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a word and words program delving into the world of books and their authors tonight dr michael deeds talks about him so fast your host for a word on words mr jon seaton bar publisher of the tennessean an editorial director of usa today good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome once again say they were going to talk about a subject that is our bet of interest to most of you out there know it's of interest to me about the losing weight losing weight the right way act are on our guest is a it's not about an author who has put together this book that based on some personal experiences the book is call fen so fast and there's a dr michael each with am with a shag lesson is and then there's talk of my colleagues in person welcome michael used to wear long words like you get bigger you have a chapter that's called off
that doctor became a fedex for versailles this is based on a real sense on your own experience the experience a lot of patience and a half that worry well i wasn't just morbidly obese but i weighed about two hundred fifteen pounds which is about forty pounds more than he did the way he did when it started and i had to put that all on the once again at a medical school and can work on yemen the middle age and a political timing really unlike everyone else non physicians out one on the college fair that came along and how to be successful at losing weight that you will come back and so one i read about one of these bees liquid diets that had been going around for long passion so for one free at her i guess coming out people would punish offended they've really been done for dr joseph a long time interest in those and
in one on one of those myself and lost the lost boy very quickly and did very well and then started putting patients alone on a major medical practice at the time the next animal crackers and has devolved to one that was a hundred percent weight loss you know people read about the pope has said that and you so when the book and saying this is what what she did i guess what sixty seven pounds she lost easily and that size ten calvin klein was your art with your oven was your regimen justice of the year as hers yes the wanna wanna myself wasn't one or five supplement their engine just like the one that she went out and she went i'm not defense probed marijuana before peripheral vision if this program is enough to fit her marriage period tricksters arcane there are a whole bunch of them are basically all just work all protein spring modified fast and and i went on a five submitted a problem as she did last month
and then as i started putting patients on announced a lot of the tallest fallen off the wagon how comparable are the people that were on the five a day program and they didn't fall off because they were hungry as much as it fell off because i just wanted something to chew on and so that would start chewing on the wrong things and saw a fear that a meal replacement for one of the supplements savannah taking four supplements today and in one meal and they did a lot better at road and slow down or it was her last words did not know a primmer just kept everyone that will not win one of the first thing we all her on television the very first day i mean even before oprah was on that morning with that the nationwide program he was a helper is going on today and the more sailors on today's last december but doctors war and then arguing with on a couple days later saying yes these died so we'll work but they can be dangerous t
l e r and i spoke a number people toppled about why they are indeed when it says do it on the care of physician at me check with the doctor every day are every week or what what's really required on to do that and be safe well their light first talk about the reason for the call for cancer back in the seventies a promise made available in which people could could purchase this kind of the cherry flavored proto liquid protein diet for a lipoprotein tied or less confidence report quality protein and people were given instructions on how to take this given that most health food stores i guess some pharmacies they would get disturbed take a couple tablespoons at a time three four times and then it's all the nutrition that they had an about sixty the people that did that that very popular at that time and that whole liquid protein fiasco sticks in people's mind and one thing when they hear the word liquid protein that's what they think of all those people was on there and about a third the view of them that were actually under physician supervision permanent been prevented this
mainly to wonder what happened to speed was a big historical if they had a loss of muscle we're approaching malnourished and the new solicitor available today whether they're the top defense fund's of the commercially available ones or was that his republican in the book are much higher quality of protein are a complete protein so people will really run that risk the island the ones such as when oprah one on a very low calorie bats are between four and five hundred calories a day there are deficient in potassium so a person what the test needs to be watched wall here she is on the inside and that's the reason that there's some concern about the same because the sole doing and because of the potassium deficiency potential for the commercially prepared programs and so physicians like to watch these people weekly basis number one that talk about in the book i have a meal which included in that and plus a fortified the supplements with a lot of extra capacity and that that privilege taken away that war
ii from nasa people are willing to pass into play navigate that everyone should should see a physician before they start where's mine or from anybody that this in doctors start to measure that have some underlying promos can become manifest will suddenly start losing weight but once they did that in and stick on one level on the british and having problems how often would you say to a few years come back to see me do in the course of this stuff i have them all in the practice of one of these very low powered that sichuan opera when i have them back on a weekly basis from every other week basis but the supplements in the book are fortified in the record companies up around eight hundred to a thousand colors unless they have a problem there wouldn't need to come back now what i discovered on the practice tee is it that people don't just come in every week and have their blood drawn we review the levers of somewhat down and psychologist percent had a prominent contact and so you need to have a passive someone take people usually come in complaining a second they can plant their
legs at the elegant muscle pain retired a joint gets arthritis argument we say aha this perceived fraud efficient protests intractable insurance versus something that for the most part patients can recognize themselves and i get instruction as to what to do if a one star suffering the symptoms of protests and efficiency though the line here serves now you can safely lose up to five pounds a week with that zephyr everybody the five pounds we know that's an average that people with people with an average of three to five pounds a week un probe are similar to this that some people it's a lot more people in the last seventy or eighty pounds we know also that they've washed out and a half or two pounds a week in it it's a function of the size of the individuals that males large mayer's arrival is a lot more than a small female journalist a lot less than that and five pounds instead of an average an average number and i say no as its all france lost and one when
people go on record where restricted that's the third quarter restricted food that's a typically don't have enough protein and as a result there was a fair amount of muscle mass and sometimes forty fifty percent of the way that they're losers musselwhite and and that's the real claim to fame of this kind that people only lose fat since that weighs about six hundred pounds a gallon of privilege what we have known nothing about these people the difference in a hurry in the way that they look that sometimes reflect on the scales and sometimes not always reflected in how much better their clothing fits in a much better that will come a texas as the recommended or those who are on their stomach i've recommended people undertake some sort of a white to moderate exercise or for a couple reasons number one what tomorrow exercise burns fat when people exercise very rigorously or strenuously in there penny and an out of breath and i would bring fat anymore the burning glucose and that's a very inefficient metabolic process of
the actions of wily no perfect they'll increase their air conditioning and they'll have fun people go out and start run and so on they want iran to miles very few of them to carry on with it and saw a lot of people why nature shows written walking just fine like instructional have been accountable different way and ivan what weight training for people because if it's done properly and bills joint strength that builds bone mass bills all around strength and power and i think taliban ever to the essence of the muscle building your body built by the juices a workout even robot work out does that and i know that actually if it's done moderately unlikely mentally ill people are struggling out for an interview with this tomorrow and why we do a proper form or fervor well you say clearly knew that that them it comes to my mind could you just talk
about that that that that was made available through certain outlets here was a few years back cause the deaths of trinidad there's fifty sixty people i know that you early on made the statement that you personally are not involved they caught me ari food organization that uses the idea that data to recommend you're not saying this program that i have a part of something that i recommend they don't know why they're important to the famine on a now some doctors do recommend their own regiment to create a product or help contribute to it like a disclosure of it and you think that would be some philosophical and fifty so i don't know if it would be a conflict and i suppose it would bid at the time that i wrote the book i was an employee within those companies and i don't want people to think that i was pushing a particular company because i had
some sort of financial interest in it and the instructions that i give people how to make the supplements are you know that they're made with the products that they can obtain anywhere that will have really any financial stake in what's were in the ones in our commander always about pride that i think tastes pretty good and then make a good supplement but i've done it and what people to tell have a bit of skepticism that says was get a loan of that but he owns part you you tell the full story and the american caught him listening to doctors get out and deliver a report conrad that that in some circumstances the day a camaraderie that can be problematical you
say some of doctors who had heard the evidence came out and still came down in favor of relying solely on car ride out almost totally on carbohydrates out how much of that sort of thing goes on elman says they are doctors here the islands were they still stick to fruits and veggies as opposed to recognizing that that this indeed could be a problem for patients often people who might read what they have the same what they consistently widespread and it goes on all the time we're going to call up right now very well hi complex carbohydrate hysteria cholesterol hysteria and be a sometimes live evidence that that led to my mind the right points a certain way will just a real
insult people listening to that because they're trapped in the sky come push from a hunter mode and that is to say you're talking about was talking about pencils how highest levels and so that was that was making the year the report talked about how his group found the highest levels in the absence of any other risk factors in the absence of obesity edges of heart disease that highest levels alone would contribute to heart disease and early death and they need to run around after signed and so what does that mean versus practitioners well it means that we'll accomplish that which is just absurd to my weight they deserve nothing that lowers insulin better than a low carbohydrate high protein that it's been shown that a lot of different lot of different experiments and now a lot of experts are coming up through the new england journal not long ago that did show that very thing they substituted manon saturated fat for high countless providers it had better control cholesterol and better control blood sugar lemay you mentioned that insulin and i
remembered that sewing of belle because there is a chapter in your collar really a one about nutrition and i know that hating of coloradans you get into a discussion or his shoulders that come from your diet and insulin response it involve i guess can be helpful that right well in some responses the islamist producers it was in response to an injection well sugar or car behind or it lowers the sugar level of the blood of the shadow of the word used to have a lot of serious problems can occur in several insulin as a necessity to keep that while but insulin itself and can become a problem with the circling levels of insulin are too high and they're too high from chronic overconsumption of carbohydrate and so if a person stays on a low carbohydrate that keeps your insulin levels lower and they don't have any of the
problems that are associated with just the high levels of insulin for people as a question you have a deep feeling for its officials would eat look at me in a dress was deposed because of our cholesterol and what most people don't realize is that only about thirty percent or about a third of the cost rose in their blood country with a date the other two thirds of upper body makes you copperhead quest requests rows of vile vile fan it's a precursor for prostate gland for sex hormones or the brain's quest for a winner for cholesterol it so important the body makes the quest roller synthesizer sequester over that need and so if it's if it doesn't come from through the buyer is going to make it and there's a feedback mechanism in their people what can get through the body doesn't make as much but if if a person stays on a low carbohydrate diet effects a synthesis pathway of cluster all and keeps very much cholesterol from being made to another request roll will go down because that two thirds of factors affected another dietary figure so low carbohydrate that people can actually eat more meat anymore a skinny man at all
things that they think they've been freed forbidden and still have their quest for life would go down have taken care of many many many patients who've come in after a long trial of the high coverage from under that still not an anarchist roll under control and get it under control in and four weeks will come under thirty all things that they thought they could make yet thought if someone came to see in some of that i would like to lose weight that i don't need to lose her and i mean i'm a normal weight of self and the like exercise much do whatever you tell me i have to protect my health and on a delusional way all feel better well let's do what how would you how you instruct them to go about that that weight loss alice tripp and what a carbohydrate is headed to the carbohydrate counter which is to build the littlest of the current or comfort food to help put them on about a sixty gram and a
carbohydrate diet and stand there and watch what happened sixty grams of days plenty of carbohydrates so that that they will feel deprived on real combat or restricted that's the glitch was a food or so women in the people in the field of privacy she rested in only feel deprived i'll put them on a secure and alan hall meeting one will exit they want can well anything they want as long as a stick within a sixty gram women in and watch and see what happens and usually they will lose weight that a priest slow steady rate and because they have a higher intake of protein all over losing fat their blood pressure should get them until they're hypertensive because against one another one that affected us was insane cause the kidneys to retain sodium so when people go on the the pretty spring fest republic or hybrid that they have of violations are you and a lot of the river waters of sodium and so their blood pressure goes does that so their quest wrote them down and then they would have just a stabilization of blood sugar that would you know get rid of a flute them and retain them lose weight so
a lot of people use the main us that about him that's the reason i brought up for the minds that thirty wealthy and your that and he knew you have a number of menus in here it seems to me to the bizarre read the heart from edith think that if i stayed on the the status and i would be very very iran and i don't think i want you had you go about developing these women use a computer to hear we had been a crucial computer that they gave the crucial crucial spreadsheet and then with putting greens still in that thing would cackle and nothing can implement them out a failing pub a hundred and whatever and that's why we did those that would basically to recipes that a family recipes are recipes that maybe our friends or our patients are people that work in our clinics and modified in such a way that they were low carb hundred
people are that are carbohydrate can actually a very clever of extracting the carbohydrate from things now i never saw him die before with a grilled cheese sandwich on it and i don't know what alibaba mono soup is what is out of chicken soup oh isn't as if you know where and my cuisine experience i missed ample amount of superman ride along with cheese salad that has endeared her greek restaurant last and i always have it's a staple was almost it's almost as if you're saying no that you can be you you were early on said that you collected and now that books and that use red lines never be hungry again and i started out on it and i don't know the lobby hundred billion cost up to your
to your year in maintenance died then i would not get in there a mite m it doesn't pay not really we have the fastest helpless not that bad what you get past the first couple of days because once you get into the us when the thing in your body search breaking up fat and want a status called main keep houses and that would you tell the story a control people just like tom and whoopee cushions but the state being in quito says education for me honey remember one number to make you feel fairly euphoric and one of the big problems i had was getting people off the fast part of because they feel so good for the first two or three days i feel was into were covering all of this fat burning system and when they get there they don't walk because it's simple to thank this week's episode on drink it and they feel great that they're losing weight rapidly and really not wanting to opposite it very easy to stay on that now have begun that one meal be that day it sixty eight ounces of meat in a cup of vegetables in a couple solid know
deserts nuns are another some dessert menus and occasionally and all what people did in n roll em out pretzel people approach what that was one of their continuing to lose weight but you know i mean antiphon and in nineteen fifty nine i lost forty pounds and funded by counting calories per start well lousy a periodic liam gone back on a calorie counting that oh i've always easy route he would need to get off that diet you're saying it's not going to count calories i think you say i'm progressing than they even lose weight by counting calories or don't misunderstand me but when you can't carbohydrate you know intimate account number one and yet you actually taken a lot fewer calories than you think you'd be taken so it's really restricted calorie diet but you don't look upon the search because you're eating things that that you normally couldn't have and over two thirds of the car behind richard while you will really stores much fat
so it's a you lose weight because it's a corker restricted it's actually lowered fiat your advantage compared that they're probably already because you really want a failure of providers really no need for it for you know we can be a naughty pastries and those things can tell was a friend and make it flow more for political writer but it is a corker restricted that it took a measure of the calories in that because low and carbohydrate your body doesn't metabolize it the same way and so you really are hungry and that's the that's the claim to fame of low carb moderate that you mentioned it in your book a word and other times more than once in and the sense of the fun of why and it plays a role in an in weight loss and i've heard other doctors market on the awesome now the count the khatami versus acuff lot about
health law about in his most recent series on the fire and you're talking about fiber and it seems to me that fiber is his son lay out very hot topical subject for four of those of you who are leading the country in the loss of millions and millions and millions of pounds what about fire explain why suddenly we all need to worry about five right now white it's on our mind all time whether they're there's fiber and then there's farmers are basically three types of fires insoluble fiber in their soluble fiber insoluble fibers a couple farmers planted wheat bran that that's the main source of the insoluble fiber an insoluble fiber has not really been shown to pay for any health benefits particular tunnel automation will be more regular but that's about the extent of effect there a whole group of people believe that if we can lead the gastric cancer all kinds of cold prompt insoluble fiber million which fiverr has found
in fruit and vegetables in their son's insoluble fiber interested mainly soluble fiber the suffrage of issues found oatmeal fat on psyllium husk some that's how to make commercial attempt to put in the preparations that has a lot of positive effect and that the reason there was caught up in that now is because it's been shown for conclusive when a couple big articles that the addition of them look for small muscle fiber that will reduce cholesterol levels polk westra levels while the same time not reducing hbo levels which is a good ques draw innocent course that the richer cocoa stroke of good ques drone the future corner risk not just overall cholesterol and so to do anything to lower them the bad cholesterol or will have trouble maintaining they are raising a good quote for a lesbian and that's why all this focus has been on fire as britain's cholesterol and spirit weren't right now and that's been shown really two to a decreased cholesterol markedly people would take it you're part of the area medical family your wife mariane as a business
i gather she was very supportive of you on those despotic the way how about how you'll interact is it a visit to see me that would be an ideal marriage but also i think a good free acres some tension an ebola patient you both their regimen the practice together yes well she has more of a general family practice and i have always loved practice but she often cut into the well as patients and to the general medical patients we can sell like a portable mother but it's interesting that we have different styles of practice she's very and with it she does it and an amazon thousands of the well and that she still has the results you're now traveling around the country promoting cents or less and a supplemental liquid diet it's inevitable it
into a weight loss guru and you be on shows like this all across the country in three would be kindly and sang him your autograph and sign my book and by the way can you help me lose weight our eye on how you feel about that i mean none of that sort of a different world being out of the office and in the media so incredibly different worlds and roll out opening experience shows like this are great because you have a chance to explain so often i'll be in a show where three minutes and who were supposed to show his dresser questions to ask but maybe jermaine maybe not and so i really don't like that but it did and that time schedule today that the thing like this are really enjoying it so that gives me a chance to have a refined home alone thinking but it sounds very different from the practice of medicine you know there's a whole lot of them in this is is that you could very well find yourself in six months or year
do more of this factor mike williams author of thin so fast as ben our guest unaware downwards featuring jon seaton of this program was produced in the studios of wbez and television nashville tennessee area
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Dr. Michael Eades
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Thin So Fast
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0551 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 28:50
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-xs5j961h7k.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:19
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 0844; Dr. Michael Eades,” 1989-04-03, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 18, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 0844; Dr. Michael Eades.” 1989-04-03. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 18, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 0844; Dr. Michael Eades. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from