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go on guns in the once again welcome to work on our guest eugene ray welcome toward own words you know i think you know we're talking about step ball change your new book not necessarily number your new book it's out now in hardback and in paperback so i guess in a bookstore and regulations on juliet romeo and aunts have all changed thinking i would have to say you weren't you seem to know a lot about lawyers a little bit about but not a whole lot well ukraine of amyloid is here for as katie's mom and k is our narrator carolyn carolyn long frank as a dog is the dj and i get bored kate is you know we get a phone call the followings like to phone call this this that the
plot of the story is that night there was a call that swan joy but there were tears and more sadness that fill with tears on one phone is the daughter kaye greg finally right john donio of all his death the closest your vision to talk about it started this story of the beloved abdel investment well it's a story about life and life is full of sadness and happiness and tears and i want to grab let's face it the readers' attention and it it seemed very interesting to me that this couple caroline and her husband tom also a lawyer or just sitting down to dinner for a relaxing dinner and they don't have many of those in their
life and that their supper is interrupted by this first phone call which is her daughter kaye attempting to tell them this happy glorious news that the most wealthy most college eligible young bachelors way trade has asked her to marry him and she has great difficulty getting these words out because she's sobbing so hard and then the second phone the children's phone rings and it's caroline's sister taffy telling her that her husband of song thirty years he is going to write midlife crisis time and he's called she's calling to tell caroline that medi has left for another woman so here's euro and much younger younger than her daughter actually i am it drove the written all over it and
you got it you got it right you know the plot does is offer life experience john miserable it is armed anyway i i wanted to catch the readers attention with the first chapter and then of course that the rest the book is how these people work through these difficulties well let's talk about some odd characters that we we run into the most puzzling character the book from my perspective of withdrawal grothe a contractor and he's trying to help the family it's they involve right at a reasonable price right and and so here's a song you know her than the public defender budget that are starving and she teaches dance and has a lot of pupils on the other hand of evansville make that much in big
bucks that's right so then the big bucks ah and woodrow is so do in this ad an ad at a reasonable rate from her bum woodrow tomato tomato a broken foot came from users every american contractor who becomes a little friendly he doesn't date i think he's a rail line he serves as the ballast for the family i think he i hated it he has great wisdom he has great arm caught our contracting skills physical skills he has great taste and even bridal gowns which is shown later on in the book i am but most of all he's just a kind and gentle man that everyone can feel comfortable coming to and talking with us and he's based on my husband actually visit as tears as he also built over
well so there i said oh i guess he is he does a beautiful daughter who is an integral part of the book as well she sure is now one problem is drawn in and get it all like each other have now like each other right throughout their lives and it's really when she says he's leaving and you cannot find in the lower somewhere in your service of the celebrity star director years as a yellow taxi go up here and stay with us a man drove them out is you don't want to come around on low income but their visas all humanity and that right there tell us just how much they don't like each other i mean she hates the nickname any chance her mother agree to go and
then it just goes daffy why they called mini so taffy zone away holden can be found anywhere near a navy is off with his trophy to be we think and create a plot their bad as all hearts and flowers of a the soap opera is kind of a soap opera it is a bit of a life like his a son is a sole art imitates life and this is art imitating something like what i think it shows up in the navy sharma said german fun at europe in terms of television on arrival things to be a little worse than you don't situation brings the dollar her duck stamp step is of planes
was a us that's right stand as a step is all of taxis anger wrapped up in a little chihuahua skin you think the follow the family must be i conclude he's a real role model is a prince that's right he's got three children and all alone when it's a wall and into urban areas and lost that's right and taking his daughter kay ash is for children were two and they're all at your career attorneys and one is an attorney and one is warren beatty can a beautiful k long but for a tray so nicknamed because he is the third in his family to bear that name trey really loved it
and kenny perry you love is not she says she's not but you love has no juice because of mobile continues to florida knows a lot about him well he's using as jack and he's a romantic figure and then transcend when i first started writing about trey i thought i wasn't going to like him because he was so perfect and he was so handsome and so rich in his manners were so good and we would get kidded dumping you now he was a nobody and nobody makes ago giving away only lead to us
laurel there is the jack ks other other male friend is a very romantic figure you know he's the he's handsome he's a devil may care he always kind of needs a shaven imam he's a little rumpled looking just to use just a very sexy character and everything in me thought that they would just give everything up her big diamond her wonderful dreamed of life and ran off with jack i really believe that what happened i did we change alone when i found out as i was writing one of really nice man tre was what an honest you know i had an office at here over thirty years and tell me the characters get away from sometimes they do then what you've done here is created for a loosening as character go away from you
and you created jack by some sanders jack jack you know many guard he also the butt of the snake in the grass has a reality that happens on friday less are welding can hold on polling shows up on kennedy's birthday manner then so loving to her mother comes bearing gifts widows of that out with him for four of madrid for erik shows up for that little part in the song about the party without that scene of sheer joy and everybody there i mean there was so much that there's a lot of tension we're going to have in olden there is tension
between many end tax there is i mean woodrow of presence there who creates a little tension for tevye and kathy and at a live not stay alive and is is black man going to get in on it all everyone thinks is unknown but doesn't act like he lives there right and tevye don't really know how to do with us and as that tension that market shows up a lawn ball george george as emily you think and not similarly sharon let's go a letter arrived and then you've got jack who see evolution and certainly not look and so on and holding honan is just absolutely celebrity he doesn't literally written all over she radiates light she kind of the middle east to porsche right right the party yet it's just older characters together in one room and you're
right there's all kinds of happiness and joy here there's all kinds of tension you know caroline seeds jack and she sees the way jack has been looking at play and she sees trey adoring play and she knows there's something wrong here and she's afraid traders can see this although i think tre is so caught up in his romantic a he doesn't see it on the jack vinci's holden's immediately drawn to her like a moth to the light woodrow is in the background as you say and yet really not in the background says the first time anyone in the family has seen him in a coat and tie because he's always been the worker bee and the honored were creepy and georgia's george's speechless for erica
tom i think there's just a the gentle father the umbrella over all over the household is a great the great saint and it really is sort of a steel grate sort of shooting off in different directions legally after the party or just a load of you just tuning in we talk and generally about a book step ball change and a fund but that is to me it's sound is less about holding a little more you know and i like old in yemen know anybody who was that no i don't think i haven't known anyone well that has is that driven i think i had read about people that are that driven i think i've read about movie actresses are up
she is sick and she absolutely is i i really do when i say she radiates i mean she just has such charisma about her not only her physical beauty but the fact that she just can't say anything wrong and she's and more missions delightful she's sexy she's intelligent she has all going to jayson is that at jet setter and she's absolutely aware of her charm says she knows just how to use it and that's what makes her so special when you asked me if i've ever known anyone like that see i think i get all my characters from life i don't think i have imagination enough to just dream them up but i don't think i've ever known anyone just like old living thing about it is that she's real a leader is very i mean i know there are people like that sure people who are busy beyond belief driven beyond belief
who lived during her in paris tomorrow and la the next day and all the next day then again you read about them and then you wonder at them and she turned up the roofers and she love the money to shorter day a left alone at the internet is a new it is sort of the nerd that we don't see until very late in the book then i asked to the new word for a was going where jack was going i mean that is the navy and taffy little wound up one of differently than they do and no know to tell you the truth i am i am i expected what would happen with unity and cafe i think you are of all the characters in the book
i feel most sympathy toward maddy many made a terrible mistake and gee is a shallow man but but now it is the product of his of his parents and his circumstance he he really doesn't know any better he's kind of a good old boy that just doesn't know any better and i believe he really loved taffy and needed taffy desperately you just got kind of carried away with his midlife crisis and that first conversation on the telephone i think that's what actors jackie said and their mythology us ob would lead me i thought i would leave him that's right that we saw something about kathy that made me think that you don't turn out to be pretty it's not a matter of fact the nasal ear
it meant living is to the family still deadly we made the most of these two sisters who grew up not liking each other attack really become fond of each other dressing room each other so his honest honest with one another which i think they had never been able to be and i think they finally found that time passed honesty and therefore path to love now being traced parents present another so the crisis a different sort of attention the rider pays the mill right phone reception end on john and many are doing well listen and you will love debate about
so are doing well the benefits are the most wealthy people and how arabs right and they they want huge wedding for their son tommy take a hundred and two and they won every famine and the biggest orchestrates could be done at their club but it's going to have a sit down meal at she's gonna have the best wedding dress and twelve attendance and it's going to be done it's got to be the best wedding raleigh durham has ever seen for nine hundred people and yet it gets to a point where it's going to cost half a million dollars and andy tom and caroline just simply can't begin to afford that they're worried about it from the first a very firm and they are nervous about how to present it was that online how big is gonna be first and cases of obscures some of that she knows that only worry
about but she doesn't at that point they don't know a good ship that point isn't about the money she's just going about our parents and how they are and what they are wrong on one end and how they'll be in the environment of the country club with none of the people i don't know and you know phrased the minutes go all the way at the outset saying you know we wanted his voice we get that so offended by that little was a weekend day what is a huge other that they're embarrassed by they don't it's very difficult for people in their early sixties like tom and caroline although the tensions right right there goes the trip to rome is rio's very scared as the payment on me of florida remember adding to the gains they get cheaper woodrow wilson so they're there but they're but they're too embarrassed to go the most wealthy family in town and say
you know really nice that you're so nascar daughter to marry him but we can't afford you and this presents a difficult problem because they can't really they have the courage to confront the situation honestly but they know they have to so a lot of time is spent in the book was tom and caroline talking back and forth trying to figure out what they're going to do and how they're going to do it and avoiding making the telephone call you know to say mrs bennett we really just can't do a wedding like this and it works how it works out as all things sometimes do it works out and you're back in may from the pan that's it i'd like calling nerd and eli do love their own identity and i just feel sorry you know i tend to like all my characters that i don't write about in fado like
him and there are i think some like little bit here like jackie and like i mean yes i like jack for what he was ah i don't think it turned out what it was in my family i don't think i want to marry my daughter no that check is jack and i'm thinking your life about who he was or have to be a nicer person that i really believe she would not did not want no matter all about her when you have a looser or did this experience this deeply moving family experience maker about a person i think it definitely made her a better person i think taft he had lived in an extremely isolated situations years from very in a way in a very wealthy family situation in a lavish was married to maddie she enjoyed the beautiful
home a beautiful car is a beautiful call close and she took care of nerdy and i think that was her life her world when he left her she was forced into a different kind of the world and i think she discovered a lot about taffy that she didn't know and she was a much nicer person then we could ever have expected and certainly then caroline expected the un me i never allow life after reading that she walked in with an old drug crews dog would go find a day never would i have thought that she'd won the benson know all i imagined she'd be waltzing out with woodrow for boehner i don't think she imagined of ether and just think she saw a side of life she hadn't that hadn't revealed itself to her before she realized too i think that he had a sister who have a happy home
life happy and wasn't there for her in spite of all the differences that they have had in the past it's a and it's a and emily sena the outset it's a true life family story about it is soap opera but life is a soap opera about they you know you change plays juliet romeo in one book and how long did they get it julian real audience of them before you could sit down and work what's your finished julian romeo i thought i was finished as a writer because i've been a nurse all my life that's all i did and i wrote julie romeo under a set of particular circumstances in that i wanted to tell the story of two people over sixty who fall in love and after i told that story i thought you know it's over all of the back working in the first
clinic hand or arm and then one night and after the book after julie romeo was out after it was successful was falling off to sleep and i thought of of this fray step ball change which is a tap dancing step a century now and an unknown oh out although it's not common non stick coating security and you know what i did but i was a little girl so you know it's like the most basic step of tap dancing and and the fact is you're you're kind of headed in one direction you do a little kind of shuffle thing that you had in the other direction and that to me is a very metaphorical for life and i've always loved the phrase step ball change the sound of the words for them its metaphorical meaning that it had for me and i thought i would write a book and i'm going to call it step ball change which we have
fifteen seconds you've written a new book the hare is coming up in a few weeks yes what's typical it's called eat take he says about a woman who saves her family through her love of baking cakes well we would have run out of time now with a dog and a jean ray about her book stubble change and about our next book the gate a lovely story this was like you've come in you're so well i will think all you've watching or a word on more than just keep reading
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Jeanne Ray
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Step Ball Change
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW3129 (Digital File)
Duration: 27:47
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-z02z31pt34.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:46
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3129; Jeanne Ray,” 2003-00-00, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 2, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3129; Jeanne Ray.” 2003-00-00. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 2, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3129; Jeanne Ray. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from