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the word and words saw stocks and their authors this week janet daley talks about a tangled euro's tomorrow were downward mr johnson chairman of the freedom forum's first amendment center at vanderbilt university in england or real treat we have a best selling author jonah daily let's get anthony thank you didn't know welcome to warlords and she has she has another bestseller another big hit tangled lines you have made old wine and blood and blood lions and and spilled blood in a mystery thriller that that's exciting and about your excited about oh i am i am i am i love driving by that was for me a learning process as well as as the find creative process well many people
many people who are a part of our close family that would challenge whether that but in its hostility to exist between mother and son uncle and nephew usually you find in most bitterness when it happens in them that that's really when when that any time there is a falling out with him within a family it seems at that point it becomes the most bands that that the bitterness that feelings get so intense when it happens within a family or seven it has with friends or even strangers well i guess money ms wylie of forces that comes into play and it certainly comes in the plan paying a fine but beyond that there are
in this story there is is and all so pride in the development of a wine and a family's tradition of producing great wines and that intensifies intensifies totally religiously winery has always them being in their book obviously fictional it has produced great wind and the sun who has fallen out is is now in an absolute rivalry to better mom's wind or the sun is bill dale rutledge his son of strapping handsome dashing romantic young dianne clay that plays a forceful role in the book part of a conspiracy to seduce a french
woman and when her husband to his way of thinking about a merger but the french laundry and then the california lottery got napa valley i take it you always want to go there for your book about wind is unwell and tasted the wine firstly the whole idea of a tangled lines began about three or four years ago in doing so many of these promotion tours and interviews etc i had always wanted to do a story where i took a television news personality and made them the subject of intense and for a long time that's as far as the idea well and i couldn't seem to make it go beyond that and i was on an airplane ii airplane flying somewhere reading in in flight magazine and there was an article in napa valley and the minute i started reading the article in napa valley i had this eerie huge harrison ford type man in indiana jones
hat striding through a vineyard and it was like hey there sam rutledge on it with that incident and immediately afterwards started melting with that idea i had with the television news sources at zero kelly that's not her that's not her answers davis singing i know since i got this book i sent off to my son and all along live in seattle they are collectors on local tv there and he caught me and so the characters live for and she had told him there were so many factors are many aspects of their business through life that she really really wants a high compliment i think we asked us a very high cost well apollo two things how do you research a book
been in which two point one for the story in front and behind the television cameras and your love a part of the story and they are wine grape get a great country you old girl born there there was an enormous amount of research that really when entertainment lines in the case of the television side and four so i had friends in the business so that they let me tag along sometimes family they were in our own story so that i could crawl behind the scenes of course my husband's done quite a television production so very have that little bit of background i read virtually i think every biography your autobiography that's been written on any of the television news personalities worthy or talkin john chancellor dan rather jessica savage diane sawyer barbara walters i read them all and then any
article profile type of article that have been written about any of our major news personality said it will end started drawing from that finding common backgrounds finding anything that was a common ingredient so that i could give it to kelly douglas and fletcher out and make her into a real person and then also follows here some years back and serve that she did written books set in history in foreign countries and that she never move out of her lover in developing the research and thinking well the detail which he dealt and most heartening understand how he could do it which are feeling about that can you do that do you not get out there and then in the valley and i don't know why or about their knowledge of one prime example
when my husband and i went to napa valley how we are wired in the valley about eight o'clock at night and i had read about it fly but i had never been there for a name and five and we got in the hotel it's pitch black you said i write words what's our agenda tomorrow with a withering didn't mind i said well i want to get up in the morning i want a highway twenty nine because it it skirts the one side of the valley and i wanted to make it all the way up to the head of the valley and pick the silverado trail that i said it just takes two days to set i wanna go slow once ceo one of sorts with the stakes today thanks to get any one of you has been out the napa is proudly singer laughing at this moment because the ballets twenty five miles long and we were done at ten o'clock this morning a legitimate awaiting the russian river and that i don't think i would've
realize how small this valley will years and how concentrated the wine industry this is this is a rare little place did you use any one of the wineries existing water to the marble floor up with them now you know i tried very carefully to steer clear on and make it all over a brand new person than a brand new place taking elements whether its elements from england when you opened a moment when there are we just had probably about can wineries in day out and who knows how many other dozens just to get a feeling of place where these buildings a place only when you go to the area and john can you ask the right questions only can you go and say what's that tree i've never seen that tree before what kind of bushes that you i really ask that the whole gamut question splits and native flora and fauna with the climate with the job of being what
minerals are we dealing with what's the agriculture beyond this what's the history and unwind and that was also a prohibition it was with the whole thing and of course molecular like prohibition live in a row an unfolding role in your story and kelly's life of kelly's life is is a mystery to us as we begin kelly had had come from this one country they didn't to think about the deal with that childhood in which issues of abuse from abroad and follow in fact i felt reading on various television personalities i felt that i kept saying a little common thread of a childhood i never want to say that there was abused but sometimes it was a case of poverty that you work early et cetera that somewhere there was always this drive within them to succeed it was it was
pushed by more things than just an ambition iverson and knowing that i was going to write a book on wine and it's difficult to write about why about romanticized and knowing i wanted to have a balance an end so i felt i had to deal with the abuse of wine and alcoholism and in this case delhi's father's an alcoholic and he was raised by an alcoholic mother and the abuse emotional as well as physical abuse yourself did you know i owe you always know always before oliver start page one i want i want to know how i how i'm going to in the book and why i'm going in that way and what all the unfolding elements are coming out now ever since actually i just know what i want to accomplish and sing there is no the pro union away from secondary characters so that they can
play a much bigger role than i anticipate some but very very very seldom i can think of a place when my major characters and supplies the new new clothes yes before he gets a bump then you knew pretty well how kelly how kelly's a hidden post was going to be revealed i'd add one of the things i wanted to bear repellent past because as i was researching this very curious when we have a retired librarian house with the research and begin for the journalists ahmed eid ul physically actively get myself out and then i said i wanted to deal with a lot of my character was going to be the daughter of an alcoholic she said my father was and i thought i had known this woman quite well and discovering that
this is something that is so no talk about that too high they can conceal their sermon instead of recognizing yourself as the victim so the sin of some responsibility but if you had been a better person at wooden frame newton take on newt's problem and somehow the blame for what the father was and it was learning all that and in recognizing why kelly wanted to conceal payments and then finding a way to unveil the childhood and what's her face value have had such to the surface with a popular novel you do almost seem to be your name is so unwell loan to eighty an awful reviews the new book comes out sales
shoot up your read all over the world and let me ask about how does to write with knowing that that sort of success attends you were going and the outset when you first then on the first novel very idea that there was this audience out there that was going to become an unseen friends because i think that's how i watch you for or against last evening man and electricity use their mind they think they know that they were i'll definitely it's it's such an intimate thing reading a book when you think about it when you when you pick up a book that really pulls you inside and get you caught up installing characters it's it's an incident they knew it has happened it's an active gang and
therefore you feel like you know the art but i know i'm guilty of that whenever i pick up a book that just pulls me in like that i feel like the offer and i have known each other we've experienced this thing yet the soviets when readers come up to me they say the login we're on a first name basis of magic but i have to be honest i never drove past in part because i just wanted to have to write a book and have it published i didn't drain the success with and i suppose in my own way i try not to i try not to think about it i think you can get in the way of the creative process when i sat down to the typewriter and i still use a typewriter i write first non or broaden it out on our process that i write first to entertain me if i can get excited about the story then i sincerely hope that i'll transmit that to read it because for me it still the story i really look at myself as a storyteller i liked yet wrapped up caught up
you ask yourself in the process what's been temporarily that word don't leave out the magellan use and alcoholism are contemporary problems in this society right now and i don't mean on the margins of the main hot and cents that they mean public will relate to this issue at this time when a year ago or five years ago that same subject my child be for example not too long ago was certain was in the closet as uncle hazan was wonderful i actually no i never think about it it's it's what makes the character a real it's a way for me to talk about telly douglas as the person as opposed to the female character or similar point so i
don't worry in that sense so is this the right thing to talk about now i i think particularly i robot years ago called arabs which was the story of two half sisters and same father that one was legitimate by birth with religion and top essentially the book was about sibling live and the way we can let the rivalry come between us it's not a hot topic now you you hear a lot of sibling rivalry now and even when i wrote that book that it was appropriate for the book and i'm i'm pleased to say that most all the letters that i got from readers afterwards with a kind of say that after i read your book i called my sister well i'd ever read a book i call myself i mean what a sibling rivalry did creep into this one and ninety ones and they're jostling deal it was really the source of that
mother has to love me that seeds and you were treated equally or are it's it is a difficult thing for him to love your equal it and i think we all recognize that and sometimes the adult children go did you at the clock you a bit about the french and i love them go as francis is the is the mother lode and the historical city won wisdom oh was it inevitable once you decide you're not that well you have to go through to the wine country of the friends you have to work at napa valley and that's the end where you try to deal with when you're writing a book and wanted to appear real and you realize that you have to look at what's happening in napa valley and one of the things that is definitely happening in the wind industry is these narratives and mergers
between the great wines great wineries in france and california wine fits the examples can go on forever of the many marriages between the names that we would know and the wind industry in france with this one here so it became something that could reflect the reality of a wine industry that the same rights as with the blocks i was in paris about the two months ago at lunch or a ball a california winery for which in a restaurant here i would've paid approximately forty bucks price was one hundred dollars and then and the waiter said you've made an excellent choice i mean i'll try it not long ago if you or the california wine in a french restaurant i mean you would've been spat at
some raising how the reputation of that the valley wine well and it goes beyond the valley there's several wives in sonoma county and elsewhere that that will rate as highly as men in napa valley wines with a lot of mothers in governance but legally blind for instance that said the california wines have won over some of our great great names and the portal and it has forced the respectability in iran and you're right it is and it's great fun to work out so you created this freshman this spring though the master of the industry in france and created this merger and brought them all with his beautiful wife and did you know you in a kill off you did know you know you do is not just that you know that would be a martyr you knew that this cargo that i
get when i got here he had to be to live there really wasn't even any question as the who it was who was almost created to be in his ear anyway she does them to betray him with glee last july eighth she was because i thought he was natalie was a character that some women could identify with as wives that that their husbands aren't so absorbed in their work they tend to forget this wonderful woman that they fell in love with an imported and now they take for granted in you know if it's an assertion she was out there searching for some attention and sympathy the notion ventilation said you before we turn on the camera that he surprised me an e and then you said you tried his prizes a bloody surprising
always in ones that one i thought you'd set the stage for tell you know up and four scallions and send runoff and video and billy and western sunset and the future may be in their army i think til i think it'll happen i think it's it's any time i try to make someone like kelly douglas who loves absolutely loves what should that we're living as they get all of the man i would not give up writing for my husband as much as i love them and i would not give up my writing so how can i tell the world that i asked the characters but you can be with me it you can write wherever you are an issue the networks are in new york where you shoot and she got out foreigners magazine show or be a network anchor companies there so it'll have to be a ghost of
romance with the service eagle might be made of that but they did you all knew that no i don't have any plans but let me ask about a year writing style enough that that sort of discipline that it requires you try to turn out a book off white and you've developed day early is writing the gender that makes a boss yes it's that the glamour of that to win that fight at the fort like the morning that sense of a fun fact on the crack up up up but i'm a writer and right now i do think it is a day nevermore never lasts like where literally when i pulled a ten page and that's in the middle of a sentence the sentence the middle of a thought i never put the next he might be a little early outside berntsen yes
beautiful beautiful setting world where some leaders of companies both a challenge and i have to say a ransom note born as a force that had on the how many of you may have never heard of the shepherd of the bill that herald the right but in the early nineteen hundreds and it was a soloist and that's what started with and i love linda stone that i walk for for i know what better ways and you are well known in france maybe not as well known as anyone in my life now an item from a different crowd that they were the readers what were you can be found in france and by your readers with a lot
less than actually my favorite story i received a letter and seriously was addressed through janet daley and the late for a writer and i really like it they're wonderful and i have had some ip addresses that that was that was the one that i thought require the most effort on the part of the pool at the retail level so you know im not into a sequel but you know in the moments but i mean the fed in nevada and has a rant about consent for a parallel stories of revenge and the working title of the notorious not talk to me about titles i mean i don't buy into that that cover oregon where it's been for
the company and he's one of the violent incidents meeting was that the working title that was the working title for a couple others came up in between because i heard that the gallup family was doing a story and was going to call kind of mindset and so i got a little money there but then we ended up thinking that i always found that there was no growth i haven't seen since saturday a lot of the big night in the test in this business of slipping most of them can be very important publishing they use drone with them russell about what gold books now i read i would have to say that ninety five percent of all the high notes that i went to the publisher's i think it's very important the panel has to have some connection to them but i don't think that i'm saying trying to figure out what happened and what this think of the next
book there is a connection where there is a clean the tulane one of the main characters as well as that and you think the publisher trust your instincts about us as oh no they won't apply to second guess and i think they they they do listen a great deal i think the only time they may reroute this if there's another one out there with infection and i take it the more successful you are less travelers with another through the publisher in not always been are you satisfied with slow motion that the us would make a movie i don't know with hollywood i think i had a hat i mean currently i have four books and the option of various companies in hollywood but before the years i've had times it's who was that they have a great line that was in a tony hillerman that the movie
options are like a another world and so on janet daley lines as ben our guest on a word on words the bureau's does ben johnson this program was produced in the studios of wbez and nashville fb
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Janet Dailey Edgertown
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Tangled Vines
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0377 (Nashville Public Television)
Duration: 28:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-kh0dv1dr12.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:27
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 1012; Janet Dailey Edgertown,” 1992-10-10, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 6, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 1012; Janet Dailey Edgertown.” 1992-10-10. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 6, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 1012; Janet Dailey Edgertown. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from