontline state facing the situation Germany fears the impact of this dispute most keenly We do acknowledge that the pictures being been around the world of the suffering In Bosnia most of it being by the way by the equipment of Japanese manufacture Are in framing passions in our populations and pushing the pressure on us for premature last minute action This would suggest to us an appropriately limited mission for a small NATO expeditionary ground force Namely to dismantling the satellite dishes that beam out these pictures
I don't mind, my comers secretary would want me to point out that the media equipment is Japanese But most of the satellite gear is made in the USA Gentlemen, the government of the faithfully public is not prepared any longer To deprive us with genocide, denunciations and simply threats They will not let us suffice A widening war on our doorstep will distract my government from much more essential matters Such as resuming nuclear testing in the South Pacific If some western troops must make the ultimate sacrifice So that distant islands may be irradiated My government is prepared to, as you say, bite the bullock I don't think it's too late in the day to point out that we wouldn't be trying to pass this pickle today And not the German government of hair curl
So prematurely rushed to recognise patiently unviable states such as Bosnia Hence hasteningly break up of the former Yugoslavia We recognise the futility of blame and finger pointing at this juncture Yet we must for the sake of posterity rise to the opportunity to stoop to engage in it Let me forget my country and the people of Croatia have a relationship that goes back to before World War II On second thought, let's forget Gentlemen, I think we all must recognise that the eyes of history are upon us Is there something we can perhaps do about that? We're recognising the facts on second, particularly the facts that public opinions in America are afraid of the Vietnam syndrome And in Britain, the afraid of any government that might someday lead to a second Euro tunnel
My government would propose the following The French government wanting to renew your nuclear testing, getting considerable worldwide criticism from the leaders of Polynesia The leaders of Micronesia, the leaders of all the nations We did not kill the proverbial two shopkeepers with big noses For France to relocate its nuclear tests to say Serbian-dominated areas of Bosnia It might be quite the detergent effect for the Serbs to confront not only the threat of environmental damage on a scale they've only dreamed about But having some Serbs to deal with that greenpeace boat Well, I know our Russian colleague might well raise his point And he seems to be unaccountably delayed due to some currency changing he's involved in
I think the US government should make it form Wouldn't any fallout from possible mess-haps in those tests When that fallout directly near Russia and resounding in perhaps a second Chernobyl I think it would be Her Majesty's government's position if not the position Her Majesty has set up That as far as Russia is concerned after 70 years of communism, the whole bloody place is probably irradiated Except for the parts downing and toxic waste You see, there's the growth industry for your yanks and the next millennium cleaning up Russia Well, let all the US government wants to be the world's policeman I think even less than we aspire to be the world's janitor But I'll pass the suggestion on to my colleague at the Commerce Department You know, I must stress, in the stories, possible times, the unliked hood of any result of radioactive emissions from these underground testings
We would, however, be remiss in our duties to French men and French women and not to add that And the temporary change in the wind pattern could blow such emissions toward France would therefore be completely unacceptable to my government Well, I hate to bring this up again, but it keeps coming up in our domestic political discussions So just for the record that the US government would like to inquire if we could get any consensus on lifting the arms embargo I don't really measure practicality with the produce Lift instead of the arms embargo in New York My government will take the responsibility of selling arms to Iraq with the provisors
The Iraq, in turn, would reseller percentage of those arms to their Bosnian co-religionists Well, you're gonna north suggested this to my government in a fax Well, he did fax Her Majesty's government as well, but unfortunately due to a technical problem Her Majesty's fax machine received was the cover sheets Look, our FBI has had success with this tactic in certain situations Why don't we authorize an overflight by NATO stealth fighters which can evade the Serbian radar? And those planes overflowing Serbian positions would be equipped to play very loud rock-and-roll music all night long every night What wouldn't the planes be louder since the music?
Well, the FBI does it from fixed positions You may be right Should we not, in the interest of union emitter, suspend any further consideration of the issue until our Russian colleague is able to join us? He indicated to me that he thought his currency transactions might take all day That would be fine by Her Majesty's government. What if we move the nuclear tests to Iraq and then sell arms to the Polynesians? Each and all year round, it's like Viv already said the true backbone of Europe runs up the line All right, and I propose we reconvene in Geneva in two weeks and in the interim that we vigorously support the reassuring of our previous communique That would be fine for us
This meeting of the NATO contact group is adjourned and for the sake of history, minutes of this meeting will be destroyed Thank you, gentlemen Let's go to China this time But right on in Mr. Sinsa Hey, thanks, Deputy Anne And listen, don't forget what I told you about lowering that shoulder when you're putting Your guide is yours Hey, Johnny, nice tie. Glad I could buy it for you Mr. Sinsa, this is Diana Westafel. She's an attorney from San Francisco who's going to help us in this part of our search for truth Hello, Mr. Sinsa. It's a pleasure to meet you Hello, Ms. Westafel. You know, I was just telling Johnny the other day that what the Dream Team needed was some Dream Team lady Oh, Jay, we discussed during lunch yesterday. Ms. Westafel will play the role of Marsha Clark We'll just war game a little bit to like cross examination if and or when we put you understand
Got to send this Westafel. If Marsha Clark was as attractive as you are, I wouldn't be winning this case That's been flattering, Mr. Sinsa But in truth, she's considerably more physically attractive than I am So, okay, we're not winning the case here Well, hey, let's get started. No reason you all have to spend night in jail Okay, the writing here, sir. Thanks. It is a little something for you Sorry, sir. I'm not dipping in jail Don't worry about it, Jerry. I take care of him the end of every month I'm sorry. Oh, Jay. I thought we were rehearsing cross examination We are, but I as Bob to call Jerry Hi, Jerry, I and Uchi, I was all set to direct juice and frogman too Diana Westafel, nice to meet you Give us another pair of eyes, you know. Sit out, Jay. How you been? You know, great, terrible, mainly terrible You know, I'd like to get started if we can
I said I'd be a presenter tonight to say daytime image awards You told Bob, you say? Uh-huh. Okay, Miss Westafel. I'm sworn in and everything hit me with your bad shot All right, Mr. Simpson Um, where were you on the night of June 12, 1994 at approximately 10, 15 p.m. You know, I was chipping some golf balls You know, it's a great way to relax before a long plane flight If you do it the right way, you're going to make sure your shoulders are loose Otherwise you're building up the tension you want to release Anyway, I guess I'm rambling a bit, but doing some nice easy swings on the front lawn Did anybody see you chipping golf balls on your lawn, Mr. Simpson? You know, I don't think so Matter of fact, right before packing for the plane, I went upstairs to take a little nap You know, that would have been during the time when somebody might have seen me downstairs You took a nap?
Yeah, just a little cat nap 10, 12 minutes just before getting on the plane You wouldn't believe how refreshing that can be Which, of course, is why I didn't need to sleep on the plane So you want this jury to believe that your alibi for the time frame in question Is chipping golf balls alone on your front lawn and taking a 12-minute nap? Now, Missy, no disrespect, but I don't have to sit here and listen to that crap from you You know, I'm going to get enough of that when I actually am cross-examined I mean, I know all about rehearsal and everything The jury here can tell you, but you're getting a little too real on me there Let's just keep going, please We're in a search for truth here All right, Mr. Simpson, I have here a pair of size 12 Bruno mildly shoes Which would be so kind, sir, as to try them on before the ladies and gentlemen of the jury here And then I'll object blah, blah, blah, and then I'm overruled And you may try them on, sir
Okay, you know, these aren't the kind of shoes that you really... Objects, you're on it, can the witness be instructed just to try them on without testifying? Yeah, I respond, blah, blah, blah overruled and... Oh, man, sorry, but they really do hurt my feet, they're so... I think my ass right has hacked up just a little bit there Ooh, I don't think I can get the left one off Need some help, it... And they were moved for a recess Okay, let's stop it there So, Jared, what'd you think? Nice fall, cute I saw it coming, you kind of telegraphed it, but, you know, for civilians, it's fine Are you really going to do that? Not if I don't have to, I think I landed wrong Do you think it's too much, Mr. Ayanello?
I knew she... I don't know, is it funny? Is it supposed to be funny? I don't know, I mean, I don't know from trials Good piece of block comedy, never hurts Remember, Josh, you had that scene in Frogman 1 where you bought the knife from that guy, you know, who started? Yeah, I kept breaking up, man, we had to do maybe two dozen takes of that But what about the rest? You know, the talking part You know, maybe it's just me, I'm on my second grand day, lot day to day, but... Uh-huh And maybe you want to come across a little less sensitive You know, see, I know that sounds strange, I'm not sure what I mean by it But, you know, you're playing scene 43, we're only at scene 17 here You mean like, give it someplace to go, something's built on? Is that what I mean? You know, it should be, but I don't know
Are we doing this again or what? You know what people, I'm already late for the daytime image awards So why don't you folk take a dinner break and let's pick it up again in a couple of hours? Any place to eat around here? Don't ask Deputy Martinez when he comes in, he actually knows downtown Are you sure we should? You guys go on, I'll just work on the fall Here you go, people, thank you I'll see you in a couple of hours, juice will search for more truth then You take care of that Hello, Conning with Smith? Hi, how you doing? It's Senator DeMotto Oh, pretty good dang complaint How about yourself? Uh-huh, uh-huh Yeah, actually, I can complain
I'm a little concerned about the wayco hearings that you're chairing No, no, I don't care if you can't come up with dually squat after this I don't know what you think I've gotten anything worse, wow No, sir, it's just a matter of timing I wanted to discuss with you You see, a minute that we won the control of the Senate last November I started planning these whitewater hearings, duh Oh, thank you, you saw it? Yeah, thanks, thank you Uh-huh, I saw some of your hearing too, yeah No, not him, no, no, no, uh-huh, uh-huh Now, the 14-year-old girl who said David Koresh had his way with her Now, I know that wasn't your idea, I'm just telling you that's what I saw Oh, sure, well, what do you expect from the media? Listen, I know for a fact that you didn't start really planning for the whitewater hearings until I have to Oklahoma City, right? And you're among friends, right?
Okay, right So, why the hell did you schedule your hearings the same weeks as mine? What do you, what do you, what do you think? I mean, let's split the small audience that's left over from OJ Have you, yes, we've gone in our hands to power to make Bill Clinton look silly at a damn quail and as sinister as Richard Nixon here Can't you recess for three, four weeks? Give us a straight shot, at least the evening news? I mean, maybe you haven't noticed, but the only stations carrying either of our hearings live are the PPS stations that don't want to pay for Bonnie Yeah, yeah No, I know, this is a big thing for the House Is that institution out of the way, go hearing I appreciate that, but I'm not talking about institutions here I'm talking the future of the Republican Party Uh-huh Yeah Look it from where, so right now south, right? Okay, fine, what do you need? More gambling boats? Get rid of the gambling boats, what? Of course I could see to it, what do you think I'm calling for my health? What, you people having union problems down there yet?
Just tell me what you need Uh-huh Uh-huh Well see, rigging highway bids was something I could have helped you with five, ten years ago, but uh The freaking Asians have just taken Look, you got what, you got a favorite savings alone That needs a friendly ear on the Senate Banking Committee Tell me, just move your committee hearings for Of course not, I'm just asking, is a member of the upper house to a member of the lower house Would all do respectfully the institution, sure Uh-huh Okay, yes, definitely talk it over with your ranking member Talk it over with your doctor too See how he'd like replacing both your needs Your needs, I said your needs replacing your needs Uh-huh, great Okay Show it appreciated
Thank you again congressman Stupid cracker But the bottom line is that there were no legal or ethical violations involved here But uh, I think the bottom line is exactly what everybody knows it to be That there was a lot of inexperience But the bottom line was that there were no legal or ethical violations There's no new news here The bottom line is that For whatever Excitement may be involved here The bottom line is I don't think there'll be any new news But the bottom line again is when are they going to start turning to the business of the country The bottom line here is what the president said this week
Le Show
1995-04-02; 1995-04-09; 1995-04-16; 1995-04-23; 1995-04-30; 1995-06-11; 1995-06-25; 1995-07-02; 1995-07-09; 1995-07-16; 1995-07-23 Elements
Producing Organization
Century of Progress Productions
Contributing Organization
Century of Progress Productions (Santa Monica, California)
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6/11/95: Harry Shearer Jingle - WGN | Blackwell - HS has done me | Geraldo -- Strangle the Mother | Inside Copy: Johnnie Wants Off for Motorcade II | Inside Copy - Slow speed chase tribute | Clintonsomething: AI on Bosnia, Prep for Newt Debate
Segment Description
4/9/95: Health File - OJ Addicts | Newt's 100 Days speech pt 2 | AI D'Amato calls to apologize
Segment Description
4/2/95: Cochran, Darden make Uh noises
Segment Description
7/9/95: "Kato, Ito, & the Elmo" | Come Back to OJ | Clintonsomething - Recognizing 'Nam
Segment Description
4/30/95: Clintonsomething - AI won't be hatchet man | Andrea Mazzola's Really Clumsy Golf
Segment Description
7/2/95: Stan Goldman calls his mom | Marcia Clark dyes her hair | First Nat'l Interscholastic Peeing-in-a-Cup Championship | Donna Reed Festival
Segment Description
7/16/95: Chris Darden Questions Heidstra - "Maybe a Blazer" | Robert Heidstra: "Don't Be Like Mick" | NATO contact group meets re: Bosnia
Segment Description
6/25/95: Philadelphia promo - Bad Attitude | Miss Oklahoma | Alternative Scenario Playhouse - Michael Jackson changes lyrics | Larry King's Getting Married Again (Harpsichord)
Segment Description
7/23/95: OJ rehearses cross exam | AI D'Amato Pushes for Waco Hearings Postponement | Bottom Line: Leon Panetta
Segment Description
4/23/95: "Larry King's Getting Married Again" | Brokaw Superchannel Promo
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4/16/95: Said & Done - Menendez PR man, McNamara's book | Blackwell w/OJ jurors
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Host: Shearer, Harry
Producing Organization: Century of Progress Productions
Writer: Shearer, Harry
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Century of Progress Productions
Identifier: cpb-aacip-f54b0d37891 (Filename)
Format: DAT
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Chicago: “Le Show; 1995-04-02; 1995-04-09; 1995-04-16; 1995-04-23; 1995-04-30; 1995-06-11; 1995-06-25; 1995-07-02; 1995-07-09; 1995-07-16; 1995-07-23 Elements ,” 1995-04-23, Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 3, 2024,
MLA: “Le Show; 1995-04-02; 1995-04-09; 1995-04-16; 1995-04-23; 1995-04-30; 1995-06-11; 1995-06-25; 1995-07-02; 1995-07-09; 1995-07-16; 1995-07-23 Elements .” 1995-04-23. Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 3, 2024. <>.
APA: Le Show; 1995-04-02; 1995-04-09; 1995-04-16; 1995-04-23; 1995-04-30; 1995-06-11; 1995-06-25; 1995-07-02; 1995-07-09; 1995-07-16; 1995-07-23 Elements . Boston, MA: Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from