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no no matt's bizarre years or even those that have the financing due regard for convention over the weekend dressed in flowing silk robes high treason for seniors and accompanied by a large group of workers as writers made up a large percentage of the race course at the new wrigley downs racetrack on saturday they were the only ones there of course but their presence was welcomed by track officials during the last several months attendance at reagan downs has dropped considerably two weeks ago only seven hundred people showed up on memorial day penumbra did jump to twenty seven hundred because of the holiday and extra races but last weekend the attendance dropped again to fourteen hundred dick lawson is a member of the board of eureka downs people make everything term have you can instantly of it can insert an adult will open and one of the horses and it said circle at everything as we're together the community's been strongly behind you refinance has been for years but cannon that new surge now to get everything back in here the urban media ipo although givens coverage of the woman erica downs open
vowel uses common sense financially troubled more about to close or is this the last week people see hear that or read that or see that and they say golly what they're going to do that we must get used to going over there when in fact we need is as people come in we're so that the words doesn't have an answer the good things do come true and the media all over we've had some good stories both an electronic medium in the caribbean oh we need more of those and some of your dna got it because i'm in the business they have good facts but some years do they need to be there adjectives aside the fact is that when attendance drop so does the betting handle as the total amount of money that is bet on the races over given period of time because of this track is operating in the red now to the tune of five hundred thousand dollars clawson says emotions are running high over the tracks financial condition but he also says they shouldn't be people should realize though that even when when furniture was first put on the ballot and then passed by kansans and then you read ann's was put together to that goal but has a provincial track
it showed that there would be a major loss in the first two to three years of operations not getting paid off long term debt obviously we lost more than that because of problems but basically a chilly willy's miles through time people forget that now the one that's why isn't just everybody just throwing the reagan downs was making money hands over fears that's not the way it was set up to do the kansas racing commission the racing regulars for the state says the downs has to come up with at least one hundred fifty thousand dollars by june fifteenth as a statement of good faith and as evidence that the track is still a viable economic entity another drain on racing commission and local economy dollars but the downs doesn't come up with that amount of money the commission plans to allow the wichita greyhound park to ruin dog races at the same time that the downs ranch horse races right now the two parks run races at different times to provide fair and equitable racing for both tracks parsons as you read the downs won't having trouble meeting its financial requirements they've given all they can to prevent a head to head racing with a greyhound park because of the threat of the past in history in the
united states any time horses and dogs run together the horses of been the losers dozens of them in cans is up until now you a console that has not happened here will who knows except on memorial day afternoon which program part was loud remote afternoon as was eureka downs you rank advanced at a little over a thousand people with a handler fifty thousand graham park had over four thousand people with the handle of a mortar and fifty thousand i wore those people been a vacant which go park avenue the chair mary regan out there but walters is the assistant general manager of the wichita greyhound park obviously david carr saturday we lost two of our three best performances of the week that we would welcome the opportunity to be able to rape on saturday sunday afternoon on our feeling is clear and i'm ready to go on but we abide by the rules of the racing commission and what they were allowed to do
the vague deborah waters refers to is the kansas racing commission who couldn't be reached for comment but several race goers federica down to the talks over the weekend said they want the racing to be permitted one horse race and busiest who asked not to be identified said the racing commission and the two parks need to look at simultaneous racing as the survival of the fittest it's like way is let's say the wedding's well let's say their wings and i find it works every time we go let's say everybody's there forget the legislative track it will survive a good survival kits are behind don't keep bailing out and saying well the dogs can't read it because you're reading needs and maybe that's not a lot of dobro waters you got a different then first of all greyhound racing birth of horse racing are an eighteen billion dollar
facility located in a major metropolitan area version of a much smaller facility in a much smaller area where you know it made it a pitcher's restaurant hotel are much more limited the active i think it's very unfair to your reader along to compare it to wichita greyhound park and a couple of orange to do single tracks could make its ways success cause i really couldn't comment on that because i don't know from the standpoint of whether you really can make it or not i think that they're in their income question that far of whether they're going to be able to be economically make it when we're not breathing again i i think that that's an issue that hasn't been resolved though on something that the ribbon commission i'm sure we'll be taking a look at an end to fighting in the south deborah walters at the wichita greyhound park restore you heard earlier said she had another theory that would explain some of the apparent lack of interest in your read about its quality unless they
can attract is a matter of course is here and it is it's images of training track that is illegitimate ways that i don't think there's any future students in serious trouble yes because they're racing quote unquote real horses at remington oklahoma city which is three hours away the same with less than three hours away and the playoffs are so much that they'll want to come to a small tractor i just don't think it it will draw that manage it has an advanced i don't think it will now clawson recalls that tennis anymore attendance and a bigger and more horses were calling horses horses and obviously go where they can get the most money infrastructure and for your gas infrastructure of others say whatever ways one of course is that in many people sponsoring races but the key one is the hammer and then it was generated by the people who come here even hours and
wages are the horses whether the corps or shorter over it as though they get six percent and automatically goes to the war's effect orlando is why there's going to be a higher six percent oppose abortions and which prison versus where more people one sponsor races are spending more and more money in those big races the horsemen any of the horses and science tradition as i mentioned earlier the circle of that right and the left in every area that are working together to make a word from the jockeys to the horsemen trainers to the horses to the caymans and imaginary dave clawson isn't eureka downs board member on monday eureka citizens held a meeting to discuss a one cent sales tax increase to benefit the racetrack several businesses in town favor the move but city officials have mixed reactions the proposal goes to the city commissioned later this week but no matter what the outcome the track still has only about two weeks to prove to the state that it can hold its own financially if not simultaneous raising at the wichita greyhound park may be permitted and that may make your reader downs fight for its very survival i'm david miller as
at things do it near the tennis courts on the dole used to campus a group of peoples' fans enjoying the sunshine and fresh air their special olympians listening you really for their names to be called for awards these people can be done so much over the weekend against others as against themselves at events like swimming power lifting tennis cycling and track and field is moving from event to event
just watching the contestants with rewarding at the swimming event crowds of disabled individuals sat on the sidelines waiting for the chance to jump in the water and race for the other side it was our still who was more excited and intestines during the other team is with volunteers cheering for everyone as we were getting all of those encouraging his name stacy and stacey got a little google doing the backstroke she's not the other swimmers of course kept going and the bridge of the other side says you wouldn't take a look around to a few more feet and start again and again and several of the volunteers battle over water energy or just to finish to give it one more hard push finally she did to the delight of everyone stood by and
watched standing nearby was to face the bank formally who along with his teenage son and daughter volunteered as your special olympics he's as though the emphasis when working with the disabled is on finishing the contestants still though they're out to do well there's a more advanced care and some of us would think of this snow here was very interested in not just through and that's typical i think they see and they want to get themselves and their teammates and maybe it's just that professor
holmes and now that's you can do that work that started development center have as well of evidence that my mom and that's a hard sell on a rat ever wanted to do yours for solutions lie casey and i think my entire life every time special olympics comes around there are those who wonder if the van's emphasize only the disability rather than the innate ability to overcome them out on the tennis courts volunteer jennifer vols versus the olympics does give the disabled a chance that they wouldn't otherwise have a note she says it's not a case of being too easy on disabled children teens and adults that they were italian and then decide if you were like if you play the story and i guess three every year there would be me and tennessee i went on a planetarium
i think what he didn't but other players nearly did in twenty minutes on the courts i watched about fifty tennis players hit the ball over the net and try to rack up points some got them others didn't but no matter what the performance some players could be discouraged crystal once it is one of those players is saying that's me singing lead i'll get award for its really special olympics you get a big red letter phrase that i get and that what he wanted to get it out the hell else other owls rachel another player who identified herself only as
rachel well rachel may view the special olympics as an opportunity to just get out of the house and get to know other people the only people other volunteers she's likely to rub elbows with these other disabled people like brutal was one of those volunteers and the tennis court he says often non disabled people view special olympics as a circus or party for disabled individuals and don't bother to get involved or even to watch that he says should change why have a lot of people you know don't have any idea when this and so then they make generalizations just because they're too ignorant to figure out or even tried and that was when the tornado warning trying i mean everybody's these are all human beings are all the same salary no reserves a new chance know and i think it's their last not to come out and see was gone as amelia is it's a fun thing and i mean i read a great time it's great interact with them and you know and then she'll you know get inside you know that you're helping them and given same options or else i mean as they drive by fate in saddam's watch for a while you know just support saw you know
seen as a baseball game for the dish you're some if it were a baseball game it's a pretty good guess that you hear some disagreements being shouted from the stands over at the cycling contest things were much different to athletes began poking each other and calling each other names though it happened too quickly for me to get it on tape i heard a volunteer lean over and say jason's name's jason and joe's name is joe there were no turkeys here so could immediately the two boys look at each other and shook hands that's typical says volunteer top oil no matter what happens the special olympics the contestants are willing to forgive and forget gotham's daily but in the end aside from a good time and good feelings with these athletes get from special olympics all will come away with at least one award everyone who participates in any event gets either a written or metal you might ask is that good enough to such an abundance of awards make them less desirable to the contestants for
the answer ask one of them the somber golden summer sorts of them are bronze colored newsletter which you get you know then america where i didn't burst forth carrying bag why my heart is reporting on the special olympics held this weekend in wichita i'm david miller and i'm david naylor in abilene the eisenhower exhibit at a wichita art museum is only one of several exhibits and activity statewide celebrating ickes one hundredth birthday but no matter where they take place all the memories of dwight d eisenhower fall back on abilene abilene of course is where i grew up and in the city of sixty eight hundred stands the eisenhower presidential library a museum and the gravesite abilene officials have been eagerly anticipating floods of visitors as many as a quarter of a million during his year and have been bracing themselves for an economic boost abilene chamber of commerce president brad hartenstein says the city has already noticed an
increase in the number of visitors and although most of them are adults who decide to come here to remember the eisenhower era many of them art theater buses a thousand to fifteen hundred japan children per week this gets out their home as a mom dad do you know what we saw in abilene we'd like to take you back and showing what senator democrat what they seem to cling to although most of those visitors are here for the short term there will be more than a few who decide to stick around for distances economically speaking there are a few things better for the city of doubling our businesses have gotten excited we're proud of the process right now of having about five or six new businesses going and and several more that have made a request for information to look at in abilene and that's adding to us as a business sector with its new restaurants that have been looking at coming in there and are open up and writing already you know we have a new restaurant on the north into town archer restaurants are basically we have some
nice fine dining restaurants that that are seeing two basses on a daily basis the businesses that i visit with so far have been permanent businesses you know i have a lot of people cause they all those businesses are coming in just for this until i don't see that in the videos the schematics of what they're trying to put into their business for him inventory and ideas things that are key to being here for long term i had people in from new york just last week that said they like to say that when they were considering moving a business that they had in newark back to abilene and that's impressive having somebody that's that's doing something in your clothes are dabbling in and things in that context they're keying off of tourism yes it's a it's a very large industry in our community but we have a lot of people are proud of the community that they're living in and that is one the basis of their reasoning for coming gavel into but their business in after all isn't a deal is this year were two seasons cemetery over the next few years that in order to be a profitable and successful in a business
they have to have more than just one or two years so they're looking at the long term sustained a community if you invite several thousand people to town they're all going to want to eat and you have to assume that at least some of them will want to stay overnight for them to have places to eat and stay city unless of course have restaurants and motels and those motels must have vacancies abilene knows this and to accommodate the visitors who of course will all be arriving at one time the city has five motels and two specialty hands so what's the problem join dizzy as a motel manager in abilene i'm gonna people walk up to me and say i know you understand your floss every business must be great while there are a lot of them have problems maybe there's something i don't know that i think we found out what was happening what's happened this is that some people in the media have picked up on and confused eisenhower centennial week in october thirteenth the fourteenth with are the entire eisenhower centennial year he heads up the abilene convention and visitors bureau there a dance going on have been
going on since january twenty nine and their motels bases a limited on the weekend october thirteenth and fourteenth and there's an assumption that that's the case for the entire year and several of our hotels have had visitors coming in and saying we're surprised that you have a theory we heard that you were full and so a lot of people are making their reservations elsewhere assuming that their insightful for the entire year when they're actually not soon after the rumor service committee says the bureau began working hard to counteract week content almost a visitor information centers and let them know that that there are that it's not full for the entire year and i am we continue to send that information to all the requests that we get from all over the world about the eisenhower centennial we send our mayor tell us so people know that there are rooms available in tehran ebeling continues to receive between fifty and one hundred requests per day from out of staters planning to take in the eid celebration during the summer that's good record that micky because it's the out of state visitors will help to fill up the city's hotels because they haven't heard the rumors media
attention has been focused in the state of kansas at this point and most of the mailings that were doing our two out of state visitors planning to come in during the summer to see the white house stretches exhibit at the eisenhower center and participate in some of the events so i think our out of state highway traffic this is still going to be very heavy patrick is the director of the abilene convention and visitors bureau as a hike centennial continues she says the city will swell in august and september when former president gerald ford and richard nixon are scheduled pay a visit and when the celebration called late october he predicts as many as fifty thousand visitors will be in abilene for the official ike birthday party on the fourteenth for that we get a motel owners do say their motels arm early fall so if you want to take part in the celebration and you want to stay overnight in abilene you'd better make your reservation now but if you just kind of there's a doubling sometime during the summer and you need a place to stay just drive on in the city says there's room at the inn in abilene and david maier
for the past several months officials at a state that work state the state board of regents and so on his kansas college of technology have discuss the advantages and disadvantages of merging salon his two year school with either of the state universities and now the results are in sort of the meeting on wednesday afternoon ended with a recommendation that the merger move ahead with the resulting institution being called the kansas state university sought out college of technology the recommendation is just that a recommendation that means it goes to the state board of regents during a june meeting the regions will then make a final decision on whether the merger should proceed all indications are that the merger will move right ahead cased a vice president bob kroll says he's very pleased that his university was selected to be a partner in the merger in winnipeg whatever they're making a major commitment on the part of a
great warrior and technology program one year before your option available over there or thank you kraus says the merger is enacted will give a big boost not only decay state by giving it another campus and more visibility but also to the current kansas college of technology plays ut president tony tillman very large university emory a very good opportunity for us certainly here because of the rain forest and far that a lot of our administrative no problem liza
city and salon and in particular a tremendous economic impact to her role in creating not only because they had allowed for a baccalaureate program but also have an opportunity to offer well you know no no there's no way we're going to be able to afford or justify a full time economics professor they already offer those courses at the upper division and we can take advantage of their faculty in doing that
well bill wheaton all these improvements and plans will require some money money that will come apart from k state expansion program ski city budgets and the people of saliva that money will come through an increase in local sales taxes for the slide area and that says tony tillman says the biggest hurdle that he'll have to jump in the murder process there's no question that it's going to take a tremendous education on our part as well as the region's think and other community leaders to talk to the popular if indeed a very worthwhile endeavor number one
director but he also thinks a lot of residents will be more than glad to help pay for the project if they weigh the alternatives well we want morning edition with byrom on clothing last year i don't think what i can afford to another patient we're applying all of the word although i think it's a win win situation for the whole community and i don't you know i don't do anything negative about it at the salon in chamber of commerce president gerald coop agrees at this point there are a lot of details to be worked out timing was an end and so forth with regard and then also how much would be or will be some different parameters that in that that there's nine one of the ongoing this is going to be a onetime shot the funds will be dedicated to the project it will not last longer than two years it will have a sunset provision so forth so there will be a lot of the gop have yet to be ironed out and
course the region's image in meeting like it using someone who will steal about the financial part of the bottle because i'm good part portrait cook also says the proposed merger between t s u n a kansas college of technology in saliva is not an option for the city he says the city will support it because they do realize the opportunity they'll have it's important to have the merger because it would be in their opinion with that so it's sort of you do a lot of that trap and we can truly an idiot but basically when they went and studied there'd be that things would not be remain npr it was going to be a march or major changes a kgb and are feeling that the merger is necessary for the education to continue would you think it's going to work do for salon of those is a discomfort i think the very positive force on a
what would you do have to have a major university brand new community and then what we would get jared cook is the president of the salon a chamber of commerce because uk ct merger is still in the proposal stage as the border regions is expected to make a final decision in the early part of june if the decision is made to go ahead with the merger faced a vice president bob kroll says there's still much work to be done that the characters are true turned to all of approval or to move ahead i think that the force there will represented by hand the reports those people in the community are a junior repeat behavior a lot of weight two liter of that list with the needed one and are willing to support thank you
bob kraus is a vice president of kansas state university if all goes as planned krauss hopes the kansas state university solana college of technology will be fully open by the fall of nineteen ninety three in hutchinson i'm david miller the hospitals say since they've long been aware of the health risks associated with smoking that's why bill no longer permitted inside their facilities nancy denning the director of marketing for st mary's hospital says it's a combination of societal pressure and medical concerns that have helped push her hospital to institute this blanket no smoking policy even if individual she says aren't concerned enough not to smoke the institution is what factors be taken into consideration when we are a health institute implications and what we're looking at is
not good for your health that's been proven i'm from the burning kit contained very high concentrations of tara i'll be detailing carbon monoxide on that this is now been hailed by the end of the league second down and prevented getting from the developer and therefore on the country are helping to take that and i'm not trying to put a i'm going on the patient's job but i think what we think is an entrepreneur medical fact that working in the book from bad only for years for years and also for the president can affect him and then alan cumming
at memorial hospital chief operating officer mike not a maker says his institution feels the same way he says the health care facility has to be on the forefront of protecting and promoting the public's good health well i think you know as we talk about a kind of management board we've we felt that it was this date it would be without it our responsibility to take a leadership role in the papacy can't get through the year it really looked just for health policy and we felt like smoking in our arsenal they were not particularly a good sample though we were caught with a management an unfortunate and also a very weak quarterly report that we work with our medical staff
and everybody came to the same agreement on how we should put that in fact they will seed new policy smoking completely it out billions patient can smoke pitchers can smoke are employed can smoke physician can smoke in the facility we do allow you know obviously as visitors come and they didn't open we are but there will be times that the door asking them to please not open and filled it will be a round of voting oh we have a place on the exterior of the hospital and then were employed who spoke and one place that comment on an entire portion of the hospital that is unfinished that will be where we will allow them a badge or nancy denning says st mary's hospital has taken the same stand with one
exception they know how to get to where are there will be a smaller area and controlled smoking their accord i know get the top only bike passion and patience with the katrina and then they may have other life within the entire have been known play a patient with a guest will be allowed why am i am i really came into that question that i think they feel that they're going through are already entered that it can to encourage him to quit smoking since memorial hospital and st mary's are manhattan's only hospitals city residents will not have a say in the smoking question if only one of the facilities had initiated a no smoking policy patients can always go to the other way if they want to be able to smoke whatever maker says that's exactly why he didn't want to initiate the project alone though he says he could have to present a united front to anyone who felt the hospital was still fair game for tobacco smoke not a maker hopes memorials policy not only helps
keep smoke away from people who need medical care he'll sit helps people who want to quit quiet well it's a little bit of over we have taken a fairly hard line saying you know we've we feel we left the disposition of that that example as a hospital bed that but on the other hand we understand how difficult it has been a smoker myself and even though we are taking on that day we will not allow smoking in the interior of the hospital we're trying to catch up to you work help them and help others that want to quit smoking you know it's a question of american he didn't want to be a patient and that we will pay if they complete program and they remained smoke free and we pay for eight percent of that cost
like not a maker is the chief operating officer at manhattan's memorial hospital both he and st mary's nancy denning say employees have not reacted negatively so far and so patients and visitors may find the no smoking policy restrictive at first both officials are predicting those people will soon changed their minds after they begin to enjoy the benefits of smoke free hospitals in hutchinson i'm david maier under some pressure on the grounds that they couldn't wait until late may early june in order to have the summit conference amid a disciplinary meeting and the anticipation was that they would have major treaties to say i got the idea one trading with biological weapons that sort of thing that the tree they were looking for they wanted to be a lot of the conventional forces in europe treaty of this year the trio started three right
i'm actually going to vacation that you're going to have something important to the conference then you get the back off and you know one of those treaties about it on the radio during a summit like this can be some months off from completion of the sport all right assuming that they have their own reasons for holding it would do things like this important jewish mayor and let it be whatever support you can paint howell is summer governs given support though what we can get from the city needs well over an indication that he's taking it a quarter economic pressures off of the soviet union and that even bring
himself to be a national leader on the national saint or he's obviously julie cole is an economic ethnic and so forth so that if he can at least ability as a leader in one area maybe look over there one us senator from kansas bob dole agrees with that estimation yesterday in a press conference in detroit michigan in addition to refers to yesterday's election of boris yeltsin as president of the russian republic has further trouble for gorbachev that's right thank you but i don't know with mikhail
gorbachev at a political disadvantage and feeling the pressure from all sides president george bush has the option of laying his own brand of pressure on his soviet counterpart but david farnsworth says that although he could he shouldn't i think with our jobs in a weakened position right now the last thing he can afford to be charged back all live having given into pressure from the united states yeah yeah well gorbachev is in the country he and his wife teresa have requested to visit parts of the us other than washington so after the washington visit there were jobs are scheduled to go on the media louis and the san francisco area for sources gorbachev was applying a standard trademark that a boost in popularity in other countries to win support for his own stand in the ussr and he says it's probably going to work if you like ted cruz job four years ago when he learned of the aisle a call for its survey is very depressed for soviet
leaders do it down to the grassroots and talk to the people who have more trouble doing that their own country than they do in this country it and there's no particular political significance to either one of those <unk> or minneapolis or if it magnifies perhaps the popularity that gorbachev have in this country i think everyone keeps saying it's more particularly of the soviet union and as part of a campaign started to maintain a payroll image of the us a leader in this country so that we can negotiate what but all the work and responsibility does not rest on the shoulders of mikhail gorbachev george bush has much to do as the other summit participants the host to a soviet visitor and forty first president of the us farnsworth hopes bush will take a look at the past to determine his present and future dealings with the soviet leader the regulators on the conferences in general in reykjavik conference in particular always raise a number of alarms and the
united states about what might be said or what we might be called gardens recently word reykjavik reagan gorbachev someone really pummeled of all that flicker summit conference for the great record to have a summit conference and not have a produce anything so what we need to watch for is to see if it's on producer so you think it will i'm afraid not right now they can make a big show of the signing of my own trees but the two big ones are going to spit will be dealt with or they might be able to say that they made that night by crews toward negotiating those trees trees of time so because of that sunday's summit to be considered a success or a failure well i have no idea what right now we're trying to get one or why they hated the image of hama country and i'm not sure they can record without
dr david forbes worth is a professor of political science at wichita state university i'm not a trader at night it a discouragement quiet from being traitors i try to give up on something long term perspective that we buy an adult their we buy a wal mart and a local five years ago the company and let them out and point we're not i'm not watched the market a requirement you know it changed my plot quiet that have large stock portfolios dave like to day and month like we've gone through major sometimes they're taken for profit fund climate morning and i know
every day and on and on it's more about getting co opted by a banker at a profit so if a lot of people do that is i can make the market just deprive down ordinarily it because you know what you got on and they were in the market that really should be to be to any nobody should be to cut above all very much every vote for money in the market and basically got profit so everybody's feeling good monthly called technical different technical majors technical now everybody's got probably believe in fervently flowers people that dogs when they have when they're walking dogs and what they should do and so to go from a technical standpoint right now the market
full part in that i want everybody yeah and of course that woman a lot of the change of them the market for coming down a little bit people are getting what they own and they knew him or more salaries and infinitely more hard core question mark your doctor lawyer thomas is a professor of economics at state people spend money each are based not just on their income adults on the value of their assets so that when the stock market is rising and people's heads arriving in value they feel better about it future and they have to go out and buy a new car or furniture and so the stock market actually buy rating people that weren't orwell increasing spending on consumer goods or promote confidence in the outlook for the future for example in nineteen eighty seven when the stock market crashed after
caring for their own jobs couldn't understand why depressed five hundred points one day a month competent in the job but though the a decline and know people cut back on adventures and try to save money to protect for possible renee that i think by reading well the changing the welcome people not of by changing any outlook people feel better when stock market writing more likely to spend money and they feel better about their job prospects and that in itself like allegedly helped boost the economy so that an important feedback effects from the stock market to the state economy well if the stock market can lead fifty points and people can be caught off guard with it i guess you would want to say the work the same way in reverse if the stock market drops people would be shocked to realize it felt that the boy's soul why would that psychologically help this is that he knew he was going to go the leap on one day but they knew it could drop down so you're right with god all that you would have thought that would be brazil arrived on a given day that probably can't read them for their dominant
perhaps likely to continue strong and no so i don't think that will make it right again and i don't think they have expectations can come back down i think there probably weren't abolish veteran of the fundamental reason why increased and therefore a more optimistic given the you know the next six months in a future all of this is willing good for the country as a whole but what about kansas in particular that command at camp mission that much larger in manhattan new york investment broker shane brill oh what should be in a bank make a lot of local local company for retail company that you know about an actual people the good example in pittsburgh and that a lot of people plant it in the world and if he only got the last year you may god fifty or seventy percent on your money and there's no reason why they can't just can't find the good local company hadn't been
one of the best examples below local about rude note the company that made mother made a fortune and have been removed from wall street might do my job in a negative or a lawyer october of nineteen eighty seven brought with it the sharpest dive in stock prices in many years before nineteen eighty eight did the same thing and gestures got another scare last october the question is does the stock market imitate o'clock in other words fallback spring forward economists say yes and no lawyer thomas what they were in the window when you know seventy eighty or ninety percent of all giving bush and once again time for an individual investor to get out of the market fell out and take your problem because whatever by the polish or you are going to the very top of the cycle you getting to the point where like infidel and turn our now i think about fifty percent in that writers are very cautious and conserving already and have a fifty percent or abolish those we don't have an overriding
i'm aware but is saying bye bye bye imagine that thank god you're not not far out of line a little bit when you look at the ratio of the private talks to burning each year that indicator which is a very good indicator of thought right is higher than it historical average but nowhere near as i was in the peak of nineteen twenty nine or the other stock market he hit the midway between low point in the high point of the bright green georgia which is the most commonly used in a hero you know when dr overvalued in and not giving him all the other animal miller and reflective of the memorandum other point where you be concerned that your party and grossly overblown doctor lawyer thomas is a professor of economics at case state fb if you've been outside on a recent night you've probably noticed swarms of annoying little gray and brown insects
fluttering around your porch light or possibly your indoor lights if you didn't move quickly enough to shut the door entomologist call them you'd sought solace but you can call them our makeup or moss whatever they are there a problem in central kansas right now or are they bought bauernfeind is an entomologist with a k state extension office in reno county the problem situation and agree with laws that are flying around nobody more do not feed is the love of them of which were damaged you know again a term that
many people have and that a lot of our reviewer of the number thirteen of the hill again oh boy i did baron vaughn says the biggest problem with these moths is simply their quantity last thursday he caught more than seventeen thousand moths in a light truck that's a funnel shaped trap of the black light at the bottom the mosque rollin but they can't fly out the number top his old record of fourteen thousand in one day and he says he's not surprised that he's getting calls from all over the state
about the mall's presence but he takes it all in stride and he tells others to as well many of the calls are from anthem of flicks people who are afraid of in sex but many more of them were from people who just want to know how to get rid of that unfortunately those people are out of luck i'm going to write it but you state entomologist bombard find does offer one consolation just be patient for a few more days and the moths will fly on within a week he predicts you won't even remember them oh one more thing though these army cuts or moss are due to be out of the area within just a week or so fine does warn that other months will probably then take their place and then it's mosquito season so face a life within sex is probably here to stay at least for the summer and hutchinson i'm david miller fb
we've been now looking at these communities for about eight years now in terms of with people and that's really the whole fact of america which is a measure of the relative strength of the community and we found that the elephants they have shifted around quite a bit in an immense and what's happened in the nation can strangle from what that they've really began to the metro area and for more to urban county and will have been a major to ship did dirty to one of those hits come as a surprise yes because when i first was looking at the pull factor back in nineteen eighty three and using it to data in web and an older well and they want to be me to see that much strife in rural areas could i was used to seeing raised
the week but in commanders at that particular time because of the terrible conditions of a quarter an oil and gas prices there was a lot of dollars flowing out of world trade and then an aid but now the economic strain seems to have shifted to the east and more americans didn't catch you off guard it became quite fat quite strong and it should note much as it surprises me how quickly and wholeheartedly it and we were able to track that and the counties that were hit hardest were those which were dependent on oil and gas industry might be and all the services that go with it and i was surprised that it now a lot of that strain has come back not a hypothetical factories they wrote the measure of strength and those poll taxes which we're going at one point at one point six have not come back in western kansas
there's five one point five and four candidate which is local in a building and on it letterman am and you want to go with since you spent some time looking at all these different communities and an arizona state which is that you're in a business of ranking the economically viable and the economically weaker areas of the state no my job is to help communities that economic future where they're starting from a weak base were strong base and so my job is to help point out where at a week where the strong what their opportunities are what the problem and now the effort is to take them to a strategic plan process so they can make the best of the strikes minimize the weaknesses and take advantage of opportunities to be stronger tomorrow the air today but so the driver a couple of examples here if you can do this for the moment let's consider wichita sedgwick county what
to what's going on there make it that i think is very touching and the wife partnership and i think that that had a tremendous problem for the nih what i worry about is an episode called the report is that the politics of the city are not going to be a supporter of the white party i think that the greater threat in which tom let's consider so on okay so i have done a lot of good things like the american position there are it's essential trade area where the central job location people commuting there for a variety of good reasons they're also an educational center there there a weakness if i had to have that one thing was to concentrate a lot of recruitment of industry road and retention expansion and the creation of view entrepreneur efforts and i think that they are going beyond that recruitment only strategy but that was a weakness
that is right now working on the blank page economic development effort is made a process to reach a strategic plan but they have no definite mechanism that is really redesign out for groups that are doing this and so right now they're a little bit antsy and how to proceed because no one's laid out a strategic planning process for them for and therefore they have no roadmap to follow i don't know for sure but certainly at the very good community ever and it galvanized region in particular they can focus on that and we have a lot of very strong point that they have to bank on end this focusing and they will bring the community together and all when this will be a good expensive bill they'll just bring more from and do more to middle managers income goes slowly for granted that
and i'm hoping the process continues and forties read that we just keep fighting effort is being made locally rather than outside and i know when that way you have an objective party leaves or the process will mean that that's a really strong a program that gives them some good ideas and good outcomes well one thing about amy about concordia when i worked with them is that they were not willing to look at themselves from a regional perspective the strategic planning process invitation really be a cloud of the county together because they really need to look equestrian alternative there just are not enough capital strength in the area without question who took me together for one big effort to see a similar situation in the great bend area great band has struggled to find their economic community
together and they've had some hard times i think that down there working awfully hard at it i'm not sure exactly where they're going to know what the outcome is we were lived a good spokesman for the inmates you've been working with inventors and i think a lot of things will come out of that engages group but i don't know exactly where they are in the process of economic development as they will along with their they have a lot of fun they're strutting hard to get cluttered retain and improve their situation that was well mcconnell again and i did notice that on your released study at one of the county's and one of them the urban areas that didn't make it as say economically strong place was revealed that i didn't have what do you think indicated for years to compare yourself to a white county to see how you're doing compared to appear community someone that you'd be willing to compare yourself to as being similar and then you compare yourself to the nearest trade center
that you relate to as being the strongest area and your whole wheat in the reno county compared to say let's create a full line of saline county is low saline county three point four five five will punish by the neck and two point eight six one and compared to the county which is the strongest at the region about which part three point six or four so they are not showing up and getting as much strength and i think the people and reno county were like that was a lot of good things going on and i had a lot of great community that all that effort and i'm sure that they all pale dr david darling is a professor of economics and tasted in hutchinson i'm david miller
Various News Segments
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Radio Kansas (Hutchinson, Kansas)
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Segment Description
Collection of news segments reported by David Nailer featuring the topics of Eureka Downs Race Track and the Special Olympics.
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News Report
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Kansas News
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Interviewee: Klaassen, Dick
Producing Organization: KHCC
Reporter: Nailer, David
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-55a16c0794d (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
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Chicago: “Various News Segments,” 1990-05-01, Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 28, 2024,
MLA: “Various News Segments.” 1990-05-01. Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 28, 2024. <>.
APA: Various News Segments. Boston, MA: Radio Kansas, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from