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douglas and johnson county why at opposite ends of the political spectrum in kansas particularly the county seat of lawrence is traditionally liberal in its political outlook and in a state that voted for george bush in the last election douglas county kerry bill clinton johnson county in suburban kansas city is an affluent conservative area growing population of professionals a traditional republican voting bloc we interviewed kansans from both areas in an effort to see if opinion on the situation in bosnia mr levi political surprisingly opinions overlap in many instances liberals and conservatives were to be found on both sides of the issue some supporting intervention in bosnia and so maintaining that the us should stay out of the ex barber shop in downtown lawrence barber larry franklin said in his opinion was born with the help of some of his patrons and
they say we're here we're way out reggae gobble against any intervention military intervention is why there's no guarantee the issue of religion along with the ethnic basis for the conflict points to the complexity of this situation precisely these complexities that bill clinton was dressed as he formulates a us policy towards bosnia outside the barbershop we asked what lawrence resident whether he thought the president should press for intervention in the balkans and he
offered this comment on that for some kansans we talk to the core of the problem was the humanitarian question the occurrences of so called ethnic cleansing systematic rape and the discovery of concentration camps operated by the bosnian serbs and a sense of urgency to the issue down the street at a local restaurant wants the livery driver john fithian says the question of whether or not to intervene still a difficult one despite what he sees as the clear cut humanitarian issue i guess you'd say in traditionally conservative johnson county many of the
campaigns to whom we spoke also said the question was a difficult one isn't it with the question of whether or not the united states should intervene in the crisis and the former yugoslavia is what some johnson county residents told us and europe you think that the us should and when you and therefore i think there is some sort of intervention led intervention to being part
of the part of the media what has brought
the people here in america it involves day that you think the united states as well over the word that best describes the opinions of those kids we spoke to about this battery is qualified many of those who supported the intervention did so with some reservations and many of those against us involvement expressed the need for something to be done meanwhile the us united nations and european communities trying to come to a decision on what to do and in bosnia the killing continues
ok and you i'm terrence market will be exemptions to the provision would be legislation which the majority of the lawmakers have a financial interest but the state budget again that public employee retirement system and legislative pay increases another exemption to the provisions of a lawmaker who don't have a financial interest in a piece of legislation that legislation to move forward currently there are no provisions in kansas statute if that provision is passed by the nineteen ninety four legislature a lawmaker who votes on legislation that they are found to be in conflict with will be a violation of kansas law also bachelor the provision providing a lot of state officials were representing another person before a state entity rather than a court of law at the statehouse it went on
the first version of the bill was designed to grant up to five billion dollars in annual tax regimes in exchange for funding assistance for a variety of community service projects ranging from job training to youth projects but democratic representative dennis mckinney of greensburg proposed an amendment to the bill that would give companies that same tax credit in exchange for funding assistance of healthcare programs representative mckinney in my opinion i mean you're representative mckinney proposal mean the bill will go to the entire house floor debate at the beginning of the nineteen ninety four legislative session supporters of the proposal say the bill as a way to encourage corporations to help local government aid for health services while opponents say below her community programs at the statehouse and steve lickteig well folks spring is a time for love and drive sales
and on guns are you missed the best to both at the year kansas and whispering garage sale usually are drawn sailing much we set up the same stuff we've been selling for the past ten years which overpriced worked secretly on to keep behind our change in cigar boxes underneath double wide net tightens and we take turns going from one darker us to another thing that the lord we don't own the kind of junk are neighbors of course the near kansas it's hard to be self righteous as soon as i get really smug polling oregon anderson's display what should be trashed i recognize my own things are so last year or the year before that the fact is in here and says we have a small pool of folks an annual garage sale is more like an exchange i figured every five years i end up with the same things i saw five years before an unhappy or ford let's face it folks when you take a break from that awful at lamp from that book at your address beijing nbc sent you from that you or new accidently pack in your suitcase in nineteen forty
nine at the jr co going to take away all of a sudden somebody else's a garage those things look better than they have in years and what's more than she goes over peterson is now is tired of them as you were five years ago but this year's annual spring arrives it was just a little different pierre small the president of here kansas mensa society not support group for the dull witted the dizzy and the dams helped organize our efforts someone suggested a bake sale to fill the dance at treasury and he got the whole community together for what he called the denser have bake sale people brought their very own cookies know and bernard takes pollen count board and only partially iced brownies like hard tack virgin breads that refuse to rise to the throne was terrible but the cause well the proceeds went to hire a teenager frontier here to lead here kansas is one blind dog beer figured that'd be the
world's first scene i boy could hear kansas on the cutting edge animal rights but besides the dance to have bake sale my garage was that he had an ear and that's because a viola humbled my sweetheart of a year now you see people flock to see the first new influx of garage sale goods inherent kansas in decades she had grass made at the senior center in geneva says her former home she had jelly jar nobody around here seem to like simpson's the forties she had picture frames flapper dresses a clarinet than a week he bought in georgie hanlin everybody wanted to know in the rush of business i worried i wouldn't get to go out and buy all my old stuff back iowa was tired i suggested she walk around here maybe by a few things to revive her and you know what happened well i stayed home they can change in my garage that woman shopping game all with everything odds over the past five years or folks turned out i was tasting junk matches mine exactly
and in here can't at the annual spring there are saying oh yeah that's not true then what is it according to a brief submitted to the court estimated potential liability for kansas is ninety five million dollars in court ruled in nineteen eighty nine the states can't tax federal pensions one setting the pensions of their own and retired workers today the court is out of the nineteen eighty nine decision has to be applied retroactively justice sandra day o'connor will have two dissenters today says the court is imposing a crushing an unnecessary liability on states at a time when they can least afford it jim cutting in topeka the supreme court ruled in the virginia case they collected taxes on federal agents was unconstitutional in kansas an estimated twenty one thousand military retirees may be eligible for a refund however the supreme court ruling did not specifically what a refund for kansas military retirees
the decision to refund any money we have to shawnee county district court judge who originally presided over the military retirees case against kansas our chief counsel for the state department of revenue on record says if kansas is required to refund any money it may be done through tax exemptions supreme court stated that whatever is done it must be equitable and fair state officials say refunds if ordered could cost kansas one hundred million dollars some lawmakers say if retirees have to be refunded the money they could prompt a special session of the kansas legislature at the statehouse i'm steve lickteig yesterday's decision is the culmination of a long court battle that began in nineteen seventy nine when a group of black parents reopen the brown versus board of education case the parents sued was designed to force topeka school officials to bars or reassigned students in order to bring about more comprehensive desegregation school officials argue that busing was unnecessary one place an undue financial burden on the district the high court action affirms the appeals court opinion that
topeka school board will have to do more to counter past intentional discrimination against black students now lawyers on both sides of the case say the school district should be able to eliminate segregation without bouncing some possible alternatives are the transfer of faculty that every changes and financial incentives for families who voluntarily change schools the case is now headed back to us to record in topeka where attorneys hoped to propose a settlement ok a new i'm dan steiner as part of the federal deficit reduction program the us house of representatives has approved a fifty billion dollars cut in the federal medicare and medicaid programs another senate is considering cutting nineteen billion dollars more for medicare and medicaid medicare as a federal health program for people age sixty five and older and for those with disabilities or medicaid is administered through individual states to provide health care to its poor and remembers it is a democratic representative from wichita years come out strongly against the proposed cuts
he says that medicaid cuts take place congress will cause serious problems for kansas and what we had mental problems before him to know the worst one or were to come up with a million dollar i don't know anybody that understands that were the answer to that question and the congressional delegation really understand that if you're getting a million dollars to understand the context in your ear if it's being brought on by them not by the state agency that administers medicaid is that a part of social and rehabilitation services robert epstein's its commissioner of medical services he says the effect of those cuts will have only answer as budget can only be described one way and litigated disaster there what would it impact the lives of farm of people in kansas and the various categories of healthcare providers and in paraguay is the only
way i would describe that says the proposed cuts will come from one is not is disproportionate share hospital payments that money is generally used by hospitals to pay for services that poor people cannot afford that says if those disproportionate share funds are cut the state could be forced to cut other option on health care programs in order to make up the difference ap says it's optional programs to cut the state will lose federal matching funds that according to apps could bring the total loss to the state to nearly two hundred billion dollars but kansas democratic congressman john slattery says without the proposed cuts half of the increase in the federal deficit after nineteen ninety six will be due to the increase in medicare and medicaid payments slattery says medicaid cuts will help to outline programs that are necessary and those that are not flattery says the proposed medicaid cuts are absolutely necessary for deficit reduction benefits for the legitimate or are in our country i'm always protected medicaid funding but i recognize that the end of time
budgetary constraints we're going to have to look at what we have to get the cost of medicaid under control and we have to get the cost of medicare under control if we don't we're not going to get our federal budget under control republican senator guest will be no shawnee is chairman of the senate ways and means committee he's doubtful such deep medicaid cuts will be imposed congress will probably not make as deep because even doctors cost to point it primarily because show love from politicians should try to make things of what were they really are and they are expecting the washington metro is dire predictions about agreed to make only scratch and that they make them in areas that people will not accept but he did say that in a worst case scenario of medicaid cuts combined with others to budgetary problems at the total revenue shortfall for the state next year nearly three hundred million dollars that means even without cuts in medicaid kansas legislators will face of difficult financial questions in nineteen ninety four
at the statehouse i'm steve lickteig yes i've got my resembles other wal mart's that when you want to the front door you begin to notice a difference a large colorful mural of the planet earth is painted above the inner door is an overhead there's an attractive would beam ceiling that's constructed of sustainably harvested word also the story's brighter than other wal mart's thanks to a skylight system that provides solar power and just off the lobby as the environmental education center isn't only a few of the eco guards experimental features and if they're successful company officials say the store will become the prototype for other wal marts the company's environmental efforts are beginning to gain widespread recognition this month the united nations name walmart the winner of its prestigious global sustainability of was the first time a commercial retailer has received the honor the mother would just
isn't going to life insurance and it does a consumer who could become sensitive to the environment in fact of your consumption patterns that i think things are that seal brown director at the united nations environmental programs who attended the comets grand opening week at united nations are trying to encourage initiatives such a republican we have no way of reaching the consumer loan market the first test of this environmental initiative was to build a complex that houses the retail store but also includes the most extensive recycling center in the region walmart hired william mcdonough a leader in the field of green architecture design what some experts are calling the most influential ego building of the decade not only recycled materials used within the structure of the building itself is forty percent more energy efficient mcdonough says the legal bar was designed with an eye toward the future it's rendered convertible into housing in the future so we're saying the generic polling types such as retail stores housing offices or
housing i really should be designed with him and proportions of mine so they can be converted in the future to other provisions years but some environmentalists say wal mart hasn't gone far enough steve hamburg is the environmental ombudsman for the university of kansas or he praises some aspects of the current designs he says the storm's location is a problem the average consumer coming to wal mart will drive farther than they needed to dry as a function of where they're located on the periphery and that has a major environmental impact in it i would hope that we will re examine the issue of where they locate their stores and that will really dictate whether back in response to that kind of criticism william mcdonough says the eco mart has provided valuable opportunities to test new technologies that could ultimately benefit the environment for instance the building is constructed of more sustainably harvested word than any other structure in the world mcdonough says that the search for word that was harvested in environmentally sensitive manner was a major undertaking which has led to a
fledgling movement to certify sustainably harvested wood in the same manner that organic fields are certified the doses that will be equal mart isn't perfect it's an important beginning and i think the fact that a regional engine like walmart and say let's go on our buildings let's use sustainably harvested wood is actually a much larger scale than one might imagine and a powerful signal however steve hamburg says the most powerful signal walmart consent is not the way constructed buildings but what it chooses to offer on its regional floor we really need to educate a consumer not just abstractly in their education wheels need to go the shelf we'd have wine things and trying to get them to understand the difference between products bills need to work on the packaging issue i hope that they're gonna lean real hard on there vendors suppliers to try and bring production of the vote more benign in a lot of cases reduce our packaging reduce the impacts of the digital products have if they take a much bigger step in that direction then in fact they
will be playing important role in american society in the next decade and really leadership i think well the ego mart only starts thirty five environmentally friendly items wal mart officials say they're encouraging vendors to develop additional product lines also their appearance just as the checkout lanes are customers can unwrap their purchases and recycled packaging still believes wal mart could be doing more as he walks around the store and points out one example the sun above a display of wooden racks are trying to close dryers job to do dry things like socks and other things which is just as time efficient everything else to put it right on the drying rack next to wash dishes put in the dryer then unfortunately they haven't price above that the talks about price savings but they don't have anything at least at this point i've indicated economic and environmental advantages to operating table would drive dryer which also saves people money so it's a cost effective way to saving money is important walmart shoppers company
official said it was their customers environmental concerns that led to the economic creation and the beaches more tense because of the progressive middle american community but people such as cheryl brown ski or likely to appreciate environmentally conscious store i liked i did a recycling here did you show up to get a moment how it was open and so would you say you're shopping hearing regularly because of the environmental aspect of the stone yeah for me that's why the remaining customers on the issue and what has to be environmentally friendly products that are several responded in the way of longtime wal mart shopper william i was yeah there's lawlessness it was a world of moral authority and ultimately cost the issue for wal mart is well company officials plan to give the alarm for forty seven years to prove itself on the bottom line of this story is a financial
success officials say they'd be willing to share their lessons with other retailers from kansas public radio i'm mary whitehead this month members of the ethics commission sent to kansas governor john tiffany asking her to assign a new budget division staff member to handle the ethics commission budget and water commission members said the state budget the vision quote blow it and was insensitive to the commission obvious needs a meeting this week the commission discussed a budget proposal that could more than double the commission staff if enacted michael waldman executive director of common cause of kansas and ethics in government watchdog group commission have been around for about twenty years five staff that they had four years ago even though their duties and responsibilities have increased dramatically we have to understand also that it's one thing to have good ethics laws on the books that is very important but we also have to have the ability to enforce the ethics
lot otherwise they're simply window dressing and also as you like to the ethics commission budget doubled for fiscal year nineteen ninety five officially about a division say they will review the ethics commission budget request once has cemented will make a recommendation to the governor state house and state without set in the summer of nineteen ninety one elizabeth chilton was convicted in wichita municipal court of criminal trespass for refusing to leave the premises of the wichita family planning clinic that performs abortions and what the five months of protest by the anti abortion group operation rescue on appeal to the sedgwick county district court till some successfully use the so called necessity defense in which she claimed her actions were justified because abortion takes the life of an unborn baby district court ruled that life begins at conception and tilson was justified and trespassing on the next property to save a human life however the kansas supreme court ruled that evidence of when life begins
is irrelevant that the abortion but tilton attempt to stop all illegal under roe versus wade in its opinion the court wrote that to allow the personal ethical moral or religious beliefs of a person to stand as justification for criminal activity would not only lead to chaos but would be tantamount to sanctioning anarchy at a steakhouse and steve lickteig i was nebraska comes to an agreement with louisiana arkansas oklahoma and kansas generators of low level radioactive waste in those states such as hospitals in nuclear power plants or have to store the waste in temporary sites in their respective states robert carter as secretary of the kansas department health and environment the bigger issue for kansas is it what happens in terms of long term storage your disposal if part of the state of nebraska continues to delay getting facility house cited in construction underway secretary carter says if nebraska does continue to the lead building a
storage site legal action against the state of nebraska will likely be taken by the four other states in the compact and secretary carter says it's legal action ends up favoring nebraska the knicks propose site for storage of low level radioactive waste would be seen by kansas officials as undesirable from the stamp on the geological studies i think it's clear kansas would be would be next in line steve lawler is with the nebraska governor's office in real life we realize we currently have hosted and what is happening is the nebraska is that how we believe that the compact and the developer had not fulfilled the community consent requirement that compact unanimously voted to have as one of the ten conditions that would apply to any host eight and were challenging current released exploring giving that issue resolved but secretary
carter says the community can send claim nebraska is making is unclear whether says the community of butte nebraska voted in favor of the storage site which would be located one a half miles from the city limits but in a county wide vote residents voted against the proposed site secretary carter says originally the storage site is she was put to a statewide vote where it was approved almost two to one secretary carter says it appears the rest to continue to take votes a different state levels until the set for the proposed site was found steve morse as a statewide vote was considered to be unfair and state officials later decided of osha be taken orally in the county with a storage site was being proposed meanwhile steve moore says the nebraska part of environmental quality and the department health plan to rule the proposed site unsuitable because forty two acres of the proposed three hundred ten acre site contained wetlands well low level waste or any waste disposal is to keep water away from what you're trying to dispose of his ego warm
water carrying that matter would be mature or chemical whatever off the site and really get water where reporters as if the current oppose it is found to be unsuitable nebraska under the contract agreement still must find a suitable storage site carter says kansas along with various generators of low level radioactive waste in the state have already invested more than forty five million dollars into the development plans for the proposed site in nebraska compact commission is meeting monday and tuesday to discuss the current situation at the statehouse i'm steve lickteig the kansas legislature nonprofit organizations will be able to sell and to bingo games starting tomorrow instant bingo is again which players pay between twenty five cents and a dollar for a game card which reveals whether they've won an instant prize which has been paid by the seller of the car
stayed collect sales tax from the prize was a one percent enforcement tax however cantor attorney general bob stephan maintain that instant bingo is unconstitutional because he says and to bingo here's the lottery and only the careless lottery can operate such games as a lobbyist word instantly know manufacturers he believed the constitutionality of instantly know has already been determined that way and that way and that what we do no intention well folks here kansas knows that a lot of you are tuning up your
automobiles this being the kansas ran to the aaa study an absent planned some time away from home just the other night having tommy burns are local here boosters decided here should be a destination this summer like never before but everyone says let's get out years and claude anderson when annie and tommy call a meeting to discuss our plans to become a tourist attraction everyone's as happy to be here to remind me mr owens is here today got navarro said omar peterson when we're trying to think of this one they also say here just a set heavier but we got no place for anyone's day thing you come here we are small point so set eddie actually to hear let them stay it near here they're unique as tommy burns our slogan is you are here like the dog on every two hours that sounds reassuring finest but what we're going to promote well it reminds me of the committee that discovered we had the world's first smallest brick south
asian abandoned carnegie library named candace they reminded me of our demolition derby museum open for twenty four to thirty five version for friday agreement between april october he caught until closing every other saturday except months beginning with j and eight not to mention open by special appointment if you can find the proprietor barter marty still has the nineteen thirty six ford roadster that henry ford enough land in so he could drive up to maine and vermont and thank them for their eight electoral votes its beacon of political curiosities there's fred phelps whose bicycle left over from the nineteen ninety eight and his gubernatorial campaign that disbarred lawyer and i get a protester road into town on a bicycle seat no bigger than a corn cotton pierre small mistook him for a bike sexual pierce told a bike they need says helps run his own terrible tendency of course it didn't work but the bike is still in the old carnegie library basement others to present one's don't said had in common folks
can see the abandoned carnegie library and the fred phelps but at the same time oh let's make it easy i said let's write everything on kansas street and folks can drive through without stopping we can put aside the city limits here kansas not blink you might miss it and folks are gonna drive throughs at elmer all featured here drive thru pharmacy and carwash the free wash with every prescription renewal and won't give away bumper sticker said eddie burns they'll say i lived here cleaner folks pretty soon here kansas will be bustling with tourists polluted with car exhaust if you want it on the side seam rush order your free to or hear a brochure care of this radio station and folks hope to see here sometime this traveling summer kansas state board of agriculture secretary will rule
be unconstitutional by a federal judge in kansas city kansas in the ruling the judge said the method of collecting the board secretary were in violation of the one person one vote provisional contained in the fourteenth amendment to the constitution that provision states the whenever a group as general governmental powers such as the board of agriculture than the members of that group must be elected by the people it affects currently kansas is the only state where the board of agriculture is elected by delegates to an annual state meeting only members of farm organizations such as the kansas farm bureau and the livestock association among others and serve as delegates the board of agriculture that elects its officers and the secretary those opposed to that system of election say that only special interest farm groups have control of the board of agriculture and the boy doesn't truly represent the full interests of the state the judge's ruling states that the legislature must approve a constitutional method of appointing the board and its secretary observers say the method will most likely involve gubernatorial appointment of the board and secretary sam
brownback is the current kansas secretary of agriculture he says the board is a true representative of agricultural concerns in kansas and represents the interests of kansas as well as any other state agency to twelve board members are all farmers are all family farmers there's a question as to what it is they're enough outside input of wallace's regularly of the eye and put this here and mila point that make about that is not what it's governed by special interest but but if you're looking for an entity that has outside important has more imported fuel from people well no one state government that has any more brownback says the delegates to the annual convention come from a wide range of organizations that represent interest in every part of kansas brownback believe the judge's ruling if it stands will push the board of agriculture into a political read something brownback believes will bond of the board and make it accountable political and its debt what's the lawsuit was filed last october by the government watchdog group common cause and the kansas natural resource council
michael wolff is the executive director of common cause he says the lawsuit was filed solely the kansas board of agriculture into compliance with the constitution and make the board accountable to the people we were very hard to make certain that government is accountable and accessible to the system that has meant to her we're constantly before they get special interest groups in the paperboy a system where their culture is you recognize into the act here we have special interest groups who directly control in fact black and major state agency here in kansas they control seventy different state laws may be it's actually closer to a different state laws that affect the lives of every citizen in the state on a daily basis and yet the public is totally shut out deciding who's going to enforce the rules regulations on them will says the board of agriculture has wide ranging powers including regular beat of pesticides food inspection and water rights authority will the borders far reaching in its authority but he controlled by only a few but critics say the judge's rulings that the board
has operated effectively under its current system should be left alone republicans additional from napoleon's a member of the senate agriculture committee she believes the current method of electing board members in complete agreement with the fourteenth amendment to the constitution the problem that we have used traditionally innovative can collecting a representative from a wide range of organizations in preventing people they can give opportunity for old man one vote an area where trump says that with an adaptation to change a system that works well for more than one hundred and a democratic representative swallow a member of the house agriculture committee as the issues on how well the advantage is that there's not the people and not a specific group would never say they are tj miller
get coverage of it is in the ruling and she said that that ruling will ring the border that church bombing without agency i believe they should you know two people now go quiet town and it and then a director oliver stone's attorney general wants to intervene and overnight in an interview in the last it was first proposed deficit it had no chance of being wild salmon still says anne is it injected into the tent we're circuit court of appeals in their intent or that there is accountable to a citizen elected legislature though ford says its bills the one person one vote a provision of the fourteenth amendment granted by the court of appeals
because the board of agriculture and cultures and debris sam brownback be removed from office by our first house i'm deeply tied with the population of about rape the warriors like what happens three now i would go out again and cracked egg why wrote that while we have the same rate of up against that that was a really have become much more active on the straight their members are appointed the prison population have to have a clear that they had this whispered i think about three or five years the most recent incident at leavenworth apparently involved latino games based on your experiences in leavenworth how much influence do games actually have on prison life when i was their dates were got a
major factor partly because the blueprint that it was the big day i would want the war or the recall that the people are for the wars they were appalled at the day rip the old who are going to fight the regime and they're going to want the poem on the corporate greed that what they're doing to recover they don't have the respect for the elders older couples what happened while a guard was killed recently in lansing president via leavenworth and i mean i'm wondering is getting badly guards something that prisoners talk about much we want more all
right well there you have it we let me go with another target of it will be part of all of the figaro you think that the garda portuguese that really doesn't care if they let me check i give my hope for all the rebel and eight he died of old would you reply came to me he made me believe that he made it from her out of it that it becomes personal it that would make the papers at a bit of a professional level that this year's winners the pro the ringleader worth doing ever truly or english morris island where every hour one point i
don't know i thought what was the atmosphere like before and after those incidents in the hour the prisoners and guards behaving well what brought them about well it at the village theater that question what you've been imprisoned in a fire going and after short period you forget what it's like to be over three you're claustrophobic world everything they know or you know a really old man you're right the president become your moral it really is the biggest being the sort of a florida farm of interest about that when you haven't lived with her attic one day when i was there on the bible either maybe march april be a big fire there's a great feeling of relief when you agree on
that i just like oh well only paid me relieve the pressure and a good bet they'll be the first to build back up the pillars of the other in a way that they felt that right or not live recording all your ration they are and they don't want a riot what a very detailed that it would be if they did that they have and have that that a spontaneous eruption that initially there are warnings that they did not want that kind of situation the
subject of prison reform doesn't seem to be a popular political topic in this country until a serious writer takeover happens deep do you think it's going to be possible to improve this country's penal system what i think it went way right now for a lot of those without any given all that republican voters than when you got there like a thing i was really get away with you know he had about what you have to realize though that created the eight years and especially for credit officers you take away our carrot that if that all that you have a person you can control if you take away everything from someone that you can't control and the same thing is true about advice for the president with approval for the drug charge you never get all that he implied that if the patient has actually nothing to lose by original author of getting agreement that the other reason why we can't have this pressure pot
boiling cup know why we're going to have or more trouble unless we do something about the power of the report and on a hard court and the truth is we don't really know any more today that we do a hundred years ago about how to shape human behavior advocating the work of a rebel and out of nowhere or dying of protecting the patient that we're going to probably i thought of that we're actually going to change of what we go into a revolving like a little bit cruel both the nba and the public view it's been
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Interview with barber Larry Franklin, Political coverage.
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Interviewee: Franklin, Larry
Producing Organization: KPR
Producing Organization: KANU
Publisher: KPR
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Kansas Public Radio
Identifier: cpb-aacip-e3679dcdd29 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
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Chicago: “Retention,” KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “Retention.” KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: Retention. Boston, MA: KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from