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r r z astrology austrian aziz z z e i'm particularly impresses it's a large number of new susie youssef i was so i hope you see also i z z z z committee versus forces you every bruce wayne we don't deserve a
bar and you are also sony santa easy or charles way do you're easy zero interest rates are right loose brie zero zero zero sereno saying you
use we are there are hundreds you raise it to a very large extent lawyer so it really isn't sally s l z cessna zoo <unk> use these areas are syrians wade z
z z samar says yes and as you hear ideas so which originally all don't be ashamed if you find yourself thinking that something that your start to chew you sense sometime grinding away on that particular it says the benefits you may be more were a few things in this is the kind of thing for years your normal course of our plan is ha go from the time i showed up
and just dismiss her to use all that time will lead he also urges jack you're free and those of you who have questions zero so easy the man who will hear this evening dress rehearsal was born in wheeling west virginia public schools there went from really rich were he received especially masters reuse you understand how
to use zeal z it god forbid suggest that perhaps we could begin by asking the question why is an astronomer he didn't put it exactly those words were almost and this happened when he was wondering how to make an introduction and wondering how was that i came into astronomy and i wanted sometimes myself but there are a couple of brief answers that may be a mild interest each first of course has his own life story but in my case the year there were no strong reason in retelling range that screening range and nobody knew anything about the sky and others no opportunity to get to know the pastrami was a possible profession i was a boy scout i did hear a lecture
talk given after the recession got you about ten or fifteen minutes about the stars by what would remember the troops some years earlier and had a moment as if in college course destroys we thought also the country it made me wonder whether it might be something up there rules won't be used to fill your eye rolling his day so he never even saw the sun the day much less the stars at night fortunately live or have a couple of books on astronomy and reading those made it clear that this isn't actually field still no intimation that one can possibly actually get paid for doing this kind of fun stuff and indeed when i graduated from high school only about three percent of our high school and college this was still in the tail and oppression effectively was most depressed area the country appalachian and yet it was basically a good high school because we had some teachers who are interested in things learning research find von netz wait really should we so i did go on college not to
harvard right away and one of the army's major effect several wars are among the long run and it was the army that had the bright idea of sending a harvard for a couple of months for special electronics training school and that was an eye opener to discover that there was a place like that which actually taught astronomy as a profession and one thing led to another from there on your butt i think the moral insofar as there is a moral in the story is that if your action something don't automatically conclude that just because you're interested in it just because it's fun just because you're good at well he did something wrong i have a friend who is one of the finest leaders and chinese style alive today were raised in china that works in this country now and painting most beautiful flowers bird's song sustain a gift that flows almost naturally out of his hand and because it is so easy to him he doesn't value a particular highway and all his life he's wanted to do something and a scholarly line like write books and so on which is not being well i don't know maybe find some things are so easy that it's almost like
falling off a log but it's so not automatically assume that because i'm a hard for years you should be doing for career i'd like to do is take one idea one question and fallen very deeply i think in twenty thirty minutes with just the nuts the question that theoretically at least you came here tonight you're about namely what a star or otherwise historically was aware of racist and why were you close what use has connotations well it's made up of this that the other why as much deeper implications singing stars have no choice about her behalf to exist they have to be exactly as they are for some very simple ones very overwhelmingly all controlling reasons and therefore it really is appropriate to say why is the star now this is
also a challenge program in the sense that the speakers are asked to touch on topics that are present the challenging their particular branch of science for the next ten twenty thirty years first things i'm going to talk about for ten or fifteen minutes are in one sense not so much of a challenge because we at least know the geography of the land were talking about the basic why is the star who's pretty well understood but what is not understood is what lies a piano trio mates were going to come to so was a star sell lots of pictures of gas and dust in space center of the state league which probably most of you already anyway but out in space our clouds of gas and dust that are drifting around in her sight not seem to be much of anything first notion that we have to get across is how unbelievably increasingly indescribably enormous space is how staggeringly foreigners from anywhere anywhere else in the universe we all have some feeling
that we know the size of the earth it ever walking twenty mile hiking was just girl scouts or unequal know twenty miles reviews as a travis county you never a few people it had experienced fighting so far say the porpoises across texas you know you remember for a peace center that of course is on a small fraction of the united states well everybody's used automobiles travel a feeling for how big a country sadly extrapolate from that get the feeling for what twenty five thousand miles around near that of course is as trivial compared to the size of the solar system you're ten thousand miles size of your conference thirty million miles to get to the nearest are serving this respect and then about ninety million miles to get those knots only in a party resources to the other parts and sources to your color billions of miles away the solar system is only the tiniest
drop in the bucket of the entire galaxy we live in since that one has to go on several hundred thousand times the distance of your readers and get them to restore that's the nearest star and this incredible gentleness that seems to line space between any object in any other object is not completely and i can almost hear in this room has a record as one followed the nineteen zero something like that particles and every cubic centimeter a large number and that's not a very dense gas were guessing interstellar space on the average has maybe one or a fraction of one party pretty recent years looks awfully good vacuum by terrestrial tension what's hard to appreciate is that there are so many of those three weeks and years between here and there new direction if you're looking to your inner star appearances and this material even of that fantastically low density ok so that amount of material there is just drifting around and much of the drifting around since our galaxy universe was born ten twelve million years ago with a novel that just drips around because i'm out on the first try
most basic law of gravity i'm sure you've always heard it and probably many view rather he says that any two parties anywhere in the universe attract each other will force which is portion of the masses and all inversely proportional to the square of the distance between safe source of revenue increases you square because of michael scott zero the lesotho saudis were zero zero zero zero most
disease be as you are all we are how are you so slightly over simplified version of what really happened that something like this does great clouds of gas and dust out in space tenuous as they are just unbelievably close to a vacuum and the new zealanders gravitational pull a snowball slowly slowly being squeezed together our material here and there in space the beautiful more than an explosion but i mean you've written a implosion so you
disagree more ms wheeler okay so the letters drawings for it others left disturbances asked listeners you sit around and nothing much happens here and there for one reason or another there is a high enough concentration of material so that actually what happens is the seller to see stars but also just understanding in general is one of the greatest astronomer small time syrup already been out some new renaissance his books what about many years ago that he could imagine a group of physicists are stronger song completely club band clap but never left the planet never been able to see through the clouds and had never seen the sky and you
could come to a certain knowledge that stars must exist or buy them there is anywhere in the universe where enough matter decides to get together that's the first argument now i'm a folder consider what happens to this massive star let's assume we begin with we don't have very much of that sale enough to make another one followed the twenty ones used to lust after your child will send one thomas and imagine what one poll the twenty ones euros worth might make any way out just merely one earth mass of gas and dust let's look at the mountain assad corner space now is self gravity billions of years across as a good start there's just as much last year as it was in the beginning as he falls every part was getting closer to every other one as it falls says that
aziz everyone's source of revenue now whole thing feels its implosion for some really strong rooted before i start selling fast also there's also the moral force of gravity as is necessary sex maybe
millions of years it started matured as accelerate faster stronger stand now in the final stages of collapse from something bigger sources to ban something which is getting down toward a historical pro star may take on leo few hundred years you say says hirst washington is zero zero zero zero zero we're survivors ground rules going to be let's pretend we have one more the answer is a lot of times the holes articles
on to each other also an assault last because now i'm sorry crusoe is your role st louis xiv easier says you are we're a very great strains are able to maintain their only me you said oh we're easy
set up actually rewarding a very sensual sonnets and the final put twice as much matter on your buzzer is now basically our savior because you're you and so finally usual something we're here is your sal are starting out more material contents of the original and if you're dealing roughly speaking with a thousand times literature it was the reason here most classes i have to go
a z z aussies else you'll sell you use zero zero zero zero emotions war ii
ms herz <unk> fallen you know so you as part of our reviews at its heart at the center and we're also harder it gets and we're starting to deal with something now like thousand times the mass of the sun and stark nearly a million times in this year are any object in the us as it tries to collapse out of gas and dust cloud based temperatures of many millions of degrees santos slowdown he'll lessons we're told local was anywhere else except these outlets are mainly all
rest of the universe so he shows itself out three star starters waist and from that hot surface are shining because of this so i see the light and we say here's a star it's again what i think i'm seventy years ago was that if you told us a sewer clever enough that easy it has recently do was calculate what happens is a natter also together how much energy or easy flow south through the last i wanted to service and that surface of the rescuers but now i will say several star use energy lasers
that serves as a moral say you sort of oranges hundred times bigger series its total surface three okay so say look if a song or a star like the sun does reading energy us to raise your right except that the story is very large white mass on thousands of her glasses up some millions of businesses its central core temperature is sobering up to values like ten twenty million degrees that and the process was enough hydrogen gas very wasteful
sell anyway this reaction goes on inside the stars and liberate a prodigious amount of energy conversion of hydrogen gas in the us sales processes star resident sal process which is less than one percent efficient means that every second outside the sun times yesterday so scientists so fantastically the order of a billion tons of hydrogen helium every second
and that second letter second or billions upon billions of years in fact remember summer and ballpark of a hundred years so much some are certain master physical reasons why son has to change its way of living while ford's bernanke also basically what happens is it starts to burn faster and faster in the process also there are good reasons why starters more massive than the sun burns it's hydrogen much faster in the union it doesn't last long center point is that within finite times astronomically speaking of hundreds of millions or a few billion years many stars go beyond the stage where it may reach relatively stable or their tendency to collapse under gravity has been stopped by the fact that very very high and their interior interior meant there was a lot of us pressure billions of years you see horses
horses horses susie sells very sincere so that was producing zero cents aziz says iraq or easy pieces our three cheese slices those are easier to do next we're still sitting there as the force of gravity in every party start against the law so they can no longer use your ear
and no longer generate huge an easier for us to collapse and has collapsed long ago when you're in your floor all you persuade yourself that it's true and it is true that so as a stark contrast to cool off and ends up heating up the truth and that was all his star wars action figures here now or in other helium can now become i'm in the car your reactions hard line here also star wars but a far greater rate and so what happens is the star
quickly passes through some of these later phases you say the pollution and finally faces harsh reality it's got nothing more in the way of available energy sources and its interior and yet smaller than it was before all those lessons closer together than it was before the gravitational forces are stronger than ever been before and a star finally gives up the ghost airport itself up against its own gravity anymore because it can generate yes reviewer salon happens again in quotes what's your configuration for now the animals really have given up under the strain which is more or less what you're essentially going to be shoveling a thousand times years or so i said ok the absolute center in effect trying to break now santoro says very easy z's
so easy this is yours sally you see cities easy to use you just stephanie do this used me
any easy sir the sense of known for a long time astronomers the fifty years and even the general reason why they'd just known for long but then i remember my first learn astronomy ask him a question and then learning about answering telling them cesar years almost always some life there comes along says yes now suppose usual some or matter on top of a white dwarf we are able to resist there maybe you see what happens you say started to cover for that they say would let that happen
i really something almost like this is the astronomers used and waiting there was one very very perceptive paper written in nineteen thirty nine by oppenheimer by the way the granddaddy of neutron stars sang as well as the american father last sunday papers never actually in which he showed that you would expect something happen in a case like this mainly nuclei would strip and would allow the matter to get very much closer together than it was before in such a way that it would even take the electrons and protons make up much of the matter is and in the oven and squeeze them together so they became t johnson you have often trans also for the basic process been trying to resist each other why static repulsion second factor drones very very close together like great in a box and therefore i get very much
higher density if you could convert the matter basically into new jobs and this was the election of nineteen thirty mile long long time sal scour it's almost forgot that paper because they didn't believe that first walls are likely to happen but it happened when we absolutely hopelessly forever on detectable anyway so why worry about it well turns out that a couple of years ago we detected neutron stars by radio astronomy techniques that's a fascinating story where the couple hours and so very very briefly what happens is when a star collapses smaller and smaller and smaller it carries a memory with that of the region's basic laws of physics as if you cannot destroy spend more not isolated store in space doesn't have many opportunities to shut off so ms masters radiation center motion turns out that the mets are dealing with his concerts the greatest noir gimmick of loss the greater the old use
an audience feels so isis targets markets those faster and faster trans activist artist are like a son and a trip to a neutron star status which must be happening usually universe also knows about once a lot on sex but i'm trying to redraw started yet you are if you want to lose yours zero review hi audie you look at the things that spun a stunning stunning last month now shrinking neutron stars that all turns out that under those conditions use for all reviews you will see
go fast in the last few years it's everything else resistors rated assassin's iraq are a star art is losing its been by virtue are sending off all searchlight means at your star rotates means and ways we don't really understand or focused a searchlight sad things this time around typically once a second one cases last thirty three times a second older ones we observe that star searchlights the session that means like pastors by observing the so called sars we know that we're looking at neutron stars collapsed
ramos clear what happens if somebody gets up a show here or what i've asked the start of the start which is very very very very massive us so masses resistance so is the gravitational field it's closer together closer together a force of running its creators of course brennan its freighters all races all closer together or fall increases and you see we got in that cycle was four times i know the answer is nobody knows what happens now
because we don't know anything that can stop that process is done and were very sure that this has to happen here in their own universe where there's just too much massive locally or any known process to stop the collapse last fall when our uribe religion medication use if there's nothing stops within that matter literally has to shrink down to an infinitesimal point can imagine starting with a million times the mass of the year and shrinking it too literal infinitesimal point angel in some point or something are we talking sense or nonsense iraq turns out that einstein had some say about this to basically say relations which were then interpreted by other people longtime go back nineteen fifty or sixty films that if you put enough matter together in space close enough together then the gravitational field become so
strong that space watts itself shop around the object in question here weinstein showed that one can constructively think of gravity as being curvature of space presents a matter or war so that no longer is a straight line from here insurance distinction here it's sort of a curved as you follow the light rays and so on and the curvature increases are the gravitational field and therefore if you get a strong gravitational field like these cases we're talking about then you can imagine that recruiters face became so great that it works itself shut us heals the universe in a sense by by walking it off and now ricky ricardo well every swiss look and one ways to save a region like this is one from which no signal could ever a state of any kind of say announcer for someone these objects shine a flashlight research line up for the rest of the universe for you
literally this is one way of looking at what happens like another state no material parliament member state no signal in every state it's an essence of the shocking universe because a gravitational field so kirk's or these things are just walk off one cell and some other where we say underwear because it's inaccessible to us and nothing can come to this year so in a sense it's sometimes been said that they've worked themselves another marine risk of not worry because where these vehicles are in space there is still a gravitational field nominating news reviews and if you traveled by such region a spaceship you wouldn't see anything that lying started on and black hole you can't see it but boy is that ever there in its gravitational field well something but aha okay
buckles says the terms were talking about this is exactly the scientific technical terminology used up like uncensored know like members holes because michaels and university are generated web presence much matter locally well the physics the theory of buckles is the most exciting topics in astronomy today because we could even begin to think are some ways in which we might be able to detect these undetectable things and certainly there's not a lot of theory that can be and is being done about them right now with some very weird results in just a couple of examples of a result isn't a black hole also so you try to fall into one of these spaces drop yourself off a fallen into a law to restore it turns out that you would follow intuition a few seconds until you start of your own time in service happening as long the last outpost director center to think of a greater ease or goal differential forces will be on your feet
you he is still serve that you deserved to fall into one of these things to just a few seconds of time time is relatively low at this is einstein relativity and observer watching this from outside not mixed up and sell to watching i would think that the fault like forever literally forever because in a sense from the point of view of an outside observer time ceases to float at the surface of one of the center's us supports richardson there are times he says the float around the process of falling into when you're an outside observer never repeats itself
what the phenomenon was kind of hearing their neighbors you could also say last night or fell in such a configuration or hobbies reduce fuel and yet the nuclei of galaxies and a quasar is give every impression that were dealing with absolutely stupendous explosions that anything that or you used to exist in vocabulary to describe that probably comes from such super dense configuration somehow are now exerting matter such states house happens nobody knows their various extremely low at her series to try to describe or by in effect inventing new physics how vigorously is the spider can expel matter ourselves and overcome some these times and others like but at any rate all one can say is that we look at the universe we find evidence of something like this seems to be happening on a very grand scale here in their universe seems as though nature knows how to get matter and black holes and back out again
what most recent conferences i want to have a particular theory what happens when black holes collide with each other like billiard balls and it's really exciting all i can do is indicate to you that this is truly an exciting field of a modern astronomy both theoretically and maybe someday observational in indirect ways and it's leading us into as that fifty years ago when it was conceived up until two or three years ago one would not ever taken seriously and yet it's indicating that here is a whole realm of physics and astronomy and cosmology and understanding things about the way the universe is put together that goes beyond our wildest dreams a few years ago yet we are commonplace probably for children grandchildren i sometimes wondered what the next level because the other extreme but it may be that there's even some question to ask and then if human race ever does its allies is to understand what does happen under such fantastic configurations
i can say is the question why does a star as relatively easy to answer one tales hundreds of years were details to clear up in earnest and it stars but basically when a what they are we know what happens in later stages of stars lives we don't know what happens in stages when the more massive star like objects so i think it's time to give up the ghost of collapse and release all the similarities and what happens next may be some new find out it's been the point we are now as we promised can you imagine it's almost time to predict if they're individuals who now want to be for a walk or it can run like mad and if it's not
the question the first question was what keeps our bodies a universe from falling in on each other like this morning grand she barely answer appears to be that they had once upon a time then this and then that the body was formed was just two massive been too hot and too explosive to stay that way for long so exploring and generated the universe as we now see now that's only inferential what we do observe is that the universe is an object which we think is a four dimensional space time continuum as a certain member cubic miles of ordinary space and no more that's possibly expanding so from second the second gets lost more but anyways nominations a finite number of getting roles a finite number of brands american song to the universe we believe now is probably a finite place and this universe appears to have exploded out of a central condensation cosmic gate a primeval far more intimate rollout was packed together in one super singularity and they just couldn't take it and it
went poof and the proof blue the matter out in all directions you might say but some are talking about the entire universe and since space is the and raided by the matter present in that curvature spaces proportionally mom arrows disease it turns out that the matter makes the space nine mack and we knew not to study the warriors a college another four years a graduate school but take my word for the matter creates the space in effect and i'm on one end the total amount of online universe increases in effect was a universal matter expenses when we look at only up to a point it turns out that if the expansion of this original big bang was violent enough then all the modern universe in effect it shot up to infinity in all directions and generates an infinitely large universe our union that we always took the universe would have won our grand explosion and then spend the rest of infinity of time just coasting out alternatively if the big bang was not the
powerful and proportionally nominate present than expansion would proceed up only to a certain greatness and then sen schumer this expansion is going out against the mutual grabbing all particles and eventually reach a maximum extent in all these particles would do exactly what you're saying every part rowan university tracked every other particle end result is they start following an entire universe falls not self to a central asian and when it does so it reaches whole massive universe is now very tiny volume and that's all the space to its torch around so far there's no other where howard well it's all right there and he's then youre dealing with caruso relativity theory is our fourth or was extolling walk away or three or four people who spend most of their time trying to figure out just exactly the answer this question what is a configuration get under circumstances like this for example you had a galaxy here in the early days is this anything remained that galaxy vote on the falls in this
configuration and then presumably the vast temperatures and pressures are created millions of degrees or trillions know cause the whole thing to exploding is there anything left talk of the previous configuration of the universe what starts over processed it was a question astronomers have cancer yes this is the correct theory we think it takes a few hundred million years give or take it was billy hundred billion years ever taken so anyway something like this may very well be exactly the universe we live in and it could very well be basically universe which every hundred billion years or so expands and contracts stands so the answers your question a very very very profound question yes the universe doesn't track itself and it does probably fallen on sale sunday in circles is this first of all i said the universe a cyclical now god has something to say about this tune has one more powerful nine
nobody really knows yet whether the universe is cyclical now all we can say is that the president observations are leaning us in that direction and back in fifty or a hundred years or become stronger some nasty fuzz liz right now but someday i think the human race will know the answer to this question very i assure you the universe is sick or universities not say ok let's assume that you will take a charity the way let's begin by suing universities face cyclical one so that does in fact fallen on self again a hundred billion years the question was then secondly what happens to all the organic matter the answer is a matter of course long before the final stages of collapse of them all was all stripped down its individual atoms and then find those items pretty well destroyed and maybe the whole business in a flood of radiation and not a reformulated as desirable exposing but we have reason to believe that the very same chemical elements will probably be form the next time around
and if the same chemicals are formed if that's the way nature really is built and the same chemicals would include carbon your meringue universe would arise habitats where carbon found itself a reasonable temperatures in the presence of water and so on and pseudo organic materials would be made and he's given a billion years of time to play around each other might get around for an organic matter and life of humans way we believe that life began spontaneously in this fashion here and there throughout the universe and presumably would do so again in any future incarnation of the universe for what we buy and conversely if you prefer the point of view which astronomers have until relatively recently the more likely the universe would just one expanding still may be true or observations aren't that good yet to decide an absolute certainty if in fact it were so that the universe does expand forever then we face a different kind of alternate ending of organic life namely what's often called the bethel it should be called call a whole universe effect gradually cool down to finding nemo last few degrees above absolute zero the
average temperature and all process is more us come to an end in prison life itself would come to an end that would be a very very very very very very very long time in the future like trillions of years and again i think neither the states need to concerns very much personally but intellectually i can't imagine anything more exciting as ernie observational evidence for black holes or isn't entirely clear right saturday to say there's no more observational evidence that is not entirely true because there are anomalies that don't seem to allow any other easy explanation therefore by inference some of the boulder speculators amongst astronomers say well the most reasonable explanation is to assume that were looking at phenomena here the phenomenon of black holes and that's that's not entirely in the past the answer we have now or we could win some real details and again it has to do mainly with phenomena of the quasar as and review galaxies
and we really unbelievable things that are happening in their nuclear until a few years ago many astronomers refused to accept the fact the quasar service local cosmological distances and billions of light years because they said look it's absolutely impossible by non physical process for so much energy generated and so small boy in space to get out and it appears now that those make this possible and also there are several extremely weird stars which have puzzled astronomers for twenty thirty forty years which if you admit the hypothesis that one component of such a star system is a block or begin to make some sense of the observations so it's nobody's ever observed luckily that we probably never will the definition look at once a icu we will be able to infer their presence would require higher probably observation samaras than having ten years
mullins looks like a star we just take a picture of the sky and therefore they were first thought was stellar object the benefits realized they were really stellar object they're on a fake or was a stellar object was lingering sense of false so what is stellar object that's too longing for astronomers so the contract and a quasar anyway so ok when you are examiner spectrum to have registered which approach the velocity of like an ordinary galaxy that is once you saw the movie far away the galaxies york shifted its spectrum use for red colors from where we would expect to see the spectrum features if they originated on home based on your says a so called red shift or presumed doppler shift in the spectrum of course lost the
recession who are running away from us it will run into the so called doppler effect in sound one automobile passersby on the highway glowing torn the sudden change of pitches the car flashes past it was because of our particular sound waves are being scratched up border patrol lotion parsi stretched out whites recession some ways of scrunched up toward you wrote his mortgage or your second source of cargos away singing and therefore are we have a speedometer for objects by measuring the spectrum would expect a graph on a big telescope you can see how fast the arctic is coming toward us and we find galaxies out in space are moving away from us and furthermore the speed at which they're moving weight increases the farther away they are the new relations socal hubble all recession or inch of the galaxy
now we find for galaxies is the most distant galaxies are telescopes can see your going away from us alone it seems like these are security you see jealousy therefore my presumption there are even farther away than the galaxies that are just once we can see the results now if you have an object which is much farther away than a galaxy as it is hundreds of billions of stars and yet now scouts he's so far we received these cells you write that it must be even brighter than the galaxy by law hundred thousand times so if the red shift a quasar israel really part of a large expansion of the universe they must be objects of the order of a hundred or a thousand times the brightness of our galaxy say which is already in big bright shining with a brightness of something like ten or a hundred million times the brightness of the sun which unselfish and yet bright is that is we
say ok it's not in the super galaxy except it isn't a super galaxy galaxy is a hundred thousand light years across as rude in some areas were convoys ours hear about several years ago a quasar actually are a fraction of a light your insights nine thousand a fraction of dr shannon hundreds of thousands of times brighter than the holdouts as our range of a german university anything else we know which is an extreme case is probably smaller sources it's one option and nobody knows what plays aren't really are until you're so though they were just really told liebman and then the discovery also ours let's remember people all simultaneously the idea what if you have a whole new piece of the galaxy collapsing perform at also are like neutron star like objects us is that having the roughly one solar masses least a million or a million solar masses all trying to collapse on itself
we're so complex that what an opinion that one hundred billion or hundred million suns worth which is altering what's and so we yes we think you know join stars are forming folk once you've universe give birth to a star was very little interaction any other store you or you see big league players to take a seventeen million miles in diameter and shrimp downsizing mr weinstein
same scaling factor or receivers so shrink the universe by such effect nearly a million miles and on that scale where is the next marvel sunday writer in austin texas next marvel somewhere often next one's many over in ohio there are roughly half a dozen marbles rolling around united states responds to the relative separation of the star's portion sizes now other moving men on the scale that you see you're just rolling around and i asked the question how long it'll be before to these markers and we chose garland texas now furthermore lots of course two dimensions on surfaces united states the real practice their religion sam's us citizens hundreds of
billions of stars in our galaxy stars millions of years or more they're very far apart and twenties and one star's effectively does not interact with the rest of the universe except gravitationally can until you get in some states to collapse where maybe let's say see you you see the rapid collapse on each other and then all hell breaks loose or finding universe itself collapses back down into the next singularity jews also are basically once you make a story or worst of the worst universes well let's get back to our two dimensional case the flanders for a whole universe's the surface of this year i ask you what's outside the answer is there is no more two dimensional surfaces
there is potential financial services mr universe could expand into view you know because it is also where our prisons universal sees the surface here three dimensional universe is what it really is non connecting on communicating three dimensional universe is what your underwear know interact and you can say well they must be accounted for emotional something rather they're three dimensional space it's your universe expands in those places it's made by an issue like to your heart's content unless you can think of some way to observe a soaring universes or consequences of the rest they were doing
ziad sees universes our universe yes those riders are other universes is no most businesses like us on so as a result it the answer is very sore it's
Challenge '71: Why is A Star?
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KUT Radio /Longhorn Radio Network
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KUT Radio (Austin, Texas)
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at times speaker moves away from mic and levels drop
Dr. Harlan Smith gives and overview of astronomy as part of the "Challenge '71" speaker series, a program aimed at high-potential High School students.
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Copyright Holder: KUT
Producing Organization: KUT Radio /Longhorn Radio Network
Speaker: Dr. Harlan Smith
AAPB Contributor Holdings
KUT Radio
Identifier: KUT_000135 (KUT Radio)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master: preservation
Duration: 01:04:27
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Chicago: “Challenge '71: Why is A Star?,” 1971-01-18, KUT Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “Challenge '71: Why is A Star?.” 1971-01-18. KUT Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: Challenge '71: Why is A Star?. Boston, MA: KUT Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from