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a word on in the world of books and their authors this week ed ward talks about your host or a word on words mr jon seaton dollars chairman of their freedom forum's first amendment center at vanderbilt university says once again welcome to word on words seeing a real treat is in store for years we have as i guess while a great photojournalists in the history of american journalism ed clark welcome to word on words like this is going to be your lettuce could be a life at eighty two years old could be anywhere it's good idea and i mean it's the when people who know you say is get it anywhere you are what a great career you've had one and one for an expansive career you've had and what a great photographer you didn't even rich to live for of american journalism and you've
helped people through visual images that you portrayed better understand life around this night i really am honored to harry on this program and so glad i'm so glad that you have done this book and clark decades first law and let's talk a little bit about the young the start of a career un them and count why were standing on the corner of fifth and church in nashville tennessee and one night and along comes this sub studebaker with say i'm a slip up and diane a flashy look and well at the time and on the back is going to sign and that sign says says internal staff a powerful emotion comes to see deborah notes that have that i love and there's photos in
anew and camel bly decide that was life for you know that was a crucial it was a mostly photographer and analysts knew anything thing about the power of free nothing but amazingly that the two of you then word came out this way john campbell's mother ran a boarding house and a mom sherry andalusian show the rain room which you see they were male and he ran a roman and count dropped out of high school and there's a rhythm a star right around one and then became our profession harvard they got a car and up close to us or run around campbell annual volume fall the current law and so yeah so you dropped out and then when the wind cj i'm finally don't even open a bottle that is a number of them have a camel became chief of the army you became the number two for domino the making of a career or chemical american home and said that said earlier fiber nelson if you
get better a quick so maybe a good job so about this is editor is a new fatah or for allied general said yes and no he said when you start a more well an end tomorrow you are of a darker here and tomorrow and they were reaching for my own forty miles long well for another month or eighty hours worked in the morning paper afternoon paper some on call twenty four hours a day well that you know it you spent more than a dozen years of their riot then gradually began as a stringer far this great new photographic publication the concept of him loose call life magazine right live magazine which in my youth i was a blockbuster publications we waited for it to hit the newsstands and it was a it was a it was a magazine that focused on visual images largely
when i go into the book here we take a peek inside decades look first of all that done and ed clark at the peak of his career as a un as a lifeguard or less let's just take a look at you taking a look that's marilyn monroe and ed clark who had that happen before before noah became famous shoot shoot assad has signed a contract with twentieth century fox and they called me up one day and said come or goes to have lunch with a solution and one beautiful tomato ness to it was and they had them really was and you got there and i got there and then i've been a wonderful what i thought was a wonderful sure about killing you are killing about it and no they never heard alleged <unk> years ago the hell is wrong with this picture was when they were touring jon langford for launch you know if we go all the way back
to the beginning of your career you photographed frankel of the many times for the first time we're learning that may not know six or seven major gap but the first time was in many came to nashville and became commercial and lectured at the hermitage and rejection so yes i think there is and i think that book yeah there it is there's a photograph of franklin and eleanor on that trip to nashville i say it i was a child i you're probably is all about hammett i was a child my family took me over to the parthenon after he had lunch that day he drove out revue a party where you have low well i was right behind you somewhere because i remember that day stands out in my mind that our furry covering a sham issue we wondered where services were women were then as acme of relief years and then the man ran out a plate plate also saw a couple from him oh that is an awesome bike
you know and then that then there i was we had our own leading politician in tennessee in those days an egg crumbled memphis try to really have a national reputation as boss crump and is a marvelous picture boys from claire and that's it it was that they can be a number one i was daily sector but i was an oil scared because your hedgerow who's our columnist columnist had so what about and dagger and he wrote critically about a critical if there's a story that i know that i remember when i first became a journalist at the tennessean that was really sort of a legend that was crowned my head so wired to the publisher thomas insel eleven say when you run a an honest statement from the ann evans why back and said yes but you never made one up and then it will cause and the home of
country music before we really knew what music city was about and it was inevitable that you would photograph country music performers early in their career and that's how you came to take this photograph of albert they've mike and the other was the day the japanese are bombing pearl harbor that day and when a lot of the time much for the whole day with him but there were you know the old pearl harbor well the japanese bombed pearl harbor which leads us to the next picture gi in action lowe says their permanent out of luxury for an islamic insurgency on the way to clear they came through this well it was inevitable that someone would see and that you have a special eye for the camera and it was a life magazine know and i write about it would though life was
getting radio and business and they hired a journalist maybe from birmingham alabama who was there you represented and direct millions of dollars and he said the message are when the south of it clark and life took your and the first the first son you had might've been a boar hunt importantly a tackle plans for patients today by the way this in a long telegram when you're saying at a synagogue role of jim crow words with islamist long telegram that said ideally what we want as a pitcher looking over her shoulder as issues to shoot a charging bull that's impossible well what he really discovered was that this magazine did not want just a snapshot of not just a single photograph or what they
would they want a story with beginning a metal n liam on the picture about pictures and that was an experience for you and a brand new well it was not long before you were carrying it live magazine regularly and there is a life cover that of the eiffel tower which shows important to the season was traveling far from the only human error and they were when i went to paris hauser to correct actually occurring or trials for flick but this time there's a parachute for course and i thought it was so beautiful and the star for their brief for myself and it's interesting to me that they're that life was interested in pictures or world but life also was interested in life in united states and all sides of life a glamorous side of life with marilyn monroe are the seamy side of life on the chain gang man that many young people today are of a chain gang that's one photograph and i was in the
end the georgia cheney a journey which was notorious for a chain gang and there's a guard there and that's a close a picture of how the nfl if no for the ramp they call him runner make a human brain back in well these picks on thick opaque songs leg and so he could run one more well let's go from a still from a chain gang once more back in international feel that conference was one that included great leaders of the world and there are three of them mckinsey king fdr and winston churchill that by them militarily is that empty chair by the way it was shana five the fact that assad had been invited tumors coverage but he didn't show up so are photographed before someone set down in that chair and i've found
almost life that we're good at it never going to get a bonus and their new i dont want to let alone for fbr shrew fully fdr via well the fbi funeral is an fdr fuel is a great pitcher great photograph it captured the hearts of people in this country as a great story behind it that you were covering the funeral photographers from all although were everywhere not rule the world because the only have time to get there but the most minimal and twenty five at least but they were working for publication on all over again did his back to that moment and how that welcome to photograph was taken it rose rouse case of those bucket with a casket was coming by and all thought where were you and what was furnished get an old one of the colonial a little light on the line
and i heard the sick orange star played by maya looked around us a rendition with tears running down his face off of mine as charmaine to quick shots to history and mozart was seen in the den and social ago so you saw him to one side there he was weeping as you can see in the background a photograph there is a woman who's eyeing your tears he was greatly love across the country but particularly loved there in warm spring right where he was a frequent visitor and let me ask you i don't you know it has been said that are by historians that it with lucy mercer with julio had a longstanding relationship we know until years later who was willing and worn phrase not eleanor i take it that the journalist who
had no idea that i think they did that was a carton of the rare few fatah rich with aimless and when they were made that way that just to get i think why was tall has been written that losing muscle that this greatly in the triathlon that no journalists an overtime one ever saw there on that she was then years later it came to light that the relationship had continued even until even into his death and injury and photographing presence and a new phonograph many of them are what what's on your mind and the counties all form of royalty well there is that but when you're four after president is such a little time that each year in the oval office that you're used to fighting elephant are richer position so the switches and about
mormons and who you're for directly you know there's a there's a great it's a great photograph found from nuremberg and that's a child without laying on crutches from the ruins billy taylor a murder trials of place the nazi war criminals were tried convicted were gearing committed suicide is so quite frequently really get the ravages of war and that photograph released those that do you remember how you came to take that well out of running through rubble and rubble you could just barely get through and so this boy and anat fort carson as i could and ran back and he'd go and i've searched for it for over an hour more forthcoming and i've finally found a gun from us bombed out building was he coming across the cobblestone street there when you got a
marginal portion where to get a cab to go find you talk a little bit about that the eu the liam posed photographs of the drama and how do you feel about the business of many of a blistering effect well i'd seen enrollment as long as if you're honest about it and there's enormous picture of both things happen much more lush all one word what role nine and you he disappeared and i had to go find in a poem by member of same first place right and on the other hand there are they don't have to win when you do some of years have absolutely and there are other times in this book what you're honest about it with ross about guns in this book when there are photographs that seemed to me to be posed and in fact they are real live now here's a
photograph of a drinking fountain in ice crew and there's a companion photograph and you put these two in the book i'm sure to make a point or the second one is a young white girl a student reading from a walkout interest to the other was a young black student and it really from a spigot and his crew and those to photograph dramatize long before we knew about boundaries of more education the tragedy love through segregation nineteen forty six and this is in west memphis arkansas and they had built a brand new school for a white youre they had extra classroom and sewing machines for the girls and woodworking facial abortion and the black church and nothing but one room from first grade through a train one teacher now panel run a war now i was eight years before the supreme court ruled in brown vs for litigation that it was impossible to have separate but
equal schools now minot the south were everywhere everywhere and then you're there of course in little rock moving intently at is different with members aren't involved in little rock a little rock arkansas where federal troops came in and forced these allegations and tries to that photograph grab that a picture of a boy who had who was making trouble for everyone of a thought and he knew that school so they've been escorted very yes and there was violence there were you did you have a feeling dangers in and in iraq during those may sound and an end course i've always had a feeling when i've covered stories and i would tense situations that it was the
director who was in jeopardy right but not very very visible camera that they knew that they might appear mature oh my gosh you know this thing a centralized really i was reading david halberstam's book the fifties recently and i ran across a story that said that the an anecdote that said that john chancellor oh all look great reporters who were on the same was constantly in danger because johnny koppelman plausible new york times and wallace was felt from the salem n and about bird flu short paper and then they had there their notebooks and their consuls blood thereby lines were anonymous and every night you saw chancellor on the noses of the mom then you and they know a newly was any of you will carry it a thirty minute thirty five millimeter even though it was a great
thing they were alone journalist into the school and so i said well i asked said to me he said bring your son noel down you're sent here he's a soccer school can his retire for and he came down and blue jeans and t shirts and then gotten in a school photograph before you were full of life now with audio that light your idea and then to get a bonus for the latino welcome welcome the picture a mobster here and as opposed to picture this of making going forward what i learned was we thought we'd done an awful time getting him and was once we got to him a virus out to dinner for a luncheon for breakfast in his house and us and make our picture of you with all these headlines closer they will los angeles
mayor had to start and they are even then a front page was what naked down the night before and so i got in many polls for the pitcher out now when the word idiot backdrop come from you went out and got no us senate report on dab dab the newspapers in a huge problem a warm or a piece of paper in and saying it appeared full full page color and light now the story about the fall hearings on crime george stains the great colleague from the new york times it was in the hearing room for you all started and you would try to focus the cameras as a true story ashley tellis transformers camera show you're just an open and we're in effect for the wetness would be so what this would be
an eighty eighty charges are funny and outlandish and he experimented on crime business and then he endured a performer cromwell says it had to because george tenet sitting in a chair and he was grimacing and making pictures of faces for you to take pictures of the other one the real witness got there when you say the role of film in new york and i thought oh and he ends up in miami that's a true story that i am the next the next their pictures taken back to central city that lives and nikki golden apple someone know they fired a stable lives taylor for over america could make a career that was the first let's try and the other side there will be and lauren bacall
i was only on the board you would let him away and twenty five or thirty a listener annie cohen came to doris and m's has come on in here i just met him to three terms and as somebody from lifeless director and later much later i want your love and for commoner is so he's only <unk> than he knew so then then when i mention a while ago that there are some photographs of a look at the fuel now that seem to me to be almost portraits there's one of nehru it i said it would pose there's a press conference and i think at the press club in washington what a wonderful wonderful face a long lenses so on this issue during their thing ocean and the district also and and there is it actually and an expose that would follow was a bill that was with matthew british camel wasn't really a fan a lesson for us and a massive british over here
and raise a surgeon mary rich pressure and join our mean friends and because i covered boulders campaigns and here's yours pressured thirtieth when wayward up as an outlet grows and awesomeness present us are you gonna coast us is crucial plate and for nine seconds and then their shoulder and i covered by commission and he says that one man says six seconds this is our north korean man and i'll write it amazing to me that magic they can which took pictures and whirl and in the civil war now you spiked jam rochester new york and then the next then the next one and what a faith on ozone was a delay that will grow our brows like ah and lewis had this great confrontation with harry truman and the
next photograph is harry and what a contrast in place of words truman one is a point of wonderful something i've forgotten what looks like a goldfish a version on forfeiture and of course when a greater part of the world of code though the great campaign where image i became a part of our political life the campaign of dick nixon and there he is on the stump with that and the other side of that campaign was jack and jackie and there they are residents of georgetown and talk about their campaign over this well in the campaign like our nation always in the parish speeches papers your mouth like this and and that will become standard and a sacred cave or from a vote for pet well anyway and then a candidate and there's over forty years ago he
ran for president in here still a senator and when they are winners of as the drummer spent a couple weeks with a lot of good and so when his office one das of what we do today senator is that where we're going straight house and have lots of judges advised lunch is is a new gear castor impressions of us to go to a juvenile and four and then the last of the pictures that we have in a book and there's so many more that we couldn't get on a half an hour car jack kennedy and it at the moment does is it a page that was a camp david and an occasional helicopter were true farm to farm or mortar confer with a lot of a page it is another photograph it's that served in the book but not hear of jack kennedy speaking only in the best in that ten
year lows same their medications to work anyway really awesome well i've seen caroline mason jettisoned on on the table are issues sleep and that this is going to adopt a third former schrimsher we wore shirts and jackets a normal whale and this is usually short walk in the room sure sure and the candidate won only announce our best known issue but knows a picture and one when that picture came out in the magazine that there still have the letter she wrote me a four page letter sent police and this only five copies of the earth yet that they have the book is not on sale and booksellers and so i give our viewers set the number or they can call toll free eight hundred and five to three five nine for eighty eight hundred five to three five nine for a wonderful book of pictures i congratulate
you on it as thirty nine nine to five of anybody wants and i hope we sell a lot of books it's right to have you that's it out to come back at you to your next book out the doom and i'm going to undergo one partial broken i can't wait i know that i love you as a lady levee that thanks so much it's great to have it clark well the great photographers of the history of american photojournalism on this program clark author of decades has been our guest on a word on worms and dancing and dollar this program was produced in the studios of wbez in nashville a song fb
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Ed Clark
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Decades Seca Tape #23203; Ed Clark
Talk Show
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0395 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 29:04
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-z60bv7c436.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:47
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2207; Ed Clark,” 1993-09-02, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 25, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2207; Ed Clark.” 1993-09-02. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 25, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2207; Ed Clark. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from