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yet the kansas association of broadcasters welcomes you to a forum featuring the candidates for governor republican bill graves and democrat john slattery an hour until a member of the board of the kansas association of broadcasters and general manager ek a new fm in lawrence our time keeper is john breaux kpcc fm and called it again this year as a sport's name in keeping with the theme of this year's convention john has a whistle a real referee's whistle and there will be any question in anybody's mind if one of the candidates goes over the time when she john i think this will be the format will have questions which had been submitted by listeners and viewers and stations across the state i'll ask one of the candidates the question the first question will go to oak ridge where the where we just put the grind to determine that you have ninety seconds to answer and then john slattery will have thirty seconds to respond when they ask the same question today both candidates have that seems appropriate the
candidates will be asked questions in an alternate alternate in fashion no opening statements there will be brief overplaying it second closing statements before those closing statements each candidate will have the opportunity to ask the other question he's always wanted to ask let's begin health care reform is dead in congress were told at least for this year and given its long history and that ensured us of the fall elections who knows for how long health care reform may be dead in congress and so that gives the states an opportunity to address about one of the critical issues is coverage bill graves what would you propose to the legislature to assure the kind of coverage that you think kansans want and deserve all our i think that there is clearly a health care is more that dimensional problem we have to work very hard i think the focus now is on the states are
given the decision that health care reform is probably dead in congress or the governor and the legislature that worked very closely together i think one of the key elements is gonna be tort reform i think we have to continue to work hard in kansas today to encourage ways to hold down the cost of medical malpractice insurance a look for ways to encourage less defensive medicine being practiced because that goes a long way towards a holding down the cost of delivery of health care i also believe in our state wanted a real strength is going to be the development of the telemedicine network which is to make it possible for us to see health care services delivered out in the rule areas heretofore had a difficult time with health care services and i also think the state ought to look at health care as a form of economic development much like we have done in the past with that with grants for traditional economic development programs we ought to think about grant's to underserved areas to help communities says the location of a primary care physician in their community because you know we're not only is his economic development education a critical
component in those communities but the availability of health care services as well so i think as governor and my role was to work with a legislature in health care professionals in this state and to see to it that we approach this from a number of different angles the major healthcare is available your voter id we have families in kansas today that can't find health insurance because they have a child that maybe has diabetes or as a cancer condition and i think we have to go further in dealing with the problem of preexisting conditions i want to make sure that every kansas family has the opportunity to purchase health insurance in addition to then after dealing with a preexisting condition problem i think we're going to have to also move toward a modified community rated type system in the state i would like to see us established purchasing cooperatives so that's ninety seconds thirty seconds to respond but the next question comes do you make is one like a guardian ninety seconds to race to answer the same question and thirty seconds that will go up it avoids
nineties over on the uniform and as we have discussed it was ninety seven it's for a response and present and noble but you may want to think about the next question has to do with health care when he just keep rolling i was misled or the other one of the other primary issues in terms of health care is cost so what would you propose to provide adequate coverage at a reasonable cost and if you can't be specific about adequate and reasonable well first of all i think it would be to your advantage to move toward a community rate a tight system then in addition to that by eliminating preexisting condition problems will make it possible for many families in this state to require health insurance at a much lower price so those two things will help a lot in addition to that by establishing purchasing cooperatives that will enable small businesses and individual families in the state to purchase health insurance collectively there by exercising in the marketplace the kind of purchasing power that large employers exercise and those are the kind of things that we can do i also think that we need to take advantage of
legislation that i wish to the congress or more work to do which would allow hospitals in the state to come together and turned by capital investment like mri machines for example together and by making those kind of joint ventures they can reduce over the long term a lot of capital investment so that would be helpful the tricky and difficult part of this health care delivery system that the next government can have to grapple with is the whole question of what happens with low income workers in the state today nearly twenty five percent of the people that are on welfare in kansas are on welfare to get health care and if there's nothing we can agree or hopefully we can agree upon the fact that that makes no sense and in its cover needs to address that problem so that low income workers in the state don't have to be pushed on welfare to get healthcare and i'm committed to addressing a problem as governor of the state well i certainly think they're going back to my comments that one of the ways we come up with the ability to pay for health care is by making sure it isn't it is delivered as inexpensively as possible and will reiterate
that commitment on tort reform and do anything we can to eliminate the need to practice defensive medicine or state i certainly believe as well that we have to make sure that there's a co payment is often as we can so that citizens understand how expensive healthcare is and i don't feel like it's just something that they would receive as a benefit without any personal responsibility for paying any portion of health care our next question we begin with the secretary's day bill rips at the outset of this campaign and both of you have an opportunity to answer both of you had made pledges to run positive not negative campaigns recently mr granger campaign has run an ad calling mr slattery it double talking washington congressman mr graves work they see this as a broken campaign promise in effect you've told the voters here's a double talking washington reuters reporter witnessed a little
years there were listening and viewing today you may have alienated well our i think that the book honors the slider and i have worked very hard to try to weave mats or more times probably will mean more times jointly than any two candidates in the history of our state and out and this will be a contentious a hard fought campaign and we certainly are a set that our records were open the public scrutiny and we're going to go after each other in that regard might use the phrase double talking is referring to the fact that the congressman is attempting to explain to people my position on school finance as well as his physician and an all i'm simply saying is i'm asking the congressman that your speaker himself i'll speak for myself i think that you'll see the campaign's day on a high level between our november the eight it's tough though you get a lot of energy and all these campaigns you get a lot of people advocating on your behalf and a hundred and five counties a lot of people are out being a drug for you when they get very overzealous in many cases and it's hard to keep that energy constraint i believe that congress has led or in art
and worked very hard in that campaign that kansans will be proud of and one and likely never seen before thirty seconds to respond well first of all i am running that is not my policy merkel ministerial jobs i stand by that that is not negative that is the through the secretary of state does not make policy there clerical job so my stamina that is not negative campaigning and when somebody called it doubles funding congressman that is negative campaigning as far as i'm concerned bill graves did break his pledge the first dollar you spend and paid advertising was the calming double dog in congress do you question comes back to uber ninety second you think that you broke a pledge when god we're absolutely not the night i don't think i said that he was a clerk what i said was the job of
secretary of state is a clerical job it is a file keeper for the state that's what the secretary of state does secretary state also is that the monitor animal which is also basically a clerical functions there are no policy making responsibilities there and i'm going to run a positive campaign and i am going to challenge my opponent when he says one thing in him when fidel them and one thing in an oreo in school finance and says another thing in in douglas county another thing about there and i didn't have that will speed the fact of the matter is we're going to play in the world cup out of rural school districts all over the state and he knows he made their proposal i chose the moment after i chose the moment he backed off and it's been backtracking every sense and he understands them and that isn't double talking three seconds whoo well the dilemma that the congressman has is that this this court seems to have convinced a lot of kansans that having somebody who can plan and implement and executing carry out programs efficiently
and effectively on the part of the citizens of this state is something that they're looking for right now in a gubernatorial candidate i think it's easy to sit down and punch or green or yellow button and walk away from responsibility of implementing the program he voted for it's time that we make the rubber meets the road in the state and that's exactly the actual kinds of preparation that means workers they've provided me no question that it is intended to lead us into her apartment each of you will have a chance to respond to listen for ninety seconds in the other to rebut or three seconds you got it change the n and tell us what you want your administration to be remembered for four years from now
what do you want your legacy to be i want my legacy to be that that we work hard and we're successful in reducing that terrible problem of crime in the state especially among our genitals the fact that we have thirty five percent are crime being committed by juveniles and the state and the fact that we have thirty percent increase in crime among ten to fourteen year olds in the state is intolerable i think the next governor state has to lead an effort to energize our communities our families are church is to deal with it's terrible crime problem so that's one thing i'd like to be remembered for i would also like to be remembered that i was compassionate enough to do care and tough enough to govern and i ran a tight ship and held budgets down and restricted spending as i've always to do at the federal level i want also be remembered as a governor who worked hard to create good paying jobs in the state and it is the governor who did a better job of connecting our educational system with real employers in kansas today in kansas sixty percent of our lawyers claim that they struggle to find employees with the skills that they need to fill the jobs that
they have and if we're going to go improve our education system which we must we have to do a better job of connecting all our educational institutions when the demands of our employers in the marketplace so as governor by can improve our education system making our communities safer and grow our economy and ran a tight ship probably a good governor they'll have a nice place in history please take thirty seconds to respond or disorders and white nineteen ninety seconds or two minutes no no like our listeners thank you might might come as possibly say that that i think that they're the most critical
of challenge our future is our school finance debate it seems to me like we have to very carefully craft a new formula that that i will say i wasn't for at least for a period of time be on two years creates a funding mechanism so that we can provide quality education for our children and stop the bickering over how it is we're going to finance that education now what would you want to be remembered for four years from this november well in addition to do dealing with school finance we've already got a little bit on health care it is critical that we develop ways state initiative provide affordable accessible health care law and i think our concerns about crime it's unworkable local the band dimensional issue that involves quality beverage with federal state county and city officials but there is a financial ellman involved in that as well as his there was welfare reform we have a whole series of voter initiatives passed by the last legislative session that need to be implemented we need to work hard to make individuals understand that welfare is not a way of life it's
not something we passed on from generation to generation if i could make an impact on the quality of education crime health care and welfare reform and do it without breaking the backs of the taxpayers of this state i will be satisfied and happy with my four years of service i think that we have taken the easy way out in this state for too many years too many administrations and always looking for taxes and additional revenues to fight your way through tough situations and i believe that your kansans are asking us to do more with less and for once we don't have this they can look to washington for finding solutions and we certainly can't pass are problems of cities and counties this is a forum from the kansas association of broadcasters convention in topeka with republican bill graves and democrat john slattery we're glad you could be with us now some more questions about initiative and referendum is all that's right i was so interested in going to break for you get thirty
seconds to respond to thank you well i just one emphasize also that the next governor of the state has got to go to this past week the full recognition that the people of the state of the impacts to the max and the next governor is going to have to make some all political choices about reorganizing the government and reorganizing our priorities in terms of how spend money and i think i have a track record of fighting to cut spending with a b two bomber supercollider and efforts to reform entitlements that demonstrate that i have a history of making those kind of tough decisions come back you know the question is and slattery it respond to those who say that states like california have grown referendum crazy and that after all voters become jaded to this process and that humans of bad laws were the result well first of all i think
that california has gone the initiative crazy and i've always said that though we can have initiative and referendum in the state without creating the monster that they have in california which is enormously be stabilizing to their business community did a lot of other parts of their community and what i've suggested those is that the state should have the opportunity to vote on issues that the legislature for whatever reason will not deal with for example those term limits for ethics reform which i think is very needed in this state and for whatever reason the legislature has really stepped up to this issue so for example today in kansas we have people in the state that are in the legislature that are getting sweetheart deals the other state elected officials for professional contracts without competitive and i'm absolutely convinced the taxpayers of the state can save thousands of dollars on having competitive bids from any of the professional services that the state is currently a painting and that perhaps it would take an initiative ever we get something like that and in law so we can structure a michigan river in the state so
we don't have a california situation and that we would require signatures from all over the state it prevents some region from costly sort of harassing the other part of the state and we can do this in a way that will will assure that the people have a voice in their government and that is consistent with what your persona in view of democracy what i do oppose initiative in kansas i think the problem is it only takes one initiative makes a lot like hell fournier currently they're voting on proposition one eighty six which creates a single payer health insurance plan funded by a payroll tax and income increases in that state the governor demonstrated clearly entertain to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to sway that the voters of the state in the legislature that there's not a need or desire for initially the referendum in kansas let's continue with you questions direct to puzzling voters put issues about how to respond to the criticism that you're closing off yet another way for people to become more involved in democracy some even suggested that that the politicians are opposed
to initiative and referendum because you're afraid of the will of the people well our i think if you look at the history of our state of recent history you'll recognize that we have in the legislature has been very open about allowing fans to vote on on issues of importance to our state that only using the constitutional amendment we did that in nineteen eighty six with liquor their mutual wagering lottery we've had a number of issues that have gone before the people the reorganization the state board of education would that which they reject it on a number of occasions and so i think to truly we have a system now where those issues of great importance one that may come up in the future is casino gaming i think that that the legislature has been responsive when the people at me the opportunity to have their say on amending our constitution but i think a hundred sixty five members of the legislature as a deliberative body and an excellent job of creating good sound public policy for the state for years one of the problems i have been running against the bill graves is that it doesn't have any
record but there are areas wire is changed his position dramatically he previously supported initiative referendum is now completely changed position on that you get one position on school finance a few months later he changes his position dramatically he says one thing about health care he was later he says something entirely different and that's one of the big problems that the order to have to deal with in the next few months is to find out exactly where the race is going to stand on a number of issues about the future of the state let's turn to the issue of crime which you have both referred to about a couple of specific questions first the four teams wondering what specific legislative proposals would you make do help us prevent crime or first about you so you have ninety seconds of the first of all we have to revisit the sentencing guidelines to toughen up the sentences for certain violent offenses in addition to that we also have to enforce the definitely not committed to doing that i also wanted to deal with
nonviolent offenders differently nonviolent people only get them back in the community yes in orange jumpsuits doing tough manual labor in the community to repay their victims and repay the community but they have endured we have also got to deal with this terrible problem for juvenile justice system in kansas thirty five percent of our crimes being committed by juveniles the largest increase in crime is occurring among ten to fourteen year olds we've got to change these juvenile justice system to work so that when juveniles encountered the law for the first time it is a top experience that they've never won encounter again and john shepherd over in douglas county i think is doing some creative good things in this area and that those kind of things need to be replicated across the state i also believe that we need to establish a juvenile a party i wouldn't have to remove the responsibility for dealing with are dangerous juveniles from the social and rehabilitation services department to a new party and i recognize that we have to segregate violent youth for non violent youth as we
restructure this juvenile justice system your response well i certainly also agree insurance with sentencing and punishment we need to make prison and unpleasant experience i believe in non violent offenders me to serve at least eighty five percent of their sentences i think we need to look at that sentencing options for those non violent offenders to free a prison space that we desperately need violent offenders using things like electronic monitoring and house arrest i believe in restitution painful rehabilitation in plain paper incarceration by those criminals let's follow up on on that with united's an answer to the previous one regret what specific proposal would you make to punish criminals well as i've said i think first the mall everyone agrees we need a more assurance with judicial process of the people who commit crimes understand that there is a punishment appropriate crime as mad about i think we need to make sure that our sentencing laws allow us to punish people severely who commit crimes
using guns i think the young people in our are core of aureus or assist a recurring how regional juvenile detention facilities need to be transferred from the authority of the us or as sort of the part of corrections officials who are professionals and managing one of become very violent young offenders in our society i think it's critical that we we free up space in our prison system for those who are most violent we're up against a cap of six thousand six hundred and sixty six available spaces in our state and words for either going to have to build more prison space you have to figure out then that inmate population and there are those who can be put into some sort of community corrections or alternative sort of sentencing options but clearly kansas must have the space because we've made a commitment for how violent offenders and that's got to be done slattery i agree with the need for us to recognize that we have to do whatever necessary to keep violent people orchestrates them are responsible to come back to this question of juveniles because in our state today many of our juvenile detention facilities are like revolving doors and suddenly
killing some people come in in the morning and in the evening they get out people are being released later just as bad as the people were coming in the front door we've got to deal with his juvenile justice system and the next minute here the next question is so poor mr slattery ninety seconds west and kansans have often felt alienated from state government what can you were an eastern kansas native do to assure western kansas that their diverse interests edge of agriculture and rural education will not be overlooked well first of all just check my record number one i spent the first twenty years of my life of a family or my brother still operates a family farm i have some agricultural experience and i would submit that my opponent doesn't that's a different source considering in addition to that my entire life in the in the congress has been focused on doing things are important in smaller communities in the state i have fought for rural healthcare libya because there were several health care coalition to understand how important it is i worked in telecommunications capabilities and our rural communities understand how
or telecommunications is to the future the smaller communities of the upper fair trade for our farmers in the international marketplace make sure that we're getting she did an international marketplace i thought that things like the conservation reserve program i was one of the authors of that when the people are really pushed that and then several years ago so my record in terms of agriculture and rural america is a strong record announcement that i've been very active in this area and i would observe also my opponent has no experience in dealing with any of these issues that are important role over thirty seconds to respond very well imagine a farmer to participate in the ioc's program were thrilled about the interactive system we develop banks require loans through the federal farm up program probably think we've done a pretty good job of reaching out to western kansas as well if you are a very clear indication you look no farther than my running mate the senate majority leader issue of drawn from colby the fourth generation kansas farmer but it raises question is it for you i will you please explain your position on school funding how would you like to see it changed or are you satisfied
with the current policy well clearly we're all waiting to see what the courts do with regard to school finance and and i think it is it is premature and what quite frankly be a mistake on the part of the movement for a candidate to go too far down a path of digging their heels in on a position you're gonna have to work with a hundred sixty five legislators in experts are in school finance around the state to grab an informal that's going to be the most difficult challenge facing the new administration i venture that we should wait and see what the court doesn't regard alone are awaiting make sure that we're going to put all the dollars that are currently in school finance stay in school finance worked very hard to re adjust the formula so it is as fair and equitable as possible to those schools and last but not least if we can get our fiscal house in order if we can do a better job of managing the seven point two billion dollars that we already spend it was certainly my hope that we have money available to increase the per pupil est at the benefits every district in a slaughter well first of all what the missionaries are saying is entirely clear
what he was saying earlier this year when he indicated and put a proposal on the table that were really cut the heart out of budgets for small school districts in the state so his position has dramatically changed apparently but beyond that i've also made it very clear that we have to take the money that's available and distributed equitably as possible across the state i hope that we can increase modestly deeper people state budget this year can we agree that education in many ways is our future and if that's a reasonable basis let's move from that to this list though there's a limited number of dollars in any budget whether it's private or public mr slattery for ninety seconds can you be specific about the ways that we might re allocate education dollars from kindergarten through higher education or about new taxes or about increases in private support or some combination of all these funding mechanism first think that we need to focus more
on early intervention because if we don't deal with children that are struggling in the first and second great we're really dealing with angry frustrated teenagers later in the system and i made that point where i also believe as i said earlier that we have to do a much better job of connecting all over education efficient with our employers when we have a skill gap problem in kansas or sixty percent of the employers claim that they can't or they're struggling to find a voice with the skills that they need to fill the jobs that they have that tells me we're not doing the job of connecting our educational institutions with reporters that we love and that we want to encourage collaborative efforts between community colleges and regions institutions for example of what's going on between fort hays state university in bargaining community college i think we're going to do everything we can also to encourage greater cooperation between our vocational technical skills and our community colleges because we know that by the year two thousand eighty percent of the jobs in this country are going to require a technical skill our educational institutions that would be refocused to make
sure that we're delivering those services you are students in the state today and the last point i would make is the need for us to the morning every surgeon development investment at our border regions institution thirty seconds to respond well there are i certainly think they are relative to cave to twelve we need to allow local school districts are greater flexibility with local option but its i think schools a local patrons who do will invest more in their school districts should be allowed to do so i think we have to work hard to develop a system that rewards efficiency in school district we have a number of districts that we're very very hard and somehow we must recognize that efficiency and final mention the encouragement of quality of efforts between school districts and many of their ministry functions still it's been the subject of education report some years ago called workforce two thousand noted that most of the people who will be in the workforce in the year two thousand are already in the workforce the great how do you propose that the
state take part in continuing education to provide for the kind of work force that we need for economic development programs will go what new programs we begin we have developed an estate a large pool of nontraditional students people who are going back to school in the evenings on weekend seeking to move up or to enhance their skills to keep up with the changing dynamics of the workforce i certainly believe as governor that it's critical that we invest our dollars in vocational training program for retraining efforts are coupling as the congressman said business and end institutions together to see to it that there is a partnership serves as well clearly coming out of our high schools we need to put more emphasis on technical training and vocational skills and recognize that many of our high school graduates will not go on to pursue college degrees bumblebee shortly and radar workforce and they need the kind of skills that are employers are seeking out and not create a situation where employers are having to retrain a student who has recently graduated from high school system
one reason says let me just emphasize the importance of skilled work programs i think that in the next few years the school to work programs may be the key to getting a more efficient delivery of education services all across the state but some very good programs going on right now in kansas along those lines the burlington northern program with johnson county community college is one example and i think those kind of things really be replicated state line gene depaul and flattery aren't you it was a republican opponent of europe rather than the sort of the great difficulties wealthy heads the lord commands a pro life support that we understand not likely to jump to your cell how does this how does this help you to have mr rickles endorsement and who started that i'll quote veritable first on very grateful that
the aging vaudeville has decided to actively support my effort and i thank him for that and i think one of the things that the next couple of the state have to be able to do is reach out across party lines we've built the kind of political consensus that is necessary to effectively govern this day and i've always been able to do that and the job that i've had and i plan to be a will do that as governor and that mr becnel looked at both of the candidates and he decided very clearly as he said that that that one of these candidates are better prepared to be the next governor of the state some people upset you know better better grades or whatever well the bottom line is is that something that your standpoint of it was treated in the primary basically wrote the agreement that he has been accused of signing earlier this year but be that as it may the final analysis was doing that to look at the two candidates running for governor in a very difficult position it took courage it take a lot of political criticism from republicans in the state but he's also taken some some
political career goes from some of his republican followers are going to tell me yes eighty thousand people in a statement urging battle in the primary i'm proud to have their support and i woke up the support of the other eight thousand supporters of this and i'll need a thirty second we were we were pleased to have the support of all the other republican candidates who did sign the pledge an accord barbara lawrence losing the nose running mate maybe on her pledge and has actively an enthusiastically supported this campaign and i like quite frankly think it will have very little impact on the river in the interests of one of one of the greats of ninety seconds to have to discuss this kind of question why did he do that would hurt you or would help you and did you see how were they are in alabama
again like i've said i very much appreciate seeing people's support and i hope that those people in the state who saw unthinkable a person a good judgment on the ability to recover the statement referred him over my opponent in the primary will look carefully at me and i would appreciate their support of bell but sir continue talking politics and the politicians for a moment and just watering it for a close he won't be built one what worries you look at sort of the sixty four thousand dollars question i know what the polls say about president clinton and i don't tell you that i have always approached my duties as a member of congress a solemn his job was to fight against and i've done that and i've been an independent voice for kansas in the years that i've been in the congress a pauper families in this state in an area of tax reform to reduce the tax burden on many working families in the state of corporate jobs in the state are thought to improve the health care delivery system in
this state and it evolved but i've always been an independent some people call me a maverick the question is that this race boiled down to a choice between average and slattery worst than bilbray is well i guess i am never been on the independent and i'll continue to be that kind of strong voice whether under our water on three separate well congressman you should've been more independent on the vote on the only raising taxes in kansas by almost two point two billion dollars deficit reduction bill besides income tax increases all kansans are paying more fuel tax people on social security are paid higher are strong percentage of taxes on their social security benefits and it's a bill that all the candidates are going to pay two point to billy and for five years how close do you want the typical museum and
several of them of like a coward bob all of that i've often said we will not understand is kansans how fortunate we are to the bottom that bob dole in public service until probably after he's out of public service i think that he has been a tremendous leader not only for our state before this country and his ability too they're developing public policy is not only benefit kansas but also to be a leader in the united states in world politics has been a great asset to us but i think we're fortunate to have both senator paul and senator find us senators in our state's history and we will be hard pressed when the day comes to replace either one of those two with the same quality of leadership we've benefited from and he is like thirty seconds to write something that builders said that just very very misleading and that's on this tax question the fact of the matter is that when that that reduction plan with have fled here with the exception of the fuel tax that was used for the highway trust fund the rest of the tax increases are only five percent of the people and can't afford a tax increase as a result of that
tens of thousands of cancers saw a significant tax reduction because of the changes that the earned income tax credit many small businesses and if they thought tax reduction also because of the changes in the expensing provisions in the law so that suggests that that was a massive tax increase on working people in that role let's give each of you a shot at this one ninety seconds that is to work and then thirty three seconds to respond so for the ninety seconds to follow by roberts' response and john slattery one of the first three things you would do as governor to improve the kansas economy well first of all i think that we have to address the whole question of tax stability lot of things i would like to do is make it very clear that i will veto any attempt to impose sales tax on professional services in the state and i would also include in my first budget a repeal of the sales tax on on labor and new construction and i hope that
we have a revenue but on the upper sure that we do the repeal the safe but feel relief to the manufacturing of those kind of things will signal very clearly my commitment to tax stability i want to see is also make sure that we're or doing as a patient a job as possible with the administration of our property tax laws in the state as they applied the business especially personal property taxes for business and then we have to focus on our workforce and that getting an education and making sure that we do a better job of connecting our educational institutions with their employers and the last thing i'll mention the time that we have is to realize the connection between crime and economic development interstate i've had business leaders in some of our urban areas especially tell me that the most important thing that i can do as governor is to make their community a saber place in which to work and live and i think it's important for us to recognize that connection and what you considered and you get your chance to nine seconds lawyer the first thing i would do
as governor howard is i would select great people to be in the position that was one of the very great mistakes in his last administration are governors reflection of quality people would surround ourselves with reorganization the department of commerce the refocusing of economic development initially finds the whole thing a bs early kinship that exist in the department revenue and proper evaluation that ninety seconds then i think they can probably continue on that thing that the prevention plan to do once you're in office to improve the kansas economy you know the rules very well it up let me reiterate i think it's critical one of the one of the real challenges for either six so canada november is that you get sixty days to your national liberated january night i think it is critical and the transition process that you seek out attract great people who were willing to commit to be involved in your illustration for a full four years to give you some continuity in some consistency in your operations i think it's clear that we need to get reorganized department of commerce we have to send a strong signal but with the communities in our state who are seeking our systems in our outreach but also the
businesses looking to located in kansas that we're going to provide economic tools they need to be successful in our state we have rob economic development issue the funds over the past several years and put that money to work in some other probably good programs but nonetheless not specifically targeted at encouraging economic opportunity interstate and i do believe there's a very strong belief that we haven't had this early kinship where government officials are spending more time harassing than creating a regulatory hoops for businesses to jump through and there is a spirit of cooperation between the part of revenue and a proper evaluation division three seconds oh i think it is very important for us to make sure that we appoint people in key positions in other than the different are only four people charged with responsibility and forcing our environmental laws to make sure they do that in a reasonable and sensible way and i'm committed to doing that and i'm also committed to making changes in some of the law to make sure they are more reasonable and sensible dozens of
one featuring the democratic and republican candidates for governor democratic congressman jim slattery and republican secretary of state bill graves from the kansas association of broadcasters convention mr slattery europe every year politicians pledged to reduce waste in government as a way to improving service and efficiency and keeping taxes down is waste still a problem in kansas in what specific proven plan do you have i think that we can all do better jobs of what we do i can be a better candidate for governor each and every one of us can do a better job what are the broadcasters news people are going through so yes there is a provision to us specifically within state government and convinced that we should take a hard look at the way that the part of the us or us is being operated on thompson outside that unfolds over information with these kind of programs and they've convinced me that there are significant savings as
they can be achieved by restructuring the way we run that the party right now for example with the department of revenue we have five hundred million dollars in and accounts receivable know i don't know how many of those accounts receivable can be collected if you're only collect ten percent of that that's a significant amount of money i think there's an opportunity there for a more efficient and better operations so yes i think there's room for improvement i think we also need to take a hard look at what's going on in our educational institutions are we really clarifying the mission of each of our educational institutions of higher learning as clearly as we should i don't think we are having the next governor is going to have to have the courage in the steel affected jump into the hornet's nest and a strong restructuring our whole system of higher education ms graves response or i'm certainly interested in following up on the efforts by the senate subcommittee on privatization i think is one area we clearly need to look at there's also efforts being made and reinventing government group is trying to identify areas we can be more efficient and the
characters' waste in government i think it is the case of the spending more time prioritizing those things that are critical to kansas we say we need to cut back on the number of jobs and each physician's appointed by the governor people are working more for the governor and not enough people in there the follow up to get united decision not sure of earthquake coverage coverage as it seems to me that you're indicating a problem that might be associated in the public mind with work well again our weak government of the day a support job for many years between its own existence that always coming up with a way to make whatever we're glad you're work a little bit better this year at that more people at a few more pages in the hands our own existence and i think that's the wrong way to go whether about doing this and i think as i said it's a reader comments we're redirecting point in a state where we're not going to raise taxes we cannot and can do it more than day of
oregon doubled our budget in the last eight years governor michael sit down and work with every agency head of the people involved the government will reward those employees who do a great job we may have to find other people who are not doing such a great job we sure there's always waste but my point is we've reached the point where the question of priorities what's that then thought what the program by program to what we pay for and make sure we agree that it's something we have to have or hopefully that we can throw overboard a free up precious dollars for other very the program where you're treated well i think one of the things that we really have to look at how we obtain professional services but the state and i am absolutely convinced that both in real innovation practices and i think it's time to recognize we don't want to work here and make sure that the competitive market have one there have been
a few weeks away how are you we have we are ninety four ninety five well there is a vast difference in our backgrounds in preparation for this job and that we've already talked about our preferences in the area phoenicia the referendum i think there's been a sharp increase in the cost of the questions go on the mission and the vision of the i think there are some differences in their healthcare to find anything in his literature for example you have you have to say and i quote our message is clearly hurt improving healthcare the government out of our health care opponents best course for him build an outright exciting of the many ways that they're
likely to become a very important role to play in our health care medicare medicaid the national healthcare reform regulation of the insurance industry or community health clinics list goes on like you're not the government there and discover that they have to make sure that their healthcare or effectively and probably may disagree sharply on the question of voting is a very sharp change there some figures were i think there are some major differences but again the area preparation that i think important that the pressure of the federal funding olive oil well mr imai thirty seconds i think congressman that you're so strong and ethics reform you should've been in washington voting on the reform bill we're talking about it i also think
clearly if you look at the capture or maybe this morning for a warm hand generically say they don't want the government involved in their solutions that help here we all know what i'm talking about in a brochure explain to people we want to encourage private sector solution to our problem of your policies differ from those of her well i really believe that background experience for you although i grew up in a grade from one family and work from the time i was in the summers in junior high to live probably twenty six years of twenty seven full time in a family business i understand very much background understand what it means to me a lot but we have a will pay fifteen hundred people and read about sixty trouble with a tv stations around the state the great problem with one of the leaders in this business community he talks about agricultural background you're weak yuan that's former ally congressman you're one of us are farmers like you're the fourth generation farmer to support me someone who truly has an interest in
understanding of agricultural policy this election is about a recent experiences of public service as a congressman minus secretary of state and i believe very much at this point our fake history we need somebody who knows how to get people to reform of the liver for you for the taxpayers we don't need any more policy creation we don't need regulatory burden the big difference in my administration will be will give all of a day basis to make sure government is working for you and not you for the grave plot lined with old school or a voting for the money on the line are their family is about the event that he did not and that report the
first question what is it that you have always wanted to know about the lottery but were afraid to like it because we know you wouldn't notice but the laughing and it does with the audience for this not the most i'm curious department appoint one crime plan and i'm just wondering if you'd given any thought to what it might call it might go about paying for it so we have some clarification well first of all we're looking at a photo right now somewhere in the neighborhood of seven point two million dollars in what i think is remarkable about that and i think in the particular will only cost somewhere between one million dollar
revamp of what we need to build what we need to know and so forth abi and we fell out of time and so all the all important that they had that what can we do to work with you and may work better and the whole program is going to talk when we're probably going to report out a balance requirements are turning point five percent or a point five percent and that can be done without any way volatility
i don't know it's clear that we gave you an opportunity to each of you to say whatever you will have the close of this discussion we have a little more time for that and i had originally anticipated but that's not a bad idea because there probably something that we have not been able to cover in three hours and so on go home and recover howard thank you very
much which are very optimistic about i happen to believe that the telecommunications revolution when it really volunteer opportunities for four hours they and i think that we have to be in the position to take advantage of a new opportunity and let me just say that the next governor of this state i think that the thumb or who is vigorous where they would like to leave this state and it has a track record of being here in the pursuit of changes in public policy that covered the state needs to focus on making our communities safer i put together a twenty point five plan and his affordable fuel and the fraternal order of police work that they've done something they've never done before the history of the state in the north the candidate for governor of the work we've done in addition to that the next governor of the state is going to have to work to make our health care delivery system in the state more efficient and yes include some people are not able to get health care without going on welfare and i'm committed to
changing that it is absolutely unacceptable that we have twenty five percent of our people in kansas today on whether to get healthcare and we all ought to be focused on changing their i also think there are i have to work to improve our education system to make sure that our children and grandchildren are prepared to compete in the global economy and in conclusion i think it's also important for the people of camp that kind of preparation is required i think that with agriculture and the park making the very very very very reasonable rate or even lead to the kind of experiences that are important i have a voice thank you to our control of you coming out called be the folks who are listening i am truly a very great pleasure of being the secretary of state here and the last eight years internationally on to be the
republican nominee for governor as i've mentioned i think we have for the very livable areas we will wrestle with over the next forty years and those are school finance both in terms of the way we fund our education system but also in terms of how we get quality education for our crime initiative which in many instances are going to have some fiscal call you afraid health care reform which now seems certain to shift back pay for a nuclear bomb and certainly welfare reform hall with a violent imagery that now the implementation i believe if you look at the situation we find are sold anywhere for year after year we were actually spending a way very tough time we can't do that any longer but the federal government that they will certainly certainly responsibility we have seven point two billion dollars of the taxpayers' money we have forty three thousand three hundred and fifty state employees and i believe it's time for a government onboard were to get involved in making sure we get the biggest bang for our well we got to make sure that we have evolved vision that the government would mean
that michael secretary of state to try to provide the kind of affectionate affecting service i certainly appreciate the opportunity to serve all of you for the opportunity to serve as your next governor but i do appreciate your support on the river the eighth thank you and thank you both very much and democrats this programme originated at the kansas association convention in topeka <unk> eighties the theater called it our technical director at o'donnell of the uaw had to make a special thanks to all those viewers of the tough questions which we have close to the candidates for that program was produced by the kansas association of broadcasters i'm howard hill
KANU News Retention
Producing Organization
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KPR (Lawrence, Kansas)
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Episode Description
Political forum debate between two people running for Governor with a sports theme. The topics include medical practice funds, low income workers, crime rate in the youth, and agriculture.
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Social Issues
Politics and Government
State News Debate
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Host: Hill, Howard
Panelist: Graves, Bill
Panelist: Slaughtery, Jim
Producing Organization: KPR
Producing Organization: KMUW
Publisher: KPR
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Kansas Public Radio
Identifier: cpb-aacip-6ecc8e8a878 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “KANU News Retention,” 1994-09-28, KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 18, 2024,
MLA: “KANU News Retention.” 1994-09-28. KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 18, 2024. <>.
APA: KANU News Retention. Boston, MA: KPR, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from