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oh i'm just going to go welcome to word on words a real treat for you my guest jay mcinerney one of this country's most gifted senators with this narrow model behavior that that set miles of aurora well for banks charge in this is that so my family back on my way here a grammy early and held me all a man i am i guess i begin by asking who is who really is a color color midnight weyrich is a ufo event fingers on the on the pulse of love of an emerging evolving culture fast paced big city and i read characters
with great interest and wonder where a novelist winding any comfort well ice wasn't asked was very much a timeless come from some love from some part of my head of myself and i think that i am connor night guys and literally connor night is uncertain mr m night an arab version of them of my own possible failures that is to say that there is a set of the as a journalist he works for a free works for area and the young women's magazine yeah well it's something like you know mademoiselle or an owl or something like that and i'm it is always easy something intellectually studied there is a japanese literature for six years even less yen is that he's a out and you know he this is a scholar of field on the like so
many of the cd ends up getting up and diverted or are somehow unable to realize his most serious ambitions and then an afro for me it's colors of film in and with hitler trillions of writing about about movie stars for a for young women's magazine hardly a basic ways these empty celebrities models movie stars have soap opera stars and on and down i think you know i mean like what made people he's you serve under his are underemployed and under under challenged by what he does and um um and you know he's also someone who is working and evan i'm sorry say it at the news or pulsing center of our culture in some ways i think one of the things that were things inspired this book and that sort of appalled me and as i started talking and again is that is a way that it seems there are new national religion is more more that they're the
worship of mindless celebrity and idealism it is quite possible that charlie sheen has a brain that actually functions or or you know that demi moore is is is up as a thoughtful individual but really the reasons that we that we're obsessed with and the reasons that we were some have nothing to do with any issues of substance or import and um and i just i thought that really as character oh it was a way for me to have to produce or that they're called rosalee bridie and it seems more and more judges the national discourse and our attention and he's very bright very alert very aware but also he represents sort of the dumbing down your second quarter of americans yeah it is the summer is who all fights it but eventually of i mean i think that what is abortive
as it is about that is about hollywood taking over the national soul of the entertainment culture swallowing the world whole your answer is it's not just america either in or i don't want to wear a londoner or you know even malaysia really see the same colors the same people and covers for their magazines as well and um you know on the one hand you don't want it the nazis easily the quake when you learn about this which is really what would use it as a comet know satire i am rather than a year old a screed against this this culture but that carry id cards and curls as someone who's easily duplicated he's implicated his whole process like like most of us realize as as as i am i am i so i shouldn't i should add by the way that i am i am and guilty i haven't i've written these celebrity profiles well and then it's really our how
does this mine does it was play one one why i'm i mean last twelve years iraqis that mick jagger which i'm rather proud of it and also i know i didn't i wrote it in and ask where about a bruce willis in another and then and then it got out and then i wrote a piece about julie rodriguez indian man who is a fascinating subject and one when and i'm not aware of course mainly just another prevention know and it really got me thinking about the the way in which we are were all in thrall to some extent two to the hollywood iconography end of it i felt as funny as it as a compromised by both of those latter two losers in the end those large yeah i know you told me more of those worlds not only moral and i knew that was it wanted me olive oil and he
wanted to do more than he wanted or i hope you're not more than i wanted it and i play i am he's not my thigh a movie star boyett us all the art and i saw the name and i and i went for it and i couldn't pronounce lima through it with it was that we were the disease but it wouldn't you give him conor a palin during the tuition given him lay philomena who used a model mr dryden you know you have the human berry tomorrow you gave him a jillion his boss who is very very funny it because she strikes me as funny i mean that place where she tells you a wonderful part take off your cow weighs always addressed now that that makes others feel address that song i really i had but that is a that's a formal one
upmanship that is important too well people in the celebrity oriented thought why indeed you know i mean i'm irish i guess there's mention of we haven't yet that at the border said in a manhattan is at this and they can be intersection of the world of love of love media publishing fashion the art world to some extent and this this actionable society which you know on the one hand as it is is very bright and entertaining in an ant but on the other hand the soil is full of this you know it's full of this sort of odd caddy competition and in the end an awful it was that it represents a pretty are taught the value system it doesn't and you know i bet i would say that you know that the results were just in the good behavior which is which is what we do i like to write about this world and he also has a system broke hughes
graduate school dropout you also hearing from parents who aren't that the thumping it a i don't know a moment dozens of votes during that one of my violin said i am sure is not copyright twenty years the ultimate dysfunctional was and i think it isn't it is so frightening in the resistance i just send their thanksgiving see there is a well first all the t leading up delays he was there that i mean they have a latina for him and when his mother was the vote comes in one is a local woman draped in his mother does the same and make sure that is a very odd as easily as you very well lubricated fit moms lawyer edward was doctor within the size of earth
or the rest of the law abiding by early on it up in their team course leases space getting dinner which of which are held on the white bread if it serves them it surprises and well i must say works fairly well out loud i was i was alone nervous about this is a little over the top but adam enough to not to be coy about this base gives eagleman says you know an indian and a father exposing himself in a diner as a result i actually made it a wonderful album it a wonderful love story relayed back to me by a friend of princess diana's early she she had read my first book and like the end of it he and he was coming over from the states and i was in that are disproportionately to the new yorker and the scenes that appeared in the new yorker and then she asked if he could
bring it over and then he read the scene to her during a fairly formal lunch and then each of the chairs had about are standing behind the chair or ten or twelve people with the bottlers were staying on the chairs and my friend was reading that story allows that was a union here knows more fun look at that princess diana or the bottlers trying not to the train years after after curfew had she had died i thought well i'd always wanted to be different as a least i get that cause i was a thousand am very deep hot tub my wife should fix my belong that again today along as tuck visits i laughed out loud at something i read oh i was miller and she says twenty eleven had come in here let me remind you this about again reading mothers there was the brook
far broke the daughter of anorexic daughter dr doug so they are saying we're the odd thing for actors of it a polite bureau dead end and color and you know one year she gets to tell the story about their record for their courtship and the and as i read it now i said oh my god my god i can't believe that and then she started lavin and then about a week later i come home and she's revealed of all of our friends on the air this time so it all it is funny why why i think everybody has a story like this release was derelict isn't it in my in my family's ago thanksgiving christmas turkey wars because almost inevitably will again around his table even in the presence of alcohol and then someone would explode the weekend say you are you like
rubbing the potato fry most us sustain you know right you are having face given that he's talking about his bloody his bloody career is a doctor and the federal debt is three done this is not denmark vesey is that guy the factory attaching organs main courses are ideas and an assessment of that and then there is and then there is is jeremy and then you know we everybody everybody at one time or another has not silly they just don't want to insult laden ligaments argue that the next table and though that that scene where we're running for jeremy's in that restaurant ah it is really funny and he is but again i miss it i think to write funny stories isaac tottenham in on itself but your dialogue is
i mean it bites you know i mean maybe i can just see the women in the good sense that oh it sure has a sly sense of bites i mean after that dialogue the negative is buying a funny is buying the funny with those words a kimono jeremy's not funny he is news of the matter is that exact right out at play that the only valid ever heard close to that those one outside jack nicholson and this and this the music gets paid vs manse jazeera live videos that now and it also one who says whatever's on his one particularly if it's unpleasant and that is exactly right and he wants to insult even know you want you know like in you know us his motives are all right adam and he said is a very serious our writer of fiction and the andes
is a very moral person in a sensitive area radical vegetarian billy beane believes that no no creature should suffer harm for our for our sins and go italy's as other phrases do lectures in red riding a glaring at the moorings a goal across the flaring out of money you know and the need to help them out loud so everybody can hear there just one outrageous chronicle meeting was sitting there he what was just a few short months ago a gambling only a recent law and i well this problem of knowing that we have a good life my wife has a bit of history come for bacon bacon is not very well known as says that
but i just i just it just ask you about the writing process and we mean the of the barges so absurd also served it to the one liners i use the word purity of the us sewed up at a tough and omar it doesn't just flow are do you work at it oh i think i would have to say that i work at all the other hand out also say that there's a kind of there's a moment as a it is a mode as a writer that i there hope for that look for and that's you know that the state the sort of divine state in which it really does flow and you don't quite know what you're doing but everything seems to work and one of the reasons that i was at happy excited about going back to write a comic novel set in this turf that i'd never been explored before my first novel bright lights big city and
a few others is that on it i just read you know i had a voice in the back my head and that that seemed to be dictating a little bit thin layer is a great gift as a writer when when that happens you know i'm going through it i've i've written for months at a time where i didn't quite feel inspired that way and at mit's elicited just has to do with a kind of a voice a colored tunic over rhythm you know in this case in this case though the voice of the narrator really of color of color but tonight and um it's fun on the other hand i know like my friend raymond carver the rich restorer who was my first teacher i am yeah i really believe in iowa winning is perfect the first time down and then he said he was really you know that i don't believe in red riding i would re read and he felt that is jordan really begin and we had a whole
draft in front of him and then he could really start to make its saying and i certainly i certainly am do for memory writing but i think some of those lines are probably referring to tend to tend to come fully blown only at an ear an ear and you're lucky when it happens it's a it is partly from isabel a collaboration to with my with new york city in arenas years that is that looks that in this in this town in way out of competitive without really any language and in new york city there's a kind of laws or the cut of a competitive that you know when you when you're in nashville tennessee consulates as you nice suit they probably mean that they like you're sick amir says he had a nice suit and hire me as a dozen restaurant the other night in
adelaide sydney oregon montana up a very flop if friend of mine came up to gay talese writer and said nice suit gay and what he meant was a politicized and so part of this new business selling you know this style repartee is partly a union or any him something that i do something that i have picked up in in in my in my adopted hometown what once you want to just talk about the flow from and what you're into it does it come in a what you got calmer and and and good julia can cause he is dodging gillian most accountability can find because that's right at it because you can't find you can't find the subject even
the movie starship is fine interview but but but putting with jeremy or borrow the defense occasionally of telephone conversation with was only has a girlfriend has a girlfriend and there is this scene without with love with a prostitute ms lipman and i find a mom i didn't know they're doing the players on both a launch dozens of their lunch and ice melts into something as ezekiel once you once you get it dolan does is it doesn't just become a part of low end and then it cut off why i find that yes if you're lucky it does and on it there was a blind alleys with this book
that didn't seem to be other than there were there was some sort of you know ox bows that yes in the end the flow and eventually i cut off the arm and indeed there had been in a novel so i have started in an end and not finished a feeling that i was on i was on the wrong track but time i wish i could say i am so i'm always amazed when i read reviews which i'd be less wealthy that it would appear that intentionality describes two the author hid that i think is so and so often it's a kind of it as a comet had an organic process is not entirely conti so a first order who has this very good fortune you have absolute blockbuster us my a ship that's going to be a classic unit and i mean by unlikely to live in american literature in my judgment
well as mark twain does more i really really i really believe that but yeah but then i say it's as you have nobody else ken read an author and all that work within the context of the book that will there always remain my real meaning what they were and they don't really read it is my memory of how i was taken away and so taken right under the bright lights become something other than it actually owen i am today israeli sitcom it's become a kind of a symbol of the of the era which of course was never intended to be as it was meant to be a story of you know it's going to kill it's only talked to our not sure that i'm not sure that i'm much of a match that are either believe me it is going to be there i don't know if you believe that that are very ugly well it is a
bit but on that it go no i'm not almost a wobbly but i do believe then that isn't that comes after that is judged unfairly a guest announcer something else about about your writing i think is somewhat out racism in you read my own behavior and then you go into your literary heroes wear urine into the cheever yes i'm going to want to do that there are viewers who will compare you with your hero and i think that it i just can't understand it's like some of them say i think jay is a smart as their form can be a smartass ampersand one of course this book uses also satirizing a world oil where many of them are literary career commentary and i love and i slipped in journalism so i fully expected some of those responses but i'm at but i'm even in the most favorable reviews that i receive
eisen i often find our viewers guessing we're hearing that telling readers why you know what i had in my y idea why i wrote this particular book and sawmill not just how well its motive that there's a lot of this went well i mean it's that says is the description of motive because usually don't know what i'm doing and gone very far in el doctor as a great metaphor for writing novels you said that i had i interviewed him years ago when i was a cub reporter and a and he said i said he outlined his book season know how that for him writing a novel was like driving across the country at night he said i can i can only see as far as the headlights but you said you know you can make the whole trip that way now you know i can i've now that i have written six know like i feel like i know it means the notes is pretty much our i wish i was clearer about my destination when i started just to make the point you tell that story six terms in
the next novel will say he's no you're the girl back at macy's know write down one course it's not so yeah like ragtime insert it was intended no absolutely is yeah i think that i'm in the other arm you know they're the enemy which i vigorously satirizes the center is a servant it says so it's a slippery is dangerous and an insidious dangerous boat and you know particularly year when mike targets are pretty close to and amazingly writing about the world writes about me and human factors i mean the added than in the most negative review of i've i've gotten probably as someone who's convinced that he have been usable career is just like oh
well why do i do a ha ha ha ha ah what's next oh i'm melissa i think that each day and here's one lot of their nerves in a really recovered but i i mean that each he's human what kind reaction to the last one night i rode a un asserts saw a novel about family that was set in the south last time i'm going to last the savages and down and this book was kind of a book now reaction to that i then i wanted to the nfl's write a comic novel ii when i go back to new york from a setting and he really made a way for comic novel about contemporary new york i think that i'm with another one saying is is a kind of a panoramic novel now than we are in a little bit more like my fourth novel brightness falls it anymore
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Jay Mcinerney
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0347 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-pc2t43k47n.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:51
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2716; Jay Mcinerney,” 1999-05-18, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 6, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2716; Jay Mcinerney.” 1999-05-18. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 6, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2716; Jay Mcinerney. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from