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fb liz from national television studio way celebrating offers literature and ideas for more than three decades this is word on workers with jobs don johnson in the once again welcome to word on words my guest today is world where hamilton is a humorist speaker the gps the beds and whether they'll talk about on them or only
one hour mile runway is of the southern railroad around welcomes dan thanks for having me and thanks for making our lives could pardon me if i say have at the answer for our audience this is the craziest besides the book says it is really funny you have the gift of a viewer and i congratulate you on it i would have to say there were moments in it the story that i will ever cried and sometimes i feel i do in bowls but having said that and having a late in the people on the other side of the camera will let me just ask you and i know something about this because i remember our first meeting long count on airplanes and then we talked about well you can write and say
no and i knew that you had the talent to write one when you first learned that big and your work i didn't know lol that you were annoyed deal you had to go through to tell the story yes a lot of anguish in fact as we were i was telling you are there there is certain members of the family and close friends to woo where did not happy with the book because there is so much an ink stain they'd never seen me in that way but i said look you know you gotta go through that to get to the families so on and can understand is a deep emotional problems and there probably are rooted in childhood you were a beauty pageant queen and the fuel that a princess fiona
ends who made dresses for a wonderful story about how she died near waste with barbara jobst an end and there are those stories about your mother your aunt never wanted to lose and i wonder what the supply and then he had a father and i'm a new sex and unanimously story used to perform as a little girl and then your mother married the guy who owned the local movie house mr jones and i guess there were problems all along the way including no preacher by priests against insects and came with a camera well you worry about the mixed messages like and then there is the us but those crucial ization which you endured
how much of this book is there a lot of this focus therapy for me is very quick at florida and i saw a lot of therapists turn they're in a time of many therapists but i think the answers came when i started writing this book i am on the airplane i would you were was of why it's forty s and i read my manuscript well you weren't my first actually i did that a lot and i passed this book out and it was going to be only when i'm high about the airlines and i head and so it's basically but they were all about my life for things i published an anti invariably whoever had read it the flight attendants the pilots an average would say we want to know more what happened after that chapter what happened and it became a
memoir it just became that and around it was difficult to write a lot of pain on i had to feel i had to use a dinner with a laugh or cry when i cried a lot and i've felt it and it sounds tempted to get that emotion out i put this book all for years i'd always wanted to write about that about to say it was the middle it was an asylum with hannibal lecter carpeted with garrett that i always wanted to write that it took ears to be able to put humor in it will be unity you're a fire either a you were a standup comic and you fall into it at notre clubs and you have a couple of broken marriages broken
relationships and that's all they're there and is treated for almost forty with humor so i laughed at times that your faith or something we're now well that's tara how i get there i guess you know i like there were so many chinese did that do to my life and let the hospital i was told by the administrator of the hospital that i was probably going to go crazy that i was and that was a moneymaking thing i'm mostly asian lunar absolutely hundred thirty six thousand eerie i saw it while the therapist said you shouldn't be here to be an outpatient near their teeth so that i say in the book that my insurance in iran out on the same area yeah and now i came back to that hospital just a few months later and performed as a canadian disc jockey and i
charged them for al gore what's a hit and when i drove up to thirty with my band and my does go quite that there was a big sign i'll never forget it said a return engagement oh i couldn't use these people were you know they were taking any canada rugs so they were who they were and in a lucid moments i met some of the best riders some of the funniest people you know in that hospital it was it was amazing and when i played for them i came back once a month in place i found them to be different audiences were drinking they weren't on the immediate they were you know they were and i one night i said look i know you people you think about the disco lights on but i don't think if you're hallucinating is that they were i learned a lot
from from than making more than i did so well he was a young man in there who would be serving three times peter it does yes as steve are worth my friend in the hospital and armed and yet that was his fingers me what you want me to what we were doing and i'd say steal from the kiosk and steve when i left the hospital i was at the kennedy center one night and i heard had a debut at the condition at the modern first time i've been out in two years i was you know i'm dressed to the narrow night that we just felt that that he and behind the arid resume when did you get out rose nearly twenty three times and about how much you know it was a field trip people from the hospital an affair with
dave mine made so that with art explained monday them feed he followed me now i can understand when you say family was upset i am i can understand that and i can understand how your mother picks mother in law probably a bar in the book when she finished the chapter really true and that explosion probably her son learned before she got three and then there was the lawyer politician a second have been i'm sure he's very unhappy with both i'm more interested in your two beautiful children yes how tough is it for them to read the book it's not so much
before it's about them which which are lovely apart from the rest of you the book has been out a couple of months and i've always read excerpts to them have tried to prepare them sort of because they don't know what happened in those years we've never really they just don't know they don't know how difficult i think the hospital and are what's their duets and they haven't read so there's your answer today take a peak and they let yelled out that they haven't an hour and they will enter i have two wonderful boys you know and i'm as a beautiful sea at the wedding well my ex husband had remarried
while i was in the hospital he he was planning his where the mayor i call him do it here and on i came by myself and now and was seated in the back of the room not at the head table and you know i was still kind of thinking of the long very back of the bow stand out i was still not feeling great about myself and my son was set up and said armed one family death and aunt greets let's does not sign that is it is amazing he's as the deficit and debt and he said football coach for normal a normal hearing high school has been principal of a normal hearing eyes were so heat is pretty interesting and he stood and he said you now if it wasn't for the woman sitting in the back of the room mom can you hear me but i wouldn't be talking denied until he sort of vienna did that and our old bailey barnett be a wonderful night that i mean he's never
failed to just amazed me and i do take some credit for those early years with that missed you know you it's that early training that's important how much of that problem getting off the tribe that's my metaphor for it had to do with those early childhood days on the runway and the intelligence it seems like you in and out of the page and when three scholarships so the column or dropout everyone knew that cell but but how much of the problem it had to do with that of an intensified child and ambition push by parents who want young women think in fairness maybe you really ought not to win now much of the dumb money holiday a mixed message is a big i call that this gets authentic has split in the family tree where one side was for winning my aunt
allie be interesting and i am not the lead i can do anything which was what i remembered from my dad in his fire damaged the other side a song a little more courageous about everything that the patient my mother would at the end of the pageant tell the other girls well i thought you were gonna win tonight at which is the thing to do you know but i took that to mean that she had arrived with a loser you know and i always envied the girls who had the stage mothers you know i always wished that my mother would we be with me and mom i was able to support me and i was so competitive and i wanted somebody else on the same page you know somebody else moves like me but i am she was a very religious and depressed my mother had a lot of pushes a wonderful woman and i learned years and years
later that she had been depressed and perhaps it wasn't that she didn't want me to win perhaps that wasn't related to me she was just depressed during those years when i didn't feel the support that i have i have i haven't daughter and often has that i'll die of former marriage before she married my son cash and now i was listening to her the other day talk to her daughter about her tibet divorce and cash and this child never has an unfiltered are filtered feeling everything comes out and this mother tells her everything and his mother puts her on stage and collapsed and you know and i thought you know when my day and died nobody talked about it i thought that it isn't is really what i think that's what started night my confusion and i fell to the school girls getting all the answers you know she's at her feelings are right out here with her
mother and ended discussing and that's i think what i missed and i'm i think guy that chapters nice little girls don't talk about gay people yeah so my mother remarried right away and i went from performing at the liquor store and my dad and i had a big dalton a monkey the road is back in the head of a motorcycle and it was just heaven i mean it was just a concrete house not only are literally like growing at like to drink driving out what happy polite and announced that he died when i was still by city and it's just about six and just as well with first grade and all the sudden everything changed all the sudden the freedom i felt as if i and i guess all of your roles in and start changing maybe when life
starts happening in first grade you know you do you start following the rules and that it was a very different it was only noon i'm talking with programmed about her book only one higher the runways of the seven veils arms senate and it's am it's a un store that some full of laughter and withdrawal this up talk about the va for therapy and you you're in your second marriage man insurance said they don't go into those institutions spending regular time with a therapist who doesn't think you really belong there have been areas you say because as we said early because he had injured but how
helpful if at all in world with their possessions i don't think so much at the time i looked back and things it says there is a very gradual thing and that i see as the years pass i see with this name was trying to tell me i see it as i wrote about him get into it i understood more and it's interesting it as is the pattern it i thought they're just recently when this book came out and now is that when i had seen before and i says yeah i don't know i feel about this mythical it's not to me about it and he understood is that of course isn't it strange that you've written a book about a little girl who worried about what everybody thought and try to please everybody and now you know you don't want to see and he brought twelve copies did to give tickets
dowd i think there is there is there is a moment in which when you have a relationship or in new york the yuan fell on the metal airplane on together and you know love the soul of their lives yet soon she told you she says i don't care about the problems you're a comedian she was the next broadway actress and i actually founder in the phonebook it with its daily i couldn't believe that that happened and you felt you need more help god i did with because i was in a relationship that was was certainly not good and i went to talk about that she wanted to talk about my humor and the second time i saw her i looked up and somebody from saturday night live was not what she does know she does know what she's talking about so that started a comedy but i think
more than anything i lived in harlem in it was just i got to see the effect is going up it was substantive racial discrimination that was just the way it was in the south there was a question of it i have an anecdote in which you tell so and his mom rosa parks on a greyhound bus to get this guy who now he's upset about sitting next to a black woman so son beau an understanding of who she was and where she was into other people were bought the therapist in new york did finally say get our air or did our relationship yes you did see dead and then and then she wanted to since she thought i should write and and i had written a little bit for a newspaper before and so i started looking for a place to write to be in new york and i found a newspaper called street knee is and it was
in white label different from anything i had written or that and it was very in so if i thought it was that pumps for the homeless people of newark and i went to their offices than the bad boy tales solo artist and i took a sample my work and i said i think it was about a bid for bachelors charity doing and they said just what we'd expect from a dead been taught or what an outfit give me a chance to let me show you what i can do so i always with ag the first thing i wrote was his political and it was so smart enough to set the way one day and on i haven't and rosemary rosemary and i turned and looked down and there was a mania and sitting on a blanket with a cop it's my editor anything you nailed so i think
you know high c i i thought well i don't know why i can relate to these people because they are down on their luck and i've certainly lived with people who were down on their luck just you know and i talk a little bit about the song though some crime it's almost used in the story as a device to get you through you can always fall back on that metaphor was so and they'll send on a long line of other is i mean medusa kai kreuzer of their own whirlwind of their own labels as rivals and yeah i've got a label alive titles until you finally figure out that you find yourself going out but how much of the whole idea with growing your mind how you so and bill is supposed to be an envoy and now you really are you really worse which i believe was the what
my data on the lido i could do anything a ditch but it was also maybe what i'd heard about him maybe i didn't have all those memories maybe it became to others but i always believed if he was there i'd be ok i wouldn't be corrected so much i wouldn't be here now he thought needed when the beauty pageant it everything was just so clear with him you know does the liquor store and happy and i looked back then that you have the southern belle disorder as speedy i call it and i say there that it's similar to add an ad is acceptable deficit disorder except it's skewed the data so the pedestal is self created the us placed on how you place yourself upon you think you're there and then as you find out one day
yeah now i quit two allied of that changes after the hospital i performed at the marine corps base in arlington virginia every rake and they became like family to me and then i did the marine corps ball in it and i feel my voice and they they were wonderfully an hour the in music and i i've really found you know myself there and in the event that support and i never really had that before one of the funniest parts of this book the pageant committee constantly and what they asked for and what you tell them i'm a no one liners but they are a very very
funny one liners and then after d part of it in your mind but sullivan i guess it actually get those parts you got the letter that you were you were a very very funny responses then there comes a time at the very end when there is a chapter and a letter and always there's this begins and that letter but no really where they are all huge you talk to god sometimes and ruffled white but it's a very serious liver and that's where the circle so menzies and yes i can
i was having a difficult time winding up that ball because i thought the elites it and to have the headset and this great ending as it would just like to see is in that way to continue learning you continue you know and i was asking god to give me the perfect ending you know just as he'd given me the perfect and maybe the perfect southern bill may be the perfect beauty pageant winner make up nearly debt all because of the perfect and i'm wondering after that an actor that prayer and her finances of it as a beauty pageant and i lost it there were the church stood up and said ok in case you haven't figured this out ok this is a lot of you know don't always way and it's not always good right now when you have to tell you cause you're not going to take my little boys my inner voice and abigail after that dream i thought that
that's true i'll just end where i ended it you know a bird beginning we've run out of time and thank you for getting high with us they affect the lights on you for watching and johnson and over word on words you know
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Rosemary Hamilton
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Only When I'm High
Talk Show
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: ADB0122 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: Digital Betacam
Duration: 27:31
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-x34mk66f8q.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:28:04
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3723; Rosemary Hamilton,” 2009-02-17, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3723; Rosemary Hamilton.” 2009-02-17. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3723; Rosemary Hamilton. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from