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fb this is the same as always well you never meet the same tie twice that's the interesting thing about champions finally got their own thing going for them their own thoughts their own ideas some in traverse summer extrovert song la have a way about them where they can handle situations of all kinds champions change from the old days the new days
where in the old days the manager did the talking for them or their pr guy or the yacht second or train or whatever but it changed because today he's champion has to be a put yourself well outside of his profession as well as in his profession was going to be good from both ends because today's media demands talk to star oddly enough the father converted that was muhammad ali because he was the most available superstar of our era he was that it used to get to i pride myself about a little bit ago i always said seize people's event i point mac camera see the fall of the pencil laypeople the radio guys aligned with a semi says something about our profession and the professional athletics the worst thing it happened he was silence good have nobody knows about what's going on here in all kinds of trouble still champion has to be special because again to give himself
more than the usual type individual got a lot of notoriety gonna take that feeling of being recognized he can show on the public and the public demands to see that woman talk to solve your champion you'll be able to handle that that's a necessity this was not the same individuals the lover of people decent individual always was nice to everybody we were short it on the street you stop and talk to your stature do not govern his thinking oh where these forty or not know really your big person board birth to make no difference to go to buy with our level would have lost
people had some special about him and it projected a wall where every he did wherever he went he said was the president all he has such great reflexes great loss in the coronation of the delays and the hands are very important you know what a fire or mama had to quit yes he had much more than that going for the ability to bounce in and out movement the side to side for a big fire was unheard of a bengal blown forward by ax i'd sides sliding gliding never lose your pride and my pastor cause of muhammad had great balance great fighter i'm lisa graves have with other the seat and on the people argue with that because a hypothetical but the question quickly by
city from the early hero say they were better but actually they are raised a bigger people on the stand back in the old days jack johnson was six foot span i'm yours was told mama was six three to fifty so the race got bigger so mama was the beginning of super heavyweight but a great balance that week alone we had the people we had a carneiro that what was clumsy no balance no bounds you know like an ogre like it was that it was around it the older guys are so much smaller he looked out of place but the thing was that people now so well coordinated we have a different thing happening right now sports la la was a fun trip from the first day i met a just been a joy to be witty was a tiny instrument like the war or lucky woman all wasn't the first guy in a gym
last night leaving enjoy say well we've got limited a limit clean up the gemini bungee the formula just caving in and they're not sit in the right order the lover of fighters it would work and maybe less valid he died when he threw working only sit down talk to people relax which is necessity you gotta learn through work he said not relax observe she was happening cause i like my fighters have peripheral working on saddam was still at work they might pick up suddenly my learn good one boxing specifically as slow teach is not a quick teach you still teach it stays at it permeates that the individual defy some picking up quicker others don't but the thing is it is a slow teach now like about him loved the work to ensure that at least a walk from over town from all over town in miami used to run from over town to miami beach with that the washer that never come to my seven eight miles run their workout
run back many tentacles from police listens is not run the cost the cost was a good mother really was pretty bubbly about mama could've been great when every tribe but actually was never athletically inclined for anything else but boxing ever like actually the tight end there could have been something else in those for mama told jim brown the river it was very friendly than tj raza i would do and usually when you do is a talented eye strain and then you i don't know where but the one guy in front of me and mama was that donaghy yesterday just as you are to be alive so easy well he was all he wants split second ahead of cleveland waits clean was a very dangerous butcher but mama got the shots and before cleveland that the exciting thing about that like that was my moment hidden in
there you buy them and had straightened out and an emailed them and the guy really you knock them down three or four times of the tremendous exhibition of speed quickness reflects the source says those days are still coronation balls or four he was considered quick fess quicksands good carpenter but mom always was there will split second before it shuts down and there was a very gay support you couldn't go to sleep with him to eddie sharp been aware what you're doing and soar forties a great for him a tragic would have the big guy you know and they're whenever i talk about the dangers of sports supporting this outside and within the sport
this is what i do and i do this will let people were different ballgame when mom because i had and make him feel like he was the innovator he had to be the guy i called iran the milberg pushed up like a peachy where i would make it feel like say easily jim hypothetically sparring for publicly jabs succumbs out i see you know a left hook you throughout the jail was perfect the bows was perfectly better let me turn your body into a great movement great shock would do it the next day off or what i told and then the upper cuts i worked on every point in the book with this kit and they don't feel that he was a guy that was like what a red jacket like the waits were left out dynamite sensational never had a push in the war i had to stop the more say i don't want to put a guess to make tough guys early
on you were lots of the surprise early on but i'm a firm believer of not take a lot of my fire originated place the gymnasium place where your school tesco as we learn how to handle was in the gym i don't believe in june fighters mama never won decision his whole career or begin with work with people never wanted the search never scored america he took about thriller ninety nine tons of salted or not be me believing that not done has some fun with guys and the guys would freeze up say or knocked down momentarily but never fully warped kind of condition despite what most important and the raid into five years and he's just this is something that doesn't want a stock is
or what happens to elite seem to be the last ones but you got a hope and praising you realize at the time was that that too much of a toll on the physical being mom rally uk compare any other individual is mohamad ali was the type of individual no money will make up his mind he made up his own money and nobody could try the more you try to talk them into fact i blame myself what mom because i actually told him please forget about how much more can you do what you've done for boxing that was a mistake cigarette i was the one that was innovative and that i should've said continue fight go ahead go take a lake and that what's and so this way we stopped is that
right sure one thing about it is that you can actually push a backstop know or somebody they resent that they feel they're the guys that did it they'd i think is their god given rights to stop what they want to and like i said earlier i hope they stop and time whereas take too much full on the well being of the physical body as far as muhammad is nothing what mohammad yama partisan syndrome the kid takes is mostly fine if he doesn't at least on a monday morning blues for sharpness of the mine that bird up one copy to shoppers eikenberry thank you momma created he was the flip sharp smart bouncy kid and that's the picture people won't remember about him like a mama they say today's for fifteen rounds
myself look soap were your river three or four different you don't approve that they saw this what mama had overcome that is not the same god and i think he gets some aspersions toward howard cosell he said you're not the man you were ten years ago lisa morehouse i spoke to wipe yesterday she told me you're not the man you were week ago yes so this is something you know that the dough on what the i'm actually not the same time but for his sharpness martin is where every cause we weren't we speak the show which is often we discuss the guys in the gym yes we asked soviet is as most or is now more fraught issue is the old timer he asked me how brother chris is because a two story about chris and i would walk through town in kentucky and that those little guy there and is what the masri says he says cash as he says do you know the bundys like i said i don't well it's a good
customers good for us of the three gold groups and secondly jacqueline or is there by rolling the major ways with its would love an aberration is a nice guy can i was a gangster our block was another gangster called my dad mickey rooney what will surely does all of thing about but forget that when he left is not going to be by like that you know champion rowan champion muhammad roland larry holmes pickle larry holmes wanted bin mohammad now they're all different and i thought larry myself as a lie don't try to be mom you're pretty good cooking yourself your nice in a merger a good get your act of a fighter but you can do more i enjoy were going along they're all different to work with you work on specific type of
things she got image you know try to make him a bully can you try to match up astronomy try to make it real short the teaching of charlie golden years ago taught me that you know he gets up duis what's there that's a geyser because tree i'm actually utilize a jab of the move that's all according to the individual you're working with so much you can do rocky marciano charlie bolden the great job be made and small five olympic swimming below short i had to reach for the thing is that i work with you and that's with a jew hath hamas they give you can penetrate into your thinking how much you can drive to and learned their interests in herself i had and i said i knew they wanted specific things in life a fighter say what fourteen all as life is trying to get a house that was first why tuesday's at this in my book and report when his name was johnnie hold and he was fine lesser charges to a hectic the language of pondering it there's a gate you don't take that data that was built a sill
i thought i saw what you do i said this guy's taking a house from it would be a lot of it went out to stop atrocity got you know you learn the subject what want to get the most out of them so we got across something of a badger sunday get talk to like to kill your son is different however approach what you learn is you laurel what brings the best fighters but when thomas gave great practical bunch of isis what there's a slogan for you surely makes me laugh by that people most happy i think a happy individuals a better individual emotion champions in all sports are happy people they're really no they'd be happy with life then they can perceive better after luce's that goes hunting with our mothers used to tell us both probably have to re record your face you ever smile as easier and is better for the muscles in your face so this is a champion the campaign while at
the end people and played that crack and it was a very good cry technique these days there's actually doesn't blink lives like is like a snake and an orange and also a water moccasin or rattlesnake hysterical person and don't blink try to make a bully bully never blinked you're right because of blinked ago time so he says they're actually get that get the job done sen kerry says some of his generation when you work with champions you realize from their background we have
some without the background like him you know sort of situation i was the last of five ray was young says the brothers got any doubts i was handed out to solicit we would relate to each other with that this was how it was finally warmed his love of family god and abbas in gaza look his father got sick different type relationship my project with that relationship he was a different path to sell he was home cooking he was the kid never ever buy around the block when they get to me we start out in a baltimore washington writing this whole area which is a great melting pot for boxing and they had sort of adopted this kid and this is wonderful but you gotta have that gotta have that local field that local touch because if you rise to one occasion champion first they fought the first time before it was to take them out to dinner and he had a hammer she's like great you know so you know when you're
young you can overcome a lot of banks just on that is like a furnace so you never persevere what you're making me they like to eat whatever is smart calculation evaluate his opponent rio well i discussed things that the shortcomings of his opponents so you take advantage of it made vice a jew you know sideways seventh it slide let michael will be the same so the group of slightly yourself if the guy was a good ride him bomber so naim actually a float away from the right age and that i was going through the right uppercut off or land at one time he fell in with a kid named lilly rodriguez and he got mail the best left to the sole boss author of came off the guy and electro car you do it anymore thank god it wasn't there that he had a huge property get knocked out in a poetry a perfect much cause
punching people most people realize a lot it's not your heaviness of the punch is the point you know civil not get up so this one happened with fighters right now was shot even say he got while you overcame it could have a glitch in a very very strong individual good runner could've been a track star ray romano anybody i let them this simple reason you saw hard work as usual he had the problem is hans early a week on record that the core as you do certain things with pains to do certain things with their running you do certain things with the gymnasium workouts but people will realize five years were very hard coulson it was actually june that also they work not only what they do in the ring gaza fighting could spark nine million arousal get into condition than he needs is the running this a table and as their work that when i workout originated it's not all starry
eyed the first lunar mission resources mentioned you make me feel good actually want to the new land reform bad fight call psychological warfare reporter emily the line worker muhammad ali there are different types i use a street tough kid who was insulting or a rich a cigar really want my mint and before the fight this a week before in montreal and i think he was adopted by the montreal france the government either rough tough individual from way back to johnny greco basin the tough guys on the sidewalk
and the guys they had their own canada not a french france followed reverberate i tolerate one of the re won a punishment but to refine it will punish a guy you know like a guy by fighting their fight your fight your fight and ray the second time around eleven site and that let him bother him psychologically ray was really shook up but the rate like i said earlier on is a nice kid whole cooking gentleman yes or no that type of individual and here describes corner of inimitable ann is give them my size it was moving very slowly from riverside let's leave a finger behind what he's doing the right thing for his wife rachelle about reading couldn't stand the biggest race not that kind of a kid it's a nice kid as europe
all year we went up there on the gun in the biggest spectacle about the beard about the murder has been about the length of the beard because not add cleanliness you cannot scratcher levi's facial and earned bachelors and was not beneficial far as a guarantee or maybe because my fire because of the dirty beard and filthy instrument that weapon so we had written would've been a boredom appeared i think we have the reverse effect we shook up the guys and i did that with a big i want an old ford doug jones in the garden a political risk mark and then there was a new thing the new impact the mai kai wasn't going to talk don't talk like a giant banner that shook up because i was going to make him talk because when mama till things happen but did that would the bearded reverse type of effect we'd gotten away and just thinking about the way it is that when a cheddar it's way early on they checked in on a on a shaky platform i think the red make the weight but then realize that the shaky platform
a down proper weight so what we did when we look through a curtain your jacket is way we went in behind the rescue work for a solid foundation and a proper what reagan made the way these what i think the remains that the we made because right after the way in the rye was bustling little luck raise humanity like a crazy met an emblem on it really shook up because he really drains of god knows what that and out what happened with the radio as a champion also a fighter jet i thought realistically there's no quick and fire no quick didn't actually kill younger thing he's got what happened there was he felt that was the right way to go out a second fight so you know so much about what a man her more at that matter he would not knock out that michael moray was really on ray was really why didn't a lot of that city no
trade in the region as a change and trade decisions in the dogs i wear all different we have a different approach the guys that are in the profession right now to have their own way of handling fires way that we think with fighters i don't think it's changed that much i think the essential part of boxing is running the training the proper training in a gymnasium starting over training its article and what that the guy's a young kid they need to make and burned on all fours with a visa lohman all the us or a tone down the training and all the way some guy out before you say no fly such thing as where a guy out too much of everything and so a lot of things happened and it would have burned a kale inside the ring outside the ring that they support also know i don't think the train has changed that much i think that has got to live that's naturally
i think what's that more vets i think all the athletes themselves recommendations for speeding as far as though taking care of themselves i think ts follows or champion ana guys arrived to burn doctor have to hang around and make sure to do the right thing that we're doing right think they know to be the best at what they do they must be right did you hear that bob literature great cut men's cut the way you're qualified or you know what you'll learn learn technique what works which are for certain types of culture treated individually different all this pure simple you must have to call it when the first idea as the cleanup before the way to blow apply
pressure to cut were religious now your book different type of pressure on a cot if it's all a different port area be caught the lord's sake i discovered in this area here well eighty people would think there will be a difficult place to stop is the easiest place stop station there what you do is you put a quiet pressure what you what would lead people to pressure opened the cut but the quiet and the fresh basil e away from the eye slice of a little bit of technical and a warm full makeup so a brush it up away from the eyes of the world the cornea it got ahead cuts are a simple cut stuff you can put a big blob agrees on a couple pressure big blob agrees just wasn't doesn't get water on it just wasn't doesn't get air on it should stop the easiest ones june carter not that difficult spot and nosebleeds a breezy stop if you know what you're doing you don't use a q tip is to declare that makes an apartment they are alive they're
bed their detriment good good you're going to get your team in your pocket is on a five star the star of course that's so use gasbag an apparent a cut and like i say before if you get a cut like mostly you never use a q tip into good luck their tissue what you didn't play god given the environment short of course would undercut the little pressure on it sold corn or silos it's in the little prince double in the quick here they'll stop the bleeding sort of corn a wok cut the fighter has the way you were treated because it goes more into other things a bust only a buck twenty one as liz no mistake about it is it's the way the technique of panic like i got an awful lot of practice and i'm not trying to be funny we promise of you used the bus company for an all time shapes all sizes and i'll never stop worker i worked twenty eight years and that was my specific thing i take care of his cuts but also got to be more friendly with the young
man and when i travel out together with the trade jokes all time an ice against the floridian jokes he would give me this syracuse jokes was a train back to mangle jokes they were pretty bad personally because you know well you won one the cost over and a short a costume and ashley miller finest vision he had not your cup one time and that common era when he forked earl robinson i know that there are second fight comments sum up and operational on the current pop both his eye and that the boy had no place to go through the island closely what we don't belong here cut the most difficult kind of the one the transcribing but the one simple all we've done in the year and already here most your cousin
not caused by poachers very rarely they're mostly by head butts elbows bombs but never very rarely by barge an uppercut make was a cut what's a lot because what's happening but we have now was perfect it's always been a weekly it cuts we also we were giving away from family never have been some good work done a lot already have foam attached would say thank you can earn a case about greece sleepiness is thoughtful sleep want to make a proper faces one of the most beloved never called around the united states only in iraq not a coming out about love with detachment we came from a fight and i'm happy for that because funding has been a real book about the line let's talk about the first was the loss of his visits
a year you so and talk about it as the passions well they took the fight was among the longer doctor got caught up in the hype and everything else and mama was challenging the bear right up until the way so and so jumping all over the joint and everything else and the lot the robins alexander still lives here he said maine's crazy guy's a nervous wreck peace get to that i think none of that i was all them back but one finger i was pushing them to get off in time i didn't like it and it was a big show so what people don't know he rehearsed the show twice we wanted a way and there was nobody at a reluctant to worry and we were often the phone the conventional are back in a conventional year and he had a big entourage people he had begun for us behind them and the
bigger dog's gone we get the mail we get the beverage girls came in from chicago always looking ladies and wheat sugar ray was working so that the best men in boxing show or a there was nobody there so i went back into the water at sea what other recourse to know what happened forty pacheco better than the act would be with this window i brought back a momma's house which was warned us forty eight straight on the northwest section and i brought him back and made him examples for us and the position that we took his blood pressure and he took his temperature everything was normal sahgal bp upi had not object lawyer by guys fight by mr bush won the fight canceling the fight we got to get ready we want to remember dresser says he might not
Black Champions
Raw Footage
Interview with Angelo Dundee
Producing Organization
Miles Educational Film Productions, Inc.
Contributing Organization
Film and Media Archive, Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)
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Program Description
Documentary honoring African American athletes and their accomplishments throughout the 20th century.
Raw Footage Description
Interview with Angelo Dundee conducted for Black Champions. Discussion centers on his career training multiple boxers, but focusing primarily on his work with Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray Leonard.
Created Date
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Raw Footage
Sports--United States; African American athletes; Discrimination in sports
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Moving Image
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Interviewee: Dundee, Angelo
Interviewer: Riley, Clayton, 1935-2011
Producing Organization: Miles Educational Film Productions, Inc.
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Film & Media Archive, Washington University in St. Louis
Identifier: cpb-aacip-9e3c434fbf6 (Filename)
Format: 16mm film
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Black Champions; Interview with Angelo Dundee,” 1985-11-04, Film and Media Archive, Washington University in St. Louis, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 10, 2024,
MLA: “Black Champions; Interview with Angelo Dundee.” 1985-11-04. Film and Media Archive, Washington University in St. Louis, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 10, 2024. <>.
APA: Black Champions; Interview with Angelo Dundee. Boston, MA: Film and Media Archive, Washington University in St. Louis, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from