Walt Rostow discusses American History regarding politics of growth and and the Politics of high mass consumption
- Transcript
davies he's been thanks dave the poems this concept of the likely to bring in copies next time for you have what makes an extra xerox's century
so they're noticed of a kind of a lot of the validation of one of our sample propositions in yesterday's boston newspaper with disability upcoming senate debate on baby and militarism vs social progress you'd be an issue may be a bit more complex than that but the allocation of scarce resources between welfare and security purposes it's a fairly vivid currently one other thing i noticed in yesterday's of us news and world report which that to my office at the end an article by the protest my boots on the use of drones but isn't that part of it that i commend you for next weeks plus towards the end he discusses in terms almost like a casual discussion we had of leopold and
brooks that makes the attitudes of younger generation this country bits of office they can image and you might want to read it as we come next time to the politics of societies are searching for quality today we're going to have to think but first we're going to take a day at a sweep through american history checking out the extent to which the central propositions that we developed about the politics in various stages of growth do or don't apply to the story in american history if most of course beer and
a very brisk survey but it should give us some sense of the extent to which the story of our country is part of the general story at least as we have you do thus farthest chairman also has some insight into what is unique about united states just as every other country has unique features important to do this before we came to the politics of high mass consumption which is the central theme of today's seminar because to arrive at the age of henry ford in suburbia in middletown in middletown in transition all that without any historical background it seemed a bit misleading all and she won the reasons we haven't done more on american history is that i assume i know from our conversations which had you
know a great thing about american history well as i thought a proper start off with this quick sweep through knowing as we do that any such a quick survey there's bound to be upbeat leave it allowed him to do with extremely complex matters so in a somewhat over some way i recall the kinds of questions that we look we've raised about the politics of these stages all turn let me first i pose a few of the questions were a mask of american history was there a pre takeoff conflict between the modernizing its been something one michael a traditional society remember week we had a session looking at it than many countries as to what the political round up was like to the period before take off and what kinds of modernizing
versus traditional conflicts that we're now obviously united states is special in the sense to which i'll return now or less we'll pose that question and the second was there are a kind of pre take off aye shuffling of the balance of power within the political life of a society next was there in the early stages of growth of evidence of the typical new demands on government funding certain government outputs on was there any evidence of a temptation in the early stages of
us modernization for what we call a limited regional aggression what did we show some of the symptoms let's say of bismarck in the small wars and japanese women began to feel their oats and seventy nine early part of the century in the dr to technological maturity was there as industrialization rorabaugh meza dean acheson for what we've seen other countries' a kind of revolt against industrialization an attempt to temper its harshness the united states that shows that came to technological maturity any of the temptations to a pursue larger security objectives in the world as the society urbanized with industrialization was there a new assertiveness on the part of labor
was there a parallel of the movement towards socialism and union isn't that we've observed different ways and some of the stage i just recall those to get a sense of what we're checking out here now what's special about the ninth grades first instances of course that in a phrase which i believe back to poke phil and jack first found in the work of us are parts where we were a society born free that is to say we do an offshoot of the society which was already a question of which michael very early stage of precondition million british notably those british who tended to come here seventeenth century women who
started as a turbulent era and some of those is a nonconformist notably who later represented strong modernizing elements of british society were among those that came to the united states but even those who came in a more traditional seventeenth century british low art came to an environment which in terms of both the land availability is that the end challenges wilderness frontier and also the importance of trade in this colonial hero were more modern types of me and then let us at every gene in british society we got to remember however that there was a traditional society in america and there was a struggle
against mainly via struggle of pushback and suppressant and for unions and that is the theme that runs throughout a good deal of our early history and there was also something else as a result of the cotton revolution that we established the kind of neo traditional society in the slave south of the dynamics of what happened in the north of england the application of an effect of a modern manufacturing methods to cotton textiles combined with you know these cotton gin leo the system of slavery
which showed that some signs of withering away fourteen of the eighteen century the only sign of life and so but the interplay between our society and british industrialization brought about a hardening an expansion of the slave system and in some ways if you like really a struggle against a traditional society united states senate in one sentence or for many other dimensions returning out of the eighteenth century an event of great importance was the war a seven year for victory in french in north america on the one hand and the british and columnist fighting against them but to the americans who fought with the british media
a sense of confidence but also gave the media in their own minds at least a certain leverage over the british post war often does it tended to tighten the status of them ended up apart and were needed during the war i on the other hand more increased the security costs to the british government and it was after seventeen sixty three when it took stock of their finances that they began to put pressure on the congress to pay what they felt in london to be a fair share of the burns of a finance in college and part of this came of course the struggle leading down to seventeen seventy six of all let me and say that you have as a background to the
american revolution hack the process related war in these two ways about the heart of the controversy was a controversy over the status of of colonists who claimed their rights as anguished and attended the playwright's of englishman that the tories at least in georgia third we're not going to recognize in britain so that though there was a very deep constitutional questions involved in what was for a time at least a fairly temperate constitutional debate the bridge wings out looking for tolerance on the a palace so i'm a position because so they were fighting for if you just had a family resemblance to the columnist you and you recall in british history
domestic situation wasn't georgia third trying for a time succeeded and bypassing the parliamentary resolution came on sixteen at eight which gave the pars pour not by challenging the dispensation of sixteen at it directly but by aligning himself up with one party the trees and being quite successful and in using the parliament and the manipulation to keep the power the war came and was fought under the articles of confederation in a very loose governmental system has one reads over the stories in war a specially george russians various read over the
problems of our ministers so trying to operate on behalf of the general public that with only a parliamentary of a congressional committee behind them and not like serious executive branch it is a miracle that we got through it and we probably would not have gotten through it that the french lines at the last sale we did it and the three person seventy three recognizes nation and there came out there now are two debates in sequence of of great significance for the future the first was the assessment of the viability of the american system of the articles consideration and there in terms of the capture of our course you can see emerging issue because of politics and the constitutional systems
system issues of economics and issues of security all of which converged to persuade them that the last two that they needed a stronger government in politics of course you have rebellion against tax collection you had the problem of multiple currencies being produced by the states the nagging question of the debts during the revolutionary wars you have the problem of the a sensible use of the waterways and then you had
the inability of our diplomats under the system which emerged to get some gardens due respect from the british and others and the presence on the continent of foreign powers and lions which show which were very great significance to the long run future of the country and artisans so a convergence of uneasiness about the ability to maintain their unity just order to provide for the general welfare and provide for the common defense behind which phrases there were in the seventies eighties episode eighty seven specific and real problems and then in philadelphia decided on a stronger federal system my own impression from reading the debates
on the adoption of the american constitution is this that all of the issues we faced which push reluctant state conventions to accept a strong federal system the president meet the fears of intrusion may have been decisive i wish to use statistical rundown and you're making that kind of assessment formally of each state conventions yeah the fear that the external intrusion the more advanced powers i think that is the decisive factor and since then state conventions by and large had the greatest reluctance
passing these powers to it so that was one the debate that preceded ours dr to calm markets and the other was they do like the jefferson county and eight which is the nearest thing to a kind of traditionalist modernizes called jefferson's view that there should be a nation build until now farmers that he recognized me you know for that time unique opportunities we had relatively few people and much land he felt that a society based on private landowner mainly agricultural museum of comparative advantage of would have a firmer base for democracy as he didn't envisage democracy
helen and they're handed nationalist very conscious of the problems of power in the world i'm going to go wash and side through the revolution he was the most explicit at the manufacturers which he really did it in a way not unlike some of the german and russian japanese to national park he made the case for kallus hopes to encourage with industry the media the case of course for the assumption by the federal government of the the debts which conferred or english oh interesting deal of jefferson except a common view on the national debt or the movement of capital around town like your
part of the world where it thought the influence on washington would be most it as often not rhetoric her political rhetoric has one thing the responsibilities of the presidency one another and as president of jefferson had to face opportunities and problems which led him to exercise the powers of the federal government are quite firmly and he announced in at this face of reconciliation we're all federal us now and other things of course so we faced a revolutionary napoleonic wars jefferson tried cut the united states' offerman impact of those wars by soft nine ordinances respect trade
and out of that phase in the middle of the first becky the nineteenth century and then were eighteen twelve we had a year which michael force draft surgeon industrialization states aborted takeoff notably in context of other manufacturers of a simple plaque as well and this collapsed after eighteen fifteen and one british manufactures much cheaper were again available and are the actual first serious these industries nation states took place in new england in the eighteen twenty years much more solidly based in the early experiments and manufacturers and seventy nine kids and i respected wartime efforts
story lol mr eason says the new insurer machinery designs were brought over from britain people form and they faced in lowly plastic problem which is part of the uniqueness of the american story which is how to raise the working force for factories when a much more attractive alternative existed in the form of apple called the good land solution lola initially was too induce and are really comfortable in better circumstances the daughters of the farmers of massachusetts and seven am sure the common worker who lived in barracks poetry is under supervision they had elevated lectures on what emerson and it stayed there and some money for the galleries
and but the point is that the pressure from the beginning on serious american manufacturers to go to relatively capital intensive production methods was present even this infant for his orchestra position leone women's bus tradition spread down and rhode island elsewhere and out of that came out of one of the great take off debates which is the debate about whether we should have passed the issue of tests runs all of them to do so for strategic textiles then we'll respect it when irene comes in and the beginning of the
railroads there's another great debate on the question of public improvements which isn't really a debate as to whether federal fines within rockets as it were or were acquired by the thing and building up roads and canals these were financed by the la canal was built by a state legislature and as we see in the data of the eighteen thirties this state bonds were deeply involved and when that boom collapsed and safe for an american to walk around the city of london because the city of london last month in the state guns we didn't have soft loans in the world them and our state soften the loans but i simply default in part that took about a
decade before the british capital market would've been interested in their investments are in short what i'm saying is that the eu the framework for our political life as formed by the forgotten the constitutional convention shows in play many of the forces that brought about constitutional changes in other countries at this stage of history hamilton jefferson debate was quite explicit on the virtues of industrialization and in a sense the duties of the nation and the general welfare pause to take a leap the air half controversy in the public improvements in the law the federal government involves classic issues if you like them
preconditions are there was a special dimension of american political life and he can about which derive from its economic life which is the land sales and the rhythm of movement to the frontier that if you look at this is a the total us public land sales meeting fourteen nineteen sixty three you'll say that there are three searches one of them immediately after the war at twelve eighteen seventeen at another twenty years of another the thirties rather another in the fifties in the twenties and forties capital stayed in the east another reason for that rhythm is the one that i decided to do
a little time explaining and i made one of my homemade charge just before coming in which is really am in a theory of a lot of fluctuations either on the sideline which is represents abstractly which unlike only equilibrium requirement for land in the united states about that time the requirement for american land was such a massive national export and cotton and so on so the message is we're growing up operations going and there was given to have some kind of equilibrium for now lam was not open in increments as you could see from the chart it was opened up insurgents in which there are three suv and seventeen eighteen when the stylized way that's the eighteenth early nineteen
fifties mr tappan this is the home of the prices of cotton other commodities would rise men would say this is a good time to open up land and take advantage of the leaves they wouldn't go and measure this very finely they would rush into insurgent fact it's very hard to open up land the frontier in small increments they were overdue at the price would fall and then for a while capital instead of flowing and the land grew into context those here in the first phase of renovations which will continue here the nineteen twenties making forties were periods of intensive invest in the east as opposed to extensive investment opening lines so that you haven't actually economist language of the
three elements that the terminus first the fact that the medium judgments made about profitability were made by individual human beings each looking at the same indicator did not measure the consequences of that are all reacting to the same time prices secondly the lobby decision like the opening up and stay to remove their in the frontier to disco the third thing is the period of time it before the mainland began to yield supplies and bring down the price to have period where the illusion that they could walk right of open land with sustained because in london and that gives you a somewhat longer cycle in rome a little lamb usually get for example in the nine year investment cycle route maybe invest in factories or the much shorter into still a
infantry cycles where errors can be corrected more quickly there's an unusual find out their views statement for the mathematicians who may want to play without fear of antioch at detecting politics a similar cycle in fact a i think we can produce a pretty good version of this type of cycle to explain hoffa's listener seniors famously earlier phases of progress is in conservatism in american politics i won't be going to the cities to tell you to clarify little addictive it was people now are you
we also have the questions raised our study in other cases which is whether the newly developed by the early stages of modernization lay claim to political status among the political systems sensitive enough to wrap that plane and when it rots now a combination of the urbanization is taking place in the east they're either a continued rise of commerce and the first phase of the us position plus this movement of men out to the states taking up the land didn't produce jackson's bit of the twenties and finally his victory
and the coming of the new man in the white house in the end of the first generation of the founding fathers record political system reacting as a statement says simply because now the nation there's some question among historians as to just how much the jacksonian coalition foreshadowed the present structure of the democratic party some think the jr in his study jackson over did they served bourbon working man's coalition that the less privileged farmer and so on but rather that they can all and all and weighing that debate is still true that you can see reflected in those in the jacksonian forces into balance a balance of representing that
reflecting the new structure of our social and economic and therefore political life in democracy as the young cities grew and the new loans now the next phase of course of our investigation is tied up with the railroads and i've got three charts here which give them very roughly a picture of what happened from a forty eight and sixty there were some no way to build a notably in the eighteen cities but if you look at that map you'll say that this this what you had were idaho linkages hear an amen and among them below cost in line with the very early line this is the most wonderful line was the
factory floor some others that linked to the ports of new carrier but basically that is not a railway network users in idaho first efforts then in the forties when the east and the london capital market that this abuse the practice of opening up land in the united states between forty and fifty you see the eastern network bill is burned it's a white tidy network will soon say from boston to washington much less in the south course there are but eighteen fifty and sixty at the same time you have that surge
in new lands up to the west and you get a very full and railroad ization of the eastern half of the country i recall from all up what the environment in the world was becky you've had the late forties the food prices and western europe or position the food supply they're only the regime got rid of the corn was real trouble on the continent and of the food price that we price routes and get the attractiveness of opening up the american league women's out to minneapolis so was world basins very great
capitals forthcoming the job was done and i'll be the us this is a very different united states the united states ten years for us and it really created at a different market structure a different relationship our resources and food resources to europe it the transport costs in many directions it's often made available mineral resources and a set of demands for the latest releases the development of the industry you cannot assess the role of roads
in economic development by taking one barrack win but the whole political impact that it had and it is at a decisive moment in our economic history is others but also have quartz profound effects on the civil war first by pushing rallies that far only the issue arose a portion of the west coast the whole question of what the balance power within the country would be if the hole in that area were brought to the united states or raise to what many in the south felt was a moral issue the delicate balances that opening to maintain the previous compromises thinking about a north south simply did not seen viable human
resources prospects for slavery and the rest of western secondly the weavers weren't temperate regions those ties were the south but they come suddenly in the american league is well as cotton and so this is the difference i along with a remarkable steps taken by working in a match kicks off finally of course any of the war was fought in the end in part on the railway basis of the whole operation of the west
so this is work as decisive turning point in the history of the nation as you're likely to find that the writing from technological change the technological change gets routed not only in our own history but in the rhythm of the history of the world now when the war came and the southern congressmen senators are no longer the washing and you could immediately see what the industrial impulse was and what the new upgrades worth it from the country we have to while acts and notably increase in protective tariffs because the south will be an interest in cheek manufacturers have resisted and
terrorists of course throughout this period and there was also the eu as iris i often picture the british market was open them they shared the kind of free trade doctor and south and so i guess so strongly down to its own take off in the nineteen thirties you could be on but as industry was some of the attitudes towards international climate change summit has seen by the railways commitment to give to the railway is a subsidy in the form of land long driveway that these really be completed and then this rather remarkable innovation the setting up of land grant colleges to encourage
training in the technologies of agriculture and mining industry and one of the really are most important structural initiatives taken by any country at the stage of history after the war the north really drove right on up to technological maturity spreading with an existing technology over our resources with great vigor in the stimulant pole position was pushed to the west coast and are that applied to it so nice that to the euro is more advanced industrial bureau ketzel step i
mean simply knew from the beginning we had this bias towards capital intensive labor saving industry another week to discuss group of industries with great vigor and emerged at by the turn of the century as the major as the need that the largest industrial power in the world now comes the question in this phase of course has in a number of other countries the governments stood back and let it happen in our in our society is as many others in the spring the spreading of industrialization out to her other sectors of the government was and was essentially passive than what private industry need to do the job question arises was there a revolt against this industrialization of course
we all know that works with farmers rallying to temper the part of the regime and there was the more gentle rueful against the monopolies that emerged are of that the whole atmosphere been cleared by the formidable for prices that persisted down to the mid nineties and brian perhaps lost the election in ninety six because just that year a festival things happened farmers we had a good harvest in the price went up and in a phrase that day dr from that is broken
other applications for especially in government like the american farmer turned out to be a short winded crusader is to save who say these things that reform lasted just as long as his prices were unfavorable and indeed the mid nineties was a turning point in in the world of agricultural balance just as the late nineteen forties nevertheless the have the drive to do to bring in dust and dust that our industrial society into conformity with the abiding rules and values of our system went forward with the sherman act and the us the rhetoric and some asked the monopolistic news today was up in the square deal
i'll them know that part of this period which i described to you at some length in the context of europe when there was pressure on industrial real wages to the rising cost of living we get the other federal income tax through action that was put through and pass its time and then came out wilson's new freedom in which he moved her on a limited range of issues with which directly bear on this question of tempering the powers of this new pitcher industrial industrialization you have to in the end it would test for the first time in a very long while they were dutch letter u being that terrified you know
protective industry wants to strengthen its monopolistic position the consumer deserved a big reason competition questions you have the federal reserve system set up in part a response to the private financial monopolistic structure that emerged which concentrated powers that could be used for shipping you'd have to be rich strengthened the sherman act what you see here is in three major directions an attempt to serve the public interest against the concentrations of power really really risen in the study dr technological
maturity now the question is did the united states is a long way there's nothing and so quickly sketching out the impulses to the aggression that we saw it with the early stages of a later stage the answer is yes he did it in our own way when we're making tortilla thought of taking over candidate who's ever more formal we've never cease to be somewhat frightened that the canadians did not receive us with open arms i'll be out most of the real estate of our continent was picked up by shrewd diplomacy rather than war and the notion that we were naive innocence with higher moral standards in diplomacy than the ancient rupture balance of power europeans is nonsense if you look at the history of our nineteenth century policy which was purposeful and
shrewd infecting and we exported the balance of power cause of the europeans to get minimum cost louisiana purchase and our alaska and the dealer what we didn't know where we were we thought was right here in southwest and stuck in it and so the way this is the moon which we did this was not unlike the kind of assertive moved or that we've seen in germany and japan of that similar stages of development and translating a sense of power and injected into limited regional objectives to force the question comes that video were rejected a lonely chief technological maturity the answers we were connected
we had my hands doctrines which depending on their reading council that we maintain the balance either end of eurasia growth through art of witches one reading of his somewhat ambiguous theories for the others which is the more conventional one that we maintained no and for the atlantic and pacific others for those purposes i era certainly a carnival expansion or media and based on the notion that we become interested in history we have achieved national defenses rather than sulk diplomatic offenses that would evoke the british the right time to pull the atlantic and pacific approaches to our shores are a
lot more than that there were serious conditions are pouring some kind of environment in the nineties mr wright sometimes say no accident that one of the fortunate over cuba recently turned up and occupation of the philippines and then came the searching is an experience the philippines were not all anxious at some of them for the fall trip to assist colleagues and the research and the biggest whether we should go forward and up and maintain this so empire in the face of their grow operations there or turn it back to the of someone else who's there are plenty of
takers available spanish the germans and i decided no it would not marshals to gain independence time in any case the whole experience the philippines rather ended the imperial impulse in the united states but the impulse can be detected about staging united states as the country's now aren't we come to the stage of high mass consumption in the united states and the first question is why were we the first to turn our industrial machinery to have the production of consumers goods why
did henry ford were common united states and not in britain just remember that automobiles were not an american invention of the early part of the century progress has voted even in the french and british others are released those cars history is never so they're going to slog through political problems the coming of a man an idea henry ford's insight says sony to recreate one main job this machine could be diverted to produce a car that would be available not a luxury item for the mass of people and the art techniques in mass
production to produce a mass consumption car but there is a simple fact which is that throughout our history because of our population restores balance our income per capita was higher than in europe and we came to a stage where it the average level of income of the middle income for a good many americans and was constantly mass market was such that it made sense to think in henry ford's turns out that the environment was better here than it was elsewhere it was also a yup and this is also a nation which its geography had come through the first world war with fewer stars of the others in europe was ready to proceed
with a full explanation of the mass produced automobile two ways of looking at the popular one of a look at both and one of them is when a powerful industrial complex is centered around you writings and columnist no that i tend to think in terms of several sectors and subtle complex and on average it's what we need the accolades because i think it's through those that you understand growth what you have is a complex built around the automobile which embraces the beer industry itself a good part of the steel industry and very high proportion of immigrants
and of course the whole very high proportion of the petroleum industry including its refining that was not all went to this complex is the movement of populations from the centers of cities out suburbs which has massive effects and requirements for capital and suburban infrastructure and finally of course you have the road network service stations and hamburger stands mast in other words a thorough and economics of the automobile is is the center of a of a complex of great power whenever it is converted into am us consumption there's some observations of a more general kind of
there's a lot of from some fabric patterns book manufacturing output in the united states eighteen and in a nineteen thirty seven is i think an important technical work to understand the changes in the structure of our economy and even the society that came about in this period were considered he says the thinking of eighty nine and nineteen thirty seven during the period under consideration the increase in average per capita income led to an even greater rise in average per capita expand expenditure on factory made goods there was a shift from domestic the factory production such articles bread canned food and clothing his house was cast off of domestic shorts and some other household duties women were increasingly by manufacture appliances such as washing machines and vacuum cleaners rice and standards of living was a company also by great fabrication or collaboration consumers goods passing through factories and even larger part of the increased household budget was devoted his attorney
promises those automobiles radios working in the other direction was a tennessee for expenditures on services to raise the standards of living or the service industries could not progressed rapidly enough to cause a decline in the fraction of income expanded an unaffected consumers get an indirect effect of their advance with the stimulation of the demand for another group of manufactured goods equipment materials used by the service industries themselves when it comes to assess to understand what a leading secular ringing the numbers when it comes to assess of leo enright were represented tension physical and ninety nine nineteen forty seven rose hundred thousand one hundred so the starting from very little of course petroleum refining one thousand and
twenty percent you can get a robber because for making a nun because rehberg didn't exist then but its whole history is tied up to ninety percent of about nineteen thirty eight was tyler as an input to the automobile industry and so what you have happen to our country as industrial complex was this a consumer's get not a railroad bill for consumers that became the center of it only new complex of industries on who's the overall growth of the economy and
empty out you find instantly very much the complex which fabricant described here for the united states now taking place in europe in fact i might the stage you have to picture how they'll be a revolution has progressed and brought up to date the figures on the decision of a private automobile in stages of growth and we're about to see how it looks from the last decade for the first time and they scream i will show the united states and then great britain i want to call your attention that in the twenties using that we were going ahead so fast your great britain much more slowly
it in the thirties britain came up and now of course in the post war years of britons coming up but it's not up to the level of density of a person's car that we have but still you can see the hour the diffusion spied on the united states has as a matter of great as being a geometric scale decelerated and the british are on our climbing in fact in my view of the post war history of western europe is tied up in this process is even more vividly this climb and fraught which is huge impression there in france and then the post for search you know here's the west germans
were coming into this really remarkable surge catching up in this field and to japanese now aren't getting in the world of traffic jams and air pollution that style and they're not based on their income gap is still somewhat lower than what you're never forget the healthy fats and the soviet union which is having a huge is way behind and it's not because these folks would like the oil fields of it is that it's not
ready to make a tremendous commitment says whole fabric can see through the ordeal but because they're not doing that they're suffering a very slow rate of growth because you can't squeeze from these heavy industry company says that technological maturity kind of ridiculous they would like to have face when i said in the late fifties so it's a slow down in the nineteen sixties because they were going to get into this new world china's consumption lot of skeptics but i think that is to understand them what youre we're talking about here
the first one and you see how when you start your automobile age and you get into a complex of industry and also a new suburban way of life which brings with a radio watching is ceo of the computer and refrigerator and all the rest well these have been diffused but there was more to it than that and i can only suggested i think some of you reading have that i ran across this rather evocative passage from a particular sounds that changed the treasury in your liking sex woodrow wilson was the president of boston university said nothing has spread socialistic feeling this country more than they wanted and he added that it offered a picture of the arrogance of wealth is less than twenty years later two women of
muncie indiana both are for managing on small incomes both their minds to investigators gathering facts are that abnormal sociological study american community but now just as the lens said one who was the mother of nine children would rather do without clothes and give up the car together i'd go without food for el sistema or elsewhere another housewife a national comment on the fact that family and a carton of laughter but a fitting theme song for the early evolution wise ford's energetic driving down of help to make the popular but equally responsible researchers a vital improvements the invention of an effective self starters designed by charles kettering in stolen cadillac in nineteen twelve becoming within the next two or three years of the rubble removal court fire above all the introduction of the closed car as late as nineteen sixty nine to two percent of the cars manufactured united states were closed in nineteen twenty six twenty seven percent of them
or what happened was that manufactures linda bill clothes cars that were not hideously expensive did not rattle itself to pieces need to be paid to the fast running the terrible pain meanwhile car buying public to discover the light and closed there was something quite different from your horse was there was a car driven room on wheels storm proof walkable portable all day and all night while what imagine that succumbed to speed fever without being battered by the weak because it swims against the spring you'd use at the fed told the grocers to drive to the top of the railroads to cool off on it job many miles distant another as inaccessible to make the family out to take the family out for days driver weekend excursion an impromptu visit the friends forty or fifty miles or is innumerable young couples were not slow to learn to engage in private incentives when the cornerstones of american rally been the difficulty finding a symbol of now from this come about this cornerstone was crumbling this is one of the great findings of
the lambs and if the car was also the source of family friction jr not taking the night as was an historic pedestrian isn't a winner of a churchgoing have a promoter of a lethal weapon written by the list of the irresponsible people and affordable convince for criminals a safe getaway but was nonetheless instance so we have to say it is wise since industrial structure change the way of life changed through this revolution and it is a revolution which in which the other parts of the world are passing where they won pastor says since that gets there for good or ill i had a yard another effect which in my own judgment accounts for the but not the
depth but for the seriousness of the great depression and intractable at any of the great depression and the war came and the post war for economic policies when you're introducing new technology successively and the introduction of new technology which was cost reducing it was the basis for each business cycle expunge them with the passage of time the expansion population could open up a profit margin because costs have fallen and the new technology and there was an investment inducement as expected high rate of turnover costs because from the supply side is that lower costs when you build a society as leading sectors became
not be progressive in production technology that would cut costs but the decision so the automobile all that went with it we started until you've got your income levels which would induce an expansion in the purchases of the automobile all that went in one sense you've shifted from our alliance in expanding from vermont in terms to the accelerator the multiplier being the battalion including come they will come from an active investor the story you're telling you the playback effects on and that will come from increasing consumption in a sense you couldn't once the great depression broke the momentum
of the our beale housing suburbanization that's why the sense is those were the leading sectors that's why we have more powerful countries western europe yet we couldn't get back and doable until you're on a little as you could restart this engine of the fusion of the instruments by misconceptions prosperity in india was in bringing the country back to full employment the eve of the war we're still had very heavy unemployment some questions for the unemployed and had been some improvement since the slope of thirty three that the sit in the thirties in general if you look at the youth is closely at the figures for the oil fields to fusion and other indexes owner hard about it well you know
on the eve of the second world war and i at least a trillion the contract ability of our depression to the peculiar information of our economy that came when we became dependent as a leading sector and the diffusion of high mass consumption plus the fact that roosevelt was not willing know politics did not permit is but i think there's an element of just not fully understanding the problem that too and balances but it sufficiently to get all of that a palestinian camp that would restart the engines of the products now the herald new deal however to deal with the most profound shocking disintegration in our own
economy and i dealt with it with some success in other directions that's a film a vote for those of you too young or what some of the phenomena of spring like you had twenty five percent for a nation that's now arguing that would just how fine you can get between three and four percent are setting up more than five is regarded as a national disaster without talking about twenty five percent of people up and down the yeah let's have all social repercussions to expect with strikes violence tens of desperate people to assert themselves and to find their way back to normal
situation and the first move by roosevelt was the nra which in some ways to arrive from the experience of industrial chemical operation during the first world war for industry's board it was not in terms of economics at wise we proceeded tried to raise prices by an agreement in the industry is that it was not a rising prices is needed an expansion one an expansion in terms of the health and are you was declared unconstitutional and that relieved rows of a greater in my church was it was a misguided effort stop
it didn't have the residual a very important effect however of putting the labor unions in the position of lead to collective bargaining and finally after they actually argue that was a confirmed india about what we're speaking about that was one major positive effects of the thirties the recognition of the legitimacy of collective bargaining in a great strengthening unions now an agriculture the impression is companies you know well don't fall in prices but a day the disintegration of the planes and the dust bowl version of that part of the country trek to the west coast which stunned immortalized in the grapes
of wrath of the parliament so the plow that broke the plains which was fine though people haitian of what really was involved and of the response in agriculture the noaa and conservation measures was more effective in addition the ale by raising our cultural prices that tend to set in motion a press which along with the epa the provision of infrastructure investments set star to be a takeoff of a good part of the self that you really never got interesting phase industrialization after the civil war so the combination of the elite good
did have great affects on the rise of agriculture they begin to go factories to cells but as it turned out as we stopped to take advantage of cheap labor it turns out that most of the factories building the south had been built to export expansion market that has come of the dynamics which were set in motion by the new deal of their own other accomplished so the new deal and the securities exchange commission so on but its greatest accomplishment in my judgment was to provide an atmosphere of confidence and leadership in the face of that a at a truly tragic event in the country's institutions aisle which show to their continuity in our
political life and gave the country a sense that this was an episode this was an episode not a permanent downturn and the vitality of our country saudi women vote but this film won out and how our coffee break after which i will i'll summarize bit more on the video on the post war and sixty four the state i know
- Producing Organization
- KUT/Longhorn Radio Network
- Contributing Organization
- KUT Radio (Austin, Texas)
- cpb-aacip/529-h41jh3fb2t
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/529-h41jh3fb2t).
- Description
- Description
- Walt Rostow discusses American History regarding politics of growth and and the Politics of high mass consumption
- Asset type
- Episode
- Topics
- Education
- Rights
- Unknown
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 01:21:49
- Credits
Copyright Holder: KUT
Producing Organization: KUT/Longhorn Radio Network
Speaker: Walt W. Rostow
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
KUT Radio
Identifier: KUT_000819 (KUT Radio)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master: preservation
Duration: 01:21:42
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “ Walt Rostow discusses American History regarding politics of growth and and the Politics of high mass consumption ,” KUT Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed November 1, 2024, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-529-h41jh3fb2t.
- MLA: “ Walt Rostow discusses American History regarding politics of growth and and the Politics of high mass consumption .” KUT Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. November 1, 2024. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-529-h41jh3fb2t>.
- APA: Walt Rostow discusses American History regarding politics of growth and and the Politics of high mass consumption . Boston, MA: KUT Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-529-h41jh3fb2t