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ron johnson ebola once again welcome to a war of words will i guess is a songwriter a writer of fiction too damn tyler welcome to world were first novel right the first one is music city confidential a mystery a music city mystery ah you write about what you know you write about a city where i'm we've had more than a little success as a as a hit writer of country songs and you use your background in that field to work tell this story before we get into this fascinating a little owl because you write very short very terse and very exciting stories before we get to what got you into frozen off of all the verses and music i am i had always harbored the ambition to draw a man with some one hand i think family when some characters
an outline of a plot came to me that was so compelling and couldn't get out of my mind and it sort of demanded to be written that's when i set aside my songwriting to concentrate on the book and it also coincided with a period in the songwriting or the activity was my little slower so diverse my grave an interesting career if you're close to all trying to our lawyer sean award i share but i mean you could've you could have pursued a career of in the law are closer to london prize long music row for a few years when we first got here the late seventies and it is it like writing about it well i had always written i've always been writing since i was just a kid you know that are really not first love was songwriting start writing songs most were thirteen and i had
no idea about how you might make a living and sustain that the characters in the book your phone for dylan to the plot now not to give away your immediately we want someone to go out there and and their dollars to those already being spent on nietzsche government to find out what the punch line is but it is restoring lives that the idea of the ant man where the characters come from an estate tommy to begin with your art or gus both songwriters you're no no like these to their senses or hustlers you know sure it is all songwriters in a sense but also you have to be at the start and some i asked me if i was in the book and i said yeah i think i'm somewhere between coming just because gas is the older songwriters been a music world and has had limited success body has a lot of integrity and he's really a true artist in
many ways and then tommy is that the younger rider he has a kind of an unusual background not the typical background that we think of country songwriters he's from new jersey and he's got a degree in philosophy but i found that really a lot of the writers here are not necessarily what you expect their backgrounds or very like mine and in a lot of ways so i wanted to be sure i know it says that theme in the book it's the first time i realize the truth of that story and that was when a firsthand kris kristofferson on his program the years and years and years ago written a book about music in very small type of us and un came out an atonement for came on he was hanging over you know you talked about a rhodes scholar the last place you'd ever expect to find the son of a mill high ranking military officers saluted full helicopter and that he had actually i think
we've got one a couple of big literary process your head black mothers and so you expected to find in cleaning ashtrays on his roaches so coming from a cliche of his background but again a bit of a pitch man early in his career had to hustle in order to get some recognition on music row that taught me a part time limo driver saw strikes go earlier early on in and end in the novel a tiny bounce into a dime just kiss him and we also we that's right the big money big money years ago dr song traveller make it owns fifty brazil and launches a big lead on it but after the talk a little bit about where the concept of time they
come from and how close to reality is for young guy like that to strike it rich well in the business on the business side will actually in the knowledge his employment with masonry the homosexual mobile from hollywood is a flight below as the analysts lies more insular and here because tommy's aware some information that's real potentially damaging he's hired to buy silence so the job in a way sort of payoff in ireland at that point masonry is really not sure what musical genius poet but time is really glad to get that job and masonry his compound by music city literally to literally to takeover all city and i thought the analogy you know the analogy here is howard hughes tried taking over last night's rights act he wanted to be the dominant figure
and he had some dirty money laundering money to go away and so we were sort of unintentionally and wrongly it's building for justin running first the book for just a kiss he says too much right tommy not out of me out from this expansive he's sort of a crush on his challenger listening to another talk about you know again the book started in my mind with her image i was trying to find an angle i want to write a book about country music but i don't know really from what perspective so to manage oren is a as a black television reporter who is also trying to get inside country music and when her character came to me i thought oh this is interesting i can tell it maybe from the perspectives of of outsiders so jeanette it represents so somebody who's fascinated by country music but because the color barrier can't quite get in the inside
circle so she's also vulnerable two tommy's promises in and now she's got her own agenda everybody basically has their ambitions and their desires to get to have somebody else and that's what sort of drives the book that it doesn't flow so we've got time here trying to get close to gin up on romney has a secret crush and then i begin to a little phone call and she said we're low blood she does la law and he does so under his it's about to move into it to music city nashville is about to come the underworld couple in music is about adultery and she was intrigued journalist at first the investigator was like a big story is it's
true and michigan's look at that and look at it look at it more more she gives time a little more time a little more time so that poor work steve that he does get closer to be done before the two but shes shes shes a fascinating personality i think in our own life because when the book seems to me she is driven by very well she was raised by her parents and nyu and one of a winter thank you and she's a real star in her own right in her community and i think she's after the truth as much as anybody in the book something she is a real central character to know know so the character is hector in love and another central character
is simon will not sonny boy is sort of every short term star revelation country music since may be a sort of beating that's why milo was a real thing that she was a ruby ruby was the real deal signed morning dailies which are then it's very tough for a second generation stars there's some made it clear we can think of pam tillis think of the there there's all the headwinds and yellow hank williams i think is another real deal yet and he staked out his own territory sure that the problem with sonny boy is that you just can't quite saying oh no you know that's the thing that really just doesn't really have and i think his mother's
personality is so strong that that she tries it offers a lot has been pushing him in trauma open doors for him but without the real talent a he hasn't the years and the real live say on tv about pa well you had a son or a tough time to just adjust and that as it is of a man i think you know the whole theme of nepotism and how really it all forms to show business and there's you know their model for the game not one several nat and nobody really in the book is the us representative of one person x it may be apple jordan who is jonathan's mother now based at pretty much i'm a woman who helped raise my wife didn't learn that really tried to try very hard to combat an amalgam of characters but she's just she's a model of the title of
one in that same email in the business in this very strong up from poverty in mississippi and self made in and very bright and are always sophisticated even though she's million educated dr indicate their in the ball street sense was and hasn't had a friendly neighbors and scored another strong character who has signed was service mavis operator moment much as a model follow we found out that tragic death of a prisoner suicide maybe movies so successful will you will you know to a lot of really successful women now aside lloyd health law problems among them an old cocaine addiction of all cocaine addiction and then away from an oil now part of what were
going up to year is the annual country music association awards program and that the climactic moment in the book i think and fair share of dollars in real life c e mail or so and that is the night when national borders in music city stars come out and really show an idea this country music week here in october and all the awards not just that night but be a man asking the other songwriters association each other not ultimately alter their way so that is that the climax of that right now and that program is a national program people and continue to clamor to get on and he carried on cbs for many years more uncertain are given out that night and then i guess it's fair to say it's like the pulitzer and journalism a literature out there on the nobel and in peace in and it's one of the science the ruling that work exposures a country music
dudes where's primetime and this is a great shot for all the fortunate well sonny boy am comes across one nurses songs and in spite of themselves or turns into a big hit tragically try to pay the ultimate price for that's exactly right now let's talk about the transition takes a sunny from the player to a big player he records this song does one set of masonry this as a reason that that's less well what is it that what is it about him that elaine mason doesn't know enough about openness to really well if you if you remembered specter in colombia because he's a big sonny boy oh i have failed the five thirty or and say hector who's the drug money game was on the drugs are a million for many in colombia he's city's area is a senegalese thousand
eyes and with a slide though a comparative actor mason is a slight tang but they're both large and an actor is larger than life so so so mason is at national spending all actors drug money trying to make a vow to make music and death and sonny boy's soul of somebody who make a star and in the process so an artist to go to barbados for what donald about or that and a boat came from eyes would enter to some interesting things to the book and i want to get to sonny boy ultimately down to many and so under false pretenses taken to barbados actually finishes is out on a sort of a reporter today they took along a beautiful girl the revered and lot of martin roz morris
engine and on there was all this an attempt to get him to many you know for the big party after strong pro eu elite of that area and sonny boy's comedy and entertainment and danny gets there nathan rott literally makes an instant they're nice but man what idea of a vector balls air but in colombia boggs levin any rate for calm makes a bat mean along the us is jon's moon with with us is also working for maisel he signed the poaching come into college where everybody's working from iceland hacker don't know they don't really know what the dollar fell all honesty in time enough or goes he heard mason still many as that even one of the lead that was his idea says copper and nigella wrote final so the us is song gumby always radio station
you know the payoff now and only law we will read this book about la is that the way his songs are really made people get our road and eight dollars to disc jockeys to get those songs played and all the time that happened well one of the things that people are talking while he's grown as that the role of these radio consultants where you just have a few people in control dozens and dozens of big radio stations and i think where there's that kind of concentration of power you know the environment is right for corruption but and i can say that i'm a heavy firsthand knowledge so mr cox is not in the team based in real life not non there are many but i've heard some stories and the soloist was de cock says he's a radio consultant and he controls that without his approval of song can become and one reckons and he has a number of these destructive iraq that he controls id
controls and presumably it works presumably uses scientific methods to determine where people live mason listens and it's all about money so he since tommy and gus on a mission a founder ning toxin one hundred thousand dollars to the boss on a lawyer and record them and then therefore the deal goes down we found out that boy the boy yeah they're from columbia and a map because of it because of his previous cocaine problems he just he went to the fbi in and gobble and hector found out about it there was also wrote no longer a hit by thirty kinds of the saudi delegation but gary can still stunning guest week we gave the green light to that
record this morning we head to an hour of soluble so so he gets his number one record buddy and are at a very dearly for and the ninety seven thousand dollars in drug money than it's been rather got caught for the plot and let go to body new ways of the deal there were bans on you know but i thought it really is so at the top of the job yeah we'll write in the book you know oprah winfrey problem about that time in the office of a fun time signature and tell me about how they legitimate rain real world people into the fiction piece of fiction kinky friedman with a working three four weeks ago and said just candidly look john upward rely people that i know in life in the book and on obamacare it will and frankly a soul of people up during the best light and oprah talk about
a buying well i did literally i think from the beginning when i was developing to know this character there was in my manager of lake with oprah and go as we wanted it to be a wide open to have a role in saving jonah jeanette is kidnapped journalist it has taken to columbia and that's the ransom gets paid as actors five minutes i will see my show and oprah gets involved in which a kid and i think from a legal standpoint we're on solid ground but i just felt like it was it was a good dramatic device to connect those two people over bain in nashville and only general news when that corrupt money are we got the music industry being manipulated by kidnapping not murder i'm a lot more than the story need nothing absolutely nothing and then and then at the end i found out what hacker's motives are and and i don't know what
it was let's let that certain unfairness to store and not in a way that that the follow all hillary clinton but let me ask you because part of what the program's about issue now is how writers write and win and win the right to talk about your regimen and writing this book we need to start or how often did you write or a lauded take well i you know i didn't have a contract so they do not have a deadline and i started about four years ago and worked on it for me just get started and put it aside for years so then offer some reason some the plot to intricacy story become clear to me and i get back at a really probably worked on it that eighteen months real rules of regularly and i wouldn't
i'm deathly morning water i think like most writers tend to work in amman after lunch of turn attention back in the songwriting and music that i enjoyed working first thing for a few hours every day and how are we i use the atticus is going on at work about fifteen they were at work at a law office in downtown nashville no telephone just very secluded no interruptions well you use a youth you write the typewriter or computer long and i write in pencil one hand yes and then eventually that take to the computer mr thomas apartheid and use computer to do the bookseller here but i still like a pencil because it has an eraser that i just enjoy that i think in many ways i'm still
appointed hardware system and it's really like to slave over the sentences sent specimens when asked about the cover an innovative camera could just it's common thread if there is music and now wears a cover come from one road for summer brother bill does cover a discounted photograph of or a guitar line or and some photographer sentence at that scent they put it together and when you finish the manuscript how tough was it to get the book published well the first person i took it to one publisher so that was the hard pretty exciting yet was at middleton is the white recorded a man like it was time for this book to come out and we were i felt like it was just was going to we did it with a national punch now what about what about the next book and i can't believe you've written this book crammed this much excitement into relatively few
pages and in this very quick fun read but a million on about their economic start of all this three chapters what's it about cinema city it's not about the music business so that families in there's a murder in it but it's more psychological i think tonight you're up and still make it fast paced and suspenseful to be a different world where the ideas come from when the iranian this idea obviously came from your experience it is a crime really about what will excite me are these characters that begin to form in my mind and once they really become real to me then and i was a cliche how many riders say that but it's true to form a lot of character comes plot that lasted a lot of time thinking about these people and where i really thought that a handle on them that i began writing and go
today the plot the stories just elucidation of their character so i'm really fascinated by people that always happened and you know i want to keep it loose rhythm and i brought a lot of the rules that you should put us to fall do you did you know you started this what hecker really wanted to know what you found out well i'm were just a question i had lived i knew that he wanted a ransom and knew he wanted his time to speak to the world through the same award should but i really did not know what he was going to do and i had to stop for three months and one day i was driving in mississippi and i just saw it that just came to me visually i saw him doing what he does get that award show in and when that's when i knew i had because it brought it all together and all the different levels of income and see it's very strange marriages runaway went away from different ways are going to go
so much so you have a pretty much an end of an era here no way he unintelligible come from justin some issues for me like patriarch power but in family power issues and families it's set in a small mississippi town in concerts or that he will patriarchy has dominated this community for a lot of the ways the bottom yet the mississippi every rice corn and that is not a situation certainly a context and often and there's not really good
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Dan Tyler
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Music City Confidential
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Talk Show
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0495 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-np1wd3r28r.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:50
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2450; Dan Tyler,” 1996-00-00, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2450; Dan Tyler.” 1996-00-00. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2450; Dan Tyler. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from