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so you know once again welcome to word on words kinky friedman is back in town and the variety only welcomed or don't worry about things their great to be here that day at a blast from the past blast from europe as well in our money one of a report about our loved every winter though found a refresher i mean most people really enjoy and sent home has and that's to light up a cigar on camera but a certain chemistry between us though was i don't think we might consider to be noting that the cigars on at the time i mean you know it's kind of that possibility of the thing again you're going oh that was great ideas it is not only possible it on your younger and stronger in iowa where you are breaking the god knows how many ordinances well our mission of this regard him as a smoke free building but admire a person
who i am personally can do that it is and for more and crew of a a a very good fight humor much was great day back in the end sensitive the program on books and authors made we'll talk a little bit about for this book class in the past and its authors i find their number of people i've known for i mean all right so is there again gangster is red so in fact europe versus a kinky friedman is sherlock holmes in his own mind is so it is so you're watching you know wrestlers is yes i'd say is as close to dr
watson as admit there's a problem and wrestled with as to who is the perfect dr watson because mike mcgovern also my days in their narrative content of our favorite irish poet is really an innocent man and a very smart man and would be a very loyal to admit make a fine doctor watch and so india next book which isn't idol's banking watson says finnish island is a quest for the perfect what i suppose we should be and keep on point here but we're not you know doable for colonel i'm having a scarier heaven i have always known him to be a man in a curve there well it deals with a search for the perfect water starts with a click of a drunken death row that i write the lesbian upstairs when cats and of taiwan real bizarre twist a buffer and in the morning i see the damn thing on a kind of a
smack you know emerge too well and this idea that i'm a short although the regulars show the noted television real issues on the strike killed when a cat and she brought to me and she's my client now they only walk on diligent you were a corporate lawyer to infiltrate the lesbian task force and so we're going to replace why is it always told him because you're a gentleman no no no well the reason i open or around the result the vocal of i don't know i'm years ago old jewish men very famous character gee well you know what in you know
i don't know exactly what it was about a mythical guide named rom bom around wandering around somewhere in the year while he's still remember me which of course i mention both bubbles primitive seed catalog of the gangster well the case youre opens this both for the atlantic and the kurds ran again in blessed is kinky of our thinking crap before call me think he is not live through curriculum now our milk oh well you know you know that you have a former ibm course i do have it and if you don't know it in front of right on the back of this others arrived there working dude playing chess is challah will master the us is a grandmaster of the world's mr shafi in nineteen fifty two months ago a poignant picture the guy the other guy man standing up as an ocean ski by he played fifty of a small intensely intimate at the same time i just in fifty a beat everybody i was the youngest at age seventy you
notice heat because i was younger set up a picture those on the front page newspaper nieto my bed in art i feel terrible beating your kid i can't really change it with seven year old is that i think it's like a beach bases like headlines around the world served it's terrible and you know sell it on the picture doesn't look like a good look at the youth is going to go and joe mccarthy about it joseph mccarthy's sitting there in houston texas and joins us from within hours of jernigan isn't well i see it you're playing you're playing a land of the bandstand on december the honor of the jungle and less well i was your recent past and owners about quote from brooklyn and there's the nice clothes of wonderful quote from ago i love rodeo roadkill to dream of thousands were killed and i get about that standard that place when i say i think the next move is always the best known for promoting this
is redemption ii well the reason i asked a question the first place for ribs what was a crush so rudely interrupted we'll talk about what was that you had to do with watson the result as good as because you suggest in this book as sherlock holmes raised questions about the sexual preferences of his friend walked back but yes we yeah i think that's that's i think i think it's it's what we're most famous late know social relationships and all the literature as holmes and watson and it's all so beautiful and watson as more beautiful man but domke holmes is the more compelling than i mean i'm annie in no choice if you identify with sherlock i mean you are sherlock and our goal is to know that leave under a woman so that they weren't only that and i was an aging homosexual friend of mine to port who just
wrote the book in three hours and cinnamon twenty years in the books and they said it's very good for what it is he said i do see a certain linkage between you and coughed him that you both are equally aggrieved of mankato and there was a lot of this young lesbian says identity creative you know it would you know if you think you'd be reading john grisham levy really i don't know i think it's a possibility that he might say this kind of quirky off center here as detective guys my god that's possible but so much tragedy of a cylinder know well i did this and you take us back to the seventies to this interview for edie edie hochman rhine is right here and there is a pointer during a
point during one these encounters in the book in which a young woman was no dairy free is and bear fruit is the ad is already are when in the book and the gangster tells us drug use while a dozen invented the sixties for now you do so while it a verb up a lot more violent image of hoffman yeah and the other end and it is a guy who was always say i think he was i really do feel that he was persecuted for not taking life everything he everything he said exaggerated by and he's done so not ten percent but a hundred percent and you know he scared the
hell out of our strategies geared judge hodgman clear that trial and it was a little rambunctious but i didn't want to get me in this book into owned paper and not an aging every op ed you also get me into the office of his lawyer william kunstler you all broke down and over the years both in america and he was so sharp engages in heartbreaking it's true it's not it wasn't a real soulful yet and i also as ned the first case i ever had the summer for a whole now a minor before you wrote about her way before this is the first thing i retire really realize i was potentially a modern day sherlock of the time that way
it also allows other guys but then all that accommodations are like bobby seale also barbecued jury room and you're not working does every was just like the jewish dinosaur in a stern out these kids because kids are realizing that actually nothing mentioned a note that the sixties had not taken another barrier broken heart and i think once again we're going to give the howard stern show a few times and i was out here and now and there's a belief we have in amarillo well so it was all about a candidate wins the end of his life or oscar wilde a minute to elevate everybody's it was an unappreciated man who well i think at a certain point you also on your philadelphia and several younger than i am right now the imam is in there and i were both getting screwed by the same manager when we met with this how in that we're both played a show at the bottom on the
ark the god knows thirty years ago and he wouldn't understand a tragedy and you know i was with the dodgers tuition and what followed was about a decade of depravity a lot of proving marching powder goddess was heavy alcoholic as well here was a man who could we say in the i don't know if you can call a man who drinks a tropical fish aquarium about good day and alcoholic than certainly was and for him to come back as the us invasion that alone is remarkable and decided that was a wig and an openness on he came down about bolton in gay marriage it hoffman live on the painter and for a while in texas when he was running from the federal government and it came down and he was running from his own demons and his face as he was in the deep water swimming there one day was like a reporter or death mask you know i mean he was not long for this world or just before that he went to rehab or get serious about the claims they never really help them
now i was five but he has really helped them so young and he is now helping many many of the people is so it was only for kids is a remarkable idea that everyone is it's very close with his cousin of a whole lot of john people would get bored anything that happen and for whatever reasons i do you know about a way that we can just jump on to this because i'm only because there's one called selective has hit of workers there is movement and that is so we have a rescue ranch of rebels in utopia texas and it's some we just started and i think you are we now have fifty dogs we save from the pounds in kerviel and in your velvet textures with adopted out about eight or ten of them and it's so it's something that has started to be really sick we have willie nelson
an ann richards and congressman lamar smith on our advisory board and a bunch of americans and that caught where we are not able to fit concert you know obama for delivering shrimp but don't know it we loved was not injured on issues gao that does whatever manner of our people like tom snyder is very cheerfully agree that the coat is the storm's path well i know what i don't i don't live in california counties to love outsiders a baby about certain things like that to me which is that it was set up that i was i would tell me to not about seventeen years cummings said because twenty of the money on the show so i haven't been recovered now set dodd got really detailed fortunate but to just thinking what can we give the jerry brown the numbers you're going over one of
the rescue ranch and find out more about our cousin nancy had a trio nine six six to four nine finding better repeat again off again a trio nine six six to four nine five and the number of boys and a mushroom never forget what our motto is so there are no bad dogs there are no good people his cousin incited first cousin and then she can take the gold bullion cosmetic was the dogs and where i saw fathers of the water for one full deal and i'm just bought this book a recent book on that stood about dogs it's a dog's never lie about love and your eyes rimmed by from concordia election i haven't learned on star review on the aircraft are about three pages in and they're completely common so states on the show that the book is a gem at very good that has a kafka quote about dogs in there but nikkei people now this
concert of every four rangers well i don't want to take away the last of the past were so addressing probably about dogs and farm well dogs cats horses were about of all gets its own just on the question of the book who is judy i mean i you know i mean you describe an early on the day a sexual encounter with judy that's not the way you describe it but i mean this is a public television program but jerry jerry seems to me to be a slightly altered person how that sexual encounter strike you know it because it was not at all in all really was i wouldn't say this was just a couple me and judy making love on rats of skid marks couch when it so that those kids it well anonymous get sued because of michael bloomfield and phil ochs both lived on the couch
progreso claims of hors d'oeuvres which are now would you be mine of local mall he claimed that and so you know you only as a worker and the new album of ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha says but anyway i had i reacted as an organ in on you don't stop enabling you want you to we don't stop and they can interact with their comments in an hour one on both the well liked my agent esther lobster newberg found that extremely offensive and there she felt women will find it offensive it and it was put down which is to be taken out of the car and my editor who wears a bow tie and three cats in his new york city felt every time you get a groove yes so you will talk about that they are motor but they know that some of those materials your ivory and i was a writer and i'd read every word or even actually adapted joseph turow
of course we're using authors name is lars warnings your atlanta reading a possible or what i have some room disappeared war which are yet another national no one has been offended by saying absolutely no real fan of our journey yes well known not on a sailboat you know but i was i was so i was surprised it's the seventies it's the tail end of the sixties it's there still a free loving context in the context of free love on knots privacy nor am i offended by in the context of the senate i'm not offended by your breathing in the council his office for example we are not offended by much and anything you write with hoses you make me laugh that was an innovation of wrong with the defense of others were children are in the book a little light is the world over our
joy that i find the older people are the ones that have on there because my books are becoming increasingly profane movie notice i haven't i noticed that you know you don't have people holding garlands anymore the other like a vibe all the people are there's usually like a flag first of all of course my wonderful wife unfortunately she passed away early this morning i had to kill her and take her to my lord she never really appreciated my work in a way she did realize i could look out a window and still be working hard enough scenes for a book that was obviously ghost written by an idiot savant masturbating on a muggy a mental hospital he's a genius jesus christ and scrooge mcduck
they're encouraging inflation poor guys were great you know the past four months i was a lot of like my editor chuck downs for taking in bible time away from his other evident project what dr tonight of moves toward women should oppose the midst of her there a little more real proof a special note the other like a flag his mother and father men and tom friedman for conceiving in casper wyoming and providing him with a happy childhood which of course as we all know is the worst possible preparation for life tom as always been there for me and i probably hold my mother's hand more than a no means in heaven now for a certain place along with girls casey cohen tom baker john
morton roebuck blue and brightly everybody else allowed in and no doubt i will be happily joining a series of things that now stephen lemon well my mom was a general consultant for this book but i'm assistant it for so long that i'm thinking about mountain knots actually my sister marcy read the manuscript and probably hundreds max offer a wish upon himself tied the manuscript out of a computer which i still refuse to touch because like the unabomber i believe that every time you use it it takes away a little piece of your soul and increases the possibility of your opening up mr kinky as male boutique in paris texas i would like to fact my agent esther lobster newberg but instead of dedicated the book to her and hopeless to work harder some people work harder to cure
it also goes to charles and sell or intruding the word pencil which means diminutive peanuts in yiddish my facts extent as well to well as hoover are providing jesus's last word from the new testament as hoover points out even a king james bible what a collie alike the lead pack my reluctant music stephanie du pont i'm i recently asked if you go on a honeymoon trip with me that is true you know if you serve on how legitimate judge and i have to tell everybody until january first for every word of that indication of negativity only a peerless public belief that if i have to look like what it won't but you know i counted as dubious if you think of your work as a musician
and matches your work as a writer well i don't the guy richard bona musician i know what my thing was a just a tragic mistake for now and i think that's probably why don't i just don't think it was all and it argued all his idea now that is a small step in the limo to the daughter of ours ideas percolate into my head is left over lyrics from his songs and maybe i do when i'm typing your music and how as a fourth grader would just waitin hours of the former songwriter do i hear music when i'm writing those books which i thought were a stupid question not my father was a principled and four chan wonderful insight says to have but doug is a bleak i guess i think the better prose writer that i am a musician we do have this cd forthcoming which i think i'm very excited about these pearls in the snow coming up a december one
on our website which is when a rebel leader be the kinky friedman dot com only the soul there in the ingenue word don imus will begin holding out relentlessly on the imus in the morning yeah it's it's called on those or you read a book and find that don imus is not all in the morning a member fink is talking about primus when he went off in the morning before it came back on and the more right this is i know what you're going into seventy eight seventy nine and we had a week we feature of other what it said it would give one to you know visit this weekend with willie nelson's original robin gibb lawyers worth experiencing and tom waits follow joe full commission which was not a lesson you think this is a and i am the jewish record company president and the ceo of king did you
record which as a kid to do as a southerner as a mammal from self american contingent here and now with cat i get to that story earlier this really a good way not all when you say that you're an innovator people operate on its list of america's now where were lowering limbo baraka miranda let me ask about all of them that few moments that allow for me just ask about all of the year a claim that isn't coming your way and me a potential box that have come your way as a result of your and your emerging career my i would say the reason it's a natural synergy and it's a flip phone a synthesis it's very dissimilar from a career like garth brooks's were looted sony and burger king getting together you know the likes of napa is it just people like what a play berlin in july for the first time
i've played all catholic church called passenger to form of your own church and us already a wisdom was also judy garland walker pole three minute audit some analysts and what josephine baker berlin very rare success and the most of it was there was also a chorus in london
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Kinky Friedman
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Blast From The Past
Talk Show
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0128 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-jq0sq8rh72.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:51
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2710; Kinky Friedman,” 1998-10-17, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 19, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2710; Kinky Friedman.” 1998-10-17. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 19, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2710; Kinky Friedman. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from