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liz from nashville studio way celebrating offers literature and ideas for more than three decades this is word on workers with jobs guns in a welcome once again norman words my guest today is a dear friend jimmy before marshall chapman of the shoe design and she's a songwriter and shoot a musician in an actress than an author in addition to nearly a dozen albums to regret it and a best selling memoir about rock n roll or she's irritable they came to nashville and indeed they did well afterward on words but just i don't want to gain advantage of the new well i'm so glad that you haven't been so great to have you back here and i'm glad you brought a guitar well if there isn't as an option last time you erode that just on an intro uterine rock n roller based on that
i know where the idea came from but the audiences amounts of song fly again the nashville everybody game a natural enemies against reed well most as you know most of the people they come to match forth arnott from that they come we come here from somewhere else and after the first book i started thinking of polite fiction wrote a few short stories and one and was about a couple from arkansas where the boys coming here to make and their driver know you're from arkansas they get into town and they go straight to a loveless motel and checked into rooms six because the woman at the love of stillness where chris gantry rope dreams of an everyday housewife with it started happening that was a story that got published an anthology about right i'll write a collection of short short stories will be about some young person a person that comes to nashville because i want to be a songwriter and we'll bet big right now call it they came to nashville that's where i got the title
and i immediately googled they came to nashville and out there that they do there's twenty things called there wasn't one essay magazine article book song nothing has ever and i was amazed that you know have titles are it's just such a plan they're blind their land their but anyway a victory that probably room than the bill let my mother was here she would she would tell me exactly what he does it of being in this book now up up up now she looks good is he still looks good and that was her at a birthday in a trust you shoot each personally but anyway i thought i'd have a book of fiction and then one day just like what the first book i'll sit at my desk and i wrote one line and it was the first one to the book and with the minot wrote us all the whole book and i thought oh my god now gonna write this book because i knew how much work it was going to be but the law was you know the night
i met billy joe shaver my hair caught on fire radiologist road so are anyway that's how it happened so walter forbes jr would've that name they do you want to do you know what i think you know bowden well what the ford jr was in his family was a textile family and chad know very good friends with my family and my dad took me to the textile conventional sixteen years old and i remember it welcomes was the first town to run a commercial the jet airliner and mom couldn't go so is very special that i was going on a trip with my father and he said come on were going up to this room to hear this old boy play guitar you know his dad's good for in your grandfather's and i walked in this room has a gown blond hair and blue eyes blue is yours bingo white teeth and a white dinner jacket with a martin guitar playing songs and i was sixteen years old he was at that house and he knew i
was interested in playing the guitar and so i ended up going to visit them and share know that their house of the lookout mountain on their own they're chauffeur would drive made to downtown chattanooga close walter i wanted walter to teach me everything he knew and he said no there's somebody enchanted it's better than i know his name is on well i got a menacing moment but why that norman blake again enough for a free guitar lessons can you do you do that they're not only want well leila sadat going your little bit smarter that you're setting out the changes the policeman said after fifty proper nouns are the first to serve leisurely they would know she'd come after fifty you know
proper nouns are the first to go so norman blake forgive me even a local grocery stores and as well got what woman with the heartbeat doesn't i mean i know you know real literary women that were unswayed by hall thanks songwriters are you know pop culture in their knees get week when they're around kimberly's you back into these interviews with him and with all these companies and songwriters performers great names some obscure and a lot of spirit to the general public but the general public will know they're songs started out just below the windows and i hadn't are aged in new york at the time and a synergy chapter she said marshall this is fine but you're going to have to get some people to people have heard of you know nobody cares about taking on a well there are no willie nelson and aggress kristofferson a no imminent paris but i'd have to call
the original cause i figured they'd just be too busy and believe me landing you would know landing an interview with the christmas starts in a willie nelson is not the same as land one with nobody here nicholson are done here and the body's here in tampa bobby braddock you know who just came out of the house we sit and talked but let's begin with one of the really top winds of the way then about the book phone and doable it really well up up up i mean i started out going through the proper channels a cult with his publicist and los angeles or she she emailed me back and said well is not doing interviews at this town which are totally understood that she's protecting him and i thought we are not really a proper channels can a girl song called mickey raphael massive making a long i thought well i'll write a boatman i would love to sit out with me for about thirty minutes and how our contact and cousin to willie from the old days and make you say what you are giving his email
and our stomach acid really does email i couldn't believe it so i emailed willie and told what i was up to didn't hear anything and then i got an email from a key that said willie capture email email him again but assad did it known in indiana meanwhile gone online and looked they were touring they were going through virginia and us out with it with bongo player lou engle there will come play in nashville not natural minute will play made this suddenly now rand mcnally to know that they will pass through us pass within about a three wood shot of the front yard so i own so family own would happen i came home one day and there was a home that i will have lighted also were they won't end up in austin go play memphis a lot and then go home three weeks in and takes three weeks off him when he's out he plays every night and he likes to play about five six hundred miles
apart that you get on that bus and just roll after the show he does not go back to any hotel go to sleep that he'd only the bus or by the us jets into a hotel when they pull up an award winner stays on the bus which i would probably do flat above us but anyway we own i don't know i came home and now one day i was to run some errands and there was a message on the phone and said hey marshall is a swelling give me a call the leftist number na was innocent saw called in an hour he answered immediately sounded very beautiful very alert and o as ma well a us marshall chapman hey good luck and so we were off to a good start and nine ayatollah one interview in austin he said now watch discovery's out on maui when we get to austin and on what you just come hang out hang with us on the bus and i was terrified
i mean i guess to be on somebody else's bus anywhere you gonna sleep has gone beyond their they can be smoke and so so funny sounding every bit like my mother and you know i said well can you know just pick me up when you swing by mash like ameche white bridge road now forty he said now might be sleepers so we leave you stand by design rome what you hook up with a single woolen mittens so that's one idea chris strohm into memphis and i got on this bus and i was scared to death but on what you know you have a great conversation will and the things we do for love he had a lot of things happen to a nonbeliever society and this is also about it is that interview with willie is not like you chris kyle
chris was more than a chorus was you know you'd eat i'd never done an interview john i've always been the first person i called was david clamored to listen because i've seen of those press comes a second and of obama's proposal and he said marshall know when you you don't want digital service go down to target individual sony micro cassette recorder about thirty five bucks and you might wanna get to do as a back up which was good advice assess what i'm going to figure nicholson was the first person i called the one only gears hansen interviewed cindy aron because it's where will close a lockout interview people we've been the first so he agreed to delay the nice thing about it is it that you find out things about people if you knew it you forgot i mean i may be some time or the kris kristofferson captain has signed on to teach
english at west point right and then the dogs that the gunman asked for a love that story of that president talked about how we had a lot in common because i mean just the fact that things were set up for us here that you would think would be a better way of life and it's not no i'm going to go hang out with broader national and india songwriter family thought i was crazy and that some families their product gets when the committee be a songwriter chris mother wrote him a letter gawne knows you know just said he was thrown his life and i know i'm the one that does the same thing in you when i came in here to go to college you know they are one in uganda randolph macon holland sweet briar a conference call late event right and i went you know walter forbes get back well before that when i was fourteen visiting to take those guitar lessons from norman blake won that he was still on the shotgun shells for whatever they do to shoot birds with and he's up there film up with his little machine
he had his basement we were disbanded and he said where you going to college and asked that no i won't go into music and you so you go you should go then let's first time i heard the word nasr what he said it's a good university it's in nashville tennessee and that's the music and that's where you needed to find out about the guitar and yvonne about sabbaticals every morning when i was embedded in la so that i was going to make it four in any bias me and say i'm going to panda beloved family thought it was a job you know you tell the story about how it was to walk into a room where voters from germany yes they're going in the sky is one big news i know i was born to know is was one of my sophomore year and then go on jack clement cowboy jack cowboy jack and walter forbes they were good friends and whenever water would come up to see jack they would usually i think they got a kick out of common bond picking me up at vanderbilt taken me out on the town to a recording studio without just like get it you know i just thought it was also a great cowboy it was such a
great role in the story is beginning it didn't occur is just the first to tout the softer stops in two years for both times i was with cowboy jack clement walter forbes the first time was in a motel room i did that old bromide in on the james robson parkway where and that's where all the johnny cash people were staying in that show your mother right you're going to pay no that's chris got the letter about johnny cash from his mother amid all the end of the love of his mother about does understand when you were in you know in maryland with hank williams but now to tell us that you love johnny cash when that just a known fact that he's a drug at her oh they were just more joy to a show in a depression and that really was kind of having that task as he was the janitor at columbia johnny cash when they were in a daze he just said he just had
this in quite a line that just bonded them for errands and he does weight then and testy and said though isnt great get a letter from home and it was gray i think that the yellow did that and it was i interviewed her at her house a lot of people came to my house or i mean somewhere but i went to her house and as you know in these very much and too long taking the stray dogs that are gonna get euthanized and save an inveterate then she same and dolls one of the timeless and so what your house or they're like herds of dogs in her backyard in and they were just running through the house the whole time i'm interviewing her and i made that part of the interview in the copy editors at vanderbilt press they wanted to take them out you know and i'm glad i left it with one dial came in and sat tape recorder between may in the end she was gone you know henry henry get down and i'm mother's going through the living room on her walker like every five minutes and it was just it was wild that were
there and i put all those down all the little then rushes down because i think it takes the reader it tells a lot about her and you tell me so much about on a new thing about her story was home and heartless a name for it was painful she came here in nineteen seventy and she had a newborn child and they just had no money she and her husband tom slocum and they had highly was just a baby and course in the same martial law stores not very good you don't want to talk to me when we got to talk and she said well i worked in a gay bar now is breastfeed in the sheet music that's pretty good in an acid at that were up last year she came at first time and then she said the second time i came and drive out of the us on the city how dodd what did what your november well done henry have known for years since we played in the round the bluebird in at a
course on the television audience may not know this but he won a grammy for a song called where you been and as a dungeon is probably the only person know that could write a song set in a nursing home and won a grammy and when he and he can he's one of the funniest writers and at the same time can break your heart that you're a solo song he wrote about martin luther king tom cole beautiful food all you beautiful forty get chills all over the bottling the stick stirring up you know and do an honest aren't things of the beautiful flu and to secure that crime doesn't think about that summer i wasn't around to look on the bluebird on martin luther king day and he had just written a song and sang for the first time from what's the tune of it insane nothing doing foundation bobby bright well he was right there not long though you haven't
written a boat well you know he's in his films to say unfortunately or his wonderful braddock what can you say about bragging rights probably the consulate country songwriter i mean he came here he figured it out and they get ready to honor him because i think he's the only with the possible exception of harlan howard he's the only one who's had a a number one song in every decade he's been here which is for a much of what is it about the time it was a magnet that continues to draw you know that's a great question and it's and in an interview recently with somebody in atlanta before show and it was run the crowd down there over the labor day weekend and he asked me to sign bank and he said this he said you know there's something about last fall and i love that word global redemptive and i think what
you just said it's i just don't think i would be a liar if there had been a national because i came here to catch the spirit alive this pope is that they say or at the abbey and you know we used to pass by the naval hospital and in columbia got into the beach every summer we'd be banned the backseat mother would be tell us how to go straight up as were you going for air conditioning it'll be all these crazy people hang in bars and stuff i've been one of those people if there had been a national ad that aired just believed that at times it would have been a few warm summers that have been one of two things that have been incarcerated or alone or you know institutional live somewhere and that's hard to say that's hard to say cause each one on the specials like say which if a recount what day of the week is about or not that's hard to answer but on
march fifteen and i don't know what how to talk about that willie chapter of the interview did not wear the cameras there is a new world and elevated not going out like i had anticipated my heart was broken when i realize that as you remember when i wrote about that and it's so funny how we make our plans and then there's life but we really once again and this is the reason he's so magic he gave me a gift that i didn't even know i had to have and things turn out the way they do and you know when i left because he looked me right now and he said did you get what you needed and i looked over acid willie i got a lot of things i'm not sure i got what i thought i came here to get down but thank you and i did you know why was taken until i went home and then i ended up having to write that chapter which is the long step in the book goes up i will have to write about what happened after the violence to be so glad to hear you say that i just talked to her yes we all love her story to be
everybody's story is one of four that that image of her drama know when a convertible and a halter top as a teenager her first trip to nashville to hear the marshall tucker band at the fairgrounds you know and there she is you know the trucker is all run by hulk analogy you know there's just every story touched my heart because that the heart of this book is it's only when you're younger you leave everything you've ever known and thats familiar and go to some time and we you know no one and just only because you have a dream that sent us cellular use in there and actually can determine what she was drawn around you know she had a real opinion between san francisco and she said that first time she came to stay with pen and she was just driving around la pena was doing a gig and she had this profound
sense she was home and then the first night she goes and national security and a longboat beason is introduced to her future husband and how certain differences that everybody's stories blew me away well everybody's jordan the way to them about the blowout towns out of time unless you play along number for us okay i didn't know this was a song but when i was on willie's bus needless to say i did not sleep for three nights in four days was on that bus to say like a waste to have an eye on the first two forces as sort of a poem on the sheet of paper when i was on the bus i thought was just a poem to some kind of my head there was a little more cosmic than i normally write that tribute that to being on willie's bus and then a year later on i finish the
song and i remembered after the last show you know you think well it's seventy five he first thing i would do i just done a two hour show and signed autographs for another hour and go to the back of that bus and go to bed when it goes back there and showers and comes to the front of the bus and a slip valve tee shirt down to medicare with socks karen trigger his guitar and he and bobbie sat and played music for two and a half hours over django reinhardt songs and understood mistaken you don't give us this is and just run across america we know what stay on land and willie said here plan songs with bobby and it just hit me the whole willie nelson and family think it begins with him in his sibling because usually she's the first to hear a song she writes and they were these
days that's it it is that's it yes
yes it's serious is it
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Marshall Chapman
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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They Came To Nashville
Talk Show
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0708 (Nashville Public Television)
Duration: 26:44
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-k35m903433.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:26:48
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3909; Marshall Chapman,” 2010-10-17, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 4, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3909; Marshall Chapman.” 2010-10-17. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 4, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3909; Marshall Chapman. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from