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building a new world no audience in the law once again welcome to word on words steven law mark is backward it's an old friend novel writer for a technology all rather be in paperback and now this one is called murder emanuel yes myrrh emanuel could i ask what do you have against each jackson nothing absolutely nothing nothing nothing i wrote this book as parity and satire and i had more fun with it than any book i've ever written and i think what i want to do differently from slam in anybody but there again as i was learning to sit on and this guy is soul always look for a new job market now get eleven they even hugo martin well i don't know him well enough to slip a libel a person
is just what i wanted to do after especially after china fools which was the book before this which was which is dark places i wanted to have a lot of fun i want to be irreverent and smart asked and i wanted to poke fun and satirize the publishing industry and the lowest common denominator for publishing that i see so prevalent these days and i just want to have fun and it's worked well if you're a good workout ideas i've read i read most serious i mean i read every book you're a terrific mystery writer i mean obviously would've won the enduring the women nominated the sameness multiple times this is the best and i think it's the best i think the best because there are moments of real
funny and they it is sad are at times there is there is there isn't owned a lacing of you are here they're just in a moment i just burst out laughing say i was i was reading the book in the bathtub and and then my in china and my wife was in the bedroom and she said what are you laughing at us as the world of all i have to say the words i never thank you very much and never been told that anybody read my books in a chinese better off an anomaly on radio and i got a woman up in east tennessee of a writer's time but give me a very nice complement when she said that she had tried one of my books and i didn't like it and her husband can assure try another one and she was she said i i took it into the into the bathroom with me and she said i started the book in the next thing and the money what was in la well that
is credible as i decided to her and i say sorry betcha but sign us up west let's talk about let's talk about this book and the idea put harry james that near o'hare a one time reporter fired from his job private investigator nobody is going in as much trouble as early as you head harry in trouble i mean i mean you know i mean raymond chandler in la salle was played in trouble like this i've been accused of being a student of though one damn thing after another school of plotting and and i think it's probably true and what i wanted to do was to try to get and this is a lot of humor and satire and parity in this book there's also sort of a subtext it's a little more serious because i wanted to for to investigate or explore what happens to
a middle aged man who's world falls apart and so this is a book about in many ways a book about loss perry loses friends and he loses everything in the course of this book and he manages to survive and come back and so that's that's one of the things i want well let's just talk about mrs talk about the trouble began in to first of all it takes are weak entertainer to catch a man she on is what he has wife baba lowest form of the us but i mean usually easiest chosen absolutely texas it goes down with a camera phones and a lot of good good good and while he's got his hair hand or hair pulling out of the jacuzzi a cop comes in so far with who he's a suspect in that were asked by his landlady was it long the
jaundice reading fifty lama the novel and see gobs of it and now he's a suspect then she leaves him some money and her how soon enter a preacher's son sonny is preacher's son who miles ago and his wife the ice cleaner ice cream the blade make him a suspect in hardened her death the then you've got in this poor medical doctor girlfriend of bug she's knocked up with with a child is his child the hermit like christ that's right she examines the body is medical examiner provides an autopsy the only guy from the jacuzzi although i guess in the paper i mean it is one problem after another from for harry above and they need to be he goes to hell in this book now and
continues to have a son to you as johnson as she gets the time the he does have good friends and he keeps going and he keeps go there that line is really assess you where she looking for oh there that's the same place as jerry the drill during the drill is called dear the drill because he's a dentist is a dentist about it and that people ask me all the time if i take real people and put them in my books and i've never done it this is the first time and i have a dentist dr steven spec on who is and is a good friend of mine has been my dentist for years and and he's he's a big very supportive of my work he keeps copies of my books in his waiting room where they keep getting listed by his patients and so anyway i was sitting in a dentist chair one day with the
hardware hanging out of my mouth and he said you know you really ought to put a dentist and what was i going to do say no the sky sky about twenty five thousand over the hardware and enjoy the thumbs up so i said oh you know i thought about it the more it sounded like fine so i in fact my dentist and another dentist here in town had both moonlighting as private detectives so we had a little bit of their religion so apparently with a private investigator in a dentistry sort of going in and one would never expect that and i put him in there and she bugged is this gorgeous blonde a dental assistant who helps him out with his bounty hunting who is modeled loosely after my actual dentist assistant or she will appear so i just did that for fun and there's a little inside joke and somebody asked me to do it and and i had more fun with jerry the drill them they have written well you know you talk about south i mean let me just say there is a there is a serious ideas but there's a dark side and spoke to me and harry fun sometimes overturned
in desperate in desperate straits and name is dr winifred here says joe at one point are you know you can you cannot escape from the strap yourself in you're stuck in this trap a new cinderella to stay in it and harry this is this is about to me is an evolution of his character that as an investigative reporter as most investigative reporters are he's drawn to scandal and corruption and this is just taking it to the nth degree that hair he's drawn to the dark side of life and he has a real affinity with criminals and spiritual lives in sleaze bags and french characters and that interferes with any kind of a normal life that he could have you know that's what's getting to marcia i think that the medical examiner who he said now wife dr marcia
and harriet tubman inmate out a bit in trouble out of trouble in love out of love and a lot of it and love for book after book after a look at the book at the end and they're going to continue to be but i am at the end of this book is you know what i take them off and some different direction marcia loses her job and families nashville breaks up with her and she's in reno asked she goes west and then months after the story actually is she calls fairy open up a lot and says i'm having this baby in two weeks we please come out here and they have been a mile wide love story well it's that and a yawning at least a hopeful and we you know i thought i was having i mean it wasn't that much trouble in it i you know he almost a you know a media was diagnosed and he can't he survives and he
prevails and he comes back and he's making a live from self esteem to find some measure happiness know bunn i take it to me at the end he had to west says the west middle aged man then malaysian man paris one midlife crisis with little money in its peak finally finally finally as a result of a woman of all the john left a rousing cd in he got little bony go west to reno nevada with a safety net for the first time in years at first and now the next novel are we gonna find area in reno in reno nevada and i part of this and this is now the second time i've done the show which you were my prices names come up you only go you know he's back my skin after me to come see him in reno for for years and then finally said want to set the next book in reynosa is going to come out here do the research and us about why and marty lived and will as wyatt martin
levin reed and i had this is right where the story ideas come from they come from the strangest places price called me up one day and he says i gotta storytelling is gonna knock your socks off and you've got a news is you've heard of the mustang ranch which is of course though probably the world's most famous lethal legal brothel in storey county nevada and he said i felt always thought the best or austin texas was modeled after various scenarios things as well says now that but it's it's a famous it's a famous legal bordello so priced home at read the story where the owner of the mustang ranch art was invite the feds went after him but because prostitution is legal in storey county there is there was nothing they can get him or accept al capone sales tax yeah irs go and the guy fled the country and the federal government sees the mustang ranch in a tax dispute and price told me that was widely reported and the government and in the newspaper and in the media what was
not widely reported is that for years the federal government's continued to run the mustang hasn't gotten it now i was sort of absolutely true is it puts on a slant on the counts against her bible so i figured i said i have an appointment with the warrior who was appointed by the justice department to administer the mustang ranch i've been interviewing and try to see what kind of a story and get you to use your next book so he goes out there he introduces and sell to the man to tell them about me and what i'm trying to do and they have this nice conversation at the end of the prices to <unk> movie at attorney cannot bring more i gather major when he gets here and mr revere said oh yes i'd be glad to meet him and give him one of these and he opens up a metal strong box and takes out what for lack of a better term one must call a coupon a free pass into the most days of the mustang ranch i have a one hundred dollar pleasure passed a mustang ranch when i get out there and actual price and you know not to use it i mean it's to
i mean how many times i'm like this happen it's framed in my office for and you never get used to but it's one of those stories that writers run into that be the basis for this next book you know what area there's something about that that preacher i'm sure you've been out there using a cuban and emily isaac winters within ten years all i've been i've been accused in this book of going after our self help gurus but i also go after sanctimonious fundamentalist preacher in a list of those books are set national team and their national is sort of flow vatican south the local bubble bill oh you know what you're a mess you for were characters come from where she will came from where it jared and real thing for a year you depict day
a preacher as a super cyclists melissa the gospel and seen as mullen for years right and is led she did it goes he's heard there a horse all arabs are now where it did where did the good reverend come from oh boy ah that was more a product of my imagination and then most of the characters but i come up with were very often amalgams of characters i read about in the newspapers or another book from him and in life and i really just i needed a character who could do that who could do that and and his what his wife the ice quaint you know i think i have a dim memory of when i was a child when i was a child i was gone several times was left in the care of others including and an elderly couple who once took me to a howitzer what denomination it was when it was a very
primitive fundamentalist revival meeting it were speaking in tongues and yelling and screaming and falling over in the church and it scared me to death i mean our members be a ten or eleven year old child absolutely petrified of of this revival service and i think ever since then i've drawn on pieces of that experience as part of my own personal baggage with religion on so that the preacher and his and his wife came out of that and another some of my experiences in religious publishing board in religious publishing for eight years for two different religious publishing companies and so i think you know some of the people i met there are some of the stories i heard there i admittedly have a somewhat cynical attitude toward much of the established religion it yes bunde which is one a group as the paleo you have said that you haven't heard you've heard the
largely a spoken and you've heard us in her why we never read largely why we never read or the words spoken in tow i'd never occur you know i never thought of that no matter how the listeners that either but it doesn't really tell a spell check are there would say that's exactly why would you do it well i would be do an allied i have heard it i was reading i was reading a book on the scopes trial along go and that we got into the men can visit to what he called holy roller churches where large legume spoken and he didn't deal with a word he tried to india with it for medically but he tried to describe ecology
rich mondello thinks but own but i you know i needed it does strike me is that reason i ask about where that minister castro says well he is a protocol and that she is issues she's a she's a character about which if you let women are fading and she gets the vapors that she does but her but he's not a funny character no now now he's a dangerous character i think i saw misadventures character certainly is on feeling cold character who in many ways used as his wife as a mouthpiece willis booth i know something about you i know that you care about people an overview spent some time teaching prison inmates how to write which is another way to say you also told
lottery some of them i know that you're in you have a feeling for people who suffer were poor who are powerless you write about harry james in the first person and harry is as a like you and he is leaning he is angry when he is frustrated he is a new drilling to immerse himself in conflict bug how do you get out of your own service that see that's how you fall out of your skin and call and errors that's the secret handshake is that is part and that's the i mean it's not it's not that our transition and i think there's a part of me
that feels exactly like that that that it's a part of me that i try to keep for hidden away from the rest of the world of course there are there are great many things in life that make me angry and they frustrate me and i've felt helpless and hopeless at times of my life and so i identify with that and that's where a lot of you know satire and parody is thinly disguised anger and behind most jokes there isn't there's a desert on a dark hard truth and for work for one old one a lot of it was stuff i do with harry is it's really it's just another side and are the beginning writer can support can separate themselves from the characters of korea totally i just don't think it's possible to create an authentic character it's not with at least part of you that is not the question is is this autobiographical because it's not armed this is not well known figure for a moment that it is only on earth is
when writing as long as i have there's no more autobiography laugh when i see you talk you have conversation preview all fear i know where your voice is not careful and still harry's voice is very authentic very eerie like harry will ring the readers bail nail and then they let the readers will identify with her and i believe that i know that one i hope so but you know it's a it's it's not me it's not it's not the face i present to the world but that is part of me dare i think everybody has a dark side of some kind and harry's mind so he becomes a way for me to voice a lot of my frustrations and a lot of my cynicism you're used to i used to have a problem with being called a senate until or was it nineteen nineteen helping out nineteen ninety two when clinton was elected president that he said in his
own democratic nomination acceptance speech and i want to address my remarks to the cynics in america the cynics been disappointed idealists and for the first time in my life i identify with the notion of what a cynic really was which is a disappointed idealist and i'm i'm very much a visible another great many things in life that make me angry and that i don't understand and ernest hemingway called the built in shark proof vest detector and i think most writers have to have it and i got a big one so bill clinton though in the disappointed by the us they saw no one there is one and i wanted to ha ha that's why is it had set another aspect of the book case really writers create characters and they get away from the new book you talk about other happens to you when you don't show before but sometimes characters are created
and you only get a glimpse of the watching world you create a lawyer and we're men and bunk a good guy he was handling the estate here we only seen briefly in an office these natural warrior works out of his house and i was hoping i was hoping that he was the comeback of i was doing that there was going to see more of him but again they've given him i forget to get their blood what a you know he stood up to the preacher he did and he said your mother told me you'll react in this way and it i thought well harry wu to use a little bit hairy now being a suspect with two murders believe a lawyer in the worst way in the worst imagine why and when did you know it and he doesn't come back maybe needs to come back in the next book somewhere you know you had a lot of terrific gory a was a good
lawyer is a very good lawyer and i spend a lot of time creating a backstory for their character and a relationship between mrs hawkins in that character so i know a great deal more about in that that i actually put in the book so there's plenty there are dropping out well ross perot used all about crazy and manic and unions crazy gladys are now the next door neighbor was always begin over the fence and and eavesdropping on harry and provides information that makes us particularly and i think subconsciously i even came up with the name gladys because i was thinking of gladys kravitz from the old television show is not just that she's not just a busybody in a meddler but she's actually a malicious and steve she is really art to the point of wine to get harry oh yeah she doesn't mean an hour so about this which in the telephone box and clear to
something there and no and yes and and going crazy letters and supercilious sekulow is so given to lettuce example a great that they'd get mrs hawkins well that you want to having an exit nation on his own mother which to me as harry says is probably all to approve of how cold in his soul years and both the euro inherent in this book are cast into the depths of desperation harry into the depths of depravity and i guess you could say that about a medical doctor who's fired from a job finds herself pregnant but without a man she trusts is a lover when is it your theory that to create
an industry to them is true story and there is a very mean there is of them and there is a there's a very thick interesting fascinating financial industry virtue ultimately the very bright but is it your feeling that you have to look but the euro and this case his lady friend through hell before you do just a little glimpse of them yeah now and i threw out every book that said very simply an end to aetna and much more helpful in an article it i really throughout every book i've written for the three jack lynch books are now five books were there my premise worth underlying fame has always been that i really believe that life is a is a struggle between good and evil and that ultimately good will try but it's never as easy and it's never as painless as never as cheap as we
hope it'll pay so in an all my books there is ultimately i happy ending in this book but it's one is paid for very dearly and that leaves that that leaves the characters scar
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Steven Womack
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Murder Manual
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0121 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-nv9959dc5r.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:52
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2633; Steven Womack,” 1998-06-25, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 4, 2025,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2633; Steven Womack.” 1998-06-25. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 4, 2025. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2633; Steven Womack. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from