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fb liz from nashville studio way celebrating offers literature ideas for more than three decades this is word on words reduce ellen johnson in the once again welcome to word on words my guest today is karen friends karen mclaughlin says i'm going to talk about her new book love you de boer welcome karen to work on word that great to have you here to talk about this book you've done
in which dollars on earth the fall those they love i should say that when on bill frist your spouse to write a book and come back on this program because he had been here once it's great to have you here and give him on this album and you know my view is that it's interesting this book what you've done is can a selection of people represent real diverse cross section of the society and you talk to women about their fathers and so martin very brief the book is so attractive because of that so many photographs and i'm i just wonder where the idea came from to do this book in just this way that's a question that i've asked often and what is actually a very simple reason that i wanted to do the book was dr mount father had died and you do and which
i do i was a neurotic chapter myself but my publisher said on it for it her mother so that's where the idea originally came from but then i started noticing over a four month period different women and different backgrounds mentioning her father's lows easily was congolese royce connie rice was my very first person that i ask i can guess played it off of her to say she'd be interested in doing it she was energized at the national prayer breakfast in washington about four years ago when she was then the national security advisor to president bush and as she stood in her as that he energized her she was at that proud stoic look on her face and i was sitting close enough that when he said to her your father would be proud of you her lower lip starting quivering a loan debt and she almost started crying just at the mere mention of her father so that planted the seed and then throughout the next couple of months it
started noticing fathers talking about their daughters but more poorly daughters turned out their fathers and very strong women and that emotion that they showed just the nixon of her father you know as we go through the list and obviously we won't get that everyone i mean this book is chalk full of love stories and and there is take those newer and tragedy and some of the stories and love is the thread that runs through through each one and it's interesting how did so i think both have followed for a tongue in cheek and some of them you can just tell you said kenny rice almost broke down and drew sector is not in any way different from many of the people you talk with when you want to women to ask how did you approach him well it was tough on many of
these same at the doctor or the father in the book is a recognizable niger i don't want to use the word famous because my father in my life my world was the most famous person the world that you would have never heard of and so most of these people are of prominence and it was tough getting to some of them in fact some people i never could reach to ask i am i got to be where i was at it if i was at a function in washington had scanned the ryman if i saw a woman that i thought might be interested in doing the book i would actually go out and make eye contact with her and ask her in and get a number that i could follow up with but it was a challenge getting to some of these people but i've had very few women say no most of them were thrilled and i actually thanked me for giving them the opportunity to write a chapter about their father ted bailey hutchison told me she always wanted to talk about her father but she too got
choked up in her speech as if she ever mentioned him seven million words or forward yes it's a lovely little it's a lawyer milosevic that she wrote and he also was a public servant in this very small town in texas and that probably planted the seed for kerry to go on and run for it to be a united states senator in texas and i was i said there was a diversity and then their people come from politics of the government than other people come from sports one of those votes only jumped off the page at me was so the one that nancy lopez did about her father domingo well a good friend of mine is preston now the lp tia williams yes and jewish and she had called and asked me if there was any way we could do an event for some of the women at the united states capitol saw someone doing this book along to save one of the women that you work with and i've always admired
elliott's lopez to see not only had she was one the first women to be a professional golfer she and back plate on the men's golf team in college but she also was a mexican american so she had to overcome to obstacles and i want a picture of she and her father how he chatted so lovely and she'd actually never know the sacrifices that he made for her he drove her two hours every day to albuquerque to play out of course they're not as a child she just be she took she'd probably took it a little bit for granted which we all do until the roles are reversed and where parents and then she went back and so what sacrifices she made he made and in his life so she could we have professional golfer most famous fort worth its estimate the normal iran wendy ryan talks about her father nolan crying maybe the greatest pitcher of how the satellite is not have to do come in contact with when iran well and of course she said that he was
in the hall a fine for fathers in her world and that story was from my niece korean barfield who we were tied in florida together this time last year and i was telling her about my book and not one not told about the book didn't get tears in their eyes and so i know someone that would be great and she knew windy and cold windy for me and then i made the call to wendy who listen dallas and she was thrilled to have and then and then they're they're older i think easier with fellow who had maybe two daughters to both of whom wrote about him and nascar how exactly i mean how to uganda and that was a funny story because many of these men have a lot of daughters ross perot actually have cars for didn't really had five and so several of them decode a little bit about who would write the story russel honore from new orleans had two daughters
and i actually wrote it together so that that was an interesting saw called on mr waldrup course he lives here at your and my sons and my husband loved nasa jessica and sarah inserted lin yes other two daughters and there my youngest contributors than one of parliament there that her youngest was a picture of him with one and then the other part is trying to lose so i ask i called of course the minute that done you don't want to you ask your parents first which i did with cal ripken's wife us soldiers saw called dear walt yates why and explained what i was doing so would never want them to feel like i was exploiting them or something and says she talked to them and she would call me back and said they would like to and i don't wanna rock journalist billie jean king her story is fabulous <unk> he taught her a lesson she got a little bit too smart on the court one day recess when
you were playing with wooden rackets with arch which are children probably don't even know what they are so when she got home that day he literally took her wooden racket and cut it into because he didn't think her behavior was good on the court itself the summit entertainment for a minute because you in that direction to rosanne cash with johnny how fabulous started as a lobbyist or it's a great story and an end you know everybody knows about johnny cash knows about his troubled personal life he was very open about it and but the love of that there and then expresses right before this giant of country music is dirty it's scary as an actual just a mouth harp on but think about the stories drama awake just something will happen to many think about anderson is not i woke up thinking about she she writes in the book that shape when the latter years
of her father's life she would sit with him at two or three in the morning he would wake up early on there like and the like where they live and she would read from the bible the hymns psalms are problems and the picture of that has just about my mind so much and you don't think of johnny cash as being in that why walk the line just came out and down that was not about rosanne cash and neither is an option and so i think roseanne really enjoyed writing this story about her father and how close they were and what impression really formed her life to integrate i'll have been inadvertently ingram exactly and the course that was fun for me because you're her father and my father in law thomas frist same year were positions together and down i need bright so beautifully in the songs that she sings it has such a pinch alec voice and her story does the same thing it's just it was so beautifully the thing about these stories is i don't write the
stories that no no word that i let you know we'll be your new calling on people who are celebrities who are famous who are well known either the door or the father pumpkin you're asking them to give time to contribute to hook n you would think most he would say oh yeah home mom but when you talk about daily exactly about the title well the time when you decide that you brought kathy on it thought about what to nine the title and nine the book and my father wrote me every monday in college and he signed his letters love you daddy billy and my sister and i called her when i decided to tyler that we don't know where daddy billy kelleher never called the cell dead a boy until we went ah to college and i actually have a whole stack of his letters that i say so i decided to nine and then the publisher will question the word daddy a little bit because he didn't know if that would be a
term that women would relate to but if you got through the book women such as wanda for camo for italy and women from all over the north the south call their father's daddy and so that's why i named it damages the subtitle of course explains the predators and at the fall of ten and your piece on williams the second ride is a royal more well it was a it was a hard piece to ride ahead so many things i really wanted to say about him he was extremely protective of us are the sexiest read didn't put in there was a funny story i've told my boys went when we had dates daddy made a stay in our room and he but answer the door and sit the boys tend not to differ from how we're sitting here and talk to them and only when he cleared his throat could assist not come out of our rinsing go on our day and when we came home from our day he would be a blinking the front door lights if we were a minute
lights will use very protective and is very patriotic he was enlisted servicemen in world war to which many of the fathers in this book were yes that's right and then he he taught me a lesson of right from wrong when i was the victim of a violent years and done they would've been easy for me to have not gone to identify this man who did this to me and i took his advice and it close the chapter on that part of my life i think it would be hard to not and daniel given closure exactly and in the end your father mr barfield hello to write about her father the original plan first the president on just would say the conference except no substitute for it and then the people in nashville who knew and admired and loved and
i will live there are treated by or play tennis with exact on first will really relate through her work to balance sheet she was really funny when i asked her she looked at my list of contributors and i can't have a chapter with all these other women which is how i've felt also but i thought that was important to show the first side not only mclaughlin side of this also and of course not but my mother and father in law did some action this community and its middle tennessee i said diversity and there's all sorts of aversion and there's regular political diversity and there you've got both barbara bush and nancy reagan and lynda bird johnson to write about their their fathers it's you know i'm certainly the fact that bill frist is majority was so it helps if you're talking about political celebrities says but i wondered about all souls three of those
in how the contest came about end and women of birds so when the wife of the republican senate majority leader called as her to write about or follow the democratic president right well she actually is a friend of mine as you know her her husband was senator from purdue and so linda and i have known each other and how we when she was still in the senate when they used to bring her mother to our senate spouse luncheons on tuesday so i know we're fairly well and when i ask her to do this she was actually one of the first contributors to get her story and she was thrilled to do it and her story is interesting because she talks about that her father's job didn't take him away from her life so much of the time at her happiest memory at the very end of her story is when she opens the door and her father's reading to her children a christmas story and down so it was kind of full circle with her and not only her father's a dad that her
father's grandfather but i didn't really want to get democrats and republicans and has this is a common thread with women it's not a republican or a democrat issue thats it covers every cent show at economic background their fathers are in the anchor in our lives they give is the stability that confidence so i really did try and pours out i had an easier job getting to the political people that i asked chisholm or the other your debts or turning inward talking with karen first about her about her boat loaded a boy and was so happy you could join us and let me ask about another a political injury another democrat lyn going talks about john vaillant astronaut a great summer right and the interesting thing about these stories is that not one story talks about i got to because my father was president i got to do this or my father gave me
this very expensive get the stories are all simple memories of their fathers that any of us could have more human interest anecdote exactly a land writes about her father buying her appearance gate center of flying down the hill and scraping her knee and her father creatively got a fan to blow on her knees to cool off the va cut that she had on her name just the simple things that father still in their children's life that at the time the father probably don't even think anything of it but that just started building the foundation for that secure feeling that all of us have to have new year yet to lose will go in in john winthrop i'll tell it was a bit of course was she was raised by her father and he's she says that he was set the foundation for her life and she at the time she was growing up she tells in there that she wants to go to russia and her father of course it's scary but he
lights or go and look what you know as she later became the first woman senator from north carolina and you mentioned kay bailey hutchison and that story drew yes and and there is a certain in that you know her father was a republican and that very supportive of her and she she loved her father very much had a very close relationship with her father dies during a time of her life where she's campaigning is a tough time and it's it must have been very hard for her diversity diversity diversity i mean can you believe kathleen tennessee kathleen kennedy townsend the door by the kennedy and lo and behold the number of jimmy hoffa around what a combination and did you ever think of one when you thought i mean if there's a biting ode into doesn't remember there were never too famous people in this nation who are more at odds with each other
almost best buy maybe it was even worse than that then jimmy hoffa and bobby kennedy and then they never heard you were putting together those two opposites when us first to specific that it it did occur to me i mean even like me asking hillary clinton and now has been of course are always debating on the senate floor but that was one thing i wanted to do in this book is to show that there is that common thread and show me and really the importance that played by plane and crime roses the two men in the course of her toast bobby kennedy's administration has above and people love them and hated him and the people loved and hated jimmy hoffa and barber barbara half a crime or and that was when i read with special interest proposed jimmy always somebody i have no feeling for what your own rudy once was called on to testify in this trial and just hug or
negatively but her story is touching her story is so tender and i don't think any of us had ever thought of jimmy hoffa's thing enormous instagram and her story talks about that opens with her getting the phone call from her mother that her father had not come home and then she goes on to talk about when he danced with her at her wedding laura tuxedo for the first time that struck with white sox i don't know if he's at stanford university but a lot of the little white signs that always worked up lights out that that's really funny and you view people differently when you read something like that i mean just recently and they were looking for jimmy hoffa's body again and fear terrible jokes on television and suddenly those jokes were funny to me anymore because i i viewed him as a father instead of some of the stories we had heard before so when you look at the
he lifted kathleen kennedy townsend former lieutenant governor maryland then there's a picture of a picture snorting those joining us are outsourcing there yet enough dollars to go around exactly what counter interesting cause she had fallen in his footsteps of public service have i wonder when she says in the book she doesn't mention president kennedy but she says when my father's brother died it's not bother taught us to live and i thought that was it just a wonderfully warm there is a guideline for experience without talking about specifically the death of her son cole what about a gram lot oh that's a cute story i mean that's billy graham go for those who don't know which is really hard to be billy graham's daughter and she has all caught the tender bitter core activists was driving to her commencement where
her father is speaking and she's speaking and he looks at her and says you've never disappointed me and so proud of your courses to scranton casinos she's just record and afterwards her father's that i was you know that you did that but a lawyer regardless of the atlantis it was a big relief to her so that was in a really cute story that probably all of us can relate to sandra day o'connor and very day exactly some story ranch in arizona absolutely scene had a flat tire and i had spent hours trying to kind of packages picture her standing on that jack trying to get that flat tire of you have a favorite among all these are you know and i'm sure and i'm sure if you want your father along our favorites but is there one that just jumps all the cage as a hard when it is i don't really i really have a favorite child allow levy well that's right i think the my favorite ones maybe one that no one knows the
nine minutes cherry garcia and argue arriaga arriaga i am telling him sorry and her father was one of the heroes who died on flight ninety three nfl that that plane was heading towards the us kept banging and i feel that she hurt she possibly lost her father and our children didn't waste their father because of his heroism is so and that possibly not be my favorite well i can understand that bill how did how did those of the bill frist to you about your launching those writing project and he had no daughters which is almost named miguel marina back what was very encouraging of me of course and he would help me brainstorm of people that i should ask of course i had way too many politicians that i was can ask but he was very supportive and he would read the stories improved the story isn't
and he really enjoyed or you know when we had our third son his brother tommy came into the hospital room and said it's just so sad that billy will never know that special relationship and bond between father and daughter in and that's true but he's enjoyed it very much the army in all over this country and don't have dollars or read this book and be sorry they don't come in the nativist and rescue we have about men have left you know on this your first your first time often you don't do it again i am i've already started taking names that and it's kind of the science writing about your mother's support my sons will be the first was of course writing glowing chapter well
how you go about saying bosses i think the very same process i'm going to have different categories of luck have peyton manning rhino chapter about his mother john lewis says another person i would love to get his i've heard him speak of his mother didn't have a job so i had to sign why probably have about the same number of authors seventy and i'm looking forward to it well you know peyton would be a i think a special case because these think about it is she's a family where as a football family in three different ways can you say tightening his fathers and brothers that's exactly right what that you're gonna now i haven't yet if he's watching this one as an island it is one to wait for a grand well when you do it if you come back of course that well i'd like a well i wanna thank you so much for being here if you're having me wanna thank all of you
for watching for word on words and johnson will keep reading
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Karyn Frist
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Love You, Daddy Boy
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: ADB0071 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: Digital Betacam
Duration: 28:00
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-ws8hd7q08f.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:58
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3503; Karyn Frist,” 2006-08-24, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3503; Karyn Frist.” 2006-08-24. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3503; Karyn Frist. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from