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a word on words the program delving into the world of their authors this week marshall the rule talks about sort of san jacinto a life of sam houston your host for word on words mr john sigg and all the latest villains singing we are on and i have a distinguished author historian marshall dobro to talk about what would greatly is an american history welcome working group your own words the book is the sort of san jacinto it's so the life of sam houston and what a life one of updates on say i never i never understood i think a liar read this book what it means to be born with leadership if ever a man faced adversity asked for adverse mean brought adversity upon himself it was sam
houston in is no way i can conceive that with his record the home marriages with his history are moons that he could succeed in politics and yet there he was the governor of tennessee david out an ad campaign lived with the cherokees once taxes with pretzel republican governor of texas with a car responding united states senator he had autism leadership it'd be a lot to get your writing more when they reject keep monday was one of those great eighteenth century virginians was born george washes illustration a lot of like the others of course he went farther afield you know washed in a philadelphia have this great success it into tennessee at twenty one of the first of before when you hear action twenty one years here and dan quayle on exciting years because
the what we now call the defining moment in this cliched political climate was was i guess we met andrew jackson and he was as he was a he was a young soldier jackson in his forties he was wounded three times jackson here's of that porsche been at the alabama in an insolent earlier in the day when you narrow in that role and then was taken outside the stockade that storm stockade and then later they call for another charge houston rally than lead the charge and he was felled by a rifle walls of the right shoulder and they literally left for dead i think those wounds should be emphasized because they come become so important as you stated in his personal life with a little i think it led to direct the dissolution of the first marriage that young girl who really couldn't deal with things seeping wounds which opens around his lifetime and private sector
unions unions in his late sixties talk about the generals will reopen the rule and some of us are actually in texas's sarge brings call to see if it would help has as you describe it must've been corrupted and and and periodically would it would burst in iraq and then also on the show and poor read and then an n and then them and they cover discolorations arrived in the bone fragments and for it for years and years of the splinters of bone to work their way out of that out of the show are wrestling go off to the springs and try to reconstruct the hot springs arkansas be ongoing or you know i think of his views herschel i have it's always been somewhat descriptive of them but it strikes me that and any oversight that that he's a jackson as a mile jackson unlucky in his own first marriage
jackson who would take a drank who would gamble and would call and fight several make you want to throw in their actions and say and then the rotting houston the parallels in their careers or striking he obviously modeled himself objects and i think in this oh so unremarkable houston become evermore to discuss health preferred the company of older men in their young women yes exactly what he did to build three of these marriages and then these great mentors judge trembling agency andrew jackson and that snowden course people and deliberate virginians let's talk about about his political life first will use that as a young man to congress in no doubt jackson is influencing political life and so on he clearly was jackson's chores and of intimacy i think you could make a
very good case and you suggested to respond strongly that it would not have been possible for him become president of state james k polk and he's a good he did and when i was working on this it struck me that jackson was trying to set up what are called tennessee dynasty which was to replicate what happened in virginia presidents who have succeeded each other and the virginia and i think here that he was well on the road doing that and houston's it was derailed by houston of course jackson shot himself the other show and suffer with it with martin van buren sure that within that for those men the l jackson houston and the through the former temple to reporting president announced a bad thing for the no beer as exactly right and bale is a name and nobody was a
dominant figures the house absolutely interview on our house as well there is a at the congress the governorship he's in the midst of a reelection campaign falls in love this young jack's father was a rather silly to the fact that the great three great scandals of the nineteen century occurred right here in russia it was a ritual andrew jackson and john eaton peggy and concrete and peggy o'neill timberlake and of course houston and that was alan soloway to something in the congo eliza is this lovely young woman whose father as a as a solo plantation go down and out in the end he has smitten both in courts and then course she was so she was to it was thirty
six you had this enormous political career are ready for the time and thirty four and serving college collected governor make a go of the militia regional tennessee always safe aboard his thirty four years old anybody that one thing that was a wife and for proper political career which is still the case so he married the snow well indeed in the village they were course ambitious for their daughter emeritus of government actually already arrived next step course we believe is united states senator president united states last after eleven weeks who also a part of that eleven we live on leaks i think it began they are to begin to fall apart is a science book a lot of america guests you know that all of them but there's been widespread circulation for years and years of my whole life as a journalist i've heard rambling some rumblings about what really happened the letters had been discovered for generations later last year a political novel was written suggesting that it was basically alcoholism
and an anne in temperance and hostility that caused lives in atlanta where you make a case and that's why i am certain that the answer that the physical appearance of his body was probably what general i think solar in and coupled with the fact that was an arranged marriage and any of it for renovations family and then because the various the second item in owsley things are going falling apart they couldn't just happen overnight it's only walked in and moves towards you found reading some letters from her x or whatever and that and that's what happened that i don't subscribe to get assistance a bad marriage began he says a little immune to run the four letter was to follow the law final thing which he says there's another question to richard nixon i ran over to oppose a touching letter that was a very moving letter of the rare came
in you said that first night something happen and maybe even for our province which you recount what happened the next morning when she was watching i had stayed overnight all of our association they wish there was a heavy snowfall and they had to stop a neighboring plantation on their way from downton into the nashville and the sun next morning houston was upper lip and without throwing snowballs with the two young daughters of the plantation and so it was it came out later were standing when the walking and mrs martin said you should go into the help of general there was allan houston said i hope they kill them and dispose that you can't be serious and he said yes i do hope that the volatile la part of a particular unless you've done enough for a thousand and eight hours a second night of the merchant's top is that the first murder parrots plantations of the blood of the martyrs plantations terrible incident happened the second within forty eight hours so it is so after a good story and that's right an end so lonely player in season and it's a
reelection campaigns who encounter also been suggested that billy carolina beat him and that that might have had something to you you don't believe i don't believe that because they they have debated the one debate we're in a nearby town here in houston got the best deal in that debate us a fact i think andrew jackson when he came back to watch then he'd just been ordered president after all wildly popular again to serve here in tennessee and jackson certain supporting houston as alan that's clear from the correspondents and i'm alive read that threatens life support so they split and he takes a steamboat and those western the years takes up with the us back to that where we live for three years before as a teenager with charities and east of the city where the charity was the island them in and then he went back to rejoin them in the arkansas character which an alcohol test save isn't like a lovely he remarried again we want to grow up with a border drawn rogers on the cherokee chiefs who incidentally is a great great great great
grandfather will rogers yes and so misused and somewhat related this is about where you're going to iraq which i think is appropriate and the surrealism of the rogers he was a nice of the chief political and from the most in three years he was in and in last and then that there's no no documents no the doctor patient with adventure the cost of living there were certainly a lot down the relationship with jackson has endured interference in russia's to jackson to bedside gets there as you point out the meats the doctor only marriage while he's going to have a steamboat line that you're in national guard carried him to russia to get that just a mile or two out of town the doctor he passes a doctor's care this is a jackson five at six o'clock it's about six about seven minutes of them biden are before me has a son one of his
sons opens first morning it's very moving bedside saying that song yeah i was very difficult when youre rising tide that is hard not to move in the future when word certainly he out the levy took a little boy and tends to tell and the memory of always gaze upon the few always remember that you gave on the face of andrew jackson and in houston course studied in this area for quite a while helping out in whatever and he of course lead the funeral procession out the hermitage for jackson the same as you'd known for his wife rachel which you got that in eighteen twenty eight to win gregory johnsen argues led by lead that unless you know how to take it head to the debt that jackson because i'll come back to that for the obvious difference two men had about triple a lot of indians well i have a new
respect for jackson about that he i don't think he was in new haven he's been painted american historians and the american public started when he was trying to do nothing to his correspondence that it's clear he was it was protection of the protective move as much as anything else because he knew that he could not hold back the white settlers in georgia nice to see in north carolina and south carolina and alabama i'm going to take these lines in georgian the vineyards have been declared non citizens have no protection law to taxes it and used and abetted him in this was to move them to this vast territory and cuomo and arkansas character which incidentally contrary to popular belief fertile beautiful countryside they did not move to some desert so it should've worked out if the federal troops and the commitments and again the same situation use it is so you cite his letters to the arkansas gazette in which she castigates
the indian agents as exporters and manipulate over where we were the la mer real evil election don't lead to pray all these people and to treat them out of their way to those things but while it's actually an intriguing about that but the greatest tragedy any rules not so much that they lost their words is the fact that social structure was destroyed and that was something that neither houston wood jackson new much when you sing about the live with indians that they thought that the transplant whole it turned out not to be the case why i suppose we should move ahead to taxes because that's that's where the war with mexico occurred only taken that say new you draw for us at another defining moment and did he really say remember the alamo
he didn't even deals a really admirable yeah when i was just just today actually for this we ration of the terrible massacre really have and i'm not always wondered whether shakespeare theatre said once more into the previous government wants more boots and when i read remember the alamo i said i know all the historians of the senate but it's what everybody who was there said the things that that they were setting this up after row when they regret retreat started across texas and then word came they were using that was out of the scope of alice texas trying to organize an army when word came of a terrible disaster at the album are used until want to blow it up and get out of the ten is it not the lady and then as we begin to pull back across texas thing and at this place called la adds this mission of on the presidio of idea and will accept her a lot more people there and they were overrun in on rex convulsive excuse four hundred and three hundred and
forty to really kill their march that killed and so then that became the rallying cry of used to it they would use this as a reference texas to keep troops in orderly remember that remember the alamo rental yes so the sense of publicity so you are so you get the sense that he was a military tactician with the key inside a four year you tell about his waiting for the mexicans to come with him and and anne in the heat of battle or how he is saying to them then you do not shoot to be really a sense of love what's more snot which is say qualities of leadership that that are unique living and he had you know many of his enemies said that he did not deserve to be commander in chief has the
course he had been with jackson and we're taking twelve even the head of the militia intensely for years so he knew about organizing military regime making it work and that's what he was going to win back across texas plus he was going anyway from their supplies at the same time he was going back and where kind of texas who wanted to see susie's texas there was nothing out there it's it's an interview that was about at all that so it was a nice job of its colony it was inevitable and it was a victory he would be the president of only he couldn't there's also great pr men issued not as many wounded so seriously it's a solo deal politically in a manic which it was in new orleans so that was a great stroke of luck actually less than it was to go to new orleans has always texans who have fled the war were there ray influential people what you arrive in new orleans when the hero and in the great man of the hour in new in the entire united states revenues has raced up the mississippi and around the coast what happened down there in jackson so it was a very rare victory
than euros which course it was not always nursing a minute you find so many pictures of venues and i never understood just how attractive power tracked it was parties and the camera he did ask me i think he was the first as i say it was the first really public in america everywhere and they should charge of beaumont mean all the accounts of this was if he was the first media maybe for the media age and it was dallas' eisler yeah the news was for his time and everywhere he went he was the most famous man in the room and where you have any lot because of this scandal and in tennessee and in the back i have to the right in texas that was the president's amazing their house island he kept himself on the breakup of his first marriage and family said about the second
night he was very private about an area there is that it's interesting to me that there is that one of your site i take it and in a way not much doubt that then he was addicted to our call you say one boy's possible perhaps opium well i think that when i came across that other entities in those files radar prize in texas that note to his friend auctioneer said to go over to a local hotel rooms this your head overdosed with i guess all opium serving with openly says so in the letter but to keep the secret will tell anybody at the houston gave sage detailed instructions with laws and they go up the stairs is a second door on the left and it's open or whatever or you must've been there i honestly things i asked of them in the room with a lawyer and that rumor that dogged him all along to get into pain given the pain because you're getting in your expensive items
nothing illegal about the center's nose and then i came across a callous avocados in texas is that to a new shipment of turkish ok with arriving be advertised in the local papers to sell some drugs that have either somebody other than doctor was so that always put in the paper third marriage it was luck in love thing they would be the that and then let's move to the effort to bring texas into the into the unknown what's more his roots and to us the help from jody jackson portions of further than its agency always felt texas was part of the louisiana purchase and then he's going from great fights with john quincy adams i've sat a great deal of fun reading them a feud between adams and ann jackson knows is intense a minute of we think the political campaigns to the iraq war there's no one like that never know maybe maybe grover cleveland mom hours on that's what that's the
nearest thing to a budget but there are but nor blame it all our mr it all off with an well iran an antagonist and sour and best job of never a murder no no no that ensue they were they really despise wellesley was born to the president you're a crown prince and then he could not understand why the americans we would want to let this man from this place go tennessee president united states and there so but of course when adams wrote a reporter wentland when jackson was given an honorary degree from hardened attitudes refused interviews refuse to attend the ceremony goes only one reason why we are greta van de camp with two words but the reservoir is energizing those more about all the latin america south of yemen the president about right jackson adams well with jacksonville they do a play about are perhaps jackson
would use and so will jessica course the last his last official act as president you know stage was recognition of texas that jackson and so that ended on a very remote indeed and then when john tyler was or wasn't gravity exploration and then it finally did come about the jackson jr last minute was pushing this writing letters m and writing houston where a letter a letter of the law you're too cozy with the british and the french and whether that you dared texas belongs to united states and is not should not be a separate stat why i guess that houston with and go to washington the energy bill in washington dc any cut this great figure in washington of course and everybody would see this night when he arrived in the incident but then his colleague ross we've even those who work for texas used those of making speeches and nine they are bringing her to fight isis now live at the outset of the different times and different when you
stretch his career lori think whoa so it tells you what the west than it was an amusing understand on secession if you were to tell you once again those qualities of michigan well exactly and he really was part of that group that put together the united states of america and tracks are at fault the same battles meeting thirties with phil and houston had just picked up that banner who along with it but when he was he was weary as he as he says in his earliest when one of his earliest memories was when his father came home as you move forward the black arm band york washington died and in houston you know died during lincoln's of these days he and i discovered that when i was reading this that his son used a new fourteen of the first sixteen presidents of the united states and that really was such a really ghastly the heat even on noah adams and unwashed and he knew all the others to think including
lincoln his stand on secession and so that will absolutely and that's what really drew me to them wasn't for this but i believe the childhood hero of mine with us what that was as a southerner out of all for my grandparents with that property or children or on cigarettes and the migrant and my grandfather robert lee writes his father was his father his name was andrew jackson curtis okay but so i really have always looked at that true southerners who oppose the war because i always thought it was not that it was the greatest calamity the ribbon fell our country and so when you begin to do research on their year led directly to the sam houston is huge right there like this great guiding light for you and that week he was rabid unionist and with that would not really a ball the costumes his seat in the senate they brought in back taxes but he ran for governor was elected with the common people loved him so much and elected him with pizza simply would not that would not let
them off and then ultimately came home to his new life is is there twice third wife yes and a new site that beautiful welcome home oh what a talented woman she was she was she you know and well read in and there's a rather marvelous woman who did indeed so reluctant and there was a mother his eight children need i don't i'm not quite certain what her father was as i say the city he could never really his children's names english refer to lucy and in them living the larger more what's next day you have another id project in minor well it's obviously i would i would like very much to continue this was i became almost viewed digress we're
working on looks like this an incumbent almost besotted by other people in i n andrew jackson's them and i think he was worried we truly great live in benin and that i'd like you to do more with jackson or we'll look into that city with that would that would interest me well it's amazing to me how historians do appease discover someone else and are drawn into a second second robin williams here not long ago a newly planted and i'm sure you'd be read aloud wrong that really viewed the world and what i read all three volumes of mrs jackson i think maybe rock barbara may have them clothes off and i think that those books are a brilliant yes have you done this and done some research i read all of those things actually in them and i think i've read most of jackson hole through it all through the bbc victory or not what we talk about is how books are written how long to this day i started in nineteen eighty eight and that most of the research most of the last two years
marshall the rule author of sort of scientists until a life of sam houston as that are gassed on a word un were heroes to sentencing in color this program was produced in the studios of wbez in nashville these airbag
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Marshall Debruhl
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Sword Of San Jacinto: A Life Of Sam Houston
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0385 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 28:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-xw47p8vp0r.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:54
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 1031; Marshall Debruhl,” 1993-03-29, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 4, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 1031; Marshall Debruhl.” 1993-03-29. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 4, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 1031; Marshall Debruhl. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from