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so you know once again welcome to word on words i guess an old friend war to wage a great to have you back and it's a great pleasure pier of the new book i guess you're twenty seven third twenty eight and counting my god tunnel where tunnell it's another thriller mystery this when this one focuses on the world of terrorism that reflects my domestic situation don't start i think you know i get you only spoke once every five use it as is that there isn't i have a most ideal omar from his job and added it reflects serve my a what if philosophy i write books are about what if i did the fifty eight minutes it became diehard to write because i was thought i'm sure you've thought what if were up there the plan they can get is that exactly where todd is what if we got stuck in a tunnel but we all hate to be in those tunnels we can't wait to get out one very brave about the whole thing and this is a story about hijacking i
thought well let me just say i was in a bun cane in the airport newark i had a manuscript you look on the back of a car have a very nice men driving in a new one and i'm reading your book and your idling were right through the tunnel about which ryan you know seek to terrorize all your readers where did the idea come from i don't know it may come from over siberia afraid of tunnels myself for a long time many years ago i was asked to write an article about the third through the lincoln tunnel and when i went out there downplayed to go into the true inside the campers there are you know you can go and i made our physical hours about internal know building and i was thinking about the piece later appeared in this area and imposed when the tunnel collapse that i've always thought about what would be a way in which the
tunnel would be even more frightening than just a fact iran the resilient on the water not as if you're caught in them by someone who's keeping your as you have any kind of course the foam ear whatever equity are more experience well this was going to be a horrible experience just talking about what you did to put the tunnel and jeopardy first will you created a roof terrace les were an additional as bank robbers and he's an ex east german spies leftover in this country with all the fake id and weaponry and no money says after the fall after follow all classified as listeners leftover with various secret intelligence or militia called the stasi and they were very big copper has you know so many books do have an international forest to live in those windows to me you take also you take
go andre murdoch off an old kgb type when you dress him up in a new suit but downbeat he knows where all the bodies like bodies are buried on the cover and so you create him as a sort of a catalyst to build up the plot line in detention and we have more than one kind of tension that's great and if you're lucky you could move back and forth from the stage into that tension from the surgeon and the reader is dragged along elmo if i get it right and the greatest compliment i'm a writer and my kind of fiction every season somebody says literally i couldn't put it down i was up till three three in the morning that's heaven for me that's me out the chocolate pudding bowl which my mother is an element of you can get better than that job you know walter i once on this program many many years ago after one of your novels
i said dude that i thought that sometimes your incisive wit and your great sense humor crept into the plot i mean i think it was after it in one of your books you had created a cia agent black woman named john civil right legs griff what i was exactly our eyes and i said even then that sometimes bought me you were read suspense breaks is suspended laws said that i'm concerned about it what would you say in this book it seems to me in this book you use captain roy wright oh really i'm a laid back groove tough minded veteran law enforcement often who's part of the eu terrorist threat but they're floated new york city as you create a lawyer who is as funny as you want and i think what you've done in this book which i find
really attractive appealing is unit milloy who is sort of the porn expression of a smart ass intellectual you let him express humor and it worked exceptionally well i saw were very well i sort of it i'm a real effort to build his a female name partner joe hero who is a very smart very capable very effective person and high principle and the book that i'm doing now i'm also very much concerned with that yet it to people with you know my shoulder while i'm writing one is my wife who is the diapers of impeccable taste says she did you ought to go to get a deck above depicts the opposite off they kind of light up as phillip it may because a year
a mexican friend them i was determined to seduce her best friend and he needed somebody to keep her busy luanne effect on a double date delighted knows about it but their and my daughter who has very good judgment my daughter is a former senior editor at the time who was defected to the economists are still involve looking always show when you're lying to know when i talk well i get their reactions and the getting the female characters right it is very important that i workout intensely is room for improvement you know i think the thing that that that i like about your writing is that you know waste words and hear their mason says some part in sutton's fences and and sometimes you're metaphors jump off the page on your head which ago a strobe light smile odd but they're like numbers though than people he had not kill any numbers but he had killed some people
that's when her name was jo and she was naked i mean that's the way you enter this noise guidelines for every ear immediately and this style works if you don't overdo it i had an occasion once many years ago when i was writing a book in which i did five six normal sized fires followed by three one line hers and eight there was about me and she tapped those one lines of them to resign after i said we met along with along with it on fire in the margin if you do this again i will find you are you are very identified as there's a while the well and that's the human thought about them you have in this book a boy coming into jos apartment she's nervous mom or their threats on his life and it isn't on the cover of his daughter tiffany of a drug enforcement she turns around with a pistol and he says was it something i said we're on the idea is that sort of you have that use you
express a well one week tall and your regular conversation that now come from lawyers my mouth and i think makes makes my point where he has two other things that really catch phrase for i'm seventy better looking than i am and has excellent personal hygiene essay he wanted the synagogues and i did it and he loses an apartment outside of them are at one book where i hadn't the euro and others worry young hero came back from the hospital after he'd been nearly guess and he got his mail from the janitor superintendent melody as janitors and i am absolutely superintendents there was an air my superintendent i have friends who comply and by the way if they are not given a minor role in some of his book century do not have a dancing and go through for a line you know really a lot of my wife is very happy with me the way i am i don't have to do is you are factions let me yeah
so we've got these terrorists are running banks every fairy friday you in a midwestern city rise and they tried at the inbox right and the scientists appear isolated mother imagination and they're anxious to get out of the country because they're afraid they're going to be discovered in the world spies so it would you do then is you do you give them a plan b and plan b is the border town of hijacked and the hijacker town but you kill a lot of people before you get with a plan b and i had a we know that well you live in both the summit on that said there's yeah and you know are my girls cyanide at those gathered around to leave india gets a night of those i'm sure there is a family you've got cars with the rural lands where they are trying to establish that they are capable of acts of violence and they're
giving out free samples sunshine unable mobile movie theater to a diplomat would say i've found it as that was the bowl of ideas and they did that they managed to convince a lawyer as there is are they are they say they are now meanwhile joe moses stop being made hughes put on clothes as golf on an undercover assignment and our cat infiltrate a program that's right ron and the co graying incidentally has as a silent hand with a dr gavin mulloy they tried to contact a lawyer jay porter we had a very badly when he discovered rose very badly a fab his father was following him they crept up on a many step is going this guy's mouth and said now kilkenny a lesson or you know i have a tendency to act aggressively he's a
former navy seal and as a seal component in the store here is i wrote some imaginary languages seals and there was in a picket up some slogans and things like i finally earned money weaving of the seals story into the plot but first i wonder why she referring to jeb loy as a former ceo and i was like the third time by that time i knew why our wages as a motive in the us the moment in those men israelis and the fact that he's a ceo ultimately earn is what helps him what helps in the forties paris and saved the tunnel and save those people who six hundred people were trapped and now you know water there is a there are twenty seven books i would think you're wonderful never
had writer's block a medieval signature where you're talking about there about their works and they say ah and what they say is you know there are moments i get up one day incident from my computer terminal or if they write longhand high it might help her get my fix pins in and nothing comes better method it is don't sit at the typewriter we do i thought all kinds of ways to avoid writing i do some public relations work i do my big gains for the mystery writers were very interesting and powerful group of people we're having our edgar awards as you may fourth i do a lot of things but ib our executives at the missourian was executive vice president and now the secretary and board member other <unk> there are we have twenty two hundred members and chapters and her are our hero is edgar allan poe so so and then an n and there and from
there comes the miniature water mark of how what how they use on this fall when you do you don't get right is what i get writer's invasion i guess you'd have to call a blocker sometimes her the problem is out of the room for at that story of that story i don't mind much everbach once i start to start to get into a year and they're right now i have the next book i'm halfway through a book the other that matter i think is a terrific idea for another book which would be for me quite different it'll be a crime story which my colleagues at the mystery writers will find entertaining because they use dispenser is vague suspicion as a weird braid her own i have five books piled up in my head and they're all i have to praise and nobody else gets those ideas or that history of politics has not changed to make it irrelevant billy collins you're watching
a word on words were talking with the distinguished a mystery writer was what awaited suspense and mystery are by my definition or whose new book is tongue which is a mystery story so during donald fair to say the news was on your show for years and a singing in your ear and no problems with the what's your end of the story is just flow and there i'm at a point in the new book now words it's just fully alive you have to get to a point where everybody's on stage and all the basic themes of laid out and at this point what avenues get out of the way and let the story ron i think every writer that's the good part once you've created that in the momentum is their value i do you are you know they ask you to give an outline and i write in a publisher's letter i write about why i sort of stick to it but things they prepared nothing right things like
riyad what is this things nate creepy and what isn't me ma is at some point you get an idea for an added ingredient it seems attractive challenge and a nice surprise and if it doesn't break a fundamental thrust of the book you can put it in it's like finding more wal marts in your christmas fruitcake the new foot giraffe and not only that with raisins and our insurance well these days these nuts and on drums since they're not something you knew you had put in the mix when he began now sometimes i have an idea for something and report him for example in the next book and i can go into detail is a situation in which somebody in the middle of the night gigs over the grave looking for a certain body and is quite astonished to find ahead of the parents is there's a reason for that but i
don't know what becomes twenty pages after that it alone as my wife would say the goddess will provide the goddess will provide now so you're into that you're in of the plot you had an outline i know the end the job and you know the ending any other change and twenty seven and twenty eight years once once the editing changed a bit but not seriously in the first novel i have hardcover now i ever wrote a vocal sledgehammer which is just out again and they were there was a hit and they had very clearly in mind in a bar in which the bartender is an undercover fbi agent and his foes to put a coin in and then jim parsons possibly the party's over and the fbi comes gushing and it didn't work out of it and that and a year mobile home park in which the fbi arrived in twenty seven cars and there was no we never got to play the party's over this story
the story has a happy ending oh yes and most of these stories the good guys triumphed the violence you to one of the dead are fleeing armed are entirely your life but you do have here now walker you do not have here a mysterious figure called we're all right then i have a tailor and you leave me hanging which makes me is to wage or below the sequel in mind here i mean is there are iran's like insolvent when you know oh man i wanna know as a verb i know a little bit about the outside terrorists were not the score white know a guy who works for them it's a visit and rising operating real life here they
have in many cities it's a joint city federal yes it's the it's see at the eye and then it was at an er and they're in the same building or my daughter works she's a very good civil servant and also she's a political appointee i asked a word for the and she said it's not your business to write well let's talk about your money differently on the huron time pro there is a deeply schaper cover all full name or a programmer at the end what the nyu care with the offensive from battle there is and they are using their they're setting up various deception is now the reason i wanna know is that as a read immediately on this book and you'd tell me there is this mystery figure and it is in the united states government and he is a physician a sense of it is that orange is your show me i beg your pardon of a pardon my male sex is a presumption that are an end and so easy he says
andre who is out of his control agent guard andre wants to know i don't want us to know that he knows who this your ear and i start walking on walking on guessing is and this person is somebody else's are still another person i even at one point did say eu she is there as she they're now you throw the book out played on twenty three fifty you've given me a happy ending i want the punchline i wanna know who you are is somewhere else in the book that one of the ugliest as the agency will was dirty stuff gets away he does that it gets away goes to mexico at the end and that also made me one sequel is water in the back of that tv is mine there you are and the fugitive back i don't know i don't know that i haven't asked to bring back a character i had and the
book were the coal mine in theory of the so the time of reckoning this and time of reckoning there was this super violent cia operative called merlin sutton says tomorrow and wants to ruin them he sent out a secret is that the non enchanted a couple book publishers who have asked me what i want to do more about maron i'm not sure it it going to follow the next book i want to do after look i'm working on now well i just on on am directly that was not to call it was claiming but my heart starts climbing was my birthright with three so the telephone which of bronson are kept the name kept the thunder clap except winning then that hard to where it was was a fifty eight minutes fifty eight minutes in the movie and was in washington to basics
<unk> have bail for a ha ha ha ha ha a creature that they all sat around hats bright viable that say was the beginning of a well what you did them all absolutely not so so i you had not intentionally withheld point on purpose of using narrow now later on i don't i once was in a hair conference in stockholm of mystery writers and very well dressed handsome man came up to me said hello my name is they came up to me said i want you know i'm one of your biggest trends in sweden i am doctor would ever i said just the opposite i'm a psychiatrist doesn't use it and my boss is an even bigger fan and he's the head of the psychiatric institute at the karolinska asked for the world is that we want to ask you question why is there always a father figure in every
book and my answer was there is and how about this obsession with a revenge i said was well you do have an obsession with emmylou and seventy all it really mean that obsession with arrangements through every book like a river ran through a wind i like to serve it i know oh this guy is very angry because one the colombian drug label tried to kill him and he eventually does something improper really going on ethical and very effective to wipe out this colombian drug raid i suppose maybe i have a year the need for vengeance because i was born with one hand on the river so a lot of people a lot and colleges you're only going to talk now with yours at the conflicts of that i must say i'm a final question i do you not known to me much about her new book
maybe because you don't blow out or not yet but when it was low i want you back here in that chair next year when it's not also it's about it at length it's a book that spoke here and sort of more x files like than anything i've written so far it is not based on total fantasy it is possible it has a national cocaine very thin i said to my cousins about the what even that is that as medical nonsense are very interested in you know i'll tell you this we'll find out well was a fall of the unit and we will also find out whether there was a revenge motive though there is it's called valleys people kelley speaking right i can't wait daddy back robert carter thank you want to wait it's very very ones would talk about the wall and thank you ladies and gentleman for joining us once more homework thank you very much a postscript
the day we've been talking with the awful lot a wager about his new book on all it's a book that's already getting hollywood's attention for a possible movie deal and that's something that's now on there for water every touchstone the day he's already had three books turned into films you may have heard of his book fifty eight minutes that became diehard to starring bruce willis and angle over an ounce on the fred thompson was in that film you may have heard of the film telefon it starred show of bronson and lee remick this came straight from weight his words in his book the farm on to the silver screen and then there was like a freak which became known sally lloyd history is the twilight less meaning and that star burt lancaster richard widmaier enjoyed learning something interesting about water is a novel approach to the hollywood book turned film phenomenon here is a writer he really doesn't care what the movie studio executive do with his novel he says i quote in my dream is in private and i
don't give a damn if they make something entirely different for restraint as long as i'm paid that's fine with me and john saying oh that's our post reported a night for joining me on our own words and keep reading
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Walter Wager
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW2819 (Digital File)
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-r785h7d13w.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:21
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2819; Walter Wager,” 2000-02-01, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 11, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2819; Walter Wager.” 2000-02-01. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 11, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2819; Walter Wager. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from