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z's easy i am the and now from nashville public television's stood in the way of celebrating offers literature and ideas for more than three decades but this is a word on words jobs
one john simko welcome once again to award own words my guest today than smaller than the memphis retired after forty years in the newspaper business most recently he was president public europeans built for years here to talk about his first novel labour ward for the story of a boy who stutters serving his experience one summer in the segregated south that summit changed his life well let's talk about a lovely book now i have seven of my grandson but from my perspective this is not a children's book it's about jobs and about a child who stutters terrible and dumb but that's i think the thing that impresses me boat most about knowing your first moment is but a vote will the characters in the book so and i've got a sense that
so his knowledge or barbara oh yes it is in fact there is only one character in the book government who is not from my childhood and you know i think my relatives my close friends i think i can name all the people from my childhood had got into the book the southern oh yes oh ye has done badly then of course he goes to yes let's talk about that because to begin with this book is a model for every parent must show with a speech and i think that's why i wrote it and it was a child goes through a stutter it so long before you he or she came to explain i know what they're feeling
and i'm out i tell my editor if i could make one child less lonely i think i would have done my job well i'll tell you there is a community there are moments in the book when you're really ached for the job and then you explain how the use of the s help them get in two words how there are certain words that begin with certain letters that are more difficult for him than others and in his own mind he begins to dodge those that's exactly random so we've got this lovely learned and he's got a pal caldwell rat and the ballad of paper out right
and the balance and that among both in the summer and boren says and it only memorizes the rise the problem gets a leash when goes reason alone vote later the billboards problem is friday night to it's got a bullet in the little challenge for a kid he loves throwing the papers i'm he's got a pretty good or moaning an end i think he uses it at his throws out to compensate for up for the fact the takeover of what and an end so throwing the paper is great but he's got to collect on a friday nights and that means remember we're male ending and he has to
speak at the va he has to say of its ninety five cents add he has to say for a paper boy and he knows it's gonna be a problem for and i think that's where all the drama structure yes it is drama and end up but it's a lot more complicated oh yes it gets a lot more pumped it and i'm interested in the way to go the character goes his parent a very loving and very supportive very proud that he's willing to take on the shelf seemed like a small thing but you know when a family with a child with a speech impediment it's a very big thing for both parents to see that led go out this solos by prison and do his duty yes on election night and does it without as getting out now there is a character in the book a woman takes care
she used to recruit oh yes there was an incumbent and she comes right and much of it i love this woman severely and she at that it as as of the paper boy yeses in the book he could have made it this far without her she gave him confidence and she protected him towards the end of the book she really protect the war he really does end up this this i guess of all the characters in the book of a male who is that the closest to the real a person and my child relationship a strong woman i'm very intelligent loman all although although she could barely read or write but extremely intelligent if you
if you if you if you if you think about it for a moment in some way and he's got loving parents but in some ways she's certain level more yes and goes out of a worry to help men as you say when a crisis comes there is physical violence in his life endangered she really yes she really takes on the leading role well let's talk about that did you want a life of ely oh yes didn't really a setting so that part of the book is true as well right here i've taken away a good step but true true it and it is where the violence came from do remember so clearly that young man in the neighborhood of bad debt in our backyard i think from alcohol poisoning i saw him that though and and so that
stuck with me and that and then i guess that's the bounce made it into the book i just recall these very you know and they were haney me in the story a dramatic story so let's talk about let's talk about some people out less dominant worthington okay geno is warning that there's several ms worthington zone where there was somebody like her yes i had a moment or two men maybe three what i thought maybe she had little lusting year in time for our paper border i didn't in that i wanted to kind of an eleven get close to it right right i guess it was kind of a tease panda chic she was six so unsure of herself
and i share a drinking problem for a while i approached it but because of the way the paper boy he did meet her and it's the first time he sees a woman and he's just completely struck by her and i think he says that should she was not light and his friends' mothers show and it had it was a it's nice as a as part of the coming of it just one addition he's confused about that as well as he is starring in a very confused about what it is what is frayed british lawyers and why he knows a good friend when he finds one in the sparrow is a good friend somewhere in there the mosque in these words you are the
muscle even to a brother and i have and i guess i guess i guess the danger was running loose more marbled so the drought yet in the lead now the nazis in the mouth of that port is true i'd have trouble but marbles in my mouth and talk and that didn't work that will swallow them yeah but two more right well i think you said buys ice more than introduce book a n i think that mr spiro think he brings all teary and he rings candied hearings morton heidegger in an iv she found one of those intruders books but but when i was talking with a random house
that is abortion i was wrong but talking to her she asked me now tell me exactly of where mr speaker of prop and i just looked or india and us that mr spiro a it is vince for that at sixty six years old and that's you mr sparrow is in she says our thoughts well it's a lot of the land in any india and he is so sensitive to our forum and so feeling now let's talk about eric we didn't grow stability here right do you know an odd yes yes body heat that he is a composite of tooth ray of the joint me and that were in the neighborhood and they were all over miss it at the time and they had their carts and they would go around the
neighborhoods and they would do their eye jobs and everything else more records will just above bowser today yeah and it is you know there were so many army unlike the us from mississippi that came up to memphis and i have a hard way to go i mean in that area of like a rural mississippi in to the big city and then he they had a hard time and the album by the vast majority of home a worst time as they could be in fact i really like them because they didn't talk to me much and so i didn't have to talk here and end so our i mean i like them
all except for the water to do who pilfered some fines and and just were trying to get by how the beach that you're a man that he was our yard made his first language for email at i got it i gave him the name of a big sack though and he was one of the strongest and largest mammal ever cinema and yet when violence is near you use into good eventually becomes a model play area and the story may somehow knows her way around see somewhere low wisdom tell us that certain and pen and she understands i mean better than anybody maybe even better than his parents she understands his
potential opponents exactly right yeah and and knows that that he can flower he might have of you might have to go with allergies and bees and peace but i but she knows of the heart they're an animal in there and that there is some real courage the gas he's got the courage to face with disabilities well let me just say for those are just tuning in and documents water that about his book a billboard some i think it's a children's book i had then it adds an adult but beyond that it's such a lovely story about the cello was a speech defect who does not coming but it works it works living with at the end and that's the biggest part of his job right bump i felt with my characters a long time how about the ending of this
and the other one thing i was adamant about i didn't do this to be a fairy tale where your quarter where were the things were also out for a run at the end yeah it's not a fairytale he does land though his path and and i think that's very important you were because well for a four month so did you know big win in the bully and so the right to be a bag of the console where the front well i actually think that he just confronted me a couple times here really steal my papers but but there are about thirty he was an older kid and the end the aisle to be near it up i was afraid i mean i was going to hit him with a rock critic and then i
decided that then i decided convention is good so i decided no i need to confronting our speaking doing and that's harder than anything for a boy that stutters follow through but he does have is in every challenge funding from the guts to do it and you know it's a view look looking back on it is come back again with with the threat of almonds is there you know i don't live does play crucial role at crucial moment may employ is a vital
role in making sure that's exactly right right ok carrots at the hull so the united states it's it's true story with a little legend of drama right to access to what did you and your writing is the yes side the end and that i should tell you this story corps when i get hit me into the writing of it the film of speech up going back to the to my childhood where i was having problems again i owe it so back into my psyche of a fifty years ago that that i'm family all horrors again and up and i'll say that was chilling but the
value of that well i have to stop for awhile an end and end of a knockout some of voice a gift but it was him it was very emotional there's an aspect of this that i never heard before never knew before but i had never made much of a study of the speech and having a no way i know but he says he so articulate amid it borders on our principal amount so it's it's a you know john except johnson has some help but i am but i've thought about how how
wonderful it was going and how it is interesting that the capable or recognizes that there are now onward with letters that are tough and mentally he's working to avoid those deaths because he knows it's going to prompt a stuttering and how it gets really is if the jobless others as to think about talking to for talks and during the time that he talks which makes a knot is it easier in conversation do a tower is there a time when we're just flow or is it their constant concern about getting it out getting enough when i'm in a conversation that i'm always thinking sentences ahead of three forwards ahead it's kind of like a monthly ultimately i step around and i choose
my kids carefully and just to make sure i can say and i still do that at the sixty six years old although i've gotten a lot better about that when you started the book did you know we were going have this drama than you know that was going to be a moment when life was threatened violence was gonna have to enter into it and some of the arab league arrived i knew there was really something i don't know exactly why but yeah i knew it had to a boy had to grow and at any had to experience something that would give the va that would put a comma period i own the growth you think and i think in the moment in the book where
with the playboy uses a typewriter and to type words and the looks i'm an adult and yes on that drive me to journalism i think it did apple if you work for a newspaper i thought he had to do it right and so it's roughly eleven year old you know thinks like that and the family are on a report there's a lot more talk well i hadn't i didn't have a speech impediment to the great good fortune to drive in every good for executives so when i go i'm fascinated about how you work your regimen for it
spoke of what you do every day to try to work out regularly and the united both marked up is to write what your seat in a chair i answer them on a keyboard with its type right in the old days at our computers not stop first return my best self get up at four forty five and i would work a couple hours out an avalanche did six or eight months and that was a very rough of first read and then it was just re writing and rewriting and rewriting how did you get what what was the magma that when a mouse and i think they saw in the book and first a little story and
secondly it's going to go so it's a great advantage of it i think they solve that it had some social value in and i guess the king's speech had come out on the help and this new account wraps all add up it's your story mr eide i do think the story resonates and i think they saw it also you know it's been great to have year old friend and one of those stories along not issued every job read it you know i have to let those in my people my generation's this vote you love but the question now is from unity and i'm thinking about a forty eight it seems like
a hot somebody said i think you caught lightning in a bottle here than and i'm thinking well i'll probably bid and can i get you began and i've got to think very seriously about that now i've started to say cold but i just didn't have confidence and i guess i've gotta get compensated and then will save and you take him in if you take in which you take in at that point the story leaves him i take into account when he's a copy not a lot but a it well when you come back to your base that might think steve mcgonigle like to be where you know i think
both ubel watching and dancing gone forward own words one more done keep reading so fb
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Vince Vawter
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW4212_HD (Digital File)
Duration: 00:26:32:00
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-j96057dx22.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:34
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 4212; Vince Vawter,” 2013-06-14, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 11, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 4212; Vince Vawter.” 2013-06-14. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 11, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 4212; Vince Vawter. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from