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remember ron johnson of all once again welcome to a word on words special guest today that they come in pairs when they're really terrific skeeter davis welcome to word on words thank you john zorn realize dad year and weather everybody thank you or friend your back again that's it over in your mind well the book is christmas know and it's a lovely story primarily for children and i don't know who wouldn't want to read this story to a child aren't to sell for herself minutes turn and the nice thing about it is that i take it to store near think it is a true story and then they talk about well i know and you know
i don't even though before we get into there's this lovely little to say and we know what a cry for use peoria a degree or so and are all but i need to know how the two of you came together on this on the story we might use only just met and i think i'm right and this is what this ticket so neat when things like this happen i had read about can't be in people magazine and i thought wow what a nice person but like to know that person i mean he just sounded so neat you know endowed and so i don't know i was in the salon at that law banned an hour come back from korea when a concert in seoul korea and we ran into each other at the airport in detroit and am the
ambassador and there were you know he's you know then it all their membership card if i do another really lucky but anyway we met each other and i'm opposed to it cause i was i'd seen that article and had and it was the world economy in her pictures that man and all these things about your books and i think one book it was for the weight mark the book that's how the article we were doing just before the show to remember what year that was and we can hammer i was coming back from austria because i was living with jim glaser at the time and you probably recognize jim as how we started talking about leon panetta i think i was just thinking about that i think a man would get people to get and reduce prison and an acid that atoll not that supports the girl in people magazine and the wrestler then whenever the book festival
ended your show the next time we met was on your show and i knew that it was the first time skier was her autobiography bus fare to kentucky was just out and i knew she was a bit nervous about doing the books thing because she's used to doing the musical things so in between when the camera was an army i would reach over and their hand and so we i became friends and i read buster kentucky and what did i i i couldn't believe how poignantly honest it was to find out about the christmas snow well it was sometime after that i was packaging a book last year which i sold a random house art a country music stars and when i call scare and said do this with me cause she had said to me or i remember christmas at ten years old and i wanted a doll more than anything i never owned a doll and i didn't get what i get in the santa claus is dead and it she passed on went on to something else and i'm thinking wait a minute you know her parents had to regain that know and i couldn't forget the story so every time we would meet again it scared like to write that some day and then
at twelve and last year then last christmas on iran was really really bad and i and my sister is down from kentucky when that pump hootie and die anyway shirley and down to go up this package and none had been sent from cathy and it was like a manuscript in unearthing and and she'll note in there and i'm senate that city just to meet the word will make this a reality or something like that number one sketch out a draft well i i did what i did is i regret her autobiography so i could get more information about her childhood i asked her hundreds of questions what to do around christmas time to the bells ringing the animal bells everything in there almost all of it are elements from my life and then it i shape it a little poetic license and shaping a story around the event and then skinner told me that nowadays her house is filled with dolls how that isn't that
interested in her but she has not been in my home you know i so that's another thing that the way that the notes and faxes phone calls that will make with her schedule and then with all of my schedule to you know it's like tinder and they also didn't know and then i get sick so it's like there wasn't a lot of time spent you know it's like it's hard for me to believe that it is the reality and that it is right now i see a heinous think that me a mini mini of askew davis's defense people who admire her for her work as a star who roll over rum the fact that she had to embrace a spiritual music as well as a country music fan and the fact that many of them noted you've in lille other be delighted to see you on this program first of all are seen you look and so beautiful and they also i just wanna hold this up i'd like to ask you all and the camera can
move in on a christmas gnome cover look at that little girl went under the christmas tree roots and looking wistful laws for a ball that is unclear in utah that's that's what you think of that could actually be well you know i said maybe it can to consider that mainly a lot of little girls that in something that i thought was great cause i just did the first and granting last sundays because i got so excited they just deliver some books to my porch in i went against the river championing bought the book get so used to have always been away people's eyes were nowhere and i called david mccormick innocent enough that some books an answer that i was now he has books in the store but i think i'm just more to see what happens so we actually went over there without any advertising or anything and and just upstream of pierre it was boxed nowadays and it was great and it was fun for kathy to get income came but what was he does this little boy oh four euro is in zachary and i'm his grandmother bought the book
dire but the book fine but you stand there he's looking at the book a nice opinion is a bit of a comic music and i don't like that carl who is with us to the one that did those wonderful illustrations as a car you know and i am so but call on how you integrate calls the talent his work into the service lovely story it is it goes back again a skier said was coincidental meetings of friends and eventually i will come together i don't cough i think twenty one years in which in blazers friend before i met him that he was the photographer for country music listeners those hand colored photographs i did the line drawings in the book i have out under a pseudonym right now dancing at the harvest moon those are his lines so it's it's rather like a little group of friends doing creative projects together because it simply a way to spend time together and done i called him he only have a few months to do the illustrations we were going to put the book out next year and we decide what's going to do it so houser southern illinois and army he's done a wonderful
job you know as a little dot on the back stairs that her dog snowball looked like the dog on the old rca victor records is that i would like it by the way oh yes as welcoming as a standard that are never on their ascent never look like snowfall anywhere yeah so the whole book the dog of their paw prints all true because snowball followed skeeter everywhere he was that dog handler well how did you get in touch with call do you arrest him and illustrating his book i calling unfolding fun things the one item at college back out to the show it was a quick hello elias during we get an autograph signing autographs that is something in that act on the bookstores with kathy their day was just real quick like a jeep right ny and jeannie dromey we came back in darkness fell apart and in that kathy and ended on an autograph session with their with the country
and again obama that's when i think that that's donna but there again some people ready ask me that i think how did you meet this man and writers did and yes i think that's a wonderful compliments in the viewing audience with solid cover and what's on the back cover a prominent his illustration from throughout book and then when rich who already rich rich story on it as fast lanes to me and how much interaction was there after you sent at use in the speed of the first manuscript why had the stark facts in her life asking lots of questions karlan it annexed almost daily because i am this is my own work my own publishing company i this is my first book so i knew that if i'm a mistake second a lot of women in new york which was i think everything
is being used here again again again every time you write a book i've been going outside please get me come on we're own words each story is in there for what would you say your first look him in the first book you published i publish this myself i live for my own company called mashable books the book is bound here in a printed here american corporate literature in nashville bound in nashville the binders nichols though i didn't wanna go to singapore and have the book brown i did here and this is our first product are so i was on the phone to call several times a day and wear a fedex ing n and it was my opportunity to do everything myself that i want to do and in doing the book we gotta praises of words in there from sixteen people come from garth brooks cities they said call me on my cellphone and i was on the way to the printer and that's how close i came to missing her board she
caught me on the way and i rely on in our blog as she gloated over them everyone from garth brooks vince gill chet atkins porter wagner and we got those words within a month every week that we have a three way so that's what i was and i just had gone through the treatment you know for the illness and isis truly listen i gotta do this and it is an unguarded speaking of garth he had told me about six years ago so it was my sister's birthday and so he sent a picture far from earth i ate and you tell me if there's any bank ever uk and if a skater please ask me and you know that anything as fine thank you know anna lourdes i never called encore of you know unity and so then what happens though as the natural caviar was the us won the nascar because i think you'll love this phrase girl simmons anyone like this is i was thinking of that and so they're now than i am call the office and you hear it goes to wichita think it was to play one concert wound up selling advertising we already had a deadline on sound bites and get his old chevy
you take it to the printer needs to taxes back and i go to the opry and it is like yours are so crazy that i don't believe it myself that it really all kind of just in the end i mean i know they had been working a lot better for me in mind comma like this person in it's a mother said mr marcello thing like man you know you can do that causes are you know that which is interesting i had a mother in there because i said momma to her mum and a lot of the first inkling of his forty four for a book that will have great appeal for everybody's children and for everybody by that means first was a relatively short book bites written really i think for the attention span children and adults who liked to have a good cry and a good laugh of a bedtime but our a fascinating thing to me is the research that kathy dedicated to a lot of the other to get it right i mean just for our audience is for
you to tell about drawbridge kentucky oh what iraqi army and when you witness yes because my brother was has done this with me from talking about the body and this book that he read the first copy that cathy singing he just he really liked it so much that it just opened up all these only recently started sharing intimate diary is because i never wanna when i left i ranch you know and was really singing in your thing and i'm not going to go to much they gave me the dry rich but says dr richard the population fourteen hundred about that sandwich and a slow one art treasures so is a small town and course here again it goes back to the days of all lance you know in and also to remember that are richer neighbors they had like to be a latin lamps which were like they put out a much more brighter light that we have like the columns you know and then sometimes we didn't have a lamp for every room so when we you know he had a set demby still
it's an idea that the lamp and the other roma such like that so i come from that time in that place and i'm going to try your parents wrote loving and and and gentle and caring but they couldn't afford to buy a golf returned with you now and you know again like we were saying earlier to just visiting tonight that was a day when there wasn't a santa claus on every corner the agency sent on tv and so and there was no such thing as you know any there's no doubt we knew that santa claus was gonna come and unions combined are and where we're seeing that have thrilled the cans that i got a note you know they were and i was dealing with not getting that all you know in your younger brothers but to be honest john i never once thought that town that it was that it came from that and it you know it's that thing that was you know with a real disappointment was that
was the money to make it if it didn't come now and the note said dear skater i'm so sorry iran which i said i learned so much my father was then he says santa says i hope you'll understand and that's what so when hymie you come from santa all have to feel good about this some way you know that i got this note that's why we're gonna tell you i cried and i didn't cry for a minute audio trying to be one out mr rudy who would borrow it tried to ukraine we are you know i asked my brother i said cause when i went to kentucky last i had in february even though it was called last february i got there and i just drove out was one got past those places will someone about the old house and change and all around with this nice big house now everything you know what the place you had a big farm to it and there but they hadn't took the barn down yet
so when i got this and starting in about those barn doors letting him cause you could hear it from now sooner the barn when the wind is up and when it was raining when banging and clanging and you could hear it needed no sense as a december when a tv born in the background are or anything else maybe a crying baby predicted up so it was it was really something and so i said to my brother i said have is the bar still there but he says that a thousand times they didn't admire it as a buddy place when you go to take the bar and down till i get out their money i want to go back to them are now that this book is out at a out to where i went out there and just wept in a minimally brakeman and a puppy when they bring in you know they they would drop in we get to play on the head for a while and then after that you can be on the head anymore you know as for the animals again so that's why i mean i went out down to some pride down in all the animals come around and and he went to my years in hiding been a vegetarian on the aca and i could go back to that so easily and see you know it's a subdivision can't they
just captured everything insists the whole essence of it is who i am i think cause i'm still that we're still there girl got plenty of dollars now and as cathy said what williams won the end of the story ends with hope in hand and and that's what good ending but i i must tell you not not to keep dropping city spacex may know when someone likes of the space that gives you a blurb you use it to her daughter and i'm a coup and said you know what there was a similar situation although i can possibly compare it because her daughter wanted an autographed picture john travolta as asian santa claus instead saying that they hoped it would come eventually write that story is going and you know it was just the wind that's a
seat when she knew national and i do not that you know it's i was so happy that year when she told me that she read it during an opponent like on her cellphone back and then she was in a story about the ethics of the story of thing i was so happy she did have a work force and i think that's a nice do cause i know that a couple people that saw the book that don't know you know when i was at the record shop when they started looking in seeing the names and their sin or did they did they really get it read as i mean i just i think it's just another trick of some instances and that's the trejos i can get all the manuscripts and bailed him out and i called everybody in and chat chet atkins an alley soon everybody knows that there is only one but he does it anyway he sent his own note you know nerd thing and it's so special that i thought there's a lot better i got to find these notes designer one time when us with chet he does getty's new stationery and i said i want the first letter walker's here you wrote me that letter on his leisure so i was so
touched when i'm weak us also to get to get it we couldn't prove everything they said that you have some mites nice things to say here that i have to just cut all day and say now that i was saying and you know that that was another thing i found very touching down for me and didn't want one my heart was that they they were saying so much about the book that you know you say maybe there's two or three a little things on the back of the book and this like cathy hughes there's a couple pages we were so running out of time and we wanted it being anomalous and as giving a country musician we wanted a combination of both people so lee smith i was very k i call terry and read it to him over the phone and steve why mike you're in town you know dhaka wells was on book tour and we this was the strangest thing she was in a losing honor when will but oren has been called her from an island off the coast of washing machine it and read it to her over the phone for her to be able to orbit and so he's done is he's like three ways you know gaza has
done so quick word workhorse they have done their work but like didn't know that we just like in three weeks hobbling out and we should've had a documentary the making of the west they should say to our drive viewers that the getty will be back with me in a few weeks we're going to talk about a new novel if you've written not under her own name and that although the big box and i went for them you know and i think i would do something that might hear now i don't the name cathy pelletier everywhere writer jihad the way lesser it an actually an ear times bestsellers one of those bubbling under twenty four something that it's on its way what's happening literary gold jewelry gold doubleday make the tv movie that there is you know those papers now they did get two names it's almost all about eve
so much fun writing novels is a painful job and then there's you know it's not a job it's not fun especially when you mind emotional past to do it this is some i just lots of hard work but now i say things about a novelist you know an artist of people sleeping i was there you know the dr who was really ill wow oh you could almost at a moment in your childhood and tell an emotional for them to go back to your barbie and can't resist goes through that he layers and look it i'm putting out for books here through the fireworks erupt my company and i've articles chiarelli another project will do it let me know well what would you what would be your new thought i'll really well the story on until well you know i didn't think and i think that's a i
think you're going the illness causing to think this way that aside and i travel is it's like i'm hardly anyone really knows all the traveling after him and they don't know about because and that's built right in nashville it's like the prophet has on his own country or something somewhere because i am so popular you not remain there since the sixties but rca continues to bring out cds in other countries and which has been a blessing in my life and they brought out an essential cd a year or so ago and that was really great but i've been wanting for my family because my sister and i remember she said skier i know you went there are we talking about something that indonesia or borneo you know i get to go to kenya and nigeria and i've been to so many countries and then to see the culture and to be embraced by the people of those countries it wasn't your salinity artist when i do travel the gulf for the americans as if saying you know the goat fed up like bar the military are
set up with the state a lot of people about think there's any artist on the opry that's been you know to selena places a band and i think that's interesting if i could get that across to the different you know the other things i've seen and to get to visit a mass i'm village because a mass famine came to my concert and even found it even became a christian you know three days and presenting it was so so many interesting things that on all levels from me were stopped making a vegetarian because they've killed there in power you know when those animals i'd say it's so beautiful out there and so i just thought like that day i mean you know i know them where else would ever die in a latino will the people whose country really who haven't traveled don't have the opportunity to look abroad that's what i wanted to do was sit at the effective that's when a new just that that's what do you test and that's what i would try to do that i would meet somebody smart like kathleen fernald about ramadan happens also be a vegetarian kerry probably isn't any i need to get assailed
it really surprised me last week they came to the opry because it's enormous alone oprah so they got so excited of the movie and you know the economy are not well site thanks for clean that up but that's what it was was a movie that was on before women had wings anyway they're right outside it was a real nice surprise for me that the way she site we met in singapore she's married an american man they flew to indiana and drove here with his mother and sister and other non they came in because surprise me at the grand ole opry it was wonderful and they faded up real talent we visit the prices from thailand and she said oh i give in the book i said you get one the first copies her name is to sonny that nickname bang it's a bang it won the first copies and they brought me a doll the financial da silva point she's got long blonde hair and she moves or had an animal cables going in there i think and she said if the forces in the
book of course is so happy and she said dump well you know the nice thing about the book it's not just political issues that the book for every ten year olds will be a lull in your own lives here but nine year old will be ten year old and so it's a book cathy i think that you've written for a great may be for the ages when the summit in the studio right now this recording is doing the audio for the book it won't be ready this year
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Skeeter Davis & Cathie Pelletier
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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The Christmas Note 27:46 P2616 Cut 2
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0519 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 27:47
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-np1wd3r27f.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:53
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2616; Skeeter Davis & Cathie Pelletier,” 1997-11-04, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2616; Skeeter Davis & Cathie Pelletier.” 1997-11-04. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2616; Skeeter Davis & Cathie Pelletier. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from