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i mean oh i've done so you know once again welcome to word on words i guess dr pearson welcome to word on words but dr pearson is the author of the short history of a small place so a grammy river and other books and now blue ridge another novel there's another piece of fiction i set your home country in part importance of american region american men but the board's too distant third of a sabbatical is medicinal well you you weren't you have a share of the deputy sheriff here in virginia as any of the golden ball and cousin paul a low flying early in his earlier life you did end up product of that little flying around
detroit and troy as we meet paul a son is that armed and that's part of the store so you have to pay paul allen that they couldn't boil a country and women sit at home and as paul but the other boy you got into country again today the country a level they've got re right there and hobart raided at the sheriff is moving along the sun is new book will live about these two characters and how they interact well railroad him as a character who was two unnamed speaker of the previous know grammar and i and that no one was also a deputy sheriff in a different place in the south and worries in this and if you're forty so i'm on the job this is moving in his sort of characters are constantly moving around we find out that his life has been upset is divorced his wife has lost a child of
god and its maiden and more related to wander around in really warner your lawn for someone and he's also i think very ill suited to be alone for sculpture because every passive individual is a watcher and his colleagues are we know most of whom are ex marine barracks are mineral aggressive type in is not aggressive at all oh and so was ill suited for a job are and he sort of dressed for work first rule or so the senate to them in that there is a scene in the book where where he in and i guess carl is new ports go out to those sought out those places have dismissed the mistake fight go along and this woman is really giving her a man healthcare to hope that i've written about and rosalia television lawyer alan surf around and he makes a very wry comment about may we should be doing as they we should call the holiday morning a
layer the bottom of all of that but at the city's so they can't be as a very quiet understated sense humor does it as a door to the bordelon's route through two novels small he is a he is as you said not really soon be long for trumpet on their land and what he does is it is god or what it really does is a bit of an ambassador but his mom is not prepared to be aggressive in a way his role for cloture can break up a domestic dispute beyond that is really vulgar you know and now i saw my cousin paul beck doesn't pull as it is an actual were unknown short of fit and ron arkin is a he's a very comes to put an individual has the player we return is very tidy when the book opens very controlling it is the one from the government or more really works were some really nobody else and he has been a devoted bad charles life except for this one casual relationship that resulted in a stand in and his son who doesn't really
know the song but here and when he finds out his son his burden posed another one has tapped identify him because the boy's mother is has also done why i stayed in my opinion that poll takes it on themselves to do this dude as a service to ask about that because here is in roanoke and here's a song about it enters a manhattan big apple on it you know call it then they obviously but it's on an alien places and an alien son and you wonder about the compulsion that made him getting good then thought about it i said i think the compulsions and her were so sure and i think it's a chance for a reasonable good fathers the metaphorical and now this summer's debt here is an opportunity to go to something father which is ridiculous really but i think that's how he sees it and also it's perfect for him because the child is dead no strings attached to think things turn out literally but i think it's just that the motive is
here all act like a father without having all the mess and you know i try to put myself in his place and really couldn't and it couldn't imagine we shown up saying really but i really have some bad news for him an irish indie band is because there's no emotional effect was our lives with charlie's never saying this is wrong side our thing and you would think that he would say that's a male's an avowed by our do it from documents are where we would live in our fingerprints it's been scraped funds out but he doesn't do that he take a he gets up and he goes to new york for trial vitale and the cop loses all is really helping us silva saying earlier in the book were told to go home from the dog doesn't like the attachment he likes the gesture is a perfect gesture for him he thinks he can fly on your ticket warden of the morning so yes that's
my song and taken and done is doing and that will be the end of the tunnel the accused thank you know that is an interim position then that's one death of and i'm i mentioned earlier that domestic same and while raid tatum and carl are out there trying to decide what to do with there's a call from the office of those those got something juicy voyage users on and off they go into them in the wilds now you're creating another they're singing about that the bonuses some hikers on the appalachian drone discovered those bones bones and so that's about as long as opposed to pull salt recently and ray goes out and actually if he gets the case because
no material sort of those who this person is binary is one who discovered really howey was killed and his ill or uninterested in tracking down who killed and it's perfect for him because there are there is no empathy is really to find other tournament errors that were farther on certain derivatives on purpose and find the details of the writer's estate and is it was the sheriff is going here in there saying got a missing person and a couple boys missing here and there but there's a problem it's a problem that needs to be solved it's not a precedent pro now android and if nobody ever discover that somebody owes those go on the trail and now i'm in the case of paul you have him tell his own story and it tells of the first person you tell raised toward your the narrator
their end of a wonder why with what the un it's not as it's not new mustafa hugo's crowd erupted why was integration is this is a boy on the first and third person there are crime mariners first person narrative and that's rare tatum and started dunham of the first prisoner or ion blue ridge his second person and another person narrative minutes sooner just injected narrow mission looking at really and in the subsequent book drama follows us one number called polar also return them and we have a ten ounce person who is telling the story of this is ray from yet another perspective and that means that you have to you have to really you have to find different voices would say intimate but they were the people who followed your book signing small boys that rave reviews and
you know you've got it you know a golf ball and now it's worth all those people you have to find a different voice for each target but before we get to do that that voice images and just as the city hall in manhattan criminal is this guy doesn't care why is this guy who the neighbors wandered of america and yet of story you know it's for an orchestra strike the live them and it is turns out quite differently one thousand votes and polls an interesting character other causes nominees i want you so he's so wrapped up in tight and controlling that that he was interesting for maduro because it does a lot for people in a turquoise tournament likes to be interred of everything and mr yergin and anne finds out that this is not in fact you know the body effects of those neurons into some pretty rough characters different person gentleman giles you are my lovely memories are criminal is more paul memorial to america because he's also you know a very tardy can
i hadn't thought of that but there is there is starke florida and i think that's why they're attracted to rich rulers and that's why charles taylor it or because of susan boyle the surreal image and so that their verve verse somewhere in northern rollison there firsthand i don't have veins of its collapse into law isn't much worse than me of a nominee would be swathed in the end and love it all and its involvement in the world strictly dancers world has just opened a dramatic gesture and satisfy yourself there's been some sort of role but it really was a magnet the poem in this poem in the drama of death and there is that realization that is his son after all when you look at what have you were creating different voices for different characters i mean
you know i did all the same voice well my my first experience with reading invoices was with the shortest route small boys are self serving reason for choosing a narrator who's essentially a fourteen year old boy at the time i was twenty years old and i said it and i no more than a fourteen year old boy and rosenberg and so i set the bar low and that was actually what our armpits and so in order to write a adult sight and feel that i was qualified or seven letters to them enough experience to write a believable ago oregon most are filtered through a child and so since then i mean i've lived and i wrote a couple books i'm most painful divorce from characters' world wars and was with crummy river that i finally felt like i could get the sort of world weary police force and it's mostly a matter of hearing that i just ride the train to hear the voices of writing an unsafe that sounds true sort of like a true but let me just tell you a lot into afternoon late regarded dr pearson
is the author of the small district of history the small place and a crime or and now the rage blue ridge a mystery another mystery another mystery up dionne the whole idea of voice for air strikes me as important even if you're the narrator and co star in they challenge to create different voices for different characters is is he mentioned what what goes on year when you are putting know the bow undone trying to hear the voice as i think it would sound of life and i write a very casual kind of prose and i know this is you know this is a merger what's called a lyrical prose pros you know poetry and i never write a kind of prison camp trying to get something more immediate
on the page so that if a reader picks it up what i picked up the book to rid of ice during the first page and immediately grabs them because i'm done taken by the wars and the morsi ruled that what i'm after warmer than first person and even when i'm not usually the third person voice iran and has a bit of an inflection just a little twister of sorts sounds that you're saying granted it sounds like somebody medicine and name somebody somebody or an artist writer dan shaughnessy a small place could you hear the voice of a fourteen year old male while the us and most of the reason for starting all i have to make sure i get the wars first and sometimes wanders through reno few pages are a few chapters and i land on the voice but that's what i mean to get first i mean to get that was it has to selma seneca only then can i build the character from the wars instead of starting with a character and the wars were not do you win you win you sound
just just take these three books that we talked about when you sit around her new draft of an outline our is the story in your head and how'd you go about formulating a plot end do you have to know beginning middle and end before you can begin to have to navigate in berlin but only in general servants were so i'm with the shortest route small poison is on one limb on jumbo for cardinal why and you know the book wouldn't and i didn't know anything in between and so that was the fun for me and figuring out what the story was cry me river i had on vague sense of alan arkin the story would run that that was all that i knew the voice i wanted for the character and these two art and i did know i mean it is all those unused to that is so blue reduces tourism blue ridge are plotting your than the store's minute laurence norah and you know former i do know who would do it because i was
trying to throw the stories together and walk and touch your the things were shown more stores and so were the plots would which was and so it took a lot more orchestration now do you worry about the reader what you're running on the latest bust a call from your ira you take a call from the situation in which it gets the red notice which is not for the better that will bump then you take manhattan now to get into manhattan you go up or even though perhaps a soul thing happened so you have to have a you have the flashing back to the time that that is in this bar and a woman comes up young attractive woman comes up to him and said why so settle land and give him a kiss on miles you worry about am i gonna be able to transport
the reader with paul back to that time years before all upset when air have to divert their anonymity stores this is a little more complicated than i think it i think it goes world noticing know this route are happening restore salmon some pollsters have an earlier spring and so it's over yet even though their time together an end and they overlap and in an odd way but it's not in any sense in a chronological and so paul you're in order to explain paulson says talking the only way i can account for him as if he remembers that incident happened him or and ari it i have to have him best and that is to find and so barnes you're never stop until do the characters never get away from me while i try to define the characters as people and then in my books the characters of it if i get them right they tell me what the plot is because of character like people will have people who will do something small do whether they're you
know it's easy to categorize our friends because we don't expect from women and if i get the character right and the character tells me you know what you do in terms of plotting but sometimes a character just go onto too much of either the character talking in the first person narrative i did in earlier my career because what we're learning now my one indulgence i we're looking for people can talk and talk and talking about the subject golf and aggression tangents and now be willing to pull them back in because i was so involved in the voice which is a trial i think are can be a trial for reader and when i come back to a book as a reader site several months later or sometimes patrol from eight but this interim interval that character in shark i'm always the relationship between writer and editor and you had to look at it imam and three and third and gentlemen i'm alan to talk to simon schuster
published five books and walk off i'm a really good relationship in at it and he let me do that you did everything else advise male dj with all the woods oh exactly was so he would let me at it and i really learned when he was boy enter because a trip to matter of you know realizing as i got older i realize that i was minus arriving breathless prose that's not what came out in recovery summit and so i had to go back in cut and i didn't do our country on the first couple of books and on our shared goodenough bottom line but i know i travel on a rewrite it write ui morning noon and irish write about four five hours or more instruments and how do you decide when to quit it's higher with a day's work off from in terms of pages and were if i were routed government to pay just to rule the usual and i've read his new yorker poem was the most and it is
written now what about when it he's an envoy and all are disappearing for a lot of our war girl the talk on the fall the internet has become the boeing words of supplies to reason to get your readers a goggle online and girls jack welcome to minute instructions or at the burger or the effort but it does happen in time for sure and you know that it's happened i fell over the whole bottle of strong a word we were i had i had a sense that i was writing a book to his lover gerda and i didn't mean it to myself until it finished are almost finished and then i go back and realize they usually when i write a bad book it's flat it just doesn't sing or just an annoyance than a dozen were content in our noble server the photography in the lobby signing books on i'm in blue ridge says virginia have to be written all over it and that cover them and just ask about that cover it like i
what was not what i expected report about a completely different design and then i was going to run i didn't know what the motivating person care for but it's grown only required the word come from well the feds to photograph put together the pressure the top of the shorter the minerals charles forward now shenandoah national forest which is what those on the bottom floor brokers a picture of the jacket designer's uncle that has been a target those musical is natural wedge between first i resisted a warlord joseph dunford there isn't started realizing and they say we really know right well the coverage of song live oak but in today's world promoting a book has so much to do and that means
a tough negotiations i think with the approaching out it also means in this office i even about remote you wrote i'm liane i'm doing better evidence i resisted only because a mother performer and i spend most of my time writing and then to be as your book comes out to go around the country almost certain speak to people i'm really that was sort of the first of them and got a lot better at it and it's been one of the rare opportunities i have to make the people rich would buy my books and a bookstore or on the country and the chance to talk to them so strong of them do more pleasurable and i would think that since the book is says the books have gotten some positive reviews and sent your recognized as a fluent and owen and writer and you are not only recognize that you in fact i would tell you my view of it is that but incomes more
or less important what's interesting i mean you know i got to go around a citizen when i start feeling of floats because i'm going to be really minimal people are under limerick cinema water freezes right that you're all your bookstore and certainly i'm a book store owner nick workman that's right but it's something about the year nature i think of the of the business in this changing us is changing dramatically of my first worker's portion of the law also do you do you love with when you run growing up would you review what wright has really made an impression on you know the first books that really knocked me over was moby dick that are retired or dinner copyright ideas to mr lalas no no mom bicycle on our art in the drugstore you can buy a paper read
book for a dollar and i picked up the stroller and read those images didn't do much for me and then i remember my parents' mailbox of books from sumrall the proposed oil and it was a company moby dick and i'd heard of it i was probably fourteen years old remembers another veteran reading and it was never anything like a member of the books i've been writing were not you know dear division or metaphysical normally because encore ready for that but they weren't that interesting or good deep textured and that was the first really fine book any money yet as you decide in your own career the release of service at a model for you know more toward that that it has to really does work as a child and a fellow mormon a travel book written tom sawyer wonderful books book the innocents abroad a tramp abroad and following a quarter of them are report on rolling way said that only one book of american there was nothing
for her than of infants which we thought was so put them in prison in which owns la but that sort of says than in the narrative away what would you say about about mark twain he is has become quite congress to close many many many african americans don't want a jewelry that don't want them exposed to that what about the whole issue the explicit sex that seems to quote so close quote and you run into a effort by your published in which to set up a lot of that has taken for a photo voter mark instances we will oh i did as a consumer of culture low you know
i'd be explicit anything doesn't bother minutes the gratuitous i know it's it's the it's one of the two there are there is a movie or book of violent or that sexy in order just to sell it or just doesn't have there's no integration in the book and that i don't care for and one mr olyphant come about polar our pores about to fold more rigid so a writer mo wants to return as one described by a council member in the tourism through the end of his job hauling in we'll see for a little informal were willing and dr pearson is the author of blue ridge thanks for talking for us that was the bird thank you for joining us in your own words on johnson bought the breeding no no no
A Word on Words
Episode Number
T. R. Pearson
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Blue Ridge
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW2905 (Digital File)
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-x921c1vr6z.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:49
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2905; T. R. Pearson,” 2000-00-00, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2905; T. R. Pearson.” 2000-00-00. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2905; T. R. Pearson. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from