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fb or the national public television sets do you away celebrated authors literature and ideas for more than three decades but this is a word on workers' jobs don johnson even though a welcome once again to world words they'll welcome back lisa bowden is the bestselling author of whistling dixie animal the nor'easter
yankee doodle lake city now she's written a third and final book of addiction trilogy so there was a second language follow the comedic an endearing levy one more timely use out of the eu as he returns to memphis token restaurant was a great dad but i am so happy if you want to see you again i mean no this out of your own body what a character eyes you've been up there and shin van baker one often the new england to the calling of vermont than magical moment a memphis baker and affect pumpkins actually in june will win his when he brought back home they didn't
know how this love story was gonna twist and turn and maybe to his back and then his back and onto his back i didn't know the twists and turns whenever i started the plan at the beginning in hand but i don't know the middle and i don't know the cuts here and there that i just kind of unfolds as outgoing and that's the fun part and that's what keeps me interests ahead and excited about it and actually highlight a fun with this but the tape was on the surprise that because being the love lives of two men like those two thousand and so she had gone off to create the autumn and then breakfast and it's nice to come back home to memphis thon maker has a low life was bulger gone off with another woman
and she's come back to memphis and she had the starter own restaurant and among the playoffs the same name lowe along the news you're going to get will also been here well i think that out i always know that conflict conflict conflict that's going to have to have to turn the pages so i thought i was going to make to make it to to stop lee lane or tracks and of course i had to bring back the villain of the whole trilogy who is helpless like oh to give back an amtrak and more though is more evil ozone level before it ever before even though you don't see her you know all about her because my favorite thing is a writer that likes to twist and turn with comedy along the way is a funny valium so i tried to pattern her after crew ella the veil unwelcome leave it up and so i love
that and that kept me going trying to figure how can cool well come back because if there's one thing i learned from from readers who have written to me it when is healthy again to get her due so that's where the twists and turns came as long as they had something to do with helping slowing in the german six feet tall one man who just couldn't stay in lately in vermont could have had to bring her back now can say here and has been a homegirl way to honor all the way back so you're you're back end but she's sick of the happy you know bakeries gone baker number and but she's going to make it he's going to start this great place right and what's making her happy is that peter the chef that she found love with up in vermont has now returned to memphis he has come down to be with her and he is the chef of this new
roster is the roof chef of a new restaurant and hippies blossom in south that's right and we opened with i'm with oil a young neighbor it comes to sea only end wants to be hard on what he has to rally ended and wylie it as we go back as well as tourism so why is an iranian and so i like well it comes around says what about how can i have this job well no on noah's piazza says an illusion to go on and on all restaurant has through all round round peter there is a young sort of the rig on what he has to really and in open plan riley or wildly as he calls himself because bless his
heart he he happens to have a speech impediment it's a small he has what he calls it a soft are so he can't really pronounce his are so when while he comes and asked for a position as the sous chef is peter su says it's worth says lilia into its tailspin because really like most southern people is extremely non confrontational she does not like it she and most importantly she doesn't want to hurt anybody's feelings and to see a similar listened to him talk about a year since torture committed my life cause she knows when wiley ass that lee lee is about to get herself in trouble because she knows lately so well that i really can't say no so really comes up with in her head she thinks well sometimes a little white lie is just the kindest way
vs saunders can dump it on peter and i'm gonna tell him that peter already has a sous chef when in fact that was technically a fan he wrote she really did he did it and he didn't already have a sea shepherd it was a way of not hurting loudspeaker because wylie as kinsey puts it is extremely annoying and she knew that you were drafted this so she had to get out of this and i think that's where i had some fun with the tidal well so peter showed back up and sold up in memphis all of these girlfriends are envisioning bellini is a lover yes and they're all telling me how india's they are in they can see in their own minds it really in a situation with the year that he's never been and the
us both like in the us and as gandhi and yes so i'd be you know where the story's going to go after her for you know you must know that that is the restaurant's no one that is going to be a success of the beloved that peter is going to be terrific and very quiet and she didn't he had tried to you know we move along a little bit and the next thing you know who owned the mill the cracks a whip then serves you can do this so where that come from that it can follow how weight would that happen how could she do this from vermont when she doesn't even live in memphis well one release older back the and she sold her the name the peach blossom in what just to create a stirring just to be playing me she's in slavery a cease and desist letter that she can't
operate under that name of a lawyer says that they do is write my client <unk> a look inside the lives and to know and of course leigh leigh gets very upset and she falls apart because why would help to try to stop her so she has to hire a lawyer to represent her in her light it tells are it is jazz made them an it had something to do stall for time they are not going away and people do this all the time out of sheer mean yes he said i bet the post office delivers of thousands day of cease and desist letters of people just trying to get back at somebody else he said but still it made really have to delay the opening of her restaurant so she couldn't open the day she got so of course that made her outstanding that started more drama and an then they had all the fun was about to start then and because they had to look for other ways to make money and one wise
to hire and they were hired out this caterer and now through the new friend wanda own party than i know me and said it was on board that's right for a bit at tailgate party and if you've ever been to and only a stellar they are something years later the song i cant those by ann took us a buys ever been gomez will recognize the places they desire and rove and this wonderful thank you i i had a really good time with that because the lady that act created and hired really and the peat blossom in catering critic at that party and her name was to the shop window and see you i'm shamed was very interested in an outward appearances says she wanted a gray and tailgate party complete with ham chana silver
an elaborate centerpieces on the tables elaborate thing an improv is like a cocktail party underneath the tent in in oxford now from conflict i love the party would be a flop houses on that she'd be dissatisfied she loved the cds in london left the current phrase that yes there's even been for the sea did and the conflict came when there was a man hey you was coming on to really do is just three sheets to the wind and he was coming on to lately in really wanted paid her to step in and be chivalrous and be the southern gentleman and say what why are believe my girl alone but he didn't know that was one of the differences that she's always running into between the north and the south and the way he handled it versus the way she pays one step his gentlemanly doesn't want self i
don't believe in southern drawl in boise it upset by that time you've got is all wrapped up into whether pete year feels as she fields and then there is the moment there is no worries there is a kiss you send everybody knows everything there is to know yes yes and so now you're writing this story about this episode i have a happy ending blood all of sudden done have an abbey and imposes a lawsuit that skillful of whole thing out of whack and make a go in business and they got a fight it through and she ago when she's told boise has and want to end it then one day the phone call and it is makers
and bring in more complex of those are little girl has got a salinger nine salmon or baker i do now is their father in seoul and say linda but you knew at the outset you know bringing back yes and you knew that there are two ways you can in this story you want i'll have been on how to decide which way you were going to go well you know interestingly enough any flag here's one of my mentors she is the one that suggested that i bring baker back and asked the thinking about that as she suggested that before i even started writing it always ends and acid so you know going in are you going to come out i did know that melissa because i thought it was a great suggestion favourite where you are really new tummy that last hour have
so much admiration and respect for her and she mentored major in the second book so when she suggested that that girl knows what she's talking about and i thought it was right on so it gave me reason to bring back the father because of course the father's going to come back and he's gonna want her back but really has to make a decision and casey her the lady her second mother does not believe that he's changed because when he comes over water back he makes her think that he's changed and he made a big mistake and he tells her he's sorry and that he still loves her casey is not so sure he's too skeptical yes she is and she gets really all kinds of advice always has is a lovely lady and owens sort of model she is she is she and i have the funding about to see from
a sound based her on a woman who really was in my life and really was the second mother so she died in her life in two thousand to and i the fun part for me is that i got to bring her back to life and to those of you just tuning in and talk with liza that about the latest both southern as a second language i would back would levy and a and well what a pleasure it is to get back with a gun is a lovely story is a lovely story with a lovely ending now many people would say oh you know and as an off the eighties and you know the southern all the really ought to be moral about this thing and earned even though she loved peter is daddy coming back stand take me back we have been no let him come back and stay oh i was in fact i felt conflicted as i was
writing it because as she says but he's the father of my children you know when that be better for them wouldn't it be the best thing for my children an end once sheet talk to casey batteries doctor friends about it and she realized that he had abandoned her when the going got rough and she didn't trust him to not do that again and to sports enough to meet a man that really have proven trustworthy and that he loved her very much and she ultimately decides that and not to make the same mistake twice and i think that when i really thought about it i thought going the situation in our burn it that badly it would be really hard for me to take it back we really have to do a lot more than just words to convince me an o that letter in a book she runs into him and realizes she's made the right decision in deciding know
it's best to deal with the now you know you didn't really do you much depth with the divides that on purpose i think so because i really you really want in there with the burden of a baker is a bed that beer is a terrific terrific and so i thought you know i delta maureen said their pain in the first book that the children then in the third but because the book to me what i said to do is have a let the river ranger scuse me had a really good ten and keep it fun in line and no i guess i just i steered clear of that set to bring it into more fun saints and have a little bit more fun with it well the conflict is more profound if it becomes but
i'm sorry it later comes by again and really sincerely wants to heal the breach and he sounds like a good guy you make him sound like this the old baker i mean the old but viola with us to really wants him to be she really i think that it was a struggle for her because he was her first love her love of her life it but she had grown up so much and she learned so much because he abandoned her in vermont to running in about herself so she realized that she had betrayed yourself in laws in front of her and she learned quite a bit during the heat took an awful lot a way for a player named hugo long as he did or is the father would call it the frozen waste land
anyway he was not a fan of living somewhere that foreign finally you know to see is such an address last public utilities commission is you know she's our shoes off i quit taking me on the vagaries of life that affect leave at the end it all and this is such a different book seems to me men the first one i'm saying you know as the same character but seen as different plot is different yes it's a sequel but it's i can read this book and never feel that i missed the
first book now you hear one came along and yeah so you know that i know i and there is enough in the plot to remind me of where i've been but i'm really was her on this trip and and the woman who envisions seeing her naked with the year before she never been a computer guy i mean i i can understand exactly what the woman ascend ago oh oh um um no i can and marketer and pinky and klan meeting at peter was always my idea of as close to perfect a guy zack at in a mansion and it was it's fun as a novelist to be able to create someone you are you are with whatever characteristics you want
and let the movie is far from perfect or as close to perfect as you want them to be an island and what he didn't do about me just go put this whole trilogy behind him it's time can you really do that well somewhat reliant hands and the sec has you know as i was telling me about when i could resurrect his seat and spent time with her because she was someone that i love with alma hart and you know as meat lisa and to be able to resurrect her and spent time with her every day really really knows she really was the second mother she is based on completely real person who died and two does on to junior and so to be able to write about her i mean of course the plot is different way which i didn't go with the goat through those things with her but her mannerisms and what she looks like everything
about her with the same end so therefore i can be with her day out so i think she's who i will miss the most and i think she came across in my mind as the most authentic because of who she was based on her so what are your new now woven with of this just in distance from it professional lawyer us what your mornings and that's so funny because i was not a morning person until i started writing books and well actually maybe halfway through raising children but once i gave up the music business because that's what i did for a very long time i am came to be that there's i realize most of my creativity comes in the morning when i'm the precious after having slept so it's morning and then that i've realized i have to play
exercise and monday have to have to an end so our stopper that ending and go back to the writing that one thing i don't like about it is it just gives me time to just sit there and pick up today as iraqi they are so that in every way i always in the pudding on some a few pounds on rye there other and hound generally about how long every day do they are not no more toward a workday would be at eight too berry now it that in the when i'm really going for a kid these eighteen hours a day oat couldn't easily because by the time you know on a windy meeting when i'm eating deadline or when i'm doing and it's in and i have to reach the deadline i am someone that just i'm just all in completely focused a mother jones all day don't do anything just i'm just right there and have to move from place to place in the house
to get a little variety in my day that i stay so focus and i have to get down and so i can put in any hours at that point once there someday now is there in the morning brighton earley custom going to sit there and as i said before the news is not on your show was really a miracle really doesn't come around it can find to make a start it's not a good start that ever happened to me here's what i here's what idea that that call that an angel on one shoulder the devil only other angels whispering you can do it you're good at this o'connor and the devil's whisper in your family what he doing the same ticket saw battle with that know when he's screaming in my ear what i have to do
is at sea for juilliard been contracted to write these books so i don't really i know it's my livelihood and i know i have to do it so what i do is i will clothes knights in jest jar tight and it may and it may not be good but the way i figure it is if there is something on the page i can edit it but and i don't stop for anything i'll stop for grammar i'll stop for punctuation in it it up pictures something on the screen and i write it in a may be terrible but at least at the end of the day i had something to read and something to add so i don't have that problem as much because i have to make myself do it because i don't have the luxury of not doing it because of them the contract that at sunset far you know and i have been contracted for a fourth song do in the mail in must contain the
last keep going keep going so those seem accurate before yes definitely and sing me back here after foreclosure leon something different things that come in this hour i'm so honored to be here you know that thank you and thanks to all of you for watching on john civil war forward own words remembered the breeding fb
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Lisa Patton
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Southern As A Second Language
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW4305_HD (Digital File)
Duration: 00:27:49:00
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-jm23b5xc58.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:28:43
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 4305; Lisa Patton,” 2014-00-00, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 4305; Lisa Patton.” 2014-00-00. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 4305; Lisa Patton. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from