A Word on Words; 0896; Little Baldridge
- Transcript
words are programmed denied letitia baldrige talks about public affairs your host for a word on words mr johnson publisher of the tennessean an editorial director of usa today great pleasure to have back an old friend an author who has visited here before the pigeons aldrich welcome change the word on words great to see again sounds nice to have here in his life that you talk about the this newest adventure in writing this book this novel public affairs and private relations which is a which is a it's a new area of the infection arriving some complain about turned i've written twelve books telling people out of the head and how to design and how to set the tables and entertainment law and it is not everybody in this book but they all pretty well actually
there is some of their sacred people who do things like changing the place cards and the general are right that's exactly right give themselves of their seats right in there you've written about a woman here and created a heroine who is as close to the perfect person is ugly than ever regret that she also is a snob she has and she's also bears down too hard on this nice guy she just loses it that's right now that has thrown farther as well you know she's a left let's talk about her for a frozen forbid she is boston globe un and she thinks she comes into we're live in this book meeting this do to perfect young was a widow gail last and the only hint is this lovely name my
mighty mighty and miko that's not last name but president alan boss doesn't have another animal or hadn't had i have been there many years her father charlie ride out inside and everything about in this big problem then fossum robert a nice man one of my snout really the perfect joan london beyond that the perfect a great father greg and me yes and you know she'd only other hand has this marvelous relationship with their old dear friend the first lady and what better for best friend that in the first line in the first lady who's having your own problems every hours a day it certainly does we get an insight into americans kept it pretty early on when she's having lunch with one of her one of her clients who has a crest human being
like many thais are i had a public relations firm fernando years and there are some clients you do not appreciate you for which you dare they don't understand the pr profession and they ask you to do things that are really quite outside the profession of this fellow and i want to get enough collins and be put in the best possible light it must've been europe's society texas at the cafe and silence exactly right so you can do this well you're sending he says that you should do this voice to be far the feedlot so i am she really rails of that so they've got her working in this world world of manned primarily you give her a wonderful staff scheming little conniving number three minutes of perfect thirty five year old mother to let the number four man has aids after i should she discovers a long way but it's a well john knows how to support in those difficult
day we're dealing with him is now is a lot of them well yeah she you know i'm sure that we all do understand now more about the majors dozens of hope that we would be as sensitive military mission was well she was and how we've all had friends we lost with dates and there are people who say i wanna be around no i do within their people to say what how can i help i'll get to help and that's what's important and she says i'm going to be you know to be here as long as you want is tacky and try and she read the riot act to another language that doesn't feel like that strike and there's this andy an unease about to die at his family comes in texas ranger why because they're phrasing it to his friends and that happened to run mind excuse me i like it iowans
seeing in my novel i don't know and in the novel it was the engine that all the country entering it and promoting this book and it was there was a victim of child abuse in this novel and i begin to probe about this as an anomaly that she did she was frozen oceana then there's alinea is now and now she and cried out of you it there's a lot of dancing is is this is what otherwise that i noticed it did succeed in my career when i my clients were bees literally our personnel tears and then they would withdraw their objections
so there is building you got that little drama going on in there so many subplots in this book that carried you from all that was clear to the other i mean you get a page turner i like that it an atmosphere here and down the coast because i had to stay with me i mean i read that the subplots the subplot with her daughter well you know i have a daughter too and there's a lot of my daughter and me in the cinematic and there's a lot of me in the in running the company because a lot of the things that happened have happened to me including inter new sat and added on very noisy wooden needles when the boss is making a presentation by major corporation i want to ask you if the essay on the ones lunch with something
that you wrote was a creative writing or what are some enduring really wrong so it's really basically what an interim role it appeared to women's forum lunch which is top women and as a resident of corporations heads of judges lawyers a college president and instead of giving me an appreciative memo about how great it was to be with women its substance and greatness she wrote me about how she couldn't stand the way world shifting their shoulder pads around that number of my records last week and she said i know exactly what she's talking about my job that won't stay up opp opp opp environmentalists and that that really did happen those were exact words but morales and what she does have this door and the dollar is in and out of love and without a sexy now in az that's right yeah yeah yeah no royalty of whistle
that's dr brokaw is that's right and who has access to monitors critical yes whoa the sheep he doesn't know when these out innocently gives him mike his credit card whenever he needs to book a passage with her always with those other words we knew what we would use it on something bites out that china but yeah i loved you know as you know i work for four years as their first director public relations and i covered a lot of those evil joe so i put i put at schlumberger joe on my goal right in the first sign she has wonderful jury and i also have jonathan her her lover who really the spices as a noxious want everybody despises and so one way he gets back out areas garner with this woman his time with three million dollars worth of diamonds and he says to her those of the best kenny lane past and generally what happens i've ever seen their sensational so that takes care of the yo yo ballot all the
jewels to do things like that you create utilities them at a white house dinner yes the values what i i actually ran three years of white house dinners and in several administrations because i was an advisor to several first lady's and cooling was as reagan so i think that women and men too are so interested and state dinners that i would take the reader through an entire state dinner with all the pomp and circumstance the protocol from the beginning to the un and if there's a little love and splitting that goes on in the middle of it so much the better well you're in a nominal cressman you know press one and you put one on john does arrive this idea the mistress of a big fat cat india where fact an editor you know a lot of that is it makes a big contribution political contribution to the party and you always find fat cats or fat cats girlfriends or something at white house state dinners they have to be for an
inmate in this case the fat get himself did not come close now knew that his wife might re washington post miami with syracuse and that happens when i say that how often you have to take care of this for you take care of the wife well you don't get away from teaching us our table manners you tell us that you speak dylan you're right and for the union will talk to a conversational partner per course and if you're fascinated by the lady on your right is very rude for you to stay with mixed with her talking to her because at upsets entire table on it everybody is at albright well so you've got this romance of them but then the but mike and jonathan made there and in some ways served
each is the antithesis of the other in terms of colter about how he's a self made man he's a he's jewish he's he's terribly perceptive and very bright he's very successful and he dresses beautifully eight and they're they're just a few rough edges because he was born very humbly but he's so smart he's so bright and he has such a great sense of humor when micah thousand please i can't stand men with big diamond ring zinn i hate being in a white stretch limo at all this which is what we had at the white it had any switzer were small black jaguar about all all of these things she i called america's sniffs in the snares with their blue blood smears of it too much out and finding years gets that up with as any man wide he started out his vote to leave it is terribly wrong it takes that diamond ring of his takes at great big dining out and puts it in the senate and has put in the center of a butterfly broker and as a tool for valentine's day
only a man jonathan game in her life she had a great love affair with her husband david says navajo one of a nanny scale an anomaly a crash she had had one terrible encounter with a hat in advertising as were issued sober fellow medical problem and wanting to join in but then you know up the plot to you to give up until this point so over romance and you wonder where it's going to go with her and the press client then the words have to go with a daughter and and sam zhao and sergio and you wonder where it's going to go with jonathan and money andy zimbalist is the ability to shift crew lovely little love
story are not going to fund an animal charlie comes downstairs out that i've got back on cancer and our allies world and i've got to tell us about your father aside your father was a hot area and were war two in london your mother was crunching your mother was a red cross girl her mother was a beautiful boston girl red cross grew out of wild two weeks flying with a hundred erin officer east fine and sour he goes back to henry wary scaled down not realizing that he's left are pregnant those two weeks left her pregnant but she's very lucky because the boston oh boston bow of a school mate comes along he's a captain in the air force early charlie says let's get married and he puts his name on the birth certificate as a father he killed him and you know he now has an the job was raised in humans aren't so i'm i have to my emotional outbursts a mylar surface all tied up emotion in a
way he acts he marries or has really set me throughout this book about our emotions there isn't an announced a handout so they get very you know i had great fun because they got married in london and i called up eventually bruce my first boss who met david bruce the great statesman who ran out of all assets from london during the war and he fancied bruce fell in love with david bruce during those days so i call her up and said how should they get married how should monica's mother and charlie russell get there and so she laid it out they'll get married to nature's they would walk to clara genes they couldn't have a wedding cake made of a regular of that would have to name without banks and this is what they would do when they would work as champagne that was black market so it's it's a true were loyal to a wedding and i put in all the great men who are in london dr ehrman that's exactly
rand paul and david brings to an end a counselor about erin's it was great fun you know that's the fun of writing and now i put myself at one point says dear i don't give me any more of that that stuff then you sound like no other day aha i get it i love doing well you have freedom ride you now you anything you want to deliver crazy author he's had three books and the movies to set that chair i see think my book will trend will repossess that is a terribly that might haunt the lawyers slightly mad i put my name in a book he had me a character a cia agent working alone and am how marvelous decade now but it turns out and then the cia agent was named john same color and this is fellow who was going into a cold one analyst's office and went down a hall to see c l o n n and as a black
woman behind the desk and the stage and says ahmed and to save on she says lansing paul that's my cover long and he said tell you a swinging publisher from nashville so what is to be a black woman cia back to this really gripping story i think at the point charlie tells the story becomes it becomes a very serious well i think it's true because all over the search for identity its effort at people one another route there's no question but that she would have to find out who knew she was who she came from and that her daughter the granddaughter of a huge bomb is exactly the same way about yes i have to know that grandfather was had the feeling that
that i have a feeling that they came closer when they began to talk about that and gary in arabic and there's a scene in there where mother and dollar they were close all that they are your dad or a concert that i have the feeling that the hungarian background where they sort of wondered about it and i guess that also some other we're going to find out about this that's right because thinking you're one item sent bostonian and suddenly finding it or fifty percent and ariane is really rather fascinating to the average person they have to find out and we all we know so little about hungry in this country we knew very little and i was fasting for me to go to hungary and find out myself about henry well you know the last time we live here you've written you know you have two books published in such a short period of time
and one nonfiction one fiction last time you were here i said you got another book in you said yes this one come and we talked about the name id where that's right where then i'd just come back from their ass and i have been thinking more about top of picked up this book and it's only beautiful and she's being of character ow i am glad and i wanted her to be a beautiful character and you notice that she also is a volunteer she works for a literacy bravado she does that's writer she's not just a business owner says i'm so busy i can volunteer that's exactly when she wants everybody to know that no matter how much are involved in the workaday world and you want a lot of guns than that and trying to strive well so at that point we have to plots that are going on people chorus
wong the search for roots the other search and yet there are two of them at a rocky time workers at harley ever see each other on the telephone like so many romances between people who work hard and who have important lives are different cities and the telephone becomes an instrument of courtship no question about that so they do have wonderful romantic telephone calls and they get together but ah not enough they're always being torn one where another it's terribly romantic when they get a region that is and how to get to know each other well and sheep she keeps saying and jonathan through this and he says sure our and finally he says now and then they go to love fundraising dinner jewish fundraising dinner one night and she at the waldorf and chic art's adam she doesn't like he's going to stand up and say how many zillions of
dollars he was going to get to that years cause for an he says are you telling me not to stand up and she is saying yes and he's saying let's go then we have to have a little talk thanks again the peacock galley and he tells her that this they've been heading for collision and there's no way they're going to make it easier to he's had it and he literally roser alice lie and that's tough to take been thrown out i was like well i'll write a novel but anyway die she she knows is in and she sees in twenty years and he's got a young girlfriend she sees him when not over with fabio young woman and she realizes that he will marry your new app children by her and she's forty two prize an academy were children and its she very savvy realized she lost but she goes to mary wagner goes back to budapest and i find with lease our daughter
to find out about and the other men in her life and now the man who's never been an ally and of course during her search for her father's root she also has a day little escapade with a very attractive thirty five euro architects right now most of that again is something a rule what would liken her allegedly is you in that it's a man it's a fantasy land anyway i are less yard of this beautiful baroque palace in budapest and i said to myself what a great place to put in my novel and then there was a gray huge window that opened and it was a cleaning woman leaned out the window and i said to myself that's not a cleaning will and that's a handsome gary so yeah does is she has a fling with the alice which is what she
needs because rouser you know she's lost her top client her best friend and her company is dying of aids she's lost her love lost everything and so young us comes along to relate give them give her a feeling of wow i'm pretty great again so he's it is a lovely character in the book he tells you that to to make love is something this beautiful and wonderful thing about tomorrow but then he tells him to come back next year they're don't go polytechnic horse track and now i heard about this and forty three authorities raided that doesn't matter that go off on these wild horses were you go from power from all passive all castle and hungry and the growers and nietzsche their prepare fantastic dinners with champagne a table sat under the tree east of el paso and you you've gotten these trips for seven days like that so she's going to do that the next year the meantime she really loves jonathan and the whole search for her father of the i went to the old town hall outside of budapest to a little tackle sent in their eye when into the bureau registration of births
and deaths and i looked up to of figment of the imagination took a hunger a name in it i simply watched her the registrar she went through all the steps to find him and so that's how i wrote an ally of found found each find one and then she went and found a person known him in world war two and she found somebody else and he knew it very well and that's how the story of response attacks his life in the red lentil and going to london for raul wallenberg i mean think about raw wanted wahlberg the great swedish hi ursula is a summit israel didn't a semi five thousand years he personally say from going to auschwitz well when he showed up in odd and i i figured i figured out my cat had to have her father had as some reason for going to london therefore raul wallenberg was a reason to go and raise money for our longer does raul walberg ran out money isn't moment but then
well while you at what point did you decide i mean when did it occur to you that their roles wahlberg was a device you want to use to try and get the london coming in from the airport the driver of the car said this is a statue you must see madame if you're coming to hungry for the first time and he drove me around a little park where there was a lone figure of a man a giant bronze statue sweet just trees around was those peaceful ruling i ever saw and he said that is raw longer now i heard the name i didn't even know really what he was and i knew that he'd been killed probably by the russians but that's all anybody talked about budapest was raul on a guy brought up for a war to where i went and they immediately started in the raw water so i decided we've got happen in the novel and then of course it made no sense to have this young hungarian officer going from budapest to london he had no right to
there had to be something swedish so i simply made in half swedish his mother there's a swede and he was a great friend of raul raul on birds and was in a now the swedish additional a tie which is where they were hiding the juice so that it makes sense to have him actually work for our wallenberg can help with because it's fascinating how you have taken somewhat fact all of his leaks on a marvelous story and so kind of you really helped the riders were our family more we're like you john rizzo our story thanks along and even as long as the story than just think i told my friend my gown my roommate from boarding until i was gonna write a book well with her name on it not your own stories your own story was terribly sad she died young of cancer by tarzan write a novel about like when she said to it so i just decided i had to do it i had no time to do it i was working on this great enormous by him called the new manners for the
nineties i am a lecturer i am a newspaper columnist i do eighteen thousand things that once i'm in my sixties i should be cutting back on going ahead like this fatah fourteen this ailes into the future but i decided this is something i want to do it was fine it was it was relaxation sit down to computer and work on the novel was just plain fun and allows you that day and the conservatives it's funded only to do some more and that people writing that matters because that's my zhong knows my persona in america but i wanted to offer of public affairs private relations has been our guests featuring dancing this program was produced at the studios of wbez and television that's true in tennessee i know it
- Series
- A Word on Words
- Episode Number
- 0896
- Episode
- Little Baldridge
- Producing Organization
- Nashville Public Television
- Contributing Organization
- Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
- cpb-aacip/524-vx05x26n05
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/524-vx05x26n05).
- Description
- Episode Description
- Public Affairs Private Relations
- Date
- 1990-12-17
- Genres
- Talk Show
- Topics
- Literature
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:29:18
- Credits
Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0601 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCPRO
Duration: 00:28:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-vx05x26n05.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:18
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “A Word on Words; 0896; Little Baldridge,” 1990-12-17, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 3, 2025, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-524-vx05x26n05.
- MLA: “A Word on Words; 0896; Little Baldridge.” 1990-12-17. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 3, 2025. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-524-vx05x26n05>.
- APA: A Word on Words; 0896; Little Baldridge. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-524-vx05x26n05