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so you know once again welcome to word on words i get an old friend i think you'll recognize that steady bart de barra has written the hooligans that's right to be a long time to write it and it's great daddy back you know where we are and what we hear when you didn't mention when we both were on the young and and and mature young at heart we are at heart i do your show every thirty years of what i would say you that the looting is not a book that that has ever been matched i've been many losses for almost thirty five years i'll never look like that it is it is where did the idea come from funny i got ask you this is not just a mystery its initial mystery and it's a mystery that leaves me guessing at the nfl community must have a sequel in mind but anyway where the idea come from
to recreate this international incident people asked me for years john after interviewing so many people over thirty five years who would your ultimate interviewed me who would you like to interview beyond anybody else i've never really had a good answer for so i reflected on it and benjamin franklin jefferson came to mind most is abraham the traditional but i have had an insatiable thirst for knowledge throughout my entire life about the events that took place in the first century about the historical jesus and so the answer was my best get for an interview would be jesus of nasser if i could interview and so i framed the book of fiction story around a
character who could be interpreted as having aspects of jesus' and out built characters around him so that it becomes a story that plays to the things that i know about i know a little bit about the broadcast media i know a little bit about political history and a little bit about religious philosophy and so i tried to blend those things because why you know a lot about all three an ad it comes through quite clearly it's a book that a flat burr and you open up in nashville tennessee and if you create a political figure it sort of a political advisor as a grouping i and he's sad and jerry cooper is a is that thought was a real wheeler below ground politic from politicians and little on the conservative side but that's the way the country was going
in and you want to be a journalist want to be on television when he does the research and this is my guest historian yeah those up at jerry cooper is the is the name of that character he's a political operative that he was soft he was an aide de a chief advisor when a man named albert packard was governor a while and then when albert pike are ever present jerry cooper ascended to the presidency as his you know more than a chief of staff he was the person in his ear whispering sea now packard the president in the malian government president robert packard is a is a religious fundamentalists online religious exclamation point after fundamentalist and jerry is not but bond and marla albert the girl that jerry and i know
that you're not seeing it is it is the dusty to the president straight politically are as best you can now aa in all this is a book of fiction and there is a disclaimer that i wondered if of packard is some politician known racine somewhere he's a composite you've known a lot of records that you don't have to pack his arm ian he's not done is not ronald reagan he's not pat robertson he's not george bush he's nice he's not done anybody from years ago that the by that might have had a religious bent of their politics but he is all of that he he isn't an exceptionally charming guy packard is big he meets people well he never met a stranger but he has within himself this closet religious belief
that he has a special mission in life in politics and nobody knows about that even jerry cooper who knows everything about it not even his national security advisor is the head of the cia nobody knows what albert packard has advised that he wants to accomplish in his presidency you know you don't you know people like that i'm also known people like millard who begins almost a recent would lead you up and this is a book of fiction and no know a character that then a fumble by them but i've known people like a number of people are in this book he does he refers to his protege of barney frank who was a local talk show host in atlanta he's discovered by northampton who was a legendary broadcast journalism amaro maybe a young legend in his own time in his own time of don hewitt type alarm and yet he does
say he does have this kind of elitist attitude towards the people he works with and he referred to as the host of the show's lead as adam of big international in the us but it only begins in nashville far the purpose of getting very proper to reflect on and to try to bring to his institute the people who played a role in this great international mr cowart and then the n u and you know the president packard and i guess i'm interested that you've not only on the market dive were legal evangelize the world an evil start with the premier the soviet union that's right and there's a summit coming up ann and that summit sort of sets the stage for him for a conflict that we don't really know even
at the end we're still guessing about whether the russians were who in soviet union was being sincere and freeing most disciplined most obscure does the moon all willing really will making a concession to the united states for growth package raising general hailed about human rights right or whether the russians are doing it with more sinister motive and the question also is whether the cia director i'm buzzing the president has his own ulterior motive exactly an end to all this just a short circuited and to get to the second coming comes as disciplined merkel were young your e bello is that is his name and he is an itinerant
preacher slash rabbi in the in eastern europe and in the soviet union the the circumstances surrounding his birth are a question nobody is really sure about all the circumstances surrounding his birth mom he is about his father's let the love who was a partisan during world war two and fought the nazis he was captured by the nazis tortured by them he lived for a short while after them afterward and down and died in the arms of his wife the son and i'm so you're either love their child starts performing what would be called murder of those killings and he doesn't waver in all about is trying to be quiet about it and tried to come to terms with actual lighting himself with determining who
actually am i i can do these things but what my supposed to do with them what we're supposed to do with my life and as you know john durham is the seventies during the time of the cold war the soviet union they have what they called dissidents and these dissidents saw more call refuseniks they they they were arguing and demonstrating for human rights in the soviet union freedom of speech religion and rose and up above that the americans try to get some of these dissidents released one of the most famous the days and the night time sharansky it was a high official with the israeli government today he was released that love really have people know who a lot of these people were bukowski sharansky others that love was an enigma i mean there was no book on him and he was he was
up skewer the cia didn't know about what what was so the russians released him immediately the united states intelligence or why and the story evolves as to why and what his message is and ultimately the best intelligence source turns out to be this journalist millard hampton who goes to your digs up the story on your e bello finds out who he is and prepares his talk is hosted as moderator this program barney frank for an interview to be conducted in israel well us as an international mystery and an end and the millard is is really a nation a nation i mean he's admitted for varma of most just phenomenal but then the un with a character your e mail of strikes me
as we never really get the known very well known and there is a scene where where a cure is this woman no question over to her she blind and we give the site and it's interesting the morality little morality play you create and one point she's being criticized for her easy virtue but feller gives get's voted in a wooded you give the russian's what'd she give the russians destroyed or would you give them an end you know it makes it it makes for a historical analogy i mean it's quite service of the historical jesus in a totally different what atf then you have did you know at the time you started the story that it was gonna be a never ending
story that we weren't going to know what happened to your e at the end well yes out however i learned something from watching the authors you're on a word on words from interviewing authors from from reading about authors and that is when i originally wrote this book i try to control it and after a while and a few very blatant rejections by publishers and some some harsh criticism by people that i respect i determined to allow the characters to take me rather than me take them and and so rather than determining what the outcome of every scene is going to be i tried to get into the zone where the characters actually determine their own fate into in terms of there being no
definite absolute conclusion it seems to me that life is like that though that there except for maybe a set of some show on television but all of our lives are constructed in such a way that they are evolving and that there is never really conclusion there is one thing leads to the other and there isn't and when we look back in retrospect we see it differently than when we were living through it so like that's that's what i tried to give energy to in this book is the fact that this was a window of time but these events happened i tried to ask him questions about the nature of christianity today and the another question i tried to raise is what if the jesus that so many fundamental christians worship was not the jesus of history what if the jesus
that lived in palestine in the first century was a great and wonderful and and perhaps the a stick figure but at the same time not exactly as we have them today so those were those were some issues i was raised for those of you who are just tuning in i'm talking with them all for and jay barth about his book the hooligans and the hooligans is the land of mystery buyer is the fed is the faith healer is the man who's best a name is still a mystery at the inaudible i wondered if you had in mind and a possible sequel i mean in iraq invasion you ring in hearing back in another book possibly i think i have a character you know pretty frank was in my first book the bench listener and i think i have a character that's enough an author can get a lot of character and running through a series of books and in various situations i feel much more
comfortable pursuing that in a sequel and maybe having him involved in another cause i spiritual situation than the ballot because in my own mind i think i know what happened to bill i didn't say it in the book because ilo each reader to determine what happened but i am and i don't believe that the love came to a fateful it was that was very pleasant for him the russians do not want the interview with barney frank the air the americans do not want it to air the israelis do not want to appear as ahab all this confluence of political and diplomatic forces tried to stop this tape of getting on the year of the interview with this guy who sang very controversial things about the nature of christianity and a power i am it seems to me that maybe maybe a spokesperson who have similar things to say two thousand years ago
well there is this beautiful black woman who has the tape fill images we were away i mean it i'm a woman the way that an absolute conclusion of the of the story but did you know you're going to learn when you create that gave up a well it's an exciting moment in the book is it is it is that just forget said that was not enough patriotism at it as a crucial moment in the book and it seems to me that it seems to me that i can almost see the movie you know i understand you know i look at the news today and and see similar tragedies which are probably a thirty second voice over read on the news happened for example most of which
dies in interest if heart attack heart disease that question to mark weir and tomorrow it's back and the porcelain will the bachelor meredith the girl is a bomb what i try to show that these things go on all the time these mysterious happenings we're power against power takes over people are killed wiped out for political purposes and and nobody knows you know nobody knows why or when it happens so you know you write so well and if i had to pick a scene in the book that literally reached out and remy and pull me and it is the exchange between jerry cooper and the president when cooper finally has enough and m and says to me your nuts this is crazy which are which again and
go to get a handle on yourself like that dialogue is is gripping and learn and you wonder how many political aides have than that to say too about figuring what gerry brownlee said alpaca gay got the guts to do it because because packard i mean he has a map of alien along the national security advisor he has a david strauss david strauss at it as a cia drone is a little touchy kissinger and david straub a businessman om there is up there he has a cia director who never met a flag in cinemas and the general there general andrew jackson a canon and jerry bless his heart he he he just wants to be involved in politics he's a political junkie and he we you
not a guy that he thought he could help become president and he finds out that the guy hasn't as an aspect to its a little we're pleased and so the more jury learns about this man as president he gets the guts to tell what he thinks of you know john there's so many questions i try to race in the book one of them is is it is it a good thing for a high political leader to believe that god ordained him to do something do we want our political leaders to be pride which is get the job done deal with these issues that we need to deal with in a strong way but without that feeling in the back of their head i am sent by god to do this and that's one of the questions that the troubled there is a moment also look when general andrew jackson the camera and david straub national security advisor so the team up on jerry the
first large areas closer to the present than either of them you know you've got the president's ear on a regular basis and talk politics don't and clearly packers have great political instinct want but there comes a moment when these two fellows find it in their best interest to challenge and undermining to raise suspicions about his loyalty they suggest that jerry help his old friend miller i get this interview with yuri and at that at that moment carrying lose that a little bit but in losing it he talks straight straight to the president that he ever really is our soil and says you know which which really haven't learned years at saint and i'm i don't know if it's that it's that moment in the book when you begin to wonder and worry
you know we're right on the cusp of them not a war a war yes and when you write you write from an outline in this book i did not palm india and if there is a scene when i have a few ideas in my head and started out why not another book and you know it i would recommend and i had to start this all over again i would have no i wrote this book when i could and tried to fit in writing with with a few other things and so therefore it was better that i just sat down in front of a tire in front of the computer and put down as much as i could you know a thoughtful an interview you've interviewed me so many times and then i did you ever you do mention if you deliver that line is great that iran had you in the chair where you and so the question that i get that but i i mean i gave our audience i'm sure those having watched round table so many times and then for the times i was on there always enjoyed it but it seems to me that
that jerry would've been a very appropriate figure homerun absolutely that's that's very good kenichi say that he would have as a matter of fact i framed him around a person who would have been a wonderful player on a political talk show out that his problem was acting in the book his problem was that he couldn't get a job out because he looked good and even sounds good as some of the others who had that and the grouping i had ever getting away but yeah a pow in nashville who he out who he had respected and he ran a year by not for profit institute people a think tank in nashville and he got a job as a researcher and at that point he decides joseph and what is going to solve a problem here and we begin in the whole thing and i will bring show about how to bring david tj back here and i'm going to
bring the general andrew jackson getting back years i can i get millard back and how does get it all together and the anti and the controversy the question was called packard gate because it was based around president opera packard what secret plan to present united states have that he was going to unleash at the summit with a soviet premier and that is the question that he tries to find what it was and what happened after that in yemen writing regimen we're into and then you had to do this book the twain mounted weren't and it is beyond reason you're back in the beyond reason now but you get up in the morning when you're working on a book and then a hit for a period and on the ride better neither yeah i mourned writer and i used to have to get up
early for the round table was also using a very early to do this i can't i have to have certain things right there are certain rituals that like i can't have anything else on the table and the desk were right except the laptop in this case armed iran it up i can't write later on in the day or late at night it has to be up in the morgue but but but the environment is it has to be laid out exactly right i can hear some people like classical music or something like i can't have any sound whatsoever i have a severe phones i'll put on a just blocked out any sign whatsoever and that helps be awfully to go into a character and create a character well you know you write so well i think it's a gift and he got it right and we just run out of time but i hope that you will write another book whether a sequel are something else it's great to have you here thank you jon you're a dear old friend and i appreciate you
have me on and talking to get him barred as you know about his new book the vuitton it's great to have him here and it's great to have all of you out there watching for word on words and done similar keep reading
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Teddy B. Art
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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The Hooligan
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: ADB0065 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCPro
Duration: 27:26
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-jw86h4dt8d.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:32
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3429; Teddy B. Art,” 2006-03-15, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3429; Teddy B. Art.” 2006-03-15. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3429; Teddy B. Art. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from