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fb liz from nashville studio way celebrating offers literature ideas for more than three decades this is word on words with johnson and johnson the welcome once again the word on words i guess the android blunt jr the author of twenty one books covering subjects from the pittsburgh steelers the run lately what dalton singing the mark twain is a regular panelist on npr's wait wait don't tell me and he's a member of the american heritage dictionary usage panel he's also from the
office do you do today to talk about his new book alphabet juice that energy is just since birth of letters words and combinations thereof their roots bones innards this tips and sacred parts pictures tonics and essence is with examples of their usage fall and say rick warren welcome back door of the words are going to be about four thousand dollars in as you well know little over over over over much of this album well i it's so great to have you back and it's great daddy back this time will look onward toward more appropriate for your own work alphabet juice you know i looked at the title and then i stumbled through the subtitle and one of what in the world is rory about that this time
the book is funny i guess i need to begin by asking you about your uncle cousins so who did the glasses profit versus sir thomas more than the seventeenth century and the first dictionary of every to trace the roots of work the incursion well but and dr paul once was aggressive fighter helicopter to a nearby lover and live alphabet juice is this a book about words and the images of letters indicating me that people have gotten too far away from the actual inherent value and the sounds of our linguistic point there's no light as it were the sound of words intervening years parker and then you quote linguistic follows is saying harder arthur
and and then i think you make the case pretty well the outset with what they'd say that the ottoman empire's doing with difficult life that though they say that words can have a direct relationship meaning because in english is going in the norwegian ngo nervous enough or something and in russian ago and vigor spelled c h r g lte georgia hello but sobule it is pronounced loo how russian pigs ago came out with a thing that says you have to build a lot of travelers a suitcase around in the us for a look at what he never thought about it before i i can't remember in the big thing going on are not enough on the artist well what they said is going to
sell the people part of the way that one or the point or you create this online the beginning of day on ten long words and one of the members just maybe it was the name for an ongoing royale linguist linguistically what the factors though is on the committee that decides <unk> lending word that america was in fact the word bubble up over the centuries and graduate we're zooming in the case has come to resemble each other and say when people in their dogs were married couple don't look like you know nor what we're eager which originally written and sharpen the same roots akron rising become love to mean whenever he's now with the sort of ball going in which to lose the promoters who weren't serious to fit a meeting with the words and six
months keep the police a po po their chickens are a lot more to your phone the chicken noises any hispanics the aisle po po po and the japanese is po po po hours for chicken noises listen the ticket you as the book moves along if you were you really create your own addiction or jeremy you are known for an idiot or july right well an end but the point being that not every word and webb says is an alphabet just shows so it's highly selective on a lot of problems are not arbitrary but really
there is a young there is that excessive use it in the front of the book and it's repeated going wrong noam chomsky linguist was a scholar political activists where'd that come from ali g la la loses and ali g show is this cap who pretends to be an arab british era back and speaks in a bizarre accident was our can't reproduce and interview famous people already on their sort of go in because jesus is to be a foreigner in our country and i asked if you said how many words those you know you say well the average of all votes on revising those are thousands of colleges says what is good for the us what's a well
needed they'd sung in there and and and one word that song everybody's mind right now is the word i thought there'd be instructive to our audience if i ask you to read a little from that is and let's read your father extended bit dr several people but we're going to look for checking to see whether something you think of as arab and so well express the downside as the wrong hands and you know the founders of google moves are to digitize all human knowledge have confessed that they spell their comedy that way the old the elite because i didn't realize that gee o o g o l a spell that what yolo g o l meaning ten to the one hundred hour or tin duo tribute to june thirtieth one to higher than the figure which most popular writers max out was
coined who is nine years old only american mathematician edward kavner and asked him to come up with a name for the biggest number you can imagine when i was a child and i can sense a lot during our journey we would sit around saying well the school year was better than that they came up with a divorce and the rest is history from the word people of the presidents of the portable of google in a very thin the duke he never let all the suspicion grows up the judge would ruin your own happy and says that like a job that you're going out well as it a double along on your own for humor and you run through this book but also five year resident
things like they'll they knew a little message in there for you now i'm still not able to put that together and say you and you may have heard that the government of those aj felt so much like ha ha ha so far no well that is i don't write about it like a word that say jet age a survivor initial sites pay is another example i was listening you know the dawn wall learned from a country that never understood elements of the un that's don walser was already own terry terry gross that he had regular was like like olmert and she said days at it two different note i do a cowboy or an
affliction know and i thought wow one dollar cissie owen is a swiss yodeler yeah so ha ha ha let you down just briefly into the question of oil one language first one with american language and areas and activists as a lady and there is obviously and very strongly in favor of english being on the mormon and he said i do not want for the controversy obviously that the procedure quote an airport is i do not want to get my butt caught in a rare now you point out that most of us remember when katherine graham was confronted by former attorney general john mitchell i
guess it was a similar quote about another part of her anatomy for that thank you push for him as being only language in america and yet she was didn't know how to deal with in his weekly gig at your butt colon rare and a lot of the times fell ill of the dead and here is that a kind of that whole question about it is here for that is lack of the throat of all fell off its servants opium activists like like me who have to start agitating for preserving pronouncing words paying attention to the sound of the spelling words have to have a big job you know this book
is filled as it is with anecdotes and when you are i own an alphabet the words as you love selected by you on the bitter or lotteries are yet there's just outside the adult years of the knowledge about words for ever always wanted to do a book origin of anwar better write a big bestseller first and then and the publishers said we came to win it a book award not obviously been published and published and published twenty one doesn't actually trust you go well the owners are dressing with their money ha ha i had written a big chunk of our income and take note though mears south some in all the world was submitted this like thirty they were worth and so then they liked i want you to deal with
one word sentences two word sentences and three word sentence is what won one world one mother one word socialism forget about spelled with a few agencies the va be forget about it then we'll jesus wept as the right to work the right rewards owen says all that needless work so the shorter life do you though the justinian on the world ward wondering about is the valuable government views you want you also deal with a word jr you are a jew and you recite the fact that others on june thirty eight <unk> presence of the genes including there are real both obama and mccain alabama with aig also banned and even sarah palin and her mother's day was certain issues that she grew up as
little sirens sounded so odd a recognition on your own difficult period in adolescence and the follies in the house and this unfold and they say that divorce is owned by canoe in and say more than the oil i mean my mind roll watson is gone man there's a somali jenner he is when they didn't cause but he's still genuine than my son art is nigeria my name is john else wants his is john michael over them but one he you wanna tell me he wanted to know
the john singleton which arthur schlesinger so employees are strictly repetitive arthur schlesinger i heard once in the nude should fall or as bea arthur schlesinger accept no substitutes so i thought that was lovely in my son's case when he suggested he should be john singing gone out of the johnson publishing is so we've accepted father divorced has to follow what you're an insurance mr malice you know for there was a terrible thing terrible for may when i run into somebody in restaurants and on single know enough with well be they talk a little bit about what you put in it way left out i'm in there is far too much but left out to talk about but what about this i said are rigorous selection of their words on you regarding big theme of this book is that too cowardly assertion that
standard in linguistics test that there's no that really simply that word in the longer recover like the word jew so you know where will outlive them lawyer your words like cold war and queasy and rickety don't know the almaty about it the additional reproduce video games that actually about the word bird during the word through differences go right through your mouth like the word fork which starts out that the first move in the direction of dubie of unstoppable the word fraud which definitely back and you're being joe words the center which come from the stakes are this time you know and a new book but why should anyone college sector to watch and you wouldn't call the large sector unions some work word search instant know drop and appropriateness over the years and i think that the writers
write better if they enjoy the sonic we can look on page i think page to fifty four but there is there i am the john berman of golf whether you're talking about john german's interview with for personal use patients and a writer friend your mom and tortillas are always work toward a more passionate center they're more passionate that their passion and feeling kristen plays like allison and rhythm of a life lived and reverend was of the people are readers alike are people who felt like somebody on the page and baron says when he finishes voting
users only don't know what it meant but it sounds like the sound of it in the news then i know that you know you first anything then he refers to do on they're eating and then you go back then through editing which is under eu law would prefer for the fact that people will really struggle to write a straight through you more than allow workers to wipe out the gates and and in that point i went back at it only a growing sunni eights know it or eleven said she did shoot about with about mom for her living in two days to read and i said quote a
low tech as ours maybe and yet muscling a momentary thought or all that stitching and stitching is not and she just a digital world the line there you've got the stage yet if it does not save a moment's thought our stitching is not joe and ewan you think funny when you write for eleven your own stuff all reading is eleven to sell right a lot of drudgery well in this book is loaded not only learning but with great humor and other words are funny or so spell big noise you know that border forty little squiggles of that we have the letters or the centuries and we put those together the words and we look at the words and say greece you know around the
world that that's a wonderful if construction on surgeries that we can look into letters and sunny breezy and think about or greasy if you're under islam but what i will say there's some words that you read i mean i read allington i think it now maybe and maybe as part of a conference in libya and i got out i think you get in trouble when you draw universe was notions about languages you know got huge huge we're harping on this notion that there is a universal hard or grammar the dutch that people are born with a bit of that but when you have to get that's a coward arbitrary or the flag and those objectors show it takes you away from that and write your word is like money money has gotten so desolate drive from actual dollars in lush and try to think about actual things back for that a lot of money that went away recently and then tons of the nature of the franco chicken
drumsticks on a lot to take dev plays by commercial for the goal of my journey think about how words were work through your mouth and tongue craves where people don't want to think about what goes on in their mouth or or another peoples' wells especially but duch but i think if you think about words as productions like the word through going straight through your mouth of new regulation efficient words more in jail briefly words marshall mcluhan who was a great friend in a corner phrases ideas simeon's the messenger is the massage religion on there are some people who are substantially contribute sue are not just so cavalier bar phrase made the phrase oddly to end it it strikes me when i think about that that the new media the online
world there's great old dictionary on its own are headed to our own rubles is a perfect example a common i do every morning and i don't know it's the title of a that's right but it an alley when you when you won't win his think about it i find that there are times when an eye and don't appreciate someone using the announcement as a murder but usage produces that angle is the title of an art form the kiwi juice resistant to change in addition to that when people use or disinterested to mean not interested in angel last but the farther out as maggie carson the heroin use her back the question will the
changes we need so let's vote this to me that viewers like the universe is like a heavy stubble you want an alum who is by the question to mean this raises a question you can't avoid that question the question as result of the soul if you the traditional oyelowo don't know what you mean to the commonly started a little stickers economies i always think i don't know what a nun in the fifth grade don't leave that none meant not one man was all about a single verb in non was there but i will tell you every time i read non war i'm offended by a lot in virginia believe it but i think you should go off too much in complaining about the usual record of you is the one where the robber wasn't worth common as to where they are still an eye on the drug but there are likely to be more outraged opposition
videos descriptive like photography and pre scripted prescribing fashioned goes smoothly by a shortened to prescribe anything so more physicians and on trump's own words into long beach as a relief although most of those characters are as they can be in it for the police uniform so i'm going to be corrupted have been surveyed have a certain right to complain about usage the last word in the book is lizzie's these uses of our public gatherings it easier on nasa's dryden says if the beetle which is and this is a favorable loans as of the beatles is named for the sound noses that word they're also the very end of the book where they are
and they aren't in your boat well it sound and it is a fun book and an essay a book from which i learned a great deal well i had read bill right now have always love looking up borrow words a look at the roots or is the indo european roots of war and murders huge dishes as big section of photo indo european roots and that they want and fraught with all sorts of words of times and i love it back and they're wading through all those dogs and wolves what's next twenty one books and counting on the broader un has two young russian <unk> about the regional rival book about a famous movie and efficiently delivered the edge but a lot of the book i could just stay home and go through all militias have is a pagan month when the worst what percentage are saying on the asset alike and finding your power and tracing or back to its
roots through the british post itself but the hash and you know other than other words that jews too when it's done run out of them come back ten years and they call him you've watching and dancing and all four are no words he believed that a vote
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Roy Blount Jr.
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Alphabet Juice
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: ADB0117 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: Digital Betacam
Duration: 27:47
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-j96057dx3c.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:58
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3713; Roy Blount Jr.,” 2008-10-31, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3713; Roy Blount Jr..” 2008-10-31. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3713; Roy Blount Jr.. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from