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larry you do owe or syrians as ar a va and see a progressive white or on schools because she's an awesome artist annie with his research into her she's probably one of the greatest or when the greats of that isis is but it was it was actually a kind of keynote her loans worth about three years ago when ice oliver quilts at the gallery and end up dances mccarter love the subject billie holiday and after by an epoch well i was like to know more about the artists like let's and lb did some research on her hand and that email and her and me her and realize that my god she's like one of the great or one of the grayer is the one the greatest on the piano quilting artist and in the world
and she's here in cincinnati and she's awesome and i guess also a i liked well the subject matter love or quilts because it's from x experiences that either she's had or people that she knows had are things that have actually happened yet you know golly it became we're over london feels like house is now so jealous corporate jets it in really warm as you know eric and carolyn i never collected quilts secure loans really the first artist like lighted on quilts and since then i've done some research and there are some cool makers out there but i just i really look here land i think the fact that i've
met her hands on that's letting them if i can meet artist i really enjoyed that process they like to get to know it and then you know what made into the quilting what was behind it was nice to know that it's great with living artist you can actually talk to them so you know i really haven't and i really don't desire to cut anybody else's quotes some years carolyn is yes a lot of the bowlful all fire of energy i mean she has just got a huge personalities she is an interior sweet kind woman who started this network for women quarters and what's really sweet is to win in a fight by a call from hershey gives that money to that to the women school network harman says she is just a very sweet soul of that she does things for other people aren't she's just the lady you know not the fact that she's awesome awesome artist is kind of you know double bonus
really probably strange for it along its a quilt with billie holiday on it and there's a lot of images of mention there's also the words to the song strange fruit which combine kale and literally all this which is very cool that to hear all this story but back when billy holiday easter closer shows she would sing strange fruit and that's worse back in the day when the lynchings were very prevalent and that's what i talked about was was the lynchings and i'm the type of collector who i mean if i don't collect like pretty arch i don't like like pre landscapes are you know one is i like about art and contemporary artists about real life issues it's about things that have gone on in someone's life or going on now are gone and that's why i like to bring our strange fruit is a very very tough piece to to look at but it's what it represents because i was a part of history i mean that's what happens
in this country and of course when you think summer's things took on some respect today but it's just because it's you know this is what people endured that makes it so i just a phenomenal quilt it's just saddens me to know that you know anybody was treated like that and this is as far as her answers vary again this year will my favorite quote careless would probably be strange fruit on i have three quotes and that was probably my favorite only because what it depicts its armed identical like what i tend to collect on art that is more contemporary nature words talking about you know on some things and was
gone through a situation and promotions feelings on events you know tom this depicts something that went on on in our country and probably anything about not that long ago on air talks about the lynchings that occurred on piano has billie holiday on it and she used to and her songs are her sets when she's reform back in the day with the words or the music to strange fruit which i and was read and to talk about them and lynchings that occurred and i think when the reasons that i think i like it is because it's just it's tough it's tough but it's real i mean this is what happened i am unfortunately would allow most are locals tell a story a narrative you said elements
i have said and sending inmates and then it says that they were all those ripples tell stories and also have your music right right so awesome is all all those pieces of the cheese somehow yes it probably two to three quarts along till story that i have a man armed the stories that they tell are true and forcibly the stories that they tell or sand but what happened to know and the strange phrase about lynchings know what happened in that the comfort women what these women had into war on back in during the war and whatnot so i think i am to me it's because it's
it's true it's what happened and armed that's that's why i think i gravitated to those pieces because they're powerful nice butt the libyan pictures too and they are where african american girls important pointers arm i think because along anywhere you look in history and you look at all the clothing that's been done in the past and now it's a double has been done by african american women and honestly i think i am two that they are just they had the talent on and they had the stories and i think all that together isn't about that speaks speaks to me as a collector on you know like what i mean it was and i clicked and different genres and different things and all for wanted a collector when an artist written for a while make like african american artist and it just has to do with to me just what
the representation of those artists speak and what they're saying in their work and makes a very powerful for me and you i'm going to get you is that president havel says that day is the creek when we can use our walkers that probably had a big way is she has a web site and pursue every one that works arts mean that's really how i do a lot like letting his i go online in you know search for argus research different types of art i think also armed she hears some work here and to show at the art museum says mac n e and you know when the best ways for people see your artist to see your art and to be able to see it in a very like a museum and sincere
museum of course is the chill here in the city on a meaning that was one of the ways that people locally no better i didn't even know about her work and i knew what i was collecting because i really wasn't clicking called save really thought about looking into including artist was until i saw her her work at cross always gallery that was that billie holiday peace on the strange fruit that actually a big billie holiday piece that i've actually know more about her and when you collect huge you start investigating duerr artist and what they do and what they've done in your they're going and so i think you know she's got readings even have or i think she's just she's that third grade your work you know when i i think is subjective from e m u n i buy art i don't buy art based on what its value is now are aware
that its values going to be any monetary florida i buy what i like typically when i buy art by a poison to buy art that has a pre she ate it and value if you will to have things praising you look at that i think there is a big demand on as a free search a big demand and quirky artist because of all the time that it takes for these women to do one cult and the fact that a lot of them are much older anyone things keller's doing is trying to arm the younger women involved in the process in a new art form because it's as you know when they get older and using your hands i mean there're arthritis and things you can do things he used to if you're truly using your hands to have to do the work so no i think i'll secure lawn is his degree about trying to mentor young young women artists to take the craft so to me it's really not about the value mean to me the value is in
what's in my heart and what the piece of this piece speaks to me that's the value for that where's mom and easier for young adults with glenn close within an hour an aria says the furloughs full speed you're saying i want to go probably most and that's the message and it's when a first look at something all gravitate to something and half the time i will not know why and then when france's when she tells me more like i gravitated to strange for it i could tell right away that it represented lynchings and things like that of the risk there is more in the piece in an analysis anything a way of of glint worst things that somehow speak to me but also when
i find out more about the piece there's so much more involved in the work that it's like wow you know it's i don't know it's weird but it's just something thats a knack my hat here comes the other one the last night here that the debt that he's into something of yourself safe i'll kelley has a couple years ago and you were leaving the actor and closing would be today you know i don't know i know there ended of her one of her contemporaries as its faith ringgold and she's a very well known in the world's average american culture and calm and as she's had a great following on but it but i think caroline has just done so much for the whole entergy women quarters african american cultures for the whole not just one person some light careless been looking up for caroline cows looking out for the whole arts which i think is awesome she
doing to make sure that quote is preserved that what has been done you know goes on and she's looking to bring like et cetera where younger women into the fold trying to get them interested in the arts so i think you're once trying to know preserve what's what's come before her hand what's come after her if that is someday when carol's iran i think when i care law's goals is is that this art form continues on on it and she's not and she's won the best product people there to see it is that went away are administered at nsa and think on what we think the futures of actor in bolt collecting you know i think it's like any art form in at each different segment you know always does well and there's ways that you're falling for it aren't certainly there are a lot of people that like welles and even just like a carillon that you know there's
ice it realize the number of collectors out there and institutions that have a big quilt you know complex in their in their collections you know it's like anything i think i think it's all is that someone's oyster know when it collected so i think like most art and you know it does over there really be a problem that there are always going to collectors and thanked an astronomer and institutions that want to work so you don't know now you know it's scary to me it's very cool that i mean well the thing is for me and it i really strive on collecting i have oh bless you a lot of national international force my collection but when things it was i think it's important to collect and take care of her local artist said that's really important me and i have a lot of local club one of a chorus of my collection and people will tell
you the community it was parcel to me they want me because i do that because i think it's important that in cincinnati as you know we all agree are scenario we should certainly support them we were you know you were you i went one of things i spy strive to do is and collecting for zelaya to you know help artist from you know national international my collection for one is an exemplary do i strive to buy and support the work of local artist this week cincinnati have so many wonderful talented artist in our area and i think it's important to collectors support them so and i always try to do that and i think i always do that well i wonder though i'll
actually right now i don't know i think you've now unless there's any also we need of humans you argue that last question liz's you never know you never know i'll talk about what they will write to me it's important as a collector to collect artist better from cincinnati and her local area because to me we had a lot of great artists in our community and as a collector i always strive to collect and support the work of local artist now they have to be gutted i don't just to collect them to collect them but honestly we have so many wonderful i am arsons community that i wish more collectors would also didn't know other collectors like the big names you're the war calls and all that and that's fine and i have this in my collection to but i think it's really cool that
vanguard is that you know ours that you can see on the street or in the museum's in the lunch where they're have coffee worth it i think that's a great thing i think letters letters needed to the carolinas deftly one of them twenty seconds it's been our
Traditions: Ohio Heritage Fellows
Episode Number
Raw Footage
Sara Vance interview
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ThinkTV (Dayton, Ohio)
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Episode Description
Raw interview with Sara Vance, discussing Carolyn Mazloomi, master quilter and founder of the Women of Color Quilters Network.
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Producing Organization: ThinkTV
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Identifier: Sara_Vance_interview_re_Carolyn_Mazloomi (ThinkTV)
Duration: 0:19:28
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Chicago: “Traditions: Ohio Heritage Fellows; 102; Sara Vance interview,” ThinkTV, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 9, 2024,
MLA: “Traditions: Ohio Heritage Fellows; 102; Sara Vance interview.” ThinkTV, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 9, 2024. <>.
APA: Traditions: Ohio Heritage Fellows; 102; Sara Vance interview. Boston, MA: ThinkTV, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from