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fb national public television's do a celebrated authors literature and ideas for more than three decades but this is a word on workers' jobs john seabrook welcome once again norman words that it's my pleasure to welcome back steve berry a new york times bestselling author of written a cardinal own adventures for standalone novels is the creator of the acclaimed lessons one bestseller writing
workshop thought of thousands of writers here with his with his latest caught moments of the king's deception in this contemporary political intrigue and to door tribune theater treachery well that was late as the wheel latest time alone what a character is and your cat that created him about to ask about seven years ago a retired justice department to operative lives in copenhagen runs a noble trove of shaw island that stays in trouble and say isn't troubling what you create for him this time they are learning tree on top of an injury in the eu and he finds out his own business heaney and we can add to this and this is really to another and a couple of the novel but we never really resolved as he's finally admitted she's
she's come up early ex wife and make clear and there were men and he was no so either about the way normal in liberia or that weird for you receiving yes he had a problem he was caught has a problem but winning is only maybe day he's and he hurt his wife deeply and she never forgave him but what he didn't know was that she heard him to live there but she didn't tell him and the show and she had a child of his son to someone else's and now and i have to resolve this and all at once all this comes straight up and cuts face less that's quite a plot new movie deliver me you seventy is all alone is all by allen and is all colleague asked him for a favorite book and he doesn't know that that's going to bring him in touch with with with the past the past will be waiting for him and medvedev really realizing that he's been maneuvered into that to session been that favor religion as
an independent we have won six years yes he said ok ok i'll take this young boy get their juvenile delinquent basically they caught in america is at a watering hole live and he's on his way back to copenhagen anyway and stephanie says can you just dropped him off what was her to realize has been maneuvered that's been maneuver that now he figures out how he did it out as a problem me over ephesus whole book takes place about thirty hours at a real quick story of what happened so he fears about this on going although this thirty hours in several centuries overall through all the way back to the list that the forecast is we are absolutely so but what about but the main thing this story i mean there is there is trouble for the bookseller there's it's a father is a father son story to resolve a father
son story and both father and son have to deal with this problem or something and they both got things to deal with any issues and the past is waiting for them in london he doesn't really understand that he's in trouble until until he turns he had troops on to fall short to take vienna over this murder will be on len the law and that's one level on a much it snows is where is history but olson to keep in vietnam it could take a meaning carries involved years cuts on a very scary goes off with very it was not and some were at that either one of you yeah yeah and then there's a lot of there's a lot of what we what this book really deals with is that there's more to being a father than just planning it's absolutely there is there's more than that i guess the easiest part of being a far right is easiest far there's more to
it than that and teary has to deal with that too he's got to learn that there's more to a father's well and that was as a father son story but gm has no father has no mother he beat ministry get all his life and so they see the other side too and geary any and head off and then they have this this romp across london that's as you said not only is rob across london but as rob crossan centuries as we're now in you know when you put this particular how the early ian help lots of all really interesting to me you knew that very any and we're going to come together and did you know let down her lover was going on be a key figure in the story and in the blood clot was that that the truck was to figure out how to put cotton and teary together with this guy without it being contrast with it you don't want to do the old coincidence you know one dollar and so i had to come up with the way that blake interim
rulers are antagonist of the book makes that happen in the fall if you get further and so there's no there's no happenstance coming period of a year because blake in trump got them and he made in the end that was the tricky part that was the tricky part of the novel the road will make it work very well mannered you know the other thing about it is and i thought about it again and then as we went through here and an end to a pretty heavy with oil with them and then all of a sudden hillary in the ages dark and kathryn about world into the wealth has been stalwart and i mean you make that transition on the bottom but often i'm here and then on the air and daniel roth says
and that's a secret and for a minute i'm thinking you know this is the king's deception where auletta well as barrett is what steve is really trying to do here this is the mysteries and put all over those the two governments have been designated a beer with now how does talk about her job with the smell at the lake let your borders or not if he was or not next weekend deception passing that and that's where the title came from basically did say i was unlucky i was north of london a few years ago we were going to work for british publisher lee was taking us to the cathedral really and she started telling me about a legend called the biz lee boyd which i had never heard and it's a legend that at age thirty elizabeth the first dies she dies of fever and she is replaced by young boy the governor's do with julia lady issue yet she's terrified because he aced cutting people's heads oh nolen libya
without a job she's terrified so they going get him he's illegitimate grandson in israel does exist is a very feminine lag it looks very much like a whisper it's an address about it works and once they started they can't quit facility to go up so the people are busily have commemorated back of the act for centuries by on a date certain each ear dressing a young boy and elizabeth ii and female garb and parading through the streets that was why they do that they did it because of the split and no one at the time and they get a thought that this person would ever been looped the country because eduard was and why here and mary was in line to the odds of that person being ruler and when he recalls an afternoon news is telling yeah well it though is do we care about our wells said he didn't give he didn't give a darn about the lives he give a dog that marriage he cared about it now i'm sure you and lyrically was right to worry and she has to get
off and comes back without her it would've killed in the party's regular job but he didn't care about the job the standpoint of becoming ruler of the country that he continually put him in and out of society's obsession now as we well know edward only live to be fifteen years old and dies mary only rule five years and dies and then thirteen years later after the substitution is made this impostor becomes the queen of england and rules for the next forty years 40 years or c an unknown and let's talk a little bit about the evidence doesn't mind that might might support them it was a trial lawyer for thirty years i think we have to recognize that we have circumstantial evidence about circumstantial and there's a blizzard rolling all of the circumstantial evidence creates a presumption that something is more likely the naacp the naked then it's been idiots and that's a burden that juries go by zimmerman is it more likely than not was look at this woman
elizabeth wears wings all her life she wears not make it but face paint white face paint all her life and we've seen that very movies from dun dun that is historically the machine shows up there says she never went out without that they spied on her record her face she wore clothing that did not flatter her body they covered up her body all her life in very wide ranging ways she refused to allow doctors deal with and then that's right we don't have an examination a good look at her face they could look at your nose and a mouth that can touch and it so i could live the rest of her body not all shia when she dies no autopsy is a lot of her body she says my body is not reviewed are seeing period at all seal it up put it away then hears them lawyers the two things that really pushed a really good at her number one duty as quaint architecture only duty as quaint is to
have an ear she says right up front i'm not marrying and i am not having a child and calling myself the virgin quite then when she dies they bury her and her sister mary in the same grave and put on the outside of it so their bones can mingle together that's never been done with the royals haven't steve you make me blazing the circumstantial evidence is very engaged now the second of others henry fathered a lot of children only are few survived all of them die before age twenty except married to live to be forty she's the only woman with the forty he had enormous amount of still worse and nor some of the richer worse and all the other children born daughter elizabeth lives to be seventy years old not only that she has played when she's in her twenties and survived that is very unusual for an offspring of unity that we have the pictures of which
look the images that survived of her here's something we don't have a clue what this will the money i'm not going back and a crack in the book it's in the back of that i've been a lot of one another book and as they are we talking about and what makes the point usually put five in the novel they're in the port pages of anarchic those very carefully to show you some have been through in fact been a dinner that i didn't get first you know you get in the book is in the picture then you along to a similar picture pretty soon you're deadly and you are back again at the pictures again they're going to get part one the picture and part of a part one page is one that we erred that historians basically agree with probably where it's the only one we have overpowered age of twenty five and you can see it's a lovely picture of the young girl it's clearly a lovely picture of young berliners is before she dies all the others come after and they're dramatically different
you a cigarette and here's even worse when she becomes queen elizabeth for claims the mask of youth and she says you will depict me exactly the way i tell you to depict make you not to take me as i am but as i tell you so we literally have no clue what this woman or man look not a comet you know it's a if you know i'm not saying i was just getting back a disconnect from england and i made clear of their you know i'm not saying this is true i'm not saying this is historical fact what i'm saying is is that there's a lot of circumstantial evidence that point in the direction that this could very well but actually pull it all ok lady actually was in our lady as he dies and another level it takes over cheese or not but this this is her closest person her lady in where closest family and i got to be the queen of the west versus doing all the private things and all the things for them at his nursing would not disperse would never tell so because their power is based on it
now here's another piece of evidence that will deal with each one of these three ladies in waiting died elizabeth gave them grand funeral swallow worldwide she gave them wealth lions she took care of them in a way that you dont normally take care of your chief chamber person you don't really do it that way she went over a book that now the sole source would be an odd roberts us all and williams says that would have to be in it but their entire power base comes from her home were suspended but also you know to do it because the economic you were you could actually pull this off because the queen has total control over her entire life and no one's about like that so you could pull that sock issue could be you're just joining us i'm thought was the very about his latest book the king deception and one of the sets in and when he got me look there you look at the moment the lady told me in the cathedral that day about the
visible legend i knew there was a model that when it found out about bram stoker i never meet will will talk about grandma goes so i had i never in them so that i read this book presto kirk was of apprentice writer in early late nineties into a poison tree will drop below one is going to find but he was doing some work for his employer our opinion he reworked as a partial system for a person in london indeed when up to the northern where basically you heard the visibility and he wrote about it in a book called famous imposter and i found it and i read it and it's not as pretty edgy shot not the first one to come across the sled it's been there for three hundred years and the people up in that region of england know at that very well it's just never come out this is the first time it's actually appeared in a model first time that the theories air and that is something which they took eight years what is a matter of there was a severe it was a was a man who was about four years ago actually it matters a great deal it changes everything in today's world and this was something my british publisher was very nervous about that real
or oh yeah because see elizabeth seized all the land in northern ireland she's this one who sees absolutes her successor james who by the way she names sees the rest of it if elizabeth so fraught her entire reign as a fraud which means her successor is a fraud which means all of the titles to that land or fraud and guess what that would mean there would be an explosion that over there today among british publisher was so nervous about this i have to be careful with this and the novel because talk about northern ireland and books over there is a very sensitive subject is going to be very sensitive to live in some of the lutheran has been too quiet when they are simply waiting for a reason to start killing themselves again they just can't figure out a good reason for the killings of silly they found out we're wallowing and alice is getting us nowhere and i finally stopped but think about it if the if the catholic majority over there says the
storyline you took our land we've been fighting for years for that and now we realize that it's also there's also so far it could be a problem in my british publisher was very nervous about as they were as humans in what ultimately downplayed we bring it into the back of the book we wouldn't be from the center by brick this four solely an american audience i wouldn't write your face with it you're going to come right up already faced with it but they said no i was not so i did it another way you don't really deal with that issue too late in the book and they were ok with it so so you can get wrapped up in the un will the queen is the king and forget about caught but you can't really forget about on logos you won't let us forget about that are about there is his son were entrance an annual letters forget about ian so let's go back to cotten
you know there was a little of all one grave robbing going on here to be known in this is a real mystery at the end of the cells and that's what i've tried to do i was doing that the deception with elizabeth and with henry and with all that happened they are and there's a deception and cause a lifetime because his wife deceived he didn't know until a couple of years ago they geary really wasn't his biological son he never knew that and has dealt with in the alexandria lee is one of the earlier novels i dealt with it but again you don't have to read that to read this idea with a fresh years you can get everything in there so there's a deception going on there that's always bothered leo he knows that kerry's his sunny knows he's raised in me knows he loves indie knows everything but it still bothers him a little bit as it doesn't care whose my big his mouth was my biological father who's the person who did who did plant the seed who is that i would know well that's all part of that there's the deception in the past that the deception in the press and
those are running parallel to one another and coming and boating are constantly letting up incomes having to deal with that until they get underground there at the end and then worrying about oh what you would do to involve her to develop relationships are well you would undergo and then a little more and more close relationship between e n and his biological father now that they're losing ground and now they've gotten on the science and whether they would be jealous is that would develop it gets all tanned <unk> in fact i had a deal to carefully because it's happening very fast so they don't have time to do a lot of reflection but there was that word here is beginning to see blakey says will discuss conoco at first the ice age the reason is that that and we realized later that that was all senator who uses the seventies when you know they're still in there there
having he first has a little worship and then he begins to see the jinx and the our and then there's more cheeks and every article is they delayed this is a lot of not very nice guy always very big character helps gary see that he's she helps him as very comforting she shows an alley and then to show that the disease cancer won't go well i like her she's based on my wise stepmother and she actually looks like or talks like or acts like that and that is what we call her name is ms mary so she's actually a character we put in it put her in there and i and her and her twin sister kind of were really thought i enjoyed both of those characters a lot of the missionary is is sort of eons surrogate mother she guides she really gotten that he relies on internet so i think gary begins to rely on her to an end and the chink so then when when carrie finally realizes the play kantar was not a very nice man he has to make a tough call but he makes that the tough call its dead but on the other hand
it's a tough call because at that moment hasn't there's a saying that the answer is a scene i enjoyed writing that scene one of our favorite saints win win win when you realize something bad about happy to blight and gary can stop it and cut realizes that gary can stop having garry says lego lego lego and it happened that such as a powerful playing for and very droll and so young it's a very mature in a sudden he makes a call a sixteen year old signed this is a very bad name and his and he can even though it might it is a bad hand let's talk a little bit about your sense of history and and your commitment to protecting and preserving history and i'll video the foundation and i make a major effort to a sport what is an awe like this group of activists or in what it did as it it makes it
interesting it makes it it makes folks wanna learn more work and you've learned something this novel primary goal in officer training absolutely no question the beyond anything but if i can and for me to and you can actually sit there and say i'm a little bit more about this then that did i know she rained for forty years and they got to go back and look at the vessels that here i am and what she did and what happened in the end what did she look like i had never noticed before their vacation for this is what i like to do and so were kind of teaching used in history when you don't really realize you're getting the song and you're having fun doing it and you wanna learn a little bit more and that's what my novels do you're going to be entertained number one but you're gonna learn a few things along the way to some very interesting odd things that you may not have known before to do and that's what i try to do and i try to bring history alive back and bring it alive you get interested to get interesting you care you know you know what i think designers of his all sizes if you if you you know you give you tell me off or
get if you sure yet if you show me all understand even if you involve me you know i got it yeah and so that's what you want you involved or what you're getting involved and if you won't be a little history it kept coming back home for american adventure dealing with abraham lincoln had been reading about lincoln the last year now so much to everybody there's you know the movie at all but i knew there was something very unique something different with lincoln something that the regional bit surprised that they did that that's what's called the lincoln meth skull the lincoln mr barnard there was something interesting about lincoln that hopefully will get people talking about that and he has gotten underway and he's going to be on another adventure another adventure starts in europe comes on back over here finishes up here and there you know the mystery another great mistreated deals with american history something very interesting for me nine states constitution another though constitutional question well when people enough it'll be out may of next year may of two
thousand fourteen not be careful pretty soon be competing with yourself book so wonderful that prevented own one right after another idea what year at sequoia year of stick to that schedule an odd that what they've got ideas that for yourself the hall well and plan on the uneven and four years old to come back and bundy here this is a great interview and we ran out of time grade at a great to be taking someone's thanks all of you for watching and guns in the record on words the brady nina fb
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Steve Berry
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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The King's Deception
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW4210_HD (Digital File)
Duration: 00:26:16:00
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-tm71v5cn8n.mp4 (mediainfo)
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Duration: 00:26:36
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 4210; Steve Berry,” 2013-06-13, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 4210; Steve Berry.” 2013-06-13. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 4210; Steve Berry. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from