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one john singleton once again welcome to world words when aids is back welcome melinda things great it backed mother pearl did so well and not shot down is doing so well a jot down what i've got a look at the book jacket i thought the village often don't talk to each other i mean they just need to get on board why they do communicate on board but they also talk to each other where that idea come from we were on a motorcycle writing to george county mississippi has at the tail end of mother pearl wondering what i was gonna do loving riding and we were lost and pull down this little road and the raw these houses are very close together and people on the yard and there's just a sense of hostility that are the more thought about it it did not seem to be directed toward isis seem to be directed toward each other and we found our way back to the main highway and i couldn't get that image out a moment
and just on replying with it what might happen to the community that would make them stop talking in turn on each other and just that was the that was a saint of it managers turned into you know one character a time you know some people will read at yorktown and they'll say oh this is the old south and some people say this is the oversight and some people say this is the enduring self what would you say if i said but this is a murder mystery with free reading clues along the way that is uniquely social web think you're right i think it's something that i haven't seen that many people doing so far but it is a murder
mystery i mean there's a murder that takes place in nineteen sixty one and then there's a murder that takes place in nineteen fifty five and i'm and yet it is just engulfed in this southern as m and there's this attitude of being christ haunted which we are in the low self and i don't believe that it is such a far stretch from the way we are today you noted there's a lot of emphasis on how or how much things have changed but it's still you know i can i've every janitor nsa jerry roper you know absolutely you know it is really something that is very vivid it's every day down there along the coast ah i was on the airport on the airplane yesterday with this couple he just retired from carnegie here it was the first time he had left jackson county and thirty years and just this this attitude of anticipation got to set their lesson because they're talking very thin air diamond and grandkids and i really the nominee was like listening to someone on the street
talk to me is something i say all the time that i wondered when i read it if this i might be criticized because it is a murder mystery and i thought we now i just don't want to try and do anything other than what these characters want to day an ugly that worked for work for me about it work for me then you get at all sure the secular audience the final secret but you know i mean you get a cigarette right up until last hour the last day now let's talk about that character building from all goes and a good you have created on film in italy so long characters for this uniquely southern wariness or a bump and i begin thinking that the that his as it is going to be a key character in the book is young a really ongoing
levi of miller returns there were years of his is a marine who has so at the science of rural well not at the robot if the borrower or if the house there is their father a ferry you as far as sudan sheehan who has lost a family and go live with his ex livingston with his wife so i will find out about silver them for voting too late late late in the book oh well these wonderful characters the mother is susan blair doesn't seem to give much of a damn about a family or about anything even about selling secondhand
goods which he goes whoa they take these characters and you throw in the mix the next oliver married marian think so far susan where her children as white trash marion is never where i thought that was so i thought that was so with characteristic of what so many by people think another so i think so i mean that was the idea protests because really was if there was this battle of the way it's going now more less you know he was he was passing he had lost the land because he sold it to these these what he really refers to them as white trash so that he could that rain that is one that he loved turned out the one many lives was not in love with him so he really is forced to sit there and watch these people come and be about the air they're living in a house that is
you know actually there's a a part of one now centers that they've made in another part of the house and so i was just a mess is like watching a cancer on his land and that's really the way phil's about it and that if that is his opinion now i think that the she hands on a novella defer to them is white trash know i guess in an appearance they are that she's smart you know she goes she she pulls down miller says and wires are shrewd she wants a way off that dirt road more than she wants anything out she signs up for business course from the three dollar businessman and the first thing she notices when she's sitting in there taking this course is indeed in a trash can says she's pretty much summed up where you know for such a smart businessman you don't really know what he's doing she's complicated seen as a child she is she has these this thought that christ is hovering near the ceiling is really due to a pentecostal background along with i think she has a physiological problem i mean as a way i think about the character because
when the characters appeared in may the only way i can describe it is almost like i'm looking and in a window at the house and i rubbed off a little bit and i should say part of the person and so rub off a little bit more to say a little bit more that person and then the next thing i know i'm standing inside with that person and then i look around the roman there's a hallway and i know that there's more the story and i'm i see a character go down it the nun turns out a t and when that character turns around it's a marriage of myself which is just kind of frightening but it's the way i really get into the character's head i feel like there's a little bit melinda mains and everybody does that affect an able to empathize i think probably probably not only strength as a writer is his characterization character going is it is it is a strip of you know i must say
a year of like soul and that's why this is an award winning author and talking to and that's why that's why mother pearl soleil in las vegas will sell but chuck taylors can remove it does your listeners to drop l o in a strange way here's a fifteen year old boy sixteen is going to go visit shop that nobody wants indigo strange place and a people write to each other on a chalkboard they dont on blackboards with sharp they don't talk to each other stay away from live or don't go down there he wants to take leave it all about the baby within an alley as a little backpack and that's that's the way you use all of income id set an intriguing crap force you put these two kids on the way the choctaw and then we suddenly as they approach was suddenly they're in and i'm
enjoying roper arun scarred for life by an ill was to look at him is to look at faces are a purple face a pockmarked face and we meet rosie and her daughter annie wow these people really communicate on whiteboards but they also communicate with each other in a very meaningful way now before we get into that four we get into joked around and the characters in there let me just ask you a user this is a christ haunted community it is absurd you quote brian says thompson's an awful endowment like none the days of winter on the past twenty years the labor into ways a pity i have to ask you who in this book making war scientists are clear who in this book are
fleeing but it seems to me that everybody is struggling to find on there is this creature who keep showing up i give him not his word the word of god uses the guys they're always through very thin but but think about that as we go through sorrows it since they don't know what i've also think that i think it's an awful lot of people lot of other characters and children carrying is you is fair she and he says a guy's father yelled at his father or anus father and he is really running from responsibility he lives in a bus that is renovated and modernized and drives around asleep sentiment and he cannot help but he say's his life shrinking he he starts thinking about eighties he's dying from cancer so he sees his life as a diagram of you know a box a job or my worries able to put people in it or take people out according to what he wants to do that
he says really running from from a lot of gangs responsibility whatever parent heard there then there's susan blair knew her one thing is to just you know she really didn't know what she was today she does was to collect things there was a time in her life when she woke up it was right after a ferry laughter and i'm she just got this huge gnawing emptiness and she's thinking about it one day watches rearranging everything in her shop and that's when she really started wanting to collect things and in trying to satisfy this hunger i want one point that ferry left because he found out that we are a lot of jobs but that they're willing to do with it which is a low low which isn't which isn't a no which is a subplot says where's child she knows that
she knows who follow child is and i suppose that part of her so flight into herself is the knowledge that but that was a child god in the worst sense moore were no no no religious or secular just on the internet or less talk about then the people who run a lot more to reach of the rise in jail on is the one who at the beginning of the section barring chalk and as we're moving as i'm living the characters closer in the you know in the direction she had a drain the night before and in the drain there were two crippled angles there was a nine donna crippled angel and she administered to them in some wind and says she's convinced that arm she is about to be visited it's it's like a bad thing in and everything's dad down on this trade aaron class who had adult chicken pox
and was there at least it like scars all over his face and because of that he has has withdrawn is living on this road and george county johnny roper is very short and pfaff that and how he wants out a life is to feel like a big man and he says neither do it and healing products as the pang on the straight and he's the one who seems to have the balance it wanted if you're referred to is true spirituality and then straight while he was living here it props was the one he was able to watch the preacher come through and observe it and i'm they all had their periods they are waged a place where they decided they were not mistaken it was for different reasons add on getting much as well but more goat leanness the tales of those of you just tuning in when i'm talking with them names the author of the new book shop down the author of a mother pearl bestseller and i were talking about your town and the people
who live there the un strange conglomeration of the people who find themselves neighbors didn't and a strange sort of notice now you spoke about the products there's a conversation in which they are right then and the issue of miracle if roth aaron whose face is and so is itself a curse doesn't believe in miracles and henry proxy for the blaze and miracles and then recite the miracles news with it right he's saying somebody has been a boundary war for twenty years suddenly give over to the person next to him he seen somebody didn't have anything of their armchair with a neighbor he does and there's a the tree miracles you know there's been a row of americorps johnny roper thinks his leg is growing out
and i'm aaron is just defending his cause which is there are no miracles when it can happen and that's when you marry the harder that section for may is when henry says that because that's really what i wanted to convey was this sense of community and in this community that is destroyed and then later on this community that is restored you know its guard but it still there is an element of restoration there and the way the writing came a bat on this particular thing i would say one character talking and it would just made into another area and i did not set out to write a murder mystery a thing like that because the story has really evolved to trace the development of the characters just about merkel's of where the idea for the scene come from with ian where you know he says well actually i think it's comes from my background you know my father is a minister and
are because of where we were there was always a pentecostal tent meeting going on an advice question that you know i've always wondered well aren't you know if jesus healed are these people that are there still miracles today you know when i read and other reformers or what links americans who likes much american socialist nothing of an eu hillary is almost resigning a parody them in his own small world of that larger world with one writes about why aren't as it is a it is a lovely lovely saying it's interesting to me just move to another subject must be with murder and suspects for months because of pearl earring thousands of suspects by boat and there is a sense of justice within justice in that not only is he cleared but that he's cleared on the word like right here
you hear in a deep deep unchanging stuff where race still divides people and where those of color are still considered inferior even by next door neighbors who may look like white trash the world by winfrey's their blood the person seems to use most haunted by them or if general jerry roper a ladder he'd love danny and murder a literary once those roads tells rosie rosie laughs and says counties like a feather that can happen he loved her and yeah it was just like rosa no word insert rife our next character but you know you just never get over that and yet he was he was really aren't crippled by his size there are crippled on the street where the other with the exception of many products on and never was able to really voice
in and never got over the fact that someone martyred annie and he'd be tried to figured out there's the incident with the knife and because of that because he picked up that night and that night later found its way as part of the problem he feels responsible and he's not very bright he tries to blunt on everyone else it takes in years of announces i think one of the funniest saints is when he finally happened two years ago as he's thinking about it one day and he's remembering him a proxy aladdin from the porch so i get is not banning as of then he's still not talking he's tilted they're still communicating ali the renoir and i'm you know yelling at an ally notes just cut theirs that want to represent up like a man and i'm a stale cannot let go of this idea you know he cannot come to terms with the fact that that annie's death and used his work his way around lining every one bet that the person for a while ago that they are in now
when you know but you never tell me it wasn't henry and you know that only after he'd be confronted with a shotgun that was a lot erin when you don't tell me it was a was not rosier are marian the lead to find out barlett well i think that you know was kind of marinade because fly weisz misha give a few more clothes that it just felt like you know the country people there's a reticence there this chest you know that's how we are you know we're we held on the things and and we are we not really forthright with a lot of things that we all have i read mary higgins clark retiree john grisham really a murder mystery from both of them and they are going to spike the early chapters of the book with clues so that by the time i reached halfway point in the novel and trying to track down the killer is the truth now
i hear bump the murders are pointless story but the story is larger than the murder in a personal relationships that they are uniquely also lose all and the way these people communicate and a way to feel about each other a love hate relationship that that exists in one group from the very first page the west wing are still very important and that's not to say he's sick there are we talking about and what he did is pretty obvious and it is no mystery about both very and he was a he was a man love his daughter in a really need in jordan and loved his ex wife the navy didn't show and probably did love food and what you're going to do well if it is like which he said to the murder especially am
in the park to the murder that took place between ferry and someone that was just a solder our sidebar more letter to the actual story and now the town i'd way into the martyr and shot down it was almost the same line it seemed very honest and they write about why someone i'm an interview someone isn't what we need is now a fingerprint tonight is it you know because i'm an uncommon history a rider that was not part of the story you know is very important for me there's two places in the novel that i'm particularly proud of and that is johnny roper's strain of consciousness in the police station where i didn't want it added one hit the reader over the head with what actually happened at that remaining anti on remembering and it opens up with a poet's is right you know and to mate that is that is one of the strongest places in the novel and then later is when rosie is rockin yelled at and
say enough thank you again for forgiven me and i really wanted that those two can those two confessions while as to be consistent with the character well for a story that is a loaded with tragedy and a thousand and in violence i'm a savor media did have a happy ending now wife love novels with happy endings and she'd go she'd go of the idea of just entered glimpse and i think are they going to have it and i fall but let me ask you are the last time you hear we talked a little bit about how you write because part of what this program's about his writers and their work writing her regiment changed since from other boroughs of reflection it's not very much i get up and have cafe an outright are i try to write the madness of available for it and if it's not they are made and try to stick to that schedule
schedule a free man until today and just do and something you know sometimes is i can't force it is really frustrating for me to try and its blind technique because i don't understand technique i just began to see a character in a character will take me places that i really did try to put myself in a position to write every day with exceptionally can't do that in one of its tank shells writing allah tight i am from about nine o'clock until nana bright for now or work in a garden a little bit and then i picked up again until around three or four and try to stick it out they say it is if you're blocked and i think that means you are sometimes water you read through it i reveal about a writer who now know what he really well received at our radar just whenever i consider to be a really great literature faulkner and by oconnor just anything that well i remain
and i'm terrible about that because there's certain bugs ever dream for tans common mccarthy's work surgery arm different things to just can i steal it appear because what'll happen it'll be ill start illinois and i can get down on paper ages singh's boss and it's not trade such as shit again pick up something and rain cold mountain is still one of our favorites just to schedule an attack at a lot about these popular novels i mentioned richard clarke they'll steal i don't know people i haven't read anything that the most recent thing of reading is the true history of the kelly gang but peter carey which is excellent arm i just turn on now haven't daniel still it's next is apple two characters out of chuck him because they took over when i got to them and they are in the third novel which is taking place in nineteen sixty eight so that's what i'm working well
we've been speaking today with linens about her new book and i hope you'll come back when you do the next know it's been great to have you here and write them all of you here i thank you for watching world words and johnson's roar keep reading
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Melinda Haynes
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW2926 (Digital File)
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-t14th8cr3h.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:46
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2926; Melinda Haynes,” 2001-00-00, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 30, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2926; Melinda Haynes.” 2001-00-00. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 30, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2926; Melinda Haynes. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from