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the wand john save all welcoming you know on johnson in for inviting electrician were homework i guess that that time will be a jean kennedy smith is the author of a new book called fowl of the current various backyard this week doug marlette talks about euros torah or downwards mr jon seaton chairman of the freedom forum's first amendment center at vanderbilt university says once again welcome toward own words one was in unison great fun with one of the great american satirist a cartoonist who'd been able to welcome doug marlette cared what a great what a great time than i am with the fall bubble
building a washington and i never laugh as much at any new gun i had belly laughs oh it's good and there people out there in common they're now saying what a follow on the annual flow of hope on assorted fall says the french weren't all sins of thought bubble would be a false phony goebel i'm not a truth not true for him and that i think bill a bill clinton al gore and myself i might add r r r o vogue's oh yes a week and billy bob it's a counterfeit cracker yeah you know you say in the tags with three bodies of tax evasion which is they're from an interesting we're going to have but you say at the outset that that george bush and ross pronoun or really one of the problems here and they then i make a move in
that direction but clinton is the really scary i will he has more genetic be a redneck who have not a real novelty idea not good that his ascension i mean all the candidates as you point out george bush with moving to texas from kennebunkport establishes about credentials for climbs horses coming up by police but he you know he's like he's a wannabe you know ross perot it's hard to be above and the billionaire and the cisco says well basically there's some basic traits of al gore who's who has a kid is born to privilege when everyone to privilege no matter how far removed from the baba know switching outhouses southern india but there's still a southern accent is not a bottleneck in la crosse is off as a colt for life but but now you know that what goes on in america is that is there something going on where people were trying to disguise you know
if you're born to privilege and your politician you know the american people have ambivalence towards success and towards prove was in the can root for the underdog and see one show that you're just plain folk's you're not really you know wealthier and all this and so you know that's one time no question is closer at one myself i mean what i'm a generation removed from the trailer park billboards as my grandparents were emails and the last m and clams now his of his is his mother's been married five times is is is that you were just out there was a drive his brother was in prison on his life is a country song soviet that he is kind of more of one bought at an email inbox rip that well there's a lot of thought now that now they out and the use of big givers so you say that act as nobly as news anchors was three brokers politician brought my own ranches in
montana and i hi going whitewater new in design and be able to carry a gun rack on the bmw that aside there that this is the foe bubble phenomena nsa is a testosterone young these people who've been civilized out of there out of their animal tests and they're they've been battered by the women's movement and so they're trying to restore their manhood the only way we know how by buying it you know you can buy a range rover in selected no like iraq actually authentic and genuine way manley opposite say this as if we've done it you can get all the perks and then use of this bubble lifestyle chewing tobacco arrived at without having the suffering of the downside of like getting laid off her job or get cut up and i thought well that's right but that's how you say yeah right you say that you can chew india and don't have to wear that get laid off and gotten it and nobody recognizes of phobos a man is like you know
real bubbles don't jerk and this year they have their bellies and relevant doesn't you know they don't have a yale or harvard that you know and they don't have wives with two last names hillary rodham clinton i was with two first names like mary jo and liability who believes in as it's a bit of a subtle difference is that you have to cover sins and blow dryers and cat hats do not mix now and so people would say that this book the cartoons some of the most i guess i come from cartoons that had been published in pulling together rather unique way a profile before bob but sunday was a it looked as an elitist not looking down on the on and you say i want it takes one to know as the us or the threat was always a noise that it does take one i know is that everything's done on a bar graph one am and i traced those in my comic strip and
kudzu uncle bob is there is a character who is a true barbecue real world the last of the global voices that you know an end and the strobe light and i've chronicled this kind of disappearance of the go with this modernization gentrification urbanization of the south and the something called the sunbelt has has driven out a real bubbles and n and you know it's like obama side but douglas county the real thing and this is why i came up with and i always kind of can't avoid it wonder why i wasn't one i didn't quite enough it and my brother is a robo nine or so is it something we're around i don't know this is nature a nurse you know we've been talking about this phenomena many it wouldn't be bad ear if we let our audience share are and look at some apartments
just a random selection but i heard you mention come soon and he'll show up and never will be done is in there three four five times right but what what was on the way here we have behind you that their fall bob lutz and the chalice unfairly at this season of tight male his words the false little more weekend billy bob riley on the landfill version cut off from the senses the law feminism it too crowded around wrongs and weep openly at some of the ma our motor control you know you may not have ha ha ha ha ha oh yes so there's no reason clearly the planning and madeline the only way of albino thought our eyes a month an hour it goes and laura jones the
don't tell phil ha ha ha ha ha guilt involved of those now there is that it is really a remarkable i see the circus it was everywhere and has something to do with a slew of the stage we live in but what fascinates me is that we have we have our produced leadership who are you carrying this ba ba sol lot of this the same way i think the things that she wrote quote ministers in the snow yuppie southern is that they are there so i'm in there was having to seminars and panel discussions and bob was known about him was though sometimes they hang around the piano hang around those services chose the marinade and enemies getting the cleansing susceptible to facilitators yeah that's right there will be an announcement of heaven and so i don't know what i am i can survive
<unk> is a facilitator and ambassador doesn't become the polls of that experience you know i think all of us who work brought up during those of this time i'm bill clinton and i share the sisters and i've been brought up during that week i caught on the fault line between the old confederacy in the new south are here is here's what was the financial markets that's right a defining fall moment when the window is courting hillary at yale law school by what is the delayed leaving them to their welfare security on the verge of the dod a lot rice i was i went to the oval office about a week ago and gave him the first copy was broken and well when clinton read this i have second burst in laughter is it especially about whether there's an epidemic was a humvee said there's another moment there was one where i talk about them the defining from a man is or the moments when you know that someone is not a big
billboard this is when he was inside a class in high school and building a crude rolodex no but that another one that was it when he was a nice i have a drawing of pound bomb were citing martin luther king's i have a dream speech it has to his grandfather's grocery store owner bob was a letter that he was because he had a fairly did that with an uncle of those who was of george wallace so it's overdue well part of it is well now that we have are now we branch out a little bit like i mean that is that the yuan bill clinton and that's a real the shop and cans of obama in anchorman and about and this is it was undaunted an area that was
so solvency and now which now we move to maui moved to a joint was george bush's harry truman hold a mess is anguished of the city and they are so you love you love you spread around with equal love toward bubble bill and other georgian border all they're always interesting phenomenon it's not just educating be a billionaire and obama it goes beyond that i mean in some ways when i listen to him i think he is i think he is above and not afford what i have that i think that goes on i don't think if obama would ever say you people european yeah right now decidedly non credentialed are really better add the above i heeded us economy like i aged that's your time or
sensitivity there that that that business interests and that this has to do with the camera personality as simple as that you never said how he sees problems and he doesn't think in terms of nuances and so jesus you say you didn't know anything maybe it is above a call and answer bio secure my of uncle bob was doing a little more in ways no other author of the local i mean you couldn't know that much about the new technology is a new novel by doubling it in our name only ross perot probably fix we are dead to me the motorola cartoonist says in her family from there's two
is in three word we ventilated by you all we hate you sometime soon as you me that i'm lonely journalists and the speed really has an editor and was a journalist for three years i got more heat and hail full political caucus than anything else in the paper you know second and that the enemy of any outrage was real and the concern of how partisanship was told it was understood and all right to do that right i guess you agree with the fact that cartoons are images and as their vehicles of emotion i sometimes describe my roles doesn't feel or some about journalism is you know become a mostly distances us from france's you know the caricature of the journalists assign a war got a fire or wreck a car and that kind of cynicism that concrete
man is based on the fact that we're trying to be objective and fair in there's always a tendency to put things at a distance so quickly it gets distorted when you when you don't have it you know would it become the role the curtain as has come to bring that back and a commotion and i get some muscle response to follow was named their children after presence that's the question we've been well i don't know that one phoned jackson with nine ga ya ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you know that they had an attack or on the facts and yours on the republicans on the rebates five and a lesson and yet he says that he says that his mother now because of early eighties we were pleased to see him as a sensitive and then added and then the unification and an ammo and jackson the day's final five year olds love the guys with a
weapons in a batman terminator in x men an answer he had seen george was when the persian gulf warranties so you didn't understand why we're rooting for the big guys is that weapon so he was really annoyed the wood that we were voted for klan that we seem to be support clinton took one candle town hillsborough north on the tour and he hugged jackson in and suddenly jack conway comes isis that and i think that after the lesson we were we were we had we are having their lessons and that attitude that in the end and he wasn't behaving so i had to take another restaurant is annoying iran i could have said no car we're saving and this chili sauce and mrs pruitt says the lessons i said that nasa what they said i'm unemployed for climate ha ha ha ha if i had to take that up while i would like take a look at another garden of their
joys and pro life and it turned out it was surrounded and there is a rose in out and investment or that's a huge huge you love your new actor abdurahman i hasn't included larry king who was i thought larry king was a change in some way the nature of television he is this fair marking may have taken political campaigning directly to the level where i i think so and i think that's what we're talking about about the trouble clan is having with the press now is that his success came from going around the press going directly to the american people the voters through the tortured to larry king and an all men and that has changed that i spend its own serious acclaim sound now
sail fly we see and breaking down a year berlin wall usa that's now and this was expressing my my my feelings about the know this is the kind of thing the cartoonist if you're not seen as doing positive part of that is a celebration of the victory what was always a lickin and again i i think that there is a firewall simon of text in the book that deals with a cartoonist selig isn't over yet and close right eye and i think that in a cartoon sloth to pay their president since you know you can become a professional instinctual killer instinct you know you try to maintain a so you're i've always try to avoid meeting politicians or hang around with it and when i first met clan i never expected that the governor of arkansas interviewed presidents i don't think i have to worry about the annual meeting over at what's now no well no holiday weekend the renaissance of a son and a wasteful but we can
yes we can the panels and tennis and golf and that there's more fun in the seminar room then arizona gospel right now at la really isn't a specimen but butts seeing someone has also you know a cost is your professional writer are you like someone i've done in atlanta when i was drawing cartoons about andy on the known well like i always kind of respected and i found myself choking on the caricature for some reason is not that he doesnt have a good face draw bassist i would tend to make more reporter at first and will the sun those with one they are approaching what does have but you wouldn't he does have that so the chevy figure and ann jolley face that would make for yeah they were dead and that this early on in the campaign understand as i was drawing on my own if i didn't was it was it was interfering with amy jo and so you know i'd been over time of course when the problems are flowers the drafts of all that the professional
as i think is the snow melt through the va can be out and the killer instinct ious that there is like having trouble as a cartoonist you know you could begin to change you know we use but still payable verify it's not very funny story there while you're the eurozone's we can un the pool we're heading towards a borrowing over foreign clinton was sort of some money grab my arm in and but quote most of our interest and where's marlin and some ice and he's been hired by the press and because of that you know and have all is poisonous and haven't as learners of that has been voiced and that's the worst thing that can happen to be hard for a satirist of the art by president i said the reporting or whitening high gear and went out the windows but it is true that that was my intention was and the union made a difference find on our differences that no
hugs or economy was my mother's whereabouts and ensure secure than well i think there is a well various areas with the saxophone with promises and then the leverage the locals that as i located very low key on the loretta promises so obviously nervous those principles not interfered with my day you're able to because they'd been eleven and the flight in in our quiz swearingen and no hell right at the eye of those boats three year when you have the humanness of this kennel like a marital relationship as always and you know nancy and ronald reagan any of that it humanizes the president won't want to fight and i think our chances to show people that these endings is not god's these are there are people will act in their to be held accountable to that oh here is there is a there was a speaking of your own and that i was coming up
i am and as elite and then haley jobs but i mean that is that is if he if they were real bubbles this is what the whales as if they were above all so i can like the bossa nova which i made the first job search there are no gun lover is also the eternal barbecue what that though they have the ear there's a there's another one on the covers quite good and the one on the back david levithan has been closed and i think that is terrific for it really so taking a close look at this is that is that that is belied her that when the day that he named al gore has his running mate isis as yoko says nader and his baba's anti boots eight percent cut taxes that but because of all wine that old self the new saints in tennis tarzan and the zambian water there instead of davis' city as like a cherry a dentist
gerry and his grey poupon right although a bomb was so i gave it to bill clinton wasn't anything it and in the end the bathroom which is we just work hard to miss those are ripe there are nato also in fact i don't know as a cartoonist lugar metropolitan museum millennia certainly iowa that there are three segments of texas for all relatively brief but i would play it you have talent as a young as a writer i mean they're not been unable quote lot around have you thought at all about writing a college writing him yes have it i had the thing about wally end of a session for me my my movement i've always been visually literate common sense of having a vigil
says us citizen my son jackson yes i did a memory and then that you can say something and remember what it looks like and that's why it apparently had as a child and an ad budget but i move from single images to multiple images with a stroke in an mls are so much more efficient writing and anne we want to learn and this is what the hardest work in the world as a dozen is a cartoonist i have to go from a onetime fleeting to another end and takes a lot of practice in for me but i will get a great deal so sessions something about you know cartons like a slam dunk and if you get it right it's like you know like but that slammed and with writing something of it is like the icon as rye a novel like the entire season festivals has anything to the army i take it that you maybe don't know how funny writing is i think you know luckily you're carting that might have something is is aig is just get right in the way that the wild things
i think that i bring is a common in patients would lie and i want to make sure i'm not fallen asleep has a sign with the drawing and so with a writing and i tried i want to be interested in and so i got it yeah i need to expand on everything about my work has been distilling in an and in writing i need to open up more land elaborate i think one of the things i hear from cartoonist more and more these days is they don't like it i think that if your suggestions of political cartoons i think that's been a long standing practice as cartoonist gained independence gained fame gained notoriety gain desperate they were able to resist editors
suggestions and a man what your own experiences there more of that going on now are more out of those saying the more your peers are quarter notes look you should roll morton the subject of the editorial you should be less independent nation in your view should come port more with interpol data to those things go away but there was always a tension that that you know with editors cartoons are not amateurs you you can kind of adjust them are fine tuning their just what they are i always tell my ears i'll start over i came in as an organic relationship between everything but then and some letters are just in a you know they want to have it have their imprint on the lock and our commitment to normal oates for us an online ad this abyss that dancing the bestsellers can learn to come back off and let it let it happen and appreciate what what you know is not the way they would do it but they hire some money because they don't think that way and i think that the wisest owners wouldn't let him down let it go but yeah i think they're a card that you also can ask for
ending their curtis who functions as a way to ask donors to come in and calm and focus on you know it's all individual bomb there there's some curtains hawaii i would want to you know i was like you're a man and i understand i understand the impulse is to something that everyone has to work out so what did you have a long o u and i think you are a role model for all flawed young art students to do you know i grew up on her blog jules pfeiffer and then that puts the professor was changing now in the mid sixties during that tumultuous time in them so as an indian and there was there was a pat oliphant who introduced a kind of a british style that made people like myself who grope on television mad magazine say hey this looks like farm this looks like mad magazine in it and it can open it up for us i think everybody wants the people in whom are here contemporary peers mr mike peters and the finale a great deal of the people who have their own voice you know thats what writers here who have their own way the same thing
and and show him and you know he knows now united is that nobody else is going to do it that way and i'm ann and mr different people for different reasons or comrade says she's retarded despite admire his passion his consistency over the years you know of being out there to take an anger to be a successful thing that basically freddie sater says a calmer raise a disappointment in the way reality is in kind of wanting to make it over in some sensitive as an abyss agrees where you want to stabilize the reason doug marlette has been our guest on the word n word jaros to then john singing this program was produced in the studios of wbez in nashville tn fb
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Doug Marlette
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Faux Bubba: Bill And Hillary Go To Washington
Talk Show
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0386 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 28:49
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-xp6tx36c19.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:43
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 1033; Doug Marlette,” 1993-05-19, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 18, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 1033; Doug Marlette.” 1993-05-19. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 18, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 1033; Doug Marlette. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from