A Word on Words; 2612; Richard Bauch
- Transcript
remember don johnson you know once again welcome to word on words i guess richard bausch welcome to rome where it's been great to have you talk about dutt good evening mr nez american all the ships and say that's a line that people of my generation were raised till i heard it the first time a car riding on the inaugural party night in washington in the car mr richard ford his wife kristina my wife may and alan cheuse and his wife i'm talking about a tiny little several ago corsica and now and we have done this place matters more in austin to dinner we went by this place rize do a radius clause the country a school where most of the drug store over there is going to st matthew's is a prayerful to the school and we're coming home allen toussaint one even read the book about one radio school only call grieving most to most american warships that's what a great title
where'd you get that but i mean so will about so when i started thinking about it when the numbers were planned out the whole now on the back a woman children sketch pads you turn the page over from wisconsin as well as a picture of a lion to show to my students and i said here this is where it can happen anywhere you could just be sitting there watching cartoon know some of the coasters you and you stir it like to cover i like if we were around a little bit because when it first came out of it i get the camera put up again salute viewers can take a look at it is there that the top friends said goodbye in fact that's where it originally looked like ed and i don't know how they did that because this is the same color related illnesses ms america was on one branch and also just to the left a little bit like how it
and others all of this was that it depending i guess on the cop who wrote the william kunstler cones and rods in your i see half of your show to sell the book and said oh it's called readmissions is america and the other half said oh you look as coalition of city do something where they sing the whole family as a good employees put it you know make sure that it's a it's real and it's just in one style or so let's talk about that the characters though says seo is a fascinating beyond them in ten pound mr dawson already zoned school boy getting there in washington dc and that leads need as much toward martial of richard boucher there's a
great deal in order that is temperamentally as i was very devout and i was worried about the effect of time i was fully intending to go to selma instead of a priest through it then but walter is a lot and summer that i really i mean he's days his situation is out of a big family my father you know and no inheritance intuition <unk> known fact those were campaign for my intuition would help but add fuel five brothers and sisters of a clan an identical twin who also writes novels and i'm nine stories and now all we were in the air force we were together on air force one to have to go off so that when you like this in there's a single road guard llama lustgarten well the division is marching across the highway unrolled guard shares a
land has to stop and swing the land and then that is replaced by another over its way a lantern in the front row guard returns to confront an end of the column comes the and there was another set of twins and a couple of black as months mothers who looked identical so at once mother's brother and me arun smothers rather my brother and back so that we reach for my where i've never replace me and bob smothers replace dust mother's so that these people really see the traffic going and when i just do a lot of is a love iowa just a couple weeks ago zoo move an author that sharon woman who had written the scene in which she saw men come out of the door and go across all into another door and did not move and five minutes later the same men came out on the same door and went in they find are he could not possibly explain it that's exactly right absolutely no and
i think that's a you know i know i know it was years and this is in the school was with some fantastic characters all of whom are determined they gonna make it and brought it as a really strange collection the upheaval in broadcasting shooters it'll likely make it in broadcasting and as that election no i used some of the memories of some of the people who are in the school the school was destroyed pain is a very derelict rundown it is and as illinois poses now none of those then go with theo there's the character of hours someone actually knows a
very sweet sweet lahood was channeling on the federal reserve and you know perfectly well in that very long live there was something wrong at birth with his heart and his eyesight was failing him that every thing was failing in that he read with his those marvelous sense that was viable in and of itself those tunnels that you never read know we live in such a practical caution out so easily think of reading is as something to improve things down the line rather than an inherent and beautiful clothes are in and of itself to make a moment here and now enhanced and beautiful and he was like you know we're really good at the whole book jason day the metaphor putting your face buried in a book whose face is literally buried in the book and he was a wonderful guy and his fiance was blinded attenborough it was born a relation at which is exactly what a cubicle a book but the fiance in the book is not at all like this this young woman who is beautiful and sweet and i just i don't have a blind someone and in a tendency is to
over here roadside so people who have various reasons a flaw so i thought ok she's from south carolina and she's from the south carolina of that time and so she is badly misguided in terms of race and there i did know was that i have and what happened when she brings starts to say these things and our stars are getting are provided an opportunity to go away from here and that's why i'm not working when they stand up in town essentially to go to hell well you know he interacts with all his classmates has determined to end just to give us a sense of what each of these characters is about you create the copy that they are required to
read and clans and there's some of the what i mean is a funeral home and have and then there's ms gordon who voice is very soft and who wants to announce tonight's program by wolfgang amadeus mozart and reggae albums like is he's wanting read a funeral home copy the dallas cowboys up a lot is what is this is this that their packs the best and at their assault on no kidding morning but a lot of the year's voids and the diversity so that i could hear it was i was i am most of those who must have a terrific job placement of the brokers that would be a blow that working when i saw had to happen is i
was gone on i no there haven't was the loathing has to collapse while and so the school burns down and there's a scene where dallas andrew's brother love it and have this sort of gangster tide comes in and keeps telling his assistant to shut up the systems the one who's been threatening throughout the whole book and so much for ideas because i had no idea when i started i knew what the last line was i knew exactly what laszlo was an interchange and i need to write to that line turn out to make the reader one i guess they're like go on no don't be ah ah ah ah ah that's absolutely fine so you have a level and then you knew where you're going you again do you know about john allison amend them in before you know it you know i know about the outline that western ally and i knew the last letter of the first joke and it outlined some way to get out but i want to start with the first scene the first thing that happens and that's
set dallas and there'll be no listing as kids help and try to save the school but getting his girlfriend who's father is big and seniors are at some other important public enemy an ounce the more i worked on the more these other things came in for instance it was nineteen sixty four still writes live in past but as those of us who lives in the time remember was not being obeyed everywhere and you were finding excuses restaurant has an hour just so busy and things like that and there were there were at our moments or will appear at a time when there was resistance and violence and all that so i had i used these people in this story are taking walter white hero to this funeral them into a sit in on the same day by and i'm liz citizen restaurant postscript the reason i use that is that there was
a restaurant as a child i remember seeing a sign why the lonely and feeling that i was the most overrated there's some real wrong way that although i couldn't put my finger on what was that just seemed very strange to me and not right and either there is because my parents are particularly good for him because the child knows that stuff early and then i'd prefer to think my parents were great but a child knows that stuff and that the good kinds of knee jerk reactions that people have is they grow older the kinds of reactions to people who are different from them will look different and have different come from different country whatever that those reactions are learned and if that's true then we can unlearn and we can work on windows ten but you know that i wrote the book and then some work on the book this kid has really been sheltered and he's this is a totally new world and so it ends up going there things about the book that i think it's a very i sell
whimsical and kind of comic writing and there are a lot of things i've done that were surges to magician at a malevolent bubble also the pages relate to have a go us i couldn't just like the comedy because there were loose and on couldn't defy delay the generational but i have thought many times my own upbringing himself and have wondered how in the world i know because the new buses and watch afterwards and warmed by in the air force than the inflow me in women with bags and never did it occur to me that this was an aberration or outrageous it was written in the last you know i was an assistant alan i love the desire to muster <unk> know when rosa parks refused to go on the record was what when the simpson trial was a whole
lot of stuff that people were always and you hear people apart is the only american justice system is a severe blow absolutely talking about american justice suffered a blow and there were thousands of of trials in the south where somebody was no sentenced to death and kill and murders for which nobody was ever punished and so now i'd like to tell students who think about how this works as we're writing essays on justice and think about how the justices not this does not and is not an objective thing is the thing that has burned into her and it certainly is nothing that you can depend on in a culture where a woman get refused to move to the back of the bus is breaking all all and now sixty people carry some format into a woods and hanging him is is socially acceptable there's a horrifying picture and i put it in here that our reports see a life magazine the surreal photograph that estimate was an army and the little girl
in a picture of perfectly don't there's nothing going on is not enough so western it's not a horrible thing to her is just a perfect day well i think that you're i mean certainly in my parents were in an infant's line with close as it turned out they understood this is an awful lot of love about in justice roberts they shield in the very children racist rhetoric included on the other hand on the other hand my guest is that your generation of motion to accept that i don't know why we were all very confident as marilyn you probably grew up with this war we just everybody that i know with leaders that we're going to be there and has persisted and i think that it persists because as jesse jackson
says it isn't an illness it's an alluring illness that the whole culture suffers from an unknown unknown sign maybe that the way ooh horse erratic a particular kind of almost like this is to is to first begin with except instead it's that it is a thing that's there have been we have delivered but there is a singer james baldwin says in notes of an assignment that he finally finds this is irritating some are congratulating themselves for being especially kind to him because they resigned james baldwin a two line i wanna be addressed and treated as james baldwin first or one of the rest of you all get to do that i should be allowed so you know this is a strange time because there are people talking that seems to me an income from the sixties
the seventies people were social engineering touched people getting into colleges who were talking about in a separate dorms monster seems to me to be a terrible mistake and miers will be george wallace that i'm still young enough us borrows so many old fashioned have to believe that was it all disappear into the melting pot and b no one country americans i still have faith that one day that's going to say i think we have to go through a reaction to the reaction in attitudes today and the race and racism has more important person poses for cell phones to let you know walter is ambition is not
as you in addition to the broadcast restaurant eve you want politics is going to take up the porch and stability we really once those transform himself in this hero then an enemy knows what he knows what happened at st matthew's cathedral led the bailiff you know when john and jfk was buried and wants to be part of it let's talk about alice and natalie a little bit because it does seem to me that they're that much of what he's about twelve of what what they're about and i couldn't figure out it the relationship that lee lewis has evolved and for that i ask i mean nic hours differently as a bookworm and she drew on when i began the book she was somebody as i rode on she grew she changed she she's more germany is available tomorrow and
but she learns to see i think is essential voices that makes it almost impossible and cheese issues but in the villages have an oven and she's them and often fight the fight can join her friend steven can go join up with dr king and do what they can do who knew the natalie one and infinite arms over in those last draft of natalie foley were a good for what her thing was there talking but mysteriously about everything she was at a lot of years but i know i was listening to louis works for me is an event people and visit trouble upon them to paraphrase dollar and then see what they do all of us at work so i must say it
works but i am i have this to the video goes on to one is really the outer layers of the camel there are many many many people saying let's get on that hat and green have to know what the nfl it's what's amazing is a people who will you can see them looking at across a makeshift are quite famous because people go in the netherlands right i actually had a woman it seven twice knows woman today we're going to the hotel she served up a threat that said meatloaf oh hi harmony just came in with what you want to hear in a nice nuns wheeler was there last summer last summer before last as the summer of four this one that the senate and then go again next summer and it's the oldest writer's conference in the country that is now and the first there's only
how many and this is a guess it's an educated guesses about two hundred fifty writing conferences in the country various unnamed far the most generous squaw valley there's the stone coast writer's conference those westerners conferences the floor international writer's conference and there's been dozens of the umbrellas though was the first and now robert frost is one that started it and a lot of wonderful writers have gone through then that and then students are fellows there follow the circuitous route underwent there's a student turned him down as we come there to my second novel only come as a fellow writer laila to evolve on the latest bailout others a little then of of the new un published thief was another and then the whole thing changed in the
poet michael collier's a wonderful poem and i've known for so years home and said the way senators are the bottom of rembrandt of different or sell it was promised as i've heard stories about how hierarchical set up about a love for the riders world no one really like in a student's and i like those that i can sing anything in you must remember this unknown broadcasting you meet somebody i'm passionate about was to do a really bad here you are inciting gunfire old gunfire and i use it as john wayne's line from the shooter's the same you don't have to be particularly talented does have to be willing and now it's fun because you have experience you know they're going through when they're going through because you went through it and you remember you can treat it you can talk to them about it and say you know what your which are experiencing is normal is what every those are your doctor in fact when i have my office hours of school i will sign says the doctors in the only
going to so i don't know what's bothering every young writers doubt the fear that this time is wasted in the sense that of futility even if it is worse to one of my spending all this time when i noticed and i don't teach creative writing at each patient that it's tough percentage being committed to an understanding that it's you were something you do every day it's more than by any other work now that you're at your blair says as joseph campbell down but when it works it is bliss it is that is not work and some students we'll struggle its struggle with it so it either through what's going right in the words are coming because of some of his whisper in my ear and i feel so powerful and it says if i could turn to having written like that would happen and it's happened and then it's over and i feel just for that second
so powerful that i could just turn and say really am in right now i was there can do that but i can do it in a book does it rains mr oliver a lot of it or not and that's a great feeling well the other side of it what about the time when the news is not whispering in your ear that's the nra doesn't it or summertime recipe below its roots tubers and inspiration and nine eight percent perspiration somebody once said a long ago and that i was the word sous really hard where his character as most areas like sam weston with my forehead and you can see from it let's work in a discipline what's
next time a scary book called activist harry lee was a robocall in the nine seasons come in and spend my dad's on its currency thriller called well they're not it's scary it's a tense new turn a page you don't know what's happened and now there's a no it's a woman her son and husband has been dead for about six months and they are visible on by these men who had a deal with the father but they knew nothing about and the father's you know it was on it nothing nothing about and the father is killed before you can take care of the situation many more needed to come back here and to an end but that's behind you know writing already are you waiting to start your nerves are reluctant to its cold war the wife and it's about a woman who's wearing a
bad guy citizen those birds do you struggle with other truth and publish roof now there's no one on top of my my editors about a wonderful guy robert s jones who was a good writer himself and the trans am he poses one of them is a wonderful writer but he's also a terrific governor and when he learned of this latest one i know i was a tech with every book is a tech repeated line gets repeated to midtown and this case it was he was crying tissues crime she cried they cry cry and so he's right in the market rhett rhett rhett and he finally put the end of the cut this gadget cry when i'm weak ones these wonderful great power then and i love being monitored by mckinsey catches us than that i look smart
- Series
- A Word on Words
- Episode Number
- 2612
- Episode
- Richard Bauch
- Producing Organization
- Nashville Public Television
- Contributing Organization
- Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
- cpb-aacip/524-vh5cc0w14m
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/524-vh5cc0w14m).
- Description
- Episode Description
- Good Evening Mr. And Mrs. America
- Date
- 1998-01-20
- Genres
- Talk Show
- Topics
- Literature
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:28:20
- Credits
Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0702 (Nashville Public Television)
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-vh5cc0w14m.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:28:20
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2612; Richard Bauch,” 1998-01-20, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed November 19, 2024, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-524-vh5cc0w14m.
- MLA: “A Word on Words; 2612; Richard Bauch.” 1998-01-20. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. November 19, 2024. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-524-vh5cc0w14m>.
- APA: A Word on Words; 2612; Richard Bauch. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-524-vh5cc0w14m