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liz from nashville studio way celebrating offers literature and ideas for more than three decades this is word on words with john's tom johnson you know i mean welcome once again to world words my guest today is probably the midday and danielle good is a weekly food personality on each of the local national television affiliates and statewide on pbs she is an author and editor and a spokesperson and she'd been broken sons and all her life a book that completely southern global contains already hundred recipes along with helpful advice one allure or jamming good that year and earned good to talk about soundbite of selling food and then wanted to one of both with the size of it you know and the epistle well if you know it was
i guessed david halberstam resort figure just a moment ago on the lead and but he once said done john this book i've written on the best of the bride is you know i want her jewelry and don't rub it on your foot listen and radio legend reads on global the aisle loaded with that was good stuff and i have to ask you about how you came to do it i mean you do live and let's come on you know go and do something to put his name will define their lives and it had actually started when i was editing some cookbooks for thomas nelson and i started looking at different books that i would get it and i think i can do that yes i can do the us and in fact in some cases like why would change the way they did the air so i started thinking about this cookbook
probably a dozen years ago and in what i've started doing john is as i would do things for television are for programs that i would do i would just categorize recipes into the perceptions in the start thinking you know what one not layout the cookbook that way instead of laying it out the way and most cookbooks are laid out with appetizers soups sides entrees use math i thought you know what this is the way real southern people cook we cook out of abundance and so when we got tons of okra coming in out of the garden the last thing we want to do is bleep and block through all these different cookbooks looking for all these different poker recipes i thought you really wanted all in one spot everything that you made in one place so that's the root the whole thinking behind it and i'll tell you the response
to how it's laid out has been and then ami well it goes all were for my almonds is again he would do it and i'm going what defines southern clinton well i you know southerners seem to almost be defined by where they really have but i think it set enter it really so there is more about who we are and anne what we are which is grateful hospitable humble day on earth the original recyclers and i think that southern cooking reflects that charlie beckett <unk> laid back actually we use what we have out of our work we are given from our neighbor's gardens typically are fit was camouflaged in many different ways we might have a pork chops for supper we might have pork barbecue for
lunch we may have that in some sort of a salad for dinner and so and food was never wasted and it was always appreciated and always chain most common food is simple and uncomplicated like some in life and i think that comes about as close to the definitions and i could have one and really get a sense of you know it's laid back now as you know you and you deal with them you're there with eight hundred separate recipes on believe in el you know they do and i turned to un about three hundred more recipes and they used an end when they only running for say well i don't know it was sophie's choice outside they're like
which ones you want to cut the light no and they said well what do you have to use so it was so happy with that when you've got four hundred and ninety six pages here yeah each one loaded you have not just the recipe but with advice as well you know you say on salted butter that's right up front right out of the right out of the candidates and salted butter why so you control the salt in the recipe typical southern cooks used the butter that they turned there was no salt it in that butter so you could control easily the amount of salt that you put in your dish out of the faults that we haven't better now he's unfit for food preservatives purposes and for flavor and we just thought if you're just bartering berea but when you're
cooking and salted butter is the way to go and you know watch on that's one of the things that i hoped the people would pick up out of this cookbook that whether you are a seasoned cook our new cook that maybe you're learning something that you thought you knew or didn't know or some day i hope it's it's more it's like a textbook it's like a coffee table book and it's a cookbook all at one time you know you've also won i don't know whether you didn't once a lot and you say basically and noble prize a label go with a taste for at yale it didn't make any difference and so we're one for cooking it doesn't have to be cooking wanted to me
and go on dates right now and the beauty of going to tennessee winery is that you can taste it they're at their tasting rooms and figure out if you like it or not you know versus buying something at at the liquor store so where i'm at on all about local john and i have been preaching this message for twenty two years in the tennessean newspaper in everything that i do and i'm so glad that everybody's call that nail it's quite refreshing that everybody's but only following my lead you know i don't know military for years of selling a vision not but along with the lie which is a big three years now kerry has in some way or another been part of my family i had the lawyers than an uncanny right now in fairness housing
but i always have known members of my family who been entrusted in it and you have a section in there while it goes truly back to on t pain the local produce in your pain chile all year long and chaining is a science it's not something that you just figure out on your own arm it needs to be you need to follow the rules on that and in fact that took me the longest to write a unique thing in that book the detail the instructions about how to kenya and you know had tested it out john to see if they are what i was saying was making see it i read it to my husband who is an airplane and a day in his life and i would read it you get if he could understand it that i knew that the way that i was working it was making sea
outspent and really jaunty unit marcus i mean one of the things that we do in extinction as we have always promote it and taught the proper way to kenyon and one of the things that i've seen over the past two years in particular is a huge renewed interest in canning for while they're everybody wanted to drive and in every bite want to freeze things now with the economy the way it is more people are going back to the basics which is canning an end are realizing that you know what i can have really good tasting tomatoes in the winter time but i've got a plan for that in the summer cooking follows the seasons it's the way we've always lived our lives i mean you know we had handed a certain time here that's when hawks were killed or we head on tomatoes only when they were coming in we had a spirit is only in march we didn't have things got better
work available all year long and one of the things that i've discovered in my job is that there's a whole generation out that here who's not aware of the seasons because they've never grown anything mac strawberries on the supermarket all year long so they're not really sure word that's why that's so so what i wanted to do is this is in the little tidbit that i throw in there is to do is to is to it things that that i know you know in you know but not everybody knows those are the things i wanted to throw when they're really when the season is really is a good time to pick how do you pick how do you know when it's ripe to pick so all the things that we grew up knowing because our family's had gardens and bring these things a lot of people don't install wanted to tailor it to everybody not just the seasoned southern cooks you know the fascinating thing about the
blues not just the recipes the recipes on our fascinating and on and on i don't know that i could ever to get through this book you know my diet would be so so for gold but less fascinating to me was a recent titles and i jotted some jazz abele i gospel singing apricot hug your soul as far as the vessel and that the hummingbird kate what is hummingbird gay you do remember all of it was two years ago in southern living southern living printed this kind of obscure little recipe for this candy and they called a hummingbird can't have any id lulu but literally into people's
kitchens because word spray ad about this wonderful cake and just like a little hummingbird flutters around it is kind of flew all over the place and became kind of a southern tradition and when you talk about those titles john i spent so much time just thinking about what is this recipe remind me a week did i use this recipe how is this recipe connected to the saddle so all those titles were things that were built to entice your pool you into the recipe because as you know there's no pictures there is one thing that i looked for when i went in there and i had found and you know tom lyons more recipes because i got no pictures absolutely and you know when that's one of the things that i requested john i've seen so many particularly new cooks in and moms that are just
trying to get dinner on the table that are sometimes intimidated by these thin seeded styled beautiful pictures and they think what my didn't turn out like that so i must have done something wrong so my whole thinking lies that you know wide however you how'd it turn out that's the way it's supposed to look that's the way the recipes supposed to be so what i wanted to do is eliminate that going don't run a model of odor of correct however it turns out perfect you say pecan pecan pecan so those are certainly began you want these began by no advance a lot of guys and it's inevitably i but i'm so glad but i didn't know about the kon catfish ok well you know i'm from mississippi so the catfish industry is going through you know what i love about
mississippi then no only just this they didn't decide just to grow the catfish the year they said ok you know what else we're going to do with the process all of it here so italians of farmed raised catfish comes through mississippi so i grew up with catfish and pecan trees so he was a natural mixture for me you know i never knew what chicken fried steak was a question of known but i and i wasn't used to online visit and hillary and ben jenkins was of his novels on sports and chicken fried steak seoul was no but you go into confronted one occasion rudd says well it was one of those things where it was like we turned this the rial and and make it what it was supposed to be you know this so what that chip fried steak was started because that was left over things that you have your grease left over from frying chicken and your flour left over from frying chicken
and so it kind of became the chicken grease is what you used to make chicken fried steak i thought whoa you know well or one minute what's wrong with chicken so one of the things that i wanted to do is just give things a little bit between us yes there are old fashioned normal southern recipes in there but there's some newfangled things in there too in that chicken fried chicken's one of your eye i'm fascinated in that you know when you will you know when you read the title of a something like so what is so male revue you remember oh yeah so no grave automated thousand cans years and white gravy and it has served them of course over biscuits it does not have sausage in it and goodness prices are beginning to gravy do it right and you know there's a whole chapter devoted to this room and so this all gravy is one of the first
rabies that i learned to cook john an editor and the first time it was horrible the second time he was even worse the third time i finally started getting it so you know that's why he does have to keep practicing and i learned to cook watching my grandmother cook so it you know the best place in the world was not outside playing it was next to her learning to cook so that's the reason that i started cooking even in the first place i just would be next to her you just urging iran government and elvin about her new book the complete selling cookbook eight hundred found recipes when i asked you about them about your work because as ray eddy here as i said when we started most people recognize you without even hearing about the book and if it's all your face and say oh it must be a cookbook well it is a cookbook talk about how it is to be able to central a camera and communicate
nun just about jo's son talking about nutrition and howard factors in to suss out who needs and allen dulles so much talk today about obesity have frankly earlier i thought i did i get this problem with i'd be an obese but it but but but you know where does include not just good food blog good you have huge you know john a lot of people associate things like fried chicken with southerners that they say oh that's not healthy but what they do maybe think about is that all over the rest of that table what kinds of vegetables and so while some
people associate maybe unhealthy items with southern cooking we are the world's best vegetable preparers hands day so you know so you may have guessed that fried chicken sitting there but you've also got green beans and you've also got sweet corn and you've also got sliced tomatoes and you've also got roasted beets and so so we are very yes you may feel awful little bit to satiate yourself with the fried food they're in their southern table is full of healthy thing is well i don't think that gets overlooked in a lot of sessions writing about southern culture as far as i don't think you know so and that was completely local no no no no it's on dumbo drop the
treatment is outside don't build those of all of love them in an indigenous welker is delicious and it doesn't have to just be your the other things you can do with it so and john didn't grow up with her pride of course it's good that way of course it is but you know what so is it that oprah roasted goodness gracious and and so one of the things that i hope that people will keep an open mind listen cooking in you know it's just spreading grits became the big deal all over the country in and they you know they thinking any bike include brits will know they can decide they can't cook it like a southerner can and there's some things about southern cooking is that you just have to embrace an end brian is one of those things but frying done right to unilaterally say straight up a frog right because if you fry it correctly you don't have a greasy product and and actually
have something that could be almost quite healthy the press gets it's gonna be juicy and and flavorful we don't want everything you feel fried but she certainly can enjoy it on occasion i might or might not think blueberry muffin jerusalem dish but eli gives rise and sharon barrett love and a novel about the us where these titles come from the world as some of it i had the best time doing that and pick out their favorite chapter you up in that it would either be a corner at our macaroni and scientists in one hundred days do you have no one favorite recipe in the book yes what my grandmother's recipe for caramel frosting i don't know what kind of kooks you are
but i'm just it's you know you see me carol raulston done correctly can be one of the hardest things that you will ever like oh i can do i can do eggs and that's it now i can do ceiling on scrambled eggs or i can risk in july i can do to help her chilean it look to you i'm not sure the solution but it's one of my own so you did your next book you're welcome like white lightning julie yes i was the key i would say why but i don't want to say i say like ok what's why white lightning white line and burns all weigh down i think that you know i think that with moonshine johnnie i mean i don't know i mean everybody does you know so that's what you know how it feels going double and the chilies candidates saying why so
is that it's it's really and to me it's fine to be a little more creative and not just call something chocolate cake well breakfast in bread is another i you know and so and i is guarantees a breakfast and bring in you know we were just keep borrowing and we know as is really no evan ourselves you know southerners have always laughed more southerners than anybody else has and you like john but that's one of the things that i love about putting the celebrations in here we always celebrated food husband and i we always have a cheery pound george washington's birthday party will you do maybe you have white lie about you it's bad see the one that tripped me and that she told me
alas you tell me that it's made with vinegar it's mainly as a gimmick or pot and she has not only beings he be like this custom bra she lied like nobody gets killed and i loved it you know you i've got a couple places are in a grocer which are these images but i was told that andrew jackson is that a true story that in the air and there was wood and jackson for one to do at the heritage and he loved the pioneers of grantham prize in the president called in vinson says uses just fine it's just yeah that's exactly right you know i love the look we'll have a couple minutes late this time flew by now all the main air we could do this week and i would be afraid
far from convention i love the way the book looks and i love the way he lives and i love the way it opens and reads an awful lot of work went into the design and how much did you have to do with it very little bit above that you know what here's the thing i was busy testing recipes in writing styles like you know what are really the rest of this to the professionals and let the young laid out the way they think it needs to be laid out course as solid first and they've got to kind of critique it a little bit but you know john there's a hole at the out why waste my time trying to do something when annette there's somebody they can do it very well you talk about husband george miller book going to get growth doesn't often our family members yes it's where southerners embrace family but i think just beautifully and and i certainly have man and one of the things that i treasure jon is that i
am a southern woman that i treasure that i treasure that my parents and our grandparents taught us to be proud of our southern history to be proud of our humble beginnings immersed southern states no matter how simple that they wore an eye and i cherish every jane about being a southern lady a levitt and so you now have a moment of coming oh yes i will you know them by the semi autonomous know half an hour we got it thank you so much terry on this great davies singing dial my goal is a watching sort of words on dancing and are reading it
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Tammy Algood
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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The Complete Southern Cookbook
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0744 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 27:27
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-t43hx16x07.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:31
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3923; Tammy Algood,” 2011-02-02, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3923; Tammy Algood.” 2011-02-02. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3923; Tammy Algood. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from