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and on guns or you know once again welcome to world word i guess in a real surprise the distinguished author of christ welcome to work you know ball norfleet that's the name of the book i know you know that one the author's name gets top billing over the title of the book you have a rival of whether it's a little confusing i wonder if i wrote was marred by know that's exactly thirty five books with more than half a minute haven't novels and this one this is the wildest ride you've ever taken me on i have never met anybody like some of the singers name of noble nor fleeing is it a wild character and you couldn't allow certain sense to begin with is a world war ii girl something very awful happens to remain as family on page one and in our recent then completely he says he's seventeen years old almost eighty when that happens as a levee or
run eight year old sister who now mama ways employees to more divided their dead in his mom was disappeared and anonymously it would sit for a samina was on who you say the wake of that when you say he wakes up on easter morning and then it was i know what they really are actually did religion if or when we're going to wake up he wakes up then and then for the first time will warm he said he's using his first sight for experience the bible for the first answer agree with his spanner high school's mission chinese husband is in vietnam yes it's a spring of nineteen sixty eight which is you and i are overlooked recall was an extremely heavy time warner the gang had just been carol which he didn't nobody was just down the road vietnam was raging away he wasn't going to
vietnam with his family's disappeared the whales is it going since he has no living relatives that will take him in and the cinema was a medic and he's at he's a boy who has visions literally these things happen to have that of that are visual experiences that same israel is my singing you hear this one and reason only has warned that is very decisive for the remainder of assad comes back comes back to well a lot of never say in the book about the guy was chapel hill north carolina becomes a listener's spends the rest of his life to release the remaining barrier works in the pediatric burn ward which is about the hardest duty i can think of of any adult having the world cup wants to where they've been in nearly and sometimes this means a good corn rice the time we seen the book ends
with his fifty and the estimate some very crucial decisions about innovators like rose we say that we're told by psychologists that allows a form from the time we are very young women is follow the desert goes away this is a traumatic obviously traumatic moment goes home and they use crime is walking through the house finding profiling it's just a feeling the cold flesh coming to the realization that i'm a voice fountain and then there's what's a felon jarvis james he runs into the
fellow who put a metal flake is brash noisy six hours as classic clothes i end jarvis says she begins in shia men i'm wondering when i think about is about in some ways you screwed up like typically screwed up sexual and inability to to really have a meaningful relationship with a woman alone evolve love somebody i find him a rather attractive about that they don't fall away i don't know oh i think they're attracted to the surface what he really wants to do is or worship them sexually doesn't want to live with them or have children by them you say i have this particular set of worship a relationship with them and he has a less girlfriends nurse a social
worker and the numerous visits to absolutely let's write this one down the road from me and mouth which only has one name or title it's a red neon sermon series of it for overdoses all girl serious about it a driver salem are one of you know all girls there early earlier this is true that also from the former one more formative experiences why and ireland into question the money is was saying was his self torture develop an early child i was this dramatic moment this was the world buys mother and the wake is that what made him the way was how much did that condition development that was or a barrel or what other vets as as
mr rollins the window my god do is go to those extremes no one ever does pot away anything in the world that he thinks of as being kind of a thought you could you could go you could almost argue that that there was kind of a saintly percent well on the tenth continues to visit egypt it's raising a lot of money on a neighbor's mother you may still believe clearly we want we present regardless what will think about it fifty years in the present we go people like paranoid and we put them away forever if they kill somebody would say well wait laughter you're not going to that chair you're going to the state institution for the criminally insane and she does that oh and he does make these visits to a few years which are very strange reserve says and so i have a very dear friend who are paranoid schizophrenia mother in and the results have been
harrowing experiences in her life for the last thirty four years of reasons among those little way so i suppose it was just a tremendous amalgam of all these things whoever he whenever jean he's always worry about is when i don't think he ever got some of the haunting us of the reviewers went so far is even to one of noble actually killed his own brother and sisters lighters i can't imagine i think that course it doesn't but he does begin to wonder like ok my father abandonment of government saying mother and my aunt allison who isn't participating and now i'm latina woman may worries is a really good man your very strange man but a decision about the calendar of science addresses would destroy it take you was a million phones samsung only thing birds produce a guard was the mother
yak a lot about that the relationship with edith there is that same when i mean you know he knows what she's done and he knows he's got to come to the lead singer they'd finally a girl and now finally they will go up a little bit about that because i thought erin that i mean and by that time i'm indian creating a non indians of all and i'm wondering how a son relates to a mother and killed his two siblings to lead the city's old and he's already experienced and disappears a one player so it was part of his rather than some wearing wishes he could help his mother they're using remote when he thinks of images fully we just captured it does go somewhere else and become other people he knows of course the cheese curds in fact says she turns recollection
in particular what we should get your heads as a service weapon which is rapidly in the air along with his captive is as heretical thing as an eighteen year old kid could face a warm and i'm sixty now a new market emerging phrasing it was so long so he does when isis has got to take account of the police stations is years and two he watches him go through that door and enter the mouth of the justices don't know i'm pretty clearly a ritual get tried for first kremer about the shooter's be salted away and because of the war taro potential readers the end of the novel that one of the great surprises of course is about the grenoble sins are wary about in the nineteen sixties he
could really what's essential to stay in they're rallying to give a little love will total inventory in their minerals and a bit of a rise in history of a when than they love that moment now and he like french toast so in terms of a lot of the sun was a lot of what was the rover's good job is indeed meant to be uncertain it does it's been called a celebration begins over this mean for me really doesn't know that doesn't break them with rhinestones and maple syrup it's like oh all part of being an arm of the is to take your
own life experiences on this election this like love hate bug well goes on your own him put it putting all that into the minds and lives of characters the end but this idea of us at the outset this is the wild a stonewall while plots fellow wakes up meet balin to feel guilty cause i mean all seventeen year old boys of one another feel terribly guilty about sex and here he's enjoying the supreme moment of ecstasy while his two young siblings are being slaughtered by isis hit by them of that and he was right now as in courses will it happened after he got nowhere to sleep late night live video never know there were power of this does is double murder occurred was zero also wasn't as fast asleep or sleeves only provided at
six every year could win tomorrow and eleven and we have him at her door worldview jews not there but there's some doubt in in his mother and tell our audience for those who just joining us i'm talking to reynolds price about his new book no woo norfleet that too while ryan it's a wonderful ride but having said that what i just said about novelists taking their own likes dislikes experiences and putting into the worlds of characters where in this idea come from where did the idea of juxtaposing this young man is going beyond your trip next morning in a way i mean you then superimpose on him the ultimate deal
being away we might've helped me away when he might have been killed as well brazil we were the qualifications of a mouse is a two person to marbles happen stories happen to you you don't have to tear open to sarin from syllable way and then that i had previously written three novels which have the names of the loop on miscarriages caving in a blue collar and roxanne has learned kate fagan and will calhoun are at the very least no jewish characters you conceivably of the worst in many times bad people are very bad patches ronstadt a slave is a very good woman and i thought well i'll write a book about a very good money now you write a book about a very good man that we can go as colloquial well
i just began making moves and at some point i found my hand just saying he wakes up on easter sunday morning to find that and byway in this was this was a couple of years before that tragic incident was in houston william and drowned or in power or six turin distributing and civilian said today when you got the idea of the book or so and in less than a week six months is that we have a national story was ever a woman has his murder victims are an absolute no no blame the blackmun it's not uncommon that father as jo mother a murderous mamas are about as frightening as an authentic and hapless as someone who i was as you say would feel or why didn't i stop this
was the lips that does happen to human beings lets them as americans this particularly unless you have donald sterling and this case i think it it didn't become one of the things that turned a mentor that may decide against michael mann he really does think in some sense i owe the war or something to have my family is really the most young men i think came back from vietnam thinking it up at home a prize something my country really ran out on and naomi something he comes back feeling he still yelling dilemma because when he left the country his family an old this country this great dad for that have a problem of a father who vanished in a mother whom are untrue you know i get a sense as he goes from one relationship
almost that use his career is life as a medic in vietnam and as a nurse a number or almost vehicles the novelist uses the author uses reynolds uses to put him in touch with another e mail to see if he can connect the only really connects with i think it had is hester is now you will like one word for israel before his role in austin and what was that law and as an army nurse this video really congress when it comes from it how would medicare well we don't know and we don't know but i wonder wheel elementary maybe your theory know what
if you got right in front of the prisoners in senator used to live right within our cricket christensen their fellow woody of gong with him gone for it with their stories that you hear a curtain old woman did you make her an old woman's of that goes mo is you lose your mother think of oil oh no i didn't make her that for that reason that to see whether being that because he's a guy named kelly kulick the calculations of the like that they would arm she one of the notable cars shoes the senate had nurses hospital where he's taking his america and in texas are so she's gotta be so years old was at a narrow here and most boys would send a hopeful that she is
also oversee auto malls intense romantic including social relationships are with with people consume real rhythm and soul its prestigious the nurse in texas the minister in his hometown when he gets back from nominees towards knowing people younger and so getting involved with him and finally this woman hello who's this new about his age but chung as again we can't tell what happens at the end of the book but i see a lot of people where the voters seen the enemy and work is just a referee's whistle goddesses was going to do for the rest of our i don't know i think it's an interesting opening for him and it said something very new in history to us through this people i would post i haven't written a sequel to both
require a war and written some of the press but i don't see and they say well you know you use fifty years old and his fifty that left the most that's right well you know we've had returned and when we get it ignoble were the one of the great ironies of the book is that i started out i thought i will use the main mobile partly because the last thing the skies is noble but in a time when they did they were noble strain also our future that clearly our anybody will devote exxon reviews of his life to working in the pediatric says not so and noble kong is to continue to visit a mother whom he would just as soon forget now in the united states as if it's as if the umbilical cord was never really caught up with them as all those songs were liberated well as other noise ella from the umbilical
cord of their cotton not i went to visit one of my great old teachers when he was seventy years old and his ninety four year old we're just really risen earlier that afternoon when i walked in the room promoting his brother now bid so entirely true tale of love when i walked in the room he said step lightly he said those umbilical cord omaha well let's dig into his part of flip this program's about is how writers write in las vegas before when you hear but there were what you're at the best writing regularly what does it work better in the morning does it work better late at night or does it work all of are you stoned the feel that it was the morning buses sometimes we a charity and is there ive got to stay busy or go crazy provide us is still teaching i still do for just it one semester years
or that's rather new school semesters of that and the shortest vacations i i would use for forgiveness you saw the rest of the time on the home writing something and i pretty much doing it and i met them do the word processing going on in the morning to work on toronto thirty somewhere will launch have a lot of good soul more hours after wilma up lakes are prepared for it that i get up and working to fall apart and i have some pre see friends watch a movie with iran does it is pretty much standard work day then if i'm really excited and want to have a date was about my workload couple hours after an evening with jay we speak and i'm pretty shy about five o'clock in the afternoon sun and done recently on her own we often refer to writing as work and many people out there don't really understand the
living writing like writing a letter or in the middle so it's a full day of atlantis what about these students students at duke to come across section backgrounds how much interest in writing literature is there and how much talent i have to be careful not to due to imagine that when i was a boy things are not as they were there were certain a dramatic and i think the big difference found was that when i was a boy when i started college in nineteen fifty was there eighteen years old bum you didn't meet many
undergraduates who had done a great deal of good reading you would however meet a handful of men and women boys and girls who had just done what i do which is from the time that when the first great warmth has been solved and on a chair was a blowback hello tyler and arms and you would meet someone french opera with with humor because it through or end tyler who came along when i was and came back to teach english cricket which is written said modern eighty five good books for the time they were a freshman in college or a say actually i do every grocery list on that enable and i find her or for my friends who are who do it you have the series with nobody had read much of anything and that's some gloomy prospects for someone who wishes to be a writer i know a tremendous number of young people who want to write
you and i met the best thing you can tell someone do what's right is a dorm room and revealing book ever written and then be start trying to write maybe write like your favorite awfully big or try to ride for six months earlier or or eudora welty whoever but i'm not trying to be gloomy about the prospects of american fiction writing motivation for liberal financier rubin boyle reading is in dire straits but somehow talking <unk> use it doesnt surprise but it's painful and a must be you one who writes and teaches to have to come to grips with that and speaking of the right what your next book just finished it despairs we scored a serious way of wondering some journalists the
ethics of jesus imagine then someone has been fascinated by the career of jews is a measure of the reasons i was a young boy and i really do look very carefully at the ethical teachings of jesus what i think may might mean for him someone to date who looks at him as a serious teacher and i imagine three upsurge in the book was jesus' encounter is ethical dilemmas that he never encounters in the gospels were important things one of which is i was actually which torments the christian churches today cycle when his suicide and the third winner is the plight of women in male dominated societies which was his society and hours so they were there there for three long could show episodes in which we farm jesus' encounter in such situations but tom ricks will be back here to talk with me about jesus' outlook for example i would like to
think so do with the dog and do my friend reynolds price about his new book the wonderfully thanks for being with us my god you and john singing follow your own words
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Reynolds Price
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Noble Norfleet
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW3114 (Digital File)
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-h98z893d2q.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:46
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3114; Reynolds Price,” 2002-00-00, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed December 18, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3114; Reynolds Price.” 2002-00-00. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. December 18, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3114; Reynolds Price. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from