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a word on wearing clothes and theyre all there this week richards baker talks about the nba and i am your host for word on words mr john c hall chairman of the university has been singing we have bacchanal for an exam before the marvelous writer of mystery stories writer court saying to a drama and excitement because they welcomed warlord decides to have you back like a giant good to be here good then you talk about the engaged man friend it's a book of essays i think there's almost well i read about about a spiritual tone not just an overtone over undertone overtone i find an authentic man and friends and it's a mission of your life i should've recognized that when we're
talking about those seaney sorted been listening all characters about whom you've written in your novels tell me about the tell me first of all of how you came to write before we get inside to forgo that to cover the book why did you decide to do this well actually wrote had been writing these kinds of stores for a long time long before i got involved with novels in fact i never want to take my stories seriously that became apparent to me have never be published or start writing novels to get published yes i get some credibility well did somebody know that you had written these aren't them did the fact that you had been published by a meal the house have something to do that england calling a new duties i think it helped i think it helped but haven't really learned about this book on this collection from telling john challenger jon jones but on this program this is anguished minister a wonderful
human being and a fine writer well i guess i'll my claim the framers them that our time congress under scrutiny oh and well and i did some of the stories in the class and as a result of that one day he was up here doing some work with addington and he mentioned to one of the editors there you know there's some there's an untapped source material write in your column up and so he did well let's get inside her a little bit i don't want to expose the whole continent every story because i'm there is a there is so much joy and evil and inspiration in store for our viewers to go out and pay nine dollars to buy that and that man turned out to welcome and gay men as you asked me add to accept no substitutes it's an odd and so family thing as the us
problem about how an hour long our richards played lawyer one of the kitchen making better what began our i guess when my children who are now as you know ultimately ace and read it now in fact but when my children were all small maybe seven five and very least a pile into our bed on saturday morning in and jump up a banner wreak havoc or sleeping like and what the kids one day said something about do you think the pancake men could come to bite out of the word usury got that from it just popped up and it struck me as being something fun and so i immediately said i think he's in the neighborhood not a good look around you got to go in the kitchen so they would wait in the kitchen in iraq ran downstairs and found an all apron and chefs at the barbara bought me for as i say in the book for my role as outboard romania and and put it on an amp and came out with the spatula made a big deal out of making pancakes well i didn't really
intend to sell myself of this past their reward every saturday latino and kids like something that aleppo and so it became traditional and it it really still have traditional around our house even now and now when my daughters and son come home bailouts i think i think it may become the second you know you say that the times change and and their children become adults but i guess the one i guess that there is a marvelous story it is that there are an enduring aspect features i guess is a good word for that surround family life when surely are and that those features
are indeed enduring and even though people are grown and gate man you know children outgrow the opportunity to have the pancake man home every saturday there still are innocents is that have to do with love and math in the kitchen as a lot somewhere a warming story and second lol the second level on the stage it was as a new man named john mann it's changed with pathos and tragedy drown was saad my best friend of ours was thirty years old my aunt my wife gave me a spot where they are and we have homeowners in a video of those with homeowners showing john and others that were at the party on march eight nineteen seventy and on may twenty six nineteen seventy
john died of cancer and at that party we don't know yet rampaging answers came suddenly very sad time in our lives but john told me a lot about courage during that two months period and a lot about faith and the story is really not just about that period it's about how we became friends begin with the resort like each other and i was or at least i wanted to be a horrible button down guy headed for the top and dawn was the exact opposite he was happy with the little or whatever it was and you evaluate makes but friendship didn't really based on on the direction we're going in is based on the connection in that intimate connection that's a lot of that you know he is even though he's an hour but you know i am again when i am going bald were historians
have spiritual roots it does and doesn't mean that the that those stories at times bureau life to those who are physically that i mean there are there is i think moriarty that john's spirit lives with you maybe some other people who know which sort of goes to the heart of what normally jackson says stores are going to have to raise the spirit but also in this book you don't just deal with your own partial birth experiences in every asset they're not really immerse a listener in the literary since they are the
stars of raise the spirit walmart you also suddenly thrust us back into history with christopher scott i myself of the history and some areas american history i consume us own expert chris inspire the violin known when my memory long ago and in about a word you find out that in the center in boston's barbara ryan the two are up there with the freedom walk during the senator the tour that took us to the grave of the survivors of the boston massacre in all the extra name on the headstone christopher snyder i know whether someone asked her that was but he god and the bust saying that christopher's not it was a real tragedy the tragedy being that he was an important part of american history and the world of forgotten him that he was a young boy who sort of got in the way
of history in and became a part of as a result and the four that talked about the tragedy was never mentioned in history books but they really existed and so i started a little research to find out what i could about about a precious little and sort of filled in the rest of it on the basis of what i knew about that or that period in time and try to put together a story that would make him live he earned him in his death last june in re outrage american patriot so let down that i feel like it had to have a some kind of a catalyst effect on what was happening because everything else began to happen at that sort of domino effect everything began to happen after that i think will be in the week that the boston massacre of curtis found a slave labor the world began to change very quickly how
much water how much was it a fun album not much much less than about boston mostly i found out about what the home for like when some of the older homes to see how see where a person like wisps mother would've lived the names of the streets in the bowl cobblestone the mater with some of the other graveyards would go log church and some of the other places that were there when he was there is there an indo material about the uses uses describing his blow against the red coats not that i'm more available now we'll find was that he actually was killed on that day by british officer in the uk in the square whose views were shot struggling enterprise and fasting story like and there is a great deal of inspiration in that story too as there is in the story with a week so i'd hear you know disney to almost extinguished no lawyers i
came in contact with the directors of thousand of that union about half or a lot thank you buzz and ransack album bad way to tackle with both an innocent end of that we're not sure into the podcast to talk about literature and find that both of you have a way with words that so rare and listen above well in the winter when the waiter was really worthwhile about five feet tall and barred wrongs and color and have an impish smile that was just totally winning everything that was bad about willie was drowned out in the in the glory of her smile and is winning why he was a super simple character but i guess where we were
forty was the last of an era quote belong to close quote and good pasture and to act alone and to me when we bought a house while working at the good data for ways to pressure saw that labor had to be done and he had a labor so many lonely years and i have accepted that guilt and we became a part of my life as a result that the richer life because of that when you say belong to some b minus understand that and while it's true and they are figurative sense i got a sense that wally was about is income a nurse as a human being could be you know you have set peace with himself and enjoying his role i think the only sense in which bill cowher they belong to move to that pressure was in the back of my own party and probably a both ways the deadly was and that's our member partially remember the
blizzard and fifty one the morale lockett we were for two weeks and it was during that time that we walked the deaths of seventeen miles from downtown nashville whole town lives to stoke up a fire for farmers to henry as he called him before the past have got up so they would not know that they will win the lovable as we had that kind of loyalty you know i worry about that story jarring first time i ever did it a lot of these tours orally i went somewhere while large group and a number of the people and for black and out of concern and we wanted to know if black to be offended by a story with a weaker obviously not intend you mean because because it might carry some connotations and saved seven virtue there that i'm a black somali iraq because it might somehow glorifying away a lifestyle which our doesn't really deserve glorified but the rat the response i got was terrific and i love the story and understood what was meant by an understood that
willie was now ill man was his own mind his own well whatever it was a real it was real it was what it was you know we can't just ignore the way things were we want to change the way things were but we don't we can't change what was reported what i believe was an unknown in the area and in a context that needed remains in arm and that's about a month and then there is the conversation went on all accounts winters which i guess is the most thrilling maybe i'm wrong but i thought you put more yourself on the line and that that story than any of the things that separate certainly on the basis of how i felt when the store was originally written a lot more than just talk about that and to do it well that particular one came
about at a time when my children were getting into their teenage years and i was very concerned about what kind of a job i've done and particularly as a christian prayer i knew what my faith was the only one out of four wobbly but i'm very much afraid that it communicated that are well to my children i would see other families in different situations doing what i thought was a better job and i wrote that pick a piece for the challenge class of what markers and herself teaching at that time and invited my daughter to come and i thought of lessons intended for her and someone about urban though it was about there was something about being in that environment teaching being behind the lectern that enabled me to say things to her that i had never found myself able to save one a lot so i was able to make up for last time initiatives i would say things to her the so much of one side all my children somehow got lost in the shuffle
she asks all right questions about its aims to lay and some people might say you didn't do paul ryan says they're somewhere and she says do you have doubts and she's talking about religious that spiritual doubts and you you have said and elsewhere elsewhere dylan definition of god which is pretty vague all i had i had a sense very real to you but still and maybe you say when you really knew rhetorically thank god or whatever wherever that many of their rhetorical statements and couples all your all your readers a different a different believes but then she asked the question do you ever about and i think there are many
christians who don't have dogs hardening understand that i do leave now what's on television so most of us say are listen to some accommodation tommy i can't leave them out an uncertain just wanna know where you've got yes would that for an important part of things and i can speak about anyone else a staple for me partially if i didn't have doubt i would need for a faith in this belief and that which can now and you can't know you're all of them about how one time african spot about it and i described you as am as a successful law author of books mystery
novels not many people i know have personally no over long previews the produce to publish the works of fiction another manuscript virtually completed still another novel in the typewriter and the first pages of on one theme set this book go the spiritual stories certainly followed by an all you might assume one might assume command in no use well it has just a very very easy simple life old ladies live in i know in your friends know you've been through a lot of stress lot of difficulty finally chose a career a
lot of general says because it was a new force to make that decision and i think it the world literature been enriched because the choice was made talked to made about whether the stories that i find in this book did give me another look at the richards played i've known as a writer of mischief of whether whether any of the stress and eight of life's problems at ordeal that you went through that site in some ways was quite unique avoid any of that air those problems lead to the evolution of the spiritual sort of a good arm for one thing you you need to know that the story for specifically written for this book i have been i've been writing them all off when i had my own
difficulties in the practice of law and got out of the practice of law and then had a place that was they were to get back in and do something else while things that many great deal to me would be able to go back into the things that i've written the stories that i'd been writing all those years to see that there has been a fundamentally sound chord in me all along sol able to believe in myself in spite of problems in spite of difficulties because of what i had witnessed to myself and my writing going back to these toys and putting them up for bid the people in this book was a real pleasure and was revisiting the real self so it's not really that spirit around him by new stories of flowed from a pricing of life is that in the face of a crisis you relied on these stories through rediscover what you call that
that bird that coral so exactly exactly fascinating and let's talk about the two different forms of writing because part of what we're about is talk in some detail about the art and the trade of the writer some people would assume well it egan write fiction nonfiction and you grew and you can but frankly not everybody can make that transition easily is it an easy transition for you i mean i know you are now working on a completion bond novel preparing to write another novel and now must interrupted the new something close to a sequel to the pentagon not pennies who had a shift gears well i can't do both at one time i didn't know that but i can be very similar because i
believe that the essence of all writing as having a passion for what you're saying and even in my kitchen i had a passion for it i was writing about the legal profession because i wanted people to know what went on inside the courtroom and what it was like to be involved with a loss of a child for example in the us for justice ought to be in a position of trust and betray that process was the case doesn't just as being the time when you know the first novel or less viewers for the handful of people out there that haven't read them maybe they had no more than an hour i had a real passion for that i enjoy that and so when i'm when i switch gears it's a different subject matter but not the passion i feel like it's as much of a calling to entertain and inform through fiction as it is to inspire well when you say no
or turn on a typewriter or when you what form do and what form as you're writing taylor or were process you know or process and when did you always write that that way they get new lawyers to work when you sit down at that word processor now you have to take off one head and put on all of this is not fiction at this is my nonfiction at you simply say the work assignment today is nonfiction and this manuscript must be completed by january and therefore i cannot give back to medical malpractice or the next novel until i take until i am finished with with this assignment i have to do that at this one myself frankly right now i'm missing the new novel girl like the store so much of like to be back there but i'm not going to get to have to probably after the first
of the year one of the reasons i am able to make that transition and because i think the essence of what i am as a storyteller i had a similar panel with one time said that if you were if you can tell a story a message from a lost anyway i didn't write any of these sound spiritual stories for the purpose of spreading a spiritual message i want them to tell stories but the message comes through all the better but i'm just a storyteller not swallowed political extortion you had a career in the law that you've chosen writing you jealous of john grisham insanely if you're sick you're there if it's shocking but her a fraction of that when what we all of the bill forces have a big lake has any really badly the truth matters is built on a bottle ha ha ha ha ha ha ah
well i mean our promotion doesn't have an awful lot to do it and like yeah and like but the fur was the first thing the director about its attention and let me just say i think you could make a case i talked to many people now who have read the firm in the pelican brief and they will cite his first book was his best book have you read his first well a time to kill i guess of the different well yes now i read his first book but his fourth book was done just about as much notice as your first to some success recognize their stories will tell pastor criticisms by reviewers some sales funnel money in a skit but not that smashing success nuys had to have town kill has become the sultan i think that's been an hour now
beyond jealousy must be an inspiration to many lawyers won't have that there is an inspiration because you know sometimes you can get the thinking when someone else's success we're doing what we're doing but that means that the field is close but that's not true the field is wide open and my big book may be the next one that maybe this criminal's it really does inspire you to go well and i find that the that the tasteful the public can be fickle in one story is not well po so he runs a risk but so do you do you feel that either we cannot we can all asked the question what are apple's got to roll that's exactly right and and you know if you look it's got rows career it was really sort of up and down in an out of writing very quick he was a military lawyer richards baby prof mantz and friends as ben
our guest ana were downwards your host is ben johnson well this program was produced in the studios of wbez n no no
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Richard Speight Owsley
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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The Pancake Man
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0372 (Nashville Public Television)
Duration: 28:47
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-zk55d8pq6j.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:33
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 1005; Richard Speight Owsley,” 1992-10-08, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 1005; Richard Speight Owsley.” 1992-10-08. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 1005; Richard Speight Owsley. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from