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In the other nuclear nation. Why, why it's not pretty. What you're going to find in Salt Lake City. Shubham, Shubham, Shubham. April Fools with the Capitol Steps on this public radio station. Capitol Steps Wednesday at 230 on 89.9 KCRW. Hi, this is Ann Litt. I'm hoping you'll spend weekend afternoons with us here at Weekend Becomes Eclectic. It's every Saturday and Sunday from 2-5 p.m. right here on 89.9 KCRW. Quirs, two questions. How are your ribs? They're fine. And when's the next news? At 5 o'clock. Weekend, all things considered. Okay, thanks, Chris. He was saying he's, well, I'm welcome. In seven seconds, it's 10 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. That's time for the show program. From deep inside your radio. Well, hello, ladies and gentlemen.
There are some things we must take care of right here at the beginning. One is, you know, this is the big day in supposedly. And I'm going to use a metaphor now, Hollywood. And just to clarify, there are two Hollywoods. There's a Hollywood that's the metaphor. And there's the Hollywood that's trying to secede from Los Angeles, which is so unmetaphorical that the geographical confines of that Hollywood do not include the Hollywood sign. The Los Angeles they're trying to secede from, if they, in fact, do, is the city with the highest paid city council in the country. We are bustin' our buttons. The highest paid, come on. Who pays people more to do less than we do? That's right. Nobody. But there has been contention and disruption and all sorts of fufuru surrounding this year's Academy Awards. Trademark.
And you have to say that now. You can't say the word Oscar, trademark, without saying trademark, trademark. Imagine if Oscar trademark, Levant was alive today. He would have to re-trade mark his own name. Anyway, the much of the contention has been about the tactics used to campaign for or against various nominees for these awards. And the spokesman for Imagine Films, which produced one of the nominees for a best picture, says, we've all watched the complete deterioration of the morality of marketing the Academy. At the end of the day, we have to protect the Oscar. I don't think we want people to lose confidence in what the Oscar stands for. That's a frightening prospect, isn't it? Losing confidence in what Oscar stands for. Well, we know he has no sexual organs, so we know that he stands for that. Another interesting quote today. General Tommy Franks, hold the beans, the commander of the U.S. operation in Afghanistan.
I guess you would have to, if it's not a flip flop, it's at least a march back. Because as I understood it, when we went into this thing, we really wanted Osama Bin Laden's Heine. We wanted the whole body. I believe the three words that ring in my memory are dead or alive. There's not what we wanted. Today, Tommy Franks told an interviewer on television on one of the act shows. It would be convenient for us to have Osama Bin Laden. He's like a snack food now. He's like a microwave waffles or microwave popcorn. He's convenient. Let's enjoy some convenience with Osama Bin Laden. So, you know, everything evolves, ladies and gentlemen, if we are not back to normal.
And on a personal note, I'd like to thank everybody who's helped me get the word out in the last few days and weeks about my little independent comedy film, which is opening this Friday in New York City and a week from Friday in Los Angeles and San Francisco. The film is called Teddy Bear's Picnic. Again, as I say, thanks to everybody who's helped to get the word out. And to those of you who have had other fish to fry, enjoy the bones. Hello. Welcome to the show. Music Music Music
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Le Show
2002-03-24; 2002-03-31
Producing Organization
Century of Progress Productions
Contributing Organization
Century of Progress Productions (Santa Monica, California)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-5e1bbbb3c3e).
Segment Description
March 24, 2002 description: 00:00 | Open | 03:50 | 'Release' by George | 07:30 | 'To Them Back' by Calypso Rose | 10:22 | 'Celluloid Heroes' by The Kinks | 16:38 | Listeners' Mail | 17:35 | New revised plans issued for military tribunal to try suspected terrorists | 18:30 | Why is Winter flu season? | 22:01 | North magnetic pole is leaving Canada | 22:45 | Show Business News | 25:47 | Tribute to Sylvester Weaver | 28:41 | Reading the Trades | 34:32 | 'A Little Bit Square But Nice' by Ethel Ennis | 36:51 | The Apologies of the Week : Willy Brown, Chris Matthews | 40:34 | Larry King Live : Michael Jackson | 48:28 | 'Virtual Insanity' by Jamiroquai | 51:21 | New tapes released from the Nixon White House | 54:25 | 'Aguas De Marco' by Elis Regina /Close |
Segment Description
March 31, 2002 description: 00:00 | Open | 03:43 | 'Turn And Run' by Neil Finn | 07:38 | 'Some Arrows Go In Deep' by Judith Owen | 11:23 | 'They Say It's Spring' by Blossom Dearie | 15:47 | Fans want Looney Tunes' Speedy Gonzales back | 18:35 | News of the Digital Wonderland | 20:23 | The Apologies of the Week : Archbishop Elden Curtiss | 21:34 | Sadam preparing a bid to host 2012 Summer Olympics | 25:44 | Yates trial | 26:41 | Fighting broke out among high school students watching anti-violence play | 27:31 | A gunman, upset with the quality of wide screen tv, seized hostages in Amsterdam's tallest building | 28:20 | Hot Property : Celebrity homes for sale | 31:01 | Tribute to Dudley Moore | 33:01 | 'Love Walked In' by Dudley Moore | 36:32 | 'One Leg Too Few' by Peter Cook & Dudley Moore | 40:54 | 'And The Same To You' by Dudley Moore | 44:40 | 'Royalty' by Peter Cook & Dudley Moore | 50:02 | 'Cornfield' by Dudley Moore | 52:16 | 'Lord Cobbold, The Duke' by Peter Cook & Dudley Moore & Paxton Whitehead | 53:11 | Tales of Airport Security | 56:22 | 'Lillian Lust, The Babe With The Bust' by Dudley Moore /Close |
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Host: Shearer, Harry
Producing Organization: Century of Progress Productions
Writer: Shearer, Harry
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Century of Progress Productions
Identifier: cpb-aacip-e079e88252f (Filename)
Format: DAT
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Le Show; 2002-03-24; 2002-03-31,” 2002-03-31, Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 5, 2024,
MLA: “Le Show; 2002-03-24; 2002-03-31.” 2002-03-31. Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Le Show; 2002-03-24; 2002-03-31. Boston, MA: Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from